Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 2G.
Mow the Visitor to New IjiKc- A .Week's engagement by This Interesting rtistory of a Modoc The Entire Community at Clover Result of the Races On the Lake-
view Will he Entertained
On the 125th Birthday
of it he Nation.
At sunrise today the national ealutc
was fired from the crcl of tin- hill over
looking Ijikeview, .ml cmr eoph were
wakened to the fa that the one hun
dred Mini lf nty-fifth birthday of the
American ration hail dawned.
Glorious nH Fourth of July? Tim'
4nemorahl day in history of a republic
which century ami a iirtt r (i
in it babyhood nii'l. Iin nl a spirit of
1 11 13' I 1 1 1 i-. lure jtclf from the
locust n( Mother Finland uiiil buildcd
for itself mi instil ill ion llnit h'hihIh to-
t :i llii' glory of all nations i f Oil' earth.
From I'Vwiy i i 1 1 ii i i top, rockrihlicd
iiml hik'ii'IiI a tin' hiii, iloiH fri'i'iloiu
rum. Tln fliii! of our country Moats to
day nil over lliiH great 1 1 ! tl it and ill
every land known to iiihii there I ri'i I lit-H
it whiMpcr of respect for llml Hag of stars
ati'l H(riH'N, akin In tin-filial devotion
lo I lie liiiniii'r we A mcrit'HiiH love ho
i The spirit of A mcricnnisiii is imbued
into I lie cliilil at its mother's lirciiNt, ami
tli Mt id the cause of tl: in republic's great
ness. One tiod! Out Cnontrv! One
Flag I Tliat in thi pure spirit of Aincri
And in l.i.keview we it r celebrating
(lull glorious Independence pay as hest
wit ran in our own humble wav.
Whirling in I In- vortex of tin- busy mart
ol trade our pi'oit failed to prepare for
a celebration of large proportions in
time to do lln- occasion justice, ami as
laic aw li'ii days ago a few patriotic cili-
.I'llH HHKt'lllllll'll Itllil pl'l'plirt'll to Start till'
liall rolling. Committees were appoint
ed ami with tliu well known generosity
of our people money wan poured into the
committee's treasury without Html to
pay the expenses of a celebration. The
preparations have nut been cmnpletc,
but the variotiH comniillees will carry
out B proffraiii hh lu'nt tlu-y can. There
will Imj umuHcnit'iit galore at any rait,
ami no diiuhl tlio tiny will Im one of
Excellent Company at the
liijr Hall of (Junther
flahala and Her Aggre
gation of White and
Dusky Husbands.
The Kudt'wiu Prauiatit; Ounpany
o pont'd a wt'tk' fHicaifiiie nt iu Ijtke
vifw Iumi Montlay tvt-iiiiig, ami the
coin nny wan i-riftttl with a larue u-
Tl.e known hittnry of the now fatnoua
Indian Mary, mother of the Hall txiyn
who met their fte at the hand of the
l-ookout lyncher, begina at old Fort
Flat Turns Out to Witness
the Raising of the Stars
and Stripes.
view Track Lena C Wins
First Race and the Sec
ond Coes to Alexander.
tlience the llrr.tninl.1 with the production Crook, iu 1H. nay. the Alturaa Plain-
f that plonlitltlraiiiM,")tricken Dlind."
The pUy in a niOHt pathetic one inter--I
x-r -.'d with a vein of rich humor
(tiroiiliont. It wit- well prei-cliled and
Hit-itndii'lire u tH dflitflitt'tl. Tin- iiiimii
lu ri of tin- it mi pany lerlainly tleherve
:tl I I lie i oii,pli:nfiilt The Kj.iiiiiii.t han
Uiu'i llit'in I .r t!.c i.i-1 few Wffki and
MiMain 1 1 f-ii v it I tit- rcpiHaliou iln
li.ivi- k'uinril tiiroiitfliuiit tin- country, a
the hfhl ever went on the road in
the interior. I 'he i-inniiik' and ilanciii
dealer. At thai time Mary hud an
Indian husband anil one child after
wardx known aa Frank Hall, and whope
life was ctranleil out at the roe'a end
on the I'll Kiver hridijt-. Maiy was
rather a pre-pofherii-iiii vomitf w.uian,
ami hi miii captured the fain y of Major
.Mellon, then t 1 1 1 1 1 1 j it i . 1 1 1 1 1 at old poll
C'rurk. The U-arin and
ftliowy uniform of the hamUoine t
h Min woo the heart of Mui v, and iviuu
up her tlunky Himiise nlie formed an al
liance w ith the t-ullaut Major. The re-
wan a daughter w ho
Mra. J. M. Huoit and little ami arrived
from Hatilhy villo, Tuolumne county, Cal
ifornia, lHt Saturday evening and will
mikuiiI the tuiminer with her mother Mra.
liaiiimeraly and uiHter Mrs. C. K. Mier
lH'k. Mrs. Scott reaided in Lake county
tip to four years na, when ahu removed
with her huahand to their preaent Cali
fornia home. Mr. Scott wan formerly a
wtHilgrower in thin county. The lady in
delighted with New Lakeview, and has
numerous friends here who H'-ve her a
hearty welcome.
Charlei II. J'iurce, of Metllonl, and
John Coleman of Anliland, are prepar
ing to comluct a fruit cannery in Ash
laud this fall. They expect to put up
70,tK)U or HO.tHH) cans of fruit during the
Sec "Olc Ok-son" nt the
Matinee today (it (lunther
Hall i o'clock.
I')' Minn Jul. 'lie Chandler waH delight
ful and hl.e wiih ciicrcd repeatedly. Bt ( ,lj!t uljl)1
Mie ih a K'ai elul little ilancer. Air. Hftertvurd- laHiiine the w ilo of a young
Mea.leV t haia. ler hoi,h were highly ,, ,llllni.,l .or,.llz, d jH now tlie re-
elijoyalile. and the hidieH prenent lont plH.,,.,l ,( lt.r ,,( tt fiuiv Bomewheie b"11' u,Ullll'r pupils, und was ell
their hearlM to the dashing Mr. Moore ia Wahhiniiton. She is aid to have ! j''etl hy all
He has a rich harytoiie voice, and in a U-en a very In-autiful girl and was well I Away off here iu a little nook in the
polinheil actor. On Tucnduy evening ediicatetl. ' Unountains, twenty uiiles from a ioet-
itlice, in a Hinall country school, we have
inst illtnl into the minds of the children,
thoHe patriotic Hfiitiments which make
On Friday, June 28th. almost the en- A fairly Urge ciaed crowd attended
tire community, residing in the Clover the opening of the racea on Tuesday
Flatachool district, turned out to wit- afternoon. A Btron wind hlew from
ness the Flag Raising at the school houce. jlhe M)Uth ,nd ;,,tt.r on rt)ta variOU8
A nice rew Rag had been ptirchaned, direction. A apriokling cart on the
a fine pole fifty feet high had been track would have added to the comfort
erected, and while the crowd was sinq-' 0f thMe w ho looked on at the sport,
ing "Three cheers for the Red, White I The pool box was well patrouiied for
and Blue." (irandt-va . RoiihIi had the j both events of the day.
honor of floa'ing. ll.e llat to ti e hreeze. ! The first on the program a4 a dash
There, long may it rloat, imlicatlve of , (or o yvAr,ut (,,r a 1nr!.e 0f io.5 Tha
the putriolism which .dwells in the ' entries were Lena A, Lena C and Jau-liearl-
of the pei S'le .f Clover Flat. ' nitu (,...,n .. Ia,n.!i.
The exen iM-i- were introduced hy a WIIH played for a good ch.ince. F.very-
few i.1lin m.Ioh hy Tl as Branch, ao- lMMlv a.Kure.l t- overlook Lena C, the
I c..nit,ied I. v Supt. ViiliiH tin the organ. : sharp filly, wiio won the race in .40
! Then followed a well piepared program, ; Lena second.
under the nnpervis un of the teacher, j The second event was a ?i and repeat,
Miss Callahan. fret( for a) for , lurfie of ,o5- The en-
The program occupied about three j tries were Alexander, Veva Sinfax. Bel
quariers of an hour and was a credit to er: ... Yito. Wanona and Reta Sinfax.
I he company presented
When the command was moved from
Fort CrtHik, of couise Mury was left lie-
Thin In a rich iirod lie I ion unit tHirlrav- hind. Sorrow for the loss of her tnar-
aloflhe old storv of Maude and the tul lover, did not, however, long clsim I us lover'' those principles of which
Judnejastoryof 'rur.l sunplicily that her for her ow n, as she haw formed a j th" targ aml lnl r? emblematical,
touches the heart. Mr. and Mia. Itiich- tf'inf alliance with a discharged soldier. Afu'r xUti Program was . completed
anan had ample t.pportuni.y to show Calvin Hall. To Mary was bora by this j I'"" " " l'Wd fur all, and such a
.heir la I in the leading roles as Maude "'" " und daughter-Jim ...d j ll,I,c1' s ""'X of Clover Flat
the runtic maiden an.l Nate the simple N..r.. When U.e latter was aUut 15 or I "'"'"taiid bow to prepare. This was
country fellow wI.ohc heart was in tl.o!" t''irs of age sue ran away with ! fl,I1"wt'd br K-monade and ice-cream
righl place. Mrs. Aitntre also acted the I while man named Bill Wagner. Tll..y ; owing to the temperature proved
.liw.i .,,,f,.l i .f....ti.... u...l Mr ! went to Washington where Wau ner was I Vt'rv acceptable.
Meade as the country father of Maude ' i'victed of crime and sentenced to the
was delightful. I )iiiteiiiiary for seven yesrs. What be-
The singing ami dancing was charm- ,a"' of Nora i'",0, know n,
ing. Miss Chandler in her buck and! I" 1HS4 the festive and fickle Mary,
wiim dance tleliuhted evervlxslv. The "it aged lover, deserted him
audience was even larger than the oeii
ing night. The performance grows bet
ter each evening. The play last evening
was "A Wife's Peril." This afternoon
at 4 o'clock there w ill Im a matinee per
formance, "Olio Olsen." Fritlay even
ing "Fast, Lynne" and Saturday evening
"A Noble Outcast."
Now three schools of Lake county
float the stars and stripes. Which will
lie the next?
Su-li social gttheringa, with such a
purpose in view will bind th school
Walter Puke, the Pavis Creek land
lord was in Lakeview Saturday. Mr.
Puke has been the I isseo of the Mclil-
ton place at Pavis Creek for the past
three years, ami camu up to see Mr. Me
Jilton and renew the lesse. He lias
D.'ll, IMUI ml I, iidum n t9 I'll I II W1I1711I,
and was the youngest of the so-called
Hall hoys.
Time rolled on and Pauiel Yantis ap
(eared upon the scene. To him Mary
again transferred her affections. This
union continued up to the fatal night at
liookout when all five Calvin Hall, his
half-breed iou Jim Hall, and the two
full bloods, Frank and Martin, and the
renegade Daniel Yantis were swung into
eternity by the enraged tuob.
Mary is now old ami fat but her suc
cess in the past in capturing the affections
nf the Mtorner Rev of both menu irivna m.
made of the Pavis Creek hostelry : BUnlllL.0 sho will not for long wear the
popular place ami bus been quite sue , ,,,.., f lnilllrnin, iml u illwHl, the
otich ami charcoal off her face and find
lK ! conHolat ion for luir briitMi'tl uml bleeilintr
J. J. MonrtH', the Adel meivhant was iu : heart iu the wick-a-upof some lonely
l.alieview lant Thursday on a business buck.
visit. Mr. Monroe reports everything Such in brief is the history of Indian
nourishing in his locality, and says the i Mary. Her name and lier fame, because
farmers are preparing to cut their hay : of the awful mid-night tragedy at Look
c " li is feared there w ill be it scare-1 out, is knowu throughout the length and
itV of labor in the Warner fields, Mr. j breadth of the laud. Her life has liceii
Monroe met it commercial man here and ; an eventful one, and as a husband get
ordered a big line of goods for his Adel I ting inehala has certainly been a
establishment. tmucesa.
for a young buck .f her own race. One , tn communit' closer together and
bo productive of much good. Visitor
following is the program :
Song t'olunilil. th (em of th Ocean"
l'lrh tic (iaiiii School
Kumilou "Introductory Ipcecli"
Uwii Ureu.
Reciu.iou "The King"
Miriam (irren.
Ket'iutiou "Mjr Flag"
(Jrai' Rrant'h.
Kei ltatlou The Kanuiry (.iirli Lam Pay"
I. aula Knuah.
Rucltallou liu eiljr Kal and t'onutry Kai"
C arris branch.
Solo "Coint, oh couie with ma"
Docia Willlta.
Recitation "Our Flag"
Orlu Branch.
RttiUt.ou "Small Girla"
Traaait Bryau.
liiatruiiirnial miiaiu I-aah Green
Ksci.aiiou "fwel folly"
Beaaie Uryau.
Recitation "Our Colors"
Nellie Branch.
8olo "Tha Liberty Bird"
Prof. Williti.
Recitation "My Water May"
Lucy KiukIi.
Recltalloa ..."A I'artuur"
Iteci.alioi. "Ode to the American Flag"
Nora Ureal..
Hong "Flag ol Freedom"
Recitation "My Papa"
Jemte Hraitch.
Itecilallon "The Blue and the l. raj''
Leah Cireen.
Recilatiiu. "My Country''
Laura Ruuali.
bolt) "Raiae thu Banner"
Mra. Pextoii.
Het liation ; . . ."Tun litis Tin dolditra"
A Hu rt Branch.
Recitation "Whnu the Flag Cornea Home"
boug "Ths Star Hpaugled Bauuor"
Alexautler and Yeva Sinfax sold about
even and lielerio was played by a few
.dtnirers. The others sold in the field
After a good start Ik 1 eric won the first
heal iu .37 3-5 Alexander was second and
Yeva third. The others were strung out
with Wanona shut out.
In tlie second heat there was a dis
tressingly long waic, and when the ani
mals were sent off it w as to a bad start
for Beleric the others were bunched.
Alexander won the heal in a drive from
Yeva by . long neck, and Beleric was
shut out. After i long discussion the
judges ruled Uiat Beleric, the winner of
the first heat being shut out in the sec
ond, and no other horse having a heat,
that Alexander was winner'of the purse
and race in .38.
There was a large attendance at the
track and the day was a thoroughly dis
agreeable one.
The coniesw yesterday as The Ex
aminer went to press were, first a ?4
dash, Wing, ti rover C and Beleric en
tered ; 2d race, mile dash, contested by
Alexander, Tornado, W'i ig and Wanona.
A. M. Smith was up from New Tine
Creek Thursday. He informs us that
unless good heavy rains come on very
soon the grain and hay crops of Goose
Lake valley will ln exceedingly light
iu fact scarcely enough rain could fall to
insure a half crop. Notwithstanding the
heavy frosts of a month back, Mr. Smith
says the fruit crop will be a fairly good
one. At one time it was thought the
fruit was all killed iu Ooose Lake valley.
The Ninth Annual session of the
Southern Oregon Chautauqua Assembly
will be held at Ashland July 0th to 18th.
The services of many talented people
have been engaged to make the program
The Kutlcwin Company
will play Ole Oleson at the
Matinee this afternoon at 4
o'clock. Go there and enjoy
a hearty laugh.