Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 04, 1901, Image 6

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    ailent cnnnel (r the State of Oregon and
the Warner Valley Stuck Company, and
1 coti'duded tlmt the not'. dmw init,
sketches and data collected in th field.
oil tile. Mi the War I Vptrtiuent, tr. ni
winch said map was compiled, would In'
of more value in determining the MMiit
in controversy than the limp if 9ll. Hy
courtesy of the War 1 Vpartiucnt, thin
otlice was pel in 1 1 ti'il the teitioiury loan
of said tie'd in tes. e'e, hut Hn exami
nation thereof revealed the fact t tint the
surveys, etc., were made a lute an the
year 1S7S, and that therefore they were
of little or no viihie in dcleiinining the
character ol caul land.
Impressed with the gravity of the
jtiesiioi: at issue, a" there i in Vol veil
lierein the title In thousands of acres
of fertile ai'd valuable l.ind, conscious
of the in. u. v . 1 1 1 r- at 1 :i ami ccpiity mid
coti terns' hcP'ie the land I Vpart'ncnl.
the continuous litigation of manv years
that had destroyed the pence of all par
ties hereto and wasted their substance
in fees. costs ami ret: itier. ami doubl
ing w hct her a ju-t and right conclusion
1 1 H ' I Iven reached. 1 decided that, not
withstanding the gtcat lahor involved in
the examination of so voluminous a
record, the limited tint now at inv di
jvosal. as in aild'tioii to the routine du
ties of this otitic, 1 am. during the ses
sions ot the Cnimress, called upon to inn
sider hills mnl proposed legislation al
fectiug the disposition of the puhlic do
mam, it was my duty to personally con
sider said case. 1 have, therefore, in
pursuance of such determination, at
tempted hy personal examination of the
papers in the cn-e and the tiles, plats
and field notes of survey on reomd in
this otlice lelating thereto, to reach the
very truth as to whether said lands were
"swamp aint oei tto t!" within the
meaning of the Act of Septcmlicr .S.
1S.V). at ll e time the provisions of said 1
act weie extetuled conditionally to the tion that Piputy Surveyors ltaus.
Mate of Uretfi'ti, tivwit, March 12. IStiO. I'eiiktra. ryais ami (iray, sworn otlii ers
The task was not an easy one. It has, ! of the ioveriunent, who-e returns hiihv
how ever, convinced lue that the former j as to the chaiacter of the greater part of
coliclii.-i.'ii was not ju.-titicd ty what 1 1 said lands, did t..eir duty, and show
liow find Irom a personal searcli and that they either estahli-hetl false and
reading of the testimony to lie the real lraudulent meanders or were mistaken
facts 111 the case and hereiu will he found as to the character of the land Nor is
not as U'lore, a tew incomplete refer-i thi presuni ptiou removed hy the fact
ences, hut a full and caretul summary . that Special Ak'ciit shackeltord reported
and review ol all the material lacts. ft 1 that sin h otticcr- had hreu guilty nf co
w ill be noticed at the outset that no w it- iu-nui with the claimants under tlie
ness add iced hv either parlv was ac 'State to defraud the linveriiinent. and
quaintetl wit 11
the lai.d at the dale ot
the ktrant, nor fur snme vears therealter.
and the difficulties tnent lotied hy Un
learned Ju'lk!f (leady, 111 his decision
rendered January lii, lsss, (supra) in
arriving at a collect coiiclu-1011 as to the
character of said laud-, have heen ac
centuated hy the further lapse ol time
and aiavaled hy the js-cu'iar and
totally antagonistic po.-itii.ns and theo
rie" assumed at (lilfcient states ot the
trial hy ru It of the contending tactions.
At the trials of the individual contests
(copies ol the testimony of the witnesses
.jiarilctpAiiiiK thettiu were to he admis
sible as evidence under the agreement
hereitibcloie cited;, the settler claim
ants proceeded on the theory thill said
lands were, on March 11', lSOU, neither
the bvd of all apparently peimaneiit
luk?, lior wet aul oveitiowed, hut were
llieadow lands, while the State of ore
Toti and the Warner Valley Stock Com
pany, probably relyinii on the authoii
tie.i of Cedar KitpMs and Missouri hiver
Kailroad Company vs. Ib-an et al. (2
L. It.. 544; and Indiana vs. Milk et al.
11 liisseil, 1V7), insisted that the sur
veys of Kvat.s and liyars and (iray weie
presumpliveiy correct, and attempted to
cstabll.-li as a tact that said land actual
ly formed a part of the hed of Lake
VVitrner uii Match 12, lsiy.
At the reheating at which saidiases
Were coiisoililated milch of the testi
tnony introiliiced by each of the parties
Was e pics ol testiimmy ti i veil by the
' witnesses, for the other sines at the said
loimer Inarins, and aLtain the panics
did not seem to fully gra.-p the exo-nt of
the inquiry ci nt-mi,'Uted by the Honor
able secretary in the order dircctiiin
further hearliiii. It will lie observed
that all decisions of your oltice, this of
fice and the Department, touching the
character ol salu land, w eie vacated and 1
annulled, and the question presented i
was, whether said land as a w hole, or '
the greater part of any smallest legal j
EUhiii vision thereof, was swamp and ;
overflowed within the meaning of the
Act ot !cpteiuher 24, lHoil, on the 12th
day of Maich, I VjO. The testimony '
taken telates almost wholly to whether j
said land lormcil the part of the lied of j
an apparently iermauenl lake at the i
date next ahove mentioned, mid while!
an alhi mative answer lo said question j
would dispose of the same, under the
rulings of the 1 h-part inei.t , a negative
answer would establish nothing, uidess
it was coupled with the establishment of
the tact, that such lands were not dry
nor meadow, but "swamp and over
flowed'' as a whole, or an to the larger
jxirlion of and every smallest legal
siilxlivision thereof. And in tins connec
tion it is necessaiy to define as deter
mined and explained by the i'epart-
meiit, w hat is meant l.y
ovei tiowed" land.
swamp and
All land t-nhji-ct to "oveillow" does
not bill within ihe meaning of the act.
The laml must be either too wet by rea
son ol its location, or must be rendered
unlit fur cultivation by oveillow. Lands
subject to periodical and occasional over
flow, do not come within tin: meaning of
the ajt, if the waters subside in time for
a crop. '1 he case of the State of Oregon
against Newton S. (ioodlow, involving
lands situated in T. 41 H., K. bi K., was
one from your otlice and affected lauds
sit uated in a valley w hich w as overflowed
hy the melting of the snows arid the
spring ruins. The w ater re( eded before
June i, and clops ol hay and cereals
weie laised upon the laud, it was held
that the lands did not puss under said
grant. See deision Secretary Teller to
Commissioner, July 13, JHK.'f (2 L. I) ,
(51). The case of Moylaml vs. The State
of Oregon, also arising in your office, the
facts being similar to those in the (iood
low' case, was decided by the Depart
ment March 15, 18'Jfj (10 L I).,:J21), and
the claim of the State was denied. See
also State of California vs. The 1,'nited
States H L. IK, .ri21, State of Oregon et
al., vs. Motheishcad ID b. J)., i.M,
w herein it w a held :
"l-and suhjivt to pc-riodi"nl overflow,
hut useful lor cultivation nti tlic re
cession i( tln water, are not swamp
i land w itliin the meaning nf the swamp
himl grant.
In the case of California I I.. I I j
it was helil tlmt it "The tract in cpies
tion hi the tune the swamp laud grant
passed, waa covered with water ap
patently ot a iH-rinanent character up In
or near the old meander line, it would
noi ' to that State under that grant,
' although auhst'cpient ly hy a tecession of
t tie waters laml of u dry or swampy
character should come into existence."
Again it wa held in IK-Witl vs. State
ol Uregoii et al. (21 I-. !., iVxi that
"l.Hiios cHtiiior ! properlv classed with
in the swamp rant tliat are suhjecl to
annual ovei Mow . hut aie made therehv
tit for cultivation and without whicii
crepa can only he raised hy in Ration. "
In the wiitteu stipulation, signed hy
attorneys rcpresentinif the Mate ot Pic
lion, the W'ainer Valley Stock Company
and the settler claimants, the huiden ot
pioin that the laud involved waa
swuinpv in character on March li', I Mi),
was expiessly assumed hv flic Slate of
Ot cumi and Its ailciii'd tautee. the
W'ai tier alley Stm-k Company, hut ir
respective of such stipulation, the hur
deii of proof profriv rests with tin
State and ils trainee. See iN'Witt vs.
Mule of Hicuon C.'l I.- Il..-''i'!. Such
Inirdcn Hiruiavaled rather than
sliittidhy the lapse of lime Slate of
Oregon et al. vs. I'orler. 22 I.. )., l"i(
aid it there is any duht such ilotiht
must he resi Ived against the State. See
State of Louisiana and cases therein
Cited . I.. D.. i'lU).
To prove that the lands involved here
ill weie swampy and i vcrMnwed, within
the meaning of the vtanl, the Mate and
its grantee must overcome the presnmp-
that such report was made in part the
ha-i-ni a leMirvev. Such reistrt cannot
be considered lis testimony in the case,
tn.r as mtliieticiiik! a dcci-i.n herein, as
all such rep'Uts were excluded hy the
terms of the st ipulatn 11 hereiuhefore
cited, and it has Ia'cn nientiiined and
Cjiioted herein, not a" a part of the testi
ni'iin, hut as forming a part of the his
tory of the ca-e. necessary to a clear
comprehension thereof.
Nor d"es the fact tha'. Ieputy Sur
veyor Neal was able to extend the lines
ol -aid townships to their entirety in
ls."i7 tend to show that said lands were
swampy and overflowed on March 12, '
ImiO, nor impcarli the returnn of the'
iK'puty Mirveyors who had formerly re
tun. ed said lands as forming the bed of
alike. There is no question whatever '
that the character of the land had under
gone a chunge from the time of the for
mer surveys to that of the latter, and it
i- no where siitik.'ested that it was prac
tical e 'T even Htsshie to have .Mended
the lines of said surveys in lToand'
li!, as the same was done in lss7.
rurihcrtni.rp, it appear from the field
notes of fieputy Mirveyor Neal, that the
woik when done in 'H7, was accomplished
alter minh dillu ully, owm to the pres
t nee ot open water and mud. In one
instance he was unable to establish a
section corner owing to the depth of the
water, and in another he repotted that a
lii.euasiuit Ihtoiigh water trout three
inches to three feet deep. See field notes,
Mati- of (itegoii, Vol. 127. 'Ihe returns!
ol Neal as to the difficulties encountered ,
aie fully corroborated by the testimony
of the witness, Morris, who was an em
ploye 1 f the Warnei Valley Stock Com- ;
pany, ami called hy said corporation as,
a w it ness in its behalf. !
Again, the work of Neal was done i
under exceptional circumstances. Ilia '
instructions; were peremptory to extend '
the lines; of survey where practicable,
The other sin veyom, w ho had preceded i
him, had been charged by Secial A'etit j
Shackelford with fraud and collusion'
w it h the offieem and Hents of the State I
of )r (ion and its grantee, by reason of j
returning' faid land as lake. Thele-
part incut, in ordering said survey, had j
expressed a doubt an to the existence of
a hike within the confines of Warner1
valley. I lot It factions, if such the con-!
tending parties may fe termed, seemed
then in favor of the prosecution of the;
work. The survey had been brought .
about by the earnest and continued in- i
sisteiice of the settler claimants, while!
the testimony shows that Mc 'onnaughy, j
the original swamp land claimant, and j
at present a memlter of the corporation,
the Warner Valley Stock Company, was
so anxious to have the work done, that !
be furnished a man, a two-horse team I
and sled, to further the sauus Neal had i
every incentive to make linn persevere j
in the work. 1
Hut taking said surveys of Neal to be
the only ollicial expression of opinion as 1
to the character of said lamls, but a
small part thereof is indicated hy his j
plats and field notes as being "swampy I
and overflowed." Much of the land is j
returned as "subject to annual over-!
How," some as subject to ''continual
overllow," w hile much of the remainder
i- indicated as dry.
The evidence for the State et al. may
be classed under four different heads:
First, that which it was admitted cer
tain witnesses would, if present, testify.
Second, the testimony given by the wit
nesses at the rehearing and the abstract
of that taken at former hearings of those
w ho had heen upon and examined tlie
land at different times subsequent to
March 12, INK). Third, the ex pert testi
mony or that given by the surveyors or
levelers, and fourth, the documentary
testimony extracted from the journal of
Captain, afterwards, General John C.
Aside from the fact that the can", was
continued for different reasons beyond
the time contemplated by the motion, to
tlrinr Una! Mltlrmnt f trraunl
t'oakrtt, tin' ttnar.liall t tin' cami i( Jnliil
Pl'tiltrtltll, Mil liicnnii.cii tu, linvi i lux ititv mi
.I.... ..I ... .1 i . . mi. ..I
in i,l cmirt. my final accmnit i.r n.v ni,
ll'll ll Rll'l ITt'HI'1111'11 l1 1 II ll'llU'UI, HIKI lilt II
n itfiti 1 i ot unlit ratatc, mnl Mint i'ui'piUv. I tit
Till liny nt Mav, imt. at hi nYim-a. in . at (hit
I on luy Jiutiii''p iillli'i', In tin' I on li I v liuirt
Iiiiiipi', lit I akct lc . I ake iiiiuity. 'rriiini, has
t it Pi'i'i'lnlril tiy I In- JiiiIki i( oalil i"i r I lor
Itii' pi-tili'ini'iit of pNtil m-Htint. at which linn
mnl I'lui'i' miy riiii liiii'realcil In a. caiah'
may appear ml tile rc.. Inns hi vvrlllUK lo
tin1 pniii Ai-i'iuitii mnl conn-ai tin' same
I . pnsK Ki t, iliuir.llati.
I'pti'il M.rcti .l.tli
fall. 12 A
(It tlllTllKa,
i.ii IKMH. Ii i
Ni'ili'i' U h'Tvl'V KHi'ii I'V tin' niiiti-rihiii''l.
Aitiiiiiiltratiir ni Ihi'r.ati' nf Jitliu l'i-iiariint.
ilii'i'api'it. tu tin- m ining nt mnl all iii Iiihk
liat lllK I'lalllli auatliiil I III' . I tli'n ai 'l. In r
lill'll I In-ill . w Itli l In- in'iiiiiiry ninlii t. llli
In aix inuiittia allrr iln' Mrit in'il'liratii'ii hi ttn
hi a H-I-, In i In- xhIiI i1ninii''irMiir. ai f In- ottii-i-ol
V J. Mi-ori'. In t nki i ii , iri'ui'ii t In- me
t'rliiK ihi' iari' tur ilti tranai'tinii hi Hn' tiuit.
limn nt mil I I's'aii'. I.. HI-K If,
A l in I m t r o l or ol lln' rutati'ui
Jntin li-iinrniii. Iii'. cai'it.
Patt'il al I akrvli'U, or., Man h .'r, l''l. t.'.i
tr l l. I'ltOOK.
t'nli-il Siaii p l aml dltln', I aket l . Ori'icii.
Mitlrll t i, t'H't. Nnili'i' la Inn l'V liltt'll tlial Hie
InllnulliK nailti'il si'ltler lull Hint until ' nt lilt
llllrllllnn In tnaki tlltpl prnnl III Mliiirt nl III"
I'Uint. ami (hat fanl rnnl will In- inaiie tii'lnrc
the In k'iii r ami Ki nm r al l.aki t n . 1 'rrp'i'ti.
nil A .ri I .'Ttli. t'ii, tu: I'atnl A. Preli'. II.
K. Nn .171.; d.r Hie SW ' , s,-.-. ,i.'. 1 1., s . H. 11
K. lie lialllt'S the fnllnit Mitt tt lllli'-K- n lit plnvi'
hlpriilllllltlnlli resl'leni'f iipnll anil i-tttl It rt I Inn
nl aal'l Intnl. In ' mini I utnli. IJ Ami. r
mil. S. I arker ami Ii I ar r. a 1 1 nl lilt, ore
ktmi. K M. I'h Ai-r.tiN. Ki Klter. Mar. '."I II
n vi.
l ain! ortiii',
I akei lot . Oreunii.l
Man-It II. Iwl. 1
Nutlet' Ik lii-reliy given Dial Hie Inllnu lug
tlailleil aellliT It a s fl li i hntlce nl ii la I It tell I Inn
In tnake ttnal prin.f In nii'nrt nf lit claim,
ait't iltal naiil rnn( ttll Im mali-
t'a,li!ii-r, I inteil siatet I ittn 111 inNiiim-r at .tnrilatt
Vallev. 1 tri gnu, nn A 1 r 1 1 .ti. l'i . 1 : Michael
. Miir.ii . It K . Nn. .HJ. Inr Die lots I. i H ami
1 sect Inn Jl . tow nslt lp 41 a. it t It . ralim' iepit.
illatm-tte tiler til tall , Itrcgnll. He liaitleN (tie
InllilWIIIg In pri'Vi- IllP l-ntttlllllilllN
r' iii-iiee iiHin ami eultt atlnit nf aii laml,
n: 1,1-nrge snni'iMiii, Allre'l lewis, Jehu
Maruli an. I I harli-a ( lute, all nf MclH-riiilll.
mar 1 1 in t'l K. M. HltA IT AtN. Hegi'l. r l.lMt 1 I M :
flilteil Sales f jiinl Ofti. e. ' pkevlcn . urcK'nit,
Vlnreh -.'. l'ml. Snllce Is lereliy glvell Ilia!
ttt i-iitit'llanee Willi tin- .n siiiim n? the act nt
I'ntigcss nl June :t. s; , eiitnleit - A 11 act fur
(lie -ale nf Itlll'ls ill the Slates nf I all-
Inrniri. I'reg' ii. Nevaila ami anhiinetnii 'ler
riinry." aa eiemleii in all the I'nl.lie l.nmt
Si ai,n 1,1 ai t nl 11 gnu I. Is'r.'. I c.t ur.l I' It.. I in
sun. nf I nketlew. en , my nf Ijike. Slate nf
iiri'gnii. has llns itay II id In thin i-rtl. .- I.i
SWnrtl strtli-im ilt. Nl . Jsl. Inr (he I'lirchase nl
tin- RniiiticM-i i'iarter nf imrihwesi iunrt'-r
nt P'-ctnin Nn. ;-.'. in ti ,1 11-It t p Nn. M7 smith,
rallg. Nn. ill east, ami will nfTir primf fnnhnw
that the 1 nl ol sinighl In liinre valuat'le fur its
1 1 in In r nr slime than fnr acriciilinral .nrnisi s,
ami (n estuhrah his 1 laltn in sNn laml hefnre
(In Uejisi, r ami Keceix i-r ( nth. ' at Lake
view, itr-gnn. nn l-rt'tav, the .ls ilay nf
Mav, l'p'l. lie naiiies as wltnc,: I'. M,
l urry, Nliilain lirnwn. K-twarillt. Kiiliiiimit,
Ilia ries V. nn 1 1 Inn. all nt lake Hew . I tr- k'nll
A 1 1 v h 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 pi rsniis cliiiiiitng a'i.i-r-i l the
aliioe iti si iii,. it lamls ar.- r. .(m sli- l l.i tile
their I'laiii.p in this nitn e nn nr h. tnri sal l:tl-t
ilav nf Ma. I'.ml.
P.' lu-w K. M. It It A ITAIN. Register.
t 1 11 11 v. it i.Ait Mint t:
I'nileil Slates I .Mini little-., I.akev lew , nr. gnti,
Jan II. I .a 1 1 . .Nniice Is to r. I. v gien (hat In
entiipllaiice w if It the trivisiniis nf i he ad nf
I (ingress nl Jllln. :t, IsTS. eltlltleil "All act fnr
the salci'f (ililiter latnls ill (Me Stalin nf I til I-
fiirniH, ( tregnti, Neva. In ninl Washliiginii ler
ritnry," aa exit 1nl.1l to all tin- imhhc Intnl
stales hy act nf Angus! 1? Is'o, I -hhc K. Pntlis.
nf l.akcview . ciniltly nf I.ns--, slHle nf (in-gnfi.
tyis this day tiU'l In this ntti. his wnrn siute
Ill'llt Nn .'!.. fnr I lie l .11 re Ii it - nl the Nl. nf
SVt t ami .-W ' , nf si i4 s,.c ami N v ' , . N i
' . nl S. e. Nn. :ll in 'I'nw llshl(. Nn. :!'l s. Italige
Nn. I" K. and w ill nffi-r .r....f n. ln. w tlmt til.
laml s.tiigtit is iimre aliiat.;.-tnr its mnl.. r i.r
st.nte ttiau tnr aLTlciillnral ptirjM,. s. ami tn
csluhlisli hisclitiin tn pant taint l.i lt.r.- lln-liegi-t.
r ami II. c iter nf Mils i.ftn.- at Ink.
i-w , ( ir.-gnll. 1 1:1 --nt it rd it . I In -'.' ti - lav nf V .r 1 1 .
l'ml H- lialm-- n- w it in ss. .i I ri II
A. Me tn it Ol . Alh-rl I', nl ami l.ilili vicKilnn
m y all nt t.ak.-i-w. i'r. u..n. Any jui.l nil
pir-nls clnl in in g ail er-ei I ti- a'.. . v .- '1. Ti '
e. lamls are r -tn. sti il t.. ti .- it . ir cinim- in
t ii Is nltii-e nil nr nai'l i.'ll 'ln nl April.
pa. I. p. M UtttrrtiN.
Jii:il-I K.gist.r.
The Hed Shoe
The Only
In Lakeview.
All The Latest Up-To-Date Styles
A ,j'''
r A-'Sf?
(W KuSbtLL
I !-. ivirY l 4 ii iiiHitc
t'liltnl Klatra Uml Ultli'i', I akni li'W. Or.-giili.
Ki'liruary W. I'H'I.
Ni'tli'latn'ri'ltv liven Dial Klain VI Mauln
of Aitrl, HM irnll, Van llli'il until l' ul Inli lilliiii In
iiiaki-I'riait tn In. r ili-nrrl laml i-latiti Nn ;ITn.
Inr lhi s' nt NV i. ami N W it ul SW s,.,.. .',
1 1. .vi ., It. ' K , W . M. nn'.. ).. ii.r.' Hi iil.irr .V
1 Ui'i i lvi r al l aki'ili'M. iircun Krl'lar iln' 'vili
ilav ul Hari'li, I'mt sin' iiaim-a Hie IiiIIiihIiir
w liurpat-p in irnvi lltr I'ltniiilfii trriifai litli mnl
ri i'iaiiiailiiii nl aii laml : 1 liarli W allm-r ami
I It In tat SWii'lii y nl Vili I, Ori'. Il'i'mv K. Mall
I'ln ami lan iii r I 'I mi nl W arin r I a In-, nnv
I. l.-'l 7 K. M. Hiaiiahi. K -at 1 i i-r.
H t. I II (HI I-
fnltiit utali I ami Ortli'i', I atovli w. Iirimni
K-li. .11. I'm! Nnili'i' l lirr. I'V mvrn iliai t t
nl low Iiih natm-il Mi-ltliT lip f 1 1 - t Imllii' of
liln Itili-ii'lnii lit iiimIii- ttnal I'ro'it In ii.irl n
til- rtalni. Hli t Unit -n ll . III In-' In
Inrr Iti'iiiRiiT ami l.i i'i-iviT al I aWn , Ore
I K"n
I'll Mini Ii '."Mli. I'i, vli : Inlill T. Mniii'ln
i. Si'. !. Inl tin' .WW. Si r. M, I 1. IIIIN
It. r. , W . M nn'. l iiamea tin' fnlluwln
w lltii'Mii'p 111 rnvi lil I'ltitiiiitniHi ri'lil- nri it
nn it nil en 1 1 1 a 1 lint nl 1 .1 lalnl, t Ir - I liarli-i
Wallace ami Mltlliilti Mln'lli ) , nt l. On-,
in-nri!!' y. Maiini ami l'lari'iii- I'lvnii nt W ar
iter I mi'. On-,
liti.'l " K. M. Urn I Into. It . I -1 . r
f l t. I-IIOOI-
I ami ( 'ttl-e a I I aket lew . ( tngnii, i
Man li -.v. pa I
V.ill.-e Is li. r. I'V given that Hie f..l..w i h
linliicl . Itli r has III.-. linllc, ..I h l I lilelt 1 1. .11
In make flietl pmnf III Minnnrt nt his clalln.
ami that H lit pmnf will I. ina.le helnre Ihe
lieglsier ami lt.-c.-lv rr at I ak.-v lew . ( ir. nit
I . r 1 1 .'7. I'll. O W 111. nm U Until. Ir.
I etnl'llnli P s. Nn .is.,4. f,,r t,,. ,.iilhwi-st ittar.
' ter s -et till! II, In w li . h 1 1. C si.ll I h tnliti I. ill,
I W . M.. I iregiili, II" name, the full. iw lug M II
ttcsscs t li ri'V f ll Is cmil Itltliills'lie. tlnill
anil .'ii II 1 1 al n il e al.l laml, I l II Kami'",
jaines sntiler. Jiisi'l'll Inliea ami A McPnwell,
all i.f I'ln-h, lift gun
tin Ii .'I II I- M II It A I IUV liegl.l.-r.
1 1 t. moot
I'nl'i it stn 1 ami (tftl. e, I akev lew. nr. gnu.
March I Pol I rt,-e V W llsnti, i.f W prin t
I a k . t r. g.'ti , w In i tna.l'- itesi-rt laml appllca
(Inn Nn ls( the ,'. ,av nt Mav . la-at .,r I nl.
ami I s. pi I to s.. (. '.' K , l,er. I.v
give Hntlce nl in V I II I. It i li ill (n make (Inal riHif
In estat. lull inv i taint Iii the laml alMive ilcp
ertl.e.1 licit, re (he Id-gister ami Kt-ccivi r at
I akev lew . I Ir. gnll ilui-mlav I he '.'II h ilay
i.f Arrtl l''l ami Hint I t V.eel In .mve (hat
sal. I ln i hps I ii pmpi rl) Irrigan il ami re
claim. -I Iti r In- inattm r rcjuiriit l.y law, I.v
Iwnnl tfie Inll'ivv lug w Uhl'ssi-p. N liennctte
I . II W pketielit. rge r Maup'tl. all nl
Warner I aki . i in gnu. ami W II I I ake
v lew 1 1 r.'g i ii fc M Ittttrr ti s,
Mar. 7 'i. lo-gisn-r.
In (he It, a It. r nf the i plate i f Al. v a inter Kelif .
ileeeasiil Ni.TIi g is tllttlSY t V thai thi
ii ml. r si g tn it lm I . ii l v aii nrdi r i f tin- t nutny
(null nf Pake cuiiiit . I ir gnti. tna.l.. ami i-tl
I. r.-. I nn the .'Till ilay nf K. I.r up r v . ptil . il ul y
It -m i II t ill as ailtllinl-lriilnr nf the islale ill
A' xaii'ler lli-ld. .1 ai-il. All e-tsiitip In
ilelili-il tn said l-sla'e Ml- hi-rel.v tstHi still In
settle such 1 In I 1. 1 .'. 1 1 i ft - W f h the alttit!l'ftt a
I-.rat nl-ce anil having i-liious against
sanl estate w III . li H tit the ma tile it ' 1 1 V V e r I lli-.l
tn Ihe uii lersignr.l at II. .1. I I ak.'V n w . I ake
V I. w I ke t I ill u I V . I II. g..l. w Ith III sit tin ill lis
fri.tll tlie tllst put. Peat I. ill nt this llnllee.
I.I lllf.h 111- III
A.luillitstriiti.r of tin I-slate i.f
Al.-xainl. r ll hi Inc .M .l
Pa:. .1 March '.. 1 "I. u :
L.i'.v...r.. X,
PCr." LAN'.
C '.'.ivN,
bxizptiz iff? -iv -tfV-'
L - - "-L" -nirr'tla Aa t iT IrtT - ii ilaMiiai I n lit ji.if
' I i I i
) w
si s ' I
i ' '
P ' '
HMITII at THtll, M. I'a.
I'h li lunai ami torn genu
I.Hltr v Ii' w . lr .
(if'Hl'K lirall'p I'tiif N.,r, I'alU ainapriil
iri'iittl ilay wr htwhi
K. II . fOIITII l If
I'll) ali-lan Mint kitritiiu
lakrih . lie,
OH II p Ukr l'lllgC.,1 Nl'-r
j. m ii it m n u
I'h) uleliin nn it nt Ken)
I MlsrV h , ll'(Olr
nllll I X . A trm l . Iti .1.1. in e.
I I' PI-UIKV At alts II1M SO
II IHHtlMI A H' Kll . .
.tllornr vl-l ,
Igkrili m . Or.
of Pil l- III I i.g.w. I.'p i m.-e Intuiting
. I lot ) ul law
Lalirtlrw, lran
ultHI I Ml) liiiti.liiig
i ii ii . 1 11 Mi l t.
A I im in) til lap
Lake) Ii w . Or
ol IP I I'alt I' o i .. In g
I . II M (1tl
A I lot ni ) . I -1 .a m ,
Aahlanil. Orrajoit
W III ,stt, till In pt-v rtvll I i-littli.'i -I to lilut
III ant uf tl.t. inn, i.f (lir Pint JiiiIIi ipI I'l.ltl.'t
) J flllllltK
illorur) , olar) I'ulillr
Laltn Ira , Or
I'UlrK la!i liiii'.hng
lilt. I II I' Ttfl
llurar Ti alnrr
I. a It r t Ir w , Orrgota
lilt O r Ht MOItrXT
l.akrt . , Ore (ii s
I'KKfCK P.I) lli.u.ptig
still I I' lilt Mist
James Carry
Inr well,, r. .iw.s.,ua'. i ii. ami silt
In rlghl ear Tar (Iran. I 111 I , nge t rat..
I.nk- l'..-t..rf.. e ... I it. i i vv tingi.ti.
zas v. h;twnrth ::r;:x: ::::::::
right t. .i .-w . . . re i . re l.-r w . -1.. t . ar Plan
VV Pa- g-, Pi-h t r. i k I i.-li IT 1 1 p.l.ln...
I ak.-t . Or. ;i'li
To l-lle, I s,,.,,v, 1 i ll. 7, pStl.
I -
j Nn. . S....'
'i .i a in I.v i . . . r . Ji p tu
I I 1" l n . in . V r I i. us '. : i i . . in
' I J I'M . in. P . I'l mints . . r in. , ,n
j 1 KI p 111. r Pi. . I. V I I I li i. tu
'.': ii p in. r Allele. It II im a in
j .. In. ; r Mi.i . lie Ar il I . t a In Ar ll.iis.r,iigs .vr!irii'a. tu
'.'. I in. I Ar . . I i t nm I v i . h tai a. in
Special till' s In in
Chicago. New I t-lean-.
Veil. I -M
. I .' .ills a l.d all
M l-Miill I bivet
Points to
Hot Spiihg
A rmst rtitig
;u iki il'h mi $'jii nn
:;j ihi 2.i ,'ri 27 in)
:;;t no :n :si 2h iki
;;-) iki ;;i 5ti iv ihi
i ntiitecting tit l li.intts jutu-itnii with Slerrn
Vallev 's lotilw at ; vv nh singe at I m In fnr M II
fnril, Jatu-svilli atnl Put, 1 1 ng v 1 1 !e, Al Itnl
Sirltigsfiirsii-hliVllleali'tSlttlnll-li. AlTertliii
fnr Alt'ir.o., (..tiirvi le. Ink. t nv anil Purl
lUilvvell.l tii., anil I. akev I. u . Pli.-h ami I'alslc) .
( Iregiili.
'J . K. Pes a w a Y. .1 IP lu- NM-rrr.
V P. ami (.. M o. P. ami P. A.
, -s i naua llisnnt
t jO DctlQNfi
a T-n . - aa . nM .
''rFlt, CORVBIOHTfl Ac.
AnTona asrnlliitt; a akfrri antt tlsaerittltnr. mar
iptlciilf aaenriaiti niir oiuiimii fruo twhniluir ail
tiivitnl Inn la iimlinhljr I'ali'tilalilit. l uiiuiiuiilea.
Iliiua al rli'l Ir ''milliltiiitiHl. IhilnllHsik nn I'alt'iiUI
aunt triiH. Itlilnal aireuef fur afeuiinir iiatfiila.
I'aii'tita liiki'ti ilimtitrli Munti h C'u, rui-ulva
ajirrlal mil tie, wliliuitl rhiiatta, In Ilia
Scientific Jlttiericatn
A hdndaotnolf ilhilrtc1 wi-klr. rvt rlr
rulHtloii (if Hiiy HiiMiiiiU lour Mnl. fl i-rnm, ft
ftiiir; four niodiha, $U HoldbyNll iwmtfnvirn.
MUNN & Co.381B""d"'- New York
lliauch Ollli it, irli K St., V H. (-.
The lingering cough folowing glipH
calls for ( )nu Minute Cough Cure. F'cr
all lb rout and lung linuhles this is the
only harmless remedy that gives imme
diate results. I'lcvcnts i onsuihptinn.
I.likevicw Ihiig Co,
rhla lirnutart) fa nn every Iki nf Ihs genuln
Laxative lo.-:no Qpinine Tawou
Out ritttieilv thut i io.'fc i roltl in one flay