Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 28, 1901, Image 1

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The Railroad
Is Coming
Lakcvlew.s People Will
Soon Know Where the
N-C-O. Depot Will Be
Located In Town.
Kullroud rumor again flying tliik
uml fast, and, judging from H retains,
there I little doubt time I lie tx Uitittioii
ill the N.C. . line will I mude this
summer, Mini lluil tint work of building
the roudticd will begin within lew
Mrs.C. A. Kimx lust week gave The
Examiner A fl'W Unto she hud gathered
by the wayside togurding thu move
ment c( tin N. C. nlllcial, hut the
matter wa left over until mint her lime.
However, it may I f inleiest to The
Examiner reader In know Hint, after a
con verxiil ion with Chief Engineer Hall
-if the narrow gauge lue, who whh mak
ing III first trip of iiisieciioii Iroin Keno
to the terminus, Mr.. Knox Ik ( the
opinion thai the com puny really intentlH
connecting it railroad with l-akevicw
it soon hm xssihle, uml that preliminary
work for extension will begin at tmc.
Chief Engimor Hall informe! her that
Mich wit hi- company' intention, ami,
while on net-nun of tnlviuu-e order al
the mills the company would he unuhlu
lo procuie tail until July next, the',,,,,,,,! ,,r ,ovkl, lB C. C. Cannon re
work of grading antl laying tic would
go mi a .iMiii us ihe purveyors, now
iciidy logo into the field, coiiM coinpli-te
their titiul survey. A ihe louulry to
Ik- traversed i easily accessible ami a
rent pint of it level ground, it i ex-x-ctcd
that the pre limii.ary work wilt he
completed tiuickly. The company, we
tiudcr.tand, ha on hand a sufficient
amount of rail and other material to
build f"tr Jlftej ll.ndle. ami within a
lew month. Tvrino will no longer lx the
Merino. "
Engineer Hall na id that in all prob
ability the N. C. . HlK-inl would eat
their next Thanksgiving Day dinner
with the jx-oplo of I-ukcview, ami thut
defore that time our people, would know
the exact liM-ution of the t-ouipauy'a
lt-Mit and v'roundM in Iikeview.
Ki-t(iirdiiiK the latent rumor of rail
road hilildintC, the l.lnt ixnue of the Al
turn New 1-ru contain the following:
IjihI TucHihiy T. K. Hunaway, the
vice-preideut of the N. C. O., and Chief
Kuirincer Hull, nuide an exiurNion to
Terino, to niaku preparation for extend
iiiK the roud northward in the near fu
ture. J. 1. I'liimlexter ami Dr. K. 11.
I'ayne, w ho were ut Terino at that time,
inform us thut the railroad olliciala
talked quite freely in regard to their
plan, nod announced that work would
la-Kin within a tdiort time. The route
will tlrxl tajHurveyed throuuli, antl then
KiadniK will Ihj roiiuuenced. They have
enoiiKh rail on hand for nineteen inileo,
antl they will com pit-to thu truck a fur
un the rail will no. Then they will
Kratle the rondU-d on to ljtkeview, and
the lit w ill ho p'ueed in Kitioii, ao
that when thu rail are procured the
roud cuu Ihi completed wilhtiut tlelay.
The citiii-o of it deliiy in jinifurinn mils
i on account of no niuiiy ortlera heing
placed with the factory ahead of the N.
(!.(). order. It in dillicult to uy jiiHt
when the N. C. t. will he ahle to tdilain
the railH, hut the oflicialri feel conlldont
that they will he received in time for
the road to he completed ' to Lukeview
heforu anow fliea next full.
Deserves His Diploma.
John M. Biitchcldcr, Hon of County
Clerk II. T. Jlutchiilder of llutte .-ounty,
tin March 12th, passed a successful ex
amination before the Supreme Court in
Nan Francisco and wai admitted to prac
tice before that augiiHt tribunal. We
congratulate the young man on his de
served success and wish lor him suece,
fame and money in Ida legal practice.
He hit worked hard to earn his sheep
akin. Oroville (Cal.) Heglater.
Temporary railroad shops are being
erected at He no. Later, we learn, they
will be moved to Ainedee. As Aruedee
ia alxjut half-way between Keno and
Alturas this, to us, looks somewhat sig
nificant. Alturas Plaindualer.
Activity In
Real Estate
A Bright Prospect For
Lake County's Fulure
Real Estate Deals in
All the Towns.
All over Eastern ami Southeastern
Oregon reMrt show a big influx of new
Mtoile from the Eastern Mute, who In
teml to kettle. Many new oplo are
eomiiiK into Ijke county, anil hundred
will fnllow a soon a tailroail extension
begin. Those who are now here are
picking up all the "snaps" to he found
ill real estate. Only last week Moot
wall Vernon purchased the Brown
Brother' place, in Uihhic Ijtke val
ley, ten milea south of I-akevie, pay
ing for the property il,(KI0, In various
other lotialilte negotiation are in prog
ress for transfer of valuable proiertic.
The Examiner predict that during
l'.K)l-2 there will he veritable Ixx.m in
real estate all over Lake county, Pet
pie are tM-t inning to cast their optica on
the thriving little town of 1'ninlcy, also,
mt from thu way lota are soiling and
the di-niBiid for Iioiihcm, that town will
grow immensely in wealth and popu
lation tluring the coming two year.
At New Pine Creek there i a build
ing Immhii on, uml there i a grout dc-
retitly fluked off fcevcnleen attie (.1
ground into town lot, ami, we under
eland, nearly all of them have la-eti Mild
01 ppokeu ftir. It i undirxtoei that
aUiut twenty new huildin will he eon
lructel there thi year. New Tine
Creek bid fair to double in cize ami
jxipuiation liefnre the clone of
When railroad cxteuhiou U-ina that
town will become a buMlliug place.
Tba Ja' t ihaL.ihere are lid uutx-cupied
Imunea in 1-ttkevlew tend to retard the
grow th of the ctiunty eat. iKtxena of
letter, are received al Ihi ollice month
ly Hnkinx alitiut the town and county,
uml whether or not hounea can le rented
hy people who tlexire to come here ami
Ionic ahtiut for huxinexs ojMirlunitieH.
We dare aay that fifty new cottages could
he rented in I-uki view iucide of aixty
day if atiiiie euterprixiiK capita.lMl
would huild them.
Jut puxte ihi prediction iu your hats:
Lake county will have 5 JO new people
before January 1, VMI. There i plenty
of room (or five timea the preent xpu
lation of thi inland empire, and the op
Hirtuuitie for hotue-aeekera here cannot
tie HurpuHxod on the l'ucific Coaitt. Just
a oon as the experiment of boring for
How inn w ater ia proved a bucics-h and
there ia no doubt it will tie the name
of "desert" in Luke county will be
changed to "garden" every acre of the
great region know n a the desert will be
an oasis, surrounded hy the inujeslic
riiiirotk mountain.
Mrs. Koss' Sister Dead.
Mm. Frank lioss returned from F.eho,
I'matillu county, lust Friday. Mr,
lioss reuched the liedside of her sister,
Mr. Claude Sloan In-fore thut lady died.
The sud death occured in Echo, this
stale, on February Xili hist. The home
of the deceused was ut Butter Creek,
Umutilla county, but she died at the
home of her mother in Kcho. 8he left
two brothers, ami live sisters, and a
large circle of friends to mourn her un
timely deuth. She also left a little
laiy two months old w ho will probably
grow to manhood ami never know the
depth and purity of a good mother's
love. After paying the lust sad duty to
a loving aister, Mrs. Koss remained ut
Kcho for several week to visit her
mother and her old home.
We Take It All Back.
The Examiner takes it all back. We
make public apology to Editor MeUker
of the Post and Will J. Sherlock, the
Summer Lake woolgrower, for a moment
doubting their statement regarding the
phenomenon in the shape of a perfect
horn which grew on the ear of a Sher
lock ewe. The evidence ia before us.
The horn is on our table and can be seen
by all doubting Thomases, if they will call
at this office. The Post is a reliable
journal and Will J. Sherlock is a truth
ful man sometimes.
Now For
A Creamery
Mr. Mitchell, the Cream-
fr VJvnart e A 1 n 11
Coming to Talk Withj
Lakeview People.
Win. T. Mitchell, the ereatnery pio-;
moter and expert (nun Adin, in now in
Altura pre)ared to put up the machin
ery at that place a noon aa it arrive.
The building i now in course of con
truction and will te a corn mod ion one,
34 x 34, two atory. The machinery ia
on the way now, and it 1 exxcU-d that
the Altura creamery will begin opera
lion in X) tlaya. The Kxamiiier learn
that aa aoou a Mr. 'Mitchell complete
hi labor al Altura lie will visit Iake- -view
to have a talk with our people re
garding the establishment of a creamery
iu Lakeview. Now thut the railroad I
an assured fact there i no good reason
w hy a largo creamery here should not
tie a Id ; financial .ucceM. And even if.
we were not to have a railroad Ijike
county alone could well aiiiHirt a itood
creamery. The Examiner ha U-t-n agi
tating thi proaitioii for two year pus ,
and we hope that when Mr. Mitcheil
come here to talk w ith our eople he
will receive the encouragement the iu- .
duslry merit. Mr. Mitt hell is a practi-1
cut man ami thoroughly understand
Ida buMiie-s. Ix-t u allow hi in that the ,
well-known reputation of 1-akeview ' j
ra-ople for excellent businesil foresight
nod unsurpassed enterprise ha not '
been overdrawn. We respectfully call
Ui the attention of a few I,akeview jh-o- ,
pie an article in thi issue headed,
"Uon't lie a Knocker." Head it care-
fully, and nee the truth of it. !
Newt Lewi and wife were hero from '
Wildhorse, Harney county, for Hie past j
week. Mr. Lewi is a half-brother of Eve
Iewi of Lakeview. He came here on,
land tiusines. L. C. Chamlierlain of
Andrew accompanied Mr. and Mrs. j
Lew is. Chamberlain is an old time
printer. i
Noted French Opera Singer
Now in New York City
h.H J ' k wi
V 1 .. . 't . . .
'VP:,;' - f4?:,c:,,l
f;' 4 'i - I ' ' & - :SV i-- -Vi
flioiu ! (, atnugvr, 1'arli.
Mile. Hreval. m ho ia now singing In grand opera In New York, Is the idol
of the French oprrutlc stage and one of the most classically beautiful worn-
eu Iu Franco. v
Don't Be
A Knocker
You Can't Climb
I nAAnm nf fZnttr F.1
Stepping on Other Peo-
i pie's Corn Patch.
If there', any chance to boom busi
ness, Ixxmi it b'gosh t Don't be a
krxH'ker. Don't pull a long face and
get sour in your stomach. Hope a bit.
(it-t a smile on you. Hold up your
head, (jet a hold with loth hand.
Then tmll. Bury your hatchet. Drop
your tomahawk. Hide your little ham
mer. When a ttranger drops in, jolly
him. Tell him thi is the gratet town
on earth. It is. Don't get mult-ish.
Don't roast. Just jolly. All men like
to lie jollied always, tvj jolly. Get
popular. It's dead easy. Help yourself
along. Push your fiiends with you.
f-txin you'll have a whole proceicn.
LV a good fellow.
No man helped himself by knocking
other jx-nple lo n No man ever got
rich trying to make people tielieve that
lie was the only gixal man on earth.
You can't climb the ladder of fame by
stepping on other tiple' corn.
They're their corn. Not your. And
they're tender. Keep off the corn.
All men aie not alike. Once in
awhile you may find one who is very
much alike, lint some are different.
You're not ihe only one. If you don't
like their style let 'em alone. Don't
knock. Walk right in. And make
yourself look pleasant. You'll get used
to it. There's no end of fun in minding
your own biisiuese. And it makes
other people like you better. Better
have others stuck on you than get stuck
on yourself. NolsxJy gets stuck on a
knocker. Don't be one. Or two.
Mioses Emma and Lor a Iiroili, two
bright young ladies of New Pine Creek,
are attending the San Francisco Busi
ness College. The young ladies are tak
ing courses in stenography and type
writing. j'
NO. 12.
Lots of Fun
At Paisley
'Grand W. O. W. Ball.
Baseball, and " Uncle
Josh" Creates Life In
the Pretty Town.
The "Uncle Josh" company started
for Paisley at 1 a. m. last aturtlay, the
company having previously been adver
tised to fday at that place. Three car
riages took the company to the destina
tion, and a happy, jolly crowd it was
that sat down to breakfast at Bryan's
station. While waiting for break last
"Hank" Heryford, the pilot, induced
the girls to play "drop the haudker
cltief" on the green lawn at the Bryan
residence, and "Hank" was having such
a good time that he failed to hear "break
fast" announced, and had to wait for the
second table. The hungry crowd did
full justice to the elegant breakfast serv
ed by Mrs. Bryan, and many were the
praise given the host and hostess for
their entertainment.
The croud reached Paisley at 11 a. m.
antl found accommodations at the Pais
ley Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Harrow
extending to all the visitors most court
eous treatment. The evening previous
the Woodmen of Paisley gave a grand
ball and as a result there were many
people from Silver Lake, (Summer Lake
and other points still there when
oTrnclM .Lkiili" arrit.-l In ttia afror.
noon the Silver Lake ami Paisley base
ball teams played a game on the diam
ond north of tow n, and a large crowd
witnessed the sport. Silver Lake was
short several men ow ing to sicknets,
and the vacant places were filled by
Lakeview men. Prof, John McCor
mack, principal, and Mr. Kewbillsof the
,Lakeview school, Lee Beall, "heavy
villain" and Manly Whorton, the
"coon Erastus" of the "Uncle Josh"
company, assisted Silver Lake. The
score stood 7 to 10 in favor of Paisley.
In the evening Farrow Hall was filled
with people to witness the production of
the comedy-drama, "Uncle Josh." The
play was well given and was highly ap
preciated by the people up north, if one
is to judge by the favorable comments
heard after the performance. Each,
character was well represented and the
audience showed its appreciation of the
good parts of the play. The cake walk,
advertised to take place after the uain .
performance, had to be omitted, as sev
eral who were depended on to dance
could not goon. The " invisible chorus"
was given, and it was well that the sing
ers were "Invisible," as they merited a
big basket of eggs and not good eggs,
either. The "Swaunee River" was the
real thing as a burlesque, what the sing
ers intended it should be.
The members of the company are still
showering praises on the good people of
Paisley for the generous treatment and
many courtesies received at their hands.
Paisley has a reputation for genuine
hospitality, and that reputation is well
merited. The trip throughout was a
thoroughly enjoyable one.
The . company left Paisley Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock on the return trip,
and stopped at Green's station for din
ner at 2 n. m. Here were the people
again treated to a grand meal, such aa
Mrs. Lou Green knows just how to get
up, and to which the hungry crowd did
full justice. Arriving in Lakeview, at
7:30 Sunday evening, all hands repaired
to Chef Eli's restaurant and again en
joyed a fine supper, cooked to orde".and
paid for by the committee. It was one
continual round of pleasure, of which the
eating was not the least important part.
Everybody was well pleased with the
trip to Paisley, and will remember the
happy time for years to come.
Look out for "Uncle Josh" at New
Pine Creek next Saturday night. After
filling that date the company will fill a
ninety-day engagement at Termo and
six months in New York.
Judge II. L. Benson arrived home
Saturday from his trip to Portland,
Salem and Baker City, during which be
saw many most encouraging evidences
of Oregon's rapid increase this spring in
population and wealth, says the Klam
ath Republican.