Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 09, 1901, Image 6

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    The Leading: Store Lakeview
Our prices are the lowest and goods of the best stand
ard brands. We carry the STOCK in LAKEVIEW
and our prices echo liKe thunder down in Old Dixey.
V do our own work, hire no
ell you goods at Bottom Prices.
..Reynolds & Wingfield..
Some Wise Sayings by a Wise Editor
in a Live and Growing; Town.
Fmro the Pott.
Jih McXe , tlit sheep man, was in
town Saturday after supplies, lit has
sheared his 2,00) sheep mid had 57 bags
of fine quality wool from them. Mr.
McNew's i-heep wintered 11 i ely, coming
out fitt. His baud begun lamhiuii the
1st instant.
Se'eral rare horses are being put into
shape fr the Paisley races, to I held
here in June, and acme tine norm will
Ih seen on the track during the three
days' events.
V'. W. Hampton has returned from
Warner valley, where he wen; to bring
home bin race horse. The colt was win
tered in Warner and broken there, and
Mr. Hampton will endeavor t.) tit him
,in for tli June miH.n hpre Hp it it tine
colt and will no doubt throw dirt in
some of the youngsters' facet.
News reached here last week of the
-death oi ii. J. Saddler of Sun Francisco,
-Calif., on the 14th of Apnl. Mr. Sad
dler was an extensive property owner in
Paisley. We did not learn the particu
lars. The business here will lie conduc
ted as before by Mr. T. J. Bratuin.
Mort Went, only survivor of the Frank
West family who was burned in the
Silver Lake tire in D4, of which there
were five, Mr. and Mrs. West and three
children, arrived here Tuesday from
Herra valley in company with C'haa.
and Joe Laiigden who are on their way
to the desert to gather horses to take to
Sierra valley for Hale.
J. G. Beebe went to Shaniko to meet
his family and they are expected to ar
rive here today. Mr. Beebe is one of
the gentlemen who located just north of
Paisley, and will noon have fine home
on a piece of land that a month mio look
ed to be a barren waste. A little energy
can make hundreds of happy homes just
like this one will be.
Must Make Settlement.
I desire to inform those indebted to
the old firm of Beall & Willey that their
accounts are long since due and payable,
and that an early settlement is earnestly
desired that the business of the old firm
may be settled forthwith. Those who
know themselves to be indebted to the
tirm are notified that their accounts
must be settled within thirty days from
date or collections will be forced, as I
mu-t have my business in Lakeview
ct ruiuluei.ed out at once. All bills
should lie paid to my former partner,
Iam lieall. Kesiiectfully,
J. M. WiLLrv.
Lakeview, Or., April 5, 1U01.
tie Gave the Reason.
"How came you, boy, to have such a
abort, snub nose?" asked a city dandy
of a country boy.
"So that I shouldn't lie poking it into
other people's business," was the wither
ing reply.
The ancients Itelieved that rheumatism
was the work of a demon within a man.
Any one who has had an attack of sciatic
or inflammatory rheumatism will agrex
that the inlliction is demoniac enough
to warrant the belief. It has never been
claimed that Chamberlain's l'ain Balm
would cast out demons, but it will cure
rheumatism, and hundreds bear testi
mony to the truth of this statement.
One application relieves the imin, and
this quick relief w hich it affords is alone
worth many times its cost, tor sale by
1-e l'-enll, Druggist.
Ft. Bidwell Notes.
The Ft. Bidwell correspondent to the
Cedarville Kecord says:
Fred Mei-Hiicr, our genial mixologist,
is fixing up a private residence. There
is something in the wind.
Doc. Verlin bought a bicycle a few
days ago. He is waiting for the lake to
dry up so lie can run his sheep on the
alkali and herd them on his wheel.
Frank Higgs, who broke his leg, is not
iiriproving much of late, and from last
lepoi ls is in bad shape.
65c GAL.
45c lb
25c lb
25c lb
2. 50 UP
clerks nor bookkeepers, So we enn
Hear this in mind and call on
The Chewaucan River at PaUley
is a Great ftotlve Power Wasting
The Likeview Kxttininc r renrt that
the wixl crop 111 that county is said to
ln heavv this season. W ith the sheep in
Lake county mi 111 1 i in liHi.txm, the
wool croi will, indeed, be heavy. There
is wool enough in that county alone to
juMify the building ot a Urn,- woolen
null at klannttli Kalis, tin let. v making
a first class market (or the wool in Lake
county, as also for that pidduced 111
Crook ami Klamath counties. Ileie is
the In-st water er in (inn ui that is
now going begging lor some enterprising ,
company to come and build more mil's,
prominent among which wilt Ik a woolen
11 ill. Klamath Republican. ,
There is no denying the fact. Friend
Hum, that your water jswer is a tine
as can le found in the world, and that
someday Klamath Falls will be a 'tg
manufacturing tow n. But we also have
right here in Ijike county an tinea water j
Miwer as can tie found in the state, and .
if a woolen mill is to le operated by
water power, to handle the wools ol
Southeastern Oregon, the Chewaucan
river at Paisley ill furnish ample power j
for this great industry. There is power '
for many great industries going to waste ,
at Paisley. j
Quaint tipitapha.
The following tributes to deceased
friends are to be seen on in
a cemetery not a thousand miles from
Lakeview : j
Hie jacet :
"Here lies the body of Susan Lowder,
Who burst while drinking a sedlcl
Called from this world to the heavenly
rest ;
She khould have waited till it effer
vesced." "Hied when young and full of promise
Of whooping cough our Thomas."
"Sacred to the memory of three twins."
"Here lies Jane Smith, wife of Thos.
Smith, marble cutter. This monument
was erected by her husband as a tribute
to her memory and a specimen of his
work. Monuments of the same style,
two hundred and fifty dollars."
Horses and Mules For Sale. j
20 good young mules and KO head of:
fine horses more or less. These are ;
stock horses of the Percheon breed,
yearlings and geldings, and mares that I
will be fine for breeding purposes. They
are nn nig oimiiain, ii' omji.'.i " I
knows the Pratt horses will recognize
the fact that the animals are first-class.
I have also a Macnnahey Jack, 7 years
old, which I will sell. For further par
ticulars call an or address C. C. Pratt,
lakeview, Oregon. Residence, 4' miles
south of town. 11 -3m
Behnke's Commercial College.
Portland, Okeoov, 1
Offers unexcelled facilities for learn
ing the Celebrated Pernin Shorthand by j
mail. This method employs neither
shading, position nor arbitrary contrac
tions; is the simplest, most legible, and J
rapid shorthand in use, and the only :
method that can tie successfully learm-dl
by mail. Send for free trial lesson and
catalogue. Commercial Building, Wash-1
ington, corner Second. LJ-tf j
The Old Reliable Nursery. !
L. B. Warner, Jr., of Medford, Ore., !
and K. I. Maplesden of Ft. Jones, Cal.,
representing the oil reliable Albany;
(Oregon .Nursery, are in Lakeview to
day. They will make a thorough can
vass of 1-ake county some time during
the summer, and will be pleased to have
the patronage of all those in need of
first-class nursery slock. We do not
claim to give something for nothing, but
we do guarantee to give value received.
ltesectfully yours,
17-1 Waknkr & Mai-i.ksok.w
The least in quantity and most in
quality describes DeWitt's Little Farly
Risers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaints. Lakeview lrug
A fellow once said,
whiskey, and I want it
didn't give him Jesse
"I want some j
bad ;" so they i ,
Moore. Cieo.
Jainmerthal, sole agent.
T t )
A Few Items From the F.mpire "t
yond the Mountains. j
"N. ti. Mumps" has I teen visiting w ith
lrvin Wakefield the past week. 1
John Walker took his son tiis.rgeto
Cedarville lust week and placed him
under (he care of f r. Meredit b, (ic-orge
ha U-en ery sick (or several weeks.
I learn that "I'licle" Joe Morrow has
leased bin ranch ami will take his fam
ily to the lower country on a pleasure
Frank Houston, raurber, painter and
pacr lisiigrr is painting the town red ,
the new school house, at least. 1
Some ol the Istys have U-en talking of :
Lakeview and the Fourth ol July, of'
'l wo voting isjot.le of Warner are to lie ' ' tl. t'imil siat, 1 i,,,i, r. .1 siivrr
. , , ' I. af. 1. r. 1,11 M.y ri . I'jnl, it Itiuin.aJ.
married simiii, 11 is said, (mess who. j lnrii. II. No. Ikmi, d.r ihi m.nlna.-ai ju.r
X 1; Vulli lru a.l ,-aiil.. I,.i... ..I ,,'r mn"l al in.ri r. a. 1 linn ru. a..uilivai
Henver, Colorado, passed through War
ner Ih-1 alurday en route to Harney
county, where he has bargained for a
large bund of horses.
'1 he settlers am
now irrigating their t
"swamp lands." I. T.
Fine Home tor Sale.
A new house, ti nsuna, lot IU'i'.
water right out of the mountain, elevat
ed ground, ei feci drainage, line hs-ality,
near pupliu school building, gissl side
, walks, gissl out buildings, house recently
j painted, surrounded by new fence, in
I surance on prorty paid for over two
j years, now rents lor fl.'iO sr vesr. For
I sale at a bargain. Call early at The Kx
ainiiier ollice won't s on the market
t lung. 17tf
Error In Date.
In the issue o( The F.xaminerof April
2"th County Treasurer Iee Beall pub
lished an announcement to the effect
that all warrants issued up to Septetnls-r i
H, 1H)7, would he redeemed at bis ollice,
and that "interest on the same would
cease from this date." It whs intended
that the dale should lie "April 2-." bill,
by some means, the printer made it '
read "April 1-1," and the error escaped .
the notice of the proof-reader and went!
into the pajs-r. Th'sse holding county j
i warrants to September K, 1M!I7, should;
I take notice that interest on the same '
' should be figured to April -rtli, and not
! to April 15, l!K)l.
Uo You Want a Home?
Here is a snap for somelsslv
...,,. I,u
house in Lakeview,
We have for sale a
at a moderate cost.
commodious dwelling-house and lot
two-story house (new), II rooms, fine
yard, beautiful location, on Main street;
lot Mlx21t feet. Impure at The Fx
aminer ollice at once, as the option will
remain oiien but a short time. 14 tl
The Red
hoe Store
C. S. Craves
KxcluHivo Hale of
thr celebrated
KEITH'S Fine Shoes
Awanlt't. tin) (iraml 1 'ri x
ami (iolJ M tidal at I'ariH
are none
Am Kpltlrinle af W hm .'h.
I .hi I winter during nn epidemic of
w hiMipitiit oi nm h tiiy children contracted
till" disease, having H'Vl'h" COIIi'htllg
SIH'lls. We ld llcd t'llSlllU'l llllll's
CimiuIi Urine. Iv vi rv mix it-PHdi 1 1 v (r
rruiii Mini nsltirallv turtii'il to It at that
I i ton! (011 ii I it relieved the cnnuli atnl
cflfCtCll M Complete Clire. Jollll I1.. Clif
ford, pn.prietor .nr(Hl House, Nor
wihmI S. Y. I'Ii ih ii'ini'ily l for miln Iy
llcall, druggist.
Mop, th Couth and Work! oM III Cold.
I tt 1 1 v MriMiMi tuiniiii" Tablet cure
11 mlil lit day. No cure 1111 pay.
I'rii'f '.' 'iiim. ;trt lyr
lb ink miliiii)t Iml ,leso Moore w hlsky
Mini you'll always le hnpi.y. On 1 Ml
W in. ill. 11 ,V I lUpnlrn kV ' tl
I In M I n 111 11 in I ti 11 1 ciunr is n
gts-d, honest smoke. There i unlit'
tpnti so gmtd. For full' only liy I'ont A
Kinil. 7 l(
l tl. l-HOOfr
I mnl ultli'i' HI l.ahi'vli'Wr, ri'Kuii,i
.tiirii j:. Iik'l i
Niiili i- la hrri l.y lM ii 1I1. 1 tin' (..linn ini.
nmii.-.l n-uli r lis. fll.'.l mull-,' i.l till I ; . 1 -1 1.
lit in. hi Itii.t prisil In iis.ri 11I hi. rlnliit,
.ml Hi. I ni'l I'riH.lwlll Im 111. .In ln li.ri- II..
Id -slaii r .ml It. riii 1 r .1 IkIkiIih. ir. nun, on
lulu-s. I'.'.l. i : liliu ti K iriloir. II. h . Nil
a.7, inr th- m-at uf Hurt h.'.ai i tmrti-r .mi
liurili.'.at iii.rit-r ul ii.r1.-r .ml
Hurl lir.. 1 ii.rlr iif nut 'Im ! iti.rtir, i-i-ii,,it
I nix ii.lile i .null, r.iis,- It,' 11. in,-.
till filllliw HIS Wltllt-aa,'. Ill riivi III I'lititllilliHia
reaMf ni'l' iimiii .ml -ullii..iiiti ul ..hi I. ml.
vii: Ii. H. M .la-t-l.ii.ii. 1 ti.rl Mnrria. J.iii,.a
W I. II. ma Alis ri Mnrria. .11 i.l l .k. tl. w
1 irt-tf mi
in.v 1 a K. M HH ATr.tlN. (, trial r.
H .!. rKIMJr
I' 1. It,-. I si.i,., I .mi tirrii r, k . . nr. ..ii,
April I I, IWI. Niiili s la In-r, l. lv, 11 ih.t im
fiillntt Inn n.iiii'il .i-ttlir li.a nii-l iii.ili r nl
liia liio'irlnii 111 iiiHki- Sn.t .r.i In au,M,ri ul
lila ft. Int. .ml th.t .M i.omiI will Im m.ilt Im.
lurr I,. II., l ull,,! Mai, 1 on. 11. la
ainiii-r. .1 siivi r llo. tin ..n mi Mar J-1. Iwl .
via: Ir. Ilr.,11. y II K . So Issl, l.,r tin- auuiti
ll.lf. llln .al 1)11. rti r. aa .11. Int. Ilahl. I
auiitli, t.itK IS 1 .at, .ml tut. I .ml i a i-ilnii 3.
tin nalili aunlli, ralitri I.l i'.l. W- St.. Ur.
Ill ll.llii'B llli (iilluHlliK lllirl ,lii t'tmi'llla
t'iiiiiiiiuiia ri'aiili'iM-i iiniii .ml i-t.ii.ilini uf
.I.l I. ml, K : J,n. M.rlln. K. Inun ai.. W III
1. 111 K III rilic. .ml Iti'iij.tiilu X'.mlnrit, .11 ut
Mlr lke, Uri-tfull.
.r is l:. K. M. HKArrAIN. It, slati r
I41111I Ultli'i .1 Ijikrvti'M, Orrtfuti.t
A.rll 1;. I'd). I
Xnttri ta In r b) lin n II.. I 1 In liilluwlns'il ai llli r Ii.. II li it lintii f n( liU Inli lilluti
I In' rliiKl t'tiNil 111 au.Hri ul loa 1 1. 1 in. .ml
Hi. I aal.l i rinl .in in n... iH'luri' I. II. W ni
iii.rlr Miutlii .at iiiarit'r a--tiuii IV .ml mirili
I. all nn.iii-r. airtluii .m. Iim js
Milith, r.llKi' 1 He namra tin IhIIiim lug
WIIU-aMa In prnve lila l-ortlllliliiua r-a.i-liri
iisiu .ml uf a. I, I ('.
nn. I . '. II k in 1 1 u,i. K. t .rl. hi .11 1 J, N.
I aia.ili. .11 u( mlii-r I a.-. iirrsuii.
1 inr l Hli&l'I'alV lt.,.l.i..
' . . '
1 fill l.1 H-.ira Uii'l "ID. r. ' ati-vli'M , llriiiti,
' Man h :'.. rail. N.nlrt la irn li) vivi-n 1I1.1
In rnnill.iiL-, Willi tin .no l.lnna i,7 tin -t ul
. rmigreaa of June 9. la? , t-11 lit !! - A 11 t t lor
(lit ..I ol HnilM-r I. tola In 1 he .t-aoi I all
, luri.ia. I ir.'K' li. .", '! .ml W aaliinifiuii T. r
;riiir.".. int. ml,., 1.. .11 itir I'ul.lii Ijiml
- SI. Ira hy ai l ol August 4 lwj. l-ily.r.l I' K.iUn
! aim, of lki'VlrM, t-omy of lki. st.ii of
nr. Kim. I.aa tills il.y n !-! In I lila i,m.-., lila
aworn at. i. im in, Ni . l I. .r tin- ,..n l.aap i.l
j th M.iitlir.t un.rit-r of iiuriliwrat ii.ri.-r
nf tts'tlon No. XI, In own-lil, No. at imiiiII,,
rang. o. IV, .ml mill off, r .r,M,( to aliuw-
IflMl III, I. nil aouvlit la lunr, allMlilv tor II.
I HnilN-r or atonn tti.ti for .itrirnltiirai urs,a.a,
i .ml to ratalili.h hla i-llin to aai.l I. ml i.i-lori
III. ItrKlao r all-l K....r.,l t Ii la nttti i- .1 I akt-
vIik , nr. nun, on f riil.y. tl.- :1I il.y of
' M.v, I'a.l. ii.tiu a .a tallnraa I'. V
I ti rr jr. William llrown. Ka!w.nlll.,
I ( liarl.-a V. million, all of I akrvn u . I ir. sou.
Any .nit all Mraoi.a i-t.ltniiiK .iHi-'M-ly flit
.Imi i-tria rlln-il l.mla .ri r ' all. I In Sir
, tlu-lr i-l.tii,. Ill ihia i.ttl n or iH-lori-aal-l tlt
I ilav of Ma, lis. I.
Ii lOW K. M lilt A I I A t , Kiglali-r.
i fK
I.altev e, ur,
ol'IICF tv.irt l'rn Sw.ra I'alla .saaaraH ila) wr ttliftil I
fh.lrl)ia tarriiH
tartlrw. Or.
HIMIK Uar.lrta Ht tVa SW-ra
J i a ll.HM0. M II
l'h.lrU anrl ktr.ras
l.alrtra , Oira
orril K X Atlttrt a llial.l. nrr.
i.rst iinim itHMns
Allarart -M-l as ,
i alar It , r.
ol I ICK III I'l.sauHI'a . ftl. t l.ulliln.f
i ro.
Allot l, l I IS
llrarM'. rrgn
1'IHi r.- laaty II. ,11. 1. n,
t: ii itti.Ht Mfir.
Alltrsr) -at -l4ii
l.akrtlra , or
oinrt: iiu.Mii.
.Moi Hr. Al-Iiw ,
Aahlanrt, tlrrt
Will all, ml tn at ilill hualnra. riiiruatr-t ta iit
In n nl Ilia rtmiil.aa nf thr I Hat Ju.lli lal I'lalnrl
AMarr)..jta , aat.r) I'tthll
Ijilar lr , Ur
oft ICK latly lliillillng
UK. :. ii itaniiv
llarse Tralairr
lM O f l VtOHt-MT
l altrilm, tlrrcM
orril K ..l llulMlitf.
ii rr nii im
James Barry oh s allow fork In
rlKhl rar l..r r a , rr taraa
lor wrllii ra. StunarHf S,,nair t rrp MIX
In right i-.r. l.r III. Itangr. ( rant
I aki rnaloftlrr a1,1r.-aa. I akrtlra) . Orrfna
Zac Whitworth XiX!,?";
. off
rlglil fur nn; rTsr for wnhrra. ,Tr hrt.
W. K.tigi. flan frrrk. I'oaioflut iiiirva..
tkiirli'H . Orrfun
To take efftt t Siiinliiv, Feb. 17, l'H.
No. I No i
v it) in. l.r Hi'in. . , Ar ft :aft .
It Im t I'll. ii, aa Ar .t o'. . it,
W illi I. III. I.v . rillln.a . . .Ar It: . It,
l::m . in. Ar 1....I.-. .Ar I ai , it,
t i j. in. , Ar , I.v II Ii. . n.
'J:Vi ,. in, Ar . Ami-.lic Ar II I'm a m
i". . in. Ar Hoi S,ringa..Ar 11 no a n.
7:1X1 . in. I Ar l.-rn.i: I.v SOU, tr.
Special rales (rum
I 'hiciigo. New l r
leans, MeiiipbiN,
M. Lmis and nil
MiHsouri Itiver
I'oints to
I '. 1 . I
- -.
Hot Springs . .
Arinsl rung ...
Tertno .
i n mi :-m mi :'i, on
:r mi: lii ;si tin
s:i (hi ;i Mr vh on
.'n no "i mi ) mi
t fiiitit'lllif .t I'lillit.a Jnnrlloli Hltll Hit-rr.
V.llt y'a H.ilw.) ; h ll I. aiaio- al Hoi lor Mil
Inr. I, Jninavill. .ml lliiiiiiini llli. Ai lloi
HrltiK 'or villi .ml smnili'li, A t Ti run,
for Allnraa, t "-.In r v 1 1 la, lki llty .1.4 fori
M.ltll,i a) .. win) l.ak.-vli h , I'luah .ml I'aiali 1 ,
T. K. lii'Mwir. J. II. IlKNSrrt,
V. I', mnl 11. M. 11. K. autl H A
60 YEAR8'
Traoc Marks
qutrhly Mrniii our opintoii fr wh
liiv-aiilloii ta probfthly pNlfltntAhl. n
tiling i ntlv Hin(.iitrrkl. HaiidtMKtk nn
tttr aft
HaiidtMKtk nn f'AlrnU
aunt friiii. Oltlnat mumwr for irurlhif ptiila,
1'nlHiiia I h ln 11 tkirnutfti AIuiiii A I u. riJvf
tptriol futtic, wlihuut vliaauk tu tba
Scientific JItncricnn.
A h.nrtiom.lf lllnalr.lail wnrklf. I.amaat Mr
111 Imi I. Ml of anr a.'U.iitini Journal. 'I nritia. Ill four mi.i.tua, L nawailrmlrr.
MUNN & Co.3a,B'"t"-' New York
llranth time, tin K Wuhiniiioii. 1. t
Skin al'fectious will rea lilv tlisappeiir
by iit-ing le Witt's Wilcb lia.el Salve.
Ijiok out for counterfeits. If you got
licWitt's you will get if.iod results. It
is tin ipurk him I positive cure lor piles.
Lakeview I '1 iik Co,
rbli sl(rritur Is on rvery Ikii of lbs genuin
Laxative Brorno-Quininc Tbu.i
th remedy tbat rsrra eold la om tlaj-