4 ARB ClUNTY EXAniNER : LAKliVinW.ORIiaON, JULY 4. IWI. gaht tliiiia teardtnittetf tuMlhl Evrlr tltttrliiy BEACH fc 1 l 4 uMrif k Building (One Year, $2.00 TERMS: Six Month. 1 .00 (Three Month. 30 l4K:tir, .. JI'I.Y 4, THE AY'ENUINQ NEMK5IS. Kolrri Miller, an engineer at Harri son, LUho, i a maniac oyrr t lie cruel desertion nl himself and two children by a heartless wife, eys tlie Oreg- n Repub lican. A liard-worktng man of quiet habitat this shock has dethroned his reason, and the untoappy husband calls from liia veil to her taint has tied. She forged a note statin that his mother, reidit.g in Colfax, wax ill, and urgently desired to set) him and h.a children before she died, lie hastened to respond, t.n I y to d! scorer the trick, and then returned to his Ir.mie, which had been defer ted dur ing iis ahoenee. Heinke II tie of the desertion, but wrthin a lew days incvhervnt talk re vealed the deranged plate, into which his sorrowing miml had drifted, and he M placed in a cell. Perhaps this iray oman in her light-hearted abandon ment of home for the revel uf a ara mour, doe! not feel the dreadful panir of rem trse w hich should sting tlie hear1 at hearing the (dan live -alls of her de ranged husband, and irhaps ler life will Mart forth with a whirl of pleasure, but somehow one leela that the avenger will come. A ("park of motherhood will blow into a flame, and niavhap dreams will be broken by the cnlli:.g of children for their mother. Then in lire anguish of j her soul she would repent for her rash i deeds irrevocable in lime, and the re pentant misguided motheT would )iive worlds hut to have her home, wi ll it i plain honest hushand and loving child ren. Folly has terrible endings some- j times. , ATTORNEY'S OPINIONS Assistant Attorney Ocneral Post of California Expresses Him self in Regard to the to do: Lynchers. Assistant Attorney-Heneral 0. N l'osl, of California, who went to Alluraa to assist the district attorney in pre' tenting evidence to the grand jury in connection with the lynching of I 'akin Hall, hi (01m, nnd Pan Yanlia, at lok otH, ha eu.roed to Sacramento. Judge Post informed the Sacramento Pee that while iwclte or ihirtien men constituted the mob which did the lynching, the evidence adduced in (he course of the examination of bfty-otie witnesses was sufficient to warrant Uie tirand Jury in indicting but three of them. These men are James V. Brown, the deputy cciistable, who, with a man named tioyett, were in charge of the prisoner w hen they were captured by the mob; Isom Fades and Robert K. I-eventon, w ho, with his brother, con duct a bliickMiiith chop at Lookout. Judge l'ot. in reviewing the cane, stated that nothing had developed to chow that Calvin IUII had la-en guilty of the offenses charged agai'int him. On the right of the tragedy. Hall wait in custody without due process of law. Judge Post 'aid. He had been arretted on a charge of petty larceny, but was released twiday lielore the tragedy on his own reeogni zanie. Ju1ge Post cava that there is no doub' that Hall's arrest without war ran' was part of the conspiracy to lynch him. The mob was parly armed with Ufcon spokes, ami these were obtained front Ia-venton t b acksmitti shop, Judge Pot staled. ! w ; have ttt:my new custtimcrs each season coming to our establishment w ho tell us they always understottd tlmt we handled good quality ol goods. Our reputation with our customers is not made hy nny par ticular line of goods we hae, hut hy the general excellence ot every article in our stock. We acknowledge we carry good quality ol'gools. This refers to our cheaper goods in just the same degree as to those of the very hest quality. In ordeiing our goods we give just as particular attention to the durahility, the suhstantial make and the suterior quality of the low priced goods as we do to the medium and better grades, hut our assortment in mainly confined to the medium ami better grades. The strength of our lines is apparent when you look at our stock, ami for Spring anil Summer we venture to assert that there is not another stock of goods in the country that is equal to ours in its wonderful variety, in it gtvat range of price, in its particular style of everything that wc show, W'e solicit the business of the people of Southeastern Ofxgon and can readily convince them that we are the best house to trade with in this entire region. ... BAILEY & MASSINGILL ... The N-C-0 Folder. The N-l'-O Hallway company ha i-i sued a neat folder, tile tin ever i--ue 1 j by tlat company for dctilhutioit. It contain a correct lu.ip of the country: brutish which it line ex ends and the time tames 01 tin; u ami Merra al ley railways. JJeS den it briefly sets forth the advantages ai.d resources of t:ie country aion tiie lailpntd routes. In the next f...Ler 'o he i-ued Lake county's re-oun.-e. will lv amply hsik'-.i after ami given to the pul.!i Trail1-: Manager iietmett has invited the edinn of Tlie Lx aiiiiner to attend t this par ticular part ot the f.iMer. The Kxaini ner le-ver overlooks an npjiortiiriity to advertise its own particular ticld, and this will he attended to to the "ijuenV taste," us the saying g-s-s. The N-C-O folder is sent hroadca-t throughout the country and every railroad line in the United States will handle the advertis ing matter. 5 00 Horses Wanted. A. F. Looker, horse buyer for the juvef niiient, telegraph" from an Iran-ci-c i to W. . Moss that he wants oiki hori-es in L ike county suitable lor caval ry purpose. The animals imi-t be l"i iia'nls, I inch, or over. Mr. Looker wants &KI horses in a hurry. He wil arrive here July 1'Jlh. Horcnin will lleas'j take no' ice. 2ti Accidentally KilleJ. A dispatch to The Lxaminer Iron, I'edat ville, Modoc county, under da e of June 21MU, gives the inforinat ion that Henry Pel ry w ;is accnlelitall V killed near Kaylevdle on the L"iti ult. by fa 1 ing beneath the uliii l- of his uiigoli while ti anting near that place. Several mountain fires that are devas tating the lor-sts ol thi-i co-iiitry are al ready in evidence and can he plainly seen from Lakeview. Mo-t of these fi:es are the result of wantonness of Homebody. Thousands of dollars wortii of tine timber in Lake and Klarnalh county is destroy ed ekery year. If jusii'.e duea not over take the forest fire bugs here, there is a hell much hotter than their lire and it is kept at a white heat lor such peopl who wantoidv lire the forests ea' h sea- bon. The Willows Journal, one of the most radically radical Democratic papers in California says tixat four members of its county board of supervisors are demo crats and "it is unreasonable to expect oi demand" that the patronage of the county tdiould go to opposition newspa pers. Tlie Journal believes that to tlie "victors belong tlte Bjtoils," and it is eminently correct. Floods that were almost as devastat ing and frightful as those that made Johnstown famous, swept several towns in West Virginia last week. Keystone, the metropolis of the KJkhorn mining district being the worst stricken. Many lives were lost, and millions of dollars morth of property was destroyed. There is no immediate danger of an Italian uprising in Modoc. A sufficient nuojberof the red men have been sent to the happy hunting grounds within the pst few weeks to satisfy the "hig chiefs." Governor Nash was renominated for Governor of Ohio hy the Republicans, on first ballot. The Hanna delegates won and (Senator Hanna was made per manent chairman of tlie convention. Everybody w ill drop business today and celebrate the National Holiday. I Herman K. Loss, one of the e.rly pioneers of Shas'a coumy, Cal., and for over a (piarter of a century a resilient oi Mdivilie, was thrown from his buggy iast week and received injuries fiom which he died six hours later. F. O. limiting, breeder of thorough bred Heryford :attle, will have on ex hibition at his corral today, Main Mreet, j'lst south of J. S. Field's store, the yearling registered Heryford hulls. Mr. r.iiuting invites the public to call and j i see these animals. A special invitation ! is extended to all the stockmen of Lake county w ho may be here. I V. S. Indian Inspector McLaughlin ! was here ami at Klamath Agency a few days a'o and while at the Agem y in council with the Indians completed the treaty with them to cede to the United States the strip of WMJ.OOO acres adjoin ing the reservation. Of this 1)00,000 acres 300,XO acres are covered by good yellow nd sugar pine. Klamath Republican. The sum of $3000 has already been paid to the attorneys for Leventon, ISrown and Fades, charged with the murder of the Halls and Yantis at Look out. Judge Harris has received $1,000 as a retainer, it is said, and Spencer & Raker f l,.r00 as counsel. The attorneys will receive a like sum as the case pro gresses, making $6,000 in total for the defense. It is said the accused do not fear the result of a trial. Dr. Schmidt of San Francisco has es tablished a sanitarium at Ameede, the one time terminus of the N-C-O railroad. A park will he laid out and boats put on Honey lake lor the pleasure of Sanitari um guests. The Examiner was overruled hy the good ladies of the Fourth of July com- mittee of arrangements, and the pro gram today calls for a parade, a Reader, and a Goddess. The Examiner is satis fied as we presume all the people w ill be, as pretty Miss Edna Heryford will be fpieeu of the day as Goddess. Charmed hy the grace and beauty of our queen in royal robes let us all bow belore her throne. Miss Heryford is claimed by Lakeview as all our own. Fair as a lily. Hail to Goddess Edna. Heryford Ilros. 5k.-1 1 2ooo. j Within th lal ten dii the well, known cattle linn of llerxford tro. t have solil l!iM head of U-ef cuttle from their I-ike t'.ninly rain he and range. I. Ca-Me pureha-ed 1U head of this -.lock In be ih'll .sie.l in two lot, July IMih and SepteinU-r l-Vh. Louis o-i her , of Klamath county purchased head and "J.iO of this uu b.-r were delivered I at l'.anies Valley, the remainder to be j taken about Augu-I 1st. We understand the price paid was alsnit $1'7 for 2-ear- I ! olds, dry cow- and heifer-, t ' i for Il-year- j J olds and up, and $ H for eai lings. The Heryford 1 ins. cat lie are coii-idered one ; ol the lineal and hc-t bred lot of shs k , ill Olegnll. J kobbed China Sain. j ( 'h ina S i ii s u-siiiu rant wa- the scene of a robbery la-l Thut-dav right. Twoi ' men entered t he phfe while Sam was j ahi-ciit, and went to the closet where the proprietor keeps his money, and took ' several dollars that w ere detsisiicd there, i and also a few silk haiidkeichiefs. The Chinese helper was in the kitchen at the time, and detected the robbers as they were about to depart, lie attempted to i ii lit u r.- the man with the li. milker I chiefs, but the fellow broke away, and the two made their escas'. Two men were under suspicion, and their room was searched, but no evidence was found to incriminate them. Nl-W I I IN I i CKI-I:K J Is r iiiilly forging i 1 n -: i J ntnl l'olh tt Mini Alnick. the .Mercli.itilH A are trotting iilntig at tin- In inl id' the rici-ssiiiti. K A PIN I- NKW STOCK lias nlrenilv been received ami iiinrc m-w goinU n!e nrriviiig; at mir tore x nil the t i tiii K AMON0 OTMI3R TMIN0S W'e have vetytliiiig' ilesin.tiM in the A (inii i ry Line. A special line nf (ieids T l''aii V .vl,irt-. All eli giMd line of t" ('.iiidies. ("nars Mini Tiili.'ico in. ati li A fur mil' I I'V lui-:s Mi-spl-iy. 0 poLi.irrr & amick If We Are Not Blind. Says the Alturas I'lanidealer : W. T. Mitchell and wile returned Sunday from Surprise Valley and we regret to learn that the project of establishing a cream ery at ( 'edarville has been abandoned. Mr. Mitchell will go from hero to Susan ville to place in sition Home new ma chinery for the creamery at that place. He will then return and go to Lakeview where there is talk of establishing a creamery plant. The benefits of a creamery to the community have been fully demonstrated and if the citizens of Lakeview are not blind to their ow n in terests the necessary funds will at once lie provided. By Far the best. (.'edarville Ksenrd The Rudewin Dramatic Co., Buchan an & Meade, proprietors, arrived here last Friday and have showed to good houses every night since. They are all star artists in their line and it is lieyond a shadow of a doubt by far the best troupe that ever visited this part of the coun try, and we unhesitatingly recommend them to the public. The troupe is com posed of ladies and gentlemen in every sense of the word. Their plays are clean, entertaining and exceptionally well rendered, and those who wish to be well entertained for an evening should not fail to attend. PELTON WATER WHEEL JffV I" known the world over us affording the most simple, re- flTiS Ijf", liable and economical siwer for all purposes. Ten Thousand Wlicelt Now Running ',., . r I'll ling ever v eolid it ion of service in the most ellicient and sal islactory w ay. i h r r : i. 1 I 'let trie Power Transmission I'LLTON WIII'I'LS are the recognised standard for os-rating ienerntor. ainf are running the muj r it y of station of this character in nil pails of the woild. Water I'ipe and Transmission Machinery And all appliances connected with a pow er plant , supplied on t he most rca-oiiahhr terms. Shipment made from San Francisco or New York a iiiny afford the most favorable freight rates. Catalogues, English or Spanish, furnished on appli cation. Address, giving conditions of service. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL COMPANY A courtship of fifty years has resulted in the marriage of a man of eighty-six to a giddy young bride of seventy-eight, in Michigan; but that is no argument for the general adoption of half century courtships. Hereford Stock S'arm Drews Valley, Oregon. F. O. Bunting, Owner largest herd of registered Herefords in Oregon Vfc :-pV?.eifl ICT Dpnlctororf Voarllnn Riille v i VjHf A 111 vi - i mi nny uuio f ti'vc-'J inn ion n ,i nn i LAIDOR ALAMO head of herd McCORMICK MOWERS AND RAKES THE BEST IN THE WORLD. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF .a SCHMINCK & SON