Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    Lake county, examiner : la review, oreqon, july 4. 1901.
llinry PriiiM'k, Ui live man oi 1 reaa
will glva a tnirliim rlrctm and dlile
how exhlliitluii during tlx celebration
today at Yndta. Henry ill tlv nil who
attend hid eihiMUon a aevere "Shock."
T. O. Harker, one of (lie inont tiroinl
. 1 1 1 1 11 t . 1
M"7 T , T ' 7, I
er of Crdray Opj-ra- o,,m In alnn, j
d at the H. ..... Iloepilal June 1 2.1 from j
ne .n..ra ... u.o a.n.MH.uon o,
If y.M. Imv a kmmI J.M.klnu hora or
Krmi'e atudm and ahe will take your
oi.' front her thior. Afternoon ia the
beat time. 2.1
Mra. May Matchelder, who haa twin
vlaitlng relative in (Sold Hill for aeveral
month, haa tone toOrovllle.Cal., to join
U taeiitMlii.
lier l.iiahand J. M. ItatrhrlJer, who ialyurated, in (liwiiaaing (he question the
now engaged in the practice of law, ami '
doing welt.
Ir. C. I). Krando.n A T. A. Itirtrh,
graduate rye prialit. have arrived in j "'" and the alockmen. On the other
Lakrview and will remain a few wr. ka. I hand, they ran bo leaned ao a to work a
They correct aight careful riamlii- j great injury alt around. If aome ay.tem
lion with modern inatrumeiita. Kiin i ' leaning hotild te adopted. whi.:h would
illation free. 2t y fatrirt homeaiead aeltlement,
L. Oerber will go to Hummer I..ko "d which would not interfere with aet
thi. week .0 receive l.VK) mutton .her. " "ki" UP I'"" f lh" !H,"U ' "l
Irom the hand, of Johnny Wither. ad , "'k c"vr,,, U " hrm' ,mt
Will Sherlock which he rerentlr llir. j rather a t'.ent would accrue. Workmen
rhaaed. The ahee,. will 1 driven to , leaning range, are to p.eaerve .1.
Klamath county.
... , ,
Tonningaen Hr.H, had the mlalortune
to lotte a nuoioer 01 aneei. one iny iani
week. The animala got in a "jam" lm- !
ween two hig loga on the range and
'crowded ami cruahed until a I, nut 1 .Ml ,
. were au.oiheKxl to death.
While in town do not lull to call and : "To adopt a grazing a) atem hich pro
inanect Mra. Knox'a work in photog-' , , .
' k;1 ,', ,i hltuta honiefend aeiileiiienl for the en-
rapliy. M.ecan give von tl.e latent hum
iHKtlnatyle. Ne thoae Ix-autiful color- , tire MriMl covered by the leae, would
ed phoingrapha and you will be anre to oMtHte ti prevent the development of
want aome of your own made. 2'1 i nil,v valuable aectiona, where agricul-
An alien. pi waa made to wreck the tore could readily a. iperaede grnii.g. It
Uregou F.xpreaa at liediling lnt Tliiirn- in mi Hrk now leilt.'eil fut that IhihU de
day evening. A fiend phtceil a ImiX of vo'ed to agriculture yield much heavier
gimit ,dcr ciipa on the rulla, tint the return each year than the aame IhikImiIc
dviiHtinte rolled of! the truck, mid prob- Votel ciitircly to graxing. !' i re t d ill.
ably anyed the liv.-H of unii.v people. the hi.meatfiider should huve riglua on
The folh.wieg pbtt-. were received at be public .1, tin. and any leginhttion
the I.iikeiiew land t.tlice yesterday : curtailing the rigbli of thia chia of wt
Towiiahip 21 aoi.lli, range II ennt. town- ; tier will meet w ill. airenuouaop.Hiiion."
hlnp 22 .nulh, range II cunt, and lowii. Thia ollii inl iM-hevea that w hen oiigrcaw
abip 21 ao.illi, range It eat. 'I hene plnta coinea to mi leralaiid the great leaaing
cover liit il in the vicinity of I'ewl.iittea problem and reotgrtiiixei ita benditaovvr
I 'r. .1. i. JcHNUp, who wan almt and
killcl in Heikcicy. hint week by Itev.
t'lui". i. A, lame, an unfrocked preacher
who looked too long upon thcHi'ic when
it wax led, forineily coiidiicied the A -1 1 -land
I Ioiihc at Anblaud, ami h!ni a ilental
..Hue at that place in 1H..L'.
J. W. Mikcl "laic' upon mir table"
yeaterday a curio in the ahnpe of iwo
fully developed hen egg j lined together
alu "rdamcae Twina." It ia indccil a
wonderful freak of nature, and can I.
aeeu by nil who will take 'he trouble to
call at thia ollico for the piirMiae.
Mra. Howard, I lie aged lady whowaa
injurcil a few wek apo while driving
with her grnnddiinubter Mia Kiiby
l'liikncy, from Alturaa to l.ukeview, ia
rc,.iiteil to be worae thia week. The
tdiock wita it terrible tie to the unfortu
nate wotniiu'a ayatem, and her condi'iou
ia at ill uncertain.
Win. Stanley arrived Satnr.lay from
l'ltial. and will remain for the week. He
had the miafortune to run n aharp atick I
in hia right eyeball a few wecka ago, and
it iM-came ao painful he wan con.iielled
to come to town and engage the aervices
of a phyaieian, who found that the optic !
waa becoming t.lcerktcd
Hon. E. H. Kdaon, Hepublicai. candi
date for Governor of California, and
present railroad coiumlHaioiier of that
Htate, waa kicked in the face and breaat
by a vic.ioua horae one day laat week at
Gaxelle. It waa thought for a time that
Mi. Kdaon was dangeroualy injured, but
at laat reports he waa doing well.
The Reno Oaxette says t The N-C-0
lias let a contract for the extenaion of
the road north from Ternio and work ia
now in progress. Heforo Oetotier the
shriek of the locomotive will he heard
at the northern border of Madeline
riaim. A carload of workmen went out
on the line Bunday morning to begin
the work.
One day last week at Cedarville the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Herron
with all the household effects was des
troyed by fire. The family is poor and
much sympathy was expressed for them
in their loss. The Kudewln Dramatic
Company happened to be playing in
Cedurville at the time, and, like the
good Samaritan, gave a matinee benefit
performance and donated all the proceeds
to the unfortunate family. Theae are
the sort of people who are now delight
ing Likeview audience.
Another Vlght to b Made in Con
fresf This Fall to 5ecure
Passage of I -aw to
This Effect. '
Wai.hiw.toii, Jnne 22.-TI.rre will
,,,, nilll flr,lt t th ,
, , (wure ...u,,,,
j,,,, nr . ,y)lt,, of l.-nnintr tl...
I pultlio KraziiiK landa of the Wwt, which
j re ot nci,jw the foreat reaervr.
: eminent ofndale, ho are familiar with
; raiiito problem, that in:h leKialation
Lhonlil he enacted, and more or leaa
preaioire in thia direction will le brought
to Uar by them. One of the enthuelaiiU
who hoNa loimi leaning ayatem hau
other day, aaid
The puolic rant:" can be leaaed in a
way thai woulil Item-fit hotl. the govern
"r""l;,r'' ,""u
Im-kI effort to maintain the supply of
, (.on,rrv ie VBHt
puhlio rangea are unreatrictedly thrown
oien to them, many look not to 'he fu
ture, nor care for the intercut of the
man who may follow them, and become
pli-aelil llii't h m I h , it will hitateu to uilopt
a Hit-tn uloi,)! the linca auge-tcd.
( We migbl add, nlao, to 1 1 if above, that
if thin letiaing proioition inilat become
a law that aome jtiat and fair proviaion
a I ii hi I1 1 h- in u 1- f,,r tlieauuill almkiiicn
I Wit we do not believe I'ongn-aa will pua
lluit law not for a time, at leaat. There
ia a big effort being made by the cattle
barolia to pull thia off at the next aeaa
ion. Kn 1
Killed Lake Horses.
(icorge II. Small the silver Lake
horaemau left the northern valley two
weeks ngo with a big hunch of lioraes
He rroaaod the Cuaeadea by the old mili
tary wagon mini, and arrived in Kiigene
laat week, lie met with u aerioiia loaa
w hile driving Hcroaa the 1 1 ilia Creek
bridge, 45 milca from Kiigene. The
bridge gave way w ith the animala, pre
cipitating then, to the rocka and water
below, aome l,p or 20 feet, killing aix line
Bnji outright and crippling three
,nr... Mr. SiuaH's loaa ia alaiut f 'HXi.
bridge, which ia about t0 feet long,
js ,, i, ,lt,i u, )lHH 1.,, j a bu;i
i,haii. for aome time. The atringere
wtir0 v,.ry rotten. It wenia to tie a good
,.aHe (or damages againal l4ne county,
as the bridge lielonga to that county.
Spinal Column Parted.
One day laat week while working a
scraper in his road district, Road Super
viaor Fred Snyder met with a jx-culiar
accident, He leaned over to lift the
scraper and in doing so his spinal column
separated and he became helpless. Mr.
Snyder was taken home in a wagon and
suffered great agony. A physician waa
called and the column was replaced and
the patient is now able to get around,
though his hack is very weak and sore.
United Htattw Land OnV,
Iki-vlew, Orxgun, Juua 'AJ, MCI.
Nolle ii hereby given tbat la compliance
wtlb the proTltloiia ot (lie ant o( Cougrau of
June 8, 187A, eiiliileil "An act for tbe ile of
timber lanilt In tbe rltatea of California, Ore
ion, Neada, and Waalilnfiou Terrltoryl" ai
extended to all the I'uhlio Laud Suiea ty act
el Auml 4, law, Almon N. tplim, t Vlaiil
lae, Count j ol Klamath, Htate of Oregou, be,
tbiadey filed tu thlaolrice hti eworn elatemeut
No. al:i, for the purtibeae of Ixm t end a of Ueo
tlou No. IN in Towualnp No. at No. It
K.i W. M., and will oiler proof to ahow that the
land lought la mora valuable lor ill timber or
tone thai, for agricultural, aud to ei
Ubllah hie olelm to eeld laud before the Keale
ter and Receiver of Hill otttue at Lakevluw, Ore-
Jon, oa Krlday, the Ail. day of Heptenibvr, ltul.
le naii.oi ai wlti.eMa: J. II. Handera, W. J.
Hendare, J. I. Melicli.l!. L. llecralt, of Vlalillai,
Ureaon. Auy and all pcrioiie vletinlng adverae
ly the above-dcacrlbed liwi ia are re,iialed to
file their claiuia lii i lilt oltlcu oil or before aald
8th day of bcpleuibcr, 101.
28 10 K. M. Hkattain, Itegliter.
Oeo. M. Ayrea.
See the new wrappers with the summer corsets made in them.
i ill j Tm
I I GrEO. H. Aykes & Co. HE
ii . i
" HONEST " j
Me Goes to Klamath County
Trap Coyote but Finds
That they Are All
Bald Headed.
Hank Jones, an old trapper who,
paased through Portland aome months !
ago, on liia way from Idaho to the Klain- ;
atb county to engage in the bm-ineaa of '
extirpating coyotes for tlie auke ol llie
bounty paid for the ncalps of theae'M-a-tiferoiiH
auimula, arrived hero Saturday
on liia way back to Idaho, a very much
diaguated man, aaya the Oregonian. He
aald from what he had aeen in the Ore
gon tacrs in regard to the nuinlier .d
coyote acttlpH w hich had 'h-cii turned in
and bounties paid or, he bad imagined
that he could make a fortune in the
Klamath region in one season. The !
ihiiuUt of coyotes he aw running over i
the cuttle ranges wheu he got into Klam ,
nth county encouraged him in his idea
and he hastened to set all his traps.
The first night he caught several coyotes, 1
but was astotdahed to find that only one
of then, had a scalp. The others were
baldheaded that is, like old Uncle Ned, :
they had no hair on the top of the head
in the place where the hair ought to
grow. He could not understand this,
but eaid nothing and went on with his
trapping. While he was in Klamath
..r... ...It. ..lit .1..V....1J .if I
ITUIIIIIJ' lit! VOllHV .,,.,t W, VV..V.tVD,
about 75 per ?ent of which were bald
headed, and Rome had a new scalp par
tially grown. He finally began to in
quire what was the matter with the
coyoteB in that section. He found that
while the sheepmen were anxious to
have the coyotes killed off, and had se
cured the passage of the bounty law, the
cattlemen wished tl,e coyotes preserved
in order that they might kill off the
sheep and leave the range grass for the
cattle. The cowboys employed by cattle
men had worked to thia end by running
down and lassoing coyotes and ripping
their scalps off aud allowing them to go
at Urge. The coyotes suffer but Utile
from the Iobh of their scalps, and, find
ing that after they had yielded them up
they were allowed to frequent ranges
without being molested, and to grow fat
on mutton, they soon grasped the situa
tion and began to come in and be scalped
when hot weather sec in. A new scalp
growt on the bald heads in one seasoo,
and they all come in once a year to be
scalped, and the cowboys are getting
rich on bounties, while the number of
coyotes keeps increasing. Mr. Jones
says that unless the bounty is repealed
every cowboy in that region will be a
millionaire and the state will bo bank
rupt in a few years. If any one doubts
this statement, he is assured that Mr.
Jones is an honest man in fact, he has
long been known in that part of Idaho
wiiere ha resided as "Honest Jones."
Now located
In the
Z BAIN WACONS The Peerless Chilled Plow $ J
H nt' " " I) Hardened Steei Mole Plow 7
Farming x g k
7 Implements The Disk Plow (Something yew) L
2 of all kinds Peerless Cang, a Fine Plow V
W We are the Benlcla Star, Sulky plow Jv, ?
Farmers' Outfitters ,JJ
111 llllllllllllllil!lilllllllll!!llllllllJllllllllillllillllllllirillll
i 3
Pull and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
Ely Restaurant
ira of the
1 Day r NlKht
Table applied with eYerythlng
the market oflTurda
Fine Sunday Dinners
H. C. Whltworth.
South of the
Daly Bldg.
New Goods always on hand I
Undertaking in every branch
Hardwoodbedroomsets$27 f
Snider Bui' dins on Water St.