A Reconsidered Decision : By Nellie Crej Gilmore. CTtwUa RaOM Mnaailn w t.hlndoa. IqHaM ky THERE wii no douht in Dorothy's mind that she had rnnde a wise de cision That is. ueoordinj: to a e euniary view of the thing and the smil ing approval of a host of KKr relations whose proclivities for advice, hereto fore, were in ill proportion to the hi if of their purse. And though inwardly rebellious, the idea of sacrificing herself on the altar of Muiunon seemed to herns int rest ing as it was tMtik Hut nu'inj could do an tiling! All the pinching lit t le con omics that they had been eon: pi .! d to practice for years would vanish like now under a noonday sun. nt.d some sense of independence be established. But there is no g tt.ng over t lie bitter fact that other thoughts, ami. perhaps, other hopes, had been crushed into the background. "All that is pmst and pone, though," Dorothy told herself with a stanch sense of propriety, "anil I mustn't al low myself to think too much a Unit it." She p.icMii her hand, a litt'.e wearily, through the brown hair that waved back from her face, and lear.ed on el bow meditatively on the window sill, thinking of the future she had laid out for herself, and living over, in a hun dred ways, the past. Then she thought of Harry, and look ing gloomily for an instant nt the dia mond that sparkled on her finger, drew it off. slow ly. and with a sigh laid it on her lap. No, it had not been an en gagement, exactly but There wa all the difference In the world now. Had he not, rnly the nip h f before, after all that had passed be tween them, entirely ignored her and carried Adelaide Hunt, a bright, dash ing brunette, to the svel!ct hop of t he season, while she remained at home'.' That was all. But it was enough. So that when Col. Kggerton, as usual, called around, and, us usual, proposed, she prorriM'rt. in desperation, a tiDal an swer on the morrow. So that answer of acceptance was written and si trued with a scrawl, and laid on the library table to be posted. In one day everything hail been changed. It did not seem possible, yet as she sat by the low vine-scree u d w in dow, a so:t wind lazily lifting the loose hair on her forehead, each event rose up in lurid distinctness before her mind. Then a brilliant red flamed over the girl's face, an! faded off suddenly, as a tall, athletic young man came quickly up the wa'.k. As Harry liainbridge stepped on the low veranda, she left her seat t;y the window, and gave him her hand with a friendliness that iil-be-tokened any inward agitation. The shining regard that broke over his face at sight of her, brought the soft color to her cheeks. She smiled a little uneasily and drew her hand out of his. "Will you sit out here?" she said. "It is cool, and pleasant." He bowed a smiling assent and sank into the empty chair next to hers. "You did not expect me?" he queried, studying the girl's face critic ally. She was pretty very pretty. A tall, slim girl, with regular features, and expressive gray eyes. "I knew you were here, and I came," he went on. "May I tell you why? I want to ask you to tell you how much I love you, and to ask you to marry uie, if you will " Dorothy flushed and turned away, a tort of desolation sweeping over her at hi words. , "I would rather you would not not say such things," she returned, nerv ously, moving away from him. "Uut I must," he continued", half smiling and trying to look into her face. "It is my first opportunity to ask you. I did not feel that I had a right to be fore. But now, I am in a fair position to" He paused for one moment to glance at her face, now turned to him, half frightened, and with an earnestness al most pathetic. "You must not, you must not, in deed," she choked back a little dry sob. "It has all been a mistake a wretched mistake," she went on brokenly, ber face pale with suppressed feeling. She was staring past him, vacantly, at the wide green garden, now bril liant with a thousand perfumed blos soms, while, with hands cold and trem bling, she took the ring from her lap and reaching toward him suddenly laid the glistening thing on his knee. He looked at her in a dazed sort of way, the happy light dying out of hU face as his fingers closed mechanicaJly over the trinket. "Why Dorothy what's the matter? Won't you keep it?" A look of keen disappointment crossed his eat ures as he looked at her. "I would rather not," she returned, ber voice tremulous in spite of herself. "You see" twisting the end of her sash "I am going to marry some one else, and " "Dorothy!" He had risen and was leaning gainst the banister rail, where be could look her directly in the face, and where she, too, could see him. He had grown very pale, and with a deeper throb of pain than any be bad yet known, waited in silence for hrr to .iy something, but she did not, and he went on. never taking Ms eyes from hrr fnce. "I came here to ask you to be my wife, feeling and believing that you would give me the right to t hink of and love you -always. Was I wrong?" he continued, his breath com I tig iilck ami dry. "after all that has parsed between us to hope?" The girl looked up for an Instant, but the stern gleam that shot from her companion's eyea caused her to t"rn away. Suddenly the thing that she ....it done rose, gigantic, before her. black with a thousand nameless doubts. She almost fnltertd; inly a strong sense of propriety withheld her, am! a sting of memory nf the night before Mili.icd to strengthen her resolution. "t'ouM you not easily console your self with Miss Hunt? You seem to admire her very much." She spoke with some bitterness anu her face hardened. The girl's heart was mak ing its protest, unconsciously, but su rely. An expression, half of amusement, ramp into Hainbridge's face, aa he caught the strange ..ghi in her eyes, but he made no answer, and, in spite of the girl's indifferent shrug, a look of annoyance crossed ner face. A breath of wind, heaxy with the frngrance of summer, fluttered the ribbons of her soft gown, aa she turned to him, her eyes black with sudden emotion. "You took her to the hop did you not?" "It was by the merest chance," he answered with a gesture that seemed to indicate: "What else was I to do?" There was silence for a little. Then he looked up suddenly, and said: "I was surprised not to ace you there." Dorothy said nothing, but shaded her eyes from the sun with one small hanc". and gazed idly at a climbing rose at the other end of the veranda. He had not asked her to go, and a sort of silly pride forbade her to let him know that no one else had. "1 meant to come here," lliiinbridge began, after a pause, "to tell you everything. I thought perhaps," he went on slowly, "that you would not mind so much. Hut I heard some one told me. that you would be at the dance with Eggerton. That is the rea son." The girl's hpart began to beat, and a look of surprise swept the latest re sentment from her face. Something in the man's tone, in the earnestness of his manner, forced his sincerity upon her, and she half relented. Hut the die was cast, and there was no going bnck now. She caught her breath, and the wave of tenderness that overwhelmed her for a minute was quickly crushed down Dorothy drew a deep breath. There was a pause. Presently she spoke. "No one asked me to go to the hop." she said, determined to let him know everything now. '"I knew you were there with her, and I thought, of course, you didn't care about me." Her heart was throbbing painfully, as she went on, unsteadily: "And now since I am going to marry some one else I don't see the use of talking any more about it." "I suppose not," Bainbridge re turned, coldly, reaching for his hat. "Good-by." The careless tone made her heart sink. She could not let him go like that. "Harry!" He turned back. "Can't we be frienda?" He gazed at her fixedly for a mo ment and an ominous cloud gathered on his brow. "No, I think not." A glimmer of disappointment passed over the girl's face. "Do you mean," she asked, locking her hands tightly over each other, while a look of hurt surprise appeared on her face, "that we are to be stran gers?" "I mean," he answered, slowly, in a voice in which pain mingled with pa sion, "that it will be everything, or nothing. I shall always love you, and I cannot pretend to a friendship which I do not feel." He paused for an instant and looked straight into the girl's eyes. "It is better," he said, calmly, "to be an enemy than a hypocrite." Something in his voire awed her into silence. The sun had begun to set and great patches of gold fell on the man's face, now white and deter mined a face that brooked no com promise. Suddenly he came close to her and, stopping, pressed bis lips to her white forehead. She' shot a quick glance into his eyes and the warm color died her face scarlet. "It is for the last time," be said, tremulously, and was gone. There were tears in the girl's eyes the white lids quivered, and. her lips trembled. liroken down by the vio lence of her emotions, she turned and hurried into the room, to be alone with her misery. In a sort of desperation she threw" glance toward the table, The letter! It bad not been posted I ner breath came in quick, sharp gasps. In the moment that followed, she realized everything and did not hesitate. The nest Instant she was bark on the veranda, a dr color in brr cheeks, and a radiant light in hrr eyes. She east one sweeping glance at the retreating figure, llalnbrldge was al most at the gate, and not AO fret away, coming directly toward him, handsome and smiling, Adelaide Hunt. "Harry!" IVirothy's voice was clesr and Arm, and there waa a new thrill in It. He turned, a little coldly, and looked back inquiringly. "You have forgotten something." He paused for a second, then, under the potent Sell of her voice, rrt raced his steps ami followed her into the library. She went straight up to the table and indicated by a gesture thr blur tinted envelope lying there, while the soft color stole into her cheeks. "Harry!-" She placed one hand tremulously on his arm, and the eyes lifted to his were full of meaning "i might tear It up, you know." An r.'Hlor' Life staved ly thssik laln'o ( iiujh Krnrity Dining the curly purl nf OrioU-r. lxnil, I contracted a m' fold wlii b 'etiliil on in v ImikTH ami uns m elected until I feared that coli'iitnpti'oi bad ,ippMtcil ! in nil ineipi-'tit -Is'e. I w n- coiisiHitt Iv j cnuiiiiing ami trying '" 'X 'i sotiiriiiing which 1 con hi not. I Ix-ame alarmed an. I lifter giving tin Imal l. 1i a Inn! Ixiunlit a bottle of CIninibertHiii 's I'oiil'Ii Keliicdy Mini the result was i in u.i-diiitc improvement, and after I bail used three linttle my lungs were retorcil to their healthy state It. S. Kdwardx. I'ub-li-lier "of The Keview , Wvaut, III. 1'or sale by Lee lU'all. druggist. A mi., Caar.lt. The Chinese think they occupy the middle of the earth, and that all other nations are merely dwelling on the edges. Their roost respectful term to designate a foreigner is "the oceun men." Caref I Abonl Harbors. The province of (Jtirbcc requires the barber, first of all. to br himself a healthy subject, free from transmis sible affections. Then he must puss Bu examination in disinfection. TO CVKE A COI.II IN ONI? DAY Take Laxative Hroino Oniniiic Tal letn. All druggists refund the money if i il fails to cure. h. W . droves signa ture is on each lxx. li'w. ,'iS-lyr Viewed through an inverted gla-s. Sometimes makes one see double; i Thus four quarts of beer is apt J To make a full peck of trouble, i Hut if purchased at Post A King's ' (A. It. ('.; it will make u barrel of pleas , lire. .'s-i-lf j "I think 1 would go rrtiv with luiin I were it not for Chamberlain's l'ltin I Halm," writes Mr. W. II. Stapleton. ! Ilcrminie, Pa. " I have U-on nlllicted j with rheumatism for several years ami j have tried remedies without iiiiuilier, j but ain Halm is the bent tueilieitie I have got hold of." One appliiat imi re lieves tin' pain. For sale by Iac I'.call, druggist. The real estate in Lake county, ! longing to the Frankl Co., is now on the market for sale. No reasonable offer w ill bu refused for any part of it. 1'or full particulars call at or address this office, or Charles I' in bach, Lukcview, Oregon. 1-tf The Red The Only Exclusive SHOE HOUSE In Lakeview. All Tfiellatest Up-To-Date Styles in' 0tm 3? I 1 j mm v sm 3 u csU hm?85t$& RUSSELL & CO. ...:.t3:3rC2t.-.!e:3S(3 Prices. PCriT'-AN-, Cr.-CON. "The happy have whole ilsya suit those they choline ; The unhappy hsvr hut hours snd thorn they lone.' The liappv people lire llioso v Iui drink good fiinnrs ami smoke I'M in andante cigars at Post A King's. I ll For the wcuk in ns ami I. rust ration f 1 -low ing trr i 1 1. there is nothing so prompt and ellii I tve h I Hie Minute t minli Cure. This ii''iirnii..i is highly oiulolnc.l rs an uiibulinK leineily for all throat mid lung troubles and its enrlv use picvcnl consumption. Il una nnole to line quickly. I.iikeview Drug Co. Notice of I Iruil Account. hi the Mailer of the Kntstf of l.e 1'. Ili-lisrt, tli'i'rsM-i! : Noil e In herehv siten Hist I have tlleil my tlesl hi count nn niltnliiintrainr of nnlil tntaie.wtih i he oiiiuy clerk of I skM Colour, Orcsoii. Kiel Hist llo- JidIki of It))) County Court of ssiil i uoiity lis )! ihi' tirnrltiK ihi-ri'-of fur TiuUy, tin .Mli ilny i( Msn h, l si, si tooYtiit'li s in. of nlil ilsy, si Hi)' County Ju.lKi 'i ullli'i' i).' i-mIiI i i.liul v, i I oliicti II no' Slot 'S) ) .)() I'llolm, tl SU) tin ! !'. rsu In iftlri-)l ID lti' slliiU SI')') Of RSlll ft II M I SlI'OUlll. I. ski if , Jn. i;. I'). Jons M. hi iiism i . No. J A tl in , it iHior. TIVIIItH I.IMI MITIIf. I nil) l stnle I sml olii i l.slo'Vl) . no sun. ii-i f mlii r .'s. I'M) .i i ice l In ri'li) ui n Hint tu e oiii)lKiui' Willi I hi -ru ltoii ul I til si-t of uiir mi i.i June H. Is.", i ui II I. il " A ii m l fur ll ,i' ol 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r IniiiU In l hi ul nil liireln. I in-lino. Nftmls slut W nililuiMii! 1r ritr,"H fktiiultil In nil tin 1'nlilif I mill Slnli.l.y net .if Annual I ''.'. II ri 1 1 1. C I. n .1 li-r.ul f -sk )') ! w , i on lit i of I ski , Htn 'f ol i re kom, lis llll lny ftiftlll I Ion orni'ii her nolll nlnle mi in. No J-l, fur Hi.- uin lui.f ol the sw'4 ol N A 1 . ol ,-ei I loll No. In III I'liH llnllli No. Vi M, hnntfe Nil '.'s.niul will offer -rM,t to show ittsl the Iniel MiiiKht In inure slunlili' fur It iin lii r or mom- limn tor ssrlf ullurnl uir Ioaei. slut lo fntnMUh lie r i-lslllt lo nslil Istut lore He lilntf r nlul Kff el' i r of lll i. Hi re nl t-akevtew , orfunit on snturilsy. Hit- nth ilsy of Msreh. I'nil. Mu- linnii n sn wlttonni-n: h. h. 1 hsnitli-r. K. W nlt'h. w in. miiim k, Kll lisriiiini, sll l.skf vie w , on sou. Any slut s 1 1 iernoiiN i-lultuliitf slvfrely the stHiVf -lt--M'rlU-i tstlitn Hlf reiltlfSIfll tU tile the ir f Inlliln III thin oftli-f on or Id (ore nslil Vt II lis) of Mnn II. Jan. M: f. V It K A TT AIN, Hi lter. TMIMrH IITM: 1'nlti'il Mnti I nn, I little.-, I.nkri lex , Or.K.m. Jntt 'II, l'l. Nuilif In li. n l.y iflu .i iiisl In i-uiiiiintu i w II II the I riiVlnUilin o,' tin- m I ol CoUKrenn t June :i, n,s, entlllfil "All set fi n l lor Can- llif nalfol tllnlii r Inluln 111 Hie stnti iof for nln. I ireKiui, Ni'V nits suit snhtliKtoll li-r Mtory," n ell.lul .l In all the .ul.Ui' Inmt Mnti h) nel ot Antrim! I. IV., loaae K. Iatlen. nf l.ake leu , oiilily ol I aki-. Man- of OfeKiiti, linn till, ilnv tlU it In thin iittli f ton nMuru nlnl)--tiii nt No, js.', fur tin t'"r-linf ))l th'' V-. uf s 1 , ami sW nl v M e nn.l N W ol w i,ul -i r. Nn. In Ttiw nnhlp No Tis, llatii'i' No. I K ami tl l olTi r priNif to nhnw that lio Inlul niiliiihl In liiorc alunl'lt- lur II n Hinder ol lulu' II mi f'T iierf)itlir' -iirM..fn alul In inlalilO'll litni'lnllU to nnlil lalul lifliire the Hi'lfinti r ai it I: e -Her o.' tl l iMeenl l ake v lew . Ore k I'll, nil . atur-Uy , llu ' I, uay of H jirll. 1 'Nil lie iinlii.' si w HU- mu n: .l 'Irae). II A. Mel'nul I. Al'n ri I" III ami Jnlin Mi l-llllti tu-y all ol Inkiiru. nrek-i.u Any atul sll H-rnon. I'lniinluif silii-r)': tlo- aln f -t.-nM-ri )'il laii'in an- ri'-i mn'i'.l in II. their llailn. In thlnultl f uu nr lii-forf nni'l )') li ilav nt A r 1 1 . 1'Sil I . M. ltH4nts. Jan :il I 10 iiiii r. iioe tore. SAW MILLS THRESHERS SUCKERS If ,?J: iJ:. m?Z. . . RUSSELL Kiali Bs'adc M nn I 1 n T6 b b cu n 1 1 mmmmn m l'K0FR5SI0NAIM I4MITM A mThtSr.H, M, I'h. I'h lelans anil Hiireoaa. I.shevlew, r. OCMrr - MI'i lrii( Mm. Calls sntarml iroitiilly da; er nllil. K. II. MMITII M l I'h) slrlsn at4 fsorgeaN I sltetlrw. Or. OKMt'K - Uknvlnw irii( Con. NV'tii. . n nerssv i arts hasmusk II ltlnlll at NI'KRNV , Atlomey.Bl-l.aw , l.abevlrw , Or. til r ICK In Co. we It's nltli'S hntlillntr j. m iir:iti n it rh) ulrlaai anil SaraeM lakrilrw , Oregon I'KKH K X. Artm r'n 10 slilfiiie. I.. ' Allurnr) ai Law' I Jikevlrvi., Oregon OKKl'K-lnl.v llnllitliiK '. II IMIHtfll'IK . ttoi nr) -al. I . I.ikrtlrs , Or IU( K I'nlv lliiilillng '. II Ttnl Alloinri. tl lw , Aahlnolt. Orrfas W III allf hit In al) rlill huntriran rnlmnlr-l In lilm Iti any of ttir )-iutitim uf llir I ltt Jnilli ml I'lntrti-t. j noons: Atlornr).).jkik . Xotar) I'ublle l.akr lew , Or OKKICK I ml, lliiil.lun IDII. .. II t 1Sll llorae Trainer l.akr view, Oregon IMI O V llllflKIHT llenllnl l.akrvlrw, Oregon oKKICK- Poly Hull. Ill, k. fall IIP HlttMin lamoc Parru ""' with Hwaiiow Kori JOIIlCi Ddliy rll!h, ,,.r . w..;r.. Kork lu f rn.- for Wfthfm. Hoinw)-wii ifiian Croji aiul sill In rlstlit ear. lar lrntul III. Ilnni,-)'. craiif l.ake. I'oniofllrf ail'trimn, l.nki-vl) w . Hre(uh. Zac whitworth r,H.;.,,.h:n.;::,: rlK li I for f wren; n-vi rsf fur W)'th)'r. 'lar llran W. ItaiiK)'. Klnli Crei'k. roniufurc sililrunn. Ijikevli w , On K"ti In effect Tiiesilay, IVceliiber 4, l'.HKI. No. 1 No. i f (O . Hi. ,y 1'eu Ar 'i lO l III. II -w. a. in.. Ar. I'liiii.ii'.. .ir :i : '.n . lu. 1 1 si o. in l.v .. I'ltiuian Ar H M i. in. ii. lu. Ar .. 1'iole .. .Ar 1.' lu . in. 2 M,. in. Ar A iui)l)'e .... l.y ll :.m. in. 2 mi ,, in. Ar A uie ilei' .... A r llu'ia. in. '1 ' 4 ') f i. in . Ar ll.u . rings.. Ar in .'ni a. in. lir.ii n. in. Ar leriiui l.v S:li a. in. on li)) 1 1 n k at I I ii loan junellon with Sierra Valley's hallway ; w Hh ntsf at I in) If (or .M II- lur, I, Jam nt lili ami liuiiiiiivvllle. At llnl Sirlns"ii lor riunsnvlllf ami hianillh. At Ternu. lor Aiiuran, ceiinrvtiie . uin i uy aim run lllilwi'11,1 .l .aiul I akevli w, I'lunli alul I'alnlev, Ori'Kuio I'. K. Iu'mwav. J. II. Hr.NNrrr. V. I', sml . M. li. K. ami I. A. BO YEAR8' EXPERIENCE ;4 Tsinr MiRKS "Htf1 Coovriomt A a. Anyrms riding askotsh and deaorlntlnn may qnlr.klf aaoartaln our optnlun f rva whatliar ao liiTantlnn la prubably nalenlabla. Cuniaiunlra lluunntrlctlr ouiitlilontlal. 1 1 and book on I'alauls (ant frna. Ol.lmt aunnef for aacurtng pataiils. I'atauU takan lliroush Munii A Co. raoalT tptriak nolle, wllhoul chnnga, In (ho Scientific Jtmcricatio A tiandaomslf IllnalraffUl oaaklr. lJirraet rtr rulaOnu nt an? eimuirJo Inurnal. Tnrnn, i a raar: four muni lis, U Hold by all naosdnalara. MUNN&CO."'B"'--' Jiraoct) Omit, m r HU, Wutiloslun. Karrjp 'a Beads srs known Ilia ouuutry ovar as tko moat reliable Hreda lba uui Im Iniught. Ihiu'I save a ulckel on cheap a4ta and loss a dollur on Ilia harvt-st. lunl Haed Annual frao. 0. M. FERRY CO.. Dilroll, Mkh. rbls slfrnotsro la on every bos of the geuulno Laxative Uromo-Quinine twou ho remedy that rare cold) la ono tfsijr rtslJUMO m .rnmmBmammmi l - L