Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 20, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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LAkl; COUNTY ItXArilNT.K : I. AKIA H.W. OkMUON. .U NI! 20. ivOl.
ahr (Tomtit, Olx.unlmc AT THE BIG FAIR
Published Er- ThurJv j
IHEACH & M'GARRHY jThcy All San ..ut He Off At
Manic Ruiiiiinc j lUiff.nlo ! "--tlrnnd Trip I'rom
; have many new customers each scastui coming to our cstahhshmeiit
w ho tell its tiny always understood wc handled jooil uiiutity ol
moils. ( hir ti j u t ;i l ion with our customers is not m.ulc hv nnv .-
the (ircat Northwest to
One Year, $2.00
TERMS: Mx .Mouths. 1.00
(Three Months, 50
the l air Urounds
nt lUiff.ilo.
tieuhir line ot' iiuuls w c h;ic, hut hy the ciicr:il excellence ol every article in our
. : A I. .
lhnitll, UM.U. Jl K -tit, iihii.
I:i view of tli. manly and s-t ra iili 1 1 r
wai.l Mateinent of President Win. Mi'
Kirdey nv.irdon: his at(itiitli in the next
1 ca in :iiii . a herewith append
ed. il is now in order for thoe news
papers a ii 1 individual? w ho have In cii
lnii i! 1 1 1 in to tiixt some nther means
f attack than ti e "third term" aiuu
inetn, and ilie " monarchy " they have
hni'.ded for Mr. McKin'ey out of ibis re
public. tu .lime ll'.li the President
gave "lit the follow inn ! ta'enieiit :
1 r. gret that the MU-KesMtiu of a third
term ha- heeti made. I doubt whether
I a :n called iio:i to give It notice, Inn
t hi re are now j'i9' i.iip of the gravest
importance Ifiore the Administration
and the country, and their just consider
at i mi should not he prejudiced in the
puliic mind ly even the suspicion of
the thoiwht of a third term. In view,
therefore, of the reiteration of the sug
gestion of it, I will say now, once for all.
expressing a lone-settled onviclion, that
I not only am not and will not be a can
didate for a third term, hut would not
accept a nomination for it if it ere
leinteretl in.'. My only munition is to
serve through my second term to the
acceptance ol mv countrymen, whose
generous confidence I mi deeply apprc
elate, and then with them, to do mv
duty in the ranks of private citizenship.
Wll.l.t.OI MlKlN'LKY.
i-ince ti e f-Vt'Ki stock was siihscriN'il
lUn uo, N. Y. .lone II. l'.'Ol.
I'vvMiWH, I akeview : .vincc wilting
von helot.' we have come a Ikiil: di-cance
' f I'oni I he c-t to the past, and found
many th in;s new an, I innel to tract
our at lent ion.
HeVie Noith Dakota a di-pa-
h s received sayii k! that the
,-iatted call" had hen killed and that
we were to I e entertained at Minneapo
lis. Minn , !v the Commercial Cluh of
that !(. A ri ivini: there in the motn-
: illU we were met ill t he depot with car-
: riages and driven to the Commercial'!,
elegant cluh r oius f,.r breakfast. A
i went v mile trolley ride over t he en y and
to the 1 it ii t mil parks a given the
party. At Lake I larnett a pictuie w.i
' taken ot the party and published in the
I leading .laity paper next day.
Minnenaha Kali is a particularly
, lovely spot in one of the park", and is
; ipnte notalile from the fact that Long,
.fellow made it the theme ol one of his
: pocmi. The Commercial Ciuh seived
; lunch on the Uth floor of the matatitec
building, alter which the party wasdi
, vnlcd up some going over to St, 1'aiil,
and other points ol inlciest Ahout
' tiltcen of u- were privileged to go thlongh
tin' laiKc-t of the famous Pilishury ll.nir-
in ii. ill-.. A gui le explained every piece
of machinery and showcl us flour m
very process of maniii.n tine. Here
11, 1 too h.urels of fl .u r ari' lurind out
every twenty font hours.
Boarding the train alter supper we
cros-ed the Mis-ls-ippi river tM. Pan',
the rival or sister city f M innc.i4li. 1
; stock. U'c .-ichnow Ic(h;c w c carry ,;'imh f.-iM- Il;ooIs. This relets to our
cheaper goon's in iast (he same tlcree as to those ol the very hest tttahty.
In ordctiui;' o:ir i;oo,ls we ivc jut as particular attention to t he ilui anhty,
I he suhstant ial male aiul the superior tpialily ol' (he low priced i;ooils as wcilo
fo f;c medium and hctler grades, hut our assort mt tit i mainly conluud to the
mctlium and hctter grades.
The strength ol Our fines is apparent w lien you look at our stock, and tor
Srinr:ind Summer we venture to assert that there is not another slock of ""ds
' ' the country that is coital to outs in its w otact lul variety, in its itcat ratine ol
i price, in its particular stvlc of cvcrvtunL; that wc show.
j W c solicit the husiness ol the people of Sottt ln nsU rn Oregon and can readily
i convince than that wc arc the hest house to trade with in this entire region.
for the Lake County Telephone system
to le huiit from I.akeview to Silve Lake,
a liutiiNcr ol pe pie alol.ft the pri wcd
route have requested that a telegraph
system he added ami that another wire
he st runn oil t he Mle for that purpose.
In order to satisfy thi" demand, a meet- '
Items of Interest from the Set
tlement Across the Hills.
I ..(: II Molel- r
A- I -it iui'1 i . ti. 1 r .
i' ins'('iiioe i:rov hiiv li'-r-- lint In Witrm r;
i r li"lli. r Hi. ) will I. ue
ir tr. Hi '! v Lite
'in leir iilt.ti- 's i-, ry i....k nu-1 et.rn. r.
The uhove is Hal "l try." Your
The railroad loll this nieat waterway
or om-i lm mih-s .in the Minnesota side,
and crosses over to La Cross, Wis. We
arrived at the place where the heer is
made that made Millwaukce famous, at time. Hy ! o'clock Cli.eijo
was rcaihed, w here a two days' lay over
itii of ilu stock holders of said company lu'd Ix'en arraiikfd. Our time was well
will he held in I.akeview on July ."th to pi" in visiting some friends and aciiianit
iecide upon the question of issuini: more ances and many places of interest. We
st's k t the amount of f:i.(ni for that louiiil J.k- Carll, tlje "Lakecoinity hoy,"
purpose. It is stated that as soon as the eames'lv eiiijaned in draw ing pictures
8tiN.-k is put on the market buyers will 1 "ii the Chicago Chronicle, lie was very
be ready to take it up. The proosition j much pleased to see old friends, and ! correspondent is in a sad predicament I
of building this system has become xp- showed us all through that in establish- , jjuess I w ill have to icsort to the hank
ular, aHd tliere is no difficulty in di-po.- incut, where 40 linotyN-s are in use. ' ruptcy law . La-t w eek 1 w a- called upon
i'lir of all stN-k issued. Win. Mar vey, ' ' learst s Chicago A inerican pres-es can hy 10 odd luosijiuioes and hoi-e flies
l'rrsidrnt of the Company, inf .ruis The ' be seen from the street. w ho presented their bills" and I plain
Examiner that work of construction on Jesirinj to hsik over the city we took , ly told them thai 1 was ju-t short ten
the line w ill no: lie-in until a! mt Sep- ! one of the l.'i elevators (and put it back cent t of hawim liny money, but they
temU-r 1st, as there will be a scarcity of u,:aiii, in the .Masonic Temple, and went , could take our old spoiled mileh co if
bands during haying time, and when tin- 'be top, S2 i-lorie. 'l iieie we found a ; that would satisfy their several "hills."
work is once started a bij crew of laborers theatre in full running order with lvl!u j They returned and pointed a lon' single
will be enaiicd to push it to completion I" "x a the leading feature. We bad a barrel mn.zle loader at inn with a threat
at an early date. It is presumed that , beautiful view of the " i t y and Lake j that if I did not "coiih up" immediate
the line will be in perfect working j ichian from that biuh and dizzy j ly they would enforce their " lulls. "
order before winter sets in. Telegraph place. In the evening a reproduction of j II. Schininck and A. C. Hubbard, rep
oflices will probably be established at all "L'n:le Tom's Cabin" foinposed of all I resenting the McCormu k mowers and
the tow ns alonn the route. ; star actorn and L'XJ people was seen at i rakes, and T. K. lieruard of the lirm of
j the Auditorium, the largest theatre in J. E. liernard A Son iinpleinent house,
The regor,ian in a recent issue furn-, tlie L-llited States. A visit to Lincoln j of I.akeview, were anion us this week
tshed three candidates for Secretary of j...irU gave UH a u-auliful view of Lake telling Us th- advantaH of their m.t
Sta'e at the next election in Oregon. Mi. I.n.:.!, un.l u,.,a ,.f ;,., ! ,.i, :,.,.,...... ii ... i .i... t
....... j .j, int. i.n,. .....Din .iti nil .jiihm , llli; fl'l MI I'll JI
their mowers and rakes, the sections,
bars, draught, etc., rake wheels, cog
wheel and other kinds of wheels until
we have had a continual buzz of wheels
ever since in our head.
There are two gentlemen traveling
with the M. C rodeo who are taking
moving pictures of the vaipient
branding calves. They have traveled
through Texas and on up here following
the rodeos. They also represent some
largo newspaper. One of them is a
sketch artist ; we were unable to learn
their names or destination.
.Mr. Calkins has been here about four
weeks organizing a new lislge called
"The Pioneers of the 1'aeilic" with
headquarters at Pendleton, Oregon. A
lodge was organized with charter
members. Tim following ollicers were
elected at the last regular meeting: N.
C, Chas. Wallace; Captain, Mrs. James
Oivans; Scribe, T. A. Crump ; 'I reasuier,
.MrH. T. A . Oumfi. It is an insurance
lodge of eleven years standing.
I have been running up and down the
row' for about two weeks looking for the
long lost Illiiigsworlh, armed with a
slingshot and a baseball bat. He saved
his life by giving Warner the go-by.
Jack 1aw
Wainei Lake, Juno Id, 10'Jl.
Is r; forging alien. I ami
h'ollett iin-l Atnick, (lie Merchants
:ne trotting along at the Ih ioI
id tin' procession
II. is already ! n r I ate! more
new g Is ate arriving at our stoic
all tin- time
We have everything "lesiroljs iii (be
iruci ry Line A special In f(l. nls
Fa i try Shirts. An elegant n,e of
'.inilii s, ( 'igars ami Tobaccos. Wall Ii
for our I ry Omuls I ipay.
They are F. I. iJ.inbar. present incuin- , faking the elevated railway we went
ls-iif, P. S. Malcolm, ex-Iiecorder of Con
veyances of Multnomah County, and J.
N. Williamson, of Crook, present Sena
tor from Eastern and Soiitheast-in
Oregon. The Examiner is not advised
as to the ambitions of Senator William-
out to Jackson Park, the site of the
World's Fair, where seven of the build
ingd still remain. Taking a cariiage here
the driver showed us where the many
buildings of the White City were located.
At Chicago we were joined bv editors
son, but his abilities tit him for such an fr(llJ1 West and South, making u
omce, ami no man in me state couiu , tritill 0f t.ars. letroil, Mi.
gather such a following as Williamson.
He is a giant in the halls of legislation
and is the js-er of any mm in Oreg. n
for anv position in the uift of the jople
It Williamson wants the Secretaryship,
The Examiner picks him for the winner.
.Vow, that President .Mckinley has
boldly stated that he will not, under any
circumstances, be . a candidate for a
third term, it is in order for the editor
of the Commoner
the same statt
to le a'iverse to a third term. The anti
imperialistic attitude of Mr. McKinhy
will doubtless prove a severe shock to
M r. Hrvan's nerves.
The humorous editorial jotter of the
spicy Willows Journal hands up the fol
lowing and eludes the lynchers : "In a
battle iti Wyoming between cattlemen
and sheepmen, several sheep were shot
also two sheepmen. No arrests. Shoot
ing sheepmen may be no crime, in Wyo
ming, hut tho laws should piotcct the
sheeft no ewes talking. Lamb it to the
ehooters, wether they like it or not."
. In Ohio hereafter it will cost the coun
ty where a lynching occurs 000. Were
such a law of force in California, Modoc
would now le in as merry a pickle as
when "Honest John" flew away with
the county's filthy lucre. Incidentally,
it might ulso be stated that several
lindesireablt) citizens would hu W rtli
more dead than alive.
was our breakfast place on the 10th. The
I'etroit river, which joins Lakes Erie
and Huron, we crossed on a ferry onto
foreign soil to Windsor, Ontario. Ai St.
Thoma we were again entertained by
tiie good Canadians with a trolley ride
through the city.
Leaving this place our train was an
hour late, but was made up by the time
we reached the Wetland Canal, the boat-
ingpra river to l.ullalo at 7 p. in.,
and had a distant view of the beautiful
Pan-American Exposition, that we had
come so far to see. With one accord
the crowd said, "Put ine off at liultalo,"
and il was done.
J hone to say something of the Expo
sition in another letter. Pi:. il.
is in order for the editor , , , ...
... , , way between Lakes Erie and Or
toner at Lincoln to make ' , , ... .. ,,
,, uround die Niagara rails. We ci
ment. Mr. ilrvan ought , . ,, ,, ,
..... " . ttie Niagara river to I'uffalo at 7
The (lame is Olf.
Word was received from Paisley last
Tuesday evening that the baseball game
scheduled for tomorrow at Paisley be
tween the I.akeview and the Paisley ami
Silver Lake teams was called off owing to
the inability of the Paisley boys to get
all their players together on that occasion.
This is very much to le regretted as the
local team and their "rooters" anticipat
ed a pleasant time in our neighboring
hurrough. How ever, there will hu amuse
ment for all who attend the races and
ball at Paisley, and the town will no
doubt lie crowded with jolly people dur
ing the three days' Bjsjrt.
I known the woild over us iiflotiling the most simple, i
liable and economical power lor all puiHises.
Ten Thousand Wheels Now Running;
Killing every condition of service in the most ellh ient and
satisfactory w ay.
F.lectric Power Transmission
P ELTON WHEELS Hre the recognized standard for os.iating ( ieneralors. ami
are running the majority of stations of this character in all parts of the world.
Water Pipe and Transmission Machinery
And all appliances connected w ith a power plant, supplied on the most reasonable
terms. Shipments made from San Francisco nr New York as may alford the
most favorable freight rates. Catalogues, English or Spanish, liirinshed on appli
cation. Address, giving conditions of service.
Hereford Itock f arm
Drows Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Duntlng, Owner
latest held of registered
Herefords in Oregon
a fcu-?: '
THf ror : ml
iymmmH 15
Rcqlslered Yearlinq Bulls
120 and I CO each
lAl'DOR AIAMO head of herd
Unclaimed Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in
the postollice at I.akeview, Oregon, for
the week ending June 15, 11)01 ;
UUn Trs.-y l'lillM.t
J M Hmilli
H M Jlurni'S
W in MeHrlili;
CliurleH Trail
Persons claiming the above will please
say "Advertised" and give date of this
list. Dick J. Wnxox, 1. M.
It was a very colli day for tho people
of Antelope on the l.'Hh of June. No
Issly was heard to reina rk, "(ice! ain't
it hot!"
J Iteriler
4 liaa .Morrison
Reeder & Morrison
l rverjlhiiiK In
the MlaeliitnillliliiK
l.iue ftuit oatlsntr
liou Kuuranteed
New Pine CreeK, Oregon. I
J. W. Maxwell
A.ienl fur
Ton of the Best
high grade and
etundard makes
of Pianos
S240.00 and up
Organs 18 CO up