LAKE COlNrV EXAMINER: L. KEVlEW, OREOON, JULY 18, M. 0 a u. SNIDER Pi:('SSJ News, liOCAL. Interesting Notes Gathered During The Week and Stated Briefly w i? i . r f RECEIVED NEW THIS WEEK (xiaNttllALi i All ''!. r nnre iU)fi-l In lniliiiiii, III I h i' mli' nl a iN linllru ittliii, W hli li iilli'it lit "l wHI, li-l Rllll' It til'tl'll. That mi imyUy lhrr walk i in. I Hi" m n Assessor Jnliii H. Ill air wehl to Silver Lake lul wicit. Youth Ninl hcimiy I'm a wiilii swuth when bucked by wealth m-hI 1 1 . 1 1 1 ! . tin In ili. liceiy (".il i wlo-ii yuii Hrethlia'v midget ''"''I i-' Ii-hiiiit n( beer, ' 27-2 A wine girl iIin-hii'i lliiiik hcrn-lf Mil angel j l'l lii'i'iiiiH t t into man tell her she in. Mr. Hin I Mm, Clarence. Harris luive returned to Sit nitniT Lko ttftiT several weeks k i y in Lukeview. j 'I'lti- tiittnt in n umiriiiiiv n( ila p trily .), .,. M.h.i.- m lii-ki'V in alwti) riiilil. liny it n .1 .i i 1 1 1 1-1 llnil. H Mra. Joe Cmmrd nf Ijikcsicw ill re niiln in tin (iitiirn willi Mr. hihI Mm. Wallace Ttiylor, Mt I'liewauciin. II. Vint (turn "I Silver Luke informed the p.wt that In- would start on tli( 15th tint fir llnin'i'il ll, California, with a hand nl homes. ' Prink nothing 1 hi t Jesse Moore w ! ink y ' ami vou'll always In happy. On sale lit Wliiirlini A FiUpatrick's. XS-lf George lvmard of Davis Creek liitf taken "Lulu F.," the Summer I.ake mriT tn his home, iiiii) will Irnin her fur the full rm rii at Alturaa. Cha. Thomas, whose death at Crook ed Creek waa announced in Tlio Kxam incr IuhI wiM-k, n aii a brother of ThonniK, the wi'll known ulieepman. For home nne. for liar w, for phyai- ciana urr, for everylmily a line, Ji'hh M-H.r whinkey iaalwaya the bent and In in mom item-rat command. 2H l..)uia(ierlM-r ha made an additional purchaae of 700 head of mutton fr, John McF.lhilineyof Ukeview lo 1111 out m baud for tho firm drive to the railroad F'riil Fixher of Summer Lake waa in (jkkeview IuhI week after a load of bullae bold furniture. Mr. and Mm. Fi.her will atari hoUM-keeping by theunHdvea in their ow n reHidence. I'oii A King have the awelleat report oulM.le of Ori'K'on'N big city. It ia a x)piilar plaoe Imi humo liothing in bundled there in the honor and cigar line but aiamlurd biamla. 2H-tf lUrnev tirtiuian, the excrienced alni-pmun, accjiiiiiunied Iiuia tierU-r to ' Summer Luke last week to aasist in making the drive of mutton sheep re cently purchased by Mr. (ierU-r in that section. Ike luvies, (ieorge Jatiimeribul, Henry Wbitwoith mid Sum Lambert went out to The Pines, Mr. Haviea' country home overlooking lrewi Valley, last week, to spend n lew days entiiintf the tinny beauties from the cool and sparkling (mils of Irews Creek. It easier to keen well limn net cured, i lieWitl's Little Furly Kiscm taken now Mild then, will uIwuvn keep your bowels in pet led order. They never gripe but promote an eut-y gentle action. Lake view lrug Co. 2i-5 Thu spontaneotiii "booms" ure very had things. A good steady growing town i the place in which to make in- i ....... ; ii. ... V I'm nit ii n, n'i ninv in im iiniii -vi . . , , .. ,. pick up Ijikeview properties. 1 he I boom in Hukerslluld, Cul., bus bursted and hundreds of aople who drifted in there during the excitement are now aa rapidly drifting out. Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Little Karly Itinera cotnel your liver ami bowels to do their duty, thus giving vou pure, rich blood to reciiarate your Issly. Are easy to take. Never gripe. Lakeview Hrug Co. 2tl-5 I! i The (Vd in ille Record reporta fierce lire ra inn in hu forests surrounding ! Surprl-e valley. A crew nl men wi n- sent on' lust week 1 by -n i 1 1 r i 1 1 Mi-Kiiiin-v In nnir the Nevada, California A Oregon tele graph lllli. A CrilitrvilN ItnliHii, wlm filliil ii n , vntiilu cx nu f , Ih-uI his miihala nearly tn ilriii It ii' 'Irtv lust week. Hi- went to jitil (ur lilly days. tichcriil Truflic Malinger I Vt 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill tin' N-l ( I liy. Ik mi lii whv hurth In interview hiiinca ini'ii nvHriliiix lriilit tllli'H. Mi. Ili lllll-it hin ill i I lint (nil to mil nt I.Hki-vii-w . I .( k i I v H ml I!nilcvilli' Bfi' i lo Imvi' j:iil. UV wonl.l ..i!.-t that iU liki- 1'iiiiiity foil rt trv Mini HrrMiivi' Hin trv Mini MrrHi.t.. with .1 ft! I f . . I mi .iiihiim' ii:i4rvitiirii 10 linrriiHii' i ipi I.Mke I'niitily jitil. l-i in i in.- f,.r u jail lllTI', UN till' iIhiM IN HlWHyN VlH Hlit. The rue I Hay that Ii'll Hrat'nin Hbh retiirneil from the Willnineltu valley whi"-fhe went Heveral week Hi after Notiie yimiiK rattle, lie rexirlH a kimm trip, with tliu fxreilinii of one nitit when an innocent little lamb atatnixileil hi cattle on the Caacaile niountaina. He catua over the old Military road. Thin real estate in Ijike county. In- i loit)tint; to the Frank I Co., in now on the ' market for nate. No reaminahle offer I will be refuHeil for any part of it. Kor ' full particular rail at or aiMrena thin 'ollice, or Charles Uinhach, Lukeview, , Oregon. 1-tf I Manny Howard, the noted home and ! rattle rn.tler of K.UHtern Orevon. whom j HUkluen llBVt. ,rie) for Ul0 ,)8Bt 15 . . ! r'"r to l"ml tU ix'nitentiary, waa jtonvicltHl of horae atealing in the Dia- lri,;t c",rl l ,!ker c,,y " ,ho 2,1 o( ! Jly. "Hr a hotly conteated trial. How 1 r'1 trml many M"r' faKil conviction. He waa I r,'tfHr(''d aa the moat danseroiiH atock rtiKtler In the state. pon't overlook the evening muaicale at l'dol A King'a. Call for w hat you winh, a drink of tine Honor, a cigar of sweet iiroina. or mimic of any kind and V"U . will be acroinnioilated Stranger, when I vou come to Iakeview drop in at I'oat A King'a if yi'it want to aee a man. You'll ; Iiml him there. 2K-5 ! I'r. Wit ha in made a trip to Silver I Ijike laal week and amut the Fourth of July in that happy little town picnicing with the good eople there. He reporta a glomus time playing amusing names and indulging in oilier sports and exer cises, says the Post. An enjoyable dance was had in the evening, which whs largly attended. Hlver lakers never full to entertain w hen they attempt it, and that is a good place to go to have a nice time and bo treated kindly. "I wish to truthfully state to you and the renders of these few lines that your KihIiiI Ilyapepsiu Cure is without ques tion, tlio Ih-sI and only cure fordyspep- sia that I have ever come in contact Willi ami I have used many inner prepa rations John Ileum, est .Meuiiiet-ex Pa. No iireiiuraliou eiiiiaU Kislol ly iepsiu Cure us it contains all the natural diizestunts. It will digest all kinds of food and can't help but do you good. Lakoview lrng Co. 2tl-5 Perry MeHaniel came in from the sheep camp just uller thu Fourih lo ... t . spend a few days. Perrv has lieen pros- ' . .., ,, . . . tiering like all energetic woolgro'vei's of Luke county, and is reaping the benefits of his toil. He sold thu wool from a thousand sheep this year at 104 rents, and hia increase in lambs Irom the band was 102 pur cent. This coming full he intends to visit Texas, Arkansas and other states, and well he may bring Mrs Mclaniel back with him from Texas. New Pine Creek is Coming to the Front. We Sell Good Goods. Our Prices Are Right. Come And See. LEMON 6c Shirt Waists in Silk Mull, Taffeta Silk, Mercerized Silk, French Cham- J bray, Lawn, Crepe Hadras, Percale. Ladies Wrapper, 75c to $1.50. Ladies' Walking Hats, trimmed in (ft silk, $1.75. Ladies' and Hisses' Shoes, Sandals and Oxford Ties, latest styles. All the atove KM)ds sold yfy fore buying elsewhere Up to the Minister. I A fi-w yiMtrn mii llrnty fri-tiji-r. n j (ii-rniHU friniT livinit imrl ti of In-tttnli, ' IlliiniiH. put lii Hilii'iitimi into tin i .1 . I : I . I "'i 11 WH" v,Hn' H,", i it... i.i ; . ; i . " I ' ' iiihIioii, hi ii-rtiliriilf arrivi-il ami -vit ilium rrmiy i..r iiip i hi i in. n.n. Then hia ator, the ueiitleman w ho prei-idea over tin; di-miiiiea of the church of which Craivi r wan a tnetnU-r, object- ed to hih entering a secret order, Mini Craeyer listened to the Voice of hi parlor, rather than that of. duty Mild re mained ouloide the Woodmen. Craejier died Um week and hia wile and children are out f 3,000, becaune the minister with more aeal than piety, with more cant than C'hi'iaiianiiy, more bittotry than religion, with more fanaiicimn than knowledge, with more fioliNhiieia than brotherly love, objected lo hia joining a secret aociety. Ilia now up to the inter to Kettle with the widow and the orphana. Will he do it? Not 011 your life. Oregon Woodman. Mrartburn. When the quantity of food taken ia too large or the quality loo rich, heartburn ia likely to follow, and especially so it the digestion ban lieen weakened by constipa tion. slowly and not too freely of easily digeated food. Masticate the fissj thoroughly. l,et six hours elapse be tween meals and when you feel a fulness and weight in the region of the btomaoa after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamber lain' Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avioded. For sale by lleali's Drug More. 2tt-5 New Trains. The two new train of the N-C-0 were put on the line Wednesday and Thurs- day of lust week. They will put anv-i thing the Southern Pacific Company has ever run through this State so fur in the shade that that company's passenger cars will not be in it. Not even the Pollmuiis. They tire provided with every niodtrii iuivi-hien"e and many of luxuries. j rine Home lor bale. A new rooms, lot lOOxtiO. line ' water right out of the mountain, elevat- 1 ed ground, ei feci drainage, tine locality, ; near puplic school huiliting, good side-; walks, good out huildingx, bouse recently 1 painted, surrounded by new' fence, in surance on property paid for over two years, now rents for $150 Hr year. For sale at a bargain. Call early at The F.x aminer ollice won't be on the market ; long. I'll i Barley For Sale. ISarnes A Reynolds, lessees of the New Pine Creek (louring mill, have for sal in anv quantity, steam rolled barlev. Hv ! The Same Old Story, the method of steaming all foul seed is ' J. A. Kelly relates an experience simi taken from the grain, leaving nothing lar to that which has hap,jetied in al but the imre stuff. Merchants and i most every neighborhood ill the United teamsters would do well to see llarnes A ! Reynolds for this kind of feed. 24-lf. Lime For Sale. Parties wanting lime can have it in any quantities from the first kiln burned. Call at the residence of E. 11. IjfftuH, Lukeview, and leave your or ders. Lime supplied from the kiln & miles north of town. 28tf Lofftts A Dai.kympi.k. . , at N. Y., Chicago and San Francisco prices. Get our prices j rrflr1 if. ERECTED IN 1V00 MOUfUN TMKOLQMOLT ! :JST-CEASS I ACCOTIlTODATlONS j SAHPLE ROOH For COriHERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT ;p Sr-ii F. H. MILLER & CO., Proprietors. F. P. LIGHT, Manager The iiilefc tliat snoT you po will w w Kl r"' -v "7 " u nun I ) .1 ( 1 1 a W tt..K 1 nul N.lvu Km. 1 a 1 1 J ware of wort bless counteifeils. Lake- , view l)rug Co. 20-5 I TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY I Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab 1 lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each bos. 25c. 38-lyr Drop into Post A King's handsome re sort and get a refreshing drink or a fine ciuar. While yon loiter listen to the deligtbful intiaic from the Regina or "Long Tom" phonograph. 20-5 Nothing touches Poet A Kinu's resort for fine furniture, cosy corners, good ' liquors and fine smokes. Call there w hile you are in town, and you w ill be ' royally treated. 2i 5 When you want a modern, up-to-bat 1 physic, try Chamlierlain's Stomach and 1 Liver Tablets. They are easv to take ad pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents, Samples free at lieall rdrug store. 20-5 "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health and my life. I was treated in vain by doctors fur lung trouble following la grippe. I took One Minute Cotuh Cure and recov ered my health." Mr. K. H. Wise. Madison, tia. Lakeview Drut: Co. 26-5 When yon go to Klamath Falls don't fail vo see C. D. Wilson the popular i caterer at the Gem saloon. He carries tt,u thiest stock in town and will treat M"" right. The Gem is the popular resort. Try the Hermitage whieky there. 25-tf You can never cure dyspepsia by dieting. What your bisjy needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then if your stomach will not digest it Kodol Hyspepsiu Cure will. It contains all of the natural digestants hence must digest every class of food and so prepare it that nature can use it in noiirishinn the laxly and replacing the wasted tissues, thus giving life, health, strength, ambi tion, pure blood and good healthy appe tite. Lakeview Drug Co. 2t 5 States and has been told and re-told by thousands of of others. He says: 'Last I summer I hail an attack of dvspepsia and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which 1 used according to directions and -with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker i than former attacks when I used other I remedies." Mr. Kelley is a well known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by lleali's Drug Store. 20 6 HARTZOC , ? 1 W. TAYLOR General Jobber and douse Cleaner llei PsftSWat. WskKw deaths. Watt. isaJsf a Specialty. Lakcview. Or. j Leare order, at Smith's Barter tibop. Mrs Aviragnete EXPERT AT f CLOTHING Parlor on Main Btreet. J'it north of Fitld'i Merchandise Store. Prices Moderate and Sattufactibn Guar anteed, tiive me a call. . ' .v, . . J- PZAJffOS MMNSBBIBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB a J. W. Maxwell o Q A.irmt lor j feP Ten of the Best Q j high grade and k standard makes r H of Pianos g S240.00 and up M Organs $50 up ORGANS J W Keeder C'haa Marriaoa 4 Reeder & Morrison ra BLACKSMITIfS AMD HORSCSHOERS ! everything- la the BlarkmallhlDS Line and itatiHrar tion Knamntred CreeK. Oregon. New Pine