:: 52 SJ ? & Local, I tMt ,- d 1 TV in IP A I . Cobb 1 1 kin linn had miiil.r Mt murk j on ln sal t building, inide ami out, HI.H n... M H ri.i. I hill.. paia.e. Alfred 'e;lt iV ClI SlllllplfN III Willi IX ix r lit f ealilellie ill Mm. 'I' J. .Mltgllloll, kevie. J. M II. ill. II y.itgent, . :iin Tin' lmnintr Juli (illicit c 1 1 II lien Id roll out tin- Hm-st jnli printing ever turn ed out in this imihtiy. Cull Mini see llllllll'N "HI lli'liiiniil' cigars tii the cream nf tint I lii hum nop. They urn sweet and di'lii iiiiir. For null' by Alils'.roin Hros. 7tf Tin' "I I Coiiimundiilile" cigar Id J good, liniii'nl nmoke. I hern I hone quite no good, f-i r sale only liy Pot V King. ' "if Tim. Mcliralh, 811 old-lime resident ol I. iilln Hiaxtii, Mini lor mmm years pt residing lit Lakeview, wit in Yrt'kx last hutiinlitv, mnl gave unit friendly cull (or oi hriiitiiitniii'i sake. Yrek Journal. Tin' llighet Kiiih Ii coimintiiig ol L'KO acres, u llli eKtahllnliod water Mgbt, lo cated on ( 'oiioiittiHxl (Ini'k, in now of fered for sale. 1'. I 'itilmrli hIhiiiI It. 10-tf A stranger in front of Hotel I.ukeview luitt Suiuiiluy was heard lo remark (tint "l-akeview ha tnoru pretty and healthy looking girls tliun miy town of u I have ever viciii'il." It ghl you are, 1 1 It'll' I , mnl thanks for tin' (Mill o'limiit . You are null h loom liable to dim-use when your bowel ilo not H'l n Tly. De W ill's Little Lntly Kuers nuiiovc the cause ol iIim-hm'. Lakeview I initio. It in m l tluit . miners' inrlii-N ol water It now Mowing from the Lakeview Water Company's spring in the moun tains, lour mile from town. Tlial i a I. IK heml ol water mnl if none went to waste would Ik- iii 'K' for a -ity of five thotiKHiiil inhabitant. For a gentleman's smoke tiy a "Ko rrl MunicU" or a ' 7eiuU loiKUi'l" lUvunu ritfm. Kor bhIu Ijv Wliorlon Kitxulrn k, only. 7-lf llitM'liiill ruU'H liavtt U-4'ii linnvtl, o Umiir ran lx- ilaynl in an liour and a half. A foul lut not tauKlit on t'iu fly, uniftMt two Hlriki'B liavu rnllt'd, in a Mtrikc. A latttl Iml I on foul uromiil, a ball utrm k at tliat him lialtcr ami a foul lip cauvlil hy catcher, are almi itiiitil htrikfH. Ikiii iiffii tinim will ra lilv linaHar hy in-ini: IN-Witt'i Witch !lal halyii. Jiok out for rtliilfr(i'its. If you yt-l Ir III'b vuu will (et jfiKxl rt'HdltM. It in tin' n'lu k and MMitive curt' for pilt'H. l.aki-vii'W liriiK Vt. '1'ln-iM' WV.Iiu-HiliiV rvt'iiiiiK wcililintfH hlmiilil he "tiilMxl" frowned down. TIk'm 1 i i i i i v o THuiiniH do not ywv tin1 iii'WfiHM'r r-Mrtr a fair iliHiiff to ir Hciil tlu liUi-ft im'wm. Tim F.xaniiiur Iihh i lijiM'lioti to Moilo icrtMni; mur- rit-d, luit tin y hIioiiIiI lmvi the miitial knot tii'd on hiuiic other eveniinf. There, IeVill'H l.iltln 1'arly Kiner m-nri-h the reiuoteHt iHrtH of the Ixiwelx and re inovetlii' iuiiurilien DKMdily with nodiH romfort. They lire famoiiN for their ef-lli'Hi-y. I '.iixy to take, never Kri'e. Iike view Irun ( . ti tenuiH contimm 1o roll in from Teriini with toiiH of fn'iirht for I.Bkeview inerchuntH. It in. th wonder d our frit-mix dow n thu line, from l'ine Creek to Keno, w hat Ijikeview inerehuntM do with all the m mIh that coniu here. They aell them to I-ttktt county x-oile, and regularly at stated Hearnxva of the year to people of other countie. I.akevinw, yenlleiiieu, in a great diHtribiitiiig point. The real entnte in I-ake county, Ihc lonKini: to the Frankl Co., in now on the market for fule. No reanonahle offer will he refiiMe.il for any part of it. For full particulars call at or addreHS thin otllce, or Charlns Umhach, Ikeview, Oregon. 1-tf :: Interesting Notes (lathered (hiring The Week and Stated Briefly For l:xn miner Readers i !". I . tin-en was down from Paisley last Thursday with a load of apples. I, ..,, W(hl .. iMlltlv (irilll. lrv I,.,,.. 1 Moore " A A" whixkey. !. Jammer-, lull, Kiile iiu'i'l'l. Mrx. Walter l!uill In at I'aixley wilh a nt'M'k of millinery and w ill prohuhly locate there. livery thing conic to wait, cixM'lnlly ruxt thu man who and uohwehii. '' iet a move on." On nil the I'iiIIiiihii mrx Jce M.xire "AA" whixkey In to lie had. ieo. .Iain merthnl, xoln Hgeiit. II. Kohiiixon and family have K"'"' north through the tip-r vallcyn to rceK a location for a home. John Nyxwaner, who came here from Medford laxt fall, and I'x ated, ha gone to Antihunt after hi children. Wm. Watt, a veteran of the Indian warn of Southern Oregon, died in the Koldier' 1 1. line in Konehurg, on MaylUli. Mr. and Mr. 1 1. ('. Si liinitick 4iave 'xfti vixiting Mm. Silnniii' k'n piirciit at the Fonler homo in hummer Ijike valley. The failure of one mail in aften a be ginning of another one' u ccx. There i wiine coiixohtt ion in thin for the man w ho lull. If you want to lx' highly entertained go ami hear M . I.ucile Hall to night at (iiiuthcr Hall. The lady' talent de nerve a big hoilne. The leant in tjnaiitily and riiot in quality dcwrilien luWiit'n Little ICarly Uixerx, tlie faniniix pill for conntipation and liver complaint. Ijikevicw J 'rug (. The Chewaiican l'ont call Jim Mr Shane, the nheepmnu, a "nheep vaiiue ro." Mc. ha gixxl ground upon which to inxtitule an action for libel agaiut that elttT. ( in and hear M I.ucile Hall, the elo cutionint, in "The Village (ioHip"at (iunther Jlall tonight. She ia to Ih nR ninted by local talent. Any one of her mibjecta ia worth the price of adminnion. F'or familv line Jenne Moore "AA" whixkey t a prime favorite, and in thoiinaniU of home it i always on thu buffet. ieo. Jaiumerthal, aole agent. The itielMT (taxette fay that If. Itariie and family arrived from New Pine Creek laxt Saturday. Mr. Humes has la-en engaged to inxtall the new nicatu barley roll in the flour mill here and will ! with us for some time. When you go to Klamath Fall don't fail lo nee C. I. Wilwm the jxiputar caterer at the ( iem hhI'miii. He carries the linent Htock ill town and will treat vou right. The (iem is the popular reort. Try the Hermitage wluxky tliere. 25-tf About 2)t)i) Lakeview Kxaminers w ill be distributed at the llufTflo fair. Kvery paer in the Went should send a few copies there for distribution. About 20(1 copies of this week's Post will go to help advertise Lake county. Paisley Post. They sing of spring, these poet men! Their foolishness amazes 1 A 'ittle breath of May and then 'Tis June and hot us blazes! When you get warm and thirsty go to Post & King's and get one of thoxe deli cituix cixil drinks. IVitf (us Schroder, the Silver Laker, came in Paisley Monday evening and remain ing over night at the Hotel Paisley. Mr. Shroder was. going to Crooked Creek valley to look at some cattle, w ith a view of making a purchase for L. HuHeuiau. He did not buy. Post. "The happy have w hiilo ilny and thorn they I'hiHiM ; Tin- uiihsppy have tint hnun anil thoiiu they lone." The happy people are those who drink good liquors and smoke F'.l Cora andante cigars at Post Sc King's, l-tf New Pine Creek is Coming: to the Front, We Sell Good Goods. Our Prices Are LEMON & HARTZOG SC. U. SNIDER Tlii in no deception in our way of Kcllinp; good. Our priccH are the lowest qual ity considered. in lb Box Soda Crackers 75c n lb Cart 5yrup l.oo 5 i-4 lbs Koat Coffee 1.00 2 Pk'gs Celluloid Starch 25c 2 Corn 25c 2 Mixed Bird Seed 25c I Vermicelli 15c 42 Extra flood Candles l.oo I k'z- Selfrlsinic Buckwhert Flour 25c 10 lb Sack " oOc All of Schillings Best Goods at S. F. card prices. Pavid I!. Hill (you have all heard ( f him; nays that he is not a candidate for the Iii'iinx ratic prenideiitial nomination in I '.KM. "I am a Democrat." In accordance with the instructions re reived from the department, (ieo. VY Cnlvig, the newly appointed consul (or Itarraiiipiilla, will leave on the 2t'th of this i. ninth, going to San Francisco by rail, theiicu to Panama by water, across the Isthmus by rail and then cross the Cainlx-an sea anil sail up the Magda len river to r.arrainpiilla. Prink nothing hut Jesse Moore whisky and you'll always le happy. On sale at Whorton A I itzpatrii k'n. 33-tf While on a trip through Fastern Ore gon and Western Idaho recently hev. Father McHevitt, Catholic priest of Burns, was informed by P. P. Shelby and Mr. Wilkcrwon, both prominent railroad men, that the vast region com- Iirixcd in Malheur, Harney, Crook and jike counties is the yery fwnt s4ction of the United States without a railroad. " li M-emii to lx- n artunl Inrt thai an Inrllan lirvr IntiKlm." "NnnwiiM-l IHilu't IttiRd'.lUiw make Mlnne hahaT" Ami everyliody else "Ha Ha's," who drink and smoke at Post A King's. Ill Judging from all reHirta there will lie a large nuiiilspr of outaide horses at the Paisley meeting in June, and they will all tie in Lakeview (or the July meeting, The Fxaminer has had numerous re ipiests (or copies of the Paisley program and in each instance we have forwarded copies of The Examiner containing the program. A string of horses will prob ably come from Keno. " I have lieen troubled with indiges tion for ten years, hav4 triud many things and spent much money to no pur- Ixtse until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from them than all other medicines taken. I leel more like a boy than 1 have fell in twenty years." An derson Kiggs of Sunuv Lane, Texas. I Thousands have testified as did Mr. Kiggs. lakeview Drug Co. ' The Yieka Haxeball Ixiys gave a dance , laxt week, ami all the lovers of the dance ' attended. The business men w ho do not daii''e Ixiuglit tickets, to help ont the Ixiys in their work. The team attended j the dance in their new iiiiiiifonns and they Imiked "swell," The Lakeview baseball Iniys give a like entertainment on Friday evening May 24th. tiive the j Ixiys a big benefit. Tickets only fl. Last Warning to Taxpayers. In pursuance of an order o( the County Court of Lake County. Oregon. I here- by give due notice that all taxes on Lake j county property, real and personal, must j be paid forthwith. All taxes to, and in cluding l'.HH), are now delinquent, and if said taxes are not paid at once I will be compelled to levy on property for the payment thereof. My duty is impera tive. Please do not compel me to n ake you any additional cost by levying on your property. This means you. A word to the wise ought to lie eullicient. This is the last call. ILK. Di'nlap, Sheriff of Lake County, Oretfon. Dated at I-akeview, Or., May 9, 1901. Right. - . We have just received a full line of Ladien trimmed hat.n. Childrens' Hats Mens and I'oyH Hats Ladies, misses t cliildens' Kid Slioea .. Ladies Shirt (Jents Dress Shirtn Menn Summer ('Uihvt Ladies Over and I r v:i;-';? Latest Stylo I5elts .-lc to ." Spikes, Gold, Silver lilac k L for 10c All the above goods sold at N. Y., Chi cago and San Francisco prices. Get our prices before buying elsewhere MOTEL ILaview . ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS Sr ACConnoDATioNs SAHPLE Roon t: For COnnERCIAL TRAVELERS S COURTEOUS TREATMENT F. P. LANE & CO., Proprietors. F. P. LIGHT, Manager Rev. Colin Anderson. 1 One o( the most interesting personages who will be at the reception to Bishop Hamilton tonight is the Rev. Colin Anderson, pastor o( the Methodist chuich at Vacaville. Mr. Anderson con ducted a camp meeting at Mark West creek in lSoS. There was no Methodist church in the county then. In 1856, Mr. Anderson, then but 21 years of age, and known as the California boy pastor, was appointed as junior pastor at Panta Rosa, and he used to held services in the court house. The Rev. R. W. Williamson was senior pastor. Mr. Anderson is a native of Bonnie Scotland, of good old Presbyterian woof with Methodist filling, as he puts it himself. He is a man of very fine physique, and to-day, in his sixty-sixth year, can hold a heavy dining chair at arm's length w ithout a tremor. Mr. Anderson is the guest of Rev. E. R. Willis, and enjoys telling of reminis cences of his youth in Santa Rosa. Santa Rosa Republican. Rev. Colin Anderson is the father of our townsman C. R. Anderson, and has numerous friends in Lakeview. TO Ct'RH A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money i( it (ails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25c. 38-lyr i.vi , r . r , i -1 nave ueen suuenng irom ovspepsia , . i . . . . ... i , - . I lor me paxi iwemy years aim nave oeen unable after trying all preparations and I physicians to get any relief. After tak I ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure J I found relief and am now in better ' health than I have been (or twenty Cure too highly.' Thus wrote Mrs. C. W. Roberts. North Creek, Ark. Lake yiew Drug Co. I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about ' Ilia -rt,iitarflll I'llrn ufftfe'ttwl in m it paui by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhe Remedy. I was taken very badly with tlux and pro cured a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of it effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful dis ease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This remedy is sold by Lee Beall, Druggist. Come And See. am m I . Pioneer Mercnant of La e County . waist Li'ie to ').(') Horses and Mutes For Sale. 30 good young moles and W head of fine horses more or less. These arc stock horses of the Percheon breed, yearlings and geldings, and mares thai will be fine for breeding purposes. They are all b',g animals, and anybody who knows the Pratt horses will recognize the (act that the animals are first-class. I have also a Maconahey Jack, 7 yean old, which I will sell. For further par ticulars call on or address C. C. Pratt, Lakeview, Oregon. Residence, 4 mifaa south of town. ll-3m ALLL COONS Look Alike to Some. Borne people can't see any difference in pictures. A picture may be made of thing all are the same to them ; the and, blinded hy the exaggerated state ' nf. i , .i meilia oi some laaere, wiey are mjuie- times induced to give an order for work which is afterwards regretted. "Experi ments" are costly. If you have a pic ture to enlarge keep your orders tor j H arrimas & Cannon. We'll be in Lakr view. Oregon, and Modoc county, Cdl. again in May and June. This is yoor last chance. 19 3 Harbiman & Cannon. A Toast nr i o spring May we ever greet her as joy fully as we have 1901. May we ever have as good a beverage in which to drink her health as Bohemian Lager & beer one can drink day after day without tiring of it; a beer for the strong, better for the weak or debilitated. BUFFALO BREWING CO Sacramento, Cal. Write us for terms and prices. 1S-8