Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 13, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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I.VKK UIMV KVAMIKUIIf I.UM H.W, ,1 ft KU J) V . Jl'li: It. INI.
Leading Store
Our prices are the lowest and goods of the best stand
ard brands. We carry the STOCK in LAKEVIEW
and our prices echo liKe thunder down in Old Dixey.
We do our own work, hire no
ell you gooJs at Bottom Prices.
..Reynolds & Wingfield..
Play billiards at Punlap's new billiard ' in the harness ami saddlery
line at I'heneyV. 22 2
Alfreil I Vat A Co '. aainl' f w"
paH-rat rc-iilem-e of Mrs. T .1. Mai:iltii.
Lakerievt. J.M.llamll y,at;'iit. 15 :!in
T'rink nothinj: Imt J se M.nirt' whisky
aiul you'll always le luipiiy. On sale at
Whorto", Fit7.iatrii k's. :'..'! tf
La.lit-s aiul ceiitlenien art- inviit'il to
all at I'unlap's reaiiint! r.M.m ami hill
iar.I jiarlor to pass a (ew K':iant Innirs.
2? 2t
The "Fl C'oiiiniamlante" nVar is a
jjinmI. limiest Miinke. There is none
Quite eo uikhI. For sale nnlv hv Post it
For a gentleman's smoke try a "UoIh
it Maiiteir' or a ' 'Zemin Isinquet"
.lavana eitiar. For sale hy Whoriuii vt
Fitzjiatnek, onlv. 7-tf
' It sm to bt- an actua' .'act that an Imlian
tH'.er lauiili!.'
Nonsviise! Didn't Loi.f.'llow make Miiitie
haliaT" And everylxxly else "Ha ILi's," who
d.-iiik ami smoke at Post & King's. ltf
The Ilitrhet Kaneh ronxistiiiK "f 20
aeres. iih estalilisheil water right, lo
cated on C'ottono.Ml Creek, is now of
fered for sale. C. 1'iiihnch altout it. 10-lf
Carriage trinnniiik: a ieciahy at
t'henel''s narne-s shop. Jtist tei'eive I a
fulll.n if I iiikrj: v rol es ami w hips, ami
new saihlles. Fine huy harness, fancy
whips ami whipst.Kks. 22 2
When you if') to Klamath Falls don't
fail vo see C. P. Wilson the luilur
caterer at the (iera falcon. He curries ;
the finest stfK'k in to'An and will treat
vou rinht. Thetiem is the popular resort.
Try the Hermitage tthisky there. 25-tf
The real estate in Lake county, he
lonnin to the Ftankl Co., is now on the
market for sale. No reasonahle offer
w iil he refused for any part of it. For
full partif liars call at or address this,
ortice, or Charles L'liihach, Lakeview,
Oregon. ltf
W. J) Wfssh-iK k Son the well
known hlarksiiiiths and watfonniakers
are now I'uilv stis ked up with hard
wood of every de'ription hiliitrv,
s;.rinr '.a a ion and heivy nation tongues.
Tlii" 'inn a No has an artiele not carried
in Iise county hiiiruv and liirlit
v anon snrintts of the le-t materiiil.
V, hen you hreak a -pi 111 have it replac
1 at Vi --! n k's. 1 7t f
Offer iint-x
il. il f:-. i'i'i.-s fur learn-
itJi.' the 1 l.-Lra'
'-til. Tliis in
e. I'ernin Shurthaml hv
fl'jil eti. pines neither
aim, ti -moil nor an l' rarv com tac
tion-; i- 'he II.-is t lellile. Ml.d
rat i 1 -ii .riliaml in u-.-, and the i.nlv
H" ih! llial can l.e -uece flillv lea 1 lie I
liv mail. S.-iid for fi.-e tii 1 le-smi and
e.ital'.e."". ( oinuier " I in 1 1' I i ii. , U a-h-i'tot;,
c n u r .-eeiji'd. 12-tf
Jl'.J.ei1ics 1 Ml, II it lie ln'.jr lived I
can e to live liMjilin 11 iittrhuii l.l.
I' .i d i- rot iiotii i-li!i, nrdil il is i'ije-l-'d.
A i;i .-i.rilen d niinnn I; cannot liu'it
4 . kI j itoiwf lotee M--'i,-,l'IMI'o. Koilnl
Jv-rt-i-ia I lire iliesls aii kii-'ls ol loud
without aid Irom ll:e stomaeh, allowinji
it to rest null regain its natural fiinctioiis.
lie elements are exactly the i-au.e as the
mi- iral dittestive fluids and it simply
cn'l'. Ji'1' ''ul d" J'oii g'SK.1. 22 4 ,
f U. I'linlap ha opened hi- readiny '
i.,i.:.m ai d I illiard pailor. for ladies and
jjeitllemen. and will, in a lew davs, have
a very neat et-lahiNhment. He Imh two
t;uj tuhlei one for pool ami the other
1 i';:ii."s ai.J ladies and yenis can now 1
have a. opportunity to pass away a few 1
In. urn -iy pleasantly ''shootinjr the
ivories'. '; Mr. I ,1, lap invites the pnhlic
to call a I bee the transformation in his
fslahli.-i . tent. 22 2t ,
Read It In hl Newapapar.
i iuoTjif vhauh, a well known tierinati !
citizen of New Ledanon, t "hio. is a con- j
htant readur of the Dayton Volksze-itunii.
He knows that thle paper aims to ad
vertiseonly tin- hest in its coIuiiiiim, and ;
w hen he aw CI "Unherlain's I'ain 'alni ;
adveriibt I therein for lame hack, he did
not iiesita'e in h ij ini a hottle of it for
his wife, oho for eiirliT weeks nan nuiiur-
wilh'the most teriiiihle pains in her 1
l( k and could a-, no lelief. He savs : j
l ai'K nun I'l'i' i v 1
'Ater usiim ti e Cain l.alm lor a lew
day my niieMiud li'ine,'! Del as though
hurn anew,' and fore nsinu the entire
ontelitH of the hottle the uiihearalile
. ains had entiielv vaiilsheil ami rhe
co'lld airaiii take up her household dut
ies " llei very thankful and hopes
that all mifferini! will hear "I
her wondeilul re. oie.t . This valual.le
liniment for sal.- hy lieall's Hruu'Mo.e.
65c GAL.
45C lb
25c lb
25c lb
2. 50 UP
clerks nor bookkeepers, so we can
Bear this in mind and call on
ol Pvthuts...
e-ry Tulv i'vpiiiiik. !! fVllowa
Hull, l ak-'tii u. i re. imiihk KnlKlila
itirilin invii.'.l.
J.T HrnTiiN, I'haiii'rllor I'oiiiniaiid.'r.
.ni II. .4YKK-. k 111 K. ami .".
j- .V S J. J -J j
Stnpa the Couirh and Work off tha iiuld.
Laxative l'.rnino-Qii'tiine Tahletn cun
a eol.l 111 o .e itay. No cure no uiv.
1'riiT 2" t'fins. i!S Ijr
Tukr Laxative llrniini (.inline T11I1
lfts. All .Irumrists ri'fiiti.l the imuiev it
It fails to en re. K. V . ( irove's sina
ture is on ea.'h hox. 2ri". IW-Iat
lio Y ou ant a
Here is a snap for
soiiielsslv who
wants to l.uv a line house m IikcV!ew,
at a nnxleraie cot. We have for sale a
: coruniodmux dwi Uiii and lot
two-story house (new), II rnms, tine
vard. iM-auliiul location, on Main street;
lot Klx21t'i leet. Impure al The Fx
atniner ollice at once, as the option will
remain open hut a short time. 14 tf
Fine Home lor Sale.
A new house, ti room, lot IOHxiH. fine
water rinht out of 'he rjioiiirain, elevat
ed irronnd. pel feet drainage, line locality,
near pnplie school luiil lititr. H'ssl side
walks, tfiswl out Im ildi in.'-, 1 1011 -e recently
painted, siirrounded hy new fence, in
surance 011 property paid for over two
years, now rents for fl'iO per year. For
sale at a harxaiu. Call early at The Fx
ainiuer ollice won't Im on the market
1 nr. 17tf
Horses and Mults For Sale.
2(1 'mmI youii), mules and Hi) head
, fine horses more or less. These are
stock hor-es of the IVp heon hreed,
yearliuv and t;eldini;s, ami mares that
will he tine fifi hreedintf They
are all t.y; animals and anyiasly who
knows the I'ratt horses will recognize
the fact that the animaN are tirt-class.
I have also a M ai'oiiahey Jack, 7 years
old, which I will fell. For further par
ticulars call on or addles- ('. (,' I'rall,
Lakeview , Ireuofi. ivesnlence, 4 't miles
boiiili oi town. 11 .'im
M w to Avoid Trouble
Now i- the time to provide yourself and
family with a ho' lie of 'ham herlaiuV
(' lie ('h.'l-ra and 1'iirrlni'a llemedy.
L is alinorl cer'aili In he needed hefore
tiie -iiiinn.'i i-..V'-r. and if pr'S'ined now
may save you a trip to tow n in the iiiuht
or in your l.u-iet oca-no. It is eveiy
w heie ad in 1 1 ted to he the 1110-t sui'ce-s-
fill 11 eilii ine in u.-e I n lintel complaint-,
hoi 1 1 i ,r --hi Id 1 en an 'I inl'il'-. No family
can a:i n l to he w.ili.nit it. For sa'e hy
le nH .o 1 I ily Mote. 'J2 4
for Wood.
-.aied hids will he received l.y the
( 1 it n ty ( 'oil rt of Lake county, Oienn,
iii In llii' in xl inee'iii'i of said Court
.(nit :;. l' to liirni-h l'l cords of lii
itn li wood tf 11 I 0 of 'J font wissl de
llterid at thecoiiri house, ill Lakeview,
Lake count v. IIm'l' iIi. not later than
epli iii her 1, The Coll 1 1 1 c-ei ves
the liiiht to n jecf any or nil hids.
Clerk of Lake county, Oretron.
Haled, Lakeview , Oieiton, June 5, I'.XIl.
Something; Ciood.
If you are ttoinK out of town hunting,
fishintf or sheep shearing, call around at
lost A Kind's ami net a hot I Id of their
t i e case tiood We carry in stix'k :
II. ). H. Uourhon,
Kentucky Favorite,
( 'vrus Xohle,
II. it. ncial,
Old I'epper,
tiill Kde.
.Jes-e Moore,
Tea Cup,
Chicken Cis k,
Cock 'O Hie North, Ac, &C
A line assortment to Hclect from.
1 1 t ff 1'osT A Kino.
Something New and Valuable.
I have for sale (the exclusive riiiht in
Lake countvj the famoiiH ''Many in One
Fruit and 'ectahle Press, " for the Urn
time intrndm el in this section. TIiih i-i
an appaiatun that will take seed out of
hemes, take striiH i u t of 1 1 J r 111 ps ,
t;iIIKn nilU ne.m miiiv.ii;n, ,... ,n .....,
st 11 its ftausaveri and 1im!H a hundred oilier
thiiiiiH. This is a iiiachine thatiH almost
indispeiisalile in a well regulated liome.
1 Aill stint out to canvass this county
next week and will he pleased to nIiow
tiie workings of this picss to all who
wish to see it. The price for pieH coin
plele is ii. 1 will ulso sell territorial
liuhls in this stale. J.K.Ft'ltiiKHNON,
10-lni New I'ima Cruck, Un:
t ' a 'j'
.ft ,.T,M.'.U V f J ;
Dissolution of Co-Partncmhlp.
Solli i. la ln r.'liy (Urn Ihal ( h" -.r ii- rltl (
hrriMolort' 'ilaiiiin la'iw.'.'ii S i. roull.'r ati.l h.
H Ia. unil.-r ttir II rm nam.' of n. i 1 wii-i t ,V
i'ii.. Man, on May .11-1, I11!. ly mutual
r.iliv iit. AM at- olilila art'' 10 K. II. l ay
a do a ill ar'lli-all litlla at;allil llir nl drill of
S. I). 1 miller A I o. I
i'at. il Ijik. t lr , Ori'iioii. Inn.' V rml. i
s 11. HiriTin. j
K. II luv.
4 nvTt:ir miiii i:.
Drarl Hi -til l t Int. rti.r.
t'.,le .1 . I ai .1 1 irti. v.
l-nk 't I. tl . 1 'ri-..iii. Mi .'..:!i. I Hi
til i- iliti a' aM ,n it lint : . Ii. . 11 til--. I
t- l I.. II s.r.i kli.tei nl I nti oun
.i.iite-titiil. nk'ttliit l.i.iiH-st. nl fit' r t
, Mifllrl.
in IIH. 1 II:,
ty. nr. wmi
n .i I. mail
-L',-.tMv let
s . imiii;. l'l K
le-.l.-c. I II t II I.
s. pi. I
, aii l 1
1 '... ..r
III ill 'I, tow ..
,. 11 in... I.,
w . l
Il II l
I lliat -al l , lull
l III-...1 III I.e.
ll a'.iil:...n.-l
hi-iiii t:i a. I i-nlrv nml .
11. -a nr.- lu-r.-li) n.e-iti--.
em-r .-t I'l.-IK-e leiirh 1 1
0 (j,,- s a!.-. .ti.l
1.. Mj.'.'ur. ri--ii-il
sai.t a. Irual ion a
1 el
n'flm-W a. 111. on Jult . Ilal. I., t,.re K.u'iit.-r
ami ll. re v. r I I1II..I S'i.',i I an. I 1 Uli. . , t Tjtk
t p , 1 irew'un. I Ue a i t I. wt.,nl I14. 1 11 . U a
ire. r alll.U. It. III. .1 )lm J Ui. 11. .. I I. ,111.
lai-m ttlo.'ii ati.itt iImi ..r r il .- J 1 . . 11 e --r
Mlll -( ol t II In llu'i, inn Hot u-Ul.,.1. . 11
in In-relit . . r I ' r---1 nml
. re.i lual -... ii im
r 1 In a' ,ti
Im' kiv. 11 l.y .I'ii' nii.l
n.l i.r...
t. M. 11
III! I I'A.N. Ii' h'l-l'
.Sheriff Nuticc of 5alc In I'orrcloaura.
('int. r ami l.y virtue of an x"-u!i..ii 111 inr.
rl.iaiir. . .Inly l-oiio.l 0111 ni in.- it. 1 .. . r t (
til.- Slate . it I ir. s'nli, f..r tin-I nt I nk. . ..n
III. -till .lay III Jllll'. 1 l'l. Ill a rerUlli mi t
w lie r.: 1 11 iH iiri' I'onti aa t'litiuiiff r' 'iv'i.'.l
lii'lo'ineut niel ilei ref of i'ir i-loa .r.' ami '.ri.-r
ol nali' aifalll-t Xejillt'll l.ilnr'l alel l.llllHti . lcr.l, ati'l t-a. Ii of Ho'in a .1 -f"ii. Inula, 011
ttie tlrrtt itay ol June, l'VI. l..r Ho -tun ( 1 w , u
It tvto huiulr.'.l alel la.' - l til. t alel Hi l.o
( f ) ilollar-, mill Her. on alilie
ratHof ten -vr i-.-m M-r a.itiiiiu trniu Juie- Nl,
l',i. until, 11 11. 1 lor li'i.jn . ..-ia. tt Im ii ju la
ment ami .li'i-r.-f vtaa I u l . nt.-r.'.l on Juno l.i,
hiil, ami iliii krti'it 111 llir .Iu'Ikiiii'iii I n 11 In,, k
i'IiiI aal'l on my ou .line' 4 Mi, lail . 1 am roue
IlialliJ.'.l to aeil tilt JniliiktiliK ..'-M-rtlHf real
prnurriy, Is'li.iu hiK to tin aai-l -1, (eu.Jauta, nii
u an In Lake 1 011 11 1 y , 1 in dun. lo-tt it : I in- mil
halt of tinrtlityeat uiiarler, tin atiutliamt i.unr-
t. rof Hie nortlitt. m .juart-r, lie- tti'.i liail ..I
tin a.utlHia-.l ijiiart.-r a:el tie o.iutlitt-.l .juar
ler of Her. '1; nolltli.-.t-t ipeirt.-r of nolllli. a.l
i.uarti rof Set, ii; norili liall of nonlu am ipiar
l r of he.- 7; tiurtli lilf ot imrili tt -.t iinarier
of S-c. a ami tile Ii w .-al iilarl.-r nl I In- lliirtle
weat iptarter. the in.ri h tt-.-at uari'r ol tn
I4iutlit.-at .iiart.-r, atel tin i-aat halt itt tlui
xouihtt. at ijuari. r of -. lion , all In l . d, h.
K. la i at of W. M , nv lli. r uitli the ten.
uiciila. h.-ri-iliiaini-iit ami a'urt'iiaiii ea tlii're
iiuto t-liiiiilnK.
Nolii'i. in h"r hy ifiv. 11. tlntl nu Satunlay. tin
At Ii ilat nl July, l'l. at tin hour nl J o'i-Iih k
I'. M. nf aai'l any, al lie trout ittn.r on the ea-t
aiili "f Ih uiity ' oiirt llnune nl nahl County, 1
I'llt'-rlllK lie shenff'a ollli e ili.-r.lii. In tin j
1 "tt 11 ol I JIM .view. Ink'- (nil my, In-Koll. I will 1
n.-li, in iiirsuslli'ir of aal.l execuluiil, all till, i
ru:tit, lit.e itiet mL r. ai vt 1.I1 ti llo aaiil il.-fi-nil-ant-.
or i-ittier of tie-in. hnv in or In Mitt alsito
I. ai-rlli-i .r.-111 1 --n at i.iihlii- Hal., for rath, to
lln- ii oln al ami h nt i.ol.ter t!nr. ( .r, to -almfy
at I I jiiitiim-iil ami il- rr'-e aiel ro.ta ami ex
.en- a f llluklllK thin .ale.
lino-'l Jim.- Illli, l u l. ,
II. It. In si i,
' i .Sheriff of IaWi 1 ounty, 1 ir-'Knii,
You Can
Ai.'inr" a tlioroiik'lily
' M 1 ktlO'Al-
l il.'l- il I he I 1 I l.till. il
ith'iul i 11 r i-rfTi u y with your r r 1 1 l n
Ii- w. f.-inl i.hkIkI lur (: I rial l,--tn ami
lull tHrl)('iilarH of our
Alo o.ililoliniif .riil:iillelll ''ilili-anirn. tiunl-l..-nn
Im-u . nte lion TA l.te-rn n tl I ol le III re
iranl to tins lieth.. i. T- I l.onk . -'. Teruin
fur Mail liinlriii'tinu, $-i per 1110111I1. j-n-hi.iih
..n rt.-l Miei ri'L.rii.i l 0.1 i.j of r- -"lt.
Behnke'a Law & Commercial School,
$3.50 Shoes for Ladies
Fine Shoes
For Men
All Shapes
And Sizes
Atthc Red Shoe Store
T I l II I. H 41111 It K HAI. r(Mf.
I'nltril Htatea I .mill nftli .i.
I akrtlew, Oreiinn, Ma V. Iwl
Nf Hit la hrril.y alti'ti llial Jamea II l.iiliain
ban fl leil millri'nf Inli-nllon t.i wakr Dual nool
before Mini itn rlm r al Ihelr nmrn III
laksilrn. t r hi. im friilay lli Alii 'lay
Inly. IX'!, nil tlllll.iT riillnf aillrallnll Ml
1IM. lor tin- lul I ml I", vt il i i'ilMII Nn
I III tow nahln Mn. .. ran" No. IK K lli
rmmea aa wilusaaa-a- U'.A. sinrlock of lakr
vlrin, lirrKiin, . I'. Iiiiitran til Hllver Laka
orrami. I. I'. kliM'l mirt iUrhrrl Alilrlitite il
Hummer I i'. r '"
in.Jl f . M. MurriiS. Kmlm. r.
I anil Oltli-o, l.ak't lea. Orraiin.l
May II. 1
I Nolle.' l hrri tir lfu Ihal I ke (ol I. .a I hk
naiiml acitltr linn flliil u-ailii' nl I I a inn tuloti
1 10 make final irinl In auiirt of Ma claim
! ami 1 a at 1 anl priMil will t ina.i
Wanlvt. II, I nlli'il Slatea I nmialaalnlMr al ll
I ver Lake. Orit . on Jiina .M. lul. l : A flrml
' Pni'iiltm. II. K. .So. I?v. lor Hie ami
' Ni, h' ai4 BWi, Nfc',. , ... llow an,
Iiiwnilili Oa aoMltl, nliK 14 ina I, M lllaatclte
1 mi'flillan, Ore-tan. Hi' iiamea llm fnlbnaiim
a Iiiii'iumo In imivo hla t'oiiilmmiia nafclcnci.
niMin ami cultivation of nahl laml, tli: J. V
War. I. K. K. M arty. Mr. II. Umlrt ami W. X
liuuraii, all nt hllrar lake. i'r.n..
main ut r.M. HHATTA1N. Kilrter.
SaUrr f lllaK Final .Irrnaal,
In I lii" matter ol tha rat air of Ml. rva.1 I t tu h
Hi.' nii.ti ralKiii'il, A.lmtmairalor
ol lln Klnl
of MS ha.'l l.yni li. ili-iaaav.l, ilhl oil .1.rll fi'lh.
La'!, rt.r 111 filial a.'timiil aa a 1 1 1 It a'tiiiliila-
i Iramr, ytllli Hie 1 I. rk M llir 1 onnl i nuri of
lakf eoulity. Or- ifoii. lis aal.l 1 oun, m.I llial
'aai.llourl Ii aa tit.. I an a.a.lii, l M.. Inlay.
I July Ul. I il. at I o'. liK-k p 111. I lirr. nl , al llic
I'ouiily Ju.lKe'a oltli't. It, Hi,1 louiiiv (nurl
I liniiae of aal.l roiiuty. aa H-r llinr ami .iie fur
the ln-arlliR nl ol.). ellolla laaut'll lllial ai lullt,
If any Him.- In1.
Pan. I iki'tl. tt, Or.. May ilt,IWi
I'll 11. 1.1 M II.
A.tmliilatrai.r of 111. t .fata of
majrl& Miroai'l l.ani-li, IH.e. aa.-.n.
A HtllA IM1 II 11 OK m yllTH K.
In tli.- n aiirr nl ih. 1 ali- of Jereiie t.-r-l.
ii-.'.'Ba.'.l. I 1 lii-r lit iclx'it llial llo iiinl.'r-li,Mi' 1
Umt In-,-11 .tHpitll-! Il lie I ..null I 'our I ol I. nil I
I oil lit) . 1 ir. mil, a.l 11. 1 nl! ralor 1 I U, e.l . I, ,.l
J. roiue i.i.t .i-r-l .Ir, . a. .1 ! an ..r.l- r ..I
I'.eiil ma Jan.iart .ty I. I ). and 4ult . nl. t- I .-
Mat .'.11. 1 I'ul. til Ht.i'111 iiavlnr rlniina
a atr.i ...l'l i-.uii- are li.r. i. r .(Hiri' l i. i-r.
.Illlli.'an,c.ll!i ' I . I r . 1 . r ti..,-.rt.ttlll liemlli rem Hi.' .I..1. ol Mo Itottr. , 10
tie- aiiii:n:ira(..r. at Ilia nl. r.- Ill I'attlry. .att.
I ..Milt,, IT .in, nml n.l l...n. I' l,t -1 In
ui I i-i 11 11'. r, i . .1 In ,' 1 1 1c t tt u I li- 11 11
.1. r.i in ! tin m. -, .an I) ,
- i,i.i Cosy,.
A..1.1 . not rutnr el tie- ealnl i f t.-roitii- tny!..rl,
D. 1 r-,"l
Dal.-.l Ji. .11., I 1.
l l V I. I'lfOOl
1 a 'i. I iftli . at I ji let 1 101 . 1 ir.-ko.u. f
Arn r.. IV
So'i.i In h. r t t f't,-u that 1 10- Ii.ll.-a 11. tf-lialie-.
lll.-r hn. Ilia I lioilr. of hln i,t u I I..II
ti.maki- fl i-tl .t,..l In nti (nirt ol hln t lalfn.
amlliiat nai l i-t... Isill I. iua.1- I..-I..I,- no
K.l-l.r an-l le-'.-u - ral Ulo l.-ll, llr.ttnll.ou
I'iiii' . I'i'l . 1 1 : 1 III--I I Arlliur. II. t. . So.
I". 7. tor tin tt.-.l h a.l ol itorllu-.i.! .piart. r aiul 1 ti. -1 .(.mil. r nf itof'h, -at I. r all. I
tlnrt In-a-l .art. r . i leirl hty. al . 11 art. -r .-.-1 ton
4. ott u-hl. In miii. 1.. rain.'.- t 11.1. ll liautea
I to to: Intl 111 ,t II In a, a to .nv. hla f. in 11 till. Hln
n-nl.tem-.- ilniu it'ot ni II. 1 itl t.ili of aal'l
tl: D. S. M un. .-Ii. iaii. i 1 1 ,t r I n Mi.rrin, Jam. -a
Wnlialiin aiil AIimti Mmrl., all of I ji at 1 1. ta .
1 ir ton
mat .'7 K. M. MII A1T.IIN, U'Ki.ii r.
I "11 1 .! S'af - l.ioel full . . Lake. .w, I Ir . 111,
May II, I'aiI Snii. -n la 11, r. l. y n'l.e.i thai In
1 it'll' in . a I h tin j.r.o l-ii.i.n ol Hi,- art ol
1 f Jinn. .1, is, a. rniitl.-il "An ari for
I In nale nl II in l, r inn iln III III. staliaof I all
fnruia, Or-Koii, Net a'la anl W aahiniriiin Ter
ritory," aa , xi ml .1 m nil He- . iil. 01' laml
stat. a l.y ai l of Amn.l 4. I".', l.arh a s In
tl.-l nl l'aini- . i-oiii.f ) ul I jia. Slate ol 1 ir.-tfoli,
linn till .In. fi.e'l In Ihla oflo ' Ion a'.tnrtl alati'
me .1 No. :n7, for ll.a .uti hnne ol lie K',
SW 't iml ' , l ' , i.l .-,. lion to IJ In I na 11
ahlp - o X. fi . I':u. Vo 17 I-.. tV M. ami
w 11 1 offer imof lo .How llial tie laml amiKht la
more t nlualili f..r Ha 1 1 111 t.-r nr .iiiu.- 1 linn fur
airne .lltirnl I'li'l-'n. . alel lo latnlillali hla
i-laiui n. nahl IimI lHl..r Hie K r anil
K . elver of ttila oflt--. at lak .-a, 1 ir.-if, 11 .
nil .a'ur lat . lie .'I lilntnf Atuiini, I'aiI. .
Iia iie-n an vi 1 1 :e ' J.k llalii.ler. It. I.. Hen-
llei.i, o. I'niiu, nl I'aiah-y, tir.'nii, ami K. D
-uilth. nf l.aset I vt , nr nml. Any nml nil r
noun I it I f 1 1 1 n K aiv.-i ly tin aln.v e-.i n.rl Ue.l
Inn I. are r. e nli I to II e llleir hi 111 o In Ihla
oilii! 011 or hefiirs ani'l Jl-li tav nt ut;iiai.
JilliiWl-J 10 H'toaler.
"T JKT ..ris.n, .AiA
Mil 11 II -A XTHIH, M. !'.
I.akrvlr, r,
nllll'M-IUtiri PtutJ Mhrta
yuiill ta ar I.tnlil j
(alia aiiaaafaal
rhjalrlBM aitfl aii an
l.lrlr. Or.
DKKK'K UkatlaW l'lii t'u'a Kk ra
ll:llloi M l
I'll) alt'lan anil aarraa
laki tlrta , ttrrcan
ori'K'K X. Annrr't Krifctrina.
. 11. ariair alarm . maaosa
ham nm i at MrrMHi.
Aliararr-al-l4it ,
l.alirtlrw. Or.
orrH'K In t'niaaall'i clBra bulDlliif
1 r.
Allarar) al l-aw
ltkrvlrav, lliraaay
irfru K -!! H.nMiaaf.
'. M
ii i.k t nri.R
AIIwh) -al-laiatr.
Ikrvlra ,
il-rint 11 DaiUlna;
'. H
AtlrMry-Al-lw ,
AbMbuiI. Orriaa
Will al lt e. ar,y iim aM ti.lf I . l.liu
in ant .f ln .-nunl'M of Ih. r r. I Jll.ll. tal t'laloiA
. Ilarnr) -Ij
lalar) I'ulillr
Ijtlartli a . Or
nflll'K I'. t B'lll.llrg
IIM . Vt. ti K t If kill
llsrar I ralu'r
l.akrtlia . 4rr(
till O r lMOII.aiT
l akrtlra, llirsnta
"KHt'K Paly liulUniK.
KIIKKf Mil Jlin
James Barry
Hru-!. witti alliw orlt In
Inr weihrr. h. in NiiKrt r t ini n:i
In nifltC ar. lr rami 111. Haute', t mii
I nk' IffMloltlrr iulri th v Ir , ( fi ifnii.
Zac Whilworth
Iirau-la a lib 1 n off Ii 'I
Hall I ml. n mi. ff
rtuht I'lri'W.-a; r-nv.-r-M- lor wriln-ra. 7ar lirau
W l(aiiRe, I'lab fm-i. I'ualuVli-v a.iilrr-a.
l-ak rli . Or. no n
To take I'fTis t Sunday, May ft, I'Ull.
No. I I Nu. I
a a. in.
u lo a. 111.
H: . 'A a lu.
Ii 41 a. 111.
lu ll) a. 111.
I -I'.i a in.
In Hi it. 111.
I I :l'i a. in.
II I a. 111.
II i a. 111.
U LI . 111.
I un i. III.
I : in 1 (1.111,
In 1 (
p ui.
'J:..i , 111.
" :;.'i . 111.
I u. . 111
t . . ).. 111
.'. In i. lit.
a r
Knu ...
Hmainlt ..
I i ar
I ram-ia ....
l'l 11 luaa
I hill
I auo-rou
lul Iiih k .. .
I 'imalatil la .
I Uitle
A lne..i . . .
. A ine.lee . .
Mill st.riua.
iliime Lake.
W averly
H: in ,
.'. .1 .
' '7 ,
I I.' i
4 IH 1 I
J : i, I 1
:i u, ,
run. ,.
; - I.
'" I'
1 hi .
I 10 !. in
I'J I 'O I' in
II 4.'. a. hi
II -M a. 111
In .7 a. 111
In "ii a in
u .:t a. 111
I.l a. ii
h::ui a. 111
Sperinl rales froin
( 'Ii icii-fo, New I )r
leans, Memphis,
M imis and all
M issoiiri lliver
l'oints to
' -I i -
I lot Spriiiis. . .
Armstrong ....
', (HI f'JS Ml tL'll Ul
I :i2 mi, 0..1 Mi, 27 (Kt
.Ti IN)! llii M, 2H INI
I .'i-i IH) HI fsl 2.1 00
1 onni'i'tliiK al I'lmnaa Juni'llnn with sierra
Valley'a llalltvay; Willi nlaKi' al Imvle for Mil
loril, .iKiienv ille anil II 11 rt 1 1 11 k v 1 1 1 . At lint
HirliiK for Huaanvlllf ami Al Ti rina
for Alluraa, 'e.lar v I lie. Lake t 'It y ami Curt
lt.lnll, aL.aml Laki'Vlew, I'luali anil I'alnley,
T. K. IH'Nawar. J. . IIknuctt,
V. I', anil (i. M. ti. K. ami I". A.
Trade Marks
I. . - jV DcaioN
AnTOTKnendln ftakafrh and duMirlntlnn nv
qulohlf wwritht our opinion 1rm wlisibar mm
tlntta al rlollr iwihHdaiitlHl.
Ilju-ultMiokon I'alaitta
i-Hitt frtut. Old
nt frii. Old out hwhih'7 Toravouriiitf paimila
falMiita taken tlirouuh Id una h, Co, rulr
mm Mt. wn noui. viiaw-Sk iu iua
Scientific Jlmcrlcnn.
A harnliometf Hluatratd mmvkf. 1 rut rir--milallmi
i f nuf m htntitKi Journal. Tniim, il m
THnr ; imir riMiMiua, tu uuiuujau newiiulura.
MIINN X. I'n 36IBro.d,.
Ufauvh (JRIca. & r HI., Wuliiiiuh.n. II.
rti i ih'ii-uure In on ever," lit i nf tint gonulna
l axative lironft uir.itr, Tui.iut.
he rniiHHly that im ( 4 , una day