(V- JCaltc (Count it 0; xrtinlin-t PuMUhetl rv Thurdy ?EACH & M'GARREY TKR.MS: Masonic Building (One Year. $2.00 I CI. Ui.thi I III) 50 (Three Months, l ikmin, hii., !. is. iihh. W.lte'l 'In' e pan Lake eoiintv. if Lakeview and -1!mi..I ha- ! ;l IV" "" '''' ' !.'iiM have. a li.i.u l of Tr;i.ii' :i !)i: - i'it iiiit 1 .ikevicw All irrade reiiind suirar Mere ad vanced ten point nn t In- !'t h int . T.iki v.ur coffee traii:ht, iretit lenit'ii . Tin built of I riVll tone. Ashland 'flan ic. Incle Samuel. S.tlem t.i he taken 1 1" . 1 1 . the v vnii'r ta'kii.kt. No public uttieial ever loycs irnvthinu by .ho im: that lie n ns a I ijn-k l ne that can be made ci-d ami ti;l when t he tuva-dmi present itself. "1 am noin mil to hvate claim in Lake countx belt," wise man, who niiTs from iv-ming of an arinv of Inciter' i linil'T ":iy the alar the l.ii'-kily for Kentucky was an- i exed heinre the Lulled State. became f-pieainish alx.tit admitting - j !- w ho annul govern themselves peaceably. Tlit Carrie Nation fever seems to have ;ixut run its course with the public, though Carrie still has tils of apparent Jeliriuin to remain the "woman of the t. our." The o'Veriior of N euros. 1'. I . I- in viting a rebellion. He ought to know vhal they do with his kind ilow n Suit h, ; :idilhe had an ounce of sense tie Vllld not buck against I'ncle Sam. ALWAYS NY' ITU THIS Pl-OPLH. aco comity will not forget her polit ! al dehts, and when occasion offers it sell ihere ate two nicnihcts o( the re cent l gilatie body who are going to tiinl that they have many warm liiends in this county. The last .session of ihe Legislature was a season that truly "tried men's souls," hut not once were these wo men found wanting. Threats could not move them, money could not hn them. Woiking shoulder to shoul der with Senator Williamson i'rd Hep tcetitatp e Hi i'cer, they guarded clo-e-ly Ihi' interests of raxleru Oregon and of th. it con-titui'iils in Wacn and their joint count ies. On the lish-w heel no--Hon, tl,e s ai:i bounty la, the sena torial 'iie-t ion ar.d every oilier m ilter ol importance, they could a'nvas he found with their people. Wa-co county is not .iw tn recognize her fi lends, and aiming iheiu she is g!.il In count the lion. K. A. I'miiiitt ol Klamath and ll.n. lie.oje 1 1 . Cat tana h ol lir.int. Ant' lope lleniol. County Lxhiblts at the State lair. The liberal premiums ottered for county exnilnts at Ihe hegon State Fair tlil ear will afford every county in the stale an opportunity to cxhihit lit-r re source. There is no pictiou almnt the tfrcat niilnhcrof hotiu'seekcrs eoiniiit to the state thi year, and the Slate Fair, will aftord (hem an excellent opportn-' nity to jude for themselves of our re source. I or this leasoii alone every county that makes any pretension to iretiera! aiiricultuie should maki" a r "oil j show Hi);. The preiniuin offered on i county exhihi's are $ I ,ihmi, divided into five parts, a follow: l ii-t premium,! o(KI ; econd premiilii), fl''0; Ihir.l pre mium, fliO; fourth piemiuin, tilth pieiniuti:, f IiHI. The ."-outhcrn I'a citic I oinpany hauls all exhihits to and ftoiu the lair free of chaise, and a very liberal rate is made on all other lines in the ea-tern portion of the state. r y K WI; ARI; M1:A!)QUARTI:RS l?0R 1 GENERAL 1 MERCHANDISE THAT MI-AN5 THAT OUR STOCK 15 COM lLI;TI; IN IiVI-RYTHINO IN Till; (iI:NI:RAL AI:RCMANI)ISI: UNI;. QUANTITIES AND CAN OUR (iOODS AT PRICE5 LOWERED COUNTY. ORDERS. WE UUY IN LA ROE AEEORD TO SELL THAT CANNOT lii; BY ANY COriPETITOR IN LAKE IRY US ON LAROE OR SHALL WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY TRY OUR CHOICE BACON AND HAMS. ApninaUlo is astonished at the fair treatment received hv him at the hands of the American. Well, he might t.v; he was just as well assured of the I'nited States' attitude before he he'an 1 unsuccessful career. His wonderful lS-jotl feeling was made possible hv a uentiine gHl thrashing. Hon't stop to wie your feet at the threshold of l-ake county, hut come right : ii, gentleinen of the Kast, West. North arid South, who want to find homes in tf.e b st country this side of the ll.ickies. Come on, and bring your fam ilies, tlie old cow, horse and dog, and rvake yourself rinhr at home. A beautiful story of conjugal love wa foil when a Hawaiian woman tried to s. uiulate leprosy, jn order that she miht ?H'CtMiipariy lier husiiand, a lefrer. who vaa about to he sent to the lejer island. To the credit of the health authorities M.ey allowed her to go w ith her husband. TJiat wotnan is what we fall a savage, but he knew the (iospel, aecoriling f St. John "dreater love hatt. no inan," eto. The dissatisfaetiuii of Japan with Iliis M'i's action is not in regard to the Manchuria:! agreement, the leading pupers artinn, but with Russia' action in Manchuria. Hence Japan de--t.fien, ttceordiui; to an important section .t the press, to consider the abandon -eiit oi the areeinenl as. a final settle rrieiit of the .Mai.churiau question. It is ijred that this ij'lebtioll should be bfiught Irefore a conference of the Pltuisters, like thv oilier Chinee -oie-. ( tcnti, ! ' Watchmaker and Jeweler Hasy Money. The New Kra Invites the Lakeview base hall team to A It lira.- to cros h.its.jj .fa with the "invilicibles" of that plai'e. j .rrangemeiits nave or en maile Here lo . offer an indiieeineiit for the "invilicibles" 4 mi. . t i i.i A Located at new postoflice of MimIik: :o come to Lakeview and liinlj! " !l little "eiisv mi. ii. .v" At r lw tooriiurin-lit DUlldinjJ during Fourth of July week. Two hiind- ! red dollars w ill be hung up in purses for base baM contesls. Besides that there ! will Ik? four days of gxl liorse racing, : for w hich eleven hundred dollars, w ill le Kiven in inirpies. for the uuod horses of, Modoe to try to capture. Send up your I rent ball players and nags, neighbor, and we'll give them "a run for the money." i H1C1ROTHE & C0,i THE leading merchants of lake county. I I F.'T.QUNTMER Al work in my line fully (iuaranteed ? 'T T T T" T ' Lakeview- Plush Li ne Stag The Depression Over. A Hoston dispatch of the Mth says that ; the demand for wool dining the week in not eijual to that ol the past two or three weekrt, but the dealers believe that ; the depression of the pat two years has, j pas.-ed and that tl.eir g.ds now have a good sale. The bulk of business has j been in territorial grades, tine medium and line selling at 41) to 4:!si:oured, while the sample lots call for 44 to 45 ; offe. ' i ings were moderate in fleece words, w ilh values practically nii'haiiged. New Australian wools art" held on the basis I of the cost to import. . St. I oi'lH, April '.). Wool, territorial ! and we-tern merlium, 14 to l: tine, 11 ' to 15; coarse, 1 1 to 14. OtO H STEVENS, Proprietor Ij bvi- l.ak.-iew .Monday ami Krl itays Ki-liirniliK. leaven FIuhIi Trim tiny mel liir.lay, al 7ii"cIim Ii a. hi Carrie l'aiier, l"afkaK'- ami Kri iiftit. STtLKtiKKH K Bailey A MaHaliiKlH," Htore. - - Oregon Lakeview, ..Vegetable More.. i Tlw-imly Veitalle Stnre in Lakeview la I im- t at I In' Nurth end in Water Street. Vegetable, Fruit. 1'rintuec Also li-iierl Men liinlli Cluar and Tol.aren-. Krec Delivery. Venezuela has been brusk in her treat . . , . . . i i l ; .. tteillol U.e l.nneu states am. r.e, flim(.rv HIld cotm(.ti(:H tereatc A point has tx-en reai bed ' .. which requires the presence of Minister loomis. in Washington. To hasten his coming a warship was sent alter him. Ktiglaiid embrace the opportunity to terfect and present, a claim for damages arising out of an alleged dent met ion of i'.fitish property by Venezuelan gun boats. This may be a time w hen Vene . tela needs a friend n'lite as min i, a ill, IS:i. ' : Alter July 1st it will not tie necessary . to pia.'e stamps on bank checks, certifi- WhOftOIl & BflrtlCS eaten r.f deiosit, promissory notes, money orders, exprjrt bills of lading, express receipts, telegraph and tele-1 phone uifwsages. powers of attorney, I mortgages, protests, warehouse receipts, proprietary medicines, chewing gum, EE BEALL, DRUGGIST 3&C i Notice to Bidders. The Common Council of the Tow n of Lakeview, Oregon, invites bids for the delivery of !ilM) cords of 4 foot wwl. Said wrsrd to Ui delivered monthly in N) cord lots. No bids accepted for less than III cord lots. Scaled oroposals for hid will . be received up to April 15th at lSo'clock, ; and addressed to the Recorder ol the CICjARS.i. Town of Lakeview, (iregon. .'j t , Everything known to the trade carried in stock p,ne Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Goods, Etc. ...STATIONERY Nt'ce, ! Any persons having finer keiis in tlie!r ' H ill the man who never saw tlie in- 'oswrion belonging to ihe old Lakeview ! Pn.iii.i'i. i t ...I it. ui.ii.l itr tiriinr I ulili, .f i i.i -i ol i ii, i oilli'i. u l.ii V 1 1 1, u s r hi I . . " I : l.Mst about editing a newspaper; the nan who never reads the bible who finds fault with the minister's sermon; the man who never cracked" a sale who will tell what a fool iheother fel I tw was for getting caught at it and so n dow n the line throughout tlie whole category of lii'-. When you hear a man them in at once, as we want to fill them , with the finest beer ever made in Lake ' view. l.'!-2t. AVKHS tk Si AI.AOI'X. In almost every neighborhood there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Hiar rhea Remedy, or w ho has been cured of ! chronic liiarrhoi the use of that uied I icine. Such persons make a point of brast loudly about w hat this man ought telling of it w henever opportunity otfers, tr. do and Wv that man ought to aet ' Imping that it nray be the means of sav ... , , ing other lives, r or dale by Lee lieall, you can put hint down as an HS wll . tint. know not what he speaks of. The; ie man who can see faults in others You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy .ever mention, them but he profits by ! Hkj, and Wlll'. thorn. There are a few wise men in j jwitt's Little Karly Risers cleanse the Lakeview ami a lot of them who come w hole System. They never gripe. Lake- KieVr the head of (, 1 view Irng. Co. Frank Smith's Barber Shop Hot and Cold Baths New Spring Clothing W liav jut rcct'ivt'il a line stock of Nrinr ami Su miner ('lotliinr for Cliildrc-n, Youths ami Men, and ait nH'crini; Suits at v Kit y reasonable prices. CHILDREN5' 5U1TS $2.50 UP YOUTHS' " 4.50 to 5.50 MENS' 44 9.oo to 14.50 If you want the best make of SHEEP SHEARS come to this store ...SHINGLES FOR SALE... ..Dunlap & Thruston ritlJIl DELIVERY ft1 Mwl-FA Oue door Mouth of BAMli mm III !' rt T ROM Manufacturer of the Celebrated V;., 'l ' Recognized as the best Buccaroo Saddle in the United States. WAGON A DUCCY HARNESS, WHIPS, RODE.S, ETC 9 i. f B3