Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 04, 1901, Image 5

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    Iiiukol In m lib" mill I il innrih (rum
i, tin IimiIIiIII In tint tillirr. I lii- woali rn iif tlmi
tir I lit Im ' r I im-i kI I y umlr wU'f ml m
ttir.l lli rai tl Ilk Inlri ami in In
timralii mi nrt uf amil ImhI niulil lii linrii
lli Ivnti'il im'taalull In truin nil minimi f
lln wniiT. I llii rv III l7 iliirlng Ihn Imr
t,al B'na..ti mul nafatt n In '7i, l. r tlm liarvral
i.aiii ; II a all tiiitlrf wntfr.
A. It. t rka i tr,.r In It 'I It !l iiikIit
li f. mnl lhi f a null, l nit Iml Ulia mul
wnli r ! mi l nu ll viK.'lm Inn ilunilli
Ihn Han i i II uvi rlliiMril ; II iilllk
Iruiii lln ratal In thii fftai aiilt. Ukt uf lull ;
it inmali. I k mn 11 1. on lln- Imnl hi
SnvninlM'r, I1M, mul litrutiitliltui wna ilir amiiK.
I ahutil.l IhiIkk llial Hit ii i, Hi til amrl mi litis
Imnl In I -1 am ttt 'Ti a nil uf fmir i.r flu- In t.
II K. W lliki lllimi ai FIrat nl.a. rviil lln
Ian. la In Annual '71 mul tiiiilr "11. Allnf
aa.l1 Uli't Ha ulni-r Wftti'r.
I'. M H aa. niM t . I waa Oral In III.' vl
Hilly nl Hi" Imnl In Auiuii '71; l Hi
,lug..,,i mil- rai i f ami utiniii iinarirr nl
null' ft in th" Imnl III mil n.i it ; it waa all
ini'li r tu r I wan in il In tin- li Inltv nf lln'
laml lu '?.', II a'pi-arii almnt I iir amur In
'l, tin' Mau ra in '71 aiui ni lililn in lii'l
if Hi" !( 1 1
r. jilir iiki I N. I . 1 1 n li I n at ' 1 I Oral
law lln In ruiitrutrra) In Nut r 'l.u;
Kli Intnl. am In Watlul l.k Valli'y
I imaiiii an hntimi t-i .ftlliluii ; tinin wlirr' t
toi l it Lu... .1 ilk" a n.arali; lln t" wi n a li
lull a, Iml imiMtly Man-r; Hi' Imnl liiituitru
it fM i mil. I nut liavi' Imtii ir,'f u 1 ly i nil I
val i III I lu. III 'lift, lit-raiia" till' llli'al nf II Mai
nii'li r wnii r. I lu ll aaM tli" laml In Ma) 'i7;
II Ma nil a alu-rl uf aau r frimi lln aaiullillia aa
far aa u " i nnl'l aitv
IJ M lial a III" riill'llllnll nf till' Kttilllul
ali'iiK- li" in ""lit irnvi li'l mail' illal.ljr
! nl I In-laml in rmii rn '! 7 A lu i . a
im mlKlit liati tint alnliK tin n'l, I, ill in
.la ra ) mi i'iiiiI'I Iml; l.if wnly-r am rnlltillitf
null! u. HKainal lln luullillla.
I ar lln- ln I In Jiil) llii ri'wna
tlnl tiiin It iliff'f'Tii 111 III" Intnl. Hi" Ink" una
a..iu- InW' r; in nli'l iIihuI all im r lln- Imnl
ri tl autin- kll'.lla all. allltf t'l'- Ill 1 III' a-r I UK
lit 'VI I l.. r . il lit" Water lltnt wna mi'l Una-
lainla trinii a raft ; ..r all nn r tin- Imnl mi
a rait Killing taiilu iff 1 1, taitlf ' In
tln-r. in lit" ollilir mi Hi" li '. mnl In lln-
uniitf Hi" l"r I. ruin ll an aitill"lll) llial II l I
tin lit lllln tilt MNlit llial M" lial tnlnillila
raft In K"t tlii'tu nut
4 At" tli" v iti ra liiitlnr nr Ium ir unit 1 1' mi
lln mi r.- In Ium.' A lin y ar" r.uiai.1. ral.l
l,.. r mi limn lin y r.- 'iA Inwi-r l, In In t.
. W Mimtl i na. I I nulil all) nr I it ill nf I ft"
laml III I'uttt ru "tav liavr In- It I itilhal' l In a
atai.l" i ri.. In l"ir A. Nn, air. y Wli mil?
A. II Mat all tnnl' r Malrr. U Muni Mlml oil
aaM nl tin a.- ialnla I n '. hat t a I In r t .nt
.litl. hi lu hi? A. rrmii tli" ih araniT I
aiiuitl'l ;)(.'' almiit tin- aati.a a It lit
n) itrilrr iMliill t ax j Ituw ii "i tana till
Mnl r III tl.i tin liif.liali' tjl.'lnltt nl llir lull"
rui a m in n )uti nrai a II in I"'.'. A. I alumni
1 1 n I K" i-i-i M"tn imii ami turi f ! ' I.
(J.ilm T. Man). Hi laai lli.iu 1 1" In lW It
vtna ail inn r . anil tul. a ami Hi" Man r m.tii
nf? It III III" lali.
i i . I amU'ii S I" Tuiinliigi'ii i'ai ) I Hi at
a.-ttl.-.l Iti Warm f all") In l". I . nut
lamia at a iliaia'ii'" in 'ft, nr ratlnr aaM lui
tin lliililtl It ; Mna M at nl t Ur iailil a nil t li"
hllla nil Hi" iilil Mnauli rua.l ; It Itati III" n.H nr
aiirrnl alaki'Mltli Mium lull afuM ma nit II;
tin- rnail ran aa ...i- In II. r m.i t. ra aa ll.".
ami In mn' l' Mm rna.l rmi In In tli" iakr a
. i 'i II." r .ail in Ih i "ii,ii r. itu V,
Hi" lamia I. a. I Hi" a,i. araiu of a nil",1,;
Hit r- m aa II. I " In .. I. Mali r III Jul'".
H Mnl" m In-tln r nr tu'l tin rn MaaaM. II
il. Iltli'.l l.t-nrli alntiK tlm aal'-r r.lg" till llir M"al
alii" III t't ' A Via, llu-ri' Man a In-ai-ll llnr
liii" 1 1." (,'t aa ami Ittlr tin I li. D lliriinu
l.y tin-Mai. r U lUil lltla Ink" nl Hint linn'
.i. a. in Hi" n H-araui uf a 1 rinauciil iakr nr
llil it a. at tu l' a ti-iiii-nrar) in. rfl.iM. I
r. I. r m )nur tlalt In IK.t' A. " It I' mi Hi" n.
Ix ntniu" nl a -riiiniii nl Ink"." lit" laml In
i mn r'"r mi lutn M itU wat'r oti rll I
Juiltt" It waa a I. ml ami a Itall ilran ni r llir
I.IK. l Itirtlull nl II. I lu til" u mil) nl
tlm laml In 174. ami aaw tin m m-UlUK taillf
nf? It.mi ihla latnt Willi a raft. Tli" laml waa
lit. ii uii'li r wan r
W II. Il)ara K. r. Wllli-y caanj. I am llir
lilt'tiiii ai unlit nlual, win., at ling aa In (.uiy
I. iiit"l Mal" Mirt)ur. t-aialillali"tl Hit int-an-.Kraut
I 4u M.. H. :'4 lilt II ll" waa ratan-
liahi'il in July nr Annual. I M7 W. Iha line tv
run alnng Hi" marulu nl Hi" iiiarah ; In orl. r
In aat i riain Mln-tlirr Htrrv wan aujr 1 r jr laml
raai af Hit' inaralt I all"ut'li'i ttirunlli" auutli
amluaat lim a nl ht't tluu la. but aa ulinbl" tu
In an nil ait until u lltu wan r ami I tin'
liniui. ..I Hir grt.un.l llif marili natttrr nl
lln-r. mini, ilia row ill nl vt-icmatluu ami lln
5 urn ml ni " rnlii-" nl lb atinra Hue luillraud
.mall. I ' attvrfliiw,
U lilii luti a4' anything lo lutltraia Hint lite
waicraul " arnnr tnarah had ln'ii lilglirr titan
lln ) vti-r.' Mlii'tt yuti marie Hit nnrvi-y nf lltla
tuMiiaiili ? A. In IX'tria tit' nial tail uu ItlglnT ami marka tin llir ttilva.
flank U'litiinrgnr S. I. Ttitiiilngan i-aat-) I
tliai an m tnt- laml tn ihmi tn Jaiittar) ; waa it" 1 1
nil I h" laml In li-liri.ary 'nl ; atttTiiit-il tuiut
11 at" a.. iii" Ittnil nit Hi" Wallni'" .lat'" ami
at"'l mii tliir.) tn tli" lanil tn t-uitirutry In
in M , ii mhh a t artial (allur. , In May Hi"
wad r itin. ii i nml lliMi.t.-tl it
M W. 1'iilml. in r (J M. M lilt y t n. Aft. r
liavniM tiNiitn-l tu lat'ia abuMina that Hit
Vl.i ) Irn. I Maul aaalll) nnluri' aa tn tin' I . rlln II lln r. nl In IrVl ami 11 lla.l
Kia.l.iMll) t.itiHliili).'r, llii'Milli.aa Maaank.'il:
it. I- ruin ) k hum I. iIhi. wlial Muttlil n.i
lull, v.- u in Hit f-uiiilitlnii nf fat-It lurty at-ri
trai l in Una t inry In l-xaj ami frinr tlu tiMnf
A. Inkiiii; lulu "'raiiuii Hir May Hi
wat-r Inn lalli'li alm-t' I haw klluM n ll up In
Hit' .ri ' in lliur, Hint In imai ami .riur tit. r.
In, II n 1 1 1 -1 14 rim nl lia" I li a Ink".
t liarl. a lnllh IN. r. I ntttllllga"ll t-aa. ) 1 r"
alii" at M. HnlMi'll, l nl. 1 Brat aaw tli" laml In
July lni-rt. II n" I uiul. r atiT ami lunrnliy ;
waa attain In alglit uf aalil laml lit May nr
Jtiiu. Int,7; tli" cuittltilnu nf tliv lam) wan tin
miif aa ill Im-ti. No i.arl of aalil laml t-niilil
hat" I" i n riiltUati'il in'i auai It waa all iivit
lltiwi il with watiT; aaw It again In liV; mutit'
uf tin' Imnl waa tlry anil aoiitt Itatl ntuiiKlia
Hint m m a fiiilri'ly t-tivcri-tl with watnr In lntti;
I li. ml. I ll ink tin) Maltr al Itaal fuiir
It'l l luHi-r than In Iw-A. In imm ami 'fi7 trn
ill. I In. I, In panalng llieat lamia gu nvi r Hit'
ir"a"itt rua.l; wn wt'tii raat uvt't tin' hllla.
IJ W Iml wan tin t'undltlmi nf thr t r. a. n t
trnvi'lril mml alnng the wi-at al.1i nl Warm r
l.ak" In 'ia? A. 'I ht laki t-aint nut lu tliu
rua.l ami In attiiii ilatta Into Hit mail. U -lluM
Inr in Hi" lakt Iruiii Hit rua.l hum? A.
i In in-ari'at lakt la nff alMint ftiur nr flvt'
uillt'a. I-rmn mIhT" 1 iaaiiiiiil In l-ifil ami 'ii?,
Hi" ttal. t in almiit ftfttrii nr twi lily yanla.
wtm air. ft-at itt'ii.
A. Mtltlt r J. M Wlll.y raar rirnl aaw tln
Inn. I In J 1 1 1 1 I Mir; iliirliig Hit' yi nra I Man. 'tl'.i. :
'7n, '71 unit '7'J ri'kliti'tl at t auit Warm-r uiiimI j
ttf Ilia Hint', nml it ti r t UK Hi" firm inn iirthri-t i
y. art nl r",i..'Ut't mailt two nr thri'tt Irlpa ;
tr,.iii f amir Wurtu'r, iifar llir nurili t'lnl til ,
Wiiin.T Vnlli y alnng thu wtati rii arl nl Hi"
lllltrll In I ll!Ml MlilHI'lt.
What waa Hit' i liarai'lrr nf tin laml al ,
Hi" a,, ii Mi iml nf Hii Whtii, r tiiitralt lying i
fithl nl lln mini V'MI liiivt'li'il? A. A 1
Hirat tlt'iil i.( thiil wiin 1 1 1 u 1 1-1 1 y mnl!
h it m t iy i'n -1 n( llin rmul ul Hint timi', j
llin in ii ut ii y phii't'M clii.-t' to Ilu'
rmiil. IJ. Stall' if iIiih hiiIit miih hIiiihI
inn nr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aC uutfi? A, I nn,iiiHt ill
;ih KtiiiiiliiiK wiiIit. (If runr-m llit'iti,
W ' I I h t It'll II IM t'lKllillLT llllt llf lilt lllllllllt- j
ii i ii m nml lliiuinx iiitu tin iiiurhli, Imt
tlm Miitt'l 1 jilil'fil lt lit htitinllliK wiltfl'l
in I In ii i it ir-1 1 . Iltiw iii'itr In tin ftml
IiiIIh tlitl I hit wmIit nf Wiiriinr ii i it rm 1 1 1
fiiliic tlm iiiK tlitwai vt'iirn ut tliti Hiititli
wi'Mt i'xl rt'iniiy of VarniT initrxli? A.
My ri'i'iilU'L'tioii nf tliu t'tititilrv ih tluil
in iliii iN it t iiiiiu (uile near and in ntlier
iliift'H ilifre wiih tjiiitu a Htrlpnf Imnl
i ii titii iik ilow n In-fore it ft ruck I lit' iniirfli.
l. llnw tii'iir ilitl the wutttr cniiio tn tlio
r. ml in 'IH? A. In a iiumlitT of ilin'i'n
it niint' rl'lit up cltinu Ut the mail. Q.
Siiitt' u lit'llit-r iii your oiiiiiiui tlm fiiun-
li-v It'itnr luil-tli frtttn tint (lllirillll. ltillltl
liiivtt lit'i'ii Hiirvt'yid iii tlio field ; that it '
liy iii'liiitlly run iii ml' tliu Uiu-8? A. I
ltiii't think it cnuld. Thu wuti'r at Unit
liino waa two or tlirot) ftot ovtr tlio
Mnim tritlj;.
Williain M. Colviur (N. M. FrukcHciiHti)
1 w.ih in iho ftiiriiiiaiiil (if Ciiloni'l Prt'Vt 'a
('ii'K'ii VnliiuU'i'rH, wliit'li, in 181H, went
Irntii Ft. Klniiiatli liy mil nf Wurni-T to
Ft. Ilnl, WariuT Vallny mnn tlnn
kliiiwn Clirlnttiiaa I,nk. I waa mif
lurliitf front a frHrliimil arm ami rodi In
an itiiiliiilnn' ahiii. I tin nut ri-tnuui-lnr
how ImiK wit -atii'l In thu vlt'inlly
nf rtrtinr Utkn.
It. M. Cnrry.-T. H. Wakitfli lil ranM.
I am a purveyor mnl civil ciiKliiit-r hy
iii'i'iiinliuii. I wna II ml in thu noiitlinrii
,Hit nf U hi fur valle) In IHii.') or
I lit' mill ll etui HiM'ri'il In hit a tlillinli
nr hike. Then weri tiileaKrna iiiK alxive
lint WHler over thu (riHtiat nirlnii nf it.
Viul miihl my thu whnht aniilh end nf it
jiri Bt'iili'd I lie uiii'iiri tu it nf a rnarh.
It M i(.im rt t In ii aa IIuhikIi it wiih juat
a I hi hi n there, aa tliniith the water came
ritflil II i to the aitKii liriich. I ran a line
nl ineHiitlera fur nflul A(eiit hhai kit,
fnrd. Ilia inalriii'tiiifiN were to run mil
aa fur in the iiutrcli Hit "I iod Almit;hlv
and a nlir id KUili htmla wnilltl let Inn. '
(ien. Cniiri. T. It. Waki lleld eane I
wna in Warner Valley either the lnt nf
Annual nr the flrat nl Seiilemlter, 1 Hll..
I w ii h in the military aervn e a an a nrl
In llif i-iirvt yura t.l tin (Irt non I'entritl
Mililitry Whkhii mud i 'nruj.i ny . I rroaa
id Wnrtier luiirnh Hi T. 17, ll. 2i and 'l.
V.. We ernHai'd I he mnrh hy rnn.truit
i t f a hri'ltfe nf Itilea three fniirtha nf a
unit in h nutli. 'I In luli'M wen liik'h
nml hi r it( mid we aelri letl aa nitrruw a
. litre u iiia'ilili. ll Int.k ievefity nr
i'iniiy men a day nr a day ami a half to
liuike Die l.ti'lji. I did Imt men-tire the
ili'inh nl the wafer all the way. The
m irah tiiHurt'l In extend aiftilh n fur
aa the Lane nf the font hllla.
I. In Taylor, for Willey. J. M.
Welley enae. I am a aurveynr hy iaru
.ulinii and at preHent lu'ld the pnailinii
i. Miit vt y..r Inr I jtkn t niiiity. I wna mi
Ihm irut'l for the lirt time nn the L'.'tnl
nl Mhv, mihi. My piirMiMi waa to lake
a li'Vi l n I In t niiiitry and awerlni n the
-It s u ti hi of t liin Irart J. M. Willey)
aliove the adj'iiiiiliK liiarli. I followed
it fur a (Hichilili the enerul water f ill.
1 ft.iitnl the uvt ritk.'!' full Ui lie eilil feet
In thi mile. There waa admit einhleeu
lift tlillereiire ill I lit level nf thl litlld
and Unit al the Mnlie lnidk'i. The Mat
i r in the hike imrtli nf the Hum ltri.le
waa aUtiil two feel owr. The dilaiite
of the laml in i'imtmveriv from the
Stone liri'lLfi in iiliuiit twenty mile.
Iml kind of H'lil in it I li roucli
whii h the t rin k iaMa?
A. I "lid mil exMinine thu mill very
t'loaely , hut I think anlnu of il in a de
(itiail uf aediliieiit hmiiKhl lnw ll hy the
creek ami antne of It la null (-rana knoll.
A m urt'tu t intlii-itlL that in place the
aetliiiielit ha rul-ed the hanka nf the
creek. The lone na k ia bImmii Ltd) yanla
(ium Ihe N W cnrner lot, Sc. 7, I. 40 (.
K. 21 K.
(,'. K. Miirt J. M. Willy ca-e. I
ran a level over the land claimed hy J.
M. Willey tut May 10. IH'.HJ. Fount! the
full lo lie uIniiiI two leel lo the (quarter
mile, nr eihl feel tn the mile.
A. C. Willey. A certified ropy of an
affidavit executed hv A. f. WiUey, Nov.
1. 1M7H, altat'hetl to 1 11 of acli'Ctlon
Hindi liv the Statu nf tlreynn nl Swamp
and overltnw land, tliowiii character
of the laml hv amnlleat lexul i)lliviiotm
waa inlrixliiced an an adtiiiHaiou iixaiuMt
A copy nf an extract from thu journal
nf ltrevct Captain, afterward tieneral.
John C Fremont, waa intnxluced in
evidence hy the alato of Oregon ami thu
Warner Valley StiM'k Company, which
liecemlM-r 2:i, IIN-13 The weather ia
mild, the theruiometer at davliulit 3K',
the wind haviii! heeu from the aoulh fur
aeveral tlav. The cniintrv ha a very
forhiddint; ap'arauce, preeutiii) to thu
eye iintliiii.; luit miu.'c and hiirreti ridt;eH.
We rile up Inward the iinniiit.1111,
alniiK the foot, we foitiiil a hike which
ue could not nppmach nfi ticcniilit nl the
mud, ami paMii! tiiniiiid it coutlierii
end, iiM't'inlftl llit hlnpe al the font nf the
ridite, w heie ill ri ill it hollow we hud
iliMnVf red I'lihlic mnl mi 1 ul 1 tree in
w Inch nil tint imt a Mtrt oinn of w ater.
We Inuiid here ceveral "Ihiiil:, and the
hill hi If w a well Npi'liiklcd w 1th it pec
iea nf IcMucii, a U'tler j:ra than we
I1111I I1.11111I fur inuiiv diiVH. Our elevuletl
.tHil ion l;.i vn 11 a a'.Ki.l view over the
cniiiilry, hut we discovered notliiiitt
very i-n ni rn l; i iik; . Southward ahntit
ten mile iliMunl, wan ituother Htniill
lake, tow aril which it hriiiul trail led
alniit the rid)e, anil thia appearing; to
affttrd the innM practicahle mute, tit ter
111 iiit-t I to cniitintie our j.tuniey in that
Ilecemlier 2-i. Wu f mid thu water of
the hike toleiahly pure ami t iit'aiiit'd at
the furl her einl. There waa hoiiu "t ml
yruM and ciiiich iilnni,' thu tthnro, and t lit
vegetal ion at 1 1 1 i h place ctiiiNiteil princi
pally nf cheliiipo diitceiitlH hliruli.
1 Iffenihcr 2'r. We weru uroiietl on
I'd 11M imi-i t 1 r 1 i 1 1 kC hv a tl ir-c 1 111 r,; Irnm
the Hiiiall linn mnl howitzer, with
which niir people Hulutcd the thty, ami
the miuie nf u liicli w t hcHtnw etl tilt the
lake, ll wu the lirt time, perhiip, in
thi remote unit tlcNnliilc rc'inu in
which it 1 1 n 1 1 I u en ii ciinimi'iiiiiiitti'il.
The ttuy w a Mititiy ami warm and it
ruiuiini; our joitriiey, we ctor-iietl home
aliulil tiividiiiK Krutind into a hiiniliir
htiHin, u it Iftl in on the riiflit hy a lolly
11 1 1 111 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 ritljio. The plainly heult'ii
trail hllll cniiliiiiit'tl, timi iicciiHhioiially we
pitMHi'tl ciiiiipitnf KroiimU o lln I ndiitii.-i,
which imlii'ulfil tn nit' thai we were 011
one nf the treat thnrtiiiuhfiireH nf the
coiiuliy. 1 11 1 lit iiflci iiiinii, 1 ittti'iiiptcd
Iti truvi'l in a more eiihterly tlireci urn,
hut itl'ler a few hilioritiUH uiileH w u heat
eli hack inlo the lialn hy 1111 impashithle
country. We enctinipi'd mi Ihe valley
hottom, w here lliero w u Hiuue crcaiii
like water in hiihIh iHilnit'd hy a clay
mul nml fm.eii over. ('hetiopiuliiiceouN
h 1 1 r 11 1 ik coiiftituti'd the (-rowth, and
luiltle aituin our tire wntnl. Tht aiiitiiiils
weru tliivcn to the hill where tlicre wu
lolerahlu Hi mil kiuh.
lU'ceiiiher "tl. Our general t'tiiirhi wu
Hgiiiii aoiilh, the country . oiimMn nf larg
er or tunaller hiiniua into which the
mountain will cm run down (nrmin);
Hiiiull lukea; they prcHcnt a ier(e "t level
fit 11 1 1 which the mountain ne iuuueili
ally ami ahruptlv. lint ween the ttucce
Hive InihiiiH the tli vidi 111; (irotiml I uiially
very Hliht , ami it ia prohuhlu that in
Heuon of hili water many of theae
hiiHiiib ait1 in I'omiiiiiiiicalioii. At tnich
tin fg there la evidently an nhnnditrire
of water, thointh now we find acr'elr
more than thu dry U'tla. On t-iiher ride
the inoiififHiiia, tlinuu;h not very high,
H.ii-ar to I rocky am! uleriln. 1 1n
haaln in which wn weru travelinif de
clineil towar'l thu untithweat corner,
where thu mnutitainn indicate a narrow
outlet, and ttirniiiK around a rotky
iMiint or citiie, wu t'lititiiiiied up a latetal
iirnnch valley, in which we eiicnrricd at
niirht on a rapid pretty litlle ulream of
water, which wu found iifiiapetlly
Hiiininf thu aiiitt on thu ridiffi on the
rilit hide nf the vul ley. It wag tinlcred
with ifraaay and rhiinpa of wil
Iowa, ihe water partially frozen. Thin
at mum helniiu to the hiiain we hail left.
Hy a partial olmervai inn to niht, our
citmii waa fniiiid to Irt) directly on the
4L'nd parallel.
A ftir oral arKumenta had heen heurd
hy me, and hriefa atihmiltetl on hehalf nf
the atlverae partiea, thu caau waa, in the
iimiiiI order of htlhineaa, exaiuined hy
the force in thia office whoae doling were
Ihe cniihideralii'ii nf thia clap nf caea,
ami a draft n rxrt inir to cct forth all
the iiiHli rnil fact in thu race wa pre
pared and hiihinlltetl to Ine, Upon which
the ii 111 1 1 11 x I 11 therein waa reached, find
on Nov. II, ItDMI, the halne waa hiiMied
and duly pr.,iiiiilialed. On inve tnlier
.'III, 1 ' M ), haj.l ihciMiiti wa temirarily
vat iili 'l, for furlher cmn-ide talion, my
at li nt n.ii I n i 1 1 Imiii l ulled to the
ntiiihhinn aa well a imetfect recilal ol
very material teatimony neceahary for a
jiial and impartial review of thu merit
nf tin cam, ami a I ho th-aired to exam
ine the 11. Id note nf a man ahowing
"part of .t K California, N W Nevada
Htid Southern Oregon, Alia aheet No
SS II." Hiirvey executed hv I.iniite.'iant
W heeler, I.'. S. A.( which I learned were
'in lili- in thu warilepartmeiil, ami which
were In-1 lev cd to la: of value in iletermin
ittat the iharacter of Maid landg on
Mar. It 12, lH'10. A Copy ol raid map
wan filed in thin office liy rei
jContiliiled oil next putfe.)
Xcttcrs Jrom
Hbc people.
Kiiitok Kxamikk, Ijtkeview, Ore. :
Your article revardinK thu
uc i'lfiil a few weeks ago in which I auf
fcrcd a hrnkeri leu attracted my allun
tioii in your lat itie received, ami wan
correct in everylhtiiK hut the condition
nf the tlriver of the Unife (leili). Will
you kindly correct thin am! Ute that
thu driver wag not drunk or even under
the influence of litpUor?
Thu accident waa ca-taet! by the crim
inal rieKliircnce of thu ownera of the
Hatchet Creek Mountain Toll linad, in
allow inn the road to !e in the condition
it wan, am! alao to thu jxr etuipiiKiit
of the htm: e company in tryinx to haul
piixhf iigc rg in gleiKha that would dig
Ittraru a wt)d camp, and team that can
hardly pull themaelveg.
Thu driver (Mr. fobson) did every
tiling in It ia power to get over the road,
ami wan an obliging aa a man cnuld he,
although he had cauae to do most any
thing, even drow n hi troubles in drink.
I am at home and doing an well a can
la expected, although it i hlow work
and I do imt cxect to again take up the
burden of an "angel of commerce"
until almnt May lt.
With kind regittd to all my I.akeview
friend and IkI wiche for your "Mon
arch of Oregon," I am, yours truly,
I.. K. C. JoitiiAS.
I'. S. I have not In-en a "Judge" on
cuke walkg hince our decihion waa re
veiaetl. J.
Suciamento, March 10, 1901.
K.XAMiNKR, Ijtkeview, Oregon: Well,
boys, I have been having a jolly good
time of it ' back Itere in the States."
We vibited tho Luray Caverns, and 1
think it one of the greatest wonders of
thu world. The pliue is tilled with im
age of Htuluctilic formation. Saw the
Hutter Milk Falls, the Fit)) Market, the
Maiden' Veil, ami heard the great pipe
organ and cathedral bells whiih make
the hweeteft of intlhic. I bought a tew
hpfciiiifiiH or hotivenirs from the guide,
but they hell them ''out of eight," and
I didn't feel able to buy the cave and
then attend the Inauguration.
We went to Wit-dumMon on the ml of
March, timi thcie we found the hirgeht
citiwil of people w e ever guzctl upon. A
million people wu the ct-timute of home
who pretended to make a guff. I
cuntcd lifleeii brills baiuU in the pur
itde mul come of them unlet have had
I'll I int 1 uitieiit j one biiiitl luttl tifteen
leuor drum.
We ulhii vihitetl Mount Veriuui, a betin
tiful pliicu mid grunJly kept. Mount
Veriuui is hixteen mile from WtiHhiug
toii, acroHg the rotoinac ltiver. We
went over on thu Charles McAlinter, a
tine boat of 2,IXK) capacity, ami we had
l.TiOO ptiHhL'ugers aboaril; it was a jolly
We expect to ntiu t West in two weeks.
I mn afraid to stay here luucli'longer for
fear of lie. oiiiing alllictud w ith the gout.
1 hpcnli pi'i'.numlly, ith ' 1 believo Mrs.
Haw kin is mi htrtick w ith this country
thpt it will be lulu! work to get her to
leave it. I found thu country quite
natural and familar, and many of my
old friends I knew as soon as I met
them. Of course, twenty-three, years
mukes many changes in pliicc as well
an fat. I have not viite! any ol the
old battlefleltlg yet, but think I will go
there aoon. Kind rryardn lo all Ijtke
county friends, Yourn truly,
It. A. IIawkinm
Torng Ilrook, Va., March Id, 1901.
- 'place. lie ieak in high term of the
Win. Iii-inon of thu firm of Ixmon A railroad official both from the tanrl point
llnrtzog, New rirte Creek tnerchantg, a well-i iiformcil lailroad man am! a
hit returned home after an aWnce. of A anM:iuI gentleman,
ncveral wekn at the nick bed of hi j T,, yeWf F.ra lelln of a 4-yenr old
father at lloiae, Idaho. Ivmon Mtnior in ' ,ejfer la.loritfing to Luke Mulkey rA
rwovering bin liealth rapidly. j Davia Creek, giving birth to twin calve
Kuvid Voting, one of the thrifty nt.a k- '" ' l'' ' two weokn ago gave
men of Warner Ure, wan in town laat birth to t inn ngain. making four calve
Thuraday and called on the Tlx am in'fr. f"r the year. That in very g.l for the
Mr. Young nome time nitr e gold out f favin Creek cow, but it doe not
the home buaineag to Mr. Shirk, of I-are with the prolilii acy of John Ixifftun"
(Vdarvillu. nml it in bin intention now -'arged by a Lakeview r,a(ier
to engage in the raining of thorounhbre ! fivi"' ,,,rth to " "l'Bir "f tin"(-
Iliirhntn cattle.
W. T. Mi't hell. the
t rearnery expert 1
arrived from Abnran last evening, ami:
t evening, a
I I . II. .. ' I ! . .
will talk wi'h niir liiiiin men for a
few day regarding the enrabliahment of
a creamery in l-akovicw. The Fxamivkb
hn' that our )"iple will give Mr.
Miichell the encouragement audi an en
terpriae deaerven.
T. J. H -attain and rvnn h- am! I'aul
of Cbewauran have purchaned from the
Hank of Tehama county, Cal., 2'fK) acre
in Sican known a the 2X ranch, for
merly ow ned by Schroder Hrothers, at
one time extenaive cattle growem of this
county. Thi i a fine powenaion am!
the Meftar Hrattain got a bargain in it.
N. S. McKinaey, gutterintenill-llt of and l"i to b i-l in gevtiona aa fiillnwa: From
, lAk"viw to Ijjvt 'tat rati"h; from Ivelena
the al. A Or. Telegraph Company, wa ; ranch to ty.wr Hchool Hoim.- on w mow t ri-ek;
in Ijikeview from hi home in Suaan-I ,r"ul w'""w rek to opixmite Tucker rauib;
in iJkt.Mtw irom in nome in ruan-llru, Tul:ker rant h to l ai.lty; frotD l-ai. r to
villu Heveral days tluring the week. Mr,! "'Hi ranch! from Ki-liy ranch to Hherlork
... . , , . 1 ranch ; from aouth end Cln-rli ' ranch to ium
Mckinney went to Paisley to attend the mil hilvt-r lkc mountalna; from aurnmit said
.1 !.. ui..Llw.l.l.. ,.l T t... moiiiitaiiia to the town ol nil"r Ijtltt.
..iC , ,B ...
County Telephone & Telegraph Com
pany, and made an offer to byild the
line from Lakeview to Silver Itke for
Now located
In the
Car load of
of all kinds
. D a A
We are the Denlcla Star, Sulky plow
Farmers Outfitters -j-y-s-
Pull and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
Ely Restaurant
Mruta at all liourn of the
aTalltj or Mil lit
Table taupiillf l it Ith rvrrjthiuic
the niarkrl olfurtla
Fine Sunday Dinners
11,000. Mi Informs nn that he will t
op njraln the "JOtliof May aecompaiiiel
by Mr. Jitinawar. atipt rlnterident of th
iN.C. O., who will look over the count
1 1 1. .l. ....... 1.. i.. l:..-
ami lllli-rview llnr- --"un nnviiK tnT llliv
of thu proposed rontp of liin road to thia
in one day. The fjtke county aninoO
takea the medal.
VTI t HMail THKiiiovg
1 in
A 'I K l.yp M f II IMlaaTHA I'll I. KM
Zn'YZl 'Vl
' '" H"niary l tin Urn ; miniy T. i".hun
ami T i' K''h uiiiiiitiy. at lg. vl , fir gtiii.
111 tx
(nr furril-hitib and tl lh "rittK gn tl, rotll'l j.itr'h
tilit ami lunlix r it't 7 f it long, nit minare
nn lirith t'titla. not 1 aa than A lnetit- aiiar, alj
hark to t rviiinv"! ; aaul itita mnl H,ta ui tie
fl"llvi'ri't on Hi" l)m-of an iti run tit nf I jilt t'ot in
ly THi-f'hoti an. I T'-li-irrnnti tin,ariy, in anrb
qtinntillt a ami w aa tin agent uf aanl lirnv
)any may li'-iignal, not later than Jun ,1-tKil,
an1 iioiit lat-r than luly t, lunl.
Alwi hl'la a 111 lie r r lvtl t.jr aall
at thi aarjit finn an'l plat- for formatting gtal
Jttt1 tamarai k (xtli 19 fi-ei iotig ami A Inchi-a
11 tlimri. t'-r at hiitt ami 4 Inrtni at top, en I
afpiart- with aaw at hoth -nia;
A I no hltla will he ri-celvf'l at nam tlmp an4
plate for fnruiaMiig g.-txl tlt tamarar-k
jxil. i 7 Int ln a In iliaini'l- r at hutt. and 4 Inetnai
at ton, 12 fii-t Imiir. rut' al. h aa at tnib
I t 11 tin; (.'JO iolti or pout to thr mil") aairl tout
Tt)(. HmM ()( i,irM.lor of tne UkB rolint.
Telephone ami T l"graj.h Company reaeriethe
right to re)-t-t any and all lil'la
l'aUJ at ikevita. Or., Apr. 3, 19T11.
WM. HAkVEV,I-reildit.
V. L. BN'Ef.LIN'I, Secretary.
BRICK 5Dau,Vh&h.e
New Goods always on hand
Undertaking in every branch
Hardwood bedroom sets $27
Peerless Chilled Plow
1 " ' " " -v .
a Hardened Steel Mole Plow X
'5 The Disk Plow (Something New)
s .
I A o a v - ra a mt o bT aa. A D I A imm ' I
J rJVIIU33 Uitll, riwif y
y iHUIll.
Snider Bui ding on Water St.
frfa Inn I -
myiMM ii