Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 11, 1901, Image 1

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    i i. , I i. ,.,M ,
NO. 27.
a::: sh& t
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T i
i I
woman of the Half World "The Examiner" Given a
floes by the Carbolic Lecture on Ncwspa
Acltl Route. ! per Ethics.
Poor Unfortunate Went the Pace that
Kilts. -Left $1,400 In BankCor
uner's Jury Investigating.
Another 'ior iinfiif IiiiiiiU- linn gone
the way ( nil fifthly ihluga. Ijl.t
Monday niulit m It n't U k, Itnliv Clark.
m iih iiiImt ! the Ix h I ilc tu i miunle, Im k
big low of mr'mlic Hi'iil. unci died in u
few iiilnu'i'- ihfMiif cr. Tin- MM,r wn
inati Intel 1 1 111 diepondrnl for acvetal
day, and lucl concluded tlmt life mhm
imt worth living. A itoronrra' i imj m--t
wan lirlil, ami on Tufd:iy morning I'm.
II. Duly ami E. II. Smith performed nn
nl"y, b llii-i waalight miii ii.ii
lluit tlit- Mn,r woman tutil an enemy who
lllilill' lBVI la-ell iflMltlUlClllal in i-tid-
ing l i t it- H li. i
Tin1 inemWm n( llii coronet ' jury art
W. I" ll..(T. W. It. Ileryfnr.l. Ix.reii
Bailey, Eve M..rri Withheld,
I.. I-, t lii-my ami J. ('. Oliver. Jury
(iiiiicui-.l iih iu-i-(iuliiiii ami hnd nut
reinli-n-il a venlirt h lien Tin Examiner
enl lit pre. Wcilne'day afternoon. Il
n..i-iu that the jury ia working una
t-hui in the rae that may crcuie a sen-
I'ri.tida of tin. NMir girl t.a.k charge of
her ri'tnaiiiM and pun Iniccd a line cai-ket
and rich itiateiiiil for her burial rola-a. : TI.e.bove ia I run ho ASturaa l'iain
I ti-i-eiii-il whm kiiown Ma Ifnhv tlm-k .t....t.. u,..l I'-... I.... ri ....u i..
- ------- - - ,
...UI.h waa aged about LM yeara. M,e
bad f 1.4(H) in he bunk, and had
in Ijtkeview for over two eara.
II . . . ..
Ala-ul two yeara ago the utiforttiiiate
... .
young woman waa inducetl to forake
her life of hame and join a religioua or-
gMiii.uiion known aa the Gaiel 1'i-ople.
J-or a uie time aliu leil llie Hie ! a
-hr)Mllattl Uliil Uvllai aVIIilitlV aliiiarM 1 .ia f
- - - ........ t ... v
matleradid not go right w ill, her nd
alter a few inoiilha ahe drifted back to
the old life and to I-aki-vicw. She wax
it victim of the morphine habit, and
probalilv deMroyvil ber.-H-lf while tinder
ita inllcii-mo.
I-t iih diiitt the veil oi cliaritv over
tlie life and death of pair uiifurtuiuitu
Kuby Claik. Hie wat aouie'a
darling once, and probably left the
alraight and nrrow pith through aomc
mun'a ) or a fa'.o atep in youth.
Peace to her axhea.
The Winners and the
Time Made.
Owing to a flip in the cog-wheel of
The Fxamiuer'a new service at Paialey
we were unable to give an account of the
tacea held al that place, during tlie
week the cotneata were on. However,
aa nititieroua lioraetneii have reouealed
tfialThe F.xaiuiner publish the reaitlla,
we du mo ihia week briefly :
Firat race )- mile daah free for nil,
pur ho $75. Kutrius, Veva Sinfax, Alex
auder, Zephyr and McKiuley. Veva
Hiufax won, Alexander aec nd ; time
Second race mile ditali for Lake
County hoaea, purse $75. Kntritm, Lady
King, Huccaroo Dan, Oregon Tom and
Wyona. Wyoiia won, Oregon Tout uec--mid
; time .R4.
Th'rd race mile and rejieat, free
for all, purae $75. Kntriea, McKinltty,
j ly King, Alexander and Oregon Tom.
Alexander woo, McKlnley eecond (both
heata) J time .30 and .110.
' Fourth race X utile dittdi fiee for all,
puree $75. Entries, Huleric, Vena Kin
fax and Alexander. Veva Sinfax won,
llulerie reeond ; tiuie .52,
' Fifth race tittle daah for 2-year-olds
purae $75. F.ntriea, Lena A, Juanita,
aud Lena 0. Ixna A won. Juanita sec
ond ; time .40.
Sixth raoe 500 yards dash, Lake
County "bucaaroo" horses, purae $50.
Entries, Jlbf B., McDougal, Hiuan,
i, niuaii,
Laura S.
I .aura a. and Uttcaroo initi.
won,iicaii aecond; time JW.
TLeCtitutty iottrs ladjourntul for the
. toriu on Haturd.y evening.
An Old Tragedy of Lakeview Re
vived Showing (Js to be 5ome
Whit of a Lyncher Ourself.
Tim I.Hkeview Examiner t evidently
trying to pattern titer Ifa Pan r ranr-iwo rilationa wrre mtnivd lu.t eHc, return- 1 h"liIay attire nnrine Iiniifrs
nainei-ake. Indi-id, in dealing itli the able Tnemlay to o-iairn MrKenziv, and retiideiit-w lieii.jf iiainimnitr)y derm
IMikmit l.yiii hiiirf. it viea with that M. C. Kike ai d Mr. alkerto axeertain ' the national rxlora. F tlly a
alieet III rerkler-it mm Urt'eiiiei.tK hi Im t
ami niiM'i'-iml ehxi'tieii. We do tint
kmiM llie nir-e .I the K.nminer'i in
fni mat ion, hut wlu-n it htaien that J. V.
J'.rnrtii " hii ntiKHVory reixila'ion"
li niiiiiy oi a iHliMble error. .n young
man, up to the ti nf thai an ful tnig-
tilv, Inne a bener t ame than .Mr I'.rown.
It ia bud enough in ieM under the
shadow of a iiiiinler inilirtmeni without
lh. added weight of raiiimiiv. The
KxHmiiier Mi-iiin Ix-nt ttpnn ciirting all
Ihe dii-grare Nihle Umjii MiHlo.-eonnty
ami her H-nple, forgetting thai only a
fi-w fhoit yearn ago a piii-nner waa taken
from jail and mohhixl at ita own county
H-iii. ,t indlcini-uts lollowed, nor were
any eflort made m ferrit out the -r-
petratora of that midiiight murder of a
hclplei-a priMim-r. Tho l'xiiminer
ahiiuld reitiemlivr tho old ttddait) altout
l'lde who live in glaxa liouea throw-
lug alotieH.
i mm t,,u' uri iiiiiiiimuii B III-
formation we wi t a a that the article
in oiieation waa taken from ihe .-an
Fr.iticiM-o ('hruiiii'le. witbdue ctwlu. w
.-.-.- iivt njiiiiiiiiiri in nut ircnb
UIMIU cJiii,.u,ii.1.IM,, ,. M,J,-Mni
"I"'" casting tiinaimw 'ipuii AiiKiot, county
ami regte'a that our nnier tontitv ia h
W' in di-g.n. e by the g.ace of heV own
t,..1!.., Tl. L'w I. .... I
flllti'lh. Itv WMV ! nUMHtlitll I lie
l'lHinl'iiltr iuH a iaH ui a few yt'arn
HJ'iUlit'li a liiHii uhn tiiketi (ruiii tlie
1 L- u ... 1.1 J 1. l a.....
jjiai lira 1 l tl n ill' pt-rt I J h tit I i"C-
and that a-.In. a di.g.aci fnl act. ,;ul
aince thi-n our Hople have become leaa
liarliaroitd and more civilixed.
f -- "I w - ;faH'
:!Mf ill
iiiHuirMteMiMMiviiil k 1 1 V,SS; : xrSi kNt ' ' -vS. VJ ' J. H
mM ;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ViMM lllll "ir""' "'M il lllltltf Ilk Vfv"
Ground plan of the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo,
New York. Commencing iii next issue The Examiner will
um a scries of articles with cuts on the Exposition,
TaX" teH IT
the Modoc Court.
To Tell About -The Examiner" New,
Service and by What. leans This
Paper Gets Grand Jury Secret
The Altnras Plaindealer myi 'that
tin aemlvr of a leleirram t the Lakeview
KxHininer on the evening of Ju lirtb..
The lelegratu Ke tl' uainea of the
partiei imlicleil aud other matieTa aup -
IHwed to be hetiel. The euiiiiiiaiioii of
r. Fike, wlio had charge .f the ullke
at that time, developed the fact that no teh-graiu of ihe hara-ter nientioa -
e-l waa aeut from thia olliue. Full de-
IhiIh, however, were know u a Lake t'ity
altnoel Uloie tlie Judge kiu-w ( tl em
here, and The IMereiH in iliavin.lhal
foine ou of the Grand Jury gave il
auay af er leaving ti wn. We undi-r
nam! that Judge iiarriiig'on ii detertuin-
eI to lind tlie cuipril and will iiui'kb au
exau.pleof ill--, whoever he Uiay he.
Orand Jiitjiinn have been very lax iit
audi matter and if nuinr one w:i i-iuch-
ed to the tune of t'nJ or b ihey would
Ihj more cureful in the fuinre
Dealb cf W. B. Thomas.
W. H. Thoma", an empbiye on tlie H.
andler rancli in Ciookvd Cieek
1 1 lit , I
'; "' "j " ' I
",r " " oM,ay (
morning at an early hour. Deceased
L..ft'......l -1-:- t. - !- . :n
Biuiri rA Kicni Bltiwv dnriliu nia l&HL II l
t. : i -I.r i . ,
neaa. It ia aaid t,bat bVr-leart had
, ...
Kpow" ''u " 3"r,ul
B"rrpo uicwtn uuipi mnui imm
imuietiiaie entire f ltu li. Th
.....i .. .1... i. ! . .1:. .
i i y t m . . rt
'clMn IUv.ew on TueMlay. a 2 .
iVeeaaed leaves a family in reduced
i ci rcunif tances.
Gves Vhto
I ana in nnjoyea an
j Kourtl of M,y in uvUfW
opened op bright id tlortooa with a
i cool south freeze, aiwl was nthered in
by the booming of cannon and ihehnr-
r"" patriMic citizens. TheUmn aia
''-"""awn e.!trie were 11 th tone
"'arrh, hu h whb Marten :i lint jil.Hr!
. ' '"' KujiUing-
! The taraile, wM-h waa ffcu niiebr be
twined an iin)iroi; iq afiuir wa kead
the Ijikeviw braia I .nd. l..Wel
! ''X "rriagM oainii.t li, uVtt-rn of
! tbday, the car eialainiug ifce i.i-ni4rnn
' L'erty ami the Angel of Peace and
. ''l'l rejreiH-iiliiig the atatea,
"horrible itorriblea brinvng
up the rt-ar. 'J he tn.rcl
ax down
Main Mreet, to the Sivery 'able tlven
down Water afreet to the It&meraley
reniiletwe Ibeii up Main to t&e Cuiwt
I Houe Mjuare whero llie esercirwa of the
dav were held.
TheoUireraof the day were Charles
U. Sniiler, president; C. II. DaSryniple,
i orator ; J. Q Willita, reader, anil Kt-v
V. II. Holloaiau, clmtikiin. The re 1'
I... . 1 .. .. li i t
Jiioiw iitv oraior were wen moM)!t
and the It-laratiMi of lodependonw
waa read well bv J. Q. M'illita. Miaa
Ollie Hart reeied in a olextiimr munner.
.",TU"""" He"' .
waa patrnHic aa well a, csriniarKlilse.
Tlie Glee club rang Atnerjra and Tlio
Flag of FreelHu in a deliglitfnl manner
ffi iaa ueryioro aa ..Kiueawaa
a .
charming and Mia. Joie H.rrey.U.e
Angel of Peace looked very jvutty
Baacbatl. Drama aad Oaacat.
The "horribles was an aiuuxing fea
ture of the morning fun, ana1 was well
appreciated by the public. Dfore Uie
exercises clot-exl it was pact the noon,,
hour, anil the aiairta were noi.tatfkiiH.1 im. !
til evening.
In the afternoon the Lakeview ami
Silver Lake ban-ball teams opened the!
ournament on the ball ground- south of !
which resulted in a victory for Uie home'
team in a score of 10 to 8.' FH,Kri! DAlr-
Immediately after the game the Eu.te- t'rst racet i mtle heats. Wuig waa
win Dramatic. Company played "Oi matched; Tornado, Alexander aad Bl
Olaen" at Uiintheru Hall to a large an- eric eut to lhe P081- Cleric won botk
dience. In the evening a 7:30 the loot-! heaU in -51 nd -51 Thia was a.
races, iumoimr mau hoa and othr aaTrt ' P1"? X between the winner and AU
were held near the court house- square.
At 9:110 the grand ball opened at Gnn
ther Hall aud a large crowd of towns
people and visitors at tended aad danced
until early morning. The dance was
pronounced one of the most enjoyable
ever held in Lakeview and the- bait iup
pcr at Hotel Lakeview was a grand
feast, which was favorably eooiuieuted
on by all w ho attended.
During the afternoon oi. the Fourth
the Cetlarville baseball teas, accompa- j
nied by a large crowd of Cedarville j
people, arrived and were heartily re- '
ceived. The uext morni.ig the ionrna-
ment opened with Cedarville and Lake
view to couteat for the purve. Several
members of the Lakeview team under
derstandiug they would not be expected
to play ball on the following day with
Cedarville, danced, all night, wibh
the result that wheu they appeared on
the diamond they were too sleepy and
tired to play good ball, and Lakeview
lost to Cedarville in a hotly contested
game. Score 10 to 7. Mr. NewbiU, who
w as in the box for Lakeview- on the pre
vioua day was-called away suddenly aud
Lakeview felt his absence. However,
there are no excuses to offer for Lake-view-
losing to Cedarville, aa the latter
won by playing the taast ball.
' On the morning ol the 6th the. State
Line team arrived and went againtt the
victorious Cedarville teant. The latter
was too strong, however, and carried off
the honors apd first tnouey, $125. The
sioro was 17 to 2. This left Cedarville
the winners ot two games in the contest
and Lakeview one, giving the home
team second money, $75. On the fol
lowing morning Silver Lake offered to
j play the champion Cedarville team a
' game (or the gate receipts and a purse
Good Entertainment
lintire Week oi run
to b putt D. by Lakerir lmii'e' men,
wild the etipnlntion that the mii.nieg
team takH) and tin; liwt-a 40 tier cen
of the money, hut tlw Clarrilie mana
ger would mt acr-ri.t the .fer, Hatin
tha hi" mer were coniiw le.1 uit home.
Fai-h evening tltrimghont the week
lh KtuleH I'ramatit: O.-mrmn? gav. m
til"a?ine tnTf.frmaiiL-1-. All th riuii,r
were loud in tfucir prat.nj of Lakr-iew'a
eiitrrtaitimetit thtvjngHonr. lyvi-rx of
the national g.tme witneM-4 -he beat
lil per playe -i a Lakevtew diamond.
Every inemlier of the reapei-tive viait
irrg leima proveij himm-tf a gt-nt ,enan,
aaxl thegiMfl na.maeil "rmHing" by the
frieixj.of the variviia team win taken
it a friendly rpirii. The Kxa miner w
glad to annoiiiiue that w hite the games
wervt onlei-ted waratly, all the visitor
left Lakeview with good fet-tfuj for their
oppotierita. The Kminr !. defirea
to cirmpt intent the peojde of Cedarviile,
Sfirrer Lake and :w Pine i "ret for
claiming Hitch a gentlemanly- ,t of bat
ball players aa weii aa a 4eliithtfuby
jolly crowd of citizen who yrlicipted
! mi ear -elebratirm.
Th Raea.
When Tlie Exaoiirutr wene to- prtesa
laat week the ra foa the eecond day
wer being sontetadk Wins.. G cover C'
and Kek-ric went t tWpot aa the free
for all. 4' dah. . Wing w.h,, Inderic
ieconi; lime, lcli - '-
ISf -ond race, free- foe all dmId dab ;.
Tt,- aiM-,: 'B-Wirun-aw-.
. Wjn WJn AJexauler W(WtMt Tornado
( tlunl; time, 1 :4a 2-5.
! THIRD- Mf. '
First race, ?8' dash. Wiog Sin
fax, Alexander, Eelvric ati4 Grovwr C
i entered. Belerie ww.. Winir aeeund:
time 1 4)5.
Second race, dai eoU race,. Lena
A and Lena C. Lena, A wow in .23i
Third race, ,s of aimile 4atni (aubeti
toted for the 1' mile which did aot
fill ;) entries, Alexander, Wing, Mctviu-
nd Wyona. AJex.niVr won. Wing.
Seeoud. raco, 600 yard daan "buecaro.
horses," Harry S. ami Spidur Kelley en
tered. The Spider w en in. JUi.
The taird raae was- a handicap. mile
dash. Entries, Wing 135 ponnds, Tor
nado 125. pouuds,. Yito (Walter's aolt)
117 pounds.. The korses went of! in a
buncn and Wing won pulling up in 1.20.
Yito was second.
The races were particularly iutereat-
uirougjjout ttte euUre meetuig, aud
,ase Cfl attended daily. There
WBre sotnwgood horse on the track, and
the races were- conducted in a satUfac
V.ry manner. The decisions of the
fridges were very satisfactory, to both
horsemen and the public. There was
only one murmur of disapprouaLthrough
out the entire meeting, aud. that hap
pened in the . and repeal on the first
day, when Belerie,. after winning one
heat, got a miserable start la the second,
aud waa shut out. However, horsemen
claim that Uia was regular, as the
horses were at the poBt for SO minutes,
and were then ordered to line up. Bel
eric turned as the word was given and
got the worst ot tae start.
The absence of any attempt at jobbery
made the meeting au agreeahls one
throughout, and Lakeview continues to
hold the reputation of a square racing
town.- . ,,... ..
Jack llorton and Miss Lena Abbott
were married at Bonania, Klamath
county, Oregon, ou the evening of June
27th. Both bride and groom are resw
dents of Klamath, and have many
friends. Mr. and Mrs. llorton spent the
first part of their honeymoon in Lake
view, last week. Mr. llorton had the
promuing two-year-old Lena, A., on the
Lakeview track.