Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 09, 1901, Image 4

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aHf OUwntu Claamlnrr
INsmmIc BalMint
(On Year, $2.60
TERMS: SIxMontht. 1.00
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California baa been "saved.
rain came in time.
Fine gardens and beautiful flow ers are
now growing all over Lake county.
Tlie enterprise of Lakeview'a business
oien is tbe wonder of all observing vision.
Watch Lakeview'a progress in the
next two years. We'll be a town of at
least fifteen hundred inhabitant in that
time, or The Examiner mieses its guess.
Eastern people are beginning to find
out just where Southeastern Oregon is,
and they are inquiring about it. That's
all we want lor a start they will come
here later on.
When you come Wet, gentlemen, get
off at Lakeview. Don't stand ou the
threshold and knock, but walk right in
and make yourselves at home. We'll
a 1 be glad to see you.
Redding is certainly a live newspaper
town. Now the Free Press enlarges
from a six to a seven wjlumn daily to
make room for news . and increased
advertising patronage.
America no longer needs to protect it
self. It ia the rest of the world, accord
ing to the London Saturday Review,
which needs to protect itself against
A certain farmer who could not raise
enough money to pay for his home pa
per sent three dollars to an eastern man
to learn the secret of keeping butter
from getting strong. He received the
reply,"Eat it."
An East-bound passenger train was
wrecked in the snowsheds on the morn
ing of May ?d. A fireman was killed,
and D.O.Mills' private car was wrecked,
the occupants being badly shaken up,
but not seriously injured.
On May 2d the United Kates Health
Officer at Eagle Pass, Mexico City, sent
notice that a quarantine had been issued
againfct the city on account of typhus
fever. There is an average of one hun
dred deaths each day. Over one-hall of
these are from typhus fever.
There is little doubt that the race
meeting to be held in Lakeview from
July 2d to the 6th, inclusive, for purses
aggregating $1,100, will be the best ever
held in iliH county. A large number of
. .horses will be here from other counties
as well as Lake, and Lakeview will see
a large attendance at the track.
Brigadier-General Hell, who has just
arrived in Washington from Manila,
nays that one-sixth of the natives of the
island of Luzon were killed or died of
fever during the last two years. He was
coriiM'lled to adopt very harsh measures
against them becaune they were so
tricky. He does not believe any Fili
pinos were idain except to serve the
legitimate purposes of war.
Van tracts of arid land that were
formerly considered valueless may be bo
reclaimed by irrigation that they become
veritable garden spots of great fertility.
As the jxipulalion of the country in
creases, and available agricultural lands
are taken up for settlement and im
provement, the problem of irrigation
steadily gains in importance. Still it is
claimed that it is only necessary to irri
gate in thin aection for garden.
Arrangemnta About Completed for
Contract on All Sections.
Although nt altogether satisfactory
bids were received at the meeting held
on the evening of may 1st, by the direc
tors of the Ijike County Telephone
Company, for furnishing pole and post
on the remaining ae.Mlone of the route
between lakeview and Mlver l.ake,
ari; linemen is have probably Iwn made
by this time for material to cover I been
tire system, as President William Har
vey is to complete negotiations upon his
present trip up north. Tlmae sections
not covered will probably be handled by
Hawkins A Rinebart of the (."Moked
Creek saw mill, and Itanefiel Itros, of the
Chew am an Lumber Company. Every
thing look favorable now for the early
completion of the line. The work of
placing the poles will probably com
mence e arlv in July, and soon thereafter
the work of wiring will lie commenced.
The line w ill doubtless be fully cquipHd
and in working order by October 1st.
The Company has levied an assessment
of 50 per cent, on each share, to he paid
by the stockholders on or tefre June
On the first dav of May, when all the
birds were singing and the flowers wem
blooming a very happy wedding trok
place at the Paisley Hotel, and two
young people were joined in Hy menial's
entrancing clasp to "love ami protect"
"honor and oley," until death do part
them. Mr. Frank T. Utinlher and Miss
Lulu Francis Simmons were the persons
most interested, and they join hands
and go down life's pathway together
with the Wst wishes of a legion of
friend. The bride is petite, charming
and altogether a lovable young woman
w ho is esteemed by all who know her.
She ia the daughter of John Simmons, a
well known aid popular resident of
Paisley. The groom in the well-known
young watchmaker and jeweler of lake
view who has numerous friends, and
they all wish him wll. Rev. T. U.
Goodpasture spoke the happy words that
made a new destiny in the lives of two
people. With happy words of parting
and well wislies for ttie bride and uroom
by many people who witnessed the cere
mony, Mr. and Mrs. tiunther hied them
selves at once to Lakeview, their future
They were the recipiants of many
handsome gifts.
fffo In coming it is not our fault. Wo iniitlo all
fyty tin' preparation and now you can t't all
tuc luMiciit.
AV (ur fcl'x'k lias heen largely increased in all
tffo departments and we are confident that no
6 one can oiler you more up-to-date mcrclian
disc, or better values.
We do a big business and it is easier for us
Ufa to do better by you than others can. There
ftty is no secret about the means honest moth-
Iffy ods and the best goods for the least money
is all there is to it, We would like your
patronage this year.
New Pine Creek seems to have its
share of epidemics. Dr. Kleiner reports
several cases of pneumonia, among
them two children of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley McLaughlin, who are now con
valescing; the son of Mrs. Ed. Coonse,
case serious; Ira smith ana Oexter
Amick, not .dangerous; John H. Blair,
very serious, but now improving.
Clem Heryford, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Heryford, has Wen quite ill since
his arrival from below, and the young
man will be returned to Milville, Cal.,
for his health. He will start the last of
the week. The climate and high alti
tude here does not agree with the boy,
and his stay in California will be indefi
Bob Mabry, Pacific Coast represent
ative of the Chamberlain Medicine Co.
of Des Moines, Iowa, was in lakeview
this week. Mr. Mabry is a native of
Texas, a typical Southern gentleman,
with a head full of good things, and a
"pesky" good fellow to meet w ith. His
lines appear in Tlie Examiner regularly
from year to year.
In recalling the "scenes of our child
hood" few recollections would give more
pleasure than to I) able to look into the
faces of school mates of former years.
The child who gets one of those views
Mrs. Knox has for eale may have that
pleasure. 18-1
Thomas Ferris of Warner came in
Monday with a span of fine horses,
w hich he sold to William B. Barnes of
Summer Lake. The animals are of
Messenger and Whip stock and weigh
over 1,500 each. They are seven arid
eight years old, and as fine a span of
horses as can Vie found in Lake county.
Mr. Barnes paid fliOO for the span.
Lime, Lime, Lime.
The first kiln of lime from the Jxiff
tus tk iJalryinplu lime mine will lie
burnt on June 1st. It is the desire of
this company to supply the home mar
ket before shipping any out. Parties
wanting lime may leave their orders at
the office of C. H. Dalrymple in Lake
view. 1H 1
Last Warning to
In pursuance of an order of theCounty
Court of I.ake County, Oregon, I here
by give due notice that all taxes on I-ake
county proerty, real and personal, must
lie paid forthwith. All taxes to, and ill
cludinii I'M 0, are now delimiuent. and if
' said taxes are not paid at once I will lie
j compelled to levy on pro.erty for the
i payment thereof. My duty is impera
! live. Please do not coni-l me to n ake
' you any additional cost by levying on
' your property. This means you. A
I word to the wise ought to lie sufficient.
! This is the last call. II. R. Di-nlap,
I Sheriff of Lake County . Oreiron.
Dated at Lakeview, Or., May IWil.
I A Oreat Record.
t Ueo. . Weber. W. O. W. onranir.
left on Thursday morning's west latum!
stage for Merrill. During Neighlsir
Weber's two weeks stay in l-akeview,
he, and the enthusiastic WhoiIiiihi, re
ceived eighty-one applications. This
gives the membership of Lakeview
Camp, No. WK, W. O. W. HO benefit
memliera. During Mr. Welier'sstav h
visited Lake City Camp and' secured l.'l
applications for that Camp. Chief! hop
per Welier declares this to lie the great
est work he ever did for any Camp
during his three years experience in the
Before his departure he also instituted
a circle of the Women of Wisslcralt,
w ith thirtv t liarler members, and the
promise of many others.
Mrs. Frances Brown and two children,
and Will Boyd, arrived from Reno last
Thursday evening. Mrs. Brown will re
main some time visiting with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burrus. Will
Boyd has Is-en attending the University
at Reno and comes ack a very capable
young man. He has acci-iited a posi
tion in the drug store of Daly A Hall.
County Assessor John B. Blair was
stricken with pneumonia last week at
New Pine ('reek, while attending to the
duties of his ofli.e. Dr. Kleiner was
dispatched for and remained with the
patient until he passed the danger line.
Latest rejiorts are to tlie eliect that
Mr. Blair is improving, and it is believ
ed lie will recover, though his case is a
serious one.
Jk rapidly forging alieml and
Kol let I ami Amick, the Merchant
a are trolling nlong at the head
of the procession.
V Him already been received uml more
& new giMxls nro arriving at our More
Jail the time
We have everything desirous in the
A Grocery Line. A spcciul line of Ocnts
J Knni v Shirts. An elegant line of
Candies, (,'iinrs ami TnlincciiM WaUdi
fur our Dry OoUa Display. i.
! i ll
jj ; . ' ' - ' ,.: . ', ' j:
:; te
1 I I
When completed this will lie one of the handsomest
buildings in New I-skeview.
Hereford Stock Farm
! ; DroW8 Va,,oy, 0re"-
!T ' A F.O. Bunting, Owner
rl'w ' : 'i'W A largest herd of registered.
Wjotlee of Flllutf Final Aceount.
la tli iiiHltcrnf tliH I'Niali' of Mli liKi'l l.viirli,
dic.-(l. MiTH K II II K HI V OIVKN tliHt
till HIllTMiKHI'l. AllllilllHlrstor Of llll! KhlHtll
of Mii-liitH l.yni li, ii-;eiis-i, illil iiii April .'tnh,
llll. Hie IllH Until HIMHIIIIll HH Hlll'll H'llllllllH-
triilor, Willi tin rlrrk of tliu 'on my I -ourl of
I. like ciiinily, Ori'K'in, In hhhI ourl, iil lliut
iiil ' 'ourl tutu rlxi'l himI Hnitin'l Moii'tuy,
July lnt, I'iil, hi 1 o'l liick p. in. tlu-p-iif, hi tin;
( iiuiity JuiIki 'n nlliii- In lln- (.'iiiiulv I nurl
Iioiihi nl hhI'I t'oiinty, hs tin; tfini' nml ,Ihi'i fur
tlie In uring of iiIJi;i;iIiiiih to ttuirli IIiikI hi ciiiinl, '
If Hiiy Du re li'. ,
Iiuti il I.Hki'UcH, Or., Mny tnh, i
rim, i.y si ii, !
Ailirillilmriilur of tli" Kutttte of
may 9-5 Mli liuvl Lynch, Ui i'i bhimI.
i- y ,x
ft .(.,,
Lv. , iaidor A1AM0 head of herd
Herefords in Oregon
:--r;iM l5RSs!rfd Yearling Bulls
. M-.-& Ih- I
.1 W Her iter
hn MorrlHon
Reeder & Morrison
Absolutely Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
T i .
I to ever) tliliiK In i
the lllHi-liHiiilihliig '
I. lite ntiit HatiMrae.
tiou tfuarnnteeil
New Pine CreeK, Oregon.
J. W. Maxwell
.4. rut for
Ton of the Boat
high grade and
standard makos
of Pianos
240.00 and up
Organs $60 up