i 4 Nkws, JuOCAXi Interesting Notes (lathered During The Week end Stated Briefly r-i t or examiner Kcaucrs lEIYKRAI Waller IVnt w in from Old H. Warner butt Friday. Jentt Moore "A A" wlilnkcy in railed for I'Vcrywbero, It Ik the drink of tli )M'oili. ico. .latiitiicrttiul, moIii nxi'iit. "tlacklcn" baa broken out atnoliK lint rattle in Wcalem Mianta. Tor more tli it ii fifty yearn llm faiiiouH Jcano Moore w binary Iiiim la-en tin' stand ard liriiml of lint world, (ion. Jammer tlml, hoIi iiki'IiI, I'ctnr Morrl hii-I Jobn Mcllonoiiuli re iliutfinK a well for the Hotel jki view . If you bave never tested Jesse Moore "A A" wbikcy, try it and bit convinced tluit it in I lu In-hI whiskey in tliu world. (il'O. Jlllllllll'rtlllll, Holl! HKI'llt. Kngdaiid in now Mi-vkiiiK American blood lor tlii'ir ruriiiK stable" and breed ing1 fnrma. Million o moiIii mi- familiar with li'Vitl'it I. Ktli' Kurly Itinera mnl lboc W llO llC tllC'll ,, I llll'lll to III' llUIIOIIN lit I la liver I'IIIh. Never IImi. I.aktf View I l lltf Co. .liini'M I lay, of I'rii'i', 'riHik county, Iiiii reached filvcr I.nk", it 1 1 I will re main lln 10 scxentl week. I'itkohh who riiimot take ordinary pilht linil it ii ili urine to take Ih'W Ill's I .it lie l .itly limrrs, itn they are lint U'xl little liver I'llU ever made. Lakcvicv 1 'riiK t 'o. M r. ( lar.i ' 1 1 1 v :i r t it up from New I'ilm I'li i U oil II IMl w llll In r parents, Mr. and Mr.. W. II. IWr. 1'rink nullum; I. cil .1 m-i Monri' whisky mnl you'll til m iivm do lniiiy. On sale lit Wlioiiini ,v i i(uitrii k 'm. ' :i:: t( I VIix iriTii h.ivh tin- rane Krun in California in IhkIi luit of nmr iiiulity ; tint weather d wn 1 1 1 1 r t- in cold n ml foj- "t;.-l tli. ri., Kll KIT Unlnunmt; In 'h t iin'iiii lii lo ii. Kvitj-body known lll, tint fiimoim chef. Dinner to or iIit. ;i() (iin Ki'k'i-liT I). M. r.riiltiiiu niiitie a living lrii t i "fulfill" last week via fiiialcy ami tin' I'li'vati'il railroad. He wanali cent t wo days. "Tin hupp) bate uliuli' iliiya mnl Itiosi tin )' till , 'Tlir iOin''j i4i hut hnarK Mint IImihi I ti-y Ii..-." 'Iin' Iuiiiv ufi nn iIiohi' mini ilrink 1 ii in ii ml Mimki' Id Com andaiiti- i -iyaiH at I'ohl kiny'it. 1 -if Af I'.ill N vf H.iid iiliout ki'itiiiK a prrlty i;irl, " 11 you U-m adviTt ifiun lor Inni. iii'K-, don't try to ui uli it at mu'i'. Tuku yum tinii'. I tV t lu'ii'. " " 1 In r- lm luirtn l i.nu'1- nfti'll luhl, luliii ilil.;t ii. I It I iii ii lii n I li lii K'nl 'I ; i i in i hi i mi m.i'I hi w lii-ri-'i'r lv luri iinr i!iu-i'i, i nn r.-tir Km 'I- ii In I lo iIi hiti u hmi'." 1 lir lonli'iiti'il ii'nili a I M mt lou ii art' tli"-!' I nj.iv llu-ir ! riii kn ami nmoki'ii at r..-t A KiiiK'n. 1 - If Mr. and Mr-. Ih;uic Kolniftt of Willow Hani Ii uiiiii' up 1 1 1 -1 Tliurrtday to atti-ml lint m liool iMiii'i lain ini'iit , ami Iclnaiiird owr until I'ridav aftci noon ini t i n frii'iidM. T. .1. Sliarkli lord Iiiim ridiirni'il to lliiriot nftiT a vitdt in l.aki'viuw. Tliu I'ixainiiii-r r-1 it it i Ii t limit Imm-ii pli'UHcd to liavi' iin fiiiiid from r.iiriiH v init tl in ollii'i' 1 1 ii i i 1 1 liin nlay Inn-. On ariotint of tint lnavy htoruiH wliicli ritardid tint hliipmi'iit of Imttcr, tint lant rri'iuin'ry jmy day wan two wiH-ks lull-. Ni-arly nix liiindritl dollarN went iIIhIi ilniti-d Hinoii); tint milkmen. Not Innl for a Htormv winter moiitli. Adin Ar'iiM. I''.dvvard I'liriHtt'iitiiiii, temdier in Or (jon diitiicl, lielow New Pine Creek, wiih vinit i ii4 in l.akeview m vent I dayu during tint past week, IiIh m'linol having i'IohciI for a lime nn ai'i'ouut of an epideuiie of iniimpH iiinoiiK tlio pnpiln. Mr. CliriH teiiNou wan tint yiiOHt of Mr. ami Mm. W. II. Hair. Tint I 'oft ..) Hint .Hill I'.emtflitt naw lml of thirty deur near tliu pUcc lit CriHikeil Creek a few dayii no ami killed two of lliem. Wliilit Iin waii watcliiiiK tlie deer lut naw a )nryn pantlier leap from a cliff of rock ami laml Uxin tint liuck of a dii-r. Tim Hint animal ran for a fliort diHtnnce, Init wan finally killed y lint pantlntr. lii-oriii . Ayren i Ayren A Hi'IiIhki'I and 1'ont A. KiiiK will reeeivu tint lilt-HMi hum of I.itki'view H'dentriiiiin now and forever, Amen. Tliene filter priini I'litli'inHii liavi rotnileled a flint tituln-r nidewulk from tint I 'out fc KinK rorner on Water nlreet to tint end of tint luikeview I'.rewery eorneron Main nlreet. It In tint only croon ntrei-t niditwalk in town ami tlie jtenpli' nppre iattt it. Wlieu you w to K In in ii t Ii KalU don't fail to nee ('. . Wiinon tin popular caterer nl the ( ieui nal'Min. Hit carrii n . lint linent ntm'k in to li and w ill treat Von r ik'h t . The em in the mi Hilar renort. i Try tlie HeriuitiiKi' wlnnky therit. ll.' tf I A new "pnjier'n appi'iiraucit in coiiHiiler eil no indi'V lo the towu'n ilcnirahility an a place ol rici li'iice and Imniiiefn. Thun ' the hi'iirty nupMirl of the advertising ! coliiiniin of a Iih'hI panT lielpn hIoIi' Hid growth ol the town and addn to your I ill h i in-Hn . It i ilincotiracini; to a newn paMT to conliiiiiaily ndviM-atit tln dm: ti iue of hu int( from hooie merchanln nulenn they nhow that they ure intereNt ed hy rateriiij to tint liomit trade by ad vrliMiiK hi iin coliiinnn. Tint l.akeview I'.xiim iner nayn tint city council ol that place oil.'ht lo paM an ordinance thill in-rnonn nhould In- punlfli ed by line and iiiiprifoiiuicnt for molent un eown on nidewalkn, claiming the row a have tint rilil of way. w hile n-o-pie milhl take the middle of the ntreet. That lined to In- tint rule nome yearn a no in Yreka, and n teirilile kick wan made when it wan rein-aled by forbidding rown or hornen to roam tint nlreetn, under penalty of beint; jailed in the pound ami nold for rontn of feed and keeping. Vrt'ka Journal. A Miwerful e limine cat not be run with il weak boiler, ami we can't keep up tint ntrain of an aclive I lie with a weak nloiiiiich ; neither can we ntop the hu man mat'liiiie to make repairn. If the nloiiiin II cannot ilii-nt enough (imhI to keep the ImhIv nlioio!, nilcli u prepar alioii an Kodol I ivnpi'pt-ia Cure should be UHiil. It dionln what you eat ami it imply can't help but do yotl pnnl. Lakeview n Co. I.011 l.oni;, (In- ntinkmau of Silver Lake iTCtioii, arrived in town ThurMlav to traiiNiicl biihiucnn and chat with old friemln. I.on in doitiK Well Up m.rtll and cavH bin hection will one day ln-cotiio the garden ' nmt of Northern Itke. Very liltle nnow falln there and Jack l-'roHt in almoft nn unknown vinitor. He in thinking of raining a colony to go into the buninenn of growing orangen. I.on tvoiild like to liavV nettlern romti to bin linality, hh there are several gmnl iintak en trncln lor rancben adjoining liim, and bo would like to increano the ipulutioii in order to cntahliHli a ncbinil dintrirt. There in no better medicine for the babien than Clutmhc rlaiu'M Cough Kern I'dy. lln pleanant lanle and prompt and I'l'tei 1 nut curcN make it a favorite w ith inotbem and nmall children. It (piickly ruren their rotiglm and robin, preventing pneumonia or other nerioiin . ronsu iUenrrs. It also ruren croup and ban been lined in tenn of tbounamin of cascn without a ningle failure no far an we have been able to learn. It not only ruren croup, but w hen giv n an noon an tint rroupy rough nppearn, w ill prtvent the attack. Incline of w hooping rough it liitielien tint tough muriin, making it eanier to expectorate, and lennena the Hrverity and freijuency of t Iin parox ymnn of coiiliing, thun depriving that ilineam of all dangerouH ronnequenren. For nalii by l-cc lteall, druggixt. tw Removed to Snider's new brick building next door to Postolflce m I For the Best Winter Goods i; ! Select from the following List $ Ladles All Wool Shirt Waists 1.50 to 3.5O t. Ladles Fine Capes 3.00 to 6.00 Ladles Skirts 1 .50 to 5 )Y, Ladles Jackets 3.5o to 8 kfi Ladies Ftr Scarfs 3.oo to 4.50 Ladies Latest Style Short Waist Corsets l.oo to I.25 Qentlemens Silk Mufflers 75c to 2.00 C IT QNIHPD HEADQUARTERS i. U. OlMUCK. For FINE GOODS Draft Horace Bring flood Price. The draft borne induntry in certainly in a healthy condition, and tin breeder of thin ty of animal ran dejH iid uion gml profltn for yeaia W tome, iiaya the breeder and r-jKirtninan. A nuuiler of liotablf nalen have leen niade on the Chicago market during the pant three inoiilbn. Six matched Clydendale geld ing fold for fttHM ; a pair of gelilingn (of same breed; nold for t7(X); many indi vidual nalen running from fi-IK) to f:W0. Ol rercheronn. a pair of gi Idii.gn sold lat week for f7lM; a nei-ond pair brought '.7."; eighteen bead averaged 2r0I and neveiiteen bead averaged f ISiX May for Sale. 1 have almut one hundred and fifty lonn of bay for nule at live dollar Jer ton at my ranch near V'""1 Creek, Mmloc county. -V-UJ 1'ktkk .lihk School Report. Following in tbo reort of School Iin trict No. 1! (Cogswell Creek) for the month ending February loth, which clown the term : Nuiiiln-rof pupiln enrolled 10 Nuinlierof dujn taught 15 Average attendance IS Pupiln on roll of honor: Hattie and Andrew I'eter, Kdna Mdiratli, Cbarlen lUnnlen, Chenler Studley and Klnie Tbrunton. I,. N. CiinnrKTTK, Teacher. T n llaatllry M m i irmarmem Handley & Clondenen LIKEVIEW - rimtiQ - MILL Mala Ktr". I-aWfvlrw OOIffTK,A.OTIKrG c Z3X7XXZX7Cil- Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and Door Casings, Furniture made to order Write us for estimates on all kinds contract work and material BEEHIVES MADE TO YOUR ORDER HANDLEY & CLENDENEN A Chance For A Hustler. There in an opir tnnity for one of our young men or young women to make money with The I'liiipie Monthly, le pew llnililiiig. New ttrV. Thin Month iv. Mhii h w an r.n merl v The i-iinv Mnita- zine, ban now become the ntiindard balf- dime maga.iue of the world. It wantn one HL-eiit in thin vicinity and will give ' exebini ve territory to lint right ernon. Iteniden paying big cominii-nion to itn representative, it netuln a prcM'iit worth more than the price of The I'nique j . Monthly to every nubscriU r that in ee ! cured by the leprenetitative. l'.etter ad ! drenn al once The I'lmpie Montlily, le 1 new l'luildinu'. New Yolk. ti l' Notice to Taxpayers. I hereby notify the taxpayers of Ike county, Oregon, that the annenninent roll for 1hh in now in my liandn, and that taxen for l'.NH.) are now due and payable at my ollice, at the Court-hoiiniv in Lake view, ljue county, Oregon. Said taxen will become delinquent on the lnt day of April, r.HH. From this date until the wild lnt day of April mid taxen ran be paid to the amount of 55 per cent of each man's tax in count v nenpt. ii. k. r)i'Ni..r, Sheriff of Lake County, Ore. lated Lakeview, Oregon, February 14, l'JOl. 0-tf .lniIHTIIA10lt'H S,ITU K In tiik matfkk ok tiik ixtati op, Mahi.akit 1.. K v a Nn. HK.I kamii. Milli K 1H II KKKHY lilVfcN.Thnl the under aiiriieil lm lieeii, liy an onli r nl I lie I'oiiiity t nurt nl l.nki' ( nn my , Ori'inm. iuail ami euter eil of the itnv of Nnvt'inlH-r, duly H- I i u I -1 nn Ail in I iiini rMlor of the Ktiato of Mar liari't I.. Kvhiik, Pecinai'il. All iiersmm liiiti'liii il tu kiiIiI Kutate nre here hy rciiiienled to netlle mi ll iiiilrlileiliu w ith the Aiiiiiluii.(ratiir at once, and thiiHe havliiK i' lulu in n km hut! until Kntali' will ire ni'lit I he allll duly eritled, with the pruiier Miiirhera. to the uiiiliriliiiii'l. at Kailey.V MasnliiKiU't More in l.aki'Vh'U, Lake I'uuiiiy, HreKnu, within nix iikiiii lm Irniii the date uf the lirt inililli athiii uf thih Nollce, Kraiik H. Kvaim, AdiuiiiiHIraliir uf the Kxtute of M aK'.iki r I.. KVANn, liect a'd. Pati d January 111.1, I'.nl. VM Nll:ltl t-t"M WTM KOK KM I TIO IX AI.K TTNIKR AM) BY VIKTIE OF AS EXKCC t-' tlun lraued nut of the l ireiit I nurt of the State of Ori'Knn. for the ( nunty nf Ijike.ou tlie lull day of February, licit . tu me directed and delivered In a uit wherein Meyei field, Miuh ell and Meln-uhaiier recovered JinVinent axnhihl Will T. Hoyd and P. 11. Murpliy aa defeiidantii, on the Jlt day uf Oi iolnr, lMtt, for the uin lit fifteen hiinilreil dollar and the ci'ftt of null, I am commanded that oui of tlie H,rioiial pro(ieriy of the atl defeiidantK. or if iimeieiil caiiuol be found, Iheu out of tlie real proiierly he longing to fraid defeiidaiiu. or either of them, ill ljike eotiniy. Orevon.on or after the aald -Mil day of October. KU, tu natlMy the iiiii of fifteen liumlrtd dollars, now due on aaid judgment, with luterert at the rate ol -iiiiii imt ei'M ut:r arno"" frnm tbe -ni Hv nf (ii l.ilier. lw.i.1. TTaviui; failed to Hud any per sonal .rn rty U loiiKiill! to the nid defvud antH. nr either of tliein, uuhiu like county, (P Kiin, 1 have levh-d liin the following de crilied real iroi riv. to-wil: All of lit Nn. . i':ht (it) in Mock No. three (3), in the low ii of 1-akevieM, 1-ake eoiiiity.Oreiriiu. Noth k is iit'KKiiv uivkn. that ou Saturday, March :th, l''l. al 2 o'cim k . m. of iid day at the frmit and eat aide of the (.'otiniy I nurt lliiiiM'nf l.ak couniv, ureK'tn, in lakeview, I will it' ll all the right, title and interen, w hieh ant ilefeiidan's. or either of them, had in and to t lie ahitve-iueiitiniied and di-M-nheil premises on iluaid 'lr.t dav of October, 1.-9 J. or that they or cither of tliein have Mnce said date acquired, therein or thereto, at putiUC sale, fur i anil tn the hiKheiit and heat bidder therefor, to aalisly naid judgment, intercut and cost of uiakniK thm Kale. 1'ated thin lvlh day of February. II. 11. DI NLAF, "td Hherlff of Lake County, Oregon. The Criterion SI per year I Oca copy The Best Illustrated Monthly Magazine of the kind Published Its pages are filled by a brilliant ar ray of writers and artibts. Its authori tative and independent review s of book, plays, music and art, its e lever stories, strong special articles, humor and verne, with tine illustrations, make it a neces sity mi every intelligent home. The very low subscription price Jl jieryear puts it within the reach of all. le liable agents wanted in every town. Kx Uaordinary inducements. Write for particulars. A trial subscription will prove it W rite to-dajr 11) r Haniile ropy KITKI(IOW I'l III.M TIO ('.. HuliHerlpt ton IkepHi't meiit , 6 It 41 Kant itlNt Kl.. . II J Notice of Final Account. In the matter of the Kutate of Alex Reed, de ceaned: Notice ii hereby given that 1 have riled my final account aa Administrator nf aaid eatate, w ith the t.'ouuty t'lerk of I-ke County, Oregon, aud that the Judge of the County Court of said County haa aet the hearing thereof for Tueaday, the 5th day of March, at 2 o'clock ri. m., of naid day al the County Judge's Office n Lakeview. Lake County, Oregon , at which time and plan, obiectinun, if any there be, can be offered to the allowance of said bnal ac count. Elmer Kekd. bated at Lakeview, Oregon. Adminiatrator. January 2th, lMil. 4-it Ft..1. ritoor. t'nited Slates Land Office l akeview, Oregon, reo. jii. VJUl. .Nonce is nereoy given ciit folliming named aettler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said priMi! will be made be fore Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Ore Kim, on March Hh, lil, vir: John T. Maupin, lid. Ap. No. lswl, for the N VV4 iec. 3b, Tp. as S R. Mi t., W . M. Ore. He names the following w itiiesw.'8 to prove his eoutinunti residence iii nn and cultivation of said laud. vi:t harlea Wallace and William Sweeney, of Adel, Ore., lieorge F. Maupin and Clarence Lnxou of War ner Lake, Ore. febJl-7 E. M. Brattain, Register. PKTITIOX FOR LIUtOK MI IAMK We, the undersigned legal voters of Chewau can precinct, like county, State o'Jiretinn, re- IK-etiully (R'tiiion the Honorable Couniv Court ol 1-ake county, State of Oregon, to grant a lice use to M. C. Currier lo sell spirituous, malt and villous liquors ill less quantities than one gallon in Chewaucan precinct, Lake county, Stale of Oregon, for the period of six mouths, as in duty bouud we will ever pray. id C. E. Campbell Jack Simmons I,. U. Harrow Harold Clark J. K. Itanuialer C. W. Wilhcra W. M. Marsicra. J". J. Moore J. U. Hampton Johu Lr it in in , Sr. M. Lauriizeu J. P. Farra 8 ciaylord K. IS. Uanuister 1J. W. Farrow A. A. Smith J. P. E.ilin O. W. Hishop J. F. Tavlor A. J. Scot l Arthur Stanley Fred Wledey Johu Simmons J. A. Withers tieorge Uruiiim E. S. McDonald Xi tiee is hereby giveu that the undersigned, M. C. Currier, w ill apply to the County i nurt of Lake county, Oregon, on the mil day of March, l'.Ml, for a license to sell siirittnnis, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon in Chcwatican precinct, Lake county, Oregon, for a period of ab. uiuiiths from March 6th, ltHil. Juii3H6t il. C. C'L'RRIER. Al Bannister J. R. Hammond U. Gaylord lien. 1'. Lovegrove J. M. Welch L. A. Moss J. A. Mclinnai li. W. ilauan Ueorge Conu J. A. l'nimm E. C. Stickel A. A. Moore J. W. Donnelly J. C. Ilauall Al. Farrow J. S. Kelsay T. W". Johnson Dell K. Morgan Charles Truiubo li. W. Cooley O. F. On ttiih lieorge Fiwnev C. H. 1'arker (ieorge Keed W. 11. Tucker TIMS SPACK IS I5KSKRVKI) F( ) It TI I II A NN( ) UNO KM KNT ( ) V MERCHANTS LEMON & HAETZOG NEW PINE CREEK V -j rK ' ' v.- ;