Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 04, 1901, Image 3

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    j' STOCK 'noTES
Tim (nllowlng hliM'k noted are taken
fiotn lint wideawake Yreka Journal :
Till IllcadllWa Hllll IllOtllltalll range,
W here the KIHIW llllN lliHlCHrcd, HVI
Una rnipH nl Knt'N ruining up; In fact,
gras In growing; nicely under tlm now,
to ntlnnl lint In'1 griiring known (or
many year. Tlm ground lum la-en no
well xoiikcd ly lha Krcal ahiindanen n(
mow Hint niin (li '"t winter lhat ln
field w ill he green nearly all Mummer,
iiiiiI will iit ilry out hn ilutiug tuosi
A. C. 'l hortnaver, of Numm, Tunl
mum' county, wlio Inm la-en In Mskiymi
(or aeveral ilnyx ikn, nirrluiKiil n lot o
line large draft Iioimi'h, niyiiiK lit the
rut)1 o( f I'lO mt head.
Hailey, tin' 1'nilcd Hate. I iovcriituciil
rontnii'tnr, I mti I up a I a ri- uiimiIht ol
Iioik.h nl M.m tniu- tlu tlrol ol tliin
week for cavalry ptirMwn in tin- I'hil
ippitirx, IIh- pliri-H ranged I nl wi'fll
f 10 iiihI 1 1 '. (or hiiiiiII, nound nml active
animal, hiicIi tin are not in ili'iiiunil lor
other pjirpoMfit. r-cveral tnnri' will prole
ttlilv In- iiirchaed in r-isklvnii, II tin
agents cniinot accure llicin in othtT
pluri'N where not in- Iiiim Ix'i'ii given out.
('olitriirtoiN I'HIl puri'luine a great many
hiii-Ii iiiiiiiiiiIh hy vinitiiitf nl her part of
tlit county or civilly not in In have them
Ht uuy given Hiint (or acceitance.
ItriiiaeURhle . orr mf Mhenmatlaia .
Kciinii, .liirkHou Co., V. Va.
A I o 1 1 three vinrx ago inv nili' I I mi
nttitik ol r Ix'ii 1 1 1 n 1 1 i wlinli contiucd
Imt to Iht Ihi for over a month nml
rendered I or iiiuil'l to w m I k 11 hIci w n li
mit assistance, IhT 1 1 in t H la-lug swollen
In doodle I lit-ir noruinl Hio. Mr. r
Mud In insisted on in v using Cham
InTluin'it I'niii I'uliii. I purrliHHi-il u
fifty cent hottlc nml used it accurding to
tin' liiiii tiouN mil tin' Hint morning nhe
w allied to t it on L (,ii t witlioiit and assist
hiii'i' in n i v iiiuunei, and hlif Iiiih not
1 it I ii similar 1 1 1 - A . It. I'ur
Hone. I nl full' hy If' I .i 1 1 , ' 1 1 11 k-' i' I t .
Hornet and Mule I'ur Sale.
JO gmid young I r 1 1 1 im ii 1 1 I HO head nf
flue Ioiii-m more or Ichh. These arc
Him k Ihuxi'h ol iin- l'or Iii-oii l.rii il, (our
year-old and 'low ii mostly m:irc tluit
will ! line foi lirccdilig itiriii'. The.
nm nil h,g animals and a'ivldy who
know tlie I ' i it 1 1 In t -ex will recognize
tin-( n l tlnit (lie niiiiniilH tiie tirsl-clas.
I have iil-o ii Miironiilii-y .lurk, 7 yearn
ohl. which I will fi ll, l or fuitlier
on or icI'lieMU C.t' I'rutt,
I.HkevieW . t IllV'll. lo'HIili'lire, il III I If"
com li oi tow ii . II :im
New I'oll Tax Uw.
Tl r new,! r mil poll tux law riiuiivK
t lie i-olleri nm of :i from every nolle in
lmliit;iiil over ','1 nml uniler ,'itl yeiim
of Ufe, ii n It-MH I iv Imv exempt. Tlie tilX I
ii i it v le pui'l either in liiimr or i io-li, Imt
theloiiiity Court li i it reipllre tlnit it
l- .it 1 1 1 in i ii"h. If liny peton r fue
to pny 1 1 1 tux ii Mill may he hroiiht in
It J il -1 i i-'m Cuiirt to t'ollert tin' Hume, ,
Hliil the w iU'en ol the ileluepieiit ll.av
he levii'l upon to i 1 1 .-i I uuy jili''iiielit
reri el i ll.
Ik-linke'H Commercial College. j
I'lillll AMI, hlKIION,
(Xfi lK iinexi'elleil fnrilitieH fur Irani
Will the Celehlllteil I 't' 1 1 1 1 II Shot t lllllK I hv
mill. 'I'll I m uielhixl euiployK neither
hluiilitit.', p'icil ion nor iirhilinry t'outrnc
IiiiIih; h the Kiinplext, Inoft leihle, Mini
niplil hut I IiiiimI in one, Hint the only
niethoil thiit run he Hurre Hxfully leiitneil
I y li ut 1 1 . Semi for free trial leHHon an. I
eiiliili .'iie. ( oiunierriiil HuililiiiK, WhhIi
illKtoli, collier N'i'Ollil. I -T-1 f
The Heat in thr World.
We helleve ( 'lllllllhel Illin'H CollK'h lielil
eily iH Ihe ht'Mt in the worhl. A few
weekH lino we wuffereil w ith il Hevere eolil
hiiiI a tronhlcHoiuti clinch, nml, havinu
reiul their ailvertiMrnient in our own nml
other pa hth , we purrhiiNeil a liottle to
Hee il it woiihl nffert iih. It cureil iih he
fore the hiiltle wan half iihi'iI. It l the
lieHt meillcine out for 'oMh nml coiiIih.
The I lerahl, A niler.Honvilli', I nil. For
hale hv Iteull, (IniniHt.
Take Laxative Itrmno Quinine Tl
letH. All l rn k'(f Mt H refuml the money if
it f u i Im lo cure. IC. W. (irove'N nina
ture Ih on each Inix. ''.rf. ItH-lvr
Alfalfa Heed at Errniinl.t.
Th Opportunity of Your l.lf.
To Oct Your Krlendu mul Kelatireii
From tlm I'uxt, nrraiiKi'ini'iitii Iihvh
liei'li minle to nrll ticket every Tiienilny
ilniinK Mnrcli nml April In Torino, ("al.,
From ChiciiKo t'U.tK)
New Oilenim, MeinphU A Ht. Imid .'II. .V)
Oiiiiilui nml Kmiiin City LH.(X)
Heller than n iloclor'n prescription
n hot IihiIi in the pori i'lmn lull nl Frank
II. Smith's hath pnrlor. Il H
See Cheney, t tin linriiean man for
everything In IiIh line, nml omI repair- 1
i i U . Cheney 1tiHrHliteeii nil liin work.
I rin k notliiiiK Imt JeM .MiMire w liinky 1
ami you'll itlwiiy he happy. On mile nt
Whorion ft I'itr.palrirkV If j
Ihe "1:1 Comuiaiiilante" ciar in a
U'mkI, honot cmoke. There in none
tjiiile mi K'mmI. lor mile only liy I 'oat A
Kill-. 7-t( j
Semi your hirth ilale, xex nml nitit'onH, !
w ith .Vl rciiti, to .nrineli Hnl receive a
hororoH' of tour lile. tix I'.'I'J, Lake
view. tlr. 11-41 !
For n ifeiillcinan' Kinoke try a "Unit
erl Miinlell" or a ''-emla IVoiHiwt"
I lavana eiiar. For mile hv Whort'iti A
Kitpatrirk, only. 7-t(
Cheney ha a fine clock o( hnrnexx,
:lieitvv ami liKhti ni'l'lh'", npiim whipo,
ami in (m l everylhiiiK 1,1 the line. Call
on him (or haraum. li! 'I
Would you like tola' prepared (or the
eventful chant,'!')) o vour life ami receive
int mi I mul) in alrofoify? AddreM Ari)'B
arilieh, l.iikeview , Oiettnu. 11-41
iiriiii-h. the occult ( enlift, call (on
tell th)' uiomentoun eveulM of your life.
Fncloe Till rciit"; your hirth dale and
Hex. Ilox 'j:VJ, l.nki'View, i lr. Il-4t
There in n j?ri-al controverHy on now
rctfardintr the Hi'rvant jfirl prohlem. tine
way the iiiii'ftioii in i lit la- Holveil would
U- hy payint; hi-r a eouplo of dollar
more a week, hut thai would !a more
exa'ii-ive than hy the talk method. j
When you are fi-elintj "on ihe hum"
t."i to SiiiiiIi'h t nt 1 1 1 1 1 1 pallor and take a
hot Imt 1 1 in that line porcelain tuh.
Sinit Ii'h in a neat and rony ri-tieat. till
Try a hot hath in that line hit;
lain Itih at Frank Smith'H rdiop, next
door to the hank. All the latent iin-'
proVeinenlH, and a I urkmli atteiuliinl. i
TIh'Tv will ln ii HH-iul i!hih hihI Hup-
i .... I t 1,.1 i,....;.. 4 ...... .
Vallev.on Ihe eveiii.iu' of Aoril Ml,,
A irood, h.h',uI time in ,.,u.ra..lecd. and
evert Ih.,v Htoitl.allv invited. II If
,i ... in. i,, .ii .,i,i.i i.i i i ii. i an i mi m ii
"Vi.iii ii.'! I'l'ln'l Iimk'' Un mnkf Miniir
And cvcrylodv el-e "lla IIu'h,"
dunk and Hiuoke at I'oft .V kmt;V
Wlii'ii jmi K'i to K latnnth FalU don't '
fail to Hee C. I'. ilnmi the popular;
rateier at the I leui Hal ton. lie earrien j
t he lini'Ht ntiM'k in town and will treat'
vuii I ttilit . The I iciii in I he Hipular renort. j
Try the I li-riuilae w lucky there. L'.'i-tf :
T lm l,..y oIhiIc .lay. .nt tin...- tin y
llie Ii It l ,y linvt- Imt luiliri ul tlmm' llit-y
lii'." i
The lultipy people are tlione who
dunk nu. 1. 1 I i.j in ru ami Hiimke 1.1 Coin
it i H t.t 1 1 It' citMiH at l'oft Kin'n. I ll
The real cetatc in I.ake counly, he
Imnjini; to the I ninkl Co., i now on the
niarkel fur Hale. No reiiHonnhle nfter
will he refilled lor any paitof it. I or
full pal t Irulari call at or addrci'M thiH
ollice, or CharlcH I'lnl'in!., I.aketiew,
ii't;oii. 1 tf
.1. II. Colltrlilin, the prouiiuent Htock
IM ii 1 1 of Chewaucaii, arrived here on
Sunday' Mace, on hi way home from
the city , w here he had heen fur neveral
week. He Hay that the outlook for
Htot'kinen ia very cneoiiracmt:, ami al-'
though the price of mutton and heef
w ill never he any higher, lie thinks it
w ill never he ho low a it wan a few vcaru .
ago. He left here for l'uihley on Tut'H-
dav. New Fra. I
" I'lirri tn it rtiHriit ty hhki'h ullcii lulil,
Ciilni rlliiK nil II Iiiiii Ih Inm K"l'l ;
( tuili'tit en .oiiIIh' w hcri'Vr liy Itirliiiir ilttrt-il,
t un rcMr m KHrilrii In tin' ilrM-rt whkIi."
The I'ontented petiple ahout town are
llnife w ho enjov their drink mul Huioke
al Font A KiiiK'. I ll I
Viewed through an inverted glana,
Sometime make one nee double ;
TIiiih four 1 1 1 lit r I h of heer i apt J
To make a full peck of trouble,
lint if ptirchitKetl at l'ont - King'
(A. H. C.) it will make a harrel of plea
nre. nO-tf j
Slop, th. Cough and Work, oil lh Cold. J
Laxative Itronin-Quiniiiu TahlelH euro
a cold in one day. No t ore no pay. j
I'rice i.,r cents. UH-lyr I
The Northern
Stage Fine.
A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor.
Leaven I,nkevicw at 0 a. in.
every ay litit Hu inlay.
I'.eturniiij', leaven I'ainley
at 'i :'') a. in every day but
Ia.en(rr' I. re j. Hound trip tg
Ol l lCr. C. U. Snider', Stort, Lakevlew, Or.
Notice in herehy ttiveli that, for the
pur.oe ol luakinti an examination oi
all who may offer theuiHelvea an candi
date for tcH' hern of the hcIkhiU of thin
cotiulv. the Coiintv School SiiiM-rintend-
.nl tiierof will hold a imlilir t-xnini
nation ut the County Court-honce in
Lakeview, Ijtke county, tiretjon, eom-
mem intf U cilnchday , April loth, al il
' llltlli iii iii'iiiiminj) 'P it I'MH, n V '
'o'rU b h. in., iiixl cotitirmin until Kri- J
Hiiv. a pru ii ii, hi t i niH R i, m.
program w men w n. ne iiinoweti uur.nK
tit ... i !
J tl'' ";"'' I'tllown:
edneHtluy - I enmanHlup, h.Htory.
!orthoi;r:i.liv and readintf.
l linr. av Vt til ten nnl (iiiiiI ic Hurt'
of t 'ii' 1 1 1 ii t.' , trraiiiuiar ami hi In Mil law .
Friday (ieoj;raphy, mental nrilh
tnetic, phyviolotrv mul civil government.
Applicants will pleune ynvrrn theiu
wIvcH arcordintily. d ihiH L'sth tlav of March, l'.Mil.
.1. CJ. Wll.l.lTH,
County School Superintendent,
Ijtke County, t)rt't:on.
All Town taxe for Ihyiear V HI are
now ilelinUeut and iniiHt he paid Ix-fore
April 11, I'Hl.or forced collection of the
Milne w ill he made.
! -41 Mani.V Wiiouton, Marhiil
"S)fAn Making
jw uvud omm
r Absolutely tuRE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ovfti aftwrwo PowrwK
HRF-CTRl) IN 1900
kl HI II I ri
F. P. LANE & CO., Proprietors.
F. I. LIGHT, Manager
' " w m-r p.
T M lln4lr
Handley &
Main Nlrtt, I-alirvlrw
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Furniture made to order
Write us for estimates
on all kinds, contract
work and material
Alfalfa Sett I at ll.C.Uothe&Co.'ri. 12tl
Wag' nm from our lat phipinent daily
arriving. J. K. liernartl A Son. 12-2t
The New Royal Sewing Machine is
the het for Hale tit liernard A Son'.
12 Ml
I). K. Joiie ha a few Hrown Leghorn
riHinter (or nale. Call at reitlenee,
Iikfview, Oregon. 12-2
"F.l Beliiiotit'' t ignrs are the cream of
the Havana crop. They are pweet and
deliriou. For ale ly AhlH'roni IJros. 7t(
The Ilighet Kanch com-iyting of 2S0
acre, w ith etahlihed water right, lo
cated on Cottonwood Creek, is now of
fered for cale. C. I'mhiu'li alnnit it. 10-tf
CO., mtw vo.
9 9
;;: .r '
- - "ri;
' :
m t it
rnu nalr
Hon iMiiie out ol Ihe Ciriut euri ol the
Ht.te ol OreKon, fur the l oiim y nf lke.onthe
1Mb il.y of i-Vbruary, I'.wl, to me rlirectetl and
ili livi ri il In imt whert-in Meyei tielil, Mitch
ell aud ii-ot-nliaut-r recovt-reJ jiulgment
analuit Will T. B.iyd and I. II. Murphy as
dWriidaiitii, on the 21st day ol October, lam,
lor Ihe .um ol fifteen bumln-d and the
coAt of atut, 1 am command-d that out of the
lorOQal property of the ail d- f.-itdaiila, or if
nuBii H-ni cannot tie found, then out of the real
property Iteloliieing to Raid defendants, or either
of them, in ljtke county,, on or after
the said '.Mil day of IK UiU-r. lwi, to nallMy the
um of fifteen hundred dollarri, now due on
aaid judgment, with lnterem at the rate of
eiphl K-r cent per annum friin, the L'lat day of
October, lM. Hariiur failed to tin', any per
aoual protK-rty tfloiiKinK to Ihe .Mld defend
ant, or either of them, union Lake county,
OrcKou, I have levied upon the following de
kcrilied real projK'rty, to-wit:
All of lxt No. eiKht () in BIik Ic No. three (3),
in the toun of 1-akevieu . Ijik county. Oregon.
Niffli K in hihkby t.ivr.N, that on Saturday,
March .H'tli. hml, at t o'clock t. in. of said day
at the front and east side of the CmiHty Court
lloue of l.ake cotintv, ureiion, in Lakeview. 1
will "ll all the right, title and iiiicnM, hieU
ttaid defcitdantH. or either ol ihein, had in and
to the attove-iui'tttiont'd and deM-rilie.l preniiKca
en llie sHl. I Jlst dav of October, ls!.i. or that
they or either of them have Mnce aid dat
aciiiired, therein or ther, to, at puLilie sale, for
cajh to the highest and best ladder therefor,
to satisfy said judgment, interest and costs of
making this sale.
liated this l'.Uh day of FcbrMarv, l'.ml.
11. K. I'l NLAP.
7-td Sheriff of Lake County, Oregon.
t'nited States Land Office, I-akeview, Oregon,
March 4, lwd I, Ueorge V. W ilson, assigner of
Lewis A. Moss, of Warner Lake, OreKon, who
ntade destrt land application No. 377 on tueSlb
day of Mav. Isn7, for (iE'., of N . and NEi of
tWi4 l'J, Tp. 40 S, K. 24 E hereby give
notice of my intention to make final proof to
establish my claim to the laud above described
before the Register and Receiver at Lakeview,
Oregon, on W ednesday, the J4th day of April,
VM, aud that I expect to prove that said land
has been pru)H'rly irrigated aud reclaimed in
the maimer required by law , by two of the
following witnesses: A. N. Bonnette, T. B.
Wakefield, Oeorge F. Maupin, all of W arner
Lake, Oregon, aud W. Z. Moss of lakeview,
Oregon- E. M. Brattais,
Mar. 7-9. Register.
Land Office al Lakeview, Oregon,!
March 4, IlK'l.
I, William Z. Moss, of Lakeview', Oregon, who
made Homestead Application No. 1 r.'t, for the
northeast quarter of northeast quarter of see
lion M and southwest quarter of southeaxt
quarter and lots I, 8 aud 1U, sertion It), tow n
ship 4ti wiuta, range it east, do hereby give no
tice of my internum to make final proof to tt
tablisn my claim to the laud above described,
and that 1 expect lo prove my residence and
cultivation Im fore the Register" and Receiver at
lakeview, OrcKoii, on April 14, Itml, by two of
the following witnesses: A. N. Bennett, T. B.
W skenc Id. tieorge K. Maupin, A. K. Eraki s, all
of arner Lake, Oregon.
uir7-9 E. M. BRATTAIN, Register.