Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 04, 1901, Image 8

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    1 t rr a t
t w f m ttv m? rrvr krr v
Al the Brewery Schooners.
Fent Smith arrived from Alturan last
Miss Pearl Burrus has returned
IV. lid ll. ii'.v ! , I . . If
fed d Monday, to t - ale.
lami? (ifrliT I ij'ht J1: heud of
fcmi J. Shellhaiiuner last Monday
Slit-HiT Punla.. t ' f
fcixes during t he h ... ,
About five iiu'tn " i -, i in Pais
fcy Tuesday, hikI 1? n in LaKevicw .
The infant son of Mr. iiml Mrs. Frnest
Ilsrtlenuie died at la is" Creek, Mar. 22.
Races and
Base Ball
K. A. FiUpatrick 'hii vasit(l l,nkeicw
last week with a subscription for races
to be held on the Lakeview traclt during
Fourth of July week, and succeeded in
getting 1 V subscriln-d by busbies men
ami citiieim. To this will U added a
like Amount by the lake County Agri
1 1 ul t ii nt I Association, making $1100 in
ittle ! I"rs,'!' k-'iv''" ',,r r' ""'H events dur-
i ing I ho week. There w ill lt four or live
days' racing, Mini probably Uo lnvii for
Fourth of Julv celebration and baseball
j tournament. 'I'll,' Mini of $K will also
Ih raised for baseball purposes with the
stipulation that in tl event that at
j least two teams from outside of laike
! county coniH'te the said anioiint would
John T. Maupiri and wife were over I Stveii ' purses. As many Like cuii
frvm Warner last Friday on laud bind- ' Lv team as dcsi.e may cntei , hut then
et. ! must le at least two from outside the iocs for children ai B. M s. I rt,HM,.v- 1Ur' " ' opportunity for
. , I Misloc and Klamath teams to come here
m.a. MienocK isvngnt mixed .l.-. fr-.ui, I? t 'I. ... I I...... !
(ei. 11. Ayres left for San Francisco
last Sunday to select a new Spring slock
r Ids firm.
Head the notice for bids on furnishing
program for racing events and hasehall
toiiinainent will In' given out next week.
i and in two weeks lug poiders will be
! printed and circulated announcing the
yosls and pole;
k T. Co.. in tl.i:
We have now some fine beer
for the Lake County T.
issue. i
Officers HlecteJ.
null hern eitreinily, and instead of de
clining to the doiith, as supposed by
tieueral Kreinont, the lull is to I he nort Ii.
In the spring ul the year the waters
from the melting snow and ruin, com
mon to the climate, pour into the south
ern extieinity of this rocked tiinmed
basin, till it to oert1owing and aie
gradually pushed to the north wheie
thev sink into the alkali plains or disap
pear by evaporation. That part of the
iuisin in which (he lauds in controversy
are situated w as, according to theteti
mony of I'eter I'eterson in the J. M.
Wtlley cae, known to early settlers its
"Warner Lake." It was sub eiiuentlv
lemieil. says witness Hale, "Warner
Mnrh," w lule it is now culled "Warner
It the testimony of the witnc.cs
called at tin- loimer hearings is to be
given any credence, the entile southern
part of Waiuer basin whs tilled with
water from "foothill to the iimro k"
between I Sii4 ami t SS I . t was then a
lake. Alter a Urge volume of the walrr.
that had loiuieily pun led into this Imnin
had been duelled, ufter thousands ot
cattle and hogs had pastured around Us
margin, and giadiuilly as ihc si'iions
grew drier, wuiked their way into its
interior, dining the tiaiiition between
the time it formed the U'd of a lake and
I be lime it I hi. fine diy , it w as no doubt
a mat -h, and now. Mnce by a diveriou 1
of the w titers, sediuieni al on and other
causes, said lauds have become meadow ,
are now clothed with luxuriant giases
and dot red with productive bums, ills
not amiss that it should be known as
Warner Valley.
Said lauds were returned s hike by
rengra, h'vaiis and Itvars and lirav in
For Men
W haw mvivt'tl this wrrk our stock of SI'KINU
CI.OTniN(S ami I t'ltMSIl .N(1 (3()()DS, which
oiiohl to interest every jood dresser in Lukoview.
A!:N'5 SUMH!: SUIT5 from $6.00 up
MI-N'5 10IJ; N!:(IJ(1I:I- SHIRTS
You'll Iiml our styles ami patterns most exclusive
in design, and far superior to aiivthin ever shown
Our prices are within reach of all.
The wedding of Dexter F. Amick and
Mis Minnie Ktvd, w ill he soloinnized at
Bfew Fine Creek next Sunday. j
iS. 1". liss left Fresno, Cal., on March
JkV ami is expected home soon. He is
enjrt'fd to Ix; much iuirovedin health.
Sprfiii ami suiuiner wash goods at B.
t M.'s
The "rude Josh" company was well
et-eived at New Fine Creek last Satur
day liii;ht. The hall was crowded and
Mie play was highly appreciated.
survevs made prior to S.M. The loie-
... , . , , ,, Itfoing smveys were Hot impeached bv
At the uiwung of the st.K kholders of ,,ut ( .,..., ,Iia,. 1M ss7. who exl. nd'
the Luke County Telephone and Tele-! ed the township hues after ih watcr-of
graph Company, held at Paisley last j li,k' I"1'1 greatly subsided, an.l even
Mondav. the todowing were el.cted r V. .1 was oone w . ,, great . , in-
cum , u. e waier aim miiti is-ing so ileeii
neiii ai 1 ais ley last j
w ing were el.cted a
! Board of Directors: Win. Harvey, W. P. i
j Heryford, S. B. Chandler, tieo. Colin i
unit r. M. (.Iiiisman. Win. llaivey re-;
ceived the full vote cast, 4:!.", and was
chosen President of the Hoard ; W. P. ;
Heryford received the next highest vote, j
411:2, and was chosen Vice President. ;
The Board of Directors elected the Bank
of I-akeview treasurer, ami V. L. Snell
ing secretary. T he Board of Directors
advertise in thi-i issue t.f the F.xaminu
for bids for (utnishing telephone and
L. Huseniau last week purcha-ed 4k , telegraph poles and posts, said bids to
Tit-ad of cattle from leorge Smail of i. ! he received and opened on April 11, l'.tol,
T Lake. Tnt- st.s k will le driven to j at the ollice of the Secretary in Lake
Mr. Huseman's ranch at tiazelle. j view. Bids may be tiled wiih Secretary
Bur rmr rL'.oO i idi.-' hoe the ,et ' S"t'"'"z 1,1 a"' t'""' 'x1'1'" ",,NV
alue in tow n. B. M
Last Tuesdav C. Fisher sold his War
aer ranch to (ieorge .a Jpin for fl,'sl.
Mr. Fisher will n inovt- to his hot spring
omch, six miles from the stunt- bridge.
Much uneasiness wa- felt by the rela
Jves and friends of tieorge Whortoii. w ho
as reported seriously ill at Aliuras la.-t j
ia. night and I
j April loth, at 2 p
m .
in iniiiiv instances that the
ing the eoiiieis had to he cuiiveyed by
hand a distance v( a tulle and a half, it
being impossible to get a horse or ve
hicle thioiih u .,.,. tesiiuiuiiv t.f An
drew Morns, L D. Frakes cane).
The testimony of tl,e w iluesses for the
Slate of t In goii at the n he.u ing e-tii! ,
ll-hed the fai t that all of said lands weie J
dueled b waler hi the spnngof each
y ar, and that late in the -easou the
w ater had receded lioui I he hue of the
spung Ilo. , s,, that call le could cross t be
maigin of the lake, hut it wasnowheie
elaiiued piior to Issl.that mere
- was a complete suhsid. u,-,. ,,( the wateis
n r was the ilit'ten In c bet ai i n tl.e
; and low waler show n.
! Although the le-llinony given bv said
W It llesses be Co-lieled woul.l
be imposHihle to tell which of said
i lands were diy, if any, which though;
i covered with water in the spril.gwcic
! uncovered too late for planting or bar- ,
! Vesting a crop, and w ere I belch in- swamp -
aid oyci tin a cd , and wlu.ii weiei"eri.
b 10 .
Cottage z$
eek. He rel ilrned hollo
m r-eovering rapidly.
For Sale One tirst-class Jack.
(Oitifnissiouer lleriiu.iin of
laml office in the Warner
caes. The matter w ill be
teri r newspapers '. w ilh water the entile year. 'I he burden
ittempt the r.. J ws upon the Male and those claiming f
,. i , I under it to shun bv a fair preiH.nder '
the decision of ;,.,.,, ,. .,, j(lu,v, ,hlU ',.,', ,.,,, f
t he general
Vallev laud :
dry reading
iiire of
King, Fort
Next Saturdav t.ijht there will l-
Jie-.fK.vr ..., at liiinther's Hall, j
hich will he the last until April 2'ith.
hen the Cemetery Committee will give;
(ii all night hall and a line supper.
I'alekiligbarn A lle-ht's hoots
lii.'S, a iull line just received at B
Sheep shears at B. & M's.
irandma" Butler, who has
fishing in Bedding, Cal., this winter,
rijirnel Lome on the Southern last
Thursday night. Mrs. Butler is hale
nil hearty and her many friends are
iiml to welcome her home.
The Fvamivkk has undertaken this
; week a feat that few interi
! in the country would att.
j production in full of
general were swamp and overllowed on March
1., Is. ,11. ;ut u nil t he except ion of Un
it tie of levels run bv N n kerson and oi hers
.. ...1 . i . ,i... : i . t
I . . . .1 i met ii.c . All... I IM'iu itie iiiiin;ti .
to nianv, Ilo dou lit, but the pu lulshers ot . . .i i ....... . w. . i .
' ilieneral r iclii nit , ' t he tate ai d lt
I.Jj i. ...... I r... . . I ... I i ... i I. , . . . . ..
Klamath I i-rr" - - ( i ......... grauiee nas snowu m votiii nue...n mat.
' I reds of people to give the entire decision, i said laml either formed the bed of an
i and for that reason it appears in this is- i apparently permanent lake or
.... . .... . . . lilted ls-twceii the high and I
! sue. i line we nu our column won t(). ,,.,,(
j this matter we are crowding out much! The difference in elevation at t hi lime
valuable 1-cal news, and the only satis- lietweeii the points mentioueil Moes not
preelmle the possibility nor even the
j probability of the existen- e of a lake
I eo-ruiii an oi saei iracis on .iiarcu i.
' ! pajier will l- filed away by hundreds, of ; IS'), and in no event can either of said
.s.Lodgino House Restaurant ..
KIZIR & BROWN, Proprietors
-The On!y 25 Cent House in Lakevew
estatiratit llll'l !-H'llli)r IIol.e li.ive both been thorough
ly reluivafiil. (ioo table service iiii't clean Lens
The comfort id' our lutrotin will ulvuvs be mir lirst
aim. t all nl I lie olt.ioe t r a gisi.i no al nml I i .
ii situ
Tt i s ail rr rt isr m r n I is vim n rl rrrri irrrk H'utrli if.
: .;. .1 :.. ...... . I..,.. i .. .1 ......
j Irt ll'ill C lli.O III l' J'i'"l'i IIIK nil- in- is
I ion, is the fact that this Co; y of the
I paper will lie filed away by hundreds of
j readers for future ref. rem-e, and in 1
'showing to the public that there is J
scarcely anything impossible in the j
lines of levels or the com I i I ion observed
bv tietietal John C. Fremont in IKJ.'t, ;
establsh or tend to show that said lands :
or tl.e greater portion of the smallest i
printing line for The I.Xaminkk toaccoin- ! ,-gal subdivision of any part thereof.
Tlit u n 1 1 r ill itff nun t lu iiiuili f iff 1 V
Th pHrtv w n horroel Post A Kiliif'H ' . . , L . i "i
MiliWt ill confer a favor hve-i'1,at l"fHvt,il lu,wt"" l'H ca,,t
Aguitialilo. tieueral .McArtliur con
firrini the Jrejsirt as follows: "tieneral
Fiinstou has ju-t returned from an ex
pedition to Palaman, Province of Isa
bella, where he captured Aguiriuldo who
is now in my po -session at Malacanan."
The capture was made by the brave
Funston through a ruse, Funston and
his party being led by friendly natives
into Agu inahlo's. tamp as prisoners,
where they Kooti proved to be rapture.
fuming same at once.
Whilt Jihii Myrtle, of Lakeview, was
n the road to Summer Lake on the Sid
alt., he lo.t a pocket book containing
t5 in currency. On his return the
kook and money was handed to him by
lyx (ireen, of the Clover Flat station.
Paish-v will have two days' racing in
June, the i;xaet date of which event will
be given in these column? later on. This
will U a fine " workout" for the horses
that are to come to Lakeview to race
during Fourth of .July week.
lothing, men's,
just arrived at
Spring and summer
Viv's and childrens',
B. A M's.
Born In Klamath Falls, Oregon,
March 27, to the wife of Louis
Uerber, a son Here's long life to the
youngster. (jOT May he grow to man
uood and prove aj njuate a man as his
"Maddy," and the pride of a fond
The report that C. ('. McCray, the
"Missouri dumtni-r," was held up la-low
Willow Hunch and relieved of fd5 last
Monday, has turned out to be a hoax.
Mc wad joshing a tenderfoot brother
ilrtimuier urnl an aiert reporter who
bftppene.'! to be on deck.
C A. limit ing writeH from Pan Fran
frauefbi'r to The JCxaminer under date of
Miv-li 2'ith that he expected to leave
4ml Francisco about the 2Hth for Bly.
lr. Bunting has had a pleasant vinit at
Mia liay for teveral weeks and will be
glad to return to "good old Oregon."
4)n the 20th he met Klmer AhUtrom anil
lin Heryford of Lakeview , and Albert
Walker of Bly. The boys were having a
jpod time in the city.
Clarence Anderson, former editor of
the New Kia, arrived hen; yesterday on
a brief visit.
Notice to Bidders.
The Common Council of the Town of
Lakeview, Oregon, invites bids for the
deliveiy of lilH) cords of 4 foot wood. Said
wood to Is; delivered monthly in ol) cord
lots. No bids accepted for less than 1')
cord lots. Sealed proposals for bids will
he received up to April loth at 12o'clock,
and addressed to the Becorder ol the
Town of Lakeview, Oregon. I'l
Notice to The Public.
The Town Council has passed the fol
lowing order in regard to the payment
for Fdectrii: Light: That all bill are
due and payable on the first of every
month, and if not paid by the oth of the
month the light will be shut off. All
bills are payable at the ollice of the Town
Treasurer, B. HeynoldH.
Pi CHAS. L'.MBACH, Becorder.
Any persons having Ijeer kegs in their
possession belonging to the old Lakeview
Brewery, are reipiested to Bend or bring
them in at once, an we want to fill them
with the linest Uier ever made in lake
view, lS-2t. AY HUM & HcAUMiEL.
wa swamp or overflowed, within tl
meaning of the Act of September 2M, !
ls.rxi. on' March 12, IHinl.
Tl... w.... i :. . ... l. .... : .:i I
i i in: mm alio lis gran ii-t. nu i ok lai i - i
ed to establish thw facts that would en-i
title tnem to is not deemed,
ne-essary to discuss the showing made,
bv the settler claimants, which co isisls j
of oral testimony and more than one
hundred exhibits, comprising certified j
copies of plats, lists of select ions, testi- j
mony of witnesses at former t rials, doc-
umeiits, etc., and samples of soil taken j
from certain of the lands involved herein, j
The c. .mmiiuication of this ollice, da
ted Ni vember H, BHM), reversing your!
office and aw arding the land in contro-
vcrsy to the State of Oregon el ai., tetn-j
porarilv recalled on November . 'ID, BUM'
for further consideration, is now on mo
lion of this ollice permanently recalled, ,
vacated and annulled, in whole and in
part, and the follow ing findings and judg-1
incut subMttute.1 in lieu thereof:
The lands included in Lists HI), HI , 39
and all others described by the agree
uii'iit or stipulation filed in the ollice of
the Honorable Secretary of the Interior
on May 1, H'.i!, were not as a w hole, nor j
as to the greater portion of a smallest I
legal subdivision, swamp and overllowed
on March 12, lHiK), and that the State of i
Oregon and those claiming under it, has j
no title, interest or estate in mhI to any
part of said lands by or thioiigh the
provisions of the Act of March 12, I Wit)
(12 Stat., Hi. It is then-lore tint judg-,
meiit of this ollice that th'' claim of the
State of I Iregon and those holding under
i it, in and to any of the lands included
in Lists .ill, .51 and .i'l, or ilescnls-il in
the foregoing stipulation, in any way
urising or asserted by or through the
provisions: of the Act of September 2H,
18,r0, as extended to the State of Ore
gon by the Act of March 12, lSiMJ (12
.Stat., ii should be held as naught, re
jected and canceled, and said ?.aims are
hereby rejected and said lists held for
The case having once been considered
by the Oepartrnent is current work and
in case appeal is filed, the case will he ao
treated and forwarded to the Depart
ment as Hindi.
Notify the Parlies thereof. Besident
counsel w ill lie advised by this ollice.
Hespectfully, liiNUgu IIkkmann,
ci -j
n a r co so a(x
OOOO s-s - m --- -
-"10 ICDOBfD- CO
so 3 - tr
a a ro 2 00
cd S
r- P CO -1
OCk g O. CD f CL
o to a tr
i cd i i o tr to
NOtfor awhile
With cut prices to clean out
Goods that were bought with
But here stay
All the time with Goods that
will give entire satisfaction.
On Main Street - -- -- -- -- Lakeview