Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 25, 1901, Image 1

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I mt
NO. 29.
J. D. Carr Looses and
84,000 Acres to
Be Opened.
By h tliM'ia inn rendcicd by Judge !!!
Iiiijjt in tin cit-e nf tin United Nii'fi
ii.-itinst tin Jesc lb Carr Lund .V Live
stuck ' till 1 1 ' . uVi-r H,INH) acrcn u(
lillll lift" lll'litlll to liclnllg in t III' GllV-
i-riiim-nt Mini In IiMVi- been unlaw fully
fi-need iiikI Iii-Ii liy 1 1 company. Tin
decree Hud lur the lovi-rnmcnl iimii
till 111 HllVrt'l"PH, h 1 llii' ('filled MlltCS
Marsh il ill tins district in directed In
(4-iir down i In- fi-iio-K surmiimliiig the
Imul il it In imt limit' liy 1 1 . cuuipuuy
wilh'ii live day In hII probability the
lirflit fur tin lMissitinii of tin- 11x1 Kill
imt e ml licfe, lint mil U- art nil un tn
llii! highest court of tin land. Ji-umi I).
Carr i wi-aMUy, and ha dt lured that
In' liHx lint tilkt-ll llll m ri' nf Government
l.iiul, Mini dues urn im,HiM to surrender
tiny of lil holding.
Tin in -i- i "" which Ini" Ih-vii
MUtl-lii-il with interest hnlh III Oregon Calil-utiu, uikI ly it peculiar statute
... . . i i . . . i i
winch n-rtnlis llie i niic-i .-lines jnni-
tn iinilti' h ilii'i-inii covering lint land in j
.('ii'i-ll'iii in limn- than inn- Mule, will!
-i-itlt-n limltcr w tiii'li was lic-iiil a limn- I
Imt nl i .iim ngu in tin- United M.iti'H ;
I 'nil 1 1 nl I .11 1 1.. I II in. l tin- Li in I nt t-t.ikc, j
.jkm ii' H - mi' iii . .luilii-rn Un-cmi ami i
full 1 1' i S.I II HI ,, S ol i In I Ii I'll 1 1 liil II Ml. ly :
ibis lb . l- ell Wile hunt In liilowiij
i ii..-n l.i 'In- public, Mint citizens Milt iml
'-."W.iM.l-.4tt- !oc' MW tv a- i"i
il In-r i-mr ii im-iit lands.
Tin- i. i-m-iiI Mill III tlii- s ate Wa;
i-i.lutin-i.i nl lilii-nl il iiinl Imil Hg". !
1 I In- leln c, n.ii.i- -t'l ni .'-l nnies in Irlil Ii,
lliftuii s tin- Hi, 'Ml in n "i v.uunt lio--ililin-lit
I .!. ih.iI tin' iii-limi iiK i-i lii-iiii-iu-i'il
in riinty In enjoin t mi Irniii
Inltllllailillig till' rlicluslltc. Till' Stll-
luti'N gives ii Judge jurisdiction nut only
ivi-r Un-laml in slate hut thut in
I'lililutl in tin well, it bring part of the
nine Intel. 'I'lif lieililipiuitcls of tlic
Our ranch un- 111 Klumiitli ruiuily, ibis
t.tiit, Mini lln' Imul king bus IhnUsanu's
.if acres in llmt purl of llu- state, iiinl ul
n in ('iilifnrniii, tn which In' bs mii tin-ilii-imii'il
nil"'. It i tin' claim uf the
I Mivt-riiint-iit, Mini iliin rniiU-nlmii linn
U-i'ii MiMiiim-il, lliat I'mr ciinily hii-iii-xi-il
'liin viimi it un in ii t i if (iiivt-riinii'iit
lllllll fill hix IIHII IIM-, Hllll IlKM lit-lil il for
a Ii-iiii nf It. miiih nr ninru, Hint iim-iI it
a Kritzint: Kiniiiid fur liin i-utllti.
Suinn yi-aiM nn, ilunni; I'Iovi-IuihI'm
A 1 1 in i it i"t i m 1 1-n . m-linii wiin lnuiilit
aifiiiiir-t i'mr in Calif hiiim rum In. lit
filllUlll till' fllHI, lilll Inht, anil ll.i- I'nit
i'i Hliili-H M.ilnliill wim nlili-ri-il tn k
urn ill Mini n-iiiuvn llm Ii-iu-i-h. Tin'
I'llill-ll SlilllH M 11 1 nl 111 I III llll' lillll' MIIN
I llllikh, Ullll Willi IU'llll, lillll it iH ll
lllll ti-il i ( ii i lu ll In t'ullfm liiu, hi-ri' In
stilled lillll tlll'ft'll 'I hlui'l lil-rll ri-liiuvi-il.
W'Iii-ii liin ti'iin of m-rvii-o Iiinl -xiin-il,
l-'rmikH urri-iti-il a I'Uhilinn hh miM'iin-ti-nili-lit
uf llm runrli, timl in niill iu-liiig
in I lint i-iintrity.
A portion nf tliu ilt-i'ii'it liundi'ii down
liy .linlk'i' Hi-lliiiKi-r in iin fulluWN:
"l'liiN raiiNit ImviiiK i-niiui n-niilarly on
fur trial, plamtil'f upprtiriii; ly Julin II.
Hall, I'nili-il MaU'N PiHlrnt Atturni'y,
and ili-li-inliint Hppi'iirinu !' I'. A. I'uh
wi'll and J. C'. .Miii.'i-lauii, hh uIiuiiii-vh,
and afii-r In-ill inr tin i-vidi'iii-o ulifii-d
ni ludialf ol tin I'ni'i'd Siali-n mid the
iii:iiiiii'iit at 1 1 io i.-oiiiiHi-l, llm Hiiid ran ho
wan titki-n liy t fin i-onrt ninlur lulviHc
incut, .ml now ut tliiH mini llu rniirl I m
iii)I fully tiilviM-d, IIihIm all iilli-alionM
in tin) plaintiff) liill of ciiiiipluiiil trim.
That di'li-ndanl, with intent tn t'li-i-i'iiiii-li,
ciiti'i'i-d iinn tliu imlilio IiuuIh of
llio fiiilcd SIii(i-h in an illi-al niaiiimr,
mid to niunnpuli.i the uhh tlii-renf Inr iln
own lii iu lit, did lii'ri'iiifoie iiiHtiui t and
muinlain ami now maiutaiiiH, a fcn.-n,
whiih, with naliiial Imiiii-rn, (mum an
iticluHUii', whirh ruiiiaiiiH m,:i.'l.r a- rin
' of jiuWii' IiuuIh of llm I'liili-d Siati-H "
Tlii'it follow mi ordi-r pi'iiniini'iitly
C t-iijninim tho plainlili I'onijuiny or iu
, hi-lri or BUNiuiiH from iiimiiliiinin a
feinsti uriHtnd thin land, and ordum llm
tiilted Status Mughal of thiH dintrirt to
remove tho fmice if it ia not laki-n awny
- liy the dufDiiiitint within live dayH.
Jue6 1, Carr, llitilitmd of tlmcorpuiH
tioii, iuk(H hi home in SalimiH, I'al.
lie in rtipoi lcd to do imuitniHely wealthy.
Kuporlntoudeiit l'rtnk in hIno in Cali
f i un la mi pretjonl, and the ramli in in
i hui v ul b nnn named l)alton.
National Eiitorial Association Meeting and
Trips on Lake Erie and to Niagara Falls
The I'hii-Ameni-Hii KxNH-itinti wm nut
n limned in honor uf the hihI I'mii. On
the ronlmry. the ifml took Ii if liHiue
fruiii the (iri-i-k wont "pHii." mi-iiiiinif
"all," U'-Hilne in i ii fit in y he ileli(htii
all I he umIn; and (he I'au-Ameri an Kx
pi iM I lull in no lillineil hii a 1 1 -e it liirlililin
and ri-prenentu "mII the AmeiiiiiN." or
all of the Amrri-Hli 'nut im-iit llie
VeM:ern I leininpliere. A cliituteof I'lin
Hi the Kxmiiitioii him it hlin wild the
yonl feet and the pliepheid'N pipe. He
wan U-lievi-d hy aiieii-iit tn lie a ili-mi-It'xl,
and wiik ipMiNed In Imvi- U-i-n pi r-fi-ctly
di'Vi-liiK-d fr iln hinliiilh, and n
remarkatile llin appeMrauee in thii-reniet-t
that hi mother ihii fruin him
thmiiKh fi-ar. Hut all 'llin i im-iely a
myth an I'mii never really exhimed.
The exhiHlHiire uf the I'mii A nu-rii-nii
l'.Xiunitiun in (in milch in evideln e that
it iM the talk of the wurlj and will If
f rum time In rume.
The liuililiii'N of the -:xwili--ii are
hililt arutlliil It hiiyi- rim It in llie (mm (
an interted T., a-i lumn in tin
ii. iiml plan in Tin- l'.xaiiiim i -wowi-i k
t!u. The i;-pliliuiii' l mi'l 17( IMi i- Imv
and j'liniiiu Ihi" h t In- ( ourt it I - niitniiiN
and uiiiii-( led liy a etirv covereil
ri .itit. ur I'Mitnia, an it U called, with
BiixiliHry ItiiililiiiKu at eillmr end. Then'
latter hold the llhlierien exhi''it and ex-
j hiliiti" Ifiit In-red f rum t'nrle hani'ii new
mi--iiii-. a wei-k n lime rnuiu wen
l.i- i nt in the inverntiii'iit htlildiiiK.
hihI mi. i-tlui. new Mini intereNtinu cniihl
t-r Ii-hi in-.l every minute of the time,
r.vrrt lliiiiit the tioveriimetit everowneil,
iiunli' r p."i-hMil, in here tdiown, either
in iiiiiieatute or natural ri. The ex of urdinaiiee and war material in
the Uiiii-hl ever made, (itina from the
lime the nvi-riiiiient waa formed to the
(.n-n-iit day. The laraer guna are umjJ
daily in drllln. A 1-incli mortar, a 12
1 1 1. 1 1 l.rn-. li InndiiiK rifle gun nmunteil
mi ili-apiN-atinpt i-urriatfe, 10 inrli Kill)
ii a t..ul:ti- rariiMKH and a 5-inih
l lipid lire tni. and un dow n In KlltlH that
I j. ... I hi-v-'hI huiidied iep minute.
The main exhihit IniildiiiK, or Mann
f.n t iir.-r and Ilieial Arth. i joined to
11;.- i. v.n meiit huildiiit! hy the Court
.-( t' pu-w. mi d in :in(lx5tl0 feet. Thic,
like it 1 1 In- Iniililiiii." i-i (ntinted and de
i iiiti-il ii heiiuiii'li eul- re mi llie niltiile
ti;; :
''fit " 'i I vTJtrf I v . v'S i.
" BfiticOLTiiRE-i AS h '-
whirh irt 2tMH (il l luiik! h 'r( ht't wide.
l-.literiiiK the Kiniindx tlimtiuh the M'Mith
i-iitriiiii i' un l.lni'uln I'lirkviiiv llie visitor
eumea to the Alhriht Art (iiiliery.
I'roHHinn h hride and travi-iMiit: a tdnut
t ixl n n re we come lo the New Yot k suite
I'liildini.', a permanent Mnictute. mi t
of mai'hle at lare expein-e. I'lo-siiin In
the apprnai'h tn the l-'me t'omt mni
t-rnHMiiii; the Triumph d Utilise the I.
platiaile In reai-hed. lleie cuniee in ii-w
the (iuvernuieiit (.'roup uf liinl.lint-, mul
near hy the lloitirultuie, (iraphir Ann,
Fort'Ntry and Milieu luiildinN. llm
Kthnoloi'y huildintt and (he Ti tnpleuf
M iit.ii' mink the juni-iinn uf the (.'unit
uf I'uiintaiiiH, with the lp iiiunli-. The
Court of l'liniitainn rover iil'uul to
arreH, and the many fuunlaiim inaki-h it
nne of IhuBtenie fi-atuiri' oi llie Kxpn
fition. The Kli-rtiir Tnwrr in at the
head nf iiimther lai'i- tun-ill uf fmuiliuiip.
The I'lazii ia anullii'i of the rhii-f atiinr
timiH, from w hieh in trarhed the Mad
iutu, whirh has a ncalinn rupitrity nf
I2(HKI peujilu. line all kimU of Hpnits
am Kern, with the luiye Mi'xii t. n Imiul
nf (i2 men In fin niidi mindr. Il ih htiilt
on the plan of the old Unman CuIi-im-uih,
only it in linger, hut wilh Ii'-h M-atin
ni parity.
( Ipposile tliu Stadium uimks (he en
lianro to llm ".Midway," whirh rovers
;10 arreH, and Iiiin :l,(K)U lineal ."ret oi
dtreetN. It roiilaiiiM many of the piiuri
pul frulureH exhihited at llm Wnrld'a
Fair, hut upon un enlarged and improved
Hi'alo, and to whirh have liren lidded
inauy new feiMuirx.
The plan of llm tiuvernmrnt building
in llmt uf ureiitral liuildinu 130 hy (ilKl
feet, tmrinouiited ly a iiiaiuinoiith doinr,
mid in roofed with red Spanish tiles.
The nniiiiifiirturi'd exhihitM are arranged
in gruiipu with the peveral xindn of pro
diirti together Nearly every state in
1 the I'liinn is repreM'iiled here by indi
vidual eNhiliituin, inrludiiiK many from
('aiiadn and Sim'h Ameriru, and ar
i.ih.mI in u tniriive ilinplny. n the
I. il l-nil A iti- divihiun are to he found
ednratii'liiil rxhiliits, wiih public woik,
t-ii'.'iiirei iiiu'. uti itiuiuii, rmif trui'ti ve ar-rhiti-ri
lire, snrial economy, music and
(he drnniii. Fund pri ilu.'ts, both natur
al and ni"iii) ini i ii ri-il , are tdiown in this
hiiildiii): coffees, leas, spires, eesenres,
' di ini Ii nils and vejie'ahlee, foods pre-
pared (mm refills whirh are produced
and eiiti-n in Mich an enormous measure
lu-it- in the I'nited Slates; beverages for
hoiiM-hold anil other purposes, etc.
The Temple of Music is where the
Hirelings nl iln National Editorial Asso
ria inn .trie held. Opposite is the Kill
' mdi-Kty luiilitin mul the two mark the
' point here the two limbs of thecross
Ini mni of the Kruunds meet. They
me two ileitis "f construction nttd adorn
- inriit. The Temple of Music is a place
ol iiitri'tainmeiit, mid a fine place to
rest away front tho noise and clatter of
the oiilt-idc. The auditorium is planm-d
1 'n seat 1-iKI persons on the main Hour,
' besides lurise si-atinij ritpmity in the
! btileunii-h. One of the lari' -t church
j tii'Kaus in llie I'nili d States tu:. up tine
j whnle pauliel of the (H-to(;uii:i. shaped
; building. As we are now in the Temple
I of Miibic a few notes on the X. K. A.
I meetinit would not be out of place. The
! AVrsiei ii Editor published at Onuilia, in
! speaking of the meeting, Suva "The
I ltul'lalo nii-rtiiij of the National F.ditor
ial association was the lieft in the as
ciatiori'a history len'. in oint of at-,
tendance, best in iint of interest, Ix-st 1
in point of ins'rurtion ami benefit, best
in entertainment and best in the warmth j
of the politics tha' arose throtiyh the
eleciun of olfirers for the ensuing year, j
The city of ISuffalo and the managers
of the fan American expoittun treateil
the visitors royally, and the entertain- J
ment offered was ao varied that the edi. .
tora had to decline many invitations in '
order that they niiitht a'tetnl tn llie
business in hand. Kven then one orj
two of llie sessions were so slimly at-!
tendiil as to warrant the conclusion '
that a view of the falls or a stroll down
the Midway was deened of more lienefl'.
by s-nne ttian the instructive paper. 8' -l
disciiKsinns off i-red at llie se-snni- nf toe
assiN-iatiuti. lint uiurli Ih-i ni . ..
rived by all from mine sr:iiti .ii un
varied prntEram, and a hum desi uf
lienelit was derived frnm tin- -.tip filiun.
the sijibt of the great falls. ilewuiio-r
fill exposition of electricity, tin- ciirimi
people front all lauds and tin Mi ipi inl
ancea formed by members of the pro
fession. Il was a splendid un-e'.iiiK,
those who miswd it mi-sed the ociMsi-ili
of a lifetime."
Immediately after the announcement '
of the committees the session adjourned
and the delegates hastened to lunch so ;
as to be able to '-atch the 2 :30 buatr-aud
take a :0 mile ride on Lake Krie as the.
tuests of the Merchants' Kxclunne The
lake trip was thoroughly enjoyeil, for
the business men uf I'uffalo male it a In an it-ipate ull the wishes of 'he
ilt s. Not a tiling was iiverlookeil.
Tin bands uf music, and vei ythiiiif to
eat, drink ami sinnktf whs seivni in
abuiiiiam-e. No doubt several thousand
dollars was spent (or the entertainment
and pleasure of the eilitois.
TI.e secmid day i devoted lo siyht
seeii-4 ami a visit was made to Niagara
Falls. If a deliiMie in.ssed the trip his
ideiiUly la UuUli.j.i, vM. s j
and merry party that weiu to the Falls
and rpeut 'h- day there or in the im
mediate, vicinity viewing the wonderful
scenery. Il was a day devoted ro siht
sei-iiiu so iiiu .-li that the business sea- ,
siou aniiounred fur the evening came
near lading a fizzle so far as at'emlance .
whs concerned.
Smarting from the foot of Ferry Street, !
the Ikiat "America'' steamed toward toe!
picture-que Canadian shore and thence
under the International Bridge, a f a-j
mous structure, to the Canadian chan-
nel. Steaming through that side of the ,
river one has a delightful view of the
surrounding country, Canada ou one side
and Grand Island with its beau'iful
sumuier homes on ihe other side. The
boat passed historic spots aud filially
touohei at Slater's Point, where the
party disembarked and took trolley ears
as the guests of the Niagara Falls Park
and River Hallway for a ride around the
upper and lower rapids, the great cata- j
racl and the gorge.
As the cars start out one gets a grand
view of tiie turbulent waters and the
spray of the Canadian Falls in the dia
stance. Passing through the old village
of Chippewa the trolley line runs
through the little wooded Duflerin Is
lands and thence on the very brink of
the river to the great horseshoe fall.
There a stop was made for luncheon at
the Dufferin cafe snd sight seeing.
Continuing the curs pass dow n through
Canadian Niagara Falls, Out., and
thence oti the high bunk of the gorge to
Queeuston, a quaint little village w hich
was once the gateway to this section of
Canada, lieu. IStock's monument and
other historic points ate seen here.
From Queeuston the party crossed the
new Suspension Bridge ovei the river to
iAJwistou, an I'M Anieri.'au village of
historic interest, and front there took
the cars of the Niagara Gorge Koud lor
the return trip through the gorge. This
ride is one ot the finest, if not the finest,
in the world and was lull of wonderful
and delightful sensations. Attunes the
cars run so close t the angry waters of
the lower r.puls it seems as if llie w heels
were actually going into the water.
I't'sccndiiig 1 itu ii the gorge the party
visited Niagra Falls, X. Y., now one of
the most enterprising cities in New York
state, obtained a tine view of the Ameri
can falls timi upper rapids, aud then
took cars ucioss the new cantilever
bridge to (he Canadian side, and thence
buck by the Canadian line to Slater's
Point, and again 1 mauled the boat.
Wm. Watson Nearly
Killed at Pratt's
Last Week.
Lust Thursday, about the noon hour,
Wn. Watson, employed on the ranch of
C. C. Piatt, four miles stuilh of Lake
vii tt, met with an accident that will
li-ave ti i in badly crippled for life, and in
w i. li b he Imd H miraculous escaj from
iii-t.ini dt-'h. Wa'suu tnok one of the
bi tenuis on llie I'rwt ranch from the
stable, and w ns i-snl iniit-il by (Me Pratt
not to alien pi to hitch the animals to
the wagon until he returned from the
In Hist? to r-sist him, as the team was
enily (lightened, and ling big, stiong,
high stiung animals, were liable to get
awav from him. Contrary tn orders,
however, Watson started in to hitch the
team to a wagon containing 4,000 pounds
of grin, and just as he had completed
the task the animals started to run.
Watson grasped one of the animals by
the bridle, and attempted to get hold of
the bridle of the oilier horse, when he
was throw n under the feet of the frantic
horses. The result was that in running
over him one of the horses cut a big;
gaidi in his head ami one wln-el of the
heavily loa fed wagon wciic oxer his left
l-g, between tiie ankle and knee and
ground tbe memlier to a pul'. The
bones protruded from the tiesh in every
direct inn, and left su h a wound that
may lermiiiii-e in the necessity of ampu
tation. The ii J ii red man was immediately
" -- I .jiiH
Laubbold, and taken to the residence ol
S. K. Sublette. Dr. F. E. Smith wa
called and found the man terribly in
jured. On Friday the patient was re
moved to the home of Mrs. Ruih Pen
laud and liecame a county charge. I)r.
Puiith IB yet undecided whethei or not
amputation of the leg will be necessary.
The wound on the head is not serious.
The unfortunate man is a hard-working
laborer in poor circumstances. He is a
liroiher of Mrs. Fysh, wife of Kev.
Richard Fysh, of Ft. Klamath.
Oregon's Pennant.
The "homeward bound" colors of the
battle ship "Oregon" were presented to
the state of Oregon, July 16th, and
spread to the breeze from the dag staffs
of the capitol. A committee composed
of Chief Yeoman Weir, Chief Yeoman
Morris, Chief Quartermaster Browerand
Chief Boatwaiu's Mate Xorris, represent
ing the Oregon's crew, made the pre
sentation to Governor Geer in the
Hall of Representatives. The raising of
the colors was accompanied by the tiring
of a salute of 21 guns, the ringing of
bells, the playing of "The Star Spangled
Banner, " by the bund, and the cheering
of 5000 people who had gathered to wit
ness the ceremonies. The greatest en-
thusiaim prevailed, and ull the exercises
passed off without the sligliest hitch.
Governor T. T. Geer welcome the visitors
in a neat speech, after which Chief Yeo
man J. 11. Weir presented the colors,
which were received by the governor
amidst the wildest cheeiiig. The
National flag was raised on the north end
of the capital and the Union Jack on the
south end, and the iennuni of the "Ore
gon," which is 378 feet long, was drawn
up from the ground to the dome. As
the colors were raised Battery A, of Port
laud, tired a saluteof 21 guns.thebells of
Salem rang out and the crowds cheered.
The next map of the United States,
prepared by the General Lund O I lice,
which will be ready for distribution one
year hence, will be ou practically the
lines of the latest edition, except that
Commissioner Hermann intends tomaik
across its face the route traveled by the
lA-wia and Clark exploration party front
Virginia to the Columbia River ami re
turn. Commissioner Hermann says the
accomplishments of this expedition have
not yet been properly recognized by the
Government, and he intend in this way
to cull attention to that history-making
evei.t. Incidentally he contends it w ill
cull attention to Portland's Lewis ami
Clark centennial to lie held in 1005.
. I . :
f V .-