Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 09, 1901, Image 8

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(Continued from Seventh lage.i
I.akktikw, Or., May S,
Court convened pursuant to adjourn
me nt ; same ollicers present, when the
following proceedings were had. to-wit :
Ordered by the Court that the resig
nation d R. Ilrowii, an Kad Snpeivi-
or, in road district No. II, l-ake county,
(Oregon, W and tlx same ia hcrebr ac
cepted. It is further ordered that S. J.
ttndley be ml lie is hereby appointed
(Ill such vacancy.
It is ordered by the Court that the
money now in the hum! of the County
Treasurer, in the fund known a the
steal p llonnty Fund, county levy, lie and
he same ii hereby transferred to the
General Fund. And it is further or
dered that the money hereafter received,
applicable to Mid Scalp ltounty Fund,
rounty levy, le and the same shall lie
transferred to the General Fund.
Ordered by the Court that the money
now in the hand of the County Treas
urer, in the fund known as the Scalp
Bounty Fund, legislative or aute levy,
re and the Mine is hereby transferred to
the General Fund. And it is further
ordered that the wonev hereafter re-
reived, applicable to Mid Scalp IVmnty
Fond, legislative or stale levy, be and
the nine shall be transferred to the
General Fund.
The Court having duly considered and
investigated the Tax Roll for the year
KV$. for the purpose of asvertaining and
determining all the Uiit on Mid roll
which remains unpaid and having taken
ad considered the evidence touching
pon Mid matter, the Court finds from
tach testimony that there remains un
paid taxes on Mid roll, which fully ap
pear on a lift on file iu this Court
narked "Kxhihit B, Non-Paid Tax List
ho. which said list is annexed to the
Mx roll of said year, showing the name
f the person against a horn the tax is
levied, and giving the page and line of
riie tax roll foe the year upon
which the Mme appears in Mid roll.
Kow, therefore, by virtue of the power
vested in this Court, it is ordered and
fcereby dire -ted that a warrant I issued
ftr the collection of said unpaid taxes
an the manner provided by law.
The Court having fully considered and
investigated the Tax Roll fir the year
for the purpose cf a-certaining and
determining all the taxes on Mid roll,
which remains unpaid, and having taken
nd considered the evidence touching
lon Mid matter, the Court finds from
auch testiuionv ihat there remains un-
whieli remain unpaid, and having taken
nd considered the evidence touching
upon said matter, the Court finds from
such testimony that there remains tin
paid taxea on said roll which fully ap
pear in list on file in this Court
marked "Kxhibit K, I'npaid Tax List
No. ti," which Mid list ia annexed to the
Tax Roll of Mid year, show ing the name
of the person against w horn tax is levied.
and giving the page and line of the Tax
Roll for the year 1.497, upon which the
Mme appears in Mid roll. Now, there
fore, by virtue of the power vested in
this Court, it ia ordered and hereby di
rected that ft warrant he issued for the
collection of said unpaid taxes in the
manner provided bv law.
Court adjourned until to-morrow , May
4th, at 9 o'clock a. m.
providing for the aymer.l thereof," etc
approved February it's l)l and it
; appearing to the satisfaction of the
I Court bv the affidavits and scalps prr-
pawl Uxes on said roll, which fully ftp- senled, that said statement is true and
ear in a lit on file in this Court vrrcct -it is therefore ordered that said
marked "Kxlubit C, I'npaid Tax List statement be, and the Mme is hereby
fco 3." which list is tnnntil to the ' approved .
mx roil of said year show i:.g the rame j Ordered hv the Court that the Road
I.AKKTiEW, Oregon, May 4, 1901.
Court conveaed pursuant to adjourn
ment. Mme officers present, when the
following proceedings were had, to wit :
The Court having fully considered
and investigated the tax roll for the
year ISW, for the purpjee of ascertain
ing and detemining all the taxes on Mid
roll which remain unpaid and having
taken and considered thee idence touch
ing upon said matter, the Court rinds
from such testimony that there remains
unpaid take on Mid roll, which fully ap
pear in list on file in this court mark
ed Kxlubit A I'npaid Tax List No. 1." i
which said list is annexed to the tax
roll of said year showing the name of
the pcrsou against whom the tax is lev
led, and giving the page and line of the
tax roll for the year upon which
the Mme appears in Mid roll. Now,
therefore, by virtue of the power vested
in this Court, it is ordered and hereby
directed that ft warrant he issued for the
collection of Mid unpaid taxes in the
manner provided by law.
Ordered by the Court that II. R Dun
lap, Hteriff of Ijike county, Oregon, le
given credit for the unpaid taxes return
ed on the tax rolls for the vears
94. "95, Nt. T7 and W. And furtlier I ,nen,,!' ho much regretted his late at
ordered that the Mid Mienff U given j B,l'tl,,n ' suUcpucnt
,'iw.lit (nr ih don hi .....rwm. . fK. i ter off is the old pioneer, I
danta ftf roncfiil iMMin.Mi !.... r. i er death than lite m a ma
fused, and taxes marked "worthless" as ' remember "Kv. " loveless without !
the same have !eeu approved by this , " OVtr th misfortune of his de- ,
Court. " I dining years, w heu Providence clouded ;
Now comes the County Clerk, and pre-! hi br"ln "J llfo ,0 '"lu blank. j
sent to the Court his statement as pro-1 ,,e n honored meiulwr of Uke- j
vided by section Four of an act entitled, ! vlt' Uv No 1 Ukt" :
"An act granting bounties for the des v,,w Kncampmenl Nu. l. 1. O. . F. j
traction of certain wild animals, and I T,'t" ere ri,ippe.l iroiu Uu. i
and arrival here Monday evening, and ;
brother (Kid
Jahiel Wellington Iiveless, born in
F.ssex county, York State, February IU,
IHUtt, died at Salem, Oregon May I, llHU,
aged 71 years, 3 months and 11 davs,
iVn-eased was an old and well respect
ed resident of ljike county, who some
two years ago liecame hoHlessly insane
and was committed to the state iuslitu
lion at Salem. "Iave" loveless, as he
was familiarly known, came to 1-ake
county, Oregon, from California In 1H7I
lie lived in I'lumas county, Cal., It
years before coming here. Thirtv-one
years ago his first w ife died iu California,
ami 17 years ago last Janary he married
Kolierta A. Ihivia, sister of Mrs. R. A.
Fa i ton, in this county. Ilia last wife
died here In IVcemher. IJS1, leaving
tw o children, Frank and lena loveless.
Charlea S. Ioveless, now a prominent
stockman of Lake county, ia a sou bv
his first wife.
lHceased was a conspicuous flgurv in
the early history of Ijike county, and
with good business acumen, and possess
ed of a thrifty nature, he amassed con
siderable wealth, and leaves an estate
to the heirs that is considered a spleu- i
did fortune. I
He was widely known as "Pave" !
loveless, hunter, trapper and stockman.
He loved the lite of a mountaineer, and .
tiefore his arrival here was an extensive
traveler, having, it is Mid, traveled all
over the Cm ted States, and gained a '
reeidence in eight different slates ol the j
I'uion. At one time he owned a block i
of land that is now in the heart of the '
city of t tiicsgo, he hating disned ot it J
in early days of Chicago for a trivial ;
sum. (Hiring the pngres of the la- ,
nioiis Mdoc War he carried the mails
on snow shoes from Ijikeview to War- '
ner valley, and had many dangerous ad
ventures during the early history id the
"I've" Ixveless was known for his
generositv no man ever left his door
step hungry. He hail a hoe I of eld time
M A Store full of Good Things
That's our way of tloinj:.
Our Qualities ttnl Our Trices prove our asser
tions. This Store will not he unih-rsoM ly anyone
at any time on anything.
You are always sure f getting Full Weight
anil Full Measure, at
..Bieber's Store..
In the Motel Building
Ms late at i
death, liel- j &
io ever liet- i O
1 house. Few 1
b I U
were taken in charge
Fellows. The funeral
was held from
Odd Fellows hall iu Ijikeview on Tueo- j
da afternoon, May 7th, at 2o'cl nk,'
under the auspiees of that lodge. :
t '
Cottage z
Lodging House Restaurant.,
Mesdames Coulter
-The Only 25 Cem House in lakeniew-
Day, Proprietors
estatirant and Lodgitit! Iue hnve Isitlt Ix-eti thorough
ly ri'liov ftteil. (JinmI t;ilde service and clean l-Js.
The comfort of our iiutroii will alenys I our first
aim. Call at The Cottuge for a pxsl !i-al attd Utl
if.e Trn
avied. and g'Vii.g l!
rf the tax roil for toe year iin
vhich the same -srs in sid m!!.
N w . th-n-fore, by virtue ,f the pmer
ttl .n thi v'ourt, it i ordered and
.vly dir, t,-d thai a warrant tMMied
r the f!vilvli..n 'f said ur.paid ta-s
ri the i.rovi.Ul 1 y la.
Tiie Cirt having fully -oi,!-idere 1 and
r-,-iia e.l the Tax Ko',1 f..r ti.- vear
P''6. t'.r the pnrp-w nf "'nin:ng
a. id detemdrdng all the taxes on sxii
r'I.hnh reniain unjuiid. and having
nLenai d cKjW.h-reii theev i.l-in--toucn-mig
up-n said ialter the C'art finds
arum. u h testinior.y that there remains
Cnpaid taxes on said roll which fully an
ear in a list on tile in this Court,
marked " Kxh.M V Vi.paid Tx I-isi
ft Is which said list is annexed to the
Tax Ri'd of sani year showing the r.ame
mi the person awaiiist w I om the tix is
ksviol. and giving the page and line cf
tt.e Tax Roll for the year lSii.S, upon
rhich tlie same a( pear in said roll,
how, therefore, by virtue cf the power
T'nte.1 in this Court, it is nrderei and
hereby directed that a warrant lie lssixsl
i i; the Cooet'lion of mid unpaid taxes
in the manner provided by law.
The Court having i.r.'.y considered ami
txicstigxied the Tax lioll ftir the vear
I -t , lor tie puriiM- .
tl.'t rnr,nii g a'l the
In h renin. n nr jni
a..'': cot.s-.h-r.-d tt.i
.;on hid matter, t
... I. teM .in .1 v t.'.i.:
txe ..! sa.d r which fu' j
lf t in h i;t oil :.: ;:. this Court rr.atked
a!..ii,l K, l"i paid Tax l.sst No. .."
'.ii "Jd ii1-! is to the Tax
. .11 of sl l efcr, showiig the .f
I' e p rs..n kytmst W .'iC'ln tlie tax is
I ned. and f.v r,r the I'-U'i &nd line of
lis Tav l.oil f .r the yer-r lsn, ui.n
which the same aj -r in said roil.:
.., therelore, by virtue of the jsiwer,
hom the tax i ! nrvisors tf the several road districts
pa-e and line , f Ijke County, Oregon, a. low no rebate
on roa 1 taxes on account of wide tire
Uoi, except in strict compliance
wiiti the law approveil tl. 17, 1 SV. .
llrderii by t tie Court that a warrant
le drawn upn the Trea-urer inpay
ment ot the follow in; ailowtl claim,
to wit :
kulh t'i :.'.ftn1. rkr. of p;;p- r ii'
It appearing to tlie Court that tlie
iVmutj Koails in distrii t N . 12. are bad
ly in ii-evl of n pair, it is ordereii that
an appropriation he trade ior such re
pairs. Whereupon a warrant was
ordered drawn upon the Treasurer in
favor of the Road f-upervisor for said dis
trict No. 12. as follows, to wit:
F. H . sriyrtf-r. ij wp.-.'ion Rod f'
11. R..t fund tn4
The Court having fully considered
and investigate.1 the tax roil for the
year ltm, for the purjstse of ascertain
ing and determining all the taxes on
said roll which remain unpaid and hav
ing taken and considered tie evidence
touching u -on said matter, the Court
nods trom nucti testimony that the re
maining unpaid taxes on said roll which
fully appear in a list on t.le in this
court, marked "Kxliitut ti. l'riid Tax
List No. 7," whih said list is annexed
to the roll of said vear showing the
nan. e of the person ahoailhe
I'll pig the iave and
n! ascertainii and
taxes o:i said r -1 1 .
1. and having laleli
r ;.;f"i.y- t iii L i r f
,e Co-in Mn. Is l'rom
li i rc r s i.n-
tax is lev led, and
line ot t lie lax roll tor the year into, up
on w I i, h the same appears in said roh.
Now-, therefore, by v.rtue of the power
vesleil in this colirt, it Is ordered ami
hereby directed that a warrant l-e lssu
ed tor the (m.1 li.m o! said unpaid taxes
ii. ti e manner j.r s eh-I by law.
Oraire.1 l.y the C .u--t that H. L I;:n
iap, Mier.ff, te given crisia for the un
paid taxes as rcii'.rnci on the tax r,...
It is again our si l duty to record
the death of a most lovable young wom
an line w ho w as deal !y l-loed by ali
who knew her well. I u Ijvkeview . I re
gon, May U. the spir:t of I au.l t'. Jolm
son took us ti.glit a brief liiness
with typhoid lever. M e wathe sii-ond
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (.". W. John
son, a nalive i Inyo t'oiimy . t '.ii , I. .r n .a,
aged 21 years. t nionltis and 2" days.
The main snpp-iit of aged parents, her
death has left a place dilhcuit to till in
the sorrow ing househ old. as well as a
sad cmch in the lues ol loving parents
and de"oted sisU-r. Many were the re
grets heard on every side when the
death of Maud .b.hnson was announced.
That the hand of 1-ate ai w ay s pirn ks the
fariest flowers, was tiuly eemplitiel in
the dealh ol this estimable young wom
an. Words cannot express the anguish
and sorrow in the home o! the tn-loved
ones left la hind. Kind Iriends g.iardetl
the remains from the time ofihath un
til the coid i lay was lincntl into the
last resting place in the graveyard.
The grave was covered with flowers, the
last sweet gill of living frn-nds to the
dead. The gid prea bi-r said the "Our
Father,'" and Sorrowing friends wended
their way homeward from the city of the
dead. The loving fa -e cf Maud Johnson
was hidden from the World forever.
The Kxaiioiier .i: u ,th many fiieiids
o' the liereaved :' ii n . ; . v :;, sincere Kiel ,
hi arilt .1 sv u.jiat! y.
Swellest Shirts rj
In Town
have just arrived
and are now on dl5- W
play at our store. 4
Junior Forester.
t r the vear 1' ; ai
hr the take on
said r ii wtiiih have leri doiitiiy assess
ed ; also for t he arhdaciis ol wrong:..!
assessnients, which have leen approved
by the Court, and for the amount of
taxes the said Mien 5 was directed not
to coliev-t, by an order lulv made arid
entered on the tiih day of March, lil.
tlrdere.t bv the Court that wtrrai.U
lie drawn njna the Treasurer in pay
A Court ot .I .n e.r f.,r-trr-
tl lie fslah, .she, ill Ij.kl V 1 1' w .
Ir .iii s to 1'. years ol age, . ,1 go
ter and III g H.i I y hiniiu
C'ttiv liieliiln-rs. Ti.'ai Co.- 1
riie-.lMTS, ffl'.'si . V( et k I
2..r'. Willi n.e lichl attendance and
Ineilicne. for lioiner parlic.iiars aj
piy l i i-ii.ier in iit- lo.mwii.g
is aUnii
Ml l s
1 harac
n. av Ii'
i hariel
11 ('. W l..ttolth,
Win iiir lher,
I Jav l'.iirioii. lMf
MV f it t It C4N OIV i: KH 1MH
I pay no icrls, I p.i no clcik, but do my on
Hork. ITS IIA5Y to cc how I can gle you
hctter Kargai thn any house in the county
Car4 ot Thanka.
stei in this CHirt, it is ordere.1 and
,-reby directed that a warrant le issue! ' ment of the ioilowmg allowed claams, to
ir the collec tion of bald unpaid taxes
in the manner provided by law.
The Court having fully considered and
investigated the Tax Kol! fr the year
W. Johnson and Mrs. '
Tiie r.xanjiner to re- ;
hi nr ere thanks to the good
Mr. and Mrs.. I
MDiIhmiu request
tarn their
. i. fe'I'le of Lakevicw for all the kind as
ii. w. sislance and n n nathv riven them dur
ing the hours of trouble and grief at
l-7, for the purjsine of asH-eruming and
hierminnig all lite Ui on said roll,
J. kt Martin, CV.tu. sal 4 da . p-r dirtii
S. J . I'riaK-
Coui t adjourned ocul May K, lvil, at
IA s.VI i . m
Cn s. T" vivosrv, Jui Ige. u-udug the illneas and death of their
oeioveO. uaul.tcl aJu bitur, :auo V. .
J. M. Maanx, Com.
. J. I'a.MiK, Coin.
1 Johnson.
" " - ' "j 111 m
. i - J. . - -
.; - .:, - - )' t.;
' - . .
, - ""v j - - .
' t ' i '
On Main Street jtktiew