LAKH COUNTY KX niNHR : I.AKEVIKW, ORftlON. JUNH 20. I0I. fiaKf (Cmmtu OBxaminvr Published Every Thunulay BEACH & M'GARREY Matantc Building iOn Year, $2.00 TERMS: 1 Six Month. 1 .00 (Three Month, 50 BENEFITS OF A CREAMERY WHEN 1 PEOPLE 1 LAMM IK W, tMM.O. JIXlC 0. 101. END OF THE WAR TAX. With t tit coming July lt tlio finng of the mar lax will to a Urye extent Ih cvleluaU'il. On the il a t o named the re peal of the following taxes will take ef fect: "Special tax on commercial broker; Ktamp taxft on Iwnk dx-cks, drafts and orders for the payment of money at ciht or on demand (draft ami order for tlie payment of money otherwise than at Bight or on demand remain taxable) certificates of deposit, poetortioe money orders, promissory notes, inortnaces, leases, export bills of lading, manifeKts for custom house entry or clearances of cargo, powers of attorney, protests, char ter parties, certificates of profits or certifi cates showing interest l.i prope ty or accumulation of companies; warehouse receipts, telegraphic dispatches, express receipts (domestic freight bills of lading remain taxable), policies of inar-nee, premium chances for marine, inland, tire, casual) tv, fidelity and guarantee insur ance ; taxes on telephone messages ; stamp taxes on medicl proprietary arti cles, perfumery and cosmetics, chewing gum and all articles in schedule H. ex cept wines. "The tax on legacies for religious, char itable, literary or educational purposes was repealed after March 1st, l'AU. "Taxes will be reduced on and after July 1, lfOl, on conveyances of real es tate; passage tickets, ligars, snuff and tobacco; fermented liquors; foreign dill? of exchange and foreign money order. "Additional taxes are imposed on and after April 1, 1901, viz: Special tax to dealers in grain securities, etc., doing a bucket bhop business. and stamp tax on contracts, agreements, etc., of such dea'-ers." "Iam Elijah, the prophet, who ap peared first as Elijah himself, second as John the Baptist, and w ho now comes in me, the restorer of all things. Elijah was a prophet, John w as a preacher, but 1 combine in myself the attributes of prophet, priest and ruler over men. Gaze on me, thtn;I s.iy it fi-arle-'cly. Make the most of it, you wretches in ec clesiastical garb. I am he that is the living physical and spiritual embodiment of Elijah, and my coming to earth a third time has been prophesied bv.Malaehi, by God himslf, by his son Jesus, by 1'eter and three thousand years ago by Mose. All who believe me to be in very truth all of this will stand up." And over 3, OuU people rose to their feet and greeted the blasphemous declaration with cheers and handclapping, as it was uttered from a Chicago platform recently ly John Alexander Dow ie, the Zionite, says the Asl l.ind Tidings. As was to have been expected, this heaven-sent messen ger of the covenant was not long in de livering his principal message and mak ing that message an appeal for funds. At every meeting he has conducted he always has brought his tears and bis threats of the culminating appeal of the contribution dox. Llowie is a thrifty prophet and Zionite and is repu'el millionaire, yet his converts and shekels are both said to be increasing. The opinion has been given by sound authority that ex-clerk Davis of the (State School Land Hoard cannot be suc cessfully prosecuted for his embezzle ment of $31,000 of the state's money, and that the state has no chance of re covering the amount, or any portion thereof, in an action against the ex official who com posed the Hoard of School Land Commissioneri. The htatute of limitation saves the thief and the Hoard, and loses to the state. A sweet girl graduate thus liescribes the manner in w hich a goat butted a boy out of the front yard in the near neigh borhood : "He burled the previous end of anatomy against the boy's afterward with an eagerness and velocity which, backed by the goat's avoirdupois, im parted a momentum that was not relax ed until the instigator was landed on terra firma, beyond the pale of the goat's jurisdiction. The New York postollice says there is no such firm as tho Empire Knitting Mills, says the Canyon City Eagle. Some of our exchanges have been inno cently advertising this firm's goods, and tio doubt many persons have loHt all the money they have sent them. The sure r"ud to follow in purchasing is to deal with your home merchants, whom you know are all right. Something That the Peo ple of Goose Lake Val ley Should Con sider Well. By O. J. Vhw of Lraioert. Cal. The creamery is the result of the tend en.yof industries to run into special lines, and is a great U-netit in stimulat. ing product ion, ami improving the qual ity of butter. The creamery is a cr maneut instil ut ion. It is too conven ient and profitable to 1h discarded. It is the correct way of making good butter. Necessity has prompted many changes in various branches of ariculltne. Htid the creamery is the result of a demand for U'tter methods than formerly exist ed. Its success is guaranteed, as is shown by rapid increase of creameries all over the country. It is an inisirtant factor in our national prosperity. Strike out dairying, and agriculture would be para- j lyied. To the creamery is largely due the increased value of farm property. It is a regular and certain source of in come to the patrons. They know that their money is ready for them at the end of every mouth, enabling them to make the necestarv improreinents on their ranches and buildings. New buildings and improved implements are the direct result of a creamery in the neighlor homl. Farmers have learned that grain rais ing is no longer profitable. Continual cropping of cereals has removed the plant less! necessary for the growth of those crops, to sucti an extent that their icld has veiy much diminished. No matter how fertile land may le. thecon tinuiil growing of one kiml of crop ex cept alfalfa will exhaust it unnecessar ily. A rotation is necessary, except when allalfa is grow n. With the ready gale of milk at thecreamery, the rancher is not put to the expense of plowing his land, planting a new crop annually, for once well established, an alfalfa held is g'xsl for many years. Nothing is needed hut to harvest the crop, convert into milk and reap the lienetit, One need on ly go into localities where creameries have been eslablishe 1 for several years to learn their value, ami the benefits ac cruing to the patrons. It brings money into the community and the people pros er. With prosperity comes the laudable am bition to excel in the prolits to be obtain ed from a held. With a creamery near by, and a good price realized for the milk, there is a tendency to keep more cows, ami raise more calves and pigs irom the skimmilk. Ins ead of keeping only a few cows, and giving them but in different care, the rancher find there is money in the business, and in a short time will te found with a large herd and giving them better care. lie finds it worth while to give it proper attention. He makes a business A it, and succeeds. The building of a creamery obviates the necessity for home huttertnaking, which in turn relieves the housewife from much arduous ami unnecessary labor. One operator in a well-arranged creamery can make five hundred pounds of butter in the same tune and with less expenditure of muscle than the house wile can make fifty pounds. He is sup plied with the latest and most improved labor-saving appliances, while she is not. The creamery not only makes butter much cheaper, but it makes an article that is vastly superior to most of the ho lie-made butter. JSecause of its bet ter quality, it brings nearly, or quite, double the price. Here is a decided gain both ways; in the lessened cost of production, and in the increased price realized. The value of the raw material miik may be the same in both cases, but the enhanced value of the creamery product is the result of better facilities, improved machinery ami a more scien tific handling of the milk, (ream and butter. Hy reason of its capacity and skillfull management, the creamery can produce a more uniform product, ami because of it uniformity it commands a better market. It would be impossible to have a hundred pounds of butter made at ten different places and have it uniform in color, salt and flavor, but in a creamery, where it is all handled alike, it does not vary in the essential qualities necessary to its bringing the top price. "A few months ago, food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour J used one bottle of your Kodol Dysepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with relish and my food is thor oughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles.' ii. K. l'itt's, Arlington Tex. Kodol Dys-s-psia Cure digests what you eat. Lake view Drug Co. Tl TALK OF GENTS PURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, inc., AND OP GOOD PLACES TO BUY THEM, OUR STORE IS SURE TO HE PAVORABLY MENTIONED. We have the newest Spring Cloth ing:, Shirts, Shoes, Hats, Etc., AND WE WANT TO SEE YOU AMONG OUR EARLY CALLERS, TO GET YOUR CHOICE. ...Complete line of Tin and Agate Ware... H1C1ROTHE & COi, THE tEADING MERCHANTS OF LAKE COUNTY. m m r t - - m ir - utttf r T T ? "T T 'T ? ? ? T "T ? ? r!T. QUNTHER $ '4 Watchmaker $ and Jeweler ail Located at new postoffice building; 4 Al work in my line fully gj Guaranteed flrXb tSa 2 aSk aX a2 Stk J 1 A X i. A A i Lakeview- Plush Stago Line OtO H SltVtNS, Proprietor l. vi'i I dkt-virw Minjilayn nnl Kri- 11H)K Kftiirhltltf. I HVC I'lliUll TlH'M- ltiy aii'J Sitiinlmyi, h( 7iY k it.fn. Carrie raHfnicr, I'HikrtK'H n ri I KrWKht. ST 'iK ityvwv. Kail. ) A MaMstiiKiU.M Mure Lakcvlew, Oregon ..Vegetable More.. The only Ki Ulilr Hiorr in 0 Lukftluw tnlocHti'i! urn' ilniir 4 Kiuth of riHiik of f.nkcvk'iv. All Vf'Ki'titl.l'n hii 'I Km 1 1 ( HII hi' (l)llllil Hi thl t.ip- In 0 Mavm. (iwhthI f'rhHN 0 iIIhi', CluHru anil TuliKiciih. 9 Kri'tt Iicllvrry. Whorton & Barnes EE DEALL, DRUGGIST liverythlnjf known to the trade carried in .stock hnij Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Goods, Etc. cioars.. .STATIONARY Frank Smith's Barber Shop Hot and Cold Baths Oil door Mouth of II A IV H T M llanitlry Handloy & MKEV1EW - - HILL Wln Mlrr-I, Ijikrvlrn GONTRAOTINO Sc XXT7XX.X3X3VO- Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and Door Casings, Eurniturc made to order 0 is. Write us for estimates on all kinds contract work and material BEEHIVES MADE TO YOUR ORDER MANDLEY c CLENDENEN LAKE VIEW VARIETY STORE CANDIES NUTS CIGARS AND BILLIARDS ...C.H.DUNLAP... S. F. Ahlstrom & Mar.. f I. lakeview SADDLESf t KecojcnizeU as the Itest Vaquero SnJdlfl J t Wagon and Huy HarnesH. Whips, IIoIk-h, Kcalas, HitH, S)iirs, QuirtH, HokcHom, Hie. -i- .q. .j. t Hoairin; of all kindw, by coinjiclcnt men -a. . 666666 666 H m I frifrr Clondonon .- 'rfla I J l