7 f ; Publlshtd Bvary Tkuraday BEACH & AVGARREY MMnle BaHdlng TERMS: iOn Year, $2.00 sl Months 1.00 (Three Months, 50 LAKKtlKW. Oat;. APR. IN, 1KI. Warm Letter From Warner To begin with, our fecond tertu of school of one month's duration cloaed on Friday, April fith, and as the "Itiint ler" had it about three weeks ago, "it must have bwu a successful term as tbey rehired llie teauher (or a two month term," all of which is a mistake. The tirst term was S.Si niouthii, the lad, just a month. There were 20 scholars enrolled at the commencement of the iall leroi, and at the close there were 3 pupils iu attendance. Yes, it was very "aujceaaful." Witu our hali-bu i 1 1 school house, everything must be half way, and until a change (or the better take place we may not expect much advancement in school work. Some teachers have had (tetter success "teach ing Sioux Indians and found them brighter and more apt than our chil dren." Anyone who would make that remark should seek employment with the "Sioux Indians." On Friday, the 12ih inst., Miss Jen nie Maxwell closed a very successful term. In the evening of that day the scholars, assisted by their teacher, gave a school exhibition, which was a rare treat, consisting of recitations, dialogues, . singing, tableaux and drills. farmers are all bu-y with theirspring work. The recent cold and disagreeable weather somew hat retards rapid prog ress, however. Orass lias started on tiie meadow, gardens are ready for plant ing, and fruit trees are ready to burst their bud all an indication thai spring is upon ua. There was a death among the Indians at leep Creek on the 7lh, James .O. Johnson's year-old baby succumbed to what was thouglit to have been blood poisoning, caused by a bruise on the temple. Like other localities, up to a week ago, w e enjoi ed (?j a continuation ol March weather, which caused some of our ranchers, who had turned out their cattle, to start out to rodeo them in, and feed until there is no mistake about spring weather.' Feed on the nioun- j tains is well started, and with a lew i real warm days cattle would do well;, but as it is, it is very close picking for stock that have to depend on it for an ! existence. Sheepmen aie starting their , (locks for the shearing -ns. Harold f Miles and assistant, with the Melon ' naughy sheep are down from their , lolty position on top of the rim and are, at the corrals at 15 Mile Creek. Lutej Moss is following closely and will shear : at the same corral. It is understood that the Old Kight ; Mile place is to be tilled up with cor-' rals and accommodations for shee- ' shearing and w ill be in charge of Jake Messner, Jr. The other hand thai; hear in Goose Lake locality are travel- I ing in that direction. Dave Edler has ; his large bands on the road. , One poor unfortunate, unacquainted ; witli the wild and desolate countrv, at tempted to go to Dave Edler's camp, un accompanied, two weeks. ago, for the pur pose of taking charge of one of the bands, it i- reported. Ailer getting out of civi'ization a short distant e, he lost his way and roamed and wandered about three (lavs and two nights without bed or (ool, with his only companion a poor j old horse. When about to give up iu despair he stumbled onto another camp! where be found food and shelter. From there he concluded to return to the valley and go to Lakeyiew, to meet Ed ler's bands later on, rather than hunt them up on the desert, unaccompanied. Not ks F. 15. Mackindor, editor of the St. He lena Star, who has the reputation of be ing the hoinliest editor in California, will pay Lakeview a visit during the eummer. Mr. MacKindor will le warm ly received, and the editor of The Ex aminer will give hi in a ra-e for his money, as we would dislike to lose the Pacific coast belt. Come on "Mack," briiii your li-diing pole along and we'll wager whvn you leave Lakeview your face won't hurt vou a little hit. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Will Md'orniat k was down from l'fcllfjr Friday. Mr. ami Mr. Kd. Hartini wrri up from Nrw flnr rtvrk 11 Friday. Fred SrhadU-r, th Ft. lUdweli rial maker, was In t.aktvlew last rek. hf t'rcain FT. ei'-ra. lit Hieber'a A iiumtrl our p.oplo wrr. d!.alc iny In Ballard Canyon laat Oundar. H. H. Chandlt-r, prominent woolarnnrr, I tv purled srrlously III I lilt rvk. T. B. w akrfV M and ami and F. H Houston in hero from Warner llila week. ta.H.V (iauntlct Buckskin and Kid tiluvrs, ll.w pair, at Hivber'a. C. A. Huntint and W. W . Fiiiley. the HI; lin k nun, were In l-asrvlw lat wrek. Monlaonii'ry (iodlry haa removed trropo larlly lrm San Frauviaco to Lincoln, t al. lieorg M. Jmii'i. the stockman from t'lirwa can, (aid Lakeview a buMln- visit Ibla wrva. Take a lovk at Weber's Nrw Hats. Vou are aa welcome to look aa to buy. Daniel Booue, versatile -ntlrrnaa and popu lar posliua-lt-r at Plush, was iu i.aki-vtra llua week. J.Coinbsol r. Indwelt la here tlila wrrk to have aouie flue doutal work louu by lr. Pini on st. Fred Wcl-'ey, a rpreaenatlv cltiaen and alockinan of t'aialvy, paid Lakeview a visit Ual week. Men's Asbastna Tanned wan r and fire proof Working i,loea. 1 1. a pair, at Hirbrr'a. Kev. 1. T. Sunimrrvlllr. l'realllnK Kldrr of the M. K. t'hurcu, arrived from Oraul'i I'aaa yeaterdajr. Jonas Kiuf and J. Peaces k return- d to town laal Saturday alter an abaeiu-e of ei v. rai dayi In the couutry. A. B. Seal, the drummer, waa In I-akevle laat week for the dr.t time in year. Mr. Seal la eusanlua iuccMfuly iu niniinf near Mon tague, l al. Garden Hoe. Qarden Kakea. Shovela. Spadea, A in. Ale baiidlra aud iiay horn, al HlfWt'i. Kemeuibt-r the grand ball and anpprr to bo Klveu by the l euieivry I ouiuiltire ou lUe evi u lug ol April Aid. W iiliam Lemon, the enterprising New Pine Creek merchant, waa lo town lat Paturday, accoinuled by Mr. lx-uoti, who rame to aee bewey. the dentiat. J. N. W ataon, the Hummer like wiMilKrower. arrived lu low u laat luexlay. Mr. U alaoii lias jual returned fmm rook voiiuly, aud l look ing for "Uau He Qullle." Ijidiel! -Have your aho-s fitted al Hletx r t. I he new iiuea of auoea are UHint aiiraetive aud siylith. La.it Friday, April l.'tti, waa Arbor Pay. The pupils of the public aehool and liar lie r ob served the day by cleaning up the acliool grouudi and piantiug trees. K. H. Hiekeraou rame o'er from Kidwell Monday, accompanied by his dauhle. Mrs. ilattie Ailama. The lady w ill visit lor a time with Her tiKter, Mrs. P. Post. Hieber's line of (irnt'i Furnishing ioo.U and I'lothiiiK l'r suiumtr It the best by far lu Laae view this year. W, u. Stone of Edgewood, Cal., was a visitor iu Lakeview this week. Mr. moue haa landet iuuresia iu lha Ciiewaucava aud went there on business, as well as to riait the family of W.A. hag ley, his relatives. S. V. Kehart returned from San Fraueiaco yesterday morning. Mr. Kehart nut the win ter iu California, aud cornea baek home r ady to 'onnneiice oo-ratiolis on the Ijikeview v ater 1 ompauy's ayateiu. t'harlie oraves of the Ked shoe Store ha jut received an elegant line ol Ho- eelei.mt.-1 rvellU.-h.H-. .Mr. liraven is Mile mhi in Ijike county lor Keith's fine sins s. I ail there and M'- uie uew uiie. in,, very ml ai and l.aud--oiue.-t ever slopped to Lakeview. hliin-r Ahlairom arrived iiuiue from Sail Franc. co laat Fridty iiilit, alter a pleasant visit MKllt-eell.e mi. I selecting a large ati.lk i f Kiel goods. IK- brought hack an elegnut line ol jewelry something to talk about. Intending contractors ."tumid read the le w advertiie'iueiil of the Ijike t soiiity Tilcplione and Telegraph Company in iiom issue, asking lor bids to li.ruish fKj-in an I poles on reiuaiii ing ecl ii.n.H. hnU to lie received up to Mn) 1, pill. Mr. H. B. Stev eiiMiti and Mr. Kr.-d K.Iehners ncct.inpiiiiied their husfmrols, tne wcli-kiiowvu eoniiii.-rcial travelers, on tin-lr seiui auuiml trip to Lakeview last week. Tie ladies en. eyed their trip imiiiein-ely, and Fred and Urn. c uere on th.'ir good behavior. 6 1 l 9 io 6 IF SPRING ISA LITTLE LATE yfa In coining it is not our fault. Wo ninU all tho preparations ami now you can jjot all If t no tuMiciit. Our stock has Iummi largely incroasnl in all ilopartmoiits ami w are confident that no one. can oflor you tnoro up-to-tlato nicrchun tliso, or bettor values. Wo lo a bg business ami it is easier for us to do better by you than others can. There is no secret about tho moans honest moth tuls ami tho best j;oods for the least money is all there is to it, Wo wouM like your patronage this year. BAILEY & MASSINGILL, ...THE PIONEER 5T0RE... 4 ! J Where Oil is Found. I I How to diseover where oil really ex ists may tie of norne iniiortrUii'e lo the eoile of Lake county, a we exjieH; any day to hear of devel...iiieiit work being commenced somewhere in this vicinity. Oil is found in sand, with! randstone helow it and shale ahove it, ; and with conglomerates of fossils on loi j of the shale. When such a format ion j cn..s out on the suriace there is a possi- . hility of oil la-ing present at no great! depth. If the ro -k when hroken has u distinct odor of oil, the probability is in- ; creased ; if oil is found iu spring, or as-' phaltum is found ou thesurfa -e, then the probability becomes almost a certainly. ! These are the indications that point to j oil in the Buckeye district, and this correctness has been verified by hund reds of wells in other locations, when ' 1 sunk to a reasonable depth within the ; line of surface indications, of the oil belt. ' Ashland w ill have a cannery, with a capacity of 10,lam emm of fruit -r day. The roads are txt'oii ing good again for driving otock to stations in thin county from Southeastern Oregon for shipment, which bring good prices, miya the Yreka Journal. F. I. Wagner, editor ol the Ashland Tidinga, w ho la bowed dow n w ith griel over the death of hi w if , haa gone to (. atilornia to absent himself from the acelie of hia recent liereavenient. kev. Father Mclevitt of Hums, who recently lectured in I-akevicw , has gone to Portland to consult an ix-ctiti!. Ijist August he waa unfort unute in getting Home lime in one of hia eye", causing hitn considerable unnovam e since. We are glad to state that then- are few businecs melt in Lakeview who send away for the printed matter they use in their busines. I low ever, t here are a few, and they are the on.-s who are the h.ii.l. st in condemning any one cl-e who sends away for goods kept by them. We call attention thi work to the ad vertisement of Me-srs Heyuolds it Wing lield. Thl" linn lias received their big stock of l'.Kil spring and summer gixsls, and hav e something lii st-class to show the public. Keep your eye on Heyuolds it Winglield's advoili-etnei.t, to be changed each week in I he Lxauiincr. They lire going to i Her Voil some lare baigains. Mr. and .Mrs. Iexler Amick, the new ly wedded couple of New 1'iue Creek, came near nieetiiig wiih a serious acci dent while driving near that town on the llllh instant. The team became frightened, and, after giving a lunge, one of the lircat straps gave way letting the pole drop to the ground. The ani mals then Is'gan kicking and nearly wrecked I lie biig'y. The occupants alighted safely, however, and Mr. .mi' k handled the fiightcm-d animals in so h a Any that they did not get away from him. Some glial improvi menls were made in the interior of the court house last week. Sheriff hmlap has moved bin office from the south room to the apart ment heretofore occupied by the county 4.11 r I , aid the court will now sit iu the south room. The "bar" in the clerk's; office has la-en i ut dow n to the average man's size and Cupid (iunther can now pasa over the marriage license to would-be Benedicks without standing on a piece of paper. The gate leading into the ollice has been enlarged and fat as well as lean men now have an eijual chance to do business within. J? O J u Li -JETT fe AMICK GENERAL AlERCMANDISE NEW PINE CREEK, OREGON Will soon have on an elegant stock of TT everything In the line. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Etc. I T. J. MAJILTON I Dealer In all klnda of Hardware Tinware, Amunition, Guns, Sportsman's Goods, Etc. f Hereford Stock ,arm -'i'.fJVf'.ri 7"" V-V-V "?'' 7 - - TV ' ' ' ...i-i '.'j-V-"l-'t.--. , - . r. '. i . .tlt.,y ....... . . 5 ... i V aHk.a a mtff F. O. Bunting, Owner largest herd of registered Herefords in Oregon XvS - Id Reqistrrfd Yearllno Bulls 'iiiMJit cutitit' ut fiu ui neni ,'.v:-a-i J W Keriler liaa MurrlNon A young woman of pleasing address, is going over the country swindling un suspecting people. She goes into a tow n and organizes classcx in fancy work. JiiHtructorn are to follow her in two or three days. She collects the entrance fee and disappears, and that is the lant heard of her class. The dear gill in heading for Lakeview. ' V ABSOLUTELY tURC PiDVlDER Makes the food more delicious and wholesome IIOVAl SAITIM FOWOf ft CO., NfW VODK. I.I.I Reeder & Morrison BLACKSMITHS AMD IIORSCSIIOCRS i i Io rvrrylhliiK lu the lllaekanillliliiK ' l.lne and natlante. I lion Kuaranleed J rIA3TOS 0 H J. W. Maxwell tei.i f,r Ten of tho Best high grade and rtandard makes of Pianos S240.00 and up Organs 8BO up New Pine CreeK, Oregon. I OltaANS