Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 28, 1901, Image 3

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t 55
riDorPDiPQ I5
Interesting Notes
Gathered During
The Week and
Stated Briefly
For Examiner Readers
Pslsli'y in to Imvii tnn( tnarkttt, with
(!u(rn Italian as llio city msrkftman.
T. A. Oiiinp. ono of tlio niii'ri'tlc
HiImmik of U'nrncr, was n I.ukcvlow a
turn Uy last wc-k.
Ht-K tlmt yon irt tlm orliiinl DuWltt'a
Witch llditol Hulvtt when ymi ask for it.
Tim Kniiiiinii In a ccrtnio cnrit for piles,
sori-a ami skin ilincHHcN. l.nk-vk'w l'riiii
Kil. It. Hunting- linn Ih'iti 0H'iiiini( a
few wis-kit In Ijki'vifw. I Id lias Ihii
ii thu ili'wrt with stuck for stivers
You never have a head in tint morn
iim from ilrinkiiiK Jesse Mitorn "AA"
whiskey. Try it. ie. Jaiuinerthal,
Sole BKfllt.
Mm. Ilarol.l Clark, wife of Pr. Clark,
tlm tlctitist, in learntiitf lint art of jilio
tnrahy in the. i 'i.l io of Mrs. J. It.
lUniiiioml at I'aisley.
Try a hot hath in tlmt fine hitf jxirce
lain tub nt Frnlik Smith's shop, lie it
door to tlm Imitk. All tlm latest iin
)roviiiintii, mii a Turkish attendant.
JuiltfinK from thu "17111 of Ireland"
notea in Tim I'ost, I'alaley must have
celebrated I lie birthday of Ireland's
Tatruti httiiit in regular old country
I)rink nothing lint Jesse MiMjrn whisky
oil you'll always I hi happy. On sale at
Whortoii A r it.atru kV 33-tf
Miller Morgan, who came to Orison
in 1M7, died March 4. l'.,at Alhany,
Oregon. IIk wit 7(1 j rum of age. I H! I
Morgan of I'nii-Icy is a grandson of de
ceased. When you are finding "on thu bum"
ifo to Smith' litttliiiiit parlor ami take a
hot Imth in tliHl Hint Miri'clain till).
Smith's is a neat slid :oy retreat. U .'(
I r . William was called early lust
Thursday to go1 to Quinine:- l-ako to at
tend lli liltlu son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Foster, fjoit reMiiti were itiil favor
alile to the mite. I'oht.
lletler than n ibs-tor'a prescription
a hot 1'iitli in the porcelain tub at Frank
I). Smith' Imth purlor. U3
The I'oHt says that if I'aisley con
tinues to grow at the rate it hits grown
In the 'ant month the town will aooii in
cororate, elect a council and bnprovo
the streets. Oood for Paisley.
When taken at thu proper time a
little JeMM Moore "AA" whiskey will
prevent a cold. (ioo. JuuiincrthHl, sole
if lit .
The 1'uislcy public hcIkmiI pupiln will
(five an eiitertaiiiineiit and Imi-ket no; iiil,
folloMed hy a Krand hull on the eveniuK
of April ftth, the priK'cedn of which will
bu applied t tho hcImkiI lihrary fund.
" ll m to b an artual lct lht an Indian
lnvtr laiiKlm."
"NuiiiH-iiMit IMiln't UniKfi'llnur maka Mlnne
Italia?" And eVerylwHly elm "Ha Ha'a," who
drink and amoku at rout A King's. ltf
William It. Hurnea of Bummer Lake
ha leaed the M. Con ley ranch at Silver
lke, and will tH'k the aame with fine
you iik Httle. Mr. Itarnet ia aatisfled
with the future outlook for Luke county.
John Hoiuillul and family moved from
I'aisley to the aawmill lat Friday to
prepare for the summer run. He saya
if the fine weather continue it will he
hut a short time till they w ill start the
saw. Post.
Don't drink the Arst thing the bar
tender offers. Call for Jese Moore
"AA" whixkey and insist on gutting it.
(ieo, Jumuirtiiul, sole agent.
All the Lakeview people who went to
Pailey last Saturday with the "Uncle
JohIi" company speak in high praise of
the Kenerous hospitality extended them
by the citizens of that town. Paisley
eople are "all right, all right."
William and Allie Metxker, father and
sister of ye d., arrived in Paisley Tues
day evening from Jjikeview. They will
remain several day. William wa here
twenty year ago thl spring and this I
hi first trip since. He saya there were
riot ho many "PoU" here then. Post.
"Thcr In a rharm It? oflin Uilil,
(iilivtrllliK ll II linn lm In In fil(l;
foment i:an ootln- wlirri-Vr t lorlun placet,
fan rt-sr a r1iii In I hi" iIi-m-m (."
The contented MNipln aUmt town are
those who enjoy their drink and smokes
at Post A King's. 1-tf
Awful atrocities, including the nias
Hire of whole villages by fire and
sword, are charged against !! T'irkisli
trMip w hich have Iw-en " restoring or
der" in Macedonia. Fugitives who have
arrived at Salonica say that the Turkish
soldiery have thus massacred the In
habitant of llnjalci and several other
village in Macedonia.
Their promptness and their tileasant
effect make IleWitl' Little Karly Kiser
moht Hipular little pills wherever they
are known. Thev are simply perfect for
liver and bowel troubles. I-akeview
Irug Co.
Iave 1 4i in I it t came In from Warner
last week to siwnd a few days. Mr.
Lamlx rt ha been away from Ijike
county for long time, and only return
ed within the yenr. Next to 1) R. Jones
he is the oldest resident of Ijike county
now living. Mr. Jones came here first
and settled and Mr. I-amlxTt was the
next. He came first in IWKl.
Charlie Graves of the Red Shoe More
i doing a fine businc in his line. He
carries the bent grade of gentlemen's
Mines, and I making new allitions to
his stock for the spring trade, (i raves
conduct an exclusive shoe husines,
i and ha the best gixxl. See hi stock
land prices before puchasing elsewhere.
Win. Harvey the Summer I-ake stock
man and telephone promoter enmo to
i Paisley yesterday, says the Post.
I "(iriinilitiH" Parker, C. H. Parker's
! mother, CHme with him. Mr. Harvey
thinks he will raise a good crop of peach
es and apricots this season. He also
has a fine, big walnut tree that lieara
every year. It is said that the peaches
on tliu Harvey farm cannot le excelled
! in the state.
"Th tmppy tisve whole ilsjrs and thnsvtbey
rhiMiM ;
Tin iinhi..)f have ut hour and thiiM tbejr
The hntipy rK-opIo are those who
drink good liiior and smoke Kl Com
andante cigars at Post & King's. 1-tf
IVxtcr Amick, the young merchant
of New Pine Creek, was a business visi
tor in Lakeview lust Thursday. Mr.
Amick says his linn will put in a good
all round stock of general merchandise,
and dry goods, just as soon a teams can
haul tho goods from the railroad. The
firm is enterprising, ami will doubtless
meet with uulimilel success.
Viewed through an inverted glass,
Sometimes makes one see double;
Thus four quarts of beer is apt
To make a full eck of trouble.
Rut if purchased at Post & King's
(A. li. U.) it will make a barrel of pleas
ure. 60-tt
Word has been received in Lakeview
by a friend, from Mrs. H. C. Rothe, to
the effect that she arrived at her old
home in Hydesville, Cal., after a hard
and tedious trip. Mrs. Rothe went to
San Francico and went by water to
Eureka. The trip on the ocean was
rough, and her little daughter was quite
sick on the way. She found her sister
Miss Hansen very ill.
SC. U. SNIDER "ilosf
The Other Nineteen.
nation of Lake county, held in I,ake-
At the r'iiiSith Grade "chool oxami-
T st naaairjr
view, Mis Dobkins of Paisley
was the only successful applicant out of
'about twenty. Chewaucan Post.
"While The Examiner would not pluck
a Inure 1 wreath fiom the brow of the;
bright young pupil at Paisley, it is but I
just to the other nineteen pupils, who
went tw-tore me examining ooaru, to say
that scarcely any of them attempted to
take the complete examination aa did
Misa Dobkins. They only took up a few
studies, intending to complete the
course on the remaining at the next
examination, and did not expect diplo
mas on the incomplete course. Mis
IMikina bad once before taken the ex-
animation in the Eighth Grade, and. as
! a lesult, was better prepared than any
'of the other pupils. However, Miss
1 Dobkins is to lie complimented for her
splendid work and high standard, and
! no one congratulates her more heartily
than The Examiner.
Stops th Cough and Works oil th Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No cure no pay.
Price 25 cents. 38-lyr
The Henn Mutual.
"Reports of the Oregon Life Insur
ance business for 1900 show the greatest
gain in amount of insurance in force in
this state during the year was made by
the Penn Mutual of " Philadelphia."
Sunday Oregonian, March 17, psjl.
Investigate the Penn Mutual before
you insure. Sherman & Harmon, lien
eral Agents, Portland, Oregon.
Handley & Clendenen
Was tlmdrwea
Malsi SUrct, I. view
zwa? 3 xnff a- Sc buzzdi
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Furniture made to order
Write us for estimates
on all kinds contract
work and material
When you are bilious, nse those fa
mous little pills known as DeWitt'e Lit-
.1 .- I . W.f . 1 Mi l' J
lie r.any nisers 10 cieanse vne liver ana
! bowels. Lakeview Drug Co.
Take I-axativo Rromo Quinine Tali
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25c. 3H-lyr
The stomach controls the situation.
Those who are hearty and strong are
those who can eat and digest plenty of
food. Kodol Dvspepsia Cure digests
w hat you eat and allows you to eat all
the good food you want. If you suffer
from indigestion, heartburn, belching or
any other stomach trouble, this prepar
ation can't help but do you good. The
most sensitive stomach can take it.
Lakeview Drug Co.
v Absolutely tuRE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
oru aurm MMtm CO., Kfw vosk.
ill1!!, !ake
Tiinnl iiuai t-r- -r-jr
F. P. LANE 5c CO., Proprietors.
F. P. LIGHT, Manager
F.xx rriox halk
llon iaaued out cf the Clrcat I ourt ol the
state ol Orenon, lor tbe County of Lake, on the
lBiti day of February, 1901. to toe directed and
delivered in a suit wherein MeyetSeld, Mitch
ell and Biebenhaner recovered Judgment
aifalDtt Will T. Boyd and P. H. Murphy a
deiendanu, on the 21at day of October, IMS,
for the sum of fifteen hundred dollars and tho
coat of suit, I am commanded that out of th
porsonal property ol the said defendants, or if
undent cannot be found, then out of the real
properly belonging to said defendants, or either
of them, in Lake county. Oregon, on or after
the aaid 21M day of October, l&u, to aatlsfy the
sum of fifteen hundrtd dollars, now due oa
aaid judgment, with Interest at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the 21st day of
October, 1HU3. Having failed to find any per
tonal property belonging to the aaid defend
ant, or either of them, within Lake county,
Oregon, I have levied upon the following de
scribed real property, to-wit:
All of Lot No. eight (S) in Block No. three (S),
In tbe town of Lakeview, Lake county. Oregon.
Nones is hereby Givz.f, that on Saturday,
March suth, luul, at t o'clock p. m. of said day
at the front and east side of the County Court
House of Laka countv, Oregon, in Lakeview, t
will aell all the right, title and interest, which
aaid defendant,, or either of them, had In and
to the above-mentioned and described premises
on the aaid 2Ut day of October, 1893, or that
they or either ol them have since said datt
acquired, therein or thereto, at public sale, for
cash to the highest and heat bidder therefor,
to satisfy aid Judgment, imprest and costs of
making this sale.
Dated this lath day of February, 1901.
7-td Sheriff of Lake County, Oregon.
Untied States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon.
March 4, 19U1. I, George V. Wliaon, aaigner of
Lewis A. Moas, of Warner Lake, Oregon, who
made desert land application No. S77 on the St h
day of May, 1M7, for BE'i of KV and NEW of
8W'., bectiou 19, Tp. 40 8, K. 24 ., hereby give
notice of my intention to make final proof t
establish my claim to the land above described
before the Register and Receiver at Lakeview,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 24th day of April.
imm, ana last i expect to prove mat aaia tana
following witnesses: A. N. Bennette, T. B.
Wakefield. George F. Maupio, all of Warner
Lake, Oregon, and W. Z. Mots of Lakeview,
Oregon- E. U. Bbattain,
Mar. 7-9. Register.
has been properly irrigated and reclaimed ia
i ne manner required Dy law, oy two oi
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,)
March 4, ltful. )
I, William Z. Moss, of Lakeview, Oregon, who
made Homestead Application No. 1324, for the
northeast quarter oi northeast quarter of sec
tion SO and southwest quarter ol southeast
quarter and lou 1, 9 and 10, section 19, town
ship 40 south, range M east, do hereby give no
tice ol my intention to make final proof toes,
tablish niy claim to the land above described,
aud that 1 expect to prove my residence and
cultivation before the Register and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on April 24, 1901, by two of
the following witnesses: A. N. Bennett, T. B.
i aaeneiu. ueorge r. naupiu, a v. r rases, ail
' of Warner Lake, Oregon.
j mr7- . M. BRATTAIN, Register.
this si-ack is BKsuuvED T .T?lVrr. AT CV T-T A Trrryrr