Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 04, 1901, Image 4

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    tlir MmU in contort from IStHi to 1S74,
ml ntn-t-rvt-tl thrni dtirii it every month
ol thi jhtI'wI ; that aid IhiuI wt tno
wet lor cultivation mix! mv i-overed
with water during tho plHiitinir. w'mwitiii
ami Imrveptinii enuiiin, hut that no part
therinl formed tho ln-d of a i-ertimni'iit
Itike; that i'olv'tt would truttly tlmt in
1Si4 he . a tiiettilcr of the Orvison
Volunteer- ; that in iich nervice he. in j
Atii-'ili-t. lSt.4. entered Warner valley,
Orrtfon, at the mntli end t( tin vallev
and remained eicht ditv-; thai 'aid luiuU
formed a part of a lurt-e marsh temlittit
from the eolith end of Warner valley
northward to where the Oregon Central
Military Waifon K.-ml eruie-i-d Warner
valley; t liHt r-M jil hind- were covered hv
a heavy growth of tnle, Ihiit andoihorj
swamp ttriise", hut tornied no part of j
the hed of the hike. Coun-el for thej
!etiler claimant ailmilled that each and .
evei y one of t he w it neei' mi mist im the!
application f"r cnntiiiiianci- would, if
pii-t-en!. testily H- indicated, u hereupon 1
the milion for ciititiiuiaiue wan over;
ruled, I'miri-el (or the Slate and it- j
(Sranteea then ini rod need dii-timi-niai v ,
evidence a-ln-wirc iu'eio-M ol Warner i
Valley Slin k Company and closed.
Couiim'I for the "et'ler claimant-! '
niKVcd foi eon! innance until Julv 31. and ;
colll.M'l for the Mate and it" alleged ',
israntee. the Warner Valley Mock Com- ;
pany, tiled crie-s motion a-kim: h-r con-
tinuance until Aiivtti-t 4. 'I he cum wa ;
continued un'il .Inly 31. lSHtt. The cifc ,
was called July SI, and on motion of the
State of On-unii and th Wiimer Vallev ;
Mock Coinpiiny, their ease in chief wai
relened over the objection and exeep-
tinim of the M'tller claimants, and. ow -
iiiir to the illness uf the Keceivcr nl your J
office, said can was continued until !
Augn-t 4. 1SW. Before, how -ver, the!
ca-e tn cumin, il, jiuiiaii men !
his appearance as a '"Mend of t lie .
1'i.iied Ma:e" hv virtue of a telegram j
from the .V'tinu Commissioner ol this :
oftiee, of July l!W, authorizing the:
came without eoniieiisation or power to j
bias t tie I'tuted Slates. The case was;
culled on August 7, at which time the1
hearing proceeded. The "ase w as closed i
as to the taking of testimony on August
2$. lSS1.', and after oral and writtteiii
argument. by the adverse partus had
Im'ii atil.tnitleil. on on Kehrurtiv ii. !
lmll) r...,.t..r..,I i..i.,l ,,, ae..r . .f
. , ..... ..... .. . . j
ine seiner claimants, w Herein vouioiimi
that: The testimony show s thai n IS
84. ttie lands in controversy were cover
ed w itti an apparently permanent Isidy
of water, and the weight of testimony
tends to show that this Ltaty of water
continued to cover this laud until alsiitt
ttie vear ISM; that the waters hail
gradually receded w ith the exiv P-ions of i
a few -ar9 at intervals, w hen t hey ( ulv a..w oi w i r. There were. 1 ahoul.t jmlxe.
would rise anain, until the var IKS ,! from three 10 flv tliouaaml tua.l of caitle
, 1 ; 1. ,1 ,:. ,, ,1 1 ." ...... 1. ...II.- Intrr.-il 111 the .-outti Vvariu-r marah
after which they con timed to uraduallv 1 WM ,n,.rt. A Vmr ue Ufm w,rn,.r
recede until ttie full (if lSSi), when the ; Mwe aa applied to that pari ol the valley
land in contest became practically drv. j Mt-ite.j uortb uf tti-.- stotia Bridge, ami Warn
You discussed hrieriv tf.e testimony ,1n,r"V!.liV0!,:.....a r, ...... a
of the principal witnesses ami ad
verted to the fact ttiat a numler of lev
ela were made on the tract in di-pute
and that one at least of said levels show
ed a sufficient fall to refute the theory
that any considerable portion of said
laud was coveied by an apparently f-r
nianent of water, in this connec
tion you observed: In our judgment,
ttie evidence ttiat showed the actual con
ditions of the lamia, should tiHve ureat
vr weight than the surveys ami state
ment of purveyor tending to rebut ttie
testimony of actual conditions as show n
by numerous, witnesses. February 4.
1S99, the attorneys in fact for the re
spective parties accepted -rsonal ser
vice of notice of sail decision, and on
February 2S, and March S, respectively,
the Mate of Oregon and ttie Wa net
Valley Stock Company file. I api'al mi l
sie-cirication-. of error, and supplemental
assignment of errors 011
Tlie suhntauce oi the testiiuotiy given
by each of the material witne-me- called
by ttie State of ( treifon and its alleged
lirantee the Warner Vallev Slock Com
pany, at the rehearing, follows :
K. K' Met onnauKhy. J am one of Hie atoi-k
hulilera of th Warrn-r Valley st..ex t ompaiiy.
I ttr-t aaw the in i-onirover.-y 011 July 1,
1-sj.i. I waa up on ttie uioinitaiu anil eoulil
ail over ttie valli-y. It pr-m-iii.-I the app -ar
am;.-of a title inarnh. In April 171, I waa in
the i in in e' 1 iai 1 vicinity of the laiula. t waa
then a lare tnle marsh corererl with tulei,
rauea anil awamp Kre. J here waaeouauler
ahle water auiong the tulea. In Hie fail of Is
7'i. I tk my cattle up He re to w inter. It waa
alianwuinp, )ui the wau-r ha-1 aub-l.le.l a
icreat Deal. The cattle couM ko in to the e'lg.
ol Hie marah quite a 'liatam-e.
Iiavnl K. Junea I reMileil in Warner Valley,
Oregon from S. pteint.-r li, lbi7, to April . 1H
g. I liav e examine. I the plats of the original
aurvey o( toAUMhipa ;iM .-, ft 24 ami 'll, K, anj I
4u s, K 24 K, ou ti.e in lhi ottu-e. 1 have a. -en
tm.' true: u.ark"l W arm-r Lake on aaul piai.
The ijrat liiue J ot.aerve'l the same was in tielo-l-r
1,. I in- lamia looked like a big tule
uotr-h. I w a nor cioae- to ttie lake at tnat
Him-, tun from where I atoo.l, I aupimae'l the
v.-i-taiiun wnk tulea. 1 waa first in the vu-iii.-ty
nf Hi- laml in 1..7. 1OT. I have ei-n
th.' laml eoutiuiioii.aly. J wa pasaing hack
ami forth from my place to Ft. huiwell. li
was a.i uiel' r water in Ihe spring, summer
am. lull of Is... Kh'-Ii ami every soring from
JV, tO 11, Il Wtli H.J Uli.J'T V.HKT. OV
ttnw ro.itiriii-1 irom Anl till alonj ai.out
,'iiri.HM'T uhi' j iirii'r 1 lit UHtf-r wouI'J m)
low 11 ktu'1 tint uu' il Intf in th.: fall, ului!
Hit rt; woiii't horn vvtitt r, iHt not uh iinich
a- 111 1 lit- cj.riiti;. 'Ifjf v yt-tMi ion h t h ofij- j
.iur rl'Hll jj mv t ji , i u i.-n uml .v; rnsw- . :
t iTnti til CMrJy h- vi'hitt k l tit- ratti- ot V hifj
i f, A u'l r.M iiit 1 1 i 1 ii nn'1 n!H lt run in the j
in nr-i. 1. mi i- or j- i 'J in h tit s in h rur ,
n-y, .10 !r h I kiMiw, nr- l' lii-nu, 4 ' h rt ?t riiH or
rut r. A n h r- -u . Ha.'.'iH ff , nu nor' it of i Im t
a IiiiinOt r ol Mi, nil oo- HO'l Hi (lit? fur Jiordi
ltw J.Mk". Viin ill.- fitf'iiiri i.f lu.-.r
mkf. J tii.nh uu)' ,Hfl jf UiJ iiiur-o
Ann m 1-tTlnniP lit Ink'.
1vit I t' rx.n. I fir-t oo-i-rv ! th s laii-tu ;
from h ri in rock off if tht inouutnjiih at'ont '
.lulu 1. l"o'. .m.oi.i i in tli ini" tti of July lr,(, j
1 iHh)nl arom.-i ipiiu tlj vt-.-t hHi'o) tii.; irark
.on id, i at hrouii'i n horih to iri-Hs' r I.Mh'. ' inHr.-li intt rht-rb'-.i witii ol-cii '
4tr- akh (it u tit' r, x t' ifJiou nortli hikI hontii.
I Ihti wnb iiol v ahin Hit- nriit tlir- t towtjhj.s,
so Iur hi ni iili-i-rvaii'-n- wnit, hiiv ii-rinaii'-iit
Utkt. In It A, tli- Witt' r of tin- marsh tram lo
v i,Ht w as h;i-i u ardN i h'tfliiJiiii ah tin m an-
I r lii.t'ii tui-f in Mini '.Jac R w t'iii i--voh'i II.
in-. 1 dtii't ttiiiik J i'i i' !a a lio- MattTH as
lugd Hj:aiii ! i.t-y v, r in l"i4. The wait-m
Im1 not ri'iiihin hi th hmiii' ij i wr h t 'luring tlu-yi-fir.
'ili- r r.".-.i uiiii th apjiroiicti of tin:
lry hcrini.n joirnK h' iiiah uitr h-hsou
th waitT.i fl iw- d tii. nit, aft r !! main flow of
vat'-r off, it gradually ptr:otat(.'
tiirongli Hi lulf 'i in- ,fn oltttion 0riiJttK"
W'hn hlo.v. Krout my k mw n-ii of it j.s n port , i
rhiiiiv - rt'iiu .li I I niiiiiiiti l h r ik f mi ti tk IK.l!'
nan on what is culu-u drist niHh Jakf, north of 1
liif Motif UriUK1'. hikI )uh cuijip on Iht? cvt'iifn
4 if J (.- mi lir li.', Han wiiat is -tlli'l Iau
I oint, Warn- r 'mj1 y, wiiii; that of I't-ci-iuhi-r
.'ti with in tlni Mat of Ni VH'ia ii-ar tht ttrrit
Jim. x hil apr. Kn iiionl hpok- of a placH at
t m' routh-vt -hi oi U ttrntr V a in y vv Imli hu prc-
unci to he an ontlw, thcrt in an inlt-l tin re
lua Jiitghl Jiavu he n uuMak- i. for an outlet.
( reaa KxauiluMlull l have seen I In- tiltri
e( i.rroi'i lake iiiiiii it w III) thine of Warner.
I saw th mi il I sol. I it, i in. I Ililnk tlmt all of
W arm r Ixkr rt'ttirnnt !? Die original sur
in humwi'M mill nr all avaauiis el
tin' year. Nor w iia nil tin1 Uiut licisvceii saut
mi aiulrr litii a lkp In Ixni. I aliueil the (Tl
itaili ircaciilc.l . In explanation I wtah to .y
1 01 there I a itis. r tmncy tti the way llii affi
ili ii la v rlltcii. It aluuiltt have lei n "at the
j in it it n ait-r Ki-anoiiii of I tie yrar" a Mil t?ot a( "all
amiiip ol ihe year " I ItiliMMleit to eoiMey ihti
I linpria-ioii thai at Mull water '. 'in, Die
In iclu ol i he w aier w n nine ti the aim', ami
Dial iliirinn dry triohiltft, the wali'r Trend' 1
ery inucti. I he afttilavii wan t-xrrnii'it in ri'f
rrriice 10 a niaili r pt'tiittiiit lHtMei'ii Mi-' ouiia
UKliyaml ( tinrn a I imium;.'ii affiitiiit the
I m in I In eoiuroieray In a eh II mill ami l In
(art an follow: That I have ri aiile. t ami
hax e he. n In t he leitin ol I he aahl Warmr
Imlv anil have oli.ervt-il the am (I. . Ihi
v hut I herrolj every year nine ihe aahl tsM
liniiilYi': that to ni'y errialn 'roiial knoul
i ili' in the year lsn. I he alei In nl W am
er l ake were airhiKh an they have ev r been
Min e I he ilale. that at the lime of my
ttrsi v iMt to tho saiil warner eiiiniry. in th.
yi ar l.v-4. the water of the nalil Warner Lake
were lip to t he in. amli re.l tine, aa tirni eiiao
Imtn it hy iiiii'iie Mirvev. ami w liu h I am m rv
well ae iiaiiiie.l w iiti t y my tiax iiik hii-n ii
on t ne i:rouiel ami k now Ihk ttie ioit nu all'ler
ill line liy mi n r-oiial nl'M r at ion aint that
I lo until Hull r re n. at II eil lli to (lie mi H inter ' it
nu-. w hu h w hii eMahliMieit prior lo IsT.V me
111 alHita tin y. atlsTA. thai I verity !
li ve, unit I r ti i -i-rMiital kttovi teilKe kiii. ! hy
! TMinal ot'Ai-i vatinti, that the naul Warttr
I ake tie naturally i overeil hy waiera
i xieltileit up to the orutlmlly i-i alu niii
Kllilei-eit tin.- tht-ri ol t Manllshl-il lo the
w In. h
.1 nu
.1 vi y ; that I rtiy tehe e Itom m p- r-nnal
know te ikie ol the nliilaiiit!! ainl i on. In nil i-t
tin -anl w aier. . v it nit.i e lseil. all ol W arm-r
a oriKinaliy urv-eil ami inentitti reii hy trie
I nil i it Mad Survi y. ri w !i lo t tie t-ett of I lo
I ake an repri si-nii il ai iti ahl !.itrt-y wiimly
i-iiu-r- l ill. i ItiK all M-asoli i I tin- Vi ar t y w at r
ami w hh a lake or n arvti in taet. iiuru.k tue
year Iwn", ami prior il.eieto. at ad s' asuii nl
t!i year.
U . i . I. ale t n-iileil In oh man Valley ami
Warm r vlh-v Irom neiula-r lo .lirn
i oli man alley U siti.ateil hhii.i eiKht or
Huh a ilisiaut from W arner. 1 have to ont
li-iil eXHiiiimil inei-rikiial p.aiso'a -rve.
am taitn lar w nh ttie trai t ol lain! iieMktiai o
a w arm r l ake. I tirM saw nanl trai t in v
too. r Isrj tin i-oTiitiiiin waa ttiat of an im
merse mars'i t .L- marsh, with ttie exeep 104
ol Iwnopi n lake, one wa at-out two imifg
norm ot l'e- p ereek an t the other almnt n , u
inn-a nortti ol 1-eep er.-ek. I tie riiai take
Hurt 11 of I ie p i-r- ex voveri-il an area of tie
Iween a halt s'-etion ami inetion. Iti- eoml
one anna mile wiile ami ttiree mill- loti:.
Ituriitif ttie vi-tr I t-ro4--il lite marvii a
injmiifr of line on the Mom Hriil;e. iN.-teiiihr
l'hia I rnliie la ait.iati ! in 2. T .1
.4 r, j
wrre 1
w tth
ami se 19. T :17 ., II J.S K ) iMit 1 hk the
nl t?:t. Hi.- llnl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- -1 in the maralt
iiitimlaleil with wati r, anil were eovere.t
a tu-av) Ilia of vegetation. 1'tie overflow Wat
eatiae 1 tiy ttie me.tiiiK ot snow on Hu- 111-.11 11
uii. raiiaea. The ov- rtlow woiihl eoi.ttuii- nti
til. pr..liatily. ttie tirat nl July, w hen Ho- w ater
W """ ' L ' 1
lly inri.aiittf until ttie late Tn
j f j
tii vt.Hr -(-(,,.
r wotlul r. eeili' 10 ihe el-
l I
! tent that in I lie tali consul, rah.e iiay e.u.1.1 ti.
I eui on laiuf eoeril w i:h w an-r 011 Hie .irat of
1 July. I ibe niar.n In m tuN-r 17. 1.
fi-otti the eaat aule. to what 1 ealleit Hir hli 1-.-latul.
iH-t we-n t tie t w o braiu a of lieep ire'k.
tial part of Hie marah waa an almoat iiiip.-tie-trahle
JiiiikI... 1'he luli-a ami utfi. r rank m-;- -talion
w hu h hail acetiniiiiati.-.l f.-r y.-ara f..rm
a inaaa that exteli'leil at-ove Hie water, w h. ri
ll was fiiuu.l. This vej-i-taiiuii retartl--i Hie
John 11. Seal, in making tnrrey of lownatilpa
I :w .-, K y.4 K, : S, H ib E. ml 40 8. K t. I
i ha-l a team ami aleit, with whleh 1 inaaheil
ilow ti the tulea. The team bi'luna-nl lu Me.
j 1 ounaiiKhy anj the sleil waa uia.1.- for the
; puru- ae uu .Mei onnauKhy'a ranch. I waa anl
by Mi.-CoiinauKhy . I think Neal taUed of
tiir.wing up the job an-1 said it wm a barJ
jih, ami Mot oiiuau)(hr anti'd him to k
a to ad ami turvty it, ami I think ht agrrt(J to
f irtu-h a mao. I work-i (or Mrt ootiauKby
Hrott. uutil tJiejr rKautzei the torp. ration,
ami with the Marnar Vailty ntoi-k
ompny,iii all.vlcvru year.
n 6. Nu feeraou i rt-aide at KUmath
Faith, (r Kon. 1 ran a line of h vrl in act or!-am-.-
with insinictMio (row aoutht aitt c rn-r
of s-.L'tn.u 1H. f 40 aS, H ii fc to I lit Mnne Mrnltfr-.
! 1 u.n-.l a rurl y t-HKUiL't-r level. 1 have tiatl ri
: i m me in ruuuiiiK U-v.-ii. 1 worked at that
j .MiSiiK-.-. sci'l urveyinif for i' Ik lit y-art. t
; ftt.jiid th- djfffr'-m-e in ihr elevation fr-nu the
I pointi nainr-1 lo h- tuirt)-two aioi elichty-five
' iii.iolre ittiM ieM. In- i i t n n-- run Wat aoont
; t n y-nine tniiei. and t uir t- en hnmlrrd hft
it Mu iiiiprrit)lc fi r the tiiitrMii to iiave heeu
a prom. oe ii l ink-- within the iiiem-'ory of man,
b uuv.' oi tf.e d.ff Tm i' In n-v- 1. W hln tfai-re
Aa- a '-outin ionitd'-eiiD' to th north, it waft
no. uuiioriii Ih'-faii was Trar th flrht
ri . mil' h, fift.t-n ati'l miwn met . At av-r
' iJikr- tht- lull wns Vj from poui of --ii.mnic.
, uii l from 'r- a- r J.ake to -to-;.- limit;--, thir-
. t'. n aiii Hiir!y-lie hontlr lt hf. 1 reet-'Ue.J
my iiistrut'tioiii irom 1. ihwli, omit!
, ior th 'nte of ort'Kon, and th- V arm-r aily
lt k oiupaiiy. 1 wat Miiist'l in the imrv y
1 hy Mr. It, k'. hfctjVMie, Mr. KoutMn and Uu
I otm ri furniilit'tl hy the latter, whoxe nanu-ii 1
j io not r:ineml;er.
I'anit 1 r. hrow tip I am the Se cretary ami
Trenturvr of the Warner Valley Stot a oiu-
pttny, a.o one of the director and nloea hold
try tro-rc-iu. I have traced out the ramp ol
i apt in John . Kreuioiit in hii exploring t x
p'-OKiou through M arner Valli-y in lccmhcr
1MB. The camp of iJeceiuber 1, wan at what ii
raiied iiorM ( amp in .Nortli Warmr aUiul
om tw. ive or tilteeu uiilei north of the Moue
l.ri'U'f. 1 eatnlv raeofnixtd the i amp of I'm.
j, wtiirh if V ilon' or ' hrmttnaa lake. Thit
)! aoout two mile north of the htotie
Ur.'li-''. 1 IfM ated hu t amp on Deeem) er lU at
Iihk I'iint in net: :U, T 3A n, K 2A K. liu next
'amp that of December 'i0, was in oKiiiin
: alh y.
j 1 asMflted Mr. Nh k-r-ctn In run nl tit? the lev
I el-. 1 carried the rod. i fioticel a felitfht
! uiov m nt in the wat'TM of the inarh, a iiuk
1 giMi eurreut to the north,
h. M. Mnler-I have retlded in .ihic lake
Vail y ahiui thirty yeara. i he watt-raof ((Oom-l-ii.t-
hav- r LcU-d hi nee I first L. auie a
ijiiaini'-'l with it. I coul'ln't say how much,
J at a ku- h, two or three ft-et. 1 wa in Warm r
V -v ten or twelve yarn aKo.
( ro-tti xmiiiimiKiii- I wan in Warm r Vall-y
i'i. i. . i ... . . i a. . i. .. . i it ... ,. . ...
i ,,,..Tu. ::'t:, " ;
a a. it., r uumeii 'in tje from tne laml. I luuml
'1 1. : j.- at home, Jjt, via., appari-nuy aune. I
I ej'-i'i. il him. I took a Mini ami mumoii, ami
j h oi eil h hai i ffeela lie iiail over to me li i p
: .-.-ek ram-h - Met oiinuuiiy'a I ilruve into a
' eorrai aiel left hln iiiiiib'-, 111 ihe vitixoii. He
j l lo-li hi-i oliipaim il ine lo hhlwi II, t ailfurnla,
, .nli III.' eohta of tilt' Mill, ami 1 ilul Hot a- e any
. inure of him i.Atil aome tune ufiervtaiil., at
vwiii-n lime he waa iio.aiie.
A. i . Kialer I vi aa aialioiieil ht t'aiiip Waru-
r as ( apt-iin of the '1 vvi-iity-ttiinl liifuuiry,
Irom the tall IHA to 1H70. I tii-cuine aeijuallili.ii
v. HU tnat part ol Warn, r Valley iyiiii- -uutli of
Ine; I'.rulKe III the Hlllli-r ol in-) ami ID
i,'i. Iiurini liie years IIKiK an'l l7u, ulul at;ain
1:1 laTJ, ami afler the a.riiik' nf 1-7-1, Iur twiminl
a hull ) ara 1 travi-leil ItiroiiKh tliat part of
lie-valley, i-rom my ohai-rvaiiou, Hie Kfeater
purl of thateountv wal a tule murah, with ine
i-xeept on of tlie lakea. in Ihe fall of the year,
tlu- UMli-r wouhi ilry up in aoniu plaeea more
than oitiera, ami you coulii rule out lioraetiaek
'juite a way, anil theeaitlu uoiilii work out a
kreat IP al farther among the tulea, than in the
1 he Mate of Oregon and Ihe Warner Valley
Stoi k I ompauy introduced in eviileuee, uu
iler the lerma of the alipulatioii herein hefore
iioteil, tranin:rlpli of tealimony given hy wit-lu-aa.
a in the variona hearillKa. that had there
fore taken plane. 'Ihe material paria of am li
ti atiiuoiijr together with Ihe taae in will, a It
waa given, follow:
I'eter I'eteraou T. H. Wakefield i-aae-I ac
companied a detachment of Orcgaii Vol unt'.-era
nnili-r the command of ( ol. Irw, in iar-4, from
ht. KM well, ( alllornia, lo what waa then known
aa Warner 1-aku. 1 waa with a ileiaehment
t hat attempted to paaa along the weal aide ul
Warner lake, and nulling the route Impractic.
ahle, we traveled aruuiiii Ihueaat aide ol the
lake, which waaal thai lime an arm of Warn
er luke. We went helw.-ell the rimrock and
the w ater of the lake, and paaaed cloae hy Ihe
ittikont tionae.
t k hat tha eoretltloii of tha laml In
the aonth rinl of a lial la known a W arm r Val
ley In Jmy lM? A. Itwaaalakn lnleri.-ra
eil w 11 h Mn akt ol title, ami ttie w an r rame in
Hie rlinr. ek on I lie eaal ahte ol Hie lake, anil to
the loot of ttie inioitttaina 1111 the weal aiile,
aonih ol aii eao ami weal line Irmn or. i-r
lake. I lie water eitenilrJ mm III of an ea-l ami
went line frmu the iluaoiit
I'eter I'elerson Jiai Morrow raae -1 am a
eoiiatn ol H. K. Mel unnaiik hy, the lialuiaiil
muter siaie of Oreaon.
I' It. J, .11. a ,'. Wlllejr eae I wlth-il In
Warnar valley In ISK ami n lit'-il Ho rn nniil
Issn. I ttiat ma the laml tn the ai rink of ls-
It It ait the a-aariiee of a marali or lake I
iiliaerii il tin ae laml iiiiii Hie aprmi, alilli
nier anit full of IMVa. I'rnl'alny pa-a.-.l tin 111
twenty or thirty llniea. Lrohalily eaaaml the
lamia tllieeii ot twenty nmea in the rli-k
11 111 tiler, ami tall of Is'1', ami the aame waa
true ot ls7ot "I lie eharaeter of thee lumla itnri
ItiR the spriiiK. aiitniner ami tall ol rai li ami
every year lioiu l-i-i o tksj. a that ol a
uiarali or lake, so Iur a I eit. I he v. ge
lation a-row Ina-on aalil lamia a lii!e anil
! awamp Kra-a. I lie water that .0 rll.m e,l ili,-e
j w the part ol V arner I ake. I In' wal
er mi 1 h ar lo the rua.l tnoai ol the lime. I
! an In lite foot hi line to the r.-a. I I oh
i 11 r eit imlieai lona 1 tun Hie wanr lia-l Ini 11
1 hiaher than 11 waa In lat.v It a an it lo hate
j tn , .1 ohe or two feet higher li-u e.-ii.i m i
irom the motion of the wat--r win re 11 ha-t
lti-il nu- aamla arn iiiil the marviu of the
; laai ami aio till' ki oil tin tm o.
I h 're a a r.H k a'.ieit on.- half tulle Irom
In- lallit III iltMMitf. atali'tlnit on! i-lie or two
1 i aril in tin- wati r Lit tar roek aio.-il
ei ami prul alny i.ortli ot Hie laml In i'i
pilte III IH-.II J lliri ilkh Hie lli'Oillv I W- III
w at of Hie roi k. I lie kr"t'llil i-liwhleh tin
riN k ad-oil 1II1I not apiN ar lo In- ilr; r a-i. It
appi-areit in have tn-i 11 rulleil trntu tin- tmuin
talll anil III known aa the lone ho k I
Hunk It W011I I he 1 il.le to i r.-i at Hie
siion- llrlilk,'!- w ttti a IrelMtil wa.oii, w to n ttie
. a ti it waa 1 oM-reil with w an r.
N. I'. 1 nl-1; I na- n aa-- 1"- r emtleiilar!) . t
think ttie w aler ia ten lei-t lower than 11 wan
lit .Aa to the Mtr!a- . the mar-h In th.
annth emt of ihe valley in ik-Ji w - a a lioi-t ol
wat.-r. now It haa mine !' w 11 11. lu a t-liatu ot
I lakea. none it.i n for Iniha
! J ae h Hiirna - .. 1 . mliyraae I flrai ol.
1 a. rve.l the laml In 1 otitri.verav in Mav la.. 7.
W aa w ithlu Jik or .'.'-o ar.ta tlu-retruni. aa
In XI In the Mi ll, Ity nf ' lite lamia III Im.'I, In
May ami J ine. ami auain 111 May s7l. In Is
67. Hie lake waa prelly full, ha. I a ilaal i f wa!
1 r in it In In.-.i. it I, a I none .1. hi 11 a Inn.-
lu la:l. II waa i.mi-r III 11 at any lime iluriliK
II... Il.r.... .. .r. 1 1.-.1
ij. 1 iii, yon oliaerve any of I Ilea, laml at viaitaT .1. 1 1 waa iani ereil w Hi water.
4 lial 1. a- tatloll it lt von tin. I nriiwliif
iia.u tin a laiiita 111 i-oiiti at ! rlnic y...r flrai
nana. A . I i.l.-. wai.r ami title, li
looked li ae a lake. It w a a lake tuo i
J M. ul. y cai. 1 flr-i per ally ot... rve.l I
Hie In eunir.iverav al.oui a )ear ago. I
v aa hrt lu the v li luny nl the laml In lv,7 I
wi nl arimiiil tin edge ol the lake at one corner '
alMiui jiai ar ami at atmii er i.t,.it "an yanla
irmn tin- Ian I. It waa in J im- Haa i here 1
akam in isi.i ami awaiti lu s71. n,,t ,
the laml eiluer llltiu In'i aile It waa eov er. d '
vi i. It al. r ami I. He. 1 1 w as a take
el it warm r I ake.
I'. A . Iti-n.h rsuti A . I ' -atlleyeaae lain ac
tual niril w 1 1 Ii ihe land lu i onirov erar. S..
reMde ami have reaiileil iime .prtl Ia7.
aiK.ut rive n. ilea tlier. from, I flrai i.l,a.-rve,l
tin-laii-l in la.rt liiia.l ihe a j.. aram ol a
Hue ii, ar t.. Tne Irai t viaiovernuMi'd at aaul
tune. Il hirmrd a pari ol warm r Laic or
Mar-h. I tie lau-l ha-1 t he appearance of lul.-a
griiMing up ihrouKli wal. r
cj. waa any i-oriiuii ,,( the land in eotiteat In
cliule.l in warm r Ijike or al that tunc?
A. It was included m the lake at thai time.
(j. waa any portion ol It "over d with water
al tuai lino ? A Ii was a, I covered w iih w al. r
eii-.- i the aiig brush km.,1 rclerr.d lo, with
lule and I1a kr.,u nig nr. throtikh It.
1 wa- ov. r a, I, ol sal. I lamlaoii horai t,a k dnr
lug the month ol lawiiila r IH7a. The water
w aa fnneii and 1 paaed over theiii on the n-i-,
with the Iceplloll of the aage hrui.ll klloll, i t'-
I wasovi r ihe land iliirnik January and lie
,., inl-i-r la7i. Tne wat.-r waa Iroi.-u over and 1
passed over tin in on the ire aad i did not ol.-n-rve
th.- comlllioii ! the laml. w ith the escep
lion of Hie aage hrtiah knoll referred to, 1 her-'
as a grow t u ol tnle ami aw amp grass that
iiiiwed ahove ttie surface ol the ire. Ine land
lu la.'J. IsAuaud laal, had (lu aaine apix-aram-.
aa 111 ISTIi, excepl lllal 111 l-sl, tin. wal. r h. gall
lo recede and tne land li auie dryer.
K liaiy ca-. 1 1 has ta-cu ovet fluwed w iih wat
er ami cov" ith a nr. mill of lule and
aw amp graas durTiig the spring and aumtiier
mouina ol ihe entire time ami ir.iiu la;i in isal,
II has l. el. ci.vcri d w Mil w ap r during the en
ure imiiilha oi every y,-ar i iriug lhat nne.
yivcati-r I'lkoil faae- J am iii-iUnluti-il with
the laud, l-ir-t saw it in octiiii. r laTi.. liwaa
ail eov i-red w it h water, w it h tm-exeepiton ol a
small g r-a--i-vv nod k noli C'.iiiai i.i ug ai.oi.t Intir
or ti v i aiT'-s.
A N II. IIU' t l is- - - f. I'pi.ll u hat l.-k'Hl a il-
Il V IMull li. I n nl 'I ilk'otlt - 1 1 1 1 . I . - I 7 .. la I
k n ii vv ii a? Ho- ilu,:uul lii i, i a. mov . i -u.i..t -. ii n :
lit ;i. si c. la. l-ut ttie uruiiiii, I. mil in tlo-
ereek, rum alii.-li this ho is iii.taina its nam.-, !
IhOlli'lil. II ne I" 1 w ecll i ami Ii.
J I. Morni I.. r hi taw Jw v,,rrn'.i en- -
W lint tlu- '- II t he duel 1 1 Inn i .1 ll,e Kii,nt.-
-'. Liii i .on . ii iii ol inia laml ir. .u. A pru is !
7a to June I -'''' A. rroln April l-7a lo la-.l, in- .
l-lUMVe.tll Were COV eri-'l VV llii ivaOr il'irilig!
tit. en nr. at,ritii;. ai.miiii-i ai.d tali mouth v ami '
were coi.r.-il Willi lee ilnrilig Hie wiutiri
Illolltlisoi tlinae yeara.
J.-MM- II. Nliitr..A I A." - I h ive ai-i II tile 1 lll'l In (
cotitroviT-y a majority of liu- inniitiia Irum j
April S7H lo Julie H.J. Tile I ml hAa h. Ill
auvereil w it Ii vv au r dining tne enure yi-Ara,
w llii l he pi ion of Ias7, I And K'J.
w A Mm. re case LAnguAgc aAlne As Jeas.- H. J
Morrow i
A. I', rritkea raw' I firm l
ii in Hi'-
qiliiinleil w itti the laml in cut rovers v
in lH7ii. 1 w as nut on it, hut it iijipoiiretl
to be a tule llnirsh. H ua next in t he
vicinity nt the laml in Iieiemher 1H77.
it waH envereil with water, ami I cniiLI
not net ii n it at that tune. When I
Kirrst haw thia laml in Octi'Ler IM7H, the
entire tract was nmler water. I rmn
1M70 tn the traet U hii'li in Mluali'
near the eeiilfr uf W arner una
muter water the entire lime.
N . 1'. TunniiiiiHt'ii eiiM I hu ve known
the I a 1 1 ' I sin. e H7i. The html i m-
troveisy u us a marsh u hen I lirst saw
it in li7t. In I'ocemher M77. the Iriu t
wan envereil witli ire. In H7'.i. the laml
was nverlloweil nml swainiiv 1 1 it ri 1 1 ur the
M.ii,n,er n..,i.ti.s.
l.. I'.. I"iii' I l Xi ill c:l-e.- I Wll-
liist iii VS nrm r Vallev in .Inly lsi.7. I
eiiteii'il Irum iienr the Hull ill etui Itlul
jia--ei un the east aiile d I lie hike.
lh lint w, is the i'.,ii.ion nt Wain
er 1. uke al thai, tiine',' A It vviis u
i.'lli cl Like limn tho I M-.I to.. I l lll" tn
west lu il lulls. J 1 1 . i ui i 1 1 1 Irmn t lu- ih'il h
nl the water, it was a .ei inatieiit luko.
.lulm M . .-aiuli'i i A. I'. U'lllev ciise
1 le.-ule nl I-1. I'li.lwell, Cal, itlul have
hinee 1 Hi 7 . lam iii'ijiiiiiiitiil with the
latiil in enii' ruveisy. l ir-t saw it in
Hii7. 1 1 is almnt i5 miles (mm mv place
.l resilience. I have exainiiieil suiim nf
i he em tier p'lSts or Htiitu-H nf this laml.
I lirst naw it in April I HUH. minlo
tlio-o tripn up niul hack, m.rr in July,
(nice in r-epteinher aiul niu'e in Nuvein
her. I pasHoil w iiliin a ipiarler nf u
mile of the In n il. My uliHerva
ion waH Hiieh that I am etui I. I e il
to tentify iih to the (liaractei' nf the laml,
liirinkt Hiiiil time. Its enmlitimi wiih that
of a lake or Huamp. ItcnuM nut have
tiecii cnltiviileil liet'iiilHi' nf In iny tun wet.
The water that Hpieml over IhiM 'ami in
IHIiH, waH a tmrt nf a larj.'e hmly uf watci
know n ami calleil Warner lake. The
Overllow aeeineil periiiamiiit ami not
temporary. The inn-it nf Ihe way nrniiiul
Warner Lake or what una then railed
Warner Lake, there wan a well delined
beach to which the water came.
If 1 had been ftirvevintf lhi hind in
IHI.8. I would have called it a lake. My
observation ilurmu the apunn, Kiiiumer
and fall of lSiiti, waa am h aa to enable
ine to testily a to the diameter ol snld
hind. It waa the tamo aa III I SUM. Ho
iur n I could see the waters of Winner
l ake or marsh coveted the same lu the
sprinu, Hiiiiiinet and (all of the year 'nit.
I turned my cattle out to ((rare Hi the
vicinity ol lhee lands 111 'lis, 'mi at. d 'ill.
I hey k' 1 1101 1 on the lulls and litk'
around the tmuijfiii of the lake, but did
not nrc on the hind in conttoveray be
cause it w as loo w el .
I oli-ei veil I lie laud Hk'ain in r-eptciu
U l, 1SS. and liotiied a del ided elnilikie
I in the 1 Initiii h't ihelcl I lie eireta
I timi krnw ink' "II 'he land w aa liner ; Ihe
, In 1 ! I k were itiM-r. In my opitiiott tin'
IchaiiKe was caused hv a aiieeesioii of
I 1 1 1 y Ji ill". whli h iiiilsed the l.iki- to to-
cede, unit another nienl Ibiii lui- been
'the tilling up ol the vallev hv sediment
I washed lu from the hills lit tiuieof H unt.
1 iNiine ol the wiiteis lluit Mowed into
! Warner I. like have boeii ilivei'ed by
' din In s to Sin pi le Valley. M01I..C Colin
,tv,t al. Ihe siiici-sinii il drv sin oiis
I lii'wuu III IH7.'i and emli d III I -, A
I kHeat 1 1 1 11 1 1 v ol the hikes lit 1 1 1 it r no. 1 0 h 1
1 ol t In i m nt 1 y went div niul il hits
wi le M tv low. I Mould iiol have a'
in. H i'.l in ti vi-1 over iinv ..iii id 'his
I il in I Ul IMIiH. 'I, 'I nl' 7tl vv I'll. .IK It Ueii.
t'nisa I'Mtin unit inn .- t). Wita the
ln-iicli ii wiiii-r line uml H
I -a fii i it i i-i 1 1 tun', nr w iia it ei.iiiiiise.l of
wci'ils nml lliiuiog , l.'l.ria tlmt w it a w nsli
nl tl liy extri'liie luk'li VAittcr.
A. It ni..'iiieil tn 1 1 n -el Iiiillielit mil'
'iiiiiiiseii nf in rt I r vvii-lii'il up l. tin
1. ike nu. I rntti'.l uu. I (iitiiii-'l il n-rii.,iiii-iil
w liter line.
tj. At your visit tn tlie ilitce in I1-'!,
wlult w iih I lie ii..eilrclu e nl tins Ix-.o Ii
inl'itri'il with wluil it una vv lien y.ui
I ,., ,
1 uisl
miw it ','
A. Ihe la'iieli is v.-rv iiiiuii I tin aiiine
w itli t lie exe'it I ill I lull tliere la In new
II II tl-1 llll W llalieil II I h it.
.IiiIiii M. Siimlera. N I'. Tniililiik'-eii
ease Waa liisl in tin vli'lliltv nl tin'
liiml in -. hi ti'-t in IhiiH in M.iv. I almuM
jiulv.'!' I WMaiil'iillI h mile ii 1 1 I il liulf
Iriuii tlic I ii 1 1 I in emit r. vers v on llie
liul hills. I s.lvv the witter where the
I ii.. I Is n. iw , the w lu.le rinililry una i nv
.ireil with w liter.
(I. Where ili iea tint irim'iit truvele.l
& A 31 WK
Nl-W PINT; CKI:I:K, ()RI;(i()N
Will soon have on an elegant stock of
t? everything in the line.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, !:tc.
Dealer In
r: Tinware, Amunition, Guns, 3
5 Sportsman's Goods, I;tc.
. .-I
.1 W Keener
4 llll a Morrltauii
Reeder & Morrison
lo fverj II1I11K In
I he lllneUmiillhliiK
l.lne ami snillsil'ue.
I ion icmirniileeil
New Pino CreeK, Oregon. I
nniil run?
A, It .rtiii-i nl'it'if tin1 r-ilgv nt lliti vitt
It'V ulileli n iiiuler water nl that titim.
l Wlint una the iiniilitliiil nl llm
i iiiintry i igM t'H"! "I w li''"' i'Miii'imI?
A. A hike.
q. ilow il wiia it?
A. Well ll ileep I'liniigh to awim.
I went in niter amtie iltu ka nml gut In
liver my lieml.
y. Irmil vnnr nliaerviltlulig nl lliii
lllllil ill INIaH, IHiill Mini N7l, mill lllai.
limn the n'n.iielii'i' nf tin' wilier lllio
iilntig the li i il t u t ti nl iirticr hike, what
lii your mmimi, wna the euiiililiiin nl all
the liiml III cmilest ti HMI.
A. Well nil i.'lniiil va . ul I . I he (hut
win il luke Hi liial.
A . N . Heiinell iili'.-- IJ Wlint il-i
the I'.iiiilitliui nl tins liiml iliuiiik! tin
Veur ISi'M, when yml Hiiw it?
A, A vvuitii.
IJ Si, no w liel her ..r imt it w ua c iver
oil with n titer these I linen','
A. Il wis .1 u I llii! t he k r I Ii kf Itmilllia.
In the lull w In li I una tlu-ie the vck'i'! il
ium I'nVi ri il the k'Muinil an tlmt n i rsi.i
i nniil lint aoe.
I'linlnii lUnvv n.- S I vealer I'mni eiiae.
- I liuve leHiihil nt I t. Ilnluell, t ul .
fur t he List '.'I Villi a, I lllli III illllltlll'i
W It It the I il I. . I III liilllrnverav. I llr-t
Ml vi Ihe IiiiiiI in wlult una tn In- aeiii nl
it, iii May li". With I he exiept imi nl
iiihsIiIv Intir ur live in ies, it vuis ruver
eil w llii wil'el .
!sia o w lieiher the w a'era nf Wnr
lier liint-li hiii"! thia Imie ria k Hi
tlmt tunc'.'
A, At tlmt llllie it Una klliiWII Ha Iir
ticr 111 ke nml t he W ll'crs n( Wurncr luke
sin liililiili'.l the M II Ht 'lull Ml l lie .
li, lint una ihe i'.l 1 1 1 i 1 1, i ii n thein in e.iii'est Irmn 1"7'J In 1S77, III
elusive'.' A. Tliey uere .rn i'iuilly envereil
Willi Ha I'I. There might Hiaaihlv have
In ell a. Hue Mi'.i-.ilia lute in the lull, tie
u iirila ' lie I.l' ter utrt nf l lull time, thill tt
mini fniilil tut vi- K-it uu there.
t 'man CXillllllllUliill I i I yml
ever nee 'lua Luie luck III Si. IV 1S7u7
A. I ilnl. n jiiirii.iti nf it.
A I m nl t winit va iia the ilepth ( llie
u H'er iinmeiliir ly tail rriitiit ttitaT it 7
A. I slu ml. I liilu'o nt Icuat three feet.
W ii I is:hl I Vim s II..). I can 1 I r .i t. at l-t
Ithlwell. I al . and am a. .iis nl. I m llh the laml
lu colilrov ers . 1 paaaeil aillilu . u to.irth of
a mil-' from tin- land lit a?t, and ai,-a',ti
In Nov.-mtier, la:.'; u wna umli r water and
all kinds ul
Stock W arm
Drows Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
largest herd cf registered
Kerefcrds in Oregon
ff) Pcqistrrr.l Vearlinq Hulls
lAL'DOK Al WIO hcti.1 ol herd
J. W. Maxwell
A cent for
Ton of the Dost
high grado and
rtandard makoa
of Pianos
$240.00 and up
Organs $50 up