Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 09, 1901, Image 7

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Hooks of Connty Officer! to be Cx
pertetl Annually. -Othar liualneas
l.tRKVIKW, Or., MrtV I, I1H)1 .
Ill ll N'PiiriiiU'rr'l Unit rcKuUr Iitiii
of tin Cniiiity ('iHirt for lint rniinty of
Lake, HmIm of Ori'Kon. M Im-kuii ami
liclil at lln Omrl limine, In I-akfvlriw,
jiki county, Kialt of lln-Kmi, on tlm Ut
Uy of Mmv. wlilrli wrrn iriMnl
,1. M. Martin. ;.iiiiiiiil"iiii-r ; W. J.
I'mn"', ('iiiiiiill')ii'r ; II. It. Iiinlni,
Klinriff (In- li. VV. Joluiwin, IVtuity),
ami WiIIi iiii fiiiiiltit-r, Cli-rk, lin llitt
follow inn 'omM" I i mi" rr IihI, lo-wlt :
trilctfil liy tin-Court tlml tin follow
ing hIIowi iI IhIIh U ..ii'l ly warrant,
-.wit :
II. It. lMnila. Hhi-riff. antnry ami aiampa .l T
Wm. (i o nl li'-r, i rk. aalarr ml ataiua mat iw
J. i W Hill ,nwr In lll'l' HI ll)f. turn (
ml ri ir-- irt- I-' I"
! Ill-all. 1 r. iiriT. aalary ml atami. 07 17 lli-all -ki ii t Ion c.n to IS
J II HUlr. A. ....f. 11 ilaya . Iiik . . ,
liaa liilinlngx n, ii my J111I11', aalarr
ii-ii II. hli'ti na. niihH InaiH'iinr, aalary .
Hinllli .V Hi.'lu.r, I ounly l'lialrlala,
I.. Conn, (iiiiuvt-l fe.-a, aa.MIti Htierlff
In rollli-lli.ll nf ('
Mrs. '. a. Kiinl, a.rrea Iluarl L ai li-
era' K.iamlnalliiii
W, J. Moore, 4-rtJrri Hoar. IVai'lirM'
I'. 11. Ilaailnit, wmk '! man-rial, rourt-
William rlrii'lriii 11, urk ml malt-rial,
ronrl ti'HiMi . . ..... . .
llaaaA I'rmlliiniiiiii'.iiltW'f aiillra
Wl II)
na 7
t l
It M
7 in
I Ion, I liar lix T iiiiiiiitrnfii urrivivl ami
nKHiiini'il Hie ilii'iin "I lilx ollii o.
INmrl Hiljoiirm-il until to-morrow, May
'J. I, at t n. 111.
I.akkvikw, Or., May 2. 11KU.
Court ron Vfinsl. niraiiant to n.ljourii.
int-nr, al wliiili rre iri-rtil Hon.
4'liarlfn T"iiniiif !, Jinle ; J. M. Mar
tin, CoiiiiniNHioiK'r ; H. J. I'roai', Coin
iiiIhhhuht ; II. K I'linliin, Mn-rifl, ami
William f inntliHr, t'lork, wlitui the fol
loMiiiK .r i--t 1 iikf- iTi' lii-ll, to-wit:'il by tin Coinl tluil warrant
WilntMii iim tin In-naury in inymt'iit
t.l tlin fol low. iiik all-iKiil rlaiin, lo-wit :
Hailey .li Maullillll. lni-r. llllil.ll' .. Ill) Ml
II i Knilir Co.. in. n handlx- . 4 n
I'. Hni ti-r, mi ti liii.tiv- ... I "1
.. A. iillrtl, Hurk n. I material, toiirl
linua.. ... M Cl
. II. Iunln..(twii.'f bfi
. .l. rn Mi.- 1.1, lr. llil A Al
IT IIMviT, ll illllll rnriiw III I'l-llli-lrrx .. i uo
Ijiki'I'otiiii) KiNitiinrr, pritiliiiK an1! ut
lulniik- .ft 40
I jikr 1 uiiiily l 11 at l-r . . u li I lli I n.iti. . 'I !)
Ill tlll lllttlllT ol -KHtlllllltK Hllll l-X-
H-rtintc tlio Hirounia ol tlx; rU-rk, li-nfT
iml Irt-naortti i l.iikt- niunty, Ort-aton,
n.r tin-ih iI hI iniui .Inly i, lmm to Julv
l', lim:.
Tliin in.ilti r 1-.1111111K on to Im- lii'unl on
tin' Cmirt'N own motion, Hint tin- Court
liaviiiK fully i-iinxi..-ii-i tin- proprii-ty
Hinl ulvi"iiliility of i-iiniiuK in Ix- iiiihIk a
t liuroiikih fXHiiiiiiritioii ol tlu uri-oiiiitn
of tlii Slicritf, Clerk, Hinl TreHBiirer of
1 1 1 i m nuiiity lor the .ciio from Hinl in-
luilint; .lulv I'.kkl, to ami nn lu.linu
.In ne IM), I'.KI), the Hiiiue Ihuiik the 'ierio-1
if the iiii'iimlM'iiry of the ireielit oflii'
em, Hinl the Court lieinx fully Hilvined
in the .i i-in !-. lin.l" that H thoroutth in-vi-ftiKiition
mul exiiinimitioii of the 110
eoiinlH of the iiforiail ollirers, and of
the reeorilN of their reiM-i-tive nllii-eN at
tin. eml of eiicli M'Hr, uoiili) uml in,
f liiurli iuiiortHii'e Hinl lienetlt to the
trtXimWTH ol tliet'oiuily, Hinleomlm-ivu to
a hetter Hint more riireftil Hilinlnintratiiin
if Hin li olIici'N K'neriilly.
It iN therefore nnlereil mnl three!
that I.. I'. Conn ami W, ,1. Moore Ih,
mi'l they are herehv eliiiloyeil ami hji
Jiointeil to examine, ex pert uml invexti
iite the ai'i-ounta ami iwinl of eueli of
naid ollii-em for nanl ieriol, with iower
to niinie eai'h of nan I olli -ern to give
full information relative thereto, ami to
exliihit to them any ami all county
fumlx which they -r either of them may
Iihvh tm haml ; ami niicIi ex pertH tthall
make in w riting ami tile with the clerk
of lliin court a iletaileil Htatement of the
rcHiilt of their invet-ti-ation.
Court adjourned until toinoi r.i , May
.'I, at II oclock a. 111.
Continued on 1'nu" Kight.
You lire much more liable to dineaHe
w hen your liver and bow ela do not act
proK-rly. DeWillV Little Karly Kinera
remove the caum- of dii-eiiHe. I.ukeview
I h ug Co.
Returned to Lake.
,1. K. I'unnavin, the young ranelier and
HliH'knmn of Warner, returned to Laku
county liiat Thiuaduy night from Myrtle
Creek, iougliiH county, where ho went
lant October. Since leaving here Mr.
Iiunmivin waa in 11 South I'ortland Iioh
pital mid witliatood an opeiutiou for
upendicitiH. While in the hoxpital there
were live other iipemlicitia patieuta in
two ' orllaml iiiNtitutioiiri, and four out
of the nix died from the opera! iona.
Mr. I'unnavin waa one of the fortunutea,
and retuniN to Lake county coiuplotoly
reatored to health. He ban nuiny
friendH in tliia county who will give him
h hearty welcome home.
The Examiner printa ull thu new.
Woodcock dt Son ar Now Vng a
Convenient Contrivance.
W. I), Woodcin k A Hon arn now very
Imiy ami wt-rti nn xIIim to enai(e thu
aervicea of another woikman lliia week.
Thexo well known lilackauiitha are
now working their new tirvlieatinK and
tiie-cooliii deviuea every day. An Kx
aminer repreaentalivM n aliown theae
"new-taiiHiiil" arraiiKeinulit lant Tuea
day. Ki.r convenn nie ami rapid work
they art) the Hnext device we have ever
i en. Not only are they convenient, hut
the Htrel IihiiiIm Het a pnH-r and even
U'inp-r liy thu heating and c.ooIiiik pro
ceaa. Thu heater in a brick oven, in
which the tired are placed ; Urn in built
and the iron door clnxea, thereby ivtlitf
the nteela the aame lieat all the way
throiiKb in a very rhort rpai:a of time.
When ready lor the wheel the "tec I in
taken from the oven with bi tonita ami
jiut a Klep from the oven it ia placed
alxiul the wheel, which ia tautened to a
atanchion. With a hand lever the en
tire arrauxeuieul i then let down into a
round wimnIcii n-aervoir filled with water
and raiml up and let down again until
the kiuilliy icite it the right tJliiier
alure and it tighten alaut the wheel.
Thei-e device originated with W. I).
Woodcock, the aenior 01 the tirm, and
no audi l:ku invention i in ae oiitniilo
of Ijikeview , it i aid. They are cer
tainly a great convenience and N-rfucl
working apparatu.
(Jcorge W. Bay ley waa Diaapponted
by hia Affianced.
Curie (ieorgu W. Hailey, the well
known reaideut of hhake and w ho keep
the station there, wa in town lant ifk
exiecling to riH'eive a lady from near
llenver, t'ol., w ho wan to Itecoine hi
bride, nay a the Anhland Kiinrd. Mr.
Hailey haa Ix-i-n a widower for Mevvral
year and ia tired of living utich a lonely
life, after having In-comc addicted to the
married habit, lie liaa been making
goo-goo eye through the United Mate
tuaila to a lady in Colorado who ha re
Miiided in a per ion of oenaible and af
fectionate letter and clicloHcd a picture
of a fairly good looking woman. At
firat i-he wa going to come without any
mouey but later hud liecomu ill ami
w iahed thu pri.-e of the car fare. Mr.
Itailey aenl her a ticket and exccted
her luat Thiiraday . The aigu la-ing her
bliMiuiing Hclf with "two bird cage, a
baakut with a rul.hll, and a ('l cat."
Mie did not apK-ar mid Mr. Hailey re
turned home iimliH-ided whether the
idol of hia fancy had ! 11 unavoiiUbly
detained or whether he had tiecd mulct
ed in the price of the car fare. He had
hi place completely renovated ready to
receive hia tootay wiaitay. At Mr. Itai
ley needa a help mate any reputable
lady who i that way inclined may lind
a HUHCeptable aubject wo: thy of her at
tention ut Shake'
rtodoc Fair.
A rrangcmciit have been made to
hold a fair in Mim1i countv Home time
next fall. The fair will Ih held in the
town that makes the hiyhent bid. A
meeting wa held in Alturax laat week
and a resolution wa panHed asking the
llireclori to give the executive commit
tee full jaiwer over the race program
and track, and power to handle the ti
iihuccn concerning that part of the Fair.
The executive committee conita of the
following well known citizen, and un
der their management the fair and race
should lie h complete success: K. l-atier,
J. W. 1'uminiugs, C. li. Spargur, li. li.
Street, J. K. Kaker and J. II. Iierevan.
The last Mialne fair waa a big success
and the one to be held thin year should
lie greater.
The Minister's Reply.
When he depurted for a short vaca
tion, h Missouri editor left a minister iu
eh urge of hi puper. The latter bud
been superintending things, only a few
diiy w hen a letter euniu from n "way
buck" subscriber, which rend:
"You know dnnined well I paid my
HiiliHcriptiou the lust time 1 waa in Lex
ington, If 1 get liny more, such letters,
I w ill come dow n and muul hell out of
The minister answered : "I have been
trying to muul that thing out of the edi
tor for ten yeurs, and if you renlly come
down ami muul it out of him, then, uiv
ihrnr hir, I have 1.M members of my church
you can oerato on. Argonaut.
V. 1. WiHideock it Son, the well-
known blacksmiths and w ngouinaker8
are now lully stocked up with hard
woods of every duacriiition huiruv.
siu ing wagon and heavy wagon tongues.
'im.:.. .1- i... 1 -.:..i ... . 1
aoin 111 111 nieu ii;ia no urui:iu 1101 carrieu
111 J.aae county buggy and light
wagon springs of thu best material.
When you break a siuing have it renluo
etl at Woodcock'a. I7tf
Come in and gee the 1'ulton water mo
tor drive The Examiner presses.
Notice to Stockmen,
I'artle dealrlng their brand in our
Htiak III rectory, and alio have not lieen
viaited ny our agent, will ple aend
brand and ear mark to the Nrw Kra,
A Intra, Cal., within the next ix week.
UU4 Pun A I.11111TV.
To Spring
May w tvt-r greet her joy
fully am we have UK)1.
Miiy we over have a good a
iM'vcrng! in which U ilrink her
health a Bohemian Lager a
heer one tan drink day after
diiy without tiring of it; a lx:er
for the itrong, hetter for the
weak or debilitated.
Sacramento, Cal.
Write tia for term and price. 1H-3
f r
Deer sold Wholesale & Retail
1 Delivered any place In Town
The Northern
Stage Line.
A. W. BRIAN, Proprietor.
Lt rtveH I.ukeview at 6 a. in.
every day hut Sunday.
I'.i'ttirtiing, leaves I'ninley j
at 0 :) h. in every day hut
PaaMnfrr' art tj. Round trip $j
Ol FICli-C. U. Snider' Star. LakavUw. Or.
The Ijike County Agricultural Ao
ciatiou will give four day racing on
their track iu Lakeview, commencing
July 2d, and ending July . 19t)l. The
cum of $1,11)0 will la distributed in
purses as follows :
rir.t Race, j K-mlla daah $12$
( I n )i ar olcla)
5ccond Raca, free for all, J 8 and repeat.. $i2S
rirat Race, free for all, 3-4 daah S100
5econd Race, Irec for all, I -mile daah. ...nS
Flrat Race, free for all, t .4 mlla daah.. ia.o
Second Race, free for all, g 8 mile iluh IU3
Flrat Race, free f r all. i-I mile heats . $150
Second Race, Vaquero horsea, 600 yard S 30
(Kur Lake l ouiiiy)
Third Race Handicap I
I'lMaure aim weiaioa ui tm1 Rnnoilllcea July 4Wi,
tu Mill luirm i and allelidaiila.
A 1 1 of tin' alaive rawa art" trt-e tor all, excrut
aailille race, wlilrli la fur Lake I'oiinly Imraea.
Four to filler and llirce to alar, but I lie Ah
clalton reaervea the righi lo hold a lean uunibor
than four lo till liy reiliielng the purae In pro
portion to the iiiimiIht nl horaca entered.
Knlrit- to i'Iom-tlie evening before the race.
The I'aellle t'oaal Bliaid Horae AaMM'iation rulra
to govern all runiiliig rsiea. tlllrame fw I ill
per cent (III) of purae. Money to be divided a.
Iiillowa: 70 n-r cent to the flrat hrae and .Hi
per cent to m-ennd horse.
The AtMH'latlnn reserves the right to change
any of Hie alsive raeea, In the event of not
tilling, or to change I lie dale of I lie last day'a
event lo the lollou iiig day in caao auy other
amuac mciit la aniiouiieeil for that date. No
money paid without content.
Knlriea lor the saddle race to be made Is-fore
a ciuniiilllee eoiiipoaeii ni Jack Mul key, Harry
Itiiberta, Una heliroedor, J.N.lihf.n and ( liaa
Huaril of Directors: John McKlhliiney, U.K.
Ileryford, K. 1'. l.iKlit, V. A. Wllshire, P.M.
Miller, J. Iniiea. V. I.. Knelling and H. Paly.
V. 1.. 8SKI.I.IXU. H. 1ALY.
Heeretary. 1'reaident.
$2oo.oo In Purae.
Two or inure teama numt enter from ouuide
of iniiw.' Lake Yallev. Kv order of
t ' ir 1 1 k x ! i' o m m rr r k k .
J. E. BERNARD & SON, Lakeview, Oregon
' Inalaaualiiaaiuuuul VV,IMaaiaIi. J ta'i.ll il-i.' ' ' w
I . wj
1 S, 0,
O iilawrllwri lo Thr
F.aaiiln-r who rrmon
Irotn rile Iirfmllir to aiuMln'r. wr c-haiiar
iin-ir ntmce llr- aii..ul.i fm-mlr r 10
drop t h la nftlrr card ao ih.'lr prr eao b
Irrawd to the rlnlil pcwlofrler.
TUIC DIDCD l kept on fllr .1 K.r lUKK'a
'rill rArLn Xlr.rillnic A'niyMTn1l.',
Mi-n liarua' KxrhiiK. Kan Krani l o, :!.,
wherr criutracla lor 'l venial n ran lr made
lor It.
Horseshoeing A -Specialty
Fur am one killlnc uf Meal
ing atoca belcxiifliia to tbe
South Eastern Oregon
Live Stcck Association
Will le given for the arret 4U1U Miiri-tkfi of nj ptr
on or eiNtoij tmlihg any tock belonjfim;
to Dtemtiers of thU AMoctmlicn.
J. H. INNES, President.
'visit DR. JORDAN'S great!
Ikaiaaaa aiatk mm4 maa,J
TtaalararralABaLAmleal ITnaaiam
latheWuri. I
Oraayaat Uranrtaaa m tSm M. A
aamiaaiU aiM r ataUora. I
WfOkaiaaaaa, eraay 00a tragi.
addlaaaaa,aailaiTl)rairalbr I
1 lb aiaaM kpaeUiUI an Ik. PaoiA
i Coaaa. gaaahllaaa at yaaua. ,
Tmb ajaa aa4 aaiiaaia I
aaaa waa ar euff.riac ,
from u aeta W yautktal laidl I
' rra, VarriMiaaadpkTalami tMIIfi.laai. I
al.aa;, UU Matcaki! la ail lueomell.
araaiaaa aar aiiaaMa 111 aiaiuM.
I aailaiiaj aMaramatMartaaaat, Praalawr. I
, rha rrkaaaa, Calawi, '
I ar I'rlaaaila, . By a 00 aaal nation of ,
rndla,f great aarattv. pawer, the Dootor '
iiMnariaam aa araaianrni mat n will nul .
aly afned lot iMd lata rallef, but aamananl I
aura. 1 na Lwoaor ooaa ant iaim uipairuraa
aalraelaaL bat la wall known to ba a lair and I
eqtiara rhyalelaa aad Burfeen, are-anMiiaat
m Diaapaeiaitr jaiaeataa ar aaeaa. 1
ITrNILK Ih.raiifhly araoieatad from
uta arataaa wiinaut 01 jawa-eair.a. 1
Traaaaaa fitted he aa Eaaart. Baal..! '
r for Raala t-. A auk-k and mrtiaJ ,
ear for llla, bla.wra aa l tlwlaa, by
I Ut. Jardaa'a apaclal palaleaa mathixla.
E VkCbtT M AM anrlrlna too.wUJraoalTa I
I our kvavat uMnian of biaeonndaliit.
Ha will 6MirWM WJl'Ji'J UUSM U I
1 awry artaa i bnrtert'i.
V'inaiiitati'iB fkmi ana atnetiy pnTata.
Traaimaul paraaBally or by latter. 1
Write fne Hnolr. PHI IIXerHT aa
NAHIIIAtta. MaiLaaKaaa. ' '
book fur Hi. a.) Call or writ '
OH JORDAN ft CO.. 10SI Marital St. t. ft,
i WflQ0NnflatER5 j
1 a
I City Meat
Market &
Dor North of Hotel lakevienr y
Beef, Pork and
Mutton V
Bologna, Sausage. Etc
South and East
Shasta Route.
Train leave Agr-r for Portland and war ta
I tlon at 12:21 a. m. and 12::& p. mM and trave
' Aahland (or Portland at tM a.m and :24 p. m
Lv Portland , I Win
' Acr 4:W a ta
Ar Aahland 12:S6 a m
' Hacrami-nlo 6:10 p n
" Han PraaclKo 7:46 p m
" Oxdrn 4:54 a m
" Denrrr , : a m
" KsnuaClljr 7:26 a m
" Chicago 7:42 a m
:) p m
:7 p a
12:36 p m
": a m
:4ia m
7:O0 a at
t:16 p Ba
7:2fta n
:a B
:ou p m .
: a n .
11:9V a
7:H)a a
: p m
:42a m.
" Uai Annelea
" Kl Po
Port W orth
" Clljrol Mexico,...
" Huuatnn
" New Orleans
W aahlnrloii.,
" New York
2:i) p m
.... IMpm
:3U m
11 :8U m
7:0Da m
C:3U p m
.... :42am
12:10 pm
Pullman and Tourlit on on both train.
: Chair cart sacramento to Oicden ana El ramo.
, and tourtat ear to 'hlcagb, t. Lou la, htm Or
I lean and Waabington.
Conneetlngat Ran Tranciaoo with the aeTeral
teamahlp line for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philliuinea, Central and Houth America.
Hee agent al Ager nation, or aditreaa
C. H. MAKKH AM. G. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Stage Line.
S. L. McNAUGHTON, Proprietor
Office. Hotel inkville
Klamath Falls, Or.
Ire lkerirw at : a. in.; arrireat Bly
In II boure.
Ixare Bly at a. m. ; arrire at Klamaib fall
In 15 hour.
Leave Klamath Fall al 7 a. m.; arrive at
Beawick In houra.
Leave Beawick at S a. iu.; arrive at Ager la
7 hour.
Make coDDectioo ith all train at Ager,
asy Coaches
Excellent Acccmmodations
Paaaenger. expraa and freight traffic
ol. cited. All buaiues entrualed to u
will be expedited.
General Mt-rchandise,
First-Class Hotel.
The Plush House,
Tonsorial Parlors.
Plush, Lake County, Oregon.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digest tbe food and aids
Nature ta strengthening and recon
structing; the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the latest dlscovereddigest
ant and tonic 2?o other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Oastralgia Cramps and
all other results ol imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and fl. Larjre 8 Ire contain SV4 times
mall alia. Book all a bout dyspepsia mauledfret)
Prepared by E. C D WITT 4 CO., Cbicaao.
Lakeview Drug Company.
The best Wagon on earth
Car load daily arriving
You will find the most
complete line of Stude
baker Wagons and Bug
gies in stock to be found
in a radious of two hun
dred miles, also a com
plete line of Farm Ma
chinery and Hardware.