tr out "33:3: i-A.i3i:it ow oheaoii aeovb mnitim VOL. XXII. LAKKVIKW, LAKH COUNTY, ()KL(iO, THURSDAY, APRIL. ,1 NO. 13. HH0".:.i3e DECISION IN FULL Hermann's Exhaustive Review Celebrated Case in in Warner Cases. of the Liti- HITS gat ion 1 5 Years. STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER The Commissioner Holds That the State of Oregon and All Those Claiming Under it, Have no Right or Title to the Lands in Dispute. The Claims of the State of Oregon and the Warner Valley Stock Company are Held as Naught, are Rejected and Cancelled, and the Lists are Meld for Cancellation in General Office. I I I ' I ' t M I N I I r II K IsTlllloll, t I N l( t I I A V I I 1 I I H Y . Wamiiim.ion. I. C, Match 2. l'.HII. .1. I.. MoiioM el 11!. v. Muli' nf iri'i'Mii Hint W'min t V.tll.-v M...k C. ( K Tin. "idrl ill UHi ! Warnei I.aki- ' ( '..,N.,.,lt, , ( 'llllCl. i.-.t I.IIH iN-gister .mil l; i mr, I.akevicw, r. ,-titt-tiifi 1 I (t lhi roiitr..vriy, wlli.ll, llll'IlT V It I 1 1 1 1 H 1 f 1 1 1 H llllH bci-ll la-fore thin nlK-i- mill tin Secretary of th li!tv1r lor tbo past iUt n yciiM, Orpgnn and the Warner Valley Mock 'mil puny allege that the llllldx ll If nf 11 1 inil.ii li-r 1 1 1 li 11 1 1 l 11 1 ') hy tin1 Art "I r- t 1 n 1 .-r 2. I Wi til Mat!, Mil ), ami iniin- in 1 It. Stale nf Uncoil under tlir Art nl .Mhm-Ii III. ismi (12 Mat., 'li, while .1. I.. Milium mid miincr iiih ollu-r xrtllri ili nv said In m I h I'M- "swamp iiikI ovctllnivcd" on Miirrli I", I SiU. unil in-xcrt lluit tlii-V lilt- Mill tin tt 1 1 r intiiiti 1 1 in I -r 1 In- general .111(1 111 W n u I III I lillftl Miill. 1 III- 1 .1 1 1 I - involved ln-M'iii mi- xiliiiitc-l in township I'.'.i S., K. 24 I;., 39 S., K 2.ri I... iitxl 40 K, ll. '' l;., W. M ., Warner Y 11 Hi-) , I. nk 1- CHI 11 1 y , 1 in-k'oii, mnl in tin' llllllll lotto 11 1 -it r t nf wlint WBx 1 -1 11 1 tn- 1 11 h tin- I I nf W ii r i n-r Ijtki- In tin- sur veys "I .Iiiiiii'n II Lvana iiihI llyms nii'l liriiv.llu (! inn i-mhiaeiiig 1 1 in I i 1 iim I townships :;ii 11. 2 -;., ami :',. s.. I!. "5 F... t 'nut nu t .No. 222. exceiitt-.l May 21, l7'i. and lln- Inlli-r Irm l iuhhI town kIi'. No ID p., U. '.' F . Contrail No. H'jst, enr-ruted June I, l7i. The part of tin I11111I iiivulvi-il ii-ri-iii lluit wax re 1 1 1 r 1 11 a ii 1 111 r t of tin- lii ilnl Warner I.aki- Lv Fvuiix and liv l'-viirn uml ( irnv Hint H ll- HllrVi-Vl'll liV Jillill I I . Nf III Untie r ' I lie soralll'd Uki ( 1 hi 1 nu t -M".', executed .Muv II, lH-7. Said liuiilt 11 n- iimri- particularly de-scnU-d Hi iih s : .provisions of Hi.' Art of Mnrrl, 1 lwd. 'I III' llHtgcH 1'Blld Hgail.xt l-llBIII "Ill lnU l.l th' tn.Vi-llillil-lit. ! tlio-l-claiming grantees nl tin- Mutt-i-f On-gnn, Ix-mg pn-sn-d m vigor. .ii-lv mul , the demands ol tl"' alleged eii.-r la ' in(t n--iiti-l itli mm Ii n-riHti-iir-, ' c-i-rliil iitiuiil, Iimi l-" f llHl k.'l)' Til. Hd 'illti-rli ll to lliM-llt,-iln till! Illl- unl IT- rr'iil-irii ii- mul Iruinlx. hikI by U- ti t nl J lllll- 211. lHHIi. lit- Mll.llilll. il Ull . liHII-l-i ivi- n-mrt, wlurli in lli' IHH111 f' I11111I to -'-! 1 1 1 1 M x hhI to i-xiw: 111 Wirtm-r mI- IrV. i Iri'tfiill. III- HMtl-.i tllHt ill 170 til- l.l k.iM'lltllll' (ll llil- Mill!' III On-null I M ft" - I It Ult Ull llmriII K itn i ltl.i li to liiirrliilM- nilli- I. lit lllllll H to HITI-llp". tl'i' Imi'li- l Htlt- ' nl to Mini Mull- ly tin- Art l Miurli 12, IHiio 1 1 j Mni., :i), ' mul tlmt ii-iimiiril ili'liviililHl, Hli'l h ! 1 il Jii-r- 111 M-rii t nilii'.iirt Willi lulu, lili-il Hl' tlx-Mull-1'.. 111. 1 nl I.111.1I t i liiiiil'Mi.l.i iK ul tin- ' jfi-h to niii Iiiim- iit-mly iii- IihI( i'l tin' Mull- hp hwmiii liiiiil. Tln ir liln. if in-rlnili- iiiniiiiiiiiii rmini-i1. mi-i-Iiii'-1i I'lHiiix, IjiH I-i-iIh, liiki'M HI. "I "ll.-M-rtl-, fill vii-l iiii-l 1111-111 nl . j II.- iiihiIi- ilinrt iimi nn-rilii: I.bik MKiiinMi 11 iiiiiuU-r nl I'liit.-'l SihIi-j. i tli i iiiIh. im lu.l;iiK (i.riiii-r h-i-i ihI hhi-IiIm, Ii iiity miivi-mu" mul I'"'"' ' Itii'i-n., in .ln nliiiL- Unit nil lliin-nlliri-ii' win- iiiciii- lui nl ll.i- 'ahii.;. niiK." I m- nrluiK i- i-nj .inl.'y vinli tin' Hii.-iiiH ol tin- h'taie nl lll. Illl'l lliinlr li-illlllll'-lit ri-tlllllH, ii-, ri.., iii ill- i.mtt. r -.1 muiii)i Inn. I m vi , uml jiim,-.-. ti--u in li t- In 10, M-I.'i I lull, i lr. 'J in- i ii . -i tiiiii-i- ill tli'm n-H-rt, w liirli lilt- li-lll I'l tin- I.HM" lur i II rlll.M-ijlll-lit m-t I- ll, m i iiii- to jiii-l ity a 'unln-r iuotn li..ii Ir. in il, h loilowt-: 'I In m-'ii'Iii.iim i-iiiliiu i- liuiiilri-iln nl tlinil-Hlnl'i nf arn-f i-l ill ', bihI.Ii- liimi, Klliliili- III iill. n nr nil lilllMili-H uml liiiMintiiili iMiiki'". all illnliuw li In-ill 10 . I. ' ;ii 1 1.-i i- 21 mul J.i l:, I. nt tlir-ni-,-1,. mil tin- l.-lilli liii'H.ltli nf wl'iil i t -r I J .- t 'BII:l-r .kr HO llllll ll lIllT'l.f i- iinrl iritlili-, Iii r"ii.iiii-iitiiitf mi iliat r t-x rt, Arlinir hirrrtiny MnlOrow m : In liirl. Iiif fi Kiil rliBily ii,ir;iti llml tln-ri- i lio lakf to In- Imnul mh Im nii-il l.y lln- ii.v.-i nnn-iit iirvpyn. '1 lie M lllrri-riiiiiint. (or tin- whiiI of Mirv.-y, n l tln-ir rlaniiK of ri-cmil, uml it in rtHt nl tin- whii.i ( Iniliialilc tlm-Hli-ii llii-in Willi HiitK in i j.i Hi n iit h tri-MjiUKM-m. (Nil- Jjiki- U'uri.i-r 5 I. I. :i-,7). I iiii-iiiiiit lo tin- i.nlern bImivi- vivi-n, llii-i.llirc din cl.-d llml tin Mirvi-y la-i-xti-iuli'il ami on May .'I. 1KH7, rontrHi t No. , 2!' wax 4-nti-rwl into lii-lwi-i-n linn t'livi-rntiiriit. u 'tin tlirriiinli Mirvrynr l.i l.i-nil nf (lrrim ami I)r.iUv Mnvrynr ,. l.ii II. Ni-iiI, wlrr.l-y I In- In! in in (li-r-toi k to i-xli-inl tin- 1 1 in . of tin- 1' r-u t vr) oM-r mi iiiin li of I.aki- Win in-r bh inav la- piHi lii nlili-. ailt imilriiet w a a iiroviil l-y llie ('niiiini'iiiM-r nl tlnx oll.ri' mi May 2H, lhi7, ami tin- cur-i-y u nni'li- in tlii- lii-ld iluiinn 1 'ie hilt- Miininrr am) aiiliuini of 1KH7. illi llu- i xi. iln.ii nl a Mnall ini-iiiiil.-ri-il lake ( l'i-liraii) tt- an-a nf wliii li wax (iirii hb 414. -'il Hi li-. I In- lini-a nf cur-i-y wrti- i xl. iid-d in llii-ir i i.tin-iy tlii..nli wliat l.inl luili ri-liitiieil H 1 1 if Ih I nf I.aki- Wm: ner in T M S. it 24 K. 3 H. 25 K. ami 40 S. 1: 24 K. tli. tiKli tlii- tii-ll imti-K i-liowc.l iiiin li i i h waH-r in iIiir.-H 'I I ii ImiuI- iii t hi- in'.i iii-liiif iti iin f-iinii H-iuiiH-ii l.y Mi. 'fl, wlnrli wen- xlinwii l.y tin I'ltn.i-r mri-y x t.i U in llu-laki-, hiiioiiii1i-iI to ll.i'lX:.) in-ti-x in T f, ll 2 K. n.27'.i.2,.iiirn x in 1 40 S. I! 24 K. uml 2.NOI .20 arn-x in T "'. S. K 2" I.. 1 In- plalx i.f t lie t-urvey wi-tt-..fiivi l .linn 1, 1RSH. I'rnintar 1SHS, ,e .Mirvi-VOf ( irm-nil i-l I lit Mali- of t In-t'iili. Ifiiiix niiilnl lo tlnx nlliri, willi liix a.pnval tl.i f.-nf. M-li-rtioli li-t Nu. (.1 nf xuainii xi-ttli iiii-i,t. titln-r n-li-rtioiix Inivi Ii-i-ii iiiinli- Iv iliffi-n-iit imtlirf iii I In-Miini-: and o-i-i llow i-iI liiinlx, n adi' under tli ri-rklri-x iniiiii. i r. 'l lu- rl.irl ol-j.i t aj- I n..vii-ioi.x nl tlie Art nl Man li 12. 1SI4), H-nrx lo I him' la-en to xr -in t-rout ml nl j liy llu-Male of ( iri'K.-ii. .'-aid li.-t inrlu- Oi-il i-iu-li uml every trail, tiv xiimllexl li-lk'iil allli-livixiulix Hlirvi-Vi'il Ii V l'eilltv all li e naler (iniilate, ax ui il ux till hi- Mull. Ill X to Mlltl-I 111 l.anll I II (Ol L'"ll, llllll to ol. iiiiii all tlie n'lixx In . In iii llml xec tloll i f tin Slate, lor Im illtaixe nl Mi ex to i iitileiiii-il. Tlie -urvey ol wlnil ix ciilliil l-ake Warner, ijf j,r l). ri Cm k, in '1 . Mi ft., li. -t 'V A An in lh7.r I iy llm liite iieni-ti-r nl tin' Ijike- I view l.iiiul tlllire who re- r.-j m .i t I a I a I -e iiieiiinler ol tliul l-art oi mul i-iniiia nl illiin I . U X ., it II '.' II J I J I 'I -I U'r. it' ft '.- r, ft., n . jn a . :u . :ci .t.l . at.. :t , .0 M . f-i .Ii.. 1 . .1 . H 4 4 . 4 . 6.. 7.. 7 a., a. . a. v V. . 9 . Hi . 17.. in la.. t . IK IK I '.I . . l.. I'l W . i . HI . . :il .. ill.. 4 K. 3 (i a. ant) a. v 1 , unit mi ' . . n.- I", M ami I xl I-1. Nil', NK',..- ' r, Nu', ,1 W ',. x' W',. M '4-V i . S W 'a. N 1 . 1 , A K',, Ni N . xl.'4. NK'4.x' l.l ., . Nw'a Kami:. KM'ltV. I.M K. Tiiiiiiiiikh-'II I'l'lnlT Mm. li I.'. Ihvj, (I an) I ll K-k. II II I 1171 I,. . lili y I I lulT . M I' linrrv . . Idl I'i J .. r W III. v T I .i rura lurklu Idl l Hi Km'a Nra. Iiain l x xr,i,. . II r l i.-ij.... . . t r liw. I II I' l l. lji- lnii lV. iMI'.l Mat. Ii .1. I v'.l l in A .ril 1 1-.? Marrli U I sail (I'mii Jan Ian.', M a I.'-. Ml. J Id, X . Mar. li ,'i, IV-'J II. t 1167.. Jan I'i. Hh l.l I.Xm', Nri,. xw ' . I..H. I aii. I 1 I nl. I. '.'. .1. 4. ft. 6. 7 . In. II ami li . x',. N K' A x', N . v'i- sl" ami h'4 l.l. I. 'i ami 3 tula I, ii,7 AH.i4, Ni-i... Im-- x .V N1,. XK'4 . N'4 . . .V'.. .1- li. il X 4. I . in M.. k. ai K. I I-.. Iii V I7.H '4 ii.-i, I'Iim Wlllcy ' ,.xa oi . .nrt ' at ui . ... M W IIKHUJI I r.illlllliywli . Il l I'-1" A K l olilllliK". II II I I'H.1 K I'.ilmlrxt.-r llt lil Will IUII. ill. Mil All J. -DIM M.i trow lixrtiTi Jn. A J W Mutrow J I. ..iutr.iw Ja W lllianu ll lii-iv . . V M liarvi-y . J VV M.irrnw., I'lia. ( ulllljr. , I'M Nuv.-nit.rr 17, .1.11 it. Invl, hi liriiary 4, Iwi.'i Jan Itl. it'.tS Mar. li It. IU7 l n) 1 1. I7. J. n I.., Iht'l iJ.ll '.;l,i( H ,7. J illy B,ttA) Mat .ii, xx.'i, Jan Iti, M iJaii I.', laax I Mat 4 Ihx.'i. Mart-li I, H7 Mil ll.ii .1.1. ii l i, -i I I' U0 . Jan Ifl March I. Ixa1 Match l.V 8a, Mi ll ft, H N.-al. iii T .It) , U 24 K. :i'J S. K 25 K, i-xrr.l M-rtionx li and liii. In hia letter triiiixinittili-j tlie xanl lixt nf xrli-i Iii.i.h, tlie hiitveyor Cieneral rejairted tliHl he ii. id tt 'civL-il c letter fntu Mr. Jernnie Knox, utioi ni'V-at-luw, at I.akeview, Oreiii .li, traiixmit tint; a ilexrripi inn f lo I'utioiia made liv a"tul xettlerx in T 39 ami 40 S. K 24 10, with a view nf exempt- On iii.-iiiiil.-r linea over one tlioiixaiid inji xald lia-ationa from adverse xelectioiiB 'anexof .hI mulile Kiiid, much of it re-j hy the State, lie xlalnl further that 'iiiirint iriialion, uhiii wliirh it iiuinUr j the tiiHttt-r wax one not ouniiitt within ! nl xetlleti! huve riiiixliiirli-il ilu-ir I'ut.inx j the jurixilirtioii nf hia nllire, and that ami ute ii uf in the lake tin diy hunl. j the letter it ml li-t of lia-atiomi wt-tc The I ii-iii. l.-r i-orneix ami inealider lim-a . Ihi-rt-wilh eiirloxetl. ' xlmw iiiiinixtakahle e i.leiin-H of framl. , The xettlerx rhiiiniiit; under the differ 1 1 fouml il like roiiilitinii nf annua nt-i.r , ent law a nf the I'nited States a.lvei xu to Ihilliit r a 1 1 1 ' I , at the x.mthei n eml of ! the Mate of Oregon and ita grantee, 'the Mii'iid.-tl hike, wheie nearly t wo j ami the I'liara Ut of t heir rlniina were ! thiui'-miit arrex nf land, now (H-runied hv ' K'iven xiinrn ill dearrihinit the land in- I xettlrrx, have U-i-n fraudulent Iv intlu j volved herein. There has la-en coiitinu- ! i li--1 within the ineulidetx ol the alleged ! ed liligalion hrtwern xaid xettlera and ' lake hy Mil eyoix 1 hiii lev made in 1S7'. nl litteeii or twenty eetllrta on laud re , in a , the alleged Kiatitin-a of tne Stale of Ore- I found the liomeB , k''" la-foru the land I V-inirtnu-iit. in the ka-al t-tute eourta ami in the local federal . Iilil lu.n 1 1 x . 11.1 1I..U .ill xj.', I'l' i ' lelik ;iix:m hul. I, i anil a I... I I ami I..IU I ami ' X'a. xw '4,i Mi, s..i. Lull. .1 I it .., Nw I'M. I .VV A .,, M. I .la r ,V X .V N'v. x.-'4 l.i.lh 0 ,v 7. S',. x. i . li'aN,4x-'4xw '4xvt '4 I M-'-i K1,, xK'4 ami . . ' a. Hw 1 4 M- .... J I' Harry ... . ! I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H V 1 1 1 . i K K Ota ii I !.lu. A Miirriiw . ,11 J hli-lll S HlJllill U r will. y. .. iN M Krak.-a .. il. A Krak. ..... IH H;i7. ,11.1 ' 1 1 . 1 I 'i d M.I .'H.J i'l r nj:i Hlil Ii.-ii j ll.l linn. 1 1 1 x :u',-.'i Ii a :i.ui. ,l a mi?. Jan ft, 14, Mi b XX (i'n Jan 21. 1mii. Jan .'I, lift'. May 7. Ixttx Matrh I I. lKN'J ian H. I xy. an IMU lay ?H, ixa.'i x,-i 1, H7, )an 10, ltX9 Mar. li li ami li, lxftt iorti d hy aurveyoia , i cmirta, ever rince the landa embraced aa wit hiu and purl ol Lake Warner in j in the Neal eurvev in aaid townxhipe Tow iixhipa ;t'.l and 40 !., li. 24 K., Will , I were declared auhject to appropriation. ; Mer. I In fact prior to the approval ol xaid eur- i ! v.-v tlie lltii-alion t liri'Utii.i.l My examiniition tluix far juxtitit-a the (if w hich wax made hy tlie Iepartmeut coiicluxioii that the reports nf Meaxra. I in ita judgment nrderini; a re-j-urvt-y (5 . and in re-i L ), 3ii7) materialized in oiiita ol replev- :uid to aw amp and overllowe lamia are in drought hy H F McConnauliv aainxt iinreliahle, iiiarcurate and corrupt, and J. N. Willey and many others, to recov that Special Aut-iit 'a re- i er hav alleged to have been wrnt.nlv cut port and acta are putt and parcel of the hy Willey and the other defendants in i lid lu ll Sl. Hw':... A P Krakt a. 0 J I'llllllll'V l.aii.-iv liiuuril ll.l iM'-'l I. I) Ktakra I'H .1:1. 1 Klil.- I'lall. ltd IU-.' . J. l.W NVIuk.'liiiaii i'C KK4.. Si HS:lHi'.t.. Ot-t 7, h7, Jan 16, lh conxiuiai'V entered into hy land hia coufreiea to defraud the l'ni;ed I Statea out ol luro tracla nf land, and ' that the attempted hrila-rv of Surveyor- tieneiul the falxeauiveya nl the public, domain, the perjury com I milled in proving up xwiunpy and over flowed condition of iiiountaiiiB and ele vated HHiM'ln uxh pliiinx; the procure- ttivXK..4. H'.j.m '...f'.-iin1,, lei 10 A llny.l h.-lr. S't, . ''. ',. lul VAN Ii.-iiii. il . N'u.m',4.iii',4,ii,4, 11 J M Wlll. y. I .,u7nn.x T II Wak.-ll.-. X' Hl.l4 I Nr.',. S (-.',, hot 12 w ! i nu ',. w 1 ... in'' . I. HUM.. II. J.-.V S'j, W-' .. f ',, IIW '4, IiIm tt, fi ami 7 Uil t b.ia 7. II. Wan. 1 10 l.nli. ft, 0, 7 .V in-',, mI a Inn III, Ihwi il'tt- x.'ft.. J. . i n a :i.i77.. M lid II7.S iTr 1 1 wi mi-iiila-r 3). lxyft ix-liili.-r 7, IHH7 hii la, mil.'. l.n li la, laxtf mi Hi, ixvft ilarr h i. laKft, Jan lri.V Inn III, Ixxil Mar. li 11, IMJ T II Wakfllfl.l. y ii liiuiKi.iii. Il.t 11'Hl II I ii:i. K.-liriiat y la, 9 Jan 14, 1KV6 Ut 2 Itulit I. Ilarii.-a. ll.l iX 211, V7 S Hi ll 11 1 j I . ... V i Hilt. K r i lark . nw1, J H Morrow . . . Vacant .Mil I'l-.M i l l' llilii 9. tfft 12, .V The N 'udf SW'4 and SWJ4' nl SW'4', , of Kvuiih and Hyara and (iray. Said Sec. 10, T. S., K. 20 K., were iiit-ludeil : parliea ii-preaented that thero were large in approved lixt No. .'II, hut are omitted ' arena of di v hind w ithin the limits of from the hi i i ttilii t i ii . It ia alao found the meamlured lake, upon which land that the SK'4, N !.j SW'j and SW,'4' of I they had made lama tide xetlleuionta SW1, Sec. II, T. -Ill S., It. 24 K., iuclil-1 and relief waa eurncHjy reqiteHted. The .led in the atipulalion, were patented lo . character of the land forming a part ol the Stale aa Bwamp land, March 25, MM). ' and aurroundiiitf the boundaries of l.ako Hepteiuhi-r Hi, 1H!M, the Warner Val ley StiM-k t'ouipuny lilml a waiver or iliHi'.laiinrr of any intent or purjioxo to prove thu BW'Hinpv character of Lot 12, Kec. II), T. 40 H., li. 24 K embraoed in In the lioincatead entry of T. li. Wake field. During the year 1H,H, and prior there to, tli iH ollicu received tt number ol com plaints mm alleged xettlera within the Warner, aa well an other hind in Kaat- era Oregon, hud la-en the sulijectof con llictiiig re porta by agenta ol the Laud lciarimeiit, and it was charged by thouo claiming under the aettlemeiit lawa. that fraudulent returns bad been made by deputy Hiirveyora and other (iovernment oIlicialM, w hereby landa dry and in many invtancea desert in character, had la-en described as awanip and overllowed.etc, boundaries ol w hat was returned as j in order that aaid lauds might be cer-1 J.ake Warner by the reaia'ctive surveys1 tilled to the State ol Oregon under the the respective cases, Ironi the land ol Mcl'oiiiiaughy. McCminaiigliy claimed title under deed from the State of Oregon and al leged that the State derived title from the general (iiiverinneiit under the pro vision of the Act of March 12, lSCa) (12 Stat, 8). Willey defended by alleging that on Mav 2S. 1885. he then beinur a incut nl llie issuance ol laixe cert i lira tea qualilied xeltler under the preemption of sale by the Slate Ollicers in Oregon ; laws. M illed upon said land, extahlixhed the bribery i4 Special Agent ; : residence, made improvement and main- the procuiciuent of the ixxiiance ol cer- I turned possession thereof intending to liticates of the Interior lU-pai'tmcnt an-! acquire title under the provision of the thorizing the issue of patent on the i preemption laws, and ttiat the land at faith of the corrupt reports of mid date of settlement was vacant, unsur- by the State of Oregon without any consideration; the sale by j the said to hia secret part ner, , of all hia fraudulent titlea to aMeged swamp laud and the: sales by the saitl of the titles to said laud till : vexed public land of the United States. The matter of said suits having been called to the attention of this ofli.-e, Commissioner Sparks on February 11, 1887, addressed a communication to Secretary Lamar, recited the facts as the same had la-en presented to this nllire, constitute links in the chain ol a con- : called attention to the leiiarlment ord spiracy to defraud the I'nited States of er of January 17, 18S7, directing that a the said lands. I survey lie made of said lake, etc, and In this (imitation names of persons are . earnestly recommended that the Hon. omitted and blanks substituted. Uy letter nl liecetnber 111, 188ti, this ollicu trnnsmitteJ to the lH-pattmcut. the applications of the several alleged settlers and recommended; that the public surveys bo extended over the so called hike in townships 311 and 40 south, ranges 24 and 26 east, or over so mm Ii thereof as it ia practicable to survey, so that the several claimants to the land may have opportunity lo present claims in the usual manner. The recommendation of this oitice was accompanied by the foregoing report ol social agent Shackelford, and the lc parlnient considering said recommenda tion with the said report and applica tions, directed not only that the lines of survey be extended in Townships .Wand Attorney (teneral be requested to direct the II. S. District Attorney for Oregon. to intervene in the cases referred to, for the of protecting the interests of the United States in these lands and to spare no effort to prevent the acquisi tion of the same under fraudulent claims. lu pursuance with said recommenda tion, steps were taken looking to the protection of the interest of the govern ment in said suits and Lewis L. Mc Ar thur, the United States Attorney for Oregon, appeared therein as the repre sentative of the Government. January 28, 1888, Hon. A. II. Garland, Attorney Cieneral transmitted to the Secretary of the Interior, report from Mr. McArthur, showing that he duly appeared at said trials; that on January I'l. JHH8, said court. hr-niizh Piadv, Judge, trinl. rid decision in favor of the deft-mlalita. l lu- court held that th" purchaser from the Mate ti.k. subject to the de tctmiiiatioti l-y the S-cti-taty . the In-ti-iinr, if tie character nf the land w I. ether it w as swamp ami met (lowed, and that it did not Bp-a-ar that such (iiii-xtion hail ever been passed on by the I'i larlini-iit nl the Ii't.-rinr. O in tinn ing the Court said: Having reached the conclusion th.-tt the plaint. ff cannot maintain Ibis action, it j necessnrv to pa's on the que, lion, whether this land And I do not regret it. For in my judgement no nne is quali fied to decide the question in a case like this, where apparently thete's room, in the preset' t condition ol the land, lor difieteiire of opinion, without having a view of the premises and stirrnundingn. Much of the testimony ia given by in terested parties and ia very cnntlicting. The ilillu lilt v i still further enhanced by the fact that the inquiry ix, aa to the n. million nr character of the land on Mar b 12, 1KC0, rather than the present time. For mote than a quarter of a century, the land department has left the question to le wrestled with in a sporadic way under the swamp land grant and the preemption and home siead acta, at a great sacrifice of money, tii-e and veracity. It h-s not appear that the matter of 1 title to said land was furt her prosecuted - in the federal rourta from the derision id Judge iVady, cited but aa le fore Milled, since the approval and filing of the p!ais of the Naval survey there hits been almost constant litigation in t he lia-al courts of Oregon, as well aa mule-Is pending in this office. Injunc tions ami other w rits have been issued at the instance- nf those claiming as grantees of the Mate of Oregon, against those claiming under the tiniler culture, desert land, preemption and homestead laws, and the lifty or more claimants under tl.e settlement laws have nearly all hud individual contests before the Inn. I J '.-part ineni ; thousands..! pages of testimony weie taken in these cases, and many of said cases were pending or bad la-en closed adversely to the sett lers, when on March 21, 18l)2,"and on Novem- la-r 1(1, 1KH2, cle. r lists M and 31. of Oregon Swamp Land Selections, em bracing to a large extent all the land in volved herein, were submitted to the lieparlint'iit with the recommendations of this otlice, that the same la-approved ; and on A pnl 9, and Ieceniber 3, 1892, respectively, said lists were approved by Secretary Nobie, as inuring to the State under the said acts of September 28, 18-'aJ, ami March 12, 1800. Jeccmber28, 18!'2, the settler claimants, by resident counsel, applied to the IVpartment for the exercii-e of its discretionary pow er over the land embraced in said clear lists No. 30 and 31. January 8, 1893, Secietary Noble directed this ottice to submit a report as to the matters and things lepresented in the ; ft i lion of said settlers, and directed that uo pat ents should issue for said lands, w ith out further instruction. This olhce hav ing by letter K January 24, 1893, com plied w ith the said departmental order of January V, 1893, the assignees of the Mate of Oregon having, in the mean time riled application for the patent, and the settler claimants having also tiled supplement statements, accompan ied by numerous exhibits, Secretary Noble on March 2, 1893, considered the show ings made in behalf of the respec tive parties, together with the aforesaid report of this office, slated that had the charges and allegations made by the settler claimants been In-fore him prior to the approval of said lists No. 30 and 31, he would hardly have approved the same, without further examination, etc, and that in order the consideration of said case might not be prejudiced by his action approving said lists in the ab sence of full and accurate information, he revoked and cancelled his approval of said lists 30 and 31, and dir-cled this office to take such steps as were neces sary to make said cancellation and re vocation formally effective. He direct ed ftiitht r that this office make full re port in the matter and transmit to the llepartment all pavers, etc, that the same may bo fully considered and prop er directions given in the premises. Hy letter k March 13, 1893, this office subuiitted further reports as directed by the departmental order of March 2, 1893, and transmitted therewith paers, tiles, etc, and by letters K March 27, April ti, and April 19, 1893, this office transmitted plats of survey and addi tional documents, papers and files to the l'epartment. llecember 19, 1893, Secre tary Smith having before him, iu ad dition to the papers, tiles, reports, and petitions, etc, hereinbefore specified, the affidavits, statements and briefs tiled by the res;ective parties subsequent to March 2, 1893, considered the questions involved and rendered judgment to the effect that on March 12, 1800, the land involved herein was a part of the tied of Lake Warner, a permanent body of water, and that it was therefore not ol the class and character con templated by the said Act ol September 28, 1850, aa extended to the State of Oregon by the Act of March 12, 18ti0. He took official notice of the fact that a great many contests arising