Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 20, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Stories Which Place
in a Very
Tlio i,orruii!ili'iii:n to Kn Kraii
rlwo I 'liMHiirlii from Attn ran runlwiii M
wiiT'l tiry i( tnrtiin' itii'l ofiioKl tiMinlifin
in - in l it m itli llm riiunt lyiii liuiii
i( live IiiiiiimII U'inu. liy tin HiH'l,
infti nt-l molt. Tliw utiiry run (l
I ! ;
Tin ii I y nullioritin arn in ".im'-
inn it inl'ir niuti'Mi wliii li iiixtn KtrmiK
miKiiriiin it nrliii Ixokmit men a
lifiiiK i ti .li ittfil in tin' 1 Ull-Ymitm-
Wilnnn I y 1 1 1 1 1 i u . Tn ptnrifN lmve I n
li-arm-il ami are In lie aiilitintleil to llie
Uraml Jury, Imth "I tin-in rallmK (or
rinl'l iiivi'HiiKHtinn. 'II limt nl tin
ealn Uli vriitu n( tlu nfUTinMin ol
Klunlay, Miiy i!rtli, llvi liny In-due tlie
Ivm liiiiK. In tliiii tin' iihiih'N nl U'pIhtI
lfvintui, Jervi Keintfe, ('nimtiilile K.
I,. l'iirM-rili-r, l'luiili Jlriiwn ami Iwitn
Kn'Ii'n an roniiif lil with an alleged "
lanlt iii m Frank Hall, in wliii'li il in
aail Hall an twice airim ti to tint
rafter n( a Intra ami llireali'iii-il willi
death. Tli oilier elury in flint of tin
drummer, Frank Tetreau n( ItiililiiiK.
wlinHHNat llie Ijikiiiit Hotel on tin
lii(lit of llitt Irnctunn ami aaw uld man
Hull taken away by llie mob. Telreuu
ia in ( ln'tt'on lut iU be akel tu i nine
ami timify.
'1 tin aoault ujion Frank Hall, il it
currvl. m evidently aiirli a damnum
inatti'r ilial lA-ventin ant Inn rntiinii
ion liavn omittixt io mention it. The
IrlMilx lomtj (roiu an old iiw, Mary
Wilnon, innllinr of rank Hall. In all
t-ii i it tin- ktory of actual bhhuiiIi her
alory in ailniilu-il by I-eveiituii. Armel
with a warrant of arrest, I'wmtubli? Car
KiitT and liia m"e, conniUlliK of Kern
el, IhI-o, Claude Hrown ami Ia-vi-iiIhii,
went out on borncback on May -'uli
tow anl llie Hall iiriu li t r In h m! . Tliey
ovcrtijok Frank Hull, who wad iileo on
liorm bai k. Tliey iulil liitn ho wan un
der iirreal. ami mm of llieui rut'lied llie
Inn kiimore lili w liicli lie " Kuiiluitf
the ly. Tie liaikaumrn wan a hair
rope about twenty (eel long. Hull ud
Uenly loaclmd dowa and li'x-l the
hax-kaiiioru off hia ixuiy'a rtotm, leaving it
in th hand of bm purHiiera, uml, pul
ling iurn to bin horite, tluidud miwurd.
They grv i-Iihim'. At the ninulli of the
ratiyon running down the Hall pUce
Hull jiinifd off hia iony ami ran down
the .anyoii. The oate led iheir Imrif h
aul puriined hini. Tbey nvettiMik him
and took hm'i to Lookout, 'l inn imirli
i Milmilteil by all.
Indian Mary ili-clium tlmt ah Hall wiih
runniun dow ii the runyon iiml laid near
ly rearhed I'at (iilberl'a (dure, Kei-jie
threw thu hnir roe over Inn heml ami
captured linn. l lie four men then, m
CordiliK to the I H 1 1 it ii mother, look llie
fellow to a ruiiii'il burn and threw tbe
elul i'l the rope over It rafter. Tliey
jeiked Hull 11,1, but bin weight broke tbe
rope. It wim It'pttirrd uml the choking"
Iinlmii will HlrniiK up iiuuin, but llie
rope could not utaud the htritin nnd purl
ed. While im on the ground hulf
coiiNcioiiH Hull wiih iipproiiched by l-"in
Kiulea, ho (truck him a terrible blow
on the heud with u i-ix-nlicintcr. He wiih
then tied uml t nk i-ii to Lookout. The
rope wiih left oil thu (.'round Itml old
Mnry Hi'ciued il. It in now in the pox-CHi-ion
of the nut Inn iliea. The lulter III
llie bum hhoWH in il I kH whelo the loie
burned it, imlicut iiikj that Miii) 'h utmy
In true. Mie Iiuh been Hilbpoeiiui'd and
w ill tell the hlory to the lirund Jury.
The druiiiuiei ' teHliuioiiy, if il Ih
I! i veil iih he told it to pci'miim lilonn the
road after ho departed from Lookout,
will rciiiiio miicb explanation from
('oliHtuble Citrpeuter, Ieputy I'oiiHtablo
.1. V. I'.rown hiuI K. I. NichoU to con
vince the jury that they did not aid and
abet the mob. (hi the morning alter
theawiul niht the dru icr Telieiiu
hhook (hedilHt of Lookout from li IH feel
uml drove, uoi'tliwuid. He Mtoppeil lit
tint Cornell ranch, where he jiuve the
newvof the lynching and what he wiw.
('ornell ih a ineiuber of the tirand Jury
and in fouuaulof thu value of Tetreau'N
Tetieau alept in a little bedroom nd
jniur'K the parlor, where old man Hall
nlcpt on a aula. In thu night Tetretui
wuh awakened by voioea and running
feet. He went to the window, and in
the bright inoonliglit aaw Hevorul men
running about. They amre hurley hih'Ub
over their headH, in which holeH had
been cut for their anna. Heveral of them
went to the parlor door, w hich opened
on the alreet, and made a racket. Tet
reuu heard old Hall cry out "Who'
thr? What'i wanted?" There wua
no renjoijne. Tbe men entered the pur
lor and Jihoinent luter came out with
the Modoc Constables
Bad Light.
Hull a moil g the m in hi umlerrlothea.
lie wan run'hed along by three or four
in. n. The whole crowd immliereil not
ov-r twelve. They moved at a rapid
walk down the rond toward the 1'il-rivi-r
bridge, ('oimtable ('arM-nler and Ivpu
ty Coimlahle I'rown made mnim rrmark
and turned and lired their pintoln up tbe
road away from tlm mob. Then they
(ollowed the mob at aome. dintance In
hind. 1'etreau hantily donned hia rlothea
and went into tbe harrooin. He found
ol I Meyer, the hotel-keer and Jua
tice, ball lieMile bimiielf. Meyer' diiugh
tr. Alice, had fainted up ntir, and
Mr. Meyer waa t"gging her htiaband
to go up 1air and leave the mob to do
their bloody biinncixi. Tetrcail went
down the road and overtook the con
'table, who were accompanied by two
other men, one of them armed. Jlollt
Coiii-tahlfH wore llrearina.
Now come the moot important part
of Te'ri-au a tory. He nid he walked
with the party a moment, when one of
tin-countable mu: "You had better
go buck." Tetreau demurred and aid
he wanted to mi- the lynching. The
other roimtable then repeated the warn
ing, ami there wan noine little talk In
whicli the conntabli. became angry and
raid: "Yon go back to the lioU-l ami
mind your own biinn-n." Tina waa
raid ill a threatening manner, and the
eight of the firearm added to the cm
phania of their demiiml. Tetn-uu turned
and wei. liHi k. The (onHtahh-n and
their compnnioii, whowa unknown to
Tetreau, went on and prenumubly wit-nen-d
(be lynching. The next morn
ing Tetreau, at breukfant. wan informol
of the ipiiutuple lynching. He went
down to the bridge and cut off a piece
Irom euch of the live rofies and carried
llicin uwny.
'Mil lory, in connection with the ten
limony ol Carpenter and Hrown them
aelvea, coiifictn (Iih ollh em ol cowardice,
if not of complicity in the "rime. One
o( them, Hrown, admitted U-fore the
(rand Jury that be bail violated bin
oath of ollice by bin conduct that night.
The (iraud Jury therefore has now l-e-fore
it the minicM of at leat nix men, all
renidi-litH of the 1MikoUt neighborhood,
who are ho much under Minpicion a to
ennne Home talk of indictment. ThcMe
men ure J. V. Hrown, Claude Hrown,
I). L. Curpcnter, J. L. Keinge, Inom
Ludi-K and Kolierl levenloii. The name
of nix or eight more buve been drawn
in by the teti mony and (he net neeniH
to In-draw ing uroiiiid them. The tenth
inoiiv. it in nan!, imlicateH a!i beyond
Ueniion that the Ivuching wiih hatched
in Claude Itrown'H barn. Hrow n
in a bi'other ol the deputy countable.
Ilia place in n mile east of Lookout,
with the bridge between. An investiga
tion in on fmit to discover if "iHnilile (be
pieceH of burlap cut from the barley
nuck mankw, but it in hardly likely (hat
(he mob overlooked I hi detail. The
ollicerH are ulmi looking for J. Hotter, a
rcnideul ol Lookout, who has disap
peared. He wuh reported to have gone
to Chicago, but 1 1 io authorities nay he id
in Miutdu ooiinty.
An extra ih.ol' in naid to have been
left by thu luoh at or near the bridge.
Thin, it in believed, was intended to en
circle the neck of Indian Mary, but tdie
w iih afraid to go to Lookout and wiih
therefore imt conveu'eut to the bridwe
where her hoiih and paramours wcie
hanged. Thin old Hptuw in an inveterate
thief mid her three sons, Frank and
James Hall ami Martin Wilnon, iih well
as her lust lover, Yanlin, were undoubt
edly thieves. The ol her vi -I i in , Calvin
Hall, wuh the obi dog Tray w hose death
wiih the forfeit for con oiling with such
company. Il in conjectured that the
inob diil not intend to hang him, but iih
an after-thought decided to do away
with him in order to prevent detection.
Alfred Heat it Co.'h nam pies of wall
Iiaper at resilience of M is. T.J. Magilton,
jikeview. J.M.Iluinll y, agent. l.Vltin
When you go to Klamath Fulls don't
fail to nee C. . Wilnon the popular
caterer at the (iem hiiLhmi. He carries
the fluent stock in low u and w ill treat
you right. Theliein in the popular resort.
Try the Hermitage whisky there. 25-tf
Yon may iih well expect to run u nteani
engine w ithout water iih to Hud ana. live,
energetic man with a torpid liver ami
you may know that hia liver is torpid
w hen he iIoch not relish hia food or feela
dull and languid after eating, often ban
headache and Hometiniea dizziness. A
few doca of Cliainherluiii'a Moinuebtaiid
Liver Tablets will restore his liver to itn
mil uial functions, renew hisvi ulity, im
prove bin digestion and make 1 1 i in feel
like a new man. I'rieo 2,r conls. Ham
plea free at Heal I'd drug Htore. 4
Beer told Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place in Town
Soda Works
None equals our Hohemian
Lnrr. Its superiority is in
its purity, its flavor, strength
ami all-round exeellence.
Write us for terms and
5acramento, Cal. 22-2
Tlit? Ijiltt' (Viiinly Agricultural Actio
riiitimi will kivo lour iIiivh raring on
tlit'ir track in Lukt-vit-w, t'uiiiiit-ii'iii);
July 21. uml t'li'lint: July ii, 1!HM . Tlit'
wit in nf fl.UX) will Ih tlic triliult'il in
nirMt'H iih inlliiwii :
I'lrat Race, J N-mile dh ft 2s
( I Mu trar-tiliU)
Second Race, free for all, jH and repeat.. $i2S
Flral Race, free for all. t-4 dah $ino
Second Race, free for all, 1-mile daih illj
rint Race, free for all, I 1-4 mile daih . $150
Second Race, free tot all, f 8 mile daih.. i 1 13
FOURTH DA V - Jl'I.Y olh
f Irat Race, free for all. i-2 mile heat S150
Second Race, Vaquero hore, Ono ard $ 50
(Kr ltkt- foil my)
Third Race Handicap
1 1 1 l nut c hihI Mi'iKlila Ui ln aiiiiouiH'i'il July -tilt.
10 mill liorai'n and nitt iulHiilii.
All of iIip alNivi ret' nrt frre for all, fxct-nt
nKilitli' mi'!'. liti h l for Lake ciuiiity liorwu.
Kour to i iiu r Hii'l tliri't1 to Kinr. toil the Asm
cfiitiiiii ri-niTvi'M tlu hull to liohl a li-KN iinmtii'r
iIihii (our 10 till ty riiliirtiiK tlit' I'orM' in pro
IMiriioii to tlif iiiiiu)H-r of liorHt-N I'liUTi'd.
Km rit-H to i-lom' I hi i-vriniiK iM-fort' Iht'THi't'.
I'tit' I'ai-lllt' rtiHMt Iflooil llornt' AsMH-iHliou rulm
to got itii hII ruiiiiiiiK rm os. Kin raiiff hv ti n
in rt t'iit (tin of iiiri'. Moiu'y 10 lit' ilit ili't as
IoIIohk: 70 r i t ut to iliv llrst Imrsc ami ;m
u-r t-t'iil to s coii'l hor-'.
'I In- Am iHilon ri'si'rvi'l tlu riitlit torliHiint'
any of (lit1 hIiovl' rai't-s, in tlit' I'vi-t'l of tioi
tllHni!. or Io I'ttaliiti1 tlit italt' of llie Ust itay's
t-vi-nl to tlio follouLiiit itity in t'Hsi any oiio-r
aiiiiisi'iurlit Is aiiuoiiiii-t' for that ilalo. No
moiii'y 1K t I nilluiiil a routi'st.
Knirii's lor ilu' sHitilli rrti-f to tu' iuhiIi' boforo
a coiniiillli'i' i'oiiimh-iI 01 .litrk Mulkcy. Ilnrry
Itnlii ris tins m lir.'i'.li r, J.N.liivan and ( lias
Hoard of Hiri'Ctors: John Mi'Klhlnni'y, U.K.
Ili-rt lord. K. I'. I.ikIiI, W. A. Wiishiri'. K. M.
MllliT, J. I11111H. V. 1.. Siit'lllug and II. I'nlv.
Si't-ri'tary. t'rrsidrtit.
$2oo 00 In Purae.
Two or mori' trains must i-nn-r from ontsiili'
of tioosr l.iikf 'alli'V. Ilv orli-r of
fll'l.KXS' lUMMHTKK.
A I .
J. E. BERNARD & SON, Lakeview, Oregon
V rl a U aV aaa- J A A 1 WW r.' " 11-1 m aV
mm m
SnWrlbri to The Kimlnr who rrmore
Iriira oiih lix-allf jr to nothrr, ur rhuiiRe
their KMtafni'e 'ldrpw ahuuld fmnliT to
rtroi i till oltlrr t rr1 no ih lr peper (n tie kd
dreaied to the rlKht ixntoOtce.
TUIC DIDCD kept on Die at E.C. Dar'i
InlO rAT Ltl Adr.rtlliiK Air-nrrM nl5
Mi-r lim' Ki:hrie, hn ITl)i Uro, 1 .
whi-re contract (or advertlalni can be made
for It.
Horseshoeing A Specialty
For ant on killin at ual
ing ttocK belong tn Io the
j South Eastern Oregon
Live Stock Association
$500 REWdRb
Will t given for the rrent and convft-tion of any per
Km or prjii ifalin),' any it-nek belonintp
to ait-inttr of this Association.
J, H. INNES. President.
visit DR. JORDAN'S oe.t
taatvaw tlatk aai ftvata.J
Thelarfrat Aaaioaoloai Ifuaeuia
Id Ui U ur i.
Atmiul ttttrmetttm n IA Olfy. A
eaiai araarooatraet- &
d dlsMua.BvMltlToly rmr4 by
tt olilaol iipwtMOai ou Ui I'aolae
SataaltakadM J.ara.
Toatatar aea aa aalddlo 1
f 1 um lb dcta f youthful Indit- I
oraiivaa r In maiurr
mmmA m. w ha are auffWIne
rmmrm. If nd phrak-m Iftvblllay , imm-
!. LmI )!(( la all ItacuDaDll-
I rattoiia: airaB4trai, lrtir i
i mt t rltasaila. !. Hy m eeauDliittMoD of t
rtMwft.iitM.ot fr4i Hirna po f r, ih Llt
l lisaat mm arraHcWii bU tnatvtmetit that IT will not
mnly affyrd ironed la rtrllff, but pfrtrjintui
1 twira. lb uuowr qom H"i iaim upfirurin
l. bnl If well known to b m Iwlr and
. Miwira Ptiioln and Burcean. ir-mluu( ihamiifhly eniOlrnted from
tha iracaot wltheul in uof jnoa-eair..
Ti a fluad by aa Kxpert, lllal
fair) tor tawpiure. A qulik and nvtiroJ
erfir VMlva, riaawr and fl'lwlaa, by
Dr. Jontaa1 racial pulnlea malhiKl.
KVttttr MAM applying to o . UI racalT
Our Amal iialntaN of lilamn'plalnr.
H.Will (iunrtmtr fOlll VM CU3M bt
Wrv eo anrfrfn.
IMnriiiatl'in FUKK "d trlotly P"Tata,
Trliuit paraonally or by truer.
Writ f..r Hook, rHII.OorHT
MARRIAkU Maii.aD Faaav tAVaJua
bank fur ma.) Call ar writ
OR. JORDAN ft CO.. toil atrkftt..R.
s-i r7
j W1QONflf1KER5 I
Market 6
Door North of Hotel Lakeview gj
Beef, Pork and g
Bologna, Sausage, Etc jj
ii niv nnnn pi
n. hi i rnnr.
mm m w J w
South and East
Shasta Route.
Train leave A err for Portland and war t
tlon at I2:Z1 - in. and 12:36 p. m., and lt-av
Aibiand for Portlauil at 8:.V a m and i:2i p. m
Lt Portland .10 a m Kpm
' A-r 4 Warn :S7pn
Ar Aihland 12 V. am I2:ftpaa
" Hacraoiento 6:10 pm i:Ubta
" Han FranolKo 7:46 p m l:Uin
" lener
" Kansaa City.
' Cbicao
.. 4:56 am
. . 9:30 a m
.. 7:2A a m
.. i .a a m
7:ra) a a
:15 p m
7:25a m
6:30 a la
:00 p m
6: a m
11:30 a m
7;:0 a m
(I: p b
:42 a a
12:10 p m
Lc Aneele
" Kl f'ano
" Fort Worth
"City of Mexico,...
" Houston ,
" New Orlean
' Waabinirton
" New York
2:06 p m
:(0 p m
, 11 :) a m
7:00 a m
6:- p m
6:42 a m
12:li p m
Pullman and Touriit cars on both train.
Chair car Sacramento to Oirden and El Haao,
and tourist rarito i bicago, bt. Louis, New Or
leans and Wubingtoa.
Connecting at San Pranrlsco with theaeTeral
teamsblp line for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Phillirilne. Central and South Ami-rica.
bee agent at Ager nation, or add re
C. H.MAKKHAM. O. P. A. .
Portland, Or.
Stage Line.
S. I. McNAUGHTQN, Proprietor
Office, Hotel Linkville
Klamath Falls, Or.
Lt ave I.akevtew at 6:S0 a. m.; arrive at Bly
in 11 hour.
fT Ply at a. m.; arrive at Kiaruatn fail
in 15 hours.
Leave Klamath Fall at 7 a. m ; arrive at
rV-swii k In t hours.
Leave Beswirk at S a. m.; arrive at Ager in
7 hour.
Make connection ith all triin at Ager,
Easy Coaches
Excellent Acccmmodationa
Passenger, exprass aud fr"ik;ht traffic
olicitrrl. All buines entruateii to US
will be expedited.
General Merchandise,
First-Class Hotel,
The Plush House,
Tonsorial Parlors.
Plush, Lake County, Oregon.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
: gans. It istne .atesiaiscovereuuiuvai.
j ant and tonic. No other preparation
! can approach It In efficiency, lt in-
siautiy reuevesaau peruiimeuii; i.ui
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla Cranipsand
all other results ol imperfect digestion.
Prlce50c. andfl. LArtretlteeontalDtSV, ttmet
small sue. iiouk all about dyspepsia inmledfrta
Prepared by E. C DeWITT A CO.. Chicago.
Lakevit-w Drug Company.
The best Wagon on earth
Car load daily arriving
You will find the most;
complete line of Sti-de-.
baker Wao'is nrrl Hig
gles in stock tu dc iouiid
in a radious of two hun
dred miles, also a com
plete line of Farm Ma
chinery and Hardware.
'Li, A"..3W.,.V V.-. .1 . -.-4 1