Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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''TV TTTT T T T 7 'V V T T T 'f 'f 'f 'V ( f 'VfTf
Call mi Mm. IViKTliiK niter July M
fur ilni' iiiiIIiiiitj',
Mr. mi. I Mr. J.JMi ) iiimnl from
l'nil v Tii..lny hihI will n iiiiiin until
nftvr tin- nue".
Mr, ('iiiiicy, r-.rx-i.liiin .Iiihihi',
tniiiiiiii tV fu., hihiIiiii'ii, li-lt (urtliK
r 14 i I r I i li'i.liiy.
'I Iiiti- will I hi no line' in K ol NiIiiic
Cltrlf, Wnini'll 1. 1 Wooilrriilt, mi Will
III'H.I.IV V 1 1 1 1 1 if . .lulv -I. I.
J . I , In I k Mill u iin It irk i'i on I lie rik III
i-K liv it li'iii Hi I In- I. mm Ii lit ( 'i it 1 1 in
WihmI l,tl M'Unl.iy, ii 1 1 I mm HfVrrrlv
llij.llr.l. .Inn ynt n itlintit ImW mi Wmiilrii
I n lilllli i life' In .llii'-f" il tin' I'lolH-i'M
lit till' I'll. Ill' , In ntili-r I'I-IiiIiiinIi-ril
lit A'li-I, nnr r..i n-i-i" uniiiti-n-t
i t 1 1 1 1 - i it'll. Ill- uliuiil'l Inivf ftiilfil
llillt Mm. '. llili' .1- i ll rli-l ( ,i.t:lll. llli.l
Mm. I ii vim, linplilii.
M.til M. ( 'iniiiiiuuliv, n irniiiini'iit
t illI ll i.l I I. T'lilwi'll, illl'il lit ti nt lllif
lul I iiiluy itlliT ii Itii-I illiiii"". I i'ti ni-f.
WMH Wl-ll Ilk I- I I'V Itll In I k III III III, Hln I
w u mrt ii nl.irl v i'ti'i'iiii"l fur lii jui
nii'l iini lli-li li'i-lu.i.' f r ul! ii i it 1 1 U i i . I .
I ii I In-.1 u-t i. ! r. hi 1 1 I r ml wi'i-k ul
WiIkiiii va Mfwiirl lr tin- rrinvrrv nl n
,1'l'Hi', tin- i. .nit . .in.. I lor .l;iiii'ifl.
I,. I . I '.ii.ii n ; ii i t (ur iliiintill iiinl
I-'.. Ii ."hiiv .-r !(-1 1 I it it t . Mi'wnil
will i itri t tin- i it-n tli In tin' ('limit
t 'llillt, lit' .l H.
(' V. Iii ht. tli;r.ii r nl III. I I ).
V4n1wr, WN,ltt ltkt'VltW till 1rH
tli 11. k. Mr lifitt liu tuki'ii i-loirn
nl lii in-w h. I, 1(t A t ! . rt-tt-iitlN
Jltlll ll.l-l-ll fl'llll MlH. .k(.MK,,tf(, .K-Mlir
lil iiir .t it in I 1 In' .n itn-t 1 11 ni h
i h 111 I akt- f unit y ,
I'. Ii . ii illm, tlif Wfll kii'iwn rt'i'tf
nt'iit.t'ivi-nl M.J. Kfllir t'n., nl link-
lllllil, fill , Will If lil'lf ill II It'W 1I1IV
w it Ii h l.tik'i' luif nl -Intli 11ml cliirtin
c iin ii h. 1 In Ilium,- k well ui,, fnvnr
altlv k in iu 11 nil iivt i tin- WfNt. ()wn,n In
iIIiiikh Mi. Iifillin lino Ik'i'H ltl ii y I in
ri'iirlmitf l.nkfii'W. 'J.'t 1
J.ilm W11II1T lin ruiiiili'ti'. tin iNiriht;
n( l uir wi-IIh in tin- Clii'w uiii ftii vhIIi-v
( 1 r tin- I 'lifwiiiii-mi I.hihI uii'l Cnttlf
( ' nit I tit t y . 'I In' ilfi''itl wi'll in 1 VT (ft t
ami tin' nlnilliiwi'Mt in '.U) lift. No arti'i--inn
lluw wim (iiiiiiil, lull mi ittniinliiiiri' if
K"ul, tiiri' wulcr lor all tiir(iwii wan
iiiii nvt'.-i l on tlu ciiiiiianjra tnmf.
1 1. I,, slnrk ami tlMiiiililvm Allii unil
I.11I11 urnvt'il (rum Sti'inn Mountain hint
Miu.lny. Mr, Shirk in tlif wfll-kiKiwn
Im k mini nl Cntlow VhIItv, hihI wiin
lifii' i.h UimI liiif itii'im. Hi' ii 11 wnriit
mlviH'tti' n tlif iriiMHitinn to Ii-hmi' tlif
piiliht' il mi. Mr. Murk iin.l iIihiIi
I fm nl it r tt'tl lor Cntlow on Tiifinliiy.
Mfrliii 'h.'f njfiT , who whh in I'nlfiit
ly hi H it 111 tlif k tiff two w ffkM iirn, in m it
iinirn iii(r. 'l'lif Imlli't Iuih Im i-ii liM iiti'tl
llllt II 11 1 n it hf I'Xt rilftPtl IlitW. Till' Ihi) 'h
coiiililiiiu k.'rnwni worm', lu wn hrmiKht
to low 11 yi'iti'rilny hv lii parciitM, Mr. inl
Mm. A. T. t'liipi'tijfr to linvi tlio
WC III fill llltl'lllll'll to.
N'lhit r in l.iikt'vii'w nIioiiIiI nut fnil to
cnll at Itii'hi'r'H Htom tltiriiiK llirir ntiiv
in town. Ilni Ktnri' in quite .'I'litmlly
loriiti'il in llm llnti-l liuiltliii)!, unil very
I'liiivt'iiif nt lor lloti'l kih'bIii. Kvi-ry
tiling In tin' linn o iiuTrliBiiiliHt' i-iiii n
(ouml in Ilii'hor'M Htom ami tin iirt'n
am 11111. Ic to Hiiticly the purcliuHur. LTi
"Your pi'oplit ni'i't! not 'ii'Hitute to
piitrimizf the Hiiilitwin Prutiintic ('nui
pnny I'Vfry iiiulit in the wi'oli. It in y
Inr the hrnt thinx tlint 'eviT Iiiiuh!'
outHiilf nl llm li( citii'8. Fvery int'in
her ii an urtittt, uml tliu ciiinpHiiy i roni
punt'il of firnt-i'luHH linlinH ami Kllt't'
iiii'ti . " Huh HIohh, editor New Km.
W. Taylor, ii'nernl johlwr ami Iiuuhu
cli'itni'r, lint ItH'Hteil iit Lukeview ami
enn he (ouml nt Stnith'a hiirber whop.
ThiN in u huHiiit-HM that oulit to coin
iniiml u tiooil palroimgo in Liikevk'Wt
Mr. Taylor iiiukea a specialty of iitovo
Hilihliiiij, window clonnin ami while
wanliing. feo 1 i h card In ttiia innne.
MrH.C. V. Snider returiiotl Htintluy
aflfinomi from I'orllnnd where blio nt
tended ttH a dotcate Iron Lake view the
Rrand elinpler ol Eastern Star. She w as
ai'i'iunpnniiul home by Lauia Suelling,
Junto Harvey alid Pearl Wilahiro, three
ynuiiK linlit'H who have Ihhiii iittendiiin
Ht. Mary' Acudemy, at JaekHonvillo.
Chan. Si'HHionH ol Warner lias boon In
l.uLi'vluw' neveral days during the pHt
week looking lor a residence property.
Jlo intemU to move hia family to town
about AtiKUHt 1st, and may conclude to
purchano a lot and buUd. Some time
ago The Kxaminer aUUhI that Mr. Sea
hIoiih had sold Ida place in Warner to
G. W. Dent, (or t'WDO. This waa an er
ror, an the property was owned by Mrs.
HeKHioim individully, and the made the
I. ('untie mid family of Han J one, Cl.,
pHifi'd throuxli Ijikevitiw IhhI Friday
liioruuiK by prlvatf ronveynnre enroiiU
to I'ri'M'villi', Crook roiinty, wlu-rti Mr.
CnNtle him larpn nt'M-k interentii. Mr,
Cnlle I" known hy ni-nrly all the ntot k
men ol KhiIitii Oriyoti ; be In rombiriiiiK
hufini'hH w lib 0 I'leaiunt outing Inr bin
Jflf I'lirii-h, Inri'tlillit Inr i. W, Mni'
iii Warner, met with a erinna n'rident
bil Kliilny. White rnpiiiK homeii tin' I
ria'a brtiki- uml ihiiii' Inn k with an nw (ul j
(iri-f, MrikiiiK Mr. I'nrifb in the left I ye,
..1 .1. ! .. : .1.1 11..
Itllll'i-t Hi -1 i"l lli tin- piHL, iii' -111
litoiitfht to tow 11 fur trt'iit uii'iit mid I'm.
Smil b S' einer t hi nk they w ill r-nve t he
mi' hiiht.
I'tinlt-y I 'on 1 : Jim rume in
tnwn lui Mnii'luy mi. I r i-1 ir't-i) tin- ill
fnvfry t mi ml will In Mimmer
lie mm 1 1 it .I-.liii Kflli-y 11 Siimini'i l
I .itkr f 11 r till' r lin l Hint k III II 11 w hilt- l ImIik- I
111)4 I In- UII'IT nil hi- til fin In W itfift up I
II NpriUif, hv tliiving n Innif pnlf in lln'i
r. mil. I. t r. 11 11 w Iui h ' 1 1 ' t- h nt nf ml j
II iHl-.l nut nil tni nl till' WrltiT. I
W.J. HulltT. tr;nnl Ij-i-tiiri-r nf tbei
Mn. niif nnlt r nf (Irt-Knn, urrivi-.l lit-rt' !
biNi Thnraihiy in pay tin nftieial viit to
l.iikt'V'i-w liHlire. Mr. Hu'lt-r iN (mm j
MnmMif Id, CnnN i-niinly, w here he IH j
fiiiuiffifil with ihf Wi-Nii-rn I'liimil
I fltvHili 'ompniiy. ninl hIhii i-it'itk'i" I j
ti iiiNiirnitre . Ilf will pay mi ntlirnil
vi-H In l'.iili-y IimIji- U'lnre b'.iviiiit Lake
enmity .
At t If hi-t Nfi.iii nl t (in dm ti' y Omr t
A. I'. ( "lippfiiife r. I ;oii' It.'tt-r uii'l Waltt-r
l Trin y were Mppniltted Invii'W the prn-
piHt-'l mil. I Inr 11 If'iil pnlilii' hiL'hwnv
Ir.un Lukt-vifW tn I'lti-li-y. In tntiipmiv
with Cnuiitv Mirvi'ynr Curry ai.d Iun
iti'H nf iiitiiti! the nurvfviim ami re
view llitf w 111 mill pit-ted lat week. Tlf
1 1 -1 it 1 1 it- Imiu l.nkfvifW In tin f. unity
I. re Ik''- at I'lii-ley i-:!'i'y milf.
rimer I'ntrit-k uml NUnh Kthel With
la. wi-ri' 1 1 1 :t f r 1 1 I at tin- li.illn- nf tlif
hriilt-'it pnri'iitN in A 1 1 1 11 1 ' I Juiif 1'lih,
I'm). Mm. 1'ittrii'k will hf ri'infin
lified hv iniinerou jH'op'e in Iike
view, Nhe bavilitr re ided here ItlNiiit
two yeiim 11 k." 1 and t-ii;ik'i-.l in
1 1 ri-ra-i 111 11k 1 life' with Mink Itt'im Kiip-m,
nl-ni.f AnIiIiiiiiI. She iN a liitli.l-.illn' hril
ni'ltf. and a Very eMimnhle yoiintt
loier Chmuplin nl KihI llluff, arrived
in l.akeview 1 nxt .Moiiihty eieniiitt ami
went to Warner e!enlay. Mr. Champ
tin Iuih been eniieil in the Mo. k biiNi
nt'NM in Tehnmn enuuty, Cal., Inr a 1111111
U'r ol venrN. Tlmuuh he bail Ifen in
K'ttrpritMi V-lluy antl Warner atveral
I imt'M, thin in hih lirrt vicit to Ijikeview.
He in mui'h pli'HHfd with our town and 1
(iiMiNe Ijike valley. Mr. Chnmplin in an ;
old nod highly eNleemed frninl of the
writer. '
(ii'iire Met iraib, the biiNcball enthil
xiiiet uml Ntar player ol the local team,'
ban returiiiil troui Sinkiyoii eotuity.
While absent Mi'tirath Ht'fonipaiiifd the !
Vrekit tfiim to Ueddintf ami witni'NHetl
the Kiiuie in which Ke.l.liiitf tlefeatetl the ,
YrekatiN. Mitiratb Nays the Hedtlinii
leiiin won luirly by the Hiiperior erfor
mmice of eatcher Setter, w ho in no er
ftt t in bin work that he can reach out
and take the ball from the bat, and w ben
the luitf mini Htriken be either fund the
air or tipn on the rntcber'a (love.
Nearly all the lowim in the country
are m'ttink' "P Ktiurth ol July celebra
tion!! ami makiiiK the feature of the oc
(anion the (iotldenH ol LiU-rty to be
cbonen by vote. Thin way ol nelectim:
a (ioddcHH alwayn turnn out umatiHfac
tory, an the cHmliilute with (he niont
money backing her w inn the honor, re-1
nartlli'HH ol her pernonnl charniH or at j
trni'tiveneHH. I-akeview in KoinK to ifive
a celebration with all thin Uoddenn ol j
Liberty, Columbia, reading ol the Pee
Inralion, Ioiik oration, etc., eliminated.
Our celebration w ill be something
uiiiitie. We are K'nK ' t!'t out of the :
old, worn-out rut, and (rive a pleading :
entertaininent that will sparkle with ,
variety and brintlo with fun. Juxt watch
(or the program, ami remember that all
who come to Lakeview on the Fourth
will And entertainment 'hat will not
provo lireaome.
Oco. If. Ayrtt.
II. C. Whltworth.
See the new wrappers with the summer comets made in them.
The lliiftnli ItliMiniern, a hiMehall team
tnmpnt.fd n pretty young women, will
play a game with the A It 1 it ii'l team next
Sunday. The ISInninern ought ti win,1
judging mi "form." If the girln will
cntiie to l.akeview we can promise idem, 1
an Manager ol the I-akeview team, the
waruifMt game they ever tackled. Not '
only that, we'll wager the lat quarter in ;
tin; fund, ami all the mitn. mai-kn and j
atirka, that they will win from the local :
team and can take all the gate money.
Thin in a gootl thing, girln, ao don't heni-j
W. I). Iuke, lormerly employed by I
Miller A I.u a cattle-buyer and general j
itiutriniendeut of their 1'ai-iflc 0tj
rancbeii, arrivetl from San Francinco lant j
wifk, ami went to the ranch of the Che-j
waucan I-and and Cattle Company near
1'aiNley on a bunlneM trip. He wasac-i
cnmpBtiled ty raul Lowlea, ujienntenu
ent of the Western Divinion of the At
HtM'iatv.l I'ren-, whone headijuartern are !
in San Francisco. Mr. Cowles in on
pleiiHure bent, ami in well pleaned with
bin tirt-t trip tlirough this northern conn- ,
try. They tlid not tarry long in Modoc
an thev did not know what might hap
M'Htothem down there, in the lace ol
recent event. Mr. Cowles will leave
tor San Franeinco via Ager today.
Ijint Thursday evening the I-akeview
bane hull learn received word that anoth- .
er change bail been made in the pro
gram ol Hporta at I'ainley and that a
purne would le bung up lor I-akeview
and 1'ainley to play lor. When the word
came earlier in the week that the game t
at l'ainley was off, memliergol the Lake- '
view team, while regretting the fact,,
matle other engagements which could
not be broken, and an a result the local
team wan unable to go to I'aialey lor
Saturday' gam t. It is to be hotted that
no break will be matle in the program
(or the tournament in I-akeview during
Fourth ol July week, and that the Pais
ley and Silver I-ake player will be on
hand to content for the fJ(H) in purneg 1
against the Cedarville, State Line, My
and Lakeviow team. I
Now located
In the
South of the
Daly Bids.
3 tf ate a.
j New Goods always on hand
Undertaking in every branch
Hardwood bedroom sets $27
BIG TaTTTX3 OX" i:,LIJHr.nri''i u-p.-gr.
II ? i. si
Car load of sse&sssssese!sssssss&
BAIN WACONS The Peerless Chilled Plow $j
Farming w g
rainiiii6 w
Implements The Disk Plow (Something New) &
Q8" kl"dr,8 Ij Peerless Cang.a Fine Plow
Uln UA BAnlrln Rtar Qollru nlnut V
tf u am mo - v . . . v . H -u - f - j riwww
Fnrmnra' 0 1 1 t-fl ftnro iO
....... p:r.?pr.syprjr
General Jobber and
I douse Cleaner
I Stttt rollsWua. WIfldow r.kanliia nd WWH
I Mjttiiaa i SiMcUttv.
I l.akeview, Ore. j
j l.i avt''r at Siiiltli'K llnrbcr Muti.
i, ,n Mli'll HlllllllilUt..llllllllW
am - . m m WT a
g MciormicK Lcaas...
Noth ing Takes the Place of
i A Carload o Mowers and Rakes Will 3!
g Arrive in Lakeview in a Few Days For j
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
justrdlLg;ts, Snider Bui'ding on Water ?y
Ely Restaurant ;
I Hllllll I
g Call and txamlne This J JUUUU'W' 3
Machinery at Schmlnck's Lojai Agents. 3 1
MfaU at all honra of the
Table auppllvd wttH Very thing
thn markrt Tbrda .
Fine Sunday Dinners
I ' '' . ',-x
-i'-t 1 1 1 j i 111 'fi.vivL'l
1 M J IrhkW t