Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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All kinds of News Notes
Taken on
The Fly
By an
Examiner Representative
Hay is 112 r ton at Kct.
Ft U s an I 1 li tin-' a li'i-U'r. 25
ur'h if July t: it a: Wilen.'s. 25
Day billiards anil pool at Punlap's. 25
Children hats from 25e tip t Hieher's.
Fire crackers for the 4th at Ahlstrom
Bros. 25
Ladies shirt waists from T.V each at
Knjoy a fine Fourth of July smoke at
Wil oxV 25
See the tine oriX'kery ami glassware at
fn-h mi nek's. 25-2
P. H. Groye was in from The Point
Get delicious ice-cream soda at the
Monogram. 25-2
Lakeview will make the Kagle son-am
Mi the Fourth.
Ladies, Misses aiul Children ad:ils
at Bielier's. 25
Prop into Punlap's ice cream parlor on
the Fourth. 2o
J. II. Turpin has Ivcn in town several
d.ivs on the sick list.
The latest and "up-to-date" hats are
a Id at Biel er's. 25
Don't fail to visit Punlap's when yon
rome to tow n. 25-1
The host "election of gummer suits
from f up at Hiehers. 25
I have LLiXX) shingle for sale at 1 1.25
pr thousand, cash.
2.V2 Mourns WiNurm i.
Mr. and Mrs. Kolveri Martin and little
son arrived from Keno last week and will
remain in l.tkeview for some time.
C. V.. Sherlock hought of Lee Thotuas
last Thursday 751 yearling wethers at
Still 5preaJlnit the Word of (lod
and Saving; Soul at the Hcth Church in Lakeulew.
KvaiiKelist Miller continue to interest
ropW at the M, K. Church. The rcver
eud gentleman, in reply to The Fxamin-
er's remarks last week, thanked the edi
tor of this paer for the (rre advcnis
i i If he received, and in place of a
"roasting," as was exvted on Sunday
evening ty tlm immense crowd that went
to hear him , he complimented Ttie Fx
auiiner. Now nearly cvcrvlsslv we meet i
wants to know- if we are "in mliooa"
with the minister and how mncli we. re
ceived for hitin Mr. Miller so iniirli
advertising? The never
makes any charges for telling th tiuth.
and always Diihlishes church nnliccs
12 55, the sheep to he delivered on Oct. llUhv. while e recognize Kvan-
geliit Miller's privilege to conduct 1 1 in
meetings as he sees til, we would have a '
U-tter feeling for 1 1 in if he would dis
continue his harangue alxml the (rater
nal societies and hem-tit oiganiatioiis
that exist in every community . Fvi
deutly the gentleman knows nothing
aUmt tlie work of 1 1 !-. mrret unlets.
I f In' ill. I lie would uphold them avigor-
tlsly as he doe t he church, lie must
not trouhle liimsell regarding the sinlul
ness" of these m-g ini.if iiiiii, an.i induce
people in remain away from thi'in .n.r
liiklht ill the Week ail. I go In chilli h In
stead. The right soil ni religion and
All the Lkevie v (x'ople who attended
the race meeting at l'aisley report an
interesting time and a highly enjovahle
Pr. J. C. Andrews, a resident of Fdgo
wihsI, Siskiyou county, has arrived at
Pavis Creek and will prohuhly locate
Miss Cora Kerry has returned to her
home at Pavis Creek af'er K-mg ahseiit
all winter, attending the Normal al
I luco. ;
11. P. Stout, C. P. Willson and I'has. j
II. ...... I ..i L-I ....I. L-..1I I i
. . . ; chri-lMMlv is taught within tin secret
........ ..a-,..,... ,0 I .,L-.. ...,. M.....I ... .....I
' I walls ui in-t;tuton - with. ml a
1 iiesdav. , , , .... .
mixture n( risy. I he I e.u h 1 ng 1 1
Pon't fail to see Prs. Kiandom and ( ,u.-c mders are fr ,tn the w.itd-. I.
Kir-ch the opticians, wlien they arrive !,,, ur,. lllr , ri. ,,,. revive th.,,, llliV
They will he at 1 1 tel : ,,r,l.i i!,:.t rn. ir,.n, il. ml, ..In...
prea. her iu the pulpit.
Visitors to LaKcvU'W au- conliallj invited to visit
this store.
Bieber's Store
tuado lu-aiNruarti-rs for visitors tluiitiLr tfic
eotniii wirk. Make vour .'ippoitit imnts to meet
yom 1'iietuls here. 'PI i i s stoic is centrally hteatetl,
riht in the
Hotel Building.
Make voor purchases here,
look into our way of sellinx-
It will Kiy you to
Our stock of
Clothing, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Shoes
has liccti increased to meet all rcuiriiucnts. Our
prices arc made with a view of satisfying ytu. There
w ill lie no disappointment if you come here to trade.
We'll make every elloi t to please you.
almut July 1st.
Ole Sunstroui tnl l'ete Knciuist wire; Kev. M iller ha dealt in. ire miM! v w o h
the last to sell tlu'ir wool. Thev let the the "sinners" d iring the pa-t week
Isiys have their clips of P.fcN) and pll rather tin. Img a helter effect hy his pi
ll. J. Stein and Oeorge Syron were Tuesday night.
1 sua-ive
igic and pulpit
hre from Warner Monday. Kieher i offering some of the hest val- i "' Large cro. Is
. ... ,...,.,. t..,u ' lies in mens dres suits tha' w,.. ,.v,.r I ""e-in!" at the
at Wilcox's on the Fourth.
F. O. Walls and ti. F. Maupin
rer were iu town this week.
f War-
show n in Lakeview
J steel suits for $11.
When vou come to town F'
Kink Clavs Wor-
urth of July
elixpielii'e 1 1 oil 1
Conlluiie to .it
et'iiieh, and the ,
i!ii'oiires ol .iun-e,t an I an. ia: 11
I the street meet with g I at It-mlanee. .
I I he I. ukeVU-w people ale gi i.en tin to 11
! fault and the goo.l ni.niev from all .miir
IVe Withers has returned to Paisley I w'ek go to Charlie tiraveV Ked Sim.- i ,.,,, K, ,,,, . ,,,, ,,, , j
after an ah ence of three years. j .-toreand get a swell pairot shoes-ladies ,)(,x Mr. Mj,,,.r ,.,,,., , , i
C. C. Ij.fftus, otoi-kman of Crane Lake, ' 1U"1 k-"'"tl,'m-11- -' 1 j her sweete-t voice and the meetings .,( ,
at rived i i Lakeview Tuesday. ! Are your eyes getting week? I 't j tl.e Kvangehst aie su. , ami!
uiur gia--es sun you . n nul, mil on , entei taming.
i Pr. liraiid nii when he arrives and he; - -
I mill rlr vim hII ri tt i I The Tournamtiit.
TheSinf.x gets aeared to W the. " Four team are s.i...1ii.-. to play hall '
..... .lav l.urtoli ami;e I.auhhn 1.1 lire '
real thing at i he l'aisley meeting here during F"in th o( .Juh week. TI
Me:ir the s.veet music at Punlap's
Next week l akeview will put on the
garb of a rustling, hustling city.
pli-jio ' a; h parlor on the Fourth. 25 1
W. W. tiiiisi.n of F.ureka, Cal., was at
the Hotel Lakeview la.-t Friday.
.( !i:i.;ii' l. son for Mel '. rmick rakes,
mow els, and general hardware. 25-2
Frank il ni-'on arrived from Warner
M unlay evening on a husini ss trip.
Cln-ney, the harness man, ha- every
thing in the line, new and tirsl-.tla-s. 25 1
Mrs. 1 1 - in i-k of Sacramento was a
S'it al Hot. 1 Lakeiew la-t week.
When y-iii eiiiiie to tow n go to Punlap's
i'-illiard pai lor and enjoy a ijniet game.
The choicest confectionery, fresh ami
piutj caiidie arrive weekly at Kieher's.
All the l.ak Cniinty wool I lit two or - . i s were sold up to Monday no m.
Ice v.rfii ri, and i ieam s .il.i at The Moil
vr iiu ''roin now until summer end. 25 2
f'ol.h llenkle work.d a sy-tem a..d
played on form at the I'ai.-h-y race- and
-ui out.
A-sesi-or Blair linished 1 1 f his woik iu
Vv'jrner l.'-t wee, and cine to L.ike-
Jav iiiirtoii ami Louie Lauhhold are
i 1, 1 1 i 1 1 i ii.' a new re i tie nee for t ( ' I 'rn 1 1
, ., ,. , . , ,. 1 tir-t ga in- -Mil pi.i.i.ihiv U- h, I ween L.ike-
I dow n the val.ev. hen completed Mr. . ,
, ,, . ii i . i view and silver l.ake-'ai-le o ain. t'e-
1 I ia't w hi have a inie home. ; .,, .
i j ilarMI.e w ill pl.iv on the 5th.
Cail at Chenev's harm-s shop w hen j -,-,. H, ,-,,r , .,.. m .,,.,.,,,,
ivo.i come to town Mr th- lourth and t,. , ..1MI ,.,.r ,.lS)..t u,
l.sik at h.s line .... k .. han.e.-s, whip-. t.,,,llv j , ,. ,r .,, ,,,nk., ,,,
I rohes. dusters, ,.tc. 25-L' ! .c,,oery ;,n l earn a,.d , i.a,
I'.ead -he new di-play a 1 -. iri i-eiin-n' i pi i vi leges on the h.iil gm md. -.,r
'( II- s.hiiiimk A. Son in this is-ue. A ! particuai . -, e Manager M.'iaiiev.
' carload of the famous Met 'ormick mow-! "
1 tos ii ,1. 1 r -I L-... u i 1 1 uii-iv.. i i .i . u I Pi-tric t Attorney A. F. Keaiiiesol
$ 25515 '" Cottage z$
p ...Lodging House Restaurant...
p Mrs- E. H. Day, Proprietor.
--The Only 25 Cem House in Lakeview
rsjcst.ilir.'itit a I el I.ii.llli' I ot'- liave Imtli Iki'Ii tliorotigh-
g LI Iv reiniv ad 1. (iiinil talde serice nixl (lean Li-ils.
tT II Tin- i-oiiifiiit of nur patrniis will ua h I our tirst
f aim. Call lit Tin- Collude tor u ihm! nn-nl nml la i.
The tiazet'e reports the sale of the
Keno .1 airnal 'o '.. I.. ;ingham of lien i, !
il' d thai ( 'ongressinrtii Newlands is sup- j
posed to n- hehin 1 the purchase.
Car' schumau will he al (iutitheri
Hull toino row and Saturday evenings'
w i' Ii hi- I'rojecto- -ope exhilii'ion. Kvery ;
l oil v knows schuman. He is no ' faker."
It. pemorest reoirued Irom Klamath
county la-t week, and alter reuiainin g a j
lew days, leturne l to lily to do some
dental work. Mrs. pemorest accom pan- j
led him.
The Kxaminer inadvertently neglect- '
ed to aiiliounce the ph aing news of the ;
hi i th of a son on June 11th, l'.titl , to the
wife of M.-rcha-.t I'M. H trtzog, at New !
lllll' l.,r U'lllliU I.':..,. I, ( ..1,1 ,. I,,.r.. , 1...,.
:' M ij I'. ' ( hi isiiian, w ho tiow re-1 .. . , ,, , '., ',. ,, ."
' .... will renle. Her hrother, Mr. (reed.
Com -and -ee the ponies run on the 1'me ( reek.
Lakeview track The t-iiort hegins oji T. W. (,'olvin informs The
July 21.
,-ee the li-auriful Pasj,,n play of Oh. sides :.t . u t-ui n,, lias entirely recov
eiu nineigii'i at t.un'her Hall Saturday -"-d his l.ealii', and now lips the heam
Mig. at 205 poundn.
X ?.I. ill', uit.-ou, ti.f mutton huyer' tieote nd Frank ?.....! atarted for
,i, week making I n-ka I ist Sunoay on a visit I' men
mot her as well as to transact some i . :i-
ii irtaol liniue,. Thev will he uh-ciit
ey o( 1
Jacksonville has lieen elected gland
president of llie otder of NatHe,,iis in
I ll egoli.
Farmer, when you come to l.akevi u
Fourth of . I uly week go tu Field iVllur
rils' Waiehouse and in-to-.-t their stock
ol extias, huggii-H and wagons. 25 I
The New Lra says that a large nuinher
of Alutr.l peopie will attend the Fourth
of July celehi. ition a' Lakeview. Olad
oj hear it, friends. Lakeview will en
deavor to give you (-oval entertainment.
lieinemher t he grand hall and siipjicr
on the evening of July llli. Ouiithcr
"ros. are detei inined to make this the
swelle-t function ol the season. It is a
delightful way to wind up the jollilira
tioli of the Natii.lial IioiI'I.m .
Mrs. L. 10. Land and family left Mon-
latest Styles
All Sh.Kles
. Mo.loc, via
pure' ise".
ii,' i li t- lev H 1 1
I C. II. Hani.
-in . ncisco weie at Hotel Likeview
tat M .day
Fiehi 's st k of shoe is far siipiiior
1 1 any : x-r in l.akeva w and ti e pm o
are jufet ii.;ht.
Mrs. F her Held is expected to ar
rive in Lt'li vicw iu a lew days on mi
entendcd visit.
A (till assortinent of agate ware
A ill attend to the harvesting ol her
crop, on the ( run villi: Naylor farm,
west of Mi dford. Medl'ord Mail.
Mr. Morse, the lioston wool huyer. lef'
for the r.iilroail Wednesday morning.
With liailey Mas-ingill, Mr. Morse
mad-: huge purchases of Lnki: cnuutv
. I Wijol for I heir ll iUe, Morse is a clever
i very excellent line of p.llow an I made many friends heie..
! good.-, golf and silk I ... ... ,..,,1,1,, ,,
i -' e"V
tu nights in Cedarvi'le, and 1 must ay
they are a talented company, cipial to
the hest I ever saw iu San l iuncinco, he-
To Fit Any -txt
Jj! The Cheapest and the Best
mA la. ai.1i Tn M ll"
several weeks.
Lieliel c.ll I ies
genls till ni.-hlli
tii u L .Ire- hil t, a Lomplete line of
under.M- r, Victor collars and cuffs, the
hest mild any w he" e. 25
L. I . iiiplon, the horse trainer has re-
whv i ii:i.i can (ii vi: von thr
I pay no rents, I pay no clerk, but do my own
work. IT'S F.A5Y to see liow I can K've yOU
letter bargain than any in I lie comity
I sides heing relineil ami initial people."
tu ned from Steel Swamp, w here lie has , -j- Miiehell, the creamery man.
jhecn hn aking colts for Arthur Jackson. wjl ,(ni . M U(i K(Uti
H i Mr. Jack-on sold ,'iM) hea'l last week to a ! i .... ...
, , f i I juviiiihii nuii; nun i i. i mi i line i.iiii ni
ins k'.rv. also .'..i elegant fia-s i i. ...... r ..........i ,ams l.i i i m i i i i ii
- . , nujer mimi u ."iams. I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack llamp-
ue wt 1 '" I Purine the past week Pan Malloy pur-! ( t Summer Lake, Justice L. A. Mobh
L. 1). I'rakeb and H. F. tlret-n were . , , , TIioiiidhoii of Modoc ..iiieimiinr. The hride is the handsome
lubiuesH viMtors in Lakeview fiom War- , ;l M, ....... hi. ...... (.,,. llartman. Pent. 1 ih.iu.hter i.f Mra. Jack Hampton, and ia
The a niece of A. M.
tier last MoinUv.
A visit to Punlap's phono;,'! a ph parlor
wilt amply repay one for the trouhle of
dropping in. Fine musi.;. 25
simoon Rosenthal, a pioneer merchant
of Medford, wan found dead alone in his
store last Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McShane have re
turned from the aheep camp. Jim is a
ufjerer from lagrippe Un week.
Toiininghen liros. and Auihrose
sheep are sail to lie a fine lot.
OL Jacohs of Warnerspent aeveral daya
in Lakeie-M' this week shaking. liamU
with numeroiiH friends. Ol. hug not
visited town before in a long, time, and
was much surprised at the mihstanlial
improvements of New Lakeview. He
has a ranch of his own iu Warner and is
doirg well.
Hinith of New Fine
Geo. C Turner, the stockman of Km
prise and Lake, arrived here Tuesday,
and went out to hid Point Ranch on a
husiuesH visit. George M. llaliel, a
hrighi young man with the prominent
merchants, Kistler liros. of Cedarville,
accompanied Mr. Turner on an outing.
The Kxaminer acknowledges a visit
lioiii hoUi gtitleuien.
On Main 5treet . .