Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 11, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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v v v v
Who Mill it was hot? i
We had h j lly ginsl week of tli 4th. ;
Alluras will vote on itiorjx alin
Sept. 14th.
K Helfenstine, of Cottonwood, is rc-!
fHirfed seriously ill aain. j
The Kttdewin Company left for Kl tm- .
nth county Tuesday ni.riiinii.
Kveryhody was pleased at I-akeview's
entertainment during Fourth o( July
week. J
Born In Lakeview, Oie,; u, July 4, .
to the wife of V. S. Blair, a datigh-
Geo. L. Cantrall nnil Mrs. Addie K.
Adams r,f Pavis Creek, iw married at
Alturas on July 1st.
Thirty thousand dollar in 20 pieces
were stolen from the S:in Francisco
mint by an employ last week.
"Jim" Foster of Summer was
an interested spectator of sports here
last week. He was accompanied by Mrs.
Ceo. Cooler, the popular young em
ploy of the Chewaucan Laud A Cattle
Company, spent Fourth of July week in
The Examiner is prepared to publish
a series of pictures of the Pan-American
Ksiosition. The first given today is the
lllieial Kmbleni.
Kd. Ijimb, who has l-een with the Al
dridge Bros.' sheep nil winter and
spring, came down from the Sicau coun
try to see the town on the Fourth.
The Post pays that Virgil Conn of
Paisley has contracted with Lem Winkle-
man and Lew Wallace, two good freight
ers, to deliver the merchandise for the
big store this sjmmer.
Kldon M. Urattain, register of the
land office, accompanied hv his wife,
left for Portland last Sunday. Mr.
KrutUtin was called there as a witness
before the United States Court.
The work of grading on the N C-O
north of Termo is somewhat retarded
owning 'o the scarcity of lals-r. Pig
crews go on the work for a day r two
and then quit to go into the hay fields.
A big land slide occurred on the Ja. I
All kinds of News Notes
Taten 01
The Fly
By an
Examiner Representative
Having is in full hltist in Ijikec. runty
this week.
The Meat Market 01 W. P. Huff c'oscd
its doors on Mot. day morning.
See Irs. liraudoui A liirtch, icrl
opticians, at the Postollice. 27-1
Lake County Wool i "till Ireing ship
ped to (he railroad in large ipianlities.
Colo th.t F.rewerv Sal ui when you
are tin rsiv and get a cold schooner of
l-ccr. 27-2
Frank T. (iun her has locn confined
to his lied with fever for several days
U() iu.uj o,)i 401 pno,) y t i.m!hii 1 1
ljikeview was frin from accidents
throughout the entire Fourth of Julv
week. '
Tios. Watson has to Talent,
Oregon, to see bis children, who are
reported ill.
(ieo. Wrner of Alluras did some jo.hI
work for Lakeview ball team in the
5X) men wanted at the Hrewery
SaliMin to unload schi.oners every day .27-2
Mrs. Ft tn Uoss is seriously ill this
week at the residence of her sister Mrs.
Chas. I'mbach.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherlock intend
leaving today bra fishing exjK-dition
on Chewaucan.
lSevnolds A Wiiitfticld yesterday shipp-
' ed big load of merchandise lo the
Chewaucan Land A Cattle Company.
I Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hrown leave this
t morning for Keno. They will go at
once to Lake Taho for a mon'h's outing.
Increased From Five
to Eight Thousand.
A meeting of the stockholder of the
Lake County Telephone and Telegraph
Company was field at the court house
last Friday evening. A sullieieiit rep
reseutntioii of the slock subscribed was
in attendance to conduct the business
of the meeting, which was called for the
purpose of voting lo increase the capital
s'lH-k from live to eight thousand dollais.
Since the coiporation was established a
number of 01 1 metis of the county signifi
ed their willingness to buv stock ami
requested that a telegraph line be added
With the pni'ise in view of huil.iiug and
et, tipping tin. route as a telephone line,
it was olcd at ihe meeting that the
directors he eiiHiwered to issue mine
stock lo (he amount ol f t.UX), and that
the dncetois u-e their own judgement
I regarding Ihe additional wire for tele
graphic purines. 1'lic Isiaid is in i-m-only
a sufficient nuinuni of stic k to
complete Ihe line us a telephone carriei,
or to sell enough lo put on the (cVgrupli,
as it sees lit.
On Saluidav moining the Hoard ol
1 hreciors held a huiies 11 citing. CiK- :
contracted were pie-ei.t.-, and oi.U re ! '
paid. It was deel led to order tit once-
a Millicient at ml oluiie lo ciinpli Ic
the teleilioiie ll. r !
It W is (.'eciiled not to altcuiiit lo be,! in
construction of I In- line until at 11 hay
ii g season is uvi r, or about ,"epl lt,
owing to a scarcity of labor.
(bssl progress .! leported III the,
delivery of (lie post-, and p iles aiou the !
route at ea h section
lr. Watt Head.
Lr. J. V. Watts, at one tune llivi-tcr i 4?
of the laud oflice In l.tikexle, nbile ('. .
' . Snider held the Imsition ,,f Lei elver, i
Bieber is
Selling Out
All lines of Summer Goods at re
duced Prices.
Everything will be sold regardless of
pie in
. Mus
I short owing lo lack of space in this issue.
Hid well known by many pe
Lake coun' v, die I :il l.i F.ive't
state, tin July it . hr. Watt-t wa a
1 preacher ami uiteii entertained Likeview
I lieolile Ut Ibe Melboilla' ( lolrel. t..
The Examiner's report of thy baebal . ,H7, ,. WHH j.K..ideua Flect-.r in the
tournament and races Is necessarily rut, Haves-T.I.U co(,,est. .:' his eirvlc
Vtte made Ituiherford Hives !,r I-
C. A. Fitch, a newpaer mau from ) dent of the I'nited States. His el
Chehalis, W ashington, arrived here last , hilily s disputeil at the 1 ime, as be w is
week and is now engaged 011 the Hustler, j postmaster at La Fayette. Tint crisis,
John McFlhiney has been appointed the most momentous in the hi-tory ol
stH k instie'-ior for like countv, by the American politics, di I not end until the
County Court, at a salary of $'SK) jmt
John W. Peacock md Mrs. Flta Re
hart were tieuried last evening, July
10 h, at M :.'() o'clock. The wedding was
Lie toral ( ". mi 1,1-r-i 01 decided, the dar
before Oram's successor was to be
iiiangiirired, in favor of ihe lb-publican
candidates lor Llector in Oicgon. and
Watts' vote w as counted fi.r llaes.
...Lodging House Restaurant...
Mrs- E. H. Day, Prcprietcr
1 oster rat. eh a week or so ago; a section
ol about 200 feet
lielow the grade
eovriiig up some
j private.
longs!i, from the hill j r"- "arrow ami .Mr.
1 ,. .. ...,. 1 .... and Mrs. Johnny Withers left for home
- -I, lie- le.jee .
valuable hav land
Yreka team vns tw ice defeated by the
Willows team in the basebiill tourni
n.ent at Ibe Siskiyou town on tl.e
roiirth. The firs' score was It to 7 and
the la-t 7 10 ti. Willows is a hot town
in in-. re ways than one.
T-!iths by heat, f! i.,l lib'ninj,
celoi.e. ought t-i be a warning to Ka-!-er
peo). that 'be proper tbinu to do us
a mat er of self preservation i- 10 tin.! a
country where not! i(g of tbj kind is
known. Lake County, Orc.011 tiils (he
j .-atunlav,
j Lakeview
! Marion
! Harrow
! Fourth
er a week 8 soj.xirn III
Siinmtfiatik and Miss Klia
were married al Alluras on
f July evening. P.otii parti-s
are popular people of Alluras.
Miss I'earl I'urrus has Is-en seriously
ill for a week. She exa-cts ts leave
for f'ais'ev today to re.ume her du'ies
with ihe Chew nuciiii Ijind A Cuttle
( 'oiiipanv.
Mrs. Oeo. H. Avers and children went
lo I'n t I'.i Iwell last Suiiiiay for a month's
v i -i t with relatives. She accompanied
her brother and sister, Mr. and Mi-s
Monroe, to the .M'hIim: tow n.
Items Are Appreciated. '
Says the exchange : 'I here never wns
a courn v paper in any locality tlutt i
gave all the Iim'.iI new -1. It is nfteli 1 1 ut t '
some persons Come or go that the editor j
does not It happens ibat a family is i
misied several lime. Tin y get Ihe j
impression ihhl the paper does nm care
to mention thi-iu or ha- a grudge against
iheln. The paper I1.1- no ill feeling,
110 spite, no enmity agam-l anybody.
M'i'1 people lui.e the lo'-ul paper, lion 1 I
be afraid lo tell th liio. you have
fi lends ' itingyoii. Periiaps you think
lire patrt-r shows nut I ialil v, led trv and
see if ll iloe.-n'l Ileal . - n well i; Voil j
gie it a chance." I
-The Only 25 Cent House in Lakeview
estatir.'iiit it id I Io IjjinU Ilmise Imve 1 oth lnen thorough
ly renovate i. (iimkI table service ami cleiill beiis.
The mi f. rt of our pnlroiiH will nv ii vs If our (irst
aim. Cull at Tin! Collude fur n P'mhI nu iil ninl bed
latest 5tylc.4
All Shades
fins Schroder, the bas-ebalf enthusi it,
returned to Silver Lake Sunday. While
ii us carried an Apothecary shop in his!
pocket rier-. I.avir,.- , 11 a r l s e I, raill.h ah,j vineyard-said to
Taken to the A.syluin.
laiios M. Moore, who ciiine here less
: One-half of the town of Vina.Cal., was than a year ago, and has been a coiinly
1... I .... .1. I : . :. .1 .1 .i . ,
sepi oy me m-i ween, iiiia is 1111; .iiarge or me past lour monih-, wa
tow n made famous by Ihe great Stanford' excniined by County Plivsicians milh
be Ihe it Sleine'. before the ('.hii.iv ('. nil
a hi,'i ,H"1' U" I,lBv,", U)i ('" i htruesl vmey.rd in the world. Friday, and adjudged insane. The un-
h,s team at first ad Webje.J the W iCvk I MNM. ,altk, ,, Ja ;,Hrk ()f f.utunate man imagines . ha. so. e
eliectively. 1 i . . . !u i-l i . ...i : n.. i
f'l'.T Pavif oeeu Vlsl'Jii in ,Ulira-j . ir ';oir io peiron nun, Mi'i is suuij
Wiilue,' Llliville. ,J1"',',e,!- The ('"ll,t f'l'"'tl A. F.
louiiing eu and lr. rtemer us guards
to escort hill to the asylum for the in
sane u. Salem, and liny slatted with
the patient on Sunday morning.
To fit Any Toot
The Cheapest and the Best
ri j i
oni'd. a bright voiini man . wii h iheir sis er M rs
fi that famous religimiH weekly, .be
Cm-waucaii piM-t, was in town last week
wttb the ba-eball team from the north.
Mc;onul.i made some ,i the star plays
of to game in cmiKjclitirf with the hall
at .er on high lies.
Mia. Linville re'urni! I to Warner will'
'hem ami w ill visit there for a few weeks,
i. P. lirnwiie und wife, W, It. Lowell,
W. K. Cambjidge, Mr. and Mrs. K. P.
Se-i-ions, Miss;s Cora and Ora Sessions
and Miss Fdna .'I'"" among the
Jlidwell visitors wh'. helped celebrate in
liiikevii'W hint week.
CeJaivill" went hnnV i'l
colors, tliirir team carrying the chain
pionshipin the baseball tournament.
I view.
' ;e Conn, one of the directors of
tne Li. j Coun.y Telephone Company,
was in l.akeview last Friday to attend a
meeting of ti,e stoirk holders. Sir. Conn
takes a Ug iii'erest in poimoting this
eiiterpiiso which will connect all the
northern joutitry with th.r couury seat. 1 had an enjoyable week of it ill
I. W, I'.iirriss, the ief proprietor of
ilotel l.inkville, i Klama.h Kails, is
inaking great iiniovments in that host
elry, y.r. Jarriss understands his
business and i r. obligirg and courteous
1 AiidloiU Ilia table is excellent. The
iiouse Is now being thoroughly renovat
i Win. FarlOW waa ami ug the visitors
from Paisley to sue the ponies run last
week. Al Farrow, whose familiar face
ban lasen seen on the Takeview track for
years past, handling sprinters, was cm
spicuous by his absenre. The lsys say
tk-nt Al has lost iuterest in the game
and lias settled down to sturdy farm
1 jike
Sliver Loke flan Hurt.
A corresp indent wrin.ig from Merrill
lo the Klama'h l-.X..css says; "A
geutlemi-ii from Silver Lake whoso name
we did not learn, met with a terious
accident ueur here a few davs ago.
While leading a pack horse he became
They were a j illy parly and all n.''l ltey entangled in the rope iind was (hugged
lrom ins horse; ins loot liecume last in
lliu stirrup and Ik- uns dragged fifty
yards or more which caused a rupture.
Among th., j.-lly people here from, ,h) mH ,)(.(.n ttMt. , w,lllillUt.
(,'edarville last week to at'eml the sports ,,
ioti ' ney , ,
were Mr. and Mrs. S. (). Cressler, MiM
iielle Pagnello, Mr. and Mrs. V.. L. I Read This and Pause.
Koberts. Miss Mayfield, Sir. and Sirs, i w j, yVoodcock & Son carry a full
(ieo. Fisher, Miss Wiley, Harry May- 'o( j)URijy ami spring wagon wheels,
field, Miss Mollie IludsHfth and Sol. (,kV tfriKH, B(jt springs, wagon und
HtrtH,t ' bugy poles, wagoil exjuess bows,
T. J. Newhill, the js.pular sclnsil wagon tire, buggy flJ"l V it"i! wagon
teacher and buselmll euthusiast, was j lire in fact everything llifli i nccessury
called away bv a telegraphic message on j to conduct an up-to-date blacksmith and
July 5th to ISflltston, Oregon, to attend wagon shop. Horse shoeing a sjaMdality.
bis mother, w ho is dangerously ill. Mr. ' Drop in and have Fled Wilson and Fldoti
New bill went to the railroad on his Woodcock shoo your horses. They arc
wheel and made the trip from Lakeview "crackajacks from away back."
I pay no rents, I pay no clerk, hut do my own
work. IT'S EASY to see how I con give you
better bargains than any house in the county
On Main Street
Lake lew
AT . . 7T
to Ager in tw o days.
W. 1. Woodcock & Son