LIKR f-NTY KXBtRRi I.AKRVIKW. OHKUOJl, JVM 14. INI. OREGON SHEEP. BEACH & M'GARREY (One Year, $2.00 TERMS: 1 SU Month 1 .00 (Three Moot ha, 50 Ltnitltn, jrsit 13. ltttfl. voUll knd In AiUMC. Tlio Lon.Lut I'lim-i, in miu tditotuily on tiio Mitntio i in .ii-rin:iu ml .-ulria for a oiuui.iii ion Hi; uiu I to llu' umlfrukinn haxariloun, a I Over 2oo,ooo Will Leave Eastern Oregon. i tvr '?) iHH) lieml nt nhtH, rninpriHing luiiils, will lent F.Hntprn Onynn lor t'tnuiljr, California, in a t- .l.i v Tlu-y will In' driven at-nt thu ikio Into Xcva! nd on 9 f'vir dwrin- .i'.ioii by llv a.v of Rmio. Many oilier mn n VavV at Vnrititi iiitvrynln iaro ikili..ui tli Dxt few month, and lw ioiv ilu mmmjiii U far nuri nlvnivil American eouitiieivul cnnijK'tKiun. Ji. this Halieiiug cotiiplimciit to Aiu-i.ouii greatness: "The sole hope for Tsui- T.aropo, ace-ml-injj to these writers, i. to uiumu- .u"i eon and introduce the cuiuiiu'ir.ul yt tern against the L'micil si.i-a. It in i-i be u lied that ihe precelfiit i- rather tii heartening. li the conlineninl tU'in failed in Napoleon's iron $rni, it hardly succtfd in the Ii;urU ol otir o . friend, the enucerlof htirupe. Willi il markets of lirvat ISi iiaiu tool her colon ies remaining open, the tmeftro wealth boycott aaaiiitH America loe nn wear a hopeful anpfvl. The Mrhemu i. pivproeterous and ltupracticaile on tin face of it, but the editorial articles Inn. propose it deserve attention as a revela lion of the acute, continued jea!ay ai.d fear of Auiericau nieatnes and pn perity which prevail in cerlian quailei uflhe Continent." CAThOUcS AND THE FLAO. Clot-inx au able and patriotic edili-ria on the subject of Decoration Iay, Uv. C. J. O'Reilly, editor of the Ca Imlii Sentinel, the accredited organ ol that church in the province embracing Oie gon, Wa.-hington, Jduhu, Montana and British Columbia, lias this grand a, tr ance: 'By the tlau jf America, then, f shall all stand. Toil we swear ali-i ance. Whatever our nationality, our iihum 2tt'i0 will ..have gone pructicHlly : iie -auie 1 1 'iile. the In .-.i I'.inl todi-part on the Ioiik trip wili ! inai I'l I he linn represented by A . i. v. a ln i- at pres 'ill staying at t u Iv in ii'l HN.ititig the arrival of his !i r- s, w; ,m ami camp paraphernal m till h nave Ih it delayed en route from l-re:i. Mr. Kly and his expert drovers, of whom iln ie ure eirit, will remain at l''.iiia:nl until the outfit ariive, and fol low it to its dc Mutation u Kasturn Ore gon, a.stlie 1'orllaud Telegram. It woiiIk have Iwcn nitwh cheaMr for him ( have boil jn dinliorses in Orogon, (ill Mi . aysll tlio-e he ha Drought w tli li i in are trained to the business and wii', it lni out to grate for the night a mi the heev be found with them in the uioriiiiiti' Owning to this trail they make up lr their transportation charges in suvnik! time and bother. The goats are aixo tialne.l animals, and do their shaie ol (lie work by fording streams ui;hou. hesitation. When one of the g ai takes to the water, the sheep, in tlun proveibial follow-lhe-leader fash I -li, siay clove at his heels. Iu this way naiural t iiuoroUHiiess is overcome and Htim alter stream forded without nmr tl time. At tin" season of the year grass duea uoi enter into the selectiou of a projxir r..uie to lie traveled, as plenty can be e.tund iu every place, but alter crossing uie t tregon line a close watch is kepi lor i,,. Miiik-Meed, ia a rank ponnia to sheep. religion, oi our politics, we are oie that: in devotion of that sax-red ktnner , that waved trmmphanl over Uie L nioi.1 dangerous weed found throegh armies. If war ever twumls its dreail J ,ul 1 autornia and Nevada, and, likelau alarm again. Catholic pnots and wtnte-5 r'. u l u1 deadly enemies robed Msters of Chanty will be r-eea ' "bei-pujen have to eucoaihr, and ex again near the soldiers, sharing therr j feiue watchfulness is not exerciand the dangers, to administer the cusolaiioi. I ''"'e droves ol sheep wll eat it and die of reliaioii and Drove to all men tha I a few h-airs, a4xl it is one weed they are ikiI the enemies, butliie fneiai j ''eon sheepuiea fortiuiately do im1 have ....... ... - - . I ,... - ---- coinhiiMMl with (ouier advantages, makes me asaie one Joseoh Rend was tellin a little coter.- ol lhe siieepraiaiug states iu the of gentlemen at the rel S.)iuln.ii hotel a funny story recently aarrate.1 to him by Governor MacCorkle, of W-at Virginia, says the ColumUts A colored man was leljiuu a whitefritiiil aUmt another negro who owed lnu. -! and absolutely ret u -e l u pay the di. The crediur dunned and duuied liiiii.i. t all to no purpose. Kinailv the creirtoi went to his w hite iriend, who was a law yer, and poured hi tale ol woe inteliis ear 'Well," said the lawyer, ' & he positively refuted to pay you what Tea son did he give?" "Weil, bosn," staid the C' 1 red man, "lie said J had w.ed nie dat money fo so long dat de interest had dun t it all up, au' he didn't we me a cent.1" It would appear that out of the uiob of forty or more men who sent five men to eternity iu Modoc for pitit laroeny t"i;ie wem'd be at 1 -a-rt or two weak enough, if arrested on susiiiaon, to tell the whole story and who Uieir as were. It is a matter that in ill fairness, justi e, and law should lie tbor oughly investigated, and prosecuted to the full extent. An opportunity jire- sents itself for some very neat tleteclire work. Unless the mob comprised people from outside of Lookout pre cinct there is a chance to send the en tire opulatiou of Lockout to jail or the gallows.. Union. Mr. Klvsays that in addition to the larue baud he wili lalte out of the state Miller and J.ux have already 1 ought in the neigh Uirhood of o0,0o0 iiead, the Wealeru Meat Company fully as many inure, and other concerns of less prom inence 1'iiuiliers in proportion, and that ail will be driven suae of the way and otiieie the entire distance an Francisco. It's a oorrule that won't work both ways. Many a woman has succeded iu making a fool of a man, and some few women in making a man of a fool, says the Ft Louis Htar. We don't believe any woman has ever yet, or ever will, make a man of a fool. It is one of the impossibilities of life and beyond hum an nature. Yreka Old Timers. Yreka Journal : An old stage coach with a tine team, bcpJi as the old Califor nia Mane Co. used iu the ViO's and 'tiO's beiuie tue construction of the railroad, wa( pulU-d around town last Tuesday w ith a load of old timers. Dan Caw ley vas on the box as driver, with a hand so.ue wiup presented him many years ak", also Charlie Williame, who drove the stage over fcott uxMintaiil on the trip when Johnnie Reynolds, present postmaster at UeddiuK, killed one of the robbers waylaying lliestatfe. The coach was halted in front of the Franco Ameri can hotel, and with a number of old timers on to and alongside, a photo was taken, but spoiled by an effort to show a hold up in reverse position from the proper manner aod inside of a town, be ing inappropriate, hence another will be taken. Among the old settlers in the group were A. E. Raynes, Dr. Ream, John Kegg, E. Carrick, J. K, Cleland, L. Fwan, John I'ashhurg, Chris Srhock, M. Miner, Newt Lamb, A. Hawkins, Journal editor and others. An Oregon edito.- dreamed that he died and of course went to heaven and there came upon a man in chains fasten ed to a post, lie inquired if it was necessary to punish people that way in heaven. "That man," said Wt. Peter, "is a man from Oregon. Wealwayshaye to keep Oregonians chained up aw hile in order to keep them from going back." New Lakeview ought to make a hit with all the jieople who will be here during Fourth of July week. A great many who will be here will remember the town as they on;e saw it a business center of old frame buildings. They will scarcely recognise it now, ' The Creamery Check. "The creamery check is the n.ainstay of the business houses of Brownsville." saysadispaf.h. The creamery check is destined to become the maiustav of the farmers and merchants of the entire Willamette valley. balero Statesman. And if the business men and farmers of fioote Lake valley w ill consider a cream ery proposition favorably when Mr, Mitchell comes here to establish a cream ery, the "cremnery check" will soon be come an impoi taut factor in the com mercial affairs of Lakeview. The creamery check, passod around among many, is found to be a currency in uch sought after. WHEN i PEOPLE Talk of 0ENTS PURNISMINO HOODS, DRY 000D5. GROCERIES, ETC., AND OF GOOD PLACES TO BUY THEM, OUR STORE IS SURE TO BE FAVORABLY MENTIONED. . We have the newest Spring Cloth ing, Shirts, Shoes, Hats, Etc., AND WE WANT TO SEE YOU AMONG OUR EARLY CALLERS, TO GET YOUR CHOICE. ...Complete line of Tin and Agate Ware... Hi Ci ROTHE & CDu THE leading merchants Of uke county. r.T. QUNTHER ?t$&' Watchmaker ""t and Jewder Located at new postoffice Jil building JT Al work in my line fully juaraniccu Lakeview- Plush Stago Line GEO H STEVENS, Proprietor Iv.'i!W M.imUy. .ml Krl ly - K"ttirnlcitf. l-v.- I'hmh TiH' ! aud SBiuriUyii, at 7oVi k a.m. "rrli- 1'.itikit. P.rliRKi'ii an. Pr.-ilit HTiiKOKKH K Hnll. y A Mili)irill,ii, Handloy & Clondonon L1KEVIEW - PLrtNINQ - MILL Ifala MtrM, Ijkkcvlrw OONTRA.GTXNa Sc XBT7XX.X3XTa- Sash, Blind5, Moulding, Window and Door Casings, Furniture made to order Write U5 for e5timates on all kinds contract work and material BEEHIVES MADE TO YOUR ORDER HANDLEY & CLEM) EN EN Lakeview, Oregon ..Vegetable More.. The imly ViwittWe Klure In ninth ni Hank of I.akcvl.-w. All Vr(fcil,l.. ftnl Krnlt enn fouml hi UiU Mori- In waxin. ii niTl Mi'ri tiaii- dli, Clunrii ml Tohari'fM. Free Uellvi'ry. Whorton & Barnes JEE BEALL, DRUGGIST St Everythlrijr known toithe trade carried In stock FINE Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Goods, Etc. CIQARS... ...STATIONERY Frank Smith's LAKEVIEW VARIETY STORE CANDIES NUTS CIGARS AND BILLIARDS ...C. H. DUNLAP... & Barber ShopiS 5 F- Ahlstrom Hot and Cold Baths j M. W. T. Foster, the KliaHta oil expert, liaH lorat-( several oil claim, in Hur riue Valley, and lias Hurt) faith in the project that he will return from Kan J'rmiciHoe July lnt with a complete out lit fvr borinn. SADDLES Kecognld as the Ue.,t V,uero .Saddle 2 Okk door out!i of Bii.H I LAKEVIEW I i " - g Wagon un.I ,w 1IarnoHH Whij(S( m C 7 C & Ilopairins of all kinds, l,y i,,i.f.f. '