Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 13, 1901, Image 8

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v v
was in from Crooked
All kinds of News Notes
Taken on
The Fly
By an
Examiner Representative
Stanley McLaughlin was here from
New Pine Creek last Saturday and
watched the Examiner presses run with
water power.
The Monogram it up-to-date in every
thing, and csjiecially in the line of
gentlemen's hats. See the beautiful
display there. 23 2
Al. Farrow, horseman and farmer of
Paisley, came to Lakeview on a business
trip Monday and returned home Tues
day morning.
George Wingtield writes to have The
Examiner forwarded to him at Tonoah,
Nevada, a new mining camp, which he
say is very lively.
Mr. and Mrs. El wood Jatiish of Ce
darville were visiting relatives in Lake
view this week, and were the guests of
George Lynch
Creek Sunday.
The crowds go to Dunlap'a for bil
liards and pool. 23-2
B. W. Hartman, the sheepman was in
town Saturday.
Nathan Smith of Crooked Creek was
in town Saturday.
The local physicians are not so busy
now as formerly.
Wm. Little has been spending a few
days in Lakeview.
Go to Dunlap's parlor for a quiet came
of billiards or pool. '2'.i-2
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes have re
turned from Summer Lake.
Twenty cas?os of smallpox are reported
at Redding only "reported."
Henry Gore and Wm. Loyd, horsemen I Mr. M. Dodson
from Alturas, arrived Sunday.
Jack Frutt is said to have nipped a
good many things down the valley.
Miss Mary Reynolds has entirely re
covered from a recent serious illness.
Tomorrow, June 14ih, will In- the
124lh birthday of the American tla.
The war revenue stamp on hank
cheeks goes out of existence on July 1 r-t .
Get your tine meats from K. II. Day's
cold storage plant at the City Meat Mar
ket. .Vr. and Mrs. J. K. Caldei wis! of
AYai ner were visitors in I-ukevic Monday.
Ir. Dcmoiest, the resident dentist, is . the estate of John Dcliarmo, of which
t nriiij.' Klamath county, doing dental u. j., administrator.
wor''" j The Iiudew in Dramatic Co. nre piny-
tarl M. SlaylKick ol t.rangev;tle, I al., ,n,j to g.Nl an. Hemes at the Emerson
was a guest at Hotel Lakeview last Sat- jja thi- week. ' It is a good show, well
urday. I deserving the patronage it is receiving.
J. W. Peters, a traveling man from, Sn.-anville Advocate.
'Frisco was at the Hotel Lakeview Sat
urday. John Callahan of Cedarville aud V.
K. Vierlii g f Bid well wete it. Lakeview
this week.
Reynolds & Wingtield have planted a
flagstaff and wind indicator on the lop of
their store hiiilding.
Jack Pul'.en arrive.! from Summer
Lake Sunday, and will remain in this
vicinity a lew weeks.
The Cedarville baseball team will
play in the tournament in Lakeview
Fourtn of July week.
Mrs. M.Kinley suffered a relapse upon
her return to Wa-hington, and still li.-s
in a critical condition.
J. C. Conn, the ,-ilvei I.ake men hant
arrived in Lakeview r-aturday and re
t'lrneil home Sunday.
Harry Mi.Grath, lorrnerly a men. her
nf the Lakeview ha-el,a!l team, is now
playing with the Yreka-.
Barney (ir imati i- in town lor a few
days resting up a hit. Mr. i iiniau i
troubled with rheumatics.
C. C. Jackson of Silver Lake ha- b i n
granted a pension of $S per mouth by a
Kep iblica i adini ;itra'l u.
Work l ine at Alturas.
New F.ra: The creamery of this place
started up Monday, with 2102 Mtntda of
milk, furnished by 14 patrons. Tuesday
it received 2StC pounds from 17 patrons,
and Wednesday it had 30H pound.
Eighiorten more persons who signed
and guaranteed cowt are fineried to
tart bringing milk within a few days,
when something over 8,0tH) pounds of
milk will be worked daily, beside the
cream from outsida places sent by par
ties who have separators.
Now who was that fellow that said
there would't I milk enough to run a
creamery at AlturasT
Everything in the creamery work
perfectly, and there Is caacity sultlcieut
for the milk of 1.000 cow. The butter
which Is being turned out is unusually
fine in quality, and meet with the ap
proval ol all those who have liail a
hance te test it.
The Creamery Associatiim have em
ployed Mr. Davis, an expert butter and
cheese maker from Wisconsin, who ar
rived here on yesterday's stage to take
charge of the creamery.
W. T Mitchell. wliobHsUen s.tpcr
intending il thus far, will soon go to
I.akeview, to establish a creamery there.
News Prom Montague.
The following item arc taken from
The famous Bohemian Lager, the n,e correon.lence the reka Jour-
finest beer brewed. Read the adver- 111,1 lrn"' Miiiitague :
lisement of the Buffalo Brewing Co., John Bull ha gone to Ijikcview, with
page 7 of this paper, intention of making that place his
i ii ii. i i ... , ,., ,' future home. iood hick, John, inav
G. L. Ilolhrook and . M. A I ford -?
i .i vi ii t i silc-eess crow ii voiir e erv effort .
were in from the XL ranch last r riday.
M. II 11 . 1 I . i i I W1 I'UIIMW a to this week's credit.,
r. Ilolhrook has entirely recovered
t-.... i - . . . :n. "ne team belonging to Milton Maitin;
Irom Ins recent illnesn, " '
no damage d. -lie 1 he other, Will Tcr
Hi Barnes and Oliver llevno .Is have . . .in m , ., ,
w linger and ll.ury Medium, lhet
leased the New Pine (. reek 11. Miring mill, . .. , , ., ,
'iWeie not so luckv. ax the hiiggv wa
recent lv purchased bv Kd. Keller from: ,
' complelelv tt -1 . ilciiioi ii iing ecr-
A. M. Smith, ami will conduct the biisi- " ., ' .
, thing except the running ge.u, ai d
ness in the future. I , , ., , ., .
i nreakmg '.he of th it.
Luman and Sumner i'o-kct, stockmen ,i, (.rher ol 'Heg,,u came up lr. m
of Warner, were in Lakeview last week. ; Sacramentu a ( da ago, returning
the former on bu-im-s .crlaining to ; from an extend. I visit, taking in the '
The HtcnJy increasing trade at tliio store ia not due to tlio fact
that I hiii Helling inferior gmxla ut low jirioee. Quality counti
t first prices follow.
I will place oil sale this week a new line of atimnuT lawn nt
j H eta a yartl which arc usually sold nt 1U eta. Dimities ami hn
i tiste at 10 eta a yard, which are good l.r el values. Thry come
1 in all the latest shades and coloringi, in strip's and fancy designs
j Several piecm nf French IVrcule at 1 'J 4 rlH y art, which rannut
! In duplicated at l.r)t fs Zephyr (iiiighaina and Hce rsuckcrs at
' 1'Jt, t ta are the lu ll griidea ever oiTer.'d for that ric.
' Lmlica' Siiininer Vests, two for 35 eta A belter quality nt
20 eta each. The liest ribbed, silk-finished vt, three, for ti vu,
the usual M ct kind.
My line nf sIhm-h for misses and children, also for ladies, is mi-jK-rior
to any stin k in town, and my prices aro guaranteed as tlio
Ladies' M-reaIe w riijipers, full width, all irea, fram 7S eta to
$J.OO eneii.
I have a full assort ment of summer hats of the latest s1iiim s
hihI newest styles, from 25 cts each and upward, and eoiicil your
(rude iiu the merits of my goods.
Cottage z$
II G. M' Kinley ar d wif-of Portland
were in Lakeview this wei-k. Mr. Mc
Kinlev is a timhi r land dealer.
Some of the baseball boys were bat
ting the hall here Minday and talking
'mighty sassy" about going up to Lake
view 4th of July week and swiping that
purse. Cedarville Record.
You who are in need of a wa er w heel
for poner should see the I'elton Water
Wheel working at The Examiner office,
and then read the company's advertise
ment on page 4 of this pajier.
fieorge Jainmerthal is keeping up
with the improvement procession and
has added a corrugated iron awning to
hi- buildings The Retreat and the Red
Shoe Store on North Water street.
Tne onlv complete line of gentlemen's
hats in Lakeview is at the Monogram.
If von can't gel Hinted at the Monogram
iheie's no use spending money going to
the cpy there's something w rong w ith
your head. Zi '2
(leorge Sharp, horseman of Modoc,
arrived here last wet k with three good
racers, li.dcrie, JC-phyr, and l-na K.
Tt d Banni-tcr, the jockey is with the
animal- and will 'i le f r Sharp at Pais
ley and Lakeview.
John I'ea has returned from Ne
va la with samples of fine ore from the
mining region of that state. He has
two mines located near thn California
ex pel I,
street fair and al-o interviewing 1'ic-i
dent Mckinley while thele. He hlollghl
w it Ii him 11 tine
of the bc-t bh
leels very prom
for him in Sacramento. He wan t.ik' 11
to his ranch in iregoii.
' ci.t, i c.,!lie, which i : JS
s.d III the lall l. Louin VT
il of the pup. pa ii.g $'."
Baseball on the Fourth.
The Cedarviili- ha-ehail team sen.'.s
wortl to The Kxamiuer ovi-r the tele
phone thai 'hey will he here loenier the
tournament, an that a large crowd df our
Cedarville friends will come with ihein.
The Silver Like and I'.n-h-y teams
w ill aNo he on hand w i h a hig crowd of
admirers, ami the New Pine Creek t -am
wiih a big foice of 'horn hlowei s" w ill
Is" on hand t aily. Illy pr unircs a hig
delegation to accompany their team . f
stalwarts, and nraugements will proh
ably bt- effected whereby 'he crack Adin
team and a good follow ing will be on
band. Now , it stands Lake 1 icw citi.c ns
in hand to give an entertainment. of home
Sort on the fourth to interest the visit
ors. faji us im'e them 11 goood program,
so when our vi-itors leave here ihey can
all say thai Lakeview can do the prner
diiiig and is generous in her Imspi'itli'y.
.s.Lodoinq house Restaurant...
Mrs- E. h. Day, Proprietor.
-The Only 25 Cant House in lakeview
. i . tt t i. it .i ,
'suiurani m. i.isiging iiuii-e mive Imtn lieeii tlioroUgll
lV renovated. tiood table service lltlil eleatl heilS.
'1'ltw cwmfort of our patrons will always ! our lir.1
aim. Call at The Cottage fur a gisul meal and Led
JIr3 Cb". t'a'kcr f.f i'nm"r I. "It"
was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Harvey for
several days during the past week.
Strawberries from the Taylor ranch,
iii HoofcC Luke valky, are now ripe and
e-u put i n the market this week.
Ii you want to see a man and can't
lb. .ii w here to rind him drop into Uun
bp'e billiard parlor. He will be there.
Mrs. Ernest Brown returned Saturday
fl'-D;i ' ig from a week's visit wiui her
istei 'Irs. Walter Iluke at Havis Creek.
Joh Hendricks of Mill City, Oregon,
went i. ane ut Bedding the other day,
ami v. coin;iiiit"d to the asylum at
iJexter Amick, the young merchant of
New Pine Cr.-t k, aceoiriianiel by his
wife were visit'ira in Lakeview last Sat
urday. The I'. igene iuard refers to Joaquin
Miller as " Or. ,;o.i' I'oet." Tiiis is ob
jec.tionaolo. Let Califonia have all the
Five hu'idred thousand pounds of
wool sold at IVhb'eton last week ut
pricea rauging from 8 to 10 cents r
A bunch of mineral locations number
i and Nevada line. Andy IVvine
says the rock looks good to him.
What are Lakeview citizens going to
do by way of entertainment of the hig
crowd expected here on the Fourth?
I'ss than three weeks remain in which
to perfect a program. Surely something
should be. done, and that quickly.
II. E. Higgles, representing the whole
sale liipior firm of II. Taussig A Co.,
Han Francisco, was in Lakeview several
days during the week. Mr. Higgles was
a !i ompaiiied bv his charming wife, who
is an old friend of Mrs. Wm. Harvey.
.1 lv l'eruiisoii uill hi. in f.uki view
next S;;lurdav to exhibit his "Many in
( ) i,e I're-s," a machine that is famous
I for the rnaiiv uses it can be
I put to. He will continue to exhibit this
J piess three t ines a week in the future
, while iie is on his rounds peddling vege
' tahh h and fruits. 2't 1
Winter in Lake county has left the
lap of young spring and is caressing old
mother summer. Mouths ago the people
of California were complaining of hot
weather, while here in June a top coat
in the morning und evening il very
comfortable, tireat climate, this.
Mrs. Win. Hough has been quite ill
at the residence of Miss Delia Snelling
for over a week. Mr. Hough and Mrs.
Marshall arrived from Silver Laka Sun-
i day morning having driven all night in
' ....... 1 :
PliS Sale at o'a Cents.
S. A. fleilm-r of llaker City sold all of
his w oo on t he 7th iiist . v hich he hough t
last year and this, over .Vni sacks or
about 17"),(MI ..iiinls, at a ligure which
averaged H'j cents per pound. This is
said to be the large-t --ingle sale of wool
ever made in Eastern Oregon. This
deal breaks the proposed woolgrowers'
combine, which it was proposed to form
at a meeting of the growt-is of I'a tern
Oregon to he held at Baker City early in
July. Mr. lleilner, Ixting the largest
holder of wool in that section, his par
ticipation was necessary to make the
combine successful. The wool w as sold
to Eastern dealers.
Latest 5tylc.
All Shades
jug Ii76 were filed at the County Clerk's ( i capon so to a message that her condi
oifice last Saturday. The lands filed tion was worse. The Examiner learna
upou are situated in the Summer Lake that Mrs. Hough is somewhat improved
aud Chewauuan regions. as we go to press.
Coming: Back to Lake.
Dick King and family are expected
from Portland ssui. It is said that Mr.
King will take charge of his stock ranch
in Chew atlcan once more, and owing to
the fact that l is family do not enjoy
good health in Portland, they will all
come out to Luke county to spend the
summer. The Examiner is not informed
just when Mr. King intends making the
change, hut wi believe it will be soon,
flick King und his estimable, family will
receive a hearty welcome ill old Lake, as
they are very popular pciplo.
Convicted of Selling Trout.
J. C. Coruin was convicted before Jus
lice of the Peace Stewart, at Medford,
May 24th, of a violation of the game
laws, says the Ashland Tidings. It has
been more or less generally known that
trout have been sold in the county dur
ing the past winter, and Game Warden
Kropke has been "laying" for evidence.
The use of dynamite, it is claimed, has
been resorted to In some instances. The
trout sold by Coruin had been hauled in
from Keno. Justice Stewart let him off
with a light fine.
To l:it Any Foot
The Cheapest and the Best
nauRE it ou r your5clp, it ont take long
I pay no rents, I pay no clerk, but do my own
work. IT'S EASY to see how I can give you
better bargains than any house In the county
It B,
Q On Main Street ,