Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 09, 1901, Image 3

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Interesting Notes
(lathered During
The Week and
Stated Briefly
For Examiner Readers
The persistent Itoers are mill doing
huaineM t tlie old stand.
Our Htm of Irtdicn' shirt waists can't
be heat. Itailey A Massing!!!. li:i
Key. Goodpasture was down from
Paisley last week on business.
If you travel, fish, hunt or plav golf
votir constant companion should lx
Jease Moore. Geo. Jammerthal, nolo
I'aftwiigera now go from Lakeview In
Tcriiioou summer-stago time. Nu slops.
Koh Hai.r One first-class Jack. In
quire of h. II. King, Fort KIhiiihiIi,
Kwp your rye on Lake county, Ore
fin. Tim lies county on the Pacific
Children's nd shoes anil slocking at
Itailey A Maaslnglll's. Io 3
Mixlor Kapurvinom vote on call Inn an
election for iucorMiratiori of A Ultras on
May Htli.
"Kl Itelwioiil'' cigars an- therream of
th Havana crop. They are it'l iml
delicious. For sale hy A tils' rom ilrm. 7tf
I.ake ronnty ia the place lor the man
with small or large capital to assist in
deve.opiug t la- t rt K indontrica.
Alfred l'iat A (!o.'a samples of wall
Iiatx-r at residence of Mm. T.J. Magilton,
.aaeview. J.M.IIaudl y, agent. Ift-.'lm
K. Laurr, the pioneer merchant and
trading financier of Alturaa, will erect a
(j 20,000 building till summer, it i aaid.
A complete and attractive line of
ladie' shirt waist at Itailey A Mas
slngill's. I.V3
The fellow who hasn't received an in
vitation t4i accompany the Presidential
rty refers to the tour aa a "junketing
The Highet Kanch consisting of 20
arreti, with established water right, lo
cated on Cottonwood Creek, ia now of
fered lor sale. C. Umhach about it. 10-lf
The remaina of Henry Hloomingcamp,
whs loat hia lifo hy a hlaat at My. last
week, were taken to Yrcka (or inter
ment. For a gentleman's amoke try a"Kob
ert Mantell" or ''Zenda llouquel"
Havana ci(ar. For sale by Whorton A
Fitcpatrlck, only. 7-tf
Tfie M -yrliata are well aware of the
fact that spring weather ia here, ao
when you meet one It ia uaeleaa to nay,
"6ne weather, eh?"
Your fashionable Shirt and Collar
don't liMtk well without a fashionable
.Necktie. Ne the new diaplay at Ahl
strom Itroa. 17-1!
Prealey Dorria of Modoc recently made
a aale of a hand of horses in the Sacra,
tueiito valley at very unsatisfactory
prices, owing to had outlook for cropa.
PuiiUpjit Thru ton have the kind of
bicycles you read about the Columbia
ihainlcs and the Hartford. Go and
see lliein. 17-2
Hundrwda of new orchanls will lie
planted in I.ake county in the next two
years. Thottaanda of more acre will be
planted to grain for the railroad will be
here then to carry away the surplus.
DeWitt's Little Karly K intra search
thu remotest partH of the Isiwels and re
move the impuritiea sieedily with no din
comfort. They are fuinoua for their ef
ficacy. Khmv to take, never gripe. Lake
view Jrug Co.
Canada atill has a large herd of wild
buffalo. Traces of the existance of the
animala were found in the woods at the
went of Slave river. It was ascertained
that thu buffalo were being mercilessly
hunted and destroyed by the Indians.
Ytiti like to keep in style, don't you?
Let us give you a "tip.' To be in the
taahion you roust wear the latest Shirts
we have 'em in all colors, quality and
make. Aiimthom Haos.
F.nvy ia the match that set on Are
many a scandal.
Ladies' silk and laundrlcd ahirt walts
at Itailey A MasNiiigill'a. LV3
An ounce of clicerf ulnex ia worth a
pound of sadness.
New hicmnt liiiilcyA Maiiiitigiira. 15-:(
Try some Hroniua Iueruma m-. It ia
adapted to dry and sandy soil, and
growa rapidly.
fire litiinu of all kinds, just arrival,
at lluilcy A Mamiingiira. I '.'!
Ccilnrville, Cal.,and Itonaaxa, Oregon,
relehratwl the K2d annlvernary of Odd
Fellowliip on April 2'lth.
J. K. Mack, a printer of the old bcIkxiI,
rallel on The Kxaminer laat Friday, aud
went to I'ainley Fatunlay. Mr. Mack is
looking for a ha-ation in which to engage
in the iicwapaier businesa.
"tjuovadis, lotnini" you know,
I always drink the mcar, and so
1 go the way that's sore to bring
Me to tlie house of Tost A King." JH
Clarence Harris, of the firm of Harris
llroK., stockmen of Kw miner Lake, was
a business visitor in Ijtkeview last
Thursday. The Kxaminer acknow ledges
a pleasant rail from the gentleman.
O'er where the cowslip lies inure4
The milk weed shootelh up,
And when the winds of March have
llehold lh buttercup.
All the latest dress trimmings at
Ihiiley A Massingill's. 45 3
Klsie KusHill, lenxee of the Cotton
wood sawmill, will cut a large amount of
clear lumber this season. He in now
making preparations to start on the
season's run which will he a big one.
Haa it ever struck you that you can
j buy Jesse Mix ire "AA ' whiskey for al
I most the same price paid lor ordinary
; wliin key? Your dealer haa it. (ieo.
I Jammerthal, sole agent.
I Circuit Judge Benson is sustained by
the Supreme Court of Oregon in his-de-rision
in the celebrated water rase of
I-ake county, (ieorge M. Jones et al., ap
(xdlants, vs. (ieorge Conn, respondent.
What looks neater than a neat fit
ting Shoe on a man's foot? Nothing but
a neat titling shoe on a pretty woman's
firetty foot, fhat'sall. Ahlstrom Hron.
lave jjst received the largest and finest
line ever opened in I-akeview. 17-2
A printer in making up the forms one
day got a marriage and a grocer's notice
mixed up so that it read aa follows:
John Smith and Ida Quay were united
in the holy bonds of sour kraut which
will lie sold by the quart or barrel. Mi.
Smith is an teemed codfish at ten
rents, w hile the bride has nice pig's feet
to display.
You know what a Hat is? A Hat is a
thing worn on the head for protection.
Some Hats are pretty and some are ugly
ornaments. Our Hats are handsome
all the time. They keep their shape.
Ahlstrom Bros. 17-2
A good citizen is he who expresses i
f nit li in the future of the town he lives
in and w ho Is always talking of its ad
vantages as a place of residence. Strang
ers fight shy of Silurians, and never lo
cate in a place the inhabitants of which
seem to stay there because they can't
help themselves, rather than from
choice and a laudable desire of bettering
their condition by helping the communi
ty they live in.
"The happy have wbule days and those they
fhiHme ;
The unhappy have but hours And those they
The hanpy people are those who
drink good liquors and smoke Kl Com
andante cigars at Pout A King's. 1-tl
As a bracer Jesne Moore never fails.
Geo. Jammerthal, sole agent.
Tho i.s no deception in our way of
selling goods.
Our pricoH are the lowestqual
ity considered.
io lb Ilox Soda Crackers 75c
i j lb Can 5yrup i.oo
5 1-4 lbs koflst Coffee 1.00
a Pk'gs Celluloid 5tarch 25c
2 Corn 25c
a " Mixed Bird Seed 25c
I Vermicelli 15c
42 IZxtra Good Candles I.oo
a Fk'jts 5elfrlsing Buckwhert Flour 25c
10 lb Sack oOc
All of Schillings Best Goods at S. F.
card prices.
We have just received a full line
of Ladies trimmed hats.
Childrens' Hats
Mens and Hoys Hats
Ladies, misses Ac childens' Kid Shoes
" " Slippeis
Ladies Shirt waists OOc to a.00
Gents Dress Shirts
Mens Summer lothinc
Ladies Over and t J I-'kirtH
Latest Style Helta ; 'c . j 1.50
Spikes, Gold, Silver Black 5 for 10c
All the above goods sold at N. Y., Chi
cago and San Francisco prices.
Get our prices before buying elsewhere
W. T. Mitchell, the creamery man,
was in the valley last week. It is now a
settled fact that a creamery w ill be erect
ed here this summer or fall. When
completed our farmers will experience
greater benefits than ever before. The
near approach of the railroad will solve
the difficulty of transportation, and
when a revenue of from f2)00 to $.3000
each month is added to the circulating
medium of the valley it will be a decid
ed advance in the prosperity of this por
tion of Modoc. Cedarville Record.
I consider it not only a pleasure but a
duty 1 owe to my neighbors to tell about
the wonderful cure effected in my case
by the timely use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrlxe Remedy. I
was taken very badly with flux and pro
cured a bottle of this remedy. A lew
doses of it effected a permanent cure. I
take pleasure in recommending it to
others suffering from that dreadful dis
ease. J. W. Lynch, I(orr, W. Va. This
remedy is sold by I-ee Beall, Druggist.
" There Is a charm by saars vften told,
Converting all It touches llitosjold;
Content on soothe where'er by (ort line placed,
Can rear a garden In the desert waste."
The contented people about town are
those who enjoy their drinks and smokes
at 1'ost A King's. 1-tf
It ia said that the following advise, if
heeded, will relieve yonr home of trouble
some flies, as the season for that pest is
now approaching. Try it: Expose a little
oil of bay io a saucer on your window
sill, or coat your doors and windows
with any color of paint you like contain
ing as little as four per cent of oil of bay,
which is far from expensive, and can be
had anywhere, and not a single fly will
enter your house.
Viewed through an inverted riaaa.
Sometimes makes one see double;
Thus four quarts of beer is apt
To make a full peck of trouble.
But if purchased at Post A King's
(A. U. C.) it will make a barrel of pleas
ure. 5(-tf
" I have been suffering from dysiepsia
for the past twenty years and have been
unable after trying all preparations and gel any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
1 found relief and am now in better
health than I have lieen for twenty
years. I cannot praise Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure t'jo highlv." Thus wrote Mrs. C.
W. Kohurls, North Creek, Ark. Lake
view Drug Co.
A. D. Harpold of Bonanza is full of
enterprise. He is just now working on
projects for extensive irrigation near
that town, says the Klamath Republi
can. Besides hia scheme, already in
augurated, to irrigate from a lake near
Bonanza, he says he will next begin an
enterprise to lift water from Lost river
near the Upper Gap, where he proposes
to use the falls for power. This will
water several thousand acres in Toe
" I have been troubled with indiges
tion for ten years, have tried many
things and spent much money to no pur-
rue until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,
have taken two bottles and gotten
more relief from them than all other
medicines taken. I feel more like a boy
than 1 have felt in twenty years." An
derson Kiggs of Sunny Lane, Texas.
Thousands have testified as did Mr.
Kiggs. I-ukoview Drug Co.
T H jr
Handley V Clendenen
Mala Hret, Ikrvlesr
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Furniture made to order
Write us for estimates
on all kinds contract
work and material
E. C. Peixotto's article, "ParisTypes,'
in the May Cosmopolitan, charmingly
illustrated by the author, will interest
those whose wish to see Paris has never
been gratified, and at the same time
arouse the pleasant recollections of
former visitors. The fiction includes
stories of love, adventure and humor by
such well-known writers as Julian Haw
thorne, Hayden Carrutb, Egerton Cas
tle and II. G. Wells. Send for a copy.
" It seems to be an actual fact that an Indian
nerer laughs."
"Nonsense I Didn't Longfellow make Mlnne
hsbar' And everybody else "Ha Ha's," who
drink and smoke at Post A King's, lit
When you go to Klamath Falls don't
fail to see C. D. Wilson the popular
caterer at the Gem saloon. He carries
the finest stock in town and will treat
vou right. The Gem is the popular resort.
Try the Hermitage whisky there. 25-tf
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25c. iW-lyr
The Walker Basin Land and Irrigation
; Company will operate irrigation ditches
' using the waters of the Deschutes river
', and Crescent Lake, in Klamath county,
and operating in Klamath and Lake
counties. Portland is the headquarters.
The capital stock is $10,000, divided into
shares valued at 1 each. J. E. Morson.
H. F. Lassner and Gustav Anderson are
I the incorporators.
The real estate in Lake county, be
longing to the Frankl Co., is now on the
market for sale. No reasonable offer
will be refused for any part of it. For
full particulars -call at or address this
office, or Charles Um bach, Lakeviesr.
Oregon. 1-tf
If people only know what we know
atout Kodol Dyf pepsia Cure it would be
used in nearly every household, as there
are few people who do not suffer from a
feeling of fullness after eating, belching.
flatulence, sour stotn ch or water-brash,
caused hy indigestion or dyspepsia. A
preparation, such as Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which, with no aid from the stom
ach, w ill digest your food, certainly can't
help but do you good. Lakeview Drug
F. P. LANE & CO., Proprietors.
F. P. LIGHT, Manager
Lemon & Hartzog have three teams out after goods .
They are going to sell at prices cheaper than ever
before heard of.
They are going to make reductions for cash.
They propose to sell the following articles:
10 lbs RED SEAL, $3.00
MEN'S SOX, 15 PRS FOR 1.00