Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 14, 1901, Image 5

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Weighing parties are all the rage In
the Chewauran Junt now.
Ralph Fouler nt Huwlay In I'alaley.
Mr. and Mm. Fred Fiaher of Hummer
take are In lown ttili week.
1'ainley's xiiiiUr daggue was no
ticed hlgh-riling lal Nunday, ami
(whinper llilc) lm wanii't alone, either.
In their raving, Innane people Some
times 14-11 tiling tllHl KMltB other WO-
pie would ralher have untold but
"llrglnner" will not iIIm Iokd lliu identity
ol onn n( our prominent citizens who
wait seen crawling through a window re
cently alier tint shade of night had
fallen ami a married man at that.
W. F. Rend and family spent Huuday
In 1'ainley.
W. Z. Mom and Marry Rlgga were in
thin vicinity UnI weok un:liaiiiiig horaca
for cavalry purpoiie.
Holi llem-llel Iff t for Lakeview lant
Tliurwlay. Ho baa disrated of his in
ternal in tliu sawmill to V. H. and J. W.
lleiullel mid will try tin life of Hit) rov
ing ahepherd lor a lime.
We received the initial numlier ot the
CliPWHiiciin I'imiI lant Thursday, and, to
aay that we were roiid of I'ainley'a new
aiKr, would Ut putting il mildly. Mr.
Mctzker in . K., and "lleginiicr" is not
the only rt-mdent of 1'ainli'y who thinka
that way wo overheard a young lady
aay the name thing.
lion. V. Con ii gave a mimical enter
talnmrnl at hi new rcnidence to a few
invited frii-ndii IhhI Sunday evening. All
present pronounced Mr. and Mra. Conn
the model honl and boated.
Our valley in attain clothed in a mantle
of white to the depth ol altoul nix
liicheii, and Saturday morning, Fehru
arp Uth, the thermometer registered 14
degree U-low aero Ml (ii-orge I'onii'ii
lore. "Tip," muih-ahuned "Tip,"
wan notii'ed nhoveling Miow from bin
hack yard preparatory to planting hi
watel iiieloiiN. Yea, "Kpring in here;"
"no more they toast their shin," etc.
1 nolu thai "Tip" haw manage! to get
that telephone line utarted, all hy him-M-lf
through the columuN ol the RilHt-h-r.
He will have the Fourth of July
here hy All Fool I 'ay if he only says o
through liin intellectual mediuin. Itut
there i one thing "Tip" fail in he
hanu'l loiind that wife yet that he ad
vertised fur liiHt lull in the Kicker. Now,
"Tip," a lew whiHx-rM to you : In the
inmie ol the Kicker ol Jautinry Hint,
under the heading ol "l'andey Fra
grance," and almi under a aeparato
heading of 'Matter," and Higned "Citi
r.ei'," you liuoli- a lew aixerlioua that 1
ran hurdly agree with. In I he tirxt
place, you call me to ai-cmmi for throw
ing t-liim, and claim that 1 am no gentle
tnun. Weil, I claim to lm a man, at
IcaM, and I do not pity lor an advertise
inetit in the f hewuuean 1'ohI proclaim
ing in)el( a geiitleiiian. II a man'M
actioiiH do not pronounce him a gentle
man an lohc rtiHcmcnl in a hcwnpiiier
(ruin now till loomidiiy, aHNcrting him
to lie, Mill not make the people behave
it. "Heginner" detlea you to name three
of our Iowu'm "bent aiiple," who up
hold vour article on "Our Church."
You claim to work for the good ol "Mv
town" ("all hog" would come in handy ,
here) what clue ol uoplc do you ex- I
pect to come to a loan where only!
"Heat helix" live? Were you not among :
Rome ot the " Heathen" at the ''nigger
allow" hint (all when there waa preach
ing in the Mime building in which you ;
iconic V 1 wan iniHtaken uhont those .
Hixlv HiiliHrrihiTH Mi-nf. in tit t.liu Hnuil.ti-
hy "Tip" there were only nix sub
acrihera, and the oilier M were junt
name Kcnl in to help out. Thin in
where the Huntler hoy "caught on"
when he wu "up uorih'' and "heard
that kicking." Now "Tippy," you nay
you Hill give ten dollara to nee or know
Jtcginncr. If vou wll jilacc that amount
in im hands of any reputable citizen of
l'aiuloy, to he paid lo me when 1 reveal
Iny itletitity, I will prove lo you who
IWginner la on the jot. Your word ia
not Biillk'ieut, guarahlf-o that the money
Vlll ba nalti, ho "put up or aliut up." I
do Hot lear that look of "ferociouanesa,"
but it ia a 'haino that "those handaome
featuren" aliould ever be clouded with
anger. That "Lakeview Physician" U
myth; tell the truth once in while
a,nd nhame the devil, "Tip." So far an
comparing the "i aat history" of "Tin"
with the past of lleginner, with "arti
davits" attached Owl save the mark I
My past history ia an open book to
to the people of Paisley, and "Citizen"
or "Tip" go far from the truth when he
aays he knows tny past, as he has not
the faintest idea who 1 am. As to
"Tip'a" past, he would very likely need
"ailldavilf attached thereto." Now,
Mr. "Tip," remember, lor what Begin
ner has said againat you, you alone are
to blame brought it on yourself. I
only defended the citizen of l'uinley
from your onslaught and censure of
them. There are some things I have left
uiiHHid that would "raiHe the hair" on
your head things you would rather not
aee in print (ami this reminds ine that
Mr. W. K. Ownley ol Silver Lake ought
to take a cow hide and raiae welts on
your can-ana, and also on the body of
the publiaher of the Kicker lor allowing
your unnatural reference to his family
to apK-ar in print). Personally 1 hold
no enemity of you, and am more than
willing to let this little controversy drop,
Jirovided you do the same, as the paper
reprenenUthe Lake County Examiner)
is newspaper, and not a spiteful, calamity-howling,
one horse sheet. Uood-
liu Tin." IlKOlNNlfU.
bv. ,lTip
falaloy, February 11, 1001.
IttkitkiittlAiliti tkkktkt
W. O. W. IUII February 22J.
Great shoe reduction sale at The
Dr. F. K. Kmith and wife started for
New York last Thursday, via the South
ern. George Iteld went to Alex Reid'a
sheep ramp, in the Chewaucan, last
See Schmlnck A Hon for lairgaina in
tinware, crockery and glansware.
Frank Farrington came up from New
Pine Creek lant Monday with a big load
of flour.
John M -Donough has given up the
aw ing drive on the Southern and lias
returned to Iakeview.
Kead Ahlntrom Hroa. new announce
ment in thin Issue Greal shoe sale now
on at 'the Monogram.
Merchant II. C. Kothe is reported
serinunly ill this week, having con
traded a severe ctjld, after the extraction
ol a molar, and blood inoning set in.
William Harvey started last Tuesday
for the north in the Interest of the
I.akeview-Silver Lake telephone system
He wan arcompaniel aa far as Paisley by
Mr. Kurke.
You are losing money if you overlook
Schminck A Son's prices on gentlemen's
furnishing goods. An elegant small
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Laird, who was reported dan
gerounly ill lant week, la recovering.
The parents brought the child in from
Warner lant Sunday.
S. F.d. Martin of Merrill lant week
sold ten head of hogn, averaging over
,'UM) Miundn each, to a local buyer. The
ten head brought Mr. Martin over f 300.
There is money iu raising good hogs.
The little daughter of Mr. ami Mrs.
It. Kcynnldn was attacked by a cow
Monday, near the Ioulap residence, on
Main street. The little one was not
si-riouidy injured, but was badly fright
ened. The important feature of IocbI com
mercial trade junt now is the great shoe
sale at Ahlntrom Itros. A Mg stock ol
ladies' and children's shoes to le swept
from their shelves at a great reduction
J lid. Field is remodeling the frame
building formerly occupied by The Kx
aminer. It will be con-erted into a
residence and will lie occupied by Mr.
Stevens and family and his sinter, Mrs.
C. V. Snider has his new store hand
somely arranged now. The counters
are all old oak graining, and the entire
establishment is pleasing to the eye.
John L. Clark did the graining, and it
is a splendid piece of work.
Indies: Don't overlook the great
shoe sale at Ahlntrom Uros. Intent
styles in ladies' and children's footwear
now sold at a great reduction. Ked
laces with each pair of allocs. Sale now
on, to last until March 1st.
W. It. Johnson, accompanied by his
estimable w ife and daughter and Miss
Carter, were up from their home at
Willow Hanch lant Fri lay night to wit
ness the entertainment given by local
talent. They returned home Saturday.
Attorney L. F. Conn started lor Salem
and Portland lant Saturday morning to
Im absent a few weeks. While away
Mr. Conn will join the Third House of
the Oregon Ix-gislature, ami will keep
t,ah on. the jawmakers of the other two
Wm. LPMon, the nistling tnercjiant
of New Pine Creek, was a visitor In
Lakeview last Saturday night, and at
tended the I. O. O. F. lodge. Mr. Lem
on aaya there la a movement on foot to
establish a lodge of Odd Fellows at New
Pine Creek,
Arthur Loupe, the popular manager
of the cigar department ol the Adams,
Booth Co., Sacramento, will arrive in
Lakeview on George Washington'! Birth
day. Mr. Loupe has been on the road
for about a year, but has teturned to his
oldlove. Ilia numerous friends in Lake
view will give him a hearty welcome.
Misses Etta and Nettie Vineyard, the
two popular school teachers of Lake
City, Cal., were visitors in Lakeview this
week. The Misses Vineyard were
compelled to close their school lor a
short time owing to an epidemic of
measles among the children. They re
turn to Lake City to resume their duties
in two weeks.
Judge Charles Tonningsen started laBt
Sunday morning for Salem, having in
charge four ot the Carlysle children,
whom be is taking to the Orphan's
Home, We understand the Judge is
experiencing considerable trouble with
the fourteen-year-old girl, as she ia
averse to entering the institution, and
is laying plans to acape from the Judge
n the trip.
Geo. II. Ayr.
H. C Whltworth.
We are commencing the
With a very large stock of
goods that are right up to
. 190! .
Give us a chance and we
will convince you that OUR
goods are worth more to
you than your money.
! 1 1 ! ! I
Dr. Steiner was called to Clover Flat
last Tuesday night to visit John Kouah,
w ho was reported dangerously ill.
Cobb Hinkle baa placed a handsome
new counter in his saloon, and has other
wine improved his place during the past
J. S. Field, the Main street merchant,
continues to make Imniness bum on
this end of the line. Kead Field's
We bear of people from all over this
county and Modoc who have declared
their intention to participate in the W.
O. W. ball here on the evening of Wash
ington's Birthday. It will be a grand
Now, then, prepare for the Woodman
ball, February 22d.
Pont A King will move into their
handsome new brick next Saturday.
They invite all their friends from the
country to call at the new brick when
they come to town and have a good
smoke with them.
F!verylody who comes from Klamath
Falls says that the Hotel Linkville,
under the management of Kent Ballard,
is a first-dies hotel. Kent attends
strictly to business and is a courteous
and painstaking landlord.
Mrs. May Batchelder and Miss Rose
Venator started on the Western last
week, the former en route to Gold Hill
to visit relatives, and the latter to visit
her brother at Portland. They will be
absent until about April 1st.
T. J. Newbill arrived from Monmouth
lust Saturday and has been engaged to
take the place of Miss Gertrude Vernon,
who has resigned as teacher in the
Lakeview public school. Mr. Newbill
comes well recommended as a teacher.
Mrs. Puffy, who resided mar Merrill,
died last Fridav, and the funeral oc
curred on Saturday at Merrill. The de
ceased left a husband and twelve, Cnil
dreti, one infant only few hours old.
A physician could not reach her in time
to save, the poor woman's life.
Go and see how the lakeview Camp
of Woodmen can entertain on the even
ing of February 22d.
We understand that the Hotel Lake
view has been receiving a big patronage
ever since it was opened to the public.
All the rooms will be completed as soon
as possible, and the roof over the stairs
leading to the third story is to be cut
out and replaced with heavy glass.
Tom A. Smith and L. E. C. Jordan,
representing two departments of the
house of Baker & Hamilton, were in
Lakeview several days during the past
week. Mr. Smith remained over a
few days to see that the placing ot the
machinery for the city water works pro
gressed favorably.
Mrs. Elmer Rinehart and son have
been ill for several days at their rooms
in Hotel Lakeview, but yesterday morn
ing were well enough to return to their
home at Crooked Creek. Mrs. Rinehart
was worn out with her long vigil at the
sick bed of her niece, Miss Ellle Rine
hart. The latter is reported to be im
proving daily.
Now located
in the
-a. big Xaxarxi of
New Goods always on hand
Undertaking in every branch
A Fine Hearse in connection I
Car load of z&ess&sssssssssesssssse
BAIN WACONS j The Peerless Chilled Plow
of all kinds
Hardened Steel Mole Plow
The Disk Plow (Something New)
Peerless Cang.a Fine Plow
We are the $ Benlcia Star, Sulky plow $
Farmers' Outfitters $ $
Pull and complete stock of
Everything; in the line of
wviallSietime" Snider Bui'ding on Water St.
Drugs, Druggists'
Sundries, Toilet
Soaps, Toilet Ar
ticles, Patent Med
icines, and every
thing in the Drug
Paisley, Oregon.
Dr. A. A. WITHAM, Prop,
Locat4 at praaaat Pirt Floor
ol Woodmaa bulldlag. Will toon
riova Iota "HI Owe Brick Block"