LA KG COUNTY CXAlTlNE! LAKHVIHW, OKCdON, JULY 18, mi. fiaitC CTounty Olirntntm-r Publlah4 Evtry Thursday BEACH & AVGARREY Maaoak Balldtng TERMS: (One Year, $2.00 J Six Month. 1.00 (Three Months, 50 LAKEVIEW, OKKOON, Jl'LY I A, 101. 1 I wonder what fcve said when she found she had t leave the garden of F.den," i-uiil Mr. titumpin's wife. "It whs just about what nil women My when they are starting on a journey. She complained that he didn't have a tiling to vim" W.J. Furnish of Pendleton has per initial hi Un-al )Aht to announce his candidacy for Onvernorof Oregon on the K.pnlili-An ticket. So Lake coun-y citizen Iia9 yet extended the name privilege to The Kxaimner, though we are cxpcctitiii something of the kind at uny hour. The Examiner stands pre pared to " Furnish" a candidate when ever he is needed. THE SUMMER WIND. Th hrfrifn nunc. the bre irs pass. Ami up ilir gl, n vliry run. revealed An.ti.-t an uvi i tltiw Iiik lil IX Kit uniliiar niiJiiUUna gran. I.lkr hem illclinna on the earth, l.tki hi. ttKttiK m the miiiimrr day, 1 in-y inn Si a man mere shot than (ay. And waki- a Joy nmra drvp than mirth. The trouhlra of Ihe town Increasa; Hut lirn there Ik m stir nor atrlfa, And here ll a"oil to bi Hue a Ufa To be h is united tuck lo aca. I wis the year contained a day ht'ii none ahull suffer, ill or wrap; One rest lor nil Uion thvatrrn, One ll lor all tuaul lha way. The town la vrry tired. Alas! Its thin snillt- ran nut mask. Ita pain; And they are rich riinniili w ho sain I'ool brreiea and a roui h ol a mm. J. J. 1II. In Chambers' Journal. t THE WAY OF A CAD : T PONT ajrree with you! I no obligation whatsoever. A h:ir pulling match, an ambulance, a patrol wagon ami a jud of police figured in the strike at the National Shirt Waist Coniany's shop in New York July 21. As the girls were Ikmiir pdd off an angry tfisoifsion arose le tween Annie Ureen haunt ami Eva Jo aephoii. did not go out with the strikers. Annie, it i said, grabbed her j lV the hair ana hair pulling snatch en-1 sued. Mire than fifty girl took a hand I in the affray. Mi" (ireenhautn and Alra-1 ham Levin were a. re-ted and held in j :W0 each. A revival meeting was Iwgun at the church of this place last Tuesday even ing by" Kev. Miller and Kev. M.ilone, and have been attended by a gissl audi eiu'e every evening. Kev. Miller is ac companied by his wife and little daugh ter, who are beautiful singers and the music is greatly appreciated. Kev. Miller is one of the old fa-binned evan gelists alio preaches tire and brimstone, and spam right and left at all de-tTtp-tions of dinners without taring w hom he liic, and tliis fact keeps the church well filled, as nniHt of hi hearers are euriout to know what lie wdl aay next. New Era. " Queen Marie Amelie, of Portugal, has retiolved 'o be'oiiie a ntvn. Her husband, the king, weighs 350 Minds, is five feet four inches in his sto. king feet and his morals are sh'H-king. In fact he i without morals. Last week a promi Dent physician of LisUjn committed suicide over his beautiful young wileV fate, tdie liavitn; fallen into the clutches f the fat monarch. Ikti Carlos is said to Ih' the mo-l tlesptcable rogue ami rowdy in all Kunijie, and the tiueen has had her fill of him. Think of a brute like lion Carlos regarded by his x-ople as one of tiie tiod anointed rulers of the world! The devil must have had a haml in the -vork. The KaJt Oreonian sees division Ih-- Sta e in the air, and not being symptthy with it, for the present lea.t, to avi- g .11 ea I i" d-i.a tli.y I..- "i, pu'ili o' in at it would endeavor lo find a way rl ils enii.-iiiiiinatiori, says the ( he-l'.i-(ulilii-aii. For this reason i- on i.asterii I ireiiou reiniiilirans to i their lijlits and it believes i, will, an Ka-lern tlreoti man uill i.u.inated i'r gov rniir on the le- ti. ket ami alinont surely I,- Further, there are other io-i- v.n elect,- tiolis on the suite ticket that by rih' j should be lilled by East Or--gun men. With tiie riL'ht generd to lead the Ea-t f)rgoii for 'es and represent and push tlos section's clainis, the result would be surpri-itig, ami to the great alvaut n'e of the whole srtate. The i'ou is ho'., strike! East Oregoniau. The Salem Journal refers to Hon. .1. X. Wil'iamioii a- "scalp Ismnty" Wil liamson. Uless voiir sweet heart brother you couldn't have conferred a more honorable title, for in the suialliicss of your conception you would cast oppro brium on tin; ofli ial acts of our senator, but you can't do it in that manner, I'o you remember a few years ago tha' Wugontire" Urow n earned that euph onious title by a somewhat similar pro ceeding he inlrislu'ed a bill for the adoptii.ti of wide I ires on w agons in the stale of Oregon and subsequent events have proven that he was about fifty j yiars ahead of his critics. Furthet more j .Mr. Williamson has not announced j himself as H candidate for anything, and I tie .-'a lent br-ther will do well to keep! his end of the string free from enla .gle- ; meiiisund not be so much concerned: anout what "Scalp liounty" Williamson ; is going to do, for he may rest assured that whenever "Scalp liounty moves in a jsiliti-al way that he will have the whole of Eastern Oregon buck ol him. Oook County Journal, I are To be quite frank lie pausftl abruptly. He wax actual ly blushing; hut the faint tinge faded quick l from liia rheeka ami left them unusually pallid. "Yea?" said l.ieut. Winston, encour ngingy ami quite unblushing! y. "Oh. I thui'l know!" ataniuieretl the other man. "Are you really serious? If so, you must be partlon me for saying so either the most heartiest beggar I tier met or the most ab surdly sensitive." "In other worth, a knare or a blith ering ulot eh. Met ford, old chap?" saiil Winston, cheerily. "Exactly! I hote it is only a case of temporary insanity." Ir. .Nletforil was one of the ablest of the younger physicians, in the W,t End of IohIoii; but, being also one of the most stup .:. inoib st of elevrr men. his professn nal income barely sutVcetl to pny the rental of hi rouma in (iiiivfr street Some day he mny (liscoier that it is possible lo he uvcr-motk-st ami that inward helf deprecia tion leads to penury, and tlu n lie will remove to llarley street and begin to make progress towards aUtuence. Wins. on did not i.hI to observe the tinge of color on the doctor's face, nor its quick disappearance, but he pave no sign of recogn.tion. Never before had he seen his old college chum look half so handsome as when that Heeling show of rosy color tinted the man's cheeks, nor half so pathet ically glum as when it tanished. "Sliesaied my life. 1 think you will admit that, doctor? How many wom en would have taken the risks that she took? Would any other woman in the world have sacrificed herself as she did?" "Any number of them!" declared the doctor, sententiously, although a flitting smile u;on his face said: ".None of them, bless her!" "You medical men are utterly heartless cynics," protester) Winston, shrupL'ine his broad shoulders. Ttterly," admitted Metford. "Now, I arn so unromnn'ie as to at tribute your recovery chieMy to your enst-iron const it nl ion. a rnltliu;; j-ood physician must sound by own trum pet if you won't blow it for lue and Old Nick'B merciful consideration. Your cup of iniquity is not yet quite biimful; your liver and all the rest of jou, including; your heart, is as sound as a bell!" "I know well what I owe to you, Metford, old chap!" said the ronvales-c-nt in a L'rateful tone and with an affectionate frasp of the biceps of "You don't ! but Viil're ! a lot way the cleverest neO'e'iie I t' .ni in Ixindon, head and shoulders I ; above all the rest of 'em. If you ' ' weren't such a confoundedly modest ' beast" J "Skittles!" interjected his physi cian, in much confusion. "You can't think how I hate that kind of talk!" ' Nevertheless, I mean it, old c .id Just you think the matter over seri ously! Well, to proceed: Mv sister .less says that Miss Wethered who. by the way, comes of tolerably good stock was very different from the or dinary professional nurse, ami that, during those week when my very valuable life hung on a very slender thread, she absolutely sacrificed her si If to save me. My recovery, Jess fays, is due entirely to her devotion. Not very complimentary to you, eh'.'" "Mrs. Trevelyan is modesty and every other grace personified!" de clared Dr. Metford. "So far as I could see, she 'sacrificed' herself almost, if not quite, as magnificently us us the paid nurse!" "lie that as it may," persisted Win ston, "I have chatted the matter over very seriously with my sister, and she says, imprimis, that Mary Weth ered is, biirrintr the wines, an tinsel; f fondly, that Ihe said ao'cl without wiii;-s would make a jewel of a vyifc, find ll in'ly and most I roubh ho'c !v, that 1 shall he the most n i.-1 -i I e in I liast on earth and stupid si o'd duf fer if I don't straightway let the lady Know I think so. I'nforl iinritcly, as I protested to my sister mid have ad mitted to you, I can't honestly say Unit 1 mn the least bit in love with Mi:-.s Wethered. 1 like her very much. 1 WHEN I I PEOPLE I I TALK OF i U QliNTS PimMSMING 100l)S, DRY (1001)5, rl l3 0K0CI:RII:5. I;TC, AND OP 000D PLACIIS (g TO liUY TMI-M, OUR ST0RI2 IS SURI; TO M mi PAVORABLY MP:NTION!:D. m We have the newest Spring; Cloth ing:, Shirts, Shoes, Hats, Etc., AND Wl: WANT TO SPJ; YOU AMONG OUR EARLY CALLERS, TO GET YOUR CHOICE. a..Comp!at liiii of Tin and Agate Ware... H, C, ROTHE &C0 THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF LAKE COUNTY. ! the doctor's nearest arm linear to be aware of it you know, and all thnt sort of thintf - possibly more than I like any other (.'ill of my acquaintance and 1 have reason to believe that she la not en tirely indifferent to me, and that if I only- " The doctor's lips curved scornfully, involuntarily, and a glow of rolor that was hardly a blush suffused his face. "Ami Jess tells me," continued the younif officer, Impert urbiibly, "thnt 1 mi;ht do a very much worse thing than marry Mary Wethered. You know, old chap, I've led a devil of a life in India and elsewhere! Ter rible lot of racketing! We army men, you know ! So, you see, old fel low, I er oh you know I well er love is for me a dream of the joyful past, ami not n vision of the future. Mistt Wethered's knowledge of nursing might be invaluable to me." Metford groaned audibly. "It must not be!" he exclaimed, In dignantly. ('Shall not be!" he mut tered, inwardly.) "You don't line the girl, you have aihnitted it; you are not half as fond of her as of that newest pup of yours." ("I would tlie to save Imt half a moment's pain, and I don't sup) ose she cares a straw for me," he r.ilict.d, bitterly.) "I feel like kiekitit.' you!" He looked like kicking likewise. "Kick me. or thump me, or do what you will, old chap! My feeling is just this: I am a worthless sort of fel low, have gone the pace, ami don't deserve the love of any woman in the world--" "What man ever did?" growled Met ford. "Oh, but you haven't a notion what a thorough bad lot I've been! Ilon'l look so u n bel ie i nf ! " proceeded the k id: wort hy convalescent. "1 was go in!.' lo tell you something .les tolilr me which makes me tolerably sure that Miss Wethered but you would only scoff. I never knew such a fellow as you, upon my word!" Metford smiled illegibly. "The Misiliou is a very simple one," he said. "Assuming that from what your sister has been- pardon me for saying so -unwisely suggesting to you, Mary - I mean. Miss Weihered cares enough for you to marry you, a worthless and hearth's but toler ably good looking chap like you, who, as you justly remark, don't deserve the love of any woman, nor, for that m in 1 1 it. the succession to one of the oto'est and wealthiest baronetcies In lln-liind -" lie paused, his face white and drawn, lints visible upon ji I hat were not tin re w In n t his debate began. "You haven't any love to offer her. j You don't know what love is. You merely want to canci I a supposed di bt of g at i; ui.'e by ollcj ing hi !,. ur luoki, your '.'.i nllii tvi i vthiiig jou have ex ec pi the only t)i:n:' that a woman like Maty Wei hered hungers for!" I lie v. us becoming, eloquent, too elo qili lit . iiikI he pet ceived it. j "J.ovc will com li.ter," Winston an- i I- w cred, ci. n lie i a 1 1 ; "grat it i.iV i.i said to be iiKiii lo li.te. J be p ., . o not quili- 'my s'.jle,' I, bnl I id.e lit r I reallj i!o. old ciuip! Si.i i, p.-mh!y jjoiaMi.t.l .li.g, although, I Mipi'osf, one ct.u'd hit : ., c.l! In r prt 1 1 J " Ml I lolll Mil I'll d. S. P. Ahlstrom Mnnufncturcr of the f A Z 7 r J3M LAKEVIEW Uecognlcd a the Heat Yauucro 5addl SADDLES Wilson iiml 1 5 u j"r- Harness. Wliips,, Hits, Spurs, (Juirls, Kosflus. Y.w. -o-iii iri ii r of all kin Is, ly coniicti'iit iiwii. 4 C Kcalas, a. -a. c 66 "Sings well sufiicient ly well, t hat la, f or ii t a w ing-room purposes Don't look so beastly scornful! Of course, j ou can't appreciate anything humbler than 1 1 a, in n opera. She t he pin no hciirl x as w ell as Jess does, t a Ik s tut er rs! ingly. aid has. I must say, Ihe gentn I o.ce ini, o' liable. lint, r you ii,.i ,-i.oose to- i v . u old i'ii ei. 1 1 ing e hie, I a m n.oi and uioi , Helmed to tic tee with ln sisli-r .b . if I re 1 1,1 ii to I iil la Will out a - I..I.L' 'he girl to be tn v.ite I shall be the stupidest, most i.i. grateful and most contemptible beast on earth." "I w-irii on," said Me t ford, w arin'y , "that il ii pt etc in I I, e t o M i-s Wet h rred inn! i I her p i ':'e h. r.-elf to yon you will r , pi nt n i i I ' w t ', i n a wei k, Hlld I he gill V lit 1 1 i.i' . 1 1 ' in I, lid be t In most u. isi i able w on i.i u ou In it's i ii r I h. You won't li.-lch to tr.y words of wis dom, of course; for of all the pig-heud-i-d, obst e mules " "A somewhat mixed metaphor!" laughed Winston, unabashed. "Mixed metaphor be hanged! He a man and a genih man! do away unde clared, and if, nflir you have had six months to think about it, you feel soinet hing more than grat it tide Stirling within yi ur bosom, gi t six uionlhs' leave, return to Kiigland, Insert your head into the matrimonial noose ami be hanged lo you!" "Ileastly old cynic!" declared the blase lit ui mint. "1 like your con founded impudence talking about love. Why, I don't believe you possess even the rudiments of a heart I Damned good chap, all the same! You shall be my best man. To-morrow or the next day I shall indite it hyperbolic epistrc to Miss Mary, usking whether she cores enough for a fellow to wait for him un til he gels Ills captaincy. 'It mny he for years,' as the song says-; hut I flatter myself I am well worth waiting for, mid I ihm't propose to take the t ii k of any other fellow - a cold-blooded chap like win, for instance - sli pping Into the lists during my iih'i nec!" Metford was speechless with con tempt. Thai Wiio Ion should have proved himself such an unmitigated cad! . . . The funny part of II was that Miss Wethered, who was Irking a brief resl at Ihe seaside, recited two let til hy i the morrow's moil one from the "un mitigated cad," lh:ul,ii g hi r "i vcr so Frank Smith's Barber Shop Hot and Cold Baths .;:ft.vVi l-T' ' : .... v, i s tne liior no n ill tif II Mi much" for all her Kiuoio t-s to him dur ing his protracted illness; the other from the "beastly old cjnic," the re ply to which il si cms almost like sacrilege to print it was ns follows: liear lr. M 'tfnnl: I am so kIhiI! Iluw liliol I cumuli till yini' I tin vi- lnvil)iiii ever si i He tin ,1 iv lliit I II i sil an t you. Imt I in vr , ! , 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 ' ' I hilt I , -In mi in In In hi -mill null y ii u r line. . . . in mum eiely yours. MAHY WKTIIKIiKD. A ml t his Is I he let ter t hut sister Jessie wrote a day or bin thereafter to her graceless brot her: Mv D-irlliu; Mny: Ynu flht It beautifully. If I win miii i ll, ynu slliilllil lie ih rum Oil with a i ru . ' lor innsi ' 1 1 . s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i', ; , 1 1 . 1 1 1 -try. I kno.v lii.w ,i,m: m iiu ii-i ; mi luul lull, mi-, ami uhat It mini I. n ,..t ynu In m l us ynu il'.il b w.e. vi i y l- u l '.,u k, wiisii I II, innr Imy? M iry is on i it. Kiniii' luv. v. I n Hi" has hei ii iii.ii i Uil a yi-ui ul so, I iiniy I, I hsr Into part ol Ilia secret n inn cunspii acy. Uut "ilium's the wurd' fur Ihe plesi lit, t'hlcugo Herald. An Ohio gir! who was married to a mini lifter an ncqiiaintaiice of three days couqilaiun now because he turns out to be ii convict mid not ihe nuval captain he rcprescnled himself to be. While she undoubtedly has cause to mourn, It is hardly right that she should receive nil the sympathy. 'Jlie man, on his part, ran some risk, lie was probably led to believe that ho was getting u wife who possessed reu fcotiing powers,