LAKEVIEW WILL CELEBRATE THE 4th IN A GLORIOUS MANNER me w&jmw wmtmnn VOL. XXII. LAKKVIKW, LAKH COUNTY, OKhGON, THURSDAY, JUNK 27, 1X)1. NO. THE FOURTH Lakeview Will Have "Horrible' ' Time Lllkl'VlcW in going to l(l tlie lollllh of July l h ll.imh. ,. nn going to ahnw the old A ini'i h m n Fagle how to i-crccch mul eelolnate. I.ikt-view im n 1 1 Mil ic to tin 'on-. ' UK' tfolng to put ilnW n lilt oM -1 i l ( m i ! itf !-1 miiI i nr w illi t,il..i-t., 1'iH't lllel Header, lltlil H r go- 1111 '" have uio.e (nn i n iv mly tickn il tli" rim k than wunevcr m itiii'iM' in tin- iin-itl N -r 1 1 1 w t fir koiii liwcnt ' ln-r. W'v have mii cKui'titlvi' c- i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 -tee nel a eommtttee i ! arrange ment", which in turn Helectrd other coiu iii i ii lor every branch of tin duy' pt.vriitii, ami every fomuiitlfcmau and i"'Miiiiiiti ('riiiiii lnix tin- nil' to run tlif nil. ur 1 1 1 'ii Inn nml iiii-ii hiic nl every nee oml ul lime 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 ' Id luri'tii x hi. J'he ollget part nt tin- plll'HIII in to In- ii llfll'l-ll lit I 1 . 1 1 ! (lllk I'V Hill- III ll IIIIIMl Ii I r r I n t ii I ii j gentlemen hi tin neck o' till M oixl-. Iiiuii houi'n 1 1 1 1 c I In- commute)- on (III. III. ! ri'l lMVl'il HI MlllM'l 0H i)l Fnuilh i.l Julv la., in-, illy f KM In. in Un live I iinn nu n i. l-aki vn . I i real In I .ilkt't lew ! Great mi' Lakeview' liuMiH h" nu n ! I ; n . in I m-r , (hut ail w Im Kim k li.r gen iTni hoi-pitalilv nml i iitiM liiiniin'iil mi J IV -till, Hill Hot he (I: .! J HIIlfi. We .n-V.j4 ttn w'ua') ti nu ilav of Mi tertamun-lit itli'l Joy. I. IH n I.l it. Our blast I..U..I. led ! on.- o( the beM cruet lt "ii !!! Cai-l will 1'liiv tweet mul lotpirii.g m i-i''. i Tin- M.irdi lira- mul humble will own j nr. Howard kctoverln. Ml". Ilowanl, I .III' I 111' t Iiel ol Ml". r fcT . v in .1 1. .ii, u ho, Willi Lei .'i.ii.. lUilK'hler, Mi-h liuhy I'lliikliey of A 1 1 II r Ht, M.i'fi NcrioilNly iiij'ire.l tMoweekH MU'ihilf on their uiiv to Lakeview. in leivv iiiiirnViiiK' nlowly her ii)irimi B.tvH (the w ill reeover. It was thought for a time (hut tin' ntfe.l woman wan futally hurl. Minn rint kney han rei-ov-ereil. M rt. I InWitnl w uh removed f ruin the Thru-toil lioiiie lHt week to the rem ilenre o( ii'ori-e Whnrloii in Lakeview. 1 he railite of the ucvi'leiit ft ill reiuilinx a invMiery. Tli i-utire affair in it lihink to Minn rim'kney, who wui Heverely injur i"l liout the head. Mm. Howard Hiiyn hIu only reineinherH lieinn thrown to tint ground, mul Iiiih a faint recollection (,f her raiiddaii!liter iikh i h ti her into the luiKKy auain. It in thonirht that after a Itoo'l rett Mm. Howard will regain her norinal coii'Ikioii. Coin-ideiuiK hei UK'-, hn citrtainly had it narrow eHcaH from tie nth an tin' HhiH'k wan a (rightful out in her fechlt' coiiilition. A Creamery Meeting. A iiivatn letter to Tint Kxfiiuiifr from Win. T. Mitchell, tin" iMeamory man, aiiiiounciH that ho Iibh ijonit to Suhiiii vi I It' to iut in place hoiiiii new macliiii ery in the creamery plant at lliHt place, and that he will prolmlily rcuch here by July -Itli to help "H celi'luale, after w hich he will talk creamery to our farm eiH mid tow m-people. Mr. Mitchell will call it meeting noon after the Fourth lo hco w hat can he done toward the eMail liHlimelit of a ciciinieiy jilanl in Lake view or near hy. Thin iH a propimition that niiint not he overlooked by our buci neHN men Hint fannerM. I'reanierieM everywheio are 'm payiiiK indiiHtrieH and Lakeview Iiiih llm leputatiouof never taking a back Heat in any euturpriitu. The creamery in AltuniH in miid to work like a i harm and iH proving a big wu.' cohs. Mr. Mitchcl! starttul that one in operation. It Waa Lake Wool. Large loads of wool have panned through our town during the pant fow day. LiiHt Monday evening i wan etttimatwl that over .r000 worth of wool waa Btanding in the atruetH in the wagons o( loaniHtera who had stopped her for the lght.-New Era. A HUMMER an Eagle-Screeching, and a Big Crowd. tin- street (or mi liour during tin fore noon. We mi going lo have a "horrible" i tunc Baseball plater (nun i n i t . I . . r 1 1 1 K toHiif Mill l it v in the big two hundred .lolliir toiiriiHiin'iil. ."iiiK-ol (In! l-t liorm-M from nil the coiinln lor 2ml mill-it itliout will coui iiii iii f running on tin- l-akevii-w trark July "'1 nml Milt quit r ii ii ii i ny on July The (anion Kudewin Dramutic Com I m i y will ii'ii mi Gtinther H ill on Muii day evening, July h, nml will delight tin- people of tin country fnr Hfi entire week. Tint Itudcwin iH t lie Im-hI com pany'ver went out I rum the hig ritieii. Alter tlie lirt night perfor mance tlie '..ple (). k to nee their per formam c . On the night of the Koiirlli there Will lie u ti'miil itll lililil IihII it tiuiither Hull hihI mi cli-kMiil niijiier ul I Intel l.ukl'VH'M . 'I liroiihout tne elilin vteek there will he miiUneiiieiil lor Set) thill roil nir.iiik.'"' toutleml tint luiKeliall tour II . I ii -1 1 1 kIiiiIi Mill prolmlily IiihI for three luy. 'Iliero ill Ikj rurt- kuoI KMirt oil tlx1 iliunioli'l. TM romiiilti in fhargn have not in iiillij'il-iiii ... i-'n he oihI one. Hii I till ill rmmrmchtn will l.e ierhvt'l M Inn h ffw ilityn. Tin' entiie noi(ittiii ill If pul iticlu-tl in The Kxmiiiiier on the iiiornintt of Julv Uli. Walfh (or it. Here's the Place. .1. II. M.l'oy, of I'cndlcton, wat in r.uriin I huri"l.iy . Tlii' gent leiuaii in look ing over lhn wet ion with a view to lo cating, lei-irilig to go into the ctoek hiiMiiei.1. Mr. McCoy will viMl Lake and Kl.iniatli couutit'N ami return via Warner valley and hack lliroiigh the coiithern pail of thin County. He him bin own conveyance and i making the trip at ea.ty htagew. l!ui tin lime-ller-al.l. Mr. McCoy, of l'endleloii, will he warmly welcomed by the WBrm people of Lakeview and Warner valley, ami in- iilenially we might lemark that if the gentleman in looking for a location to engage in the Htock hunincHfi there will lie no chance for him to get away from here. Alter nceing our delightful conn 1 try he will have no denire to return from w hence he came. i Nearly a Million at 12 i-J. : A dinpatch from l-haniko under date j of June l'.Uh, Havii thai a large number of wool buyer arrived there on the ISth to be in attendance at the auction mileou the l"lli of wool 8 of the lialdwtll Sheep and Land Company. Sealed bid were taken and iho entire clip of S70.IHK) pound went lo F. W. Hrighani, repre nenting Wliitniau. Farn.twoi ih ei Thaver, of lluHton, at P.",, cent per pound. In addition to the lial.lwin Sheep & Land Company' wooln, a number of other clip aggregating I'.Kt.lKKI pouinlit, were old at price ranging (rim ll'a to 1-'M cent kt poiuitl. The price paid there beat the record to date. About 15 of the par ty of buyer left there that evening on npecial train for varum point. Suicided at Slsson. Frnet liarlh, wanted in Sibkiyou county on a charge of cattle mealing, wa arretetl two week ago in Cedar villi) by Sheriff Street of Modoc. The ac ciiHctl, an old ruHident of Siaou, was re turned to Sion for preliminary esauii nation. lie wa bound over for trial be fore the Suterior Court, and wlrle wait ing for the train to take hitn to Yreka jail, in charge of an otlicer, he got hold of a Winchester rille and killed himself. He declared if he could not receive bail he would suicide. Uuable to get bonds men he made good his word. RAILROAD GRADING. ()eorge II. Ilaylay Contracts With The N-C-O Uy. Co. to Build 14 Miles of (Jradc Work Al ready ' Begun. The I a tei. t new of lue. extetmion of the Nevada, California A Oregon railway i to the effeitl that (ienrge II. Hayley, of the Mntl'ic IjiihI A Livent'x k Company, h m the conn . t fur grading the road to a point fourteen ini! north of Ter 1110 to the Will" in ranch at the extreme north end of Madeline plain. The contractor ban until ( tel. lt in luh to complete the wotk. Hit already Iihn alioiit lifty In- 1 1 Kim at woik ch-Hring off -Hgehruih. Ah i" miii a the largent hriiMi in out of the way Mr. I '.ay ley will put on a big grader drawn by fixteen borw, which ih-m the work of lifty int-ii. 1 he ground to be graded ia eany lo work level ami no rockn, and rapid progren will be niHile from the "hilly Tlioiinaud Ilollar Koilv ol the Ijewrt," Trrmo. The job wid probably lie 1 nil hefort the time limit iiMi'itief in the contract. Surveyor have already run the line up to the Hiimiuit within ten (mien of Like ly, hihI will continue their work tin hummer until Likely in reached. It is very probable that Mr. Lay ley will go on with the grading to the end of the Hiiivey, though jiltil now he ha only contia-ted for the fourteen mi. en. There i Home heavy work to I done in getting over the mi n. in it between Mad eline and the Koiith fork of I'jtt river and though it i uiidcritood that the railroad company will :oiitinue laying track an hooii a the grading in complet ed, it in hardly probable, judging from infoi matiuii ciiHidered very leliabie, fy Vn iH JM !t .JW.'ft.v!. Ul W .Ij&stz the fourteen mile from Termo to Wil hoti Itayley' place will be coiir-t ructed w itliout delay. IhiuhtU-f by next firing the N-C-O. Company will have all the rai. needed for cxlciiMon of the line to Ijikeview . The niiiiii object of com-trucling the (ourleeii mile thin Milliliter in to get away from Termo, which in aliout the moot uninviting mt for a railroad ter- iniiiil in the entire Wet. At the Wil- , noli liaylcy ranch g"l water can be j found in abundance, anil the company j at that point can offer lietter accouiino- i datit.ns to their patron than at present, j Could the rail be had the road would ' go riuht on to Likely this auinnier, where . Mipcrb feeding ground are to K hail, I ami where an ideal apot for a railway. terminus j to be found. Schuman Coming. Carl Schuman, with hi improved l'rojectoacope Fxhibition of life motion picture i again coming to Lakeview with new acene to iiiteret and thrill the public. I'rof. Schuman ha viaited Lakeview before and always treated the public fairly, and gave 11 good exhibition. He i better prepared now to please the public than ever. In hi rejiortoire he tjive ncene in the Cuban and rhillip pine war, the battle of Modder Kiver, and Mafeking, South Africa, and China w ar acenea, and other delightful acenea too numeroua to mention. Everything up to date. Scbitinaii will appear in (iuiither Hall on Friday and Saturday evening, L'Sth and lIHh. On the lai-l evening be will give the beautiful 1'iim aiou 1'lav of Oberammergau in all it tie tails. There ia no hike about Schuman' Fxhibition. All who attend will be plcawd. Bad Men at Bidwell. The Fxaminer i informed that n Lake City, Modoc county justice court case was tried at Hidwell last Wednet day, and during the progress of the trial lick Ilea, a countable, liecame qiurrel aome and took a shot at a Swede, name unknown. I .a ter on He again became a "bad man," and ran up against the real thing in the person of Kd Kirk, who waa some on the shoot himel'. Friends interfered, and the coroner wan aaved a job. Elegant fllllinery. Mrs. 8. W, I'epperdine, the fashion able milliner of Alturas, will bs in Lake view July 1st to remain one week with n elegant stock of the latest fashion niilllnery. Fee her stock. 35.1 THREE MEN ARE IN JAIL Robert Leaventon, J. Eades Charged With Murder in Modoc Altckas, Cal., June 2.". : ilicre liavc been no addition al arrests in the Lookout lynching alTair, siuee tlie in eareeration of Le.i venton, Hrown and Katies, who are still in jail. Judin from the actions of the ofTiccrs there are no more to follow. The three men arrested have been considered the best cit izens of the Lookout locali ty. Robert Ix-aventon has larje stock and land inter ests near Lookout, and has always been considered an upright citizen and far from a criminal. The sympathy of the Lookout communit', and in fact, a ood part of Modoc county, seems to be with the prisoners. Spencer & Kaker have been employed by the defendants, ami G. F. Harris has also been retained for the defense, j YlIpiicVlT VJd VI .Ai? vtefe'e ; to send some able counsel to assist District Attorney Bon-; ner in the prosecution. The ease is oini to be hard foujjht on both sides. The date of the trial has not been set, but it is presumed there will be no delav in bringing the case into court, j The prisoners are taking their arrest very coolly while their friends have already hesjim to prepare their de fense. A young1 man named A. L. Colburn, who gave some damaging testimony before the grand jury against the prisoners became alarmed last Saturday, and announc ed that he was going to leave the country. District Attor ney Honncr had him placed in jail to insure his presence in court at the proper time. Colburn, through his attor ney, applied for a writ of ha beas corpus, but the writ was denied by the court. It will be a hard matter to procure a jury in this county to convict. After The Fxaminer went to pre last Wednesday night the Mitdoo grand jury completed it investigation of the Look out lynching. A dispat.'h to The Fx auiinei', placed on our bulletin board at the posiotTce, was to the effect that the body returned three indictments for murder. Hubert Ix'venton, James W. lii'ow n and Isom Fades were the per sons named. The indictment charge these three men with the murder of Martin Wilson, the thirteen-year-old sou of Mary Wilson, the squaw who was formerly the consort of Calvin Hall. The evidence against the three indicted men ia said to be much stronger iu the case of Martin Wilsoit than in the case of the other four lynched. The three men were arrested Thursday by Sheriff Street of Modoc w ho went to Lookout after them. They offered no resistance and were lodged in the Alturas jail with out bonds. Robert Leventon Is a blacksmith in Lookout, and is ft brother-in-law of W. Brown and Isom Deputy CoiiMable J. V. Brow n. one of the o-liern charged with the mnrder. ('.own lives in lookout, alao, and is -aid 10 liear an nii-avory reputation. Iwmi Fadea in a aqnaw man. living on a ranch alxiut nix mile from Lookout. It n iinderftoiMl that evidence was brought out by the Grand Jury inveati ation ahowing that Leventon, Brown and Fade were the principal partici pant in the event leading up to the lynching. One of tbene incident waa the attempted banging of Frank Hall. He waa twke atrung up 10 the rafter of a barn, but the rope broke. Isom Fades then atruck him over the head with a six-hooter. Hall told his Indian friem'a of the as sault, and they have been preparing to avenge him ever eince the lynching. They gave out w arning aotuc days ago that if the grand jury failed to punish Fades and two others, the Indians them Helvea would take a hand at admini ter ing justice. The men arrested will ntand trial, and apjvear to 'ake their arrest coolly, with the expectation of lieing acquitted, as other participnii s in the lvncbing can -not 1 forced to give testimony that will incriminaie themwlve. Much dilficuby him experienced by which might lead 10 identity tbone con cerned in the lynching, owing to the fear of those having knowledge 01 the affair that personal violence might lie done them. It is lielieved thai indictments of sev eral o'hera are w ithbeld for the present but arrest may follow any day. Circumstantial evidence is stroi'g against the three men arrested, and it is lielieved they were the ring-leader of the mob. Excursion Kates, N-C-O Ry. A Carnival and Street Parade will be belli at Carson Ci'y, Nevai'a, July 3d to tith inclusive, and the N-C-0 Ky. being desirous of giving the good people locat ed along ita lines an opportunity to see the Nevada State Capitol and participate in the festivities, will make a rate of one fare for the round trip, and round trip ticket will be on sale at all stations July 2d to 4th, inclusive, good to return, up to and including July 7th, 1901. Reduced round trip rates from Reno to Carson City will alo be in effect from all stations on the N-C-O and S-V Ryj. on July 3d, good to return till July 5th, inclusive, and also for the meeting of the Fpworth League in San Francisco, in July, special tickets will Im ou sale to San Francisco and leturn at greatly re duced rate. Opticians Coming. Dr. C. B. Brandom and Dr. Birtch of San Jose, Cal., will arrive in Lakeview about July 1st and will remain one month. Dr. Brandom is an optician of high standing and come with the best of recommendations not only in hi pro fession, but a a gentleman. The Drs. have made a long tay in Modoc county, and leave there w ith the best wishes of all the jieople of that county w ith whom they have had dealing. 25-It S. P. Ky. Excursion Kates. Ticket will lie on sale July 3rd and 4th, got d for return up to July dth, in clusive, lietweeu all points ou Oregon lines, at one fare for 'he round trip. Don't fail to take advantage of this op portunity to visit your friend. Grand celebrations will be held at different points on our lines. C. II. Markham, General Passenger Agent. Take Notice. Dr. Demorest will return from Bly this week, to remain for a short time, and all those needing work done are re quested to call on him before July 10th. Dr. Alice Magilton will have charge of his dental parlors for two months this summer. 25-U