Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 14, 1901, Image 3

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    -i 1 t 1 1 1 u . r it it tt w i 4 AA AA
January lflili ttio thermometer at
llawaon fell to IH degrees lielow kto.
"(hit them, Kit !" Kit 'a Ittmlatirant ;
is-til meal In town. Kverybotly know
I'.ll, lint Union chof. Dinners to or
der. ,'IOilm
At tint Huinmit, on tint C. I'. Ity. linn
12 liM't of snow It'll last week, and ft feet
at Truckee.
Milrlii'll llroa, o( (inwlln liiped five
rum nl cattle from Mcdford lo Oakland,
ChI., Iat week.
Try a dot Imtli In that line IiIk oreo
litin lull hI r'rank Htnith'a shop, nest
door to iht lunik. All itiu latest lin
provi'int'iils, ami h Turklitli attendant.
Ivt'iio I not quarantined. Only ont
case of smallpox ha mimmi rl there Hint
A strit t quarantine In kept on the Iioiim
in which it it located to prevent a poaa.
ililu spread of Mm disease.
Mm. M. A. Ktriplln in now prepared
lo li fiinliiiiiiHlile ilreKMinukliiK and luin
acwinK. l,ocntfd in tht) Joe Walter
resilience, Ijtkevitiw. ft 2
Tliu war department ha arranged to
oen re-.-riiitiiiK olllce nil over the conn
try, no a to procure a rtti'lly an jmibhI
IiIk tlm men rovileil for in tint new
army reorganisation I 1 1 .
Ill ink iiotliinx hut Ji'HKt Mix ire w liinky
it n I you'll ill ways I"' happy. On wile Ht
Wliortuii .V l-il(iHtrii'k'M. 3.'l-tf
J. W. Mike) unil widi returned I not
Thursday from (Ytlitrville where tliey
attended tint Jh'UimIiIimImuii nuptial.
Tliey reMirt m pleasant 1 n and hi -
iilernlile xnow, Ksecialiy in Fandan
go Htm and VHlley.
There is no reason w hy Luke county
t'Hliliol uiorl three timeit iln pri-pcnl
) ti l.t 1 1. hi , nml (or llioito who are will
ing to work there nre homes here fur
hetter Hum in ninny countries where
H-oie nre Hocking lo. The until with
ruth to invent ran gel rich here tpii.kcr
than any t'oiiutry we know of.
Million of eoile are familiar with
lieWilt'H Little Kitrly Kincr ami thoc
w ho ne t he'll llml them to Ik- (union
little liver pills. Never griie. I-ake
view I 'rug Vu.
I'oople w tin are engaged in the butter
mnkinii liiiHiiipaH in l-nkc rounty would
Hot he injured hy the entrtMlflllnellt of
creamery here. On tht! contrary they
would he heiielitled therehy, inasmuch
un they would he etiuhled to evil all
their milk and he relieved of the ex
ieiiHe of hotter making hh well a good
deal of hard work.
Coulter V Co. have another hand of
line heef feeding at the ruck.
( "n l ui ii Sunders, who own a place tin
llati het Mountnin and keeps lute hclor's
hall, in going to exHriment with t rail
lierry ruining. The Captain is confident
that Itiu mandiy foil will grow the crau
lierry lo erfiction and he pnrponoH giv
ing it a trial at leant. If so it will Ihi
the first attempt in the county with
thin la-rry. Fall Kiver Mail.
" li seems to be ii actual (act that an Indian
never laughs."
"Nonsense I lil'tn'l Iinclullnw' make M I line
lialiaT" And ever) ImhI)- cIhc "Ila lla'a," who
drink ami mnoke at I'txtt A King's. llf
(ieorKtt Heitl returntHl from Vreka lant
Tliiirmlay. He hit leeu visiting hit
mother and HiMter at that place for nev
eral month, (ieorgu nay the road
are II no traveling jimt now. Owing to
the heavy miow in Hickiyou, which
will funiinh plenty of water for mining
purMiHf, thu coplo there anticipate
great proHperity for that ltH-ality this
There im always danger in using coun
ter! it of DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Halve.
The original i a eafe and certain cure
for pile. It i a soothing ami healing
naive for sore anil all kiu diseases.
Ijtkeview Drug Co.
A hig lnndsllde occurred on the South
em 1'aciHc line at Cow Creek canyon
laat week. Owen Hhort, ot Ashlarxl, la
aitl to have been dangerously wounded
at the scene of the alideby a boulder fall
ing on him.
Thu l.aknvinw I'laning Mill i doing a
mulling buslncM.
The l!plit church revival here i bt
tendnil with conslderahlo enthusiRxm.
There are 2,ft)0,fXX) pound of wool in
grower' hand at Hepptier, being I eld
at Vi to 15 cent. Only 10 cent In of
fered. President MiKinley drink Jesse
Misiru "AA" whiskey, (loo. Jammer
thai, Nolo agent.
L. K. (ireen and son were down from
('lover Mat last Thtirsduy. Mr. (jreen
say it is good leighing from hi place
to Ijtkeview.
lir. O. V. Deinorest, the resident den
tist, is one of the hent dental aurgtwius
in the statu, and hi patron are numer
ous. Iiemorest't work last.
Iion't start on your Journey without
putting a I ot tie of Jesse Mooru "A A" in
your grip. (ieo. Jammertlial, Role agt.
Ham I lick, the stock man from Crooked
Creek, was a business visitor in I .a k e
view last Friday. He says the cattle are
weathering the storm well, and there is
no fear of any losa this season.
The Fxariiiuer made an error last
week in mentioning the arrival of Mr.
F. I. Fverett, in stating that he was the
representative of "llolbrook, Merrill A
Stetson. " Mr. I'.verett travels for the
big Chicago house of Hihbnrd, Kjxmcer
Person who cannot take ordinary
pillu lind It a pleasure to lake IleWitt a
I. title F.arly ltisers, us I lie V are thu U-st
little liver pills ever HiUile. I.akeviev
lirug Co.
W. K. Harry has purchased the pro
erly on North Water street from S. I).
Coulter. jiro, erly was formerly
ownetl by K. Case beer of l!ly, and in
cluiles thu Cottage Hotel building, the
residence adjoining and the building oc
cupied by John Aviragnette as a tailor
ing establishment. Mr. Harry now
owns the half blot k on that street, in
cluding (.iimtlitr Hall and tlie livery
PolxTt K. Olao who shot and killed
hi partner, William Trewella, in the
Windsor Hotel, San Francisco, recently,
U'cituse of some trouble in which their
wive were involved, is a native of Ore
gon. He was burn near Pallas, Polk
county, where his mother ami sister
still reside. Twenty years ago the
(ilnze family hecumu involved in a feud
with a family named Whitney, and two
of thu Whitney were killed, it was
ulleged, by Till (ilit.e, an elder brother
of the man who shot his partner. Till
(ilaze afterward met a violent death in
Keixirts show a greatly increased death
rate from throat and lung troubles, due
to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia
ami grippe. We ndvisu the use of One
Minute Cough Cure in all of these dif
ficulties. It is the only harmless rem
edy that gives immediate results. Chil
dren like it. Lukeview lrug Co.
Sheriff Dunlap is in receipt of a let
ter from Joe, Conard, Vienna, Ohio, in
which the writer states that they are
enjoying delightful winter weather back
there. He also says that the people
there have a great idea of Oregon ; to
their minds the very name denotes
something of a "w ild and wool v" nature.
They imagine that Oregon is mostly in
habittxl by Indiana and is a wild and
dangerous country. Ohioans, those of
the rural districts, should make atrip,
to Lnkeview to disjiel any such illusion. !
We can show them an ultra civilized
country, and will promise them that the
wild, bad Indians will do them noharm.
A powerful engine cannot le run with
a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the
train of an active life with a weak
stomach ; neither can we stop the hu
man machine to make repairs. If the
stomach cannot digest enough food to
keep the body stiong, such a prepar
ation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be
used. It digests what you eat and it
limply can't help but do you good.
Lakeview Drug Co.
Removed to Snider's new brick bonding next door to Postofllce
For the Best Winter Goods
Select from the following List
Ladle5 All Wool Shirt Waists 1.50 to 3.5O
Ladles Fine Capes 3.00 to 6.00
Y Ladles Skirts 1 .50 to 5
)li Ladies Jackets 3.5o to 8
Y Ladles Ftr Scarfs 3.oo to 4.50
l'( Ladies Latest Style Short Waist Corsets 1. 00 to 1.25
Gentlemens Silk Mufflers 75c to 2.00 g
Oregon at the Pan-American."
The following resolution was unani
mously adopted by Oregon's delegates
to the National Kdiicationat Association
at a regular meeting held in Portland
January 25, PI01 :
Kcsolved, That we, a Oregon's Na
tional I delegates to the National Kduca
lional Association, which convene in
Huffulo. June 1-13. during the Pan
American Imposition of I'Jtil, do hereby
pledge ourselves, individually and sev
erally, to do all in our swer toward
having saitl National Kducatinnal Asso
ciation meet in Portland, Oregon, during
the Exposition of lttOfi, which i to lie
ht-lil to commemorate the Iewis antlC'lark
Kxpedilion; and we also pledge our
hearty suprfrt to the Commission ap
pointed by our Slate Executive to rep
resent Oregon at the Pan-American Ex
(xisitiou, and request t hut every mem er
of our Htute Association aid in seeing
that our Mate and its resource le proo
erly advertised and displayed at Buffalo
during the entire F:xpoi?ion.
W. !. Steki.e, Chairman.
. I hTKKi.n, Secretary.
Buying; Cavalry Horse.
Messrs. W. Z. Moss and J. C. Dodson
were in lakeview last Thursday with a
view to purchasing horses suitable for
cavalry purposes. They have a govern
ment contract to furnish a large num
ber of animals and will purchuse all
they can get that will answer the pur
pose of the government. Mr. Moss
went north from here to make pur
chases, while Mr. IXtInon returned to
Ft. Kidwell to scour that country for
animuls. It is very evident that this
section of Oregon will Ins completely
cleaned up of gots! horses within a few
months. The sale of good horses will
continue to be active as long as they can
be found, and the man who is in the
business of raising that sort of stock
will be successful.
Everybody likes a good
meal and all know Sib
She superintend all o
the COOKINQ herself
Go there for a Fine Meal
Special Inducements of
fered for board by the
week or by the month
SIB HARBER, Proprietress
Main St., Lakeview
Door north of Coulter & Co'l Meat Jtarket
The publisher of a newspaper has one
thing to sell and one thing to rent. He
has the newspaper to sell and the space
in his columns to rent. Can any one
inform us why he should lie execled to
give away either the one or the other?
He can, if he so chooses, and he does,
as a matter of fact, furuish'a great deal
of space rent free. But it does not fol
low that he ought to be expected to do
so. It ought to lie recognized as a con
tribution, exactly as would he the giv
ing away of sugar or coffee by a grocer,
liut, strange to say, it is not looked upon
in thst light at all ; and yet everybody
knows that the existence of a news
paper depends upon the rent of its
space and the sale of tl e paper, just the
same as a merchant's success depends
on selling his goods, instead of giving
them away. Albion (Iud.i Era.
One week from tonight will be held
the grand ball to be given by the Degree
of Honor in Lakeview. All preparations
are being made to make this affair the
swellest ball held in lakeview for many
years. The ladies of the order will furn
ish the supper in the new banquet
room of the Masonic hall, and it is need
less to Bay that it will be a feast fit for
the gods. Tickets for the ball and sup
per 2.60.
Right Man, Right Place.
The wool growers of the United States
are tc lie congratulated upon the elec
tion by the National Association, in con
vention at Salt Lake, Utah, January 19,
of Hon. Francis E. Warren as president.
It is clearly a case of the right man in
the right place. Alike by virtue of his
Iosition as a Senator ol the I nited
States, and his marked characteristics
of strong brain and vigorous practical
common sense, President Warren is
eculiarly qualified to represent the
wool growing industry of this country.
His eminent fitness to stand in that re
lation was emphatically demonstrated
in his recent address at the annual ban
quet of the National Association of
Wool Manufacturers. A man of that
stamp is precisely the man needed, and
the Salt Lake convention was fortunate
in getting him.
Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Hazels Salve ae worth
less. The original quickly cures piles,
fores and all skin diseases. Lakeview
Drug Co.
The Criterion
81 per year I Oo a copy
The Best Illustrated Monthly
Magazine of the kind
Its pages are filled by a brilliant ar
ray of w Titers and artists. Its authori
tative and independent reviews of books,
plays, music and art, its clever stories,
strong special articles, humor and verse,
with tine illustrations, make it a neces
sity 'n every intelligent home. The
very low subscription price fl per year
puts it within the reach of all. Re
liable agents wanted in every town. Ex
traordinary inducements. Write for
A trial subscription will prove it
Write to-daj- ror Bam pie rpy
Mnbaerlpttoia lrartmeat,
6-t 41 Kaat ftlat Y. til
Notice of Final Account.
In the matter of the Estate of Alex Reed, de
crawd: Notice U faerebjr riven that I have
Bled my final account a Administrator of iai4
i-maie, with the County Clerk of Lake County,
Oregon, and that the Judge of the County Court
of Mid County has set the hearing thereof for
Tuetday, the 5th day of March, laul. at 2 o'clock
f. m., of said day at the County Judge's (Httcc
n Lakeview. Lake County, Oregon, at whit-
time and place, ohieetions, if any there be.ewm
be offered to the allowance of said final e
rount. Elmer Keid.
Dated at Lakeview, Oregon. Administrator.
January 28th, laul. 4.51
Margaret L. Evans, deceased.
NOTICE 18 MEKEBY GIVEN, That the under
signed has been, by an order of the County
Court of Lake County, Oregon, made and enter
ed of the 2:td day of November. lK'.nt, duly ap
pointed as Administrator of the Eitate of Mar
garet L. Evans, tieceased.
All persons Indebted to said Estate are here
by reuniested to settle such indebtedness with
the Administrator at once, and those having
nam is against said Estate will present the same,
duly verified, with the proper vouchers, to the
undersigned, at Bailey k Maseingill's store la
Lakeview, Ijike County, tiregnn, within nix
months from the dale of the first t ublieatioa
of this Notice. Frank B. Evana,
Administrator of the Estate wi
Makoaiet L. Evans. Deceased.
Dated January Slat,
We, the undersigned legal oi.-i ,.1 Chewau
can precinct, Lake county, 8tate of Oregon, re
spectfully petition the Honorable County Court
of Lake county, State of Oregon, to grant a
license to M. C. Currier to sell spirituous, malt
and vinous liquors In less quantities than one
gallon In Chewaucan preeiaet. Lake county,
State of Oregon, for the period of aiz months.
as id uuiy oouna we win ever pray .
C. E. Campbell
Jack Hlmnuui
ii. It. Harrow
Harold Clark
J. K. Bannister
C. W. Withers
W. M. Marsters
J. J. Moore
J. j. Hampton
John Drumm, Hr.
M. Lauritaen
J. D. Farra
B liaylord
P. 8. Bannister
B, W, Furrow
A. A. Smith
J. D. Bolln
U. W. Bishop
J. P. Taylor
A. J. Scott
Arthur Stanley
Fred Wledey
John Himmoai
J. A. Withers
George Drumm
K. 8. McDonald
Al Bannister
J. R Hammond
U. Gaylord
Geo. P. Lovegov
J. M. Welch
L. A. Moss
J. A. McDonal
G. Vi. lianan
George Conn
J. A. Drum in
E. C. Slickel
A. A. Moore
J. W. Donnelly
J. C. Haaan
ai. Tarrow
J. 8. Keilsay
T. W. Johnson
IVlt K. Morgan
Charles Trumbo
G. W. Cooley
O. F. Grilhth
George Ramey
C. B. Parker
George Heed
W. H. Tucktr
Notice Is hereby given Ibat the undersigned,
M.C. Currier, will apply to the County Court
of Lake county. Oregon, on the Sth day ol
March, l'JUl, for a license to sell spirituous, malt
and vinous liquors In less uuautitiesthan 00
gallon In Chewaucan precinct, Lake county,
Oregon, for a period ot sii months from Mama
lb, mil.
jan IM 6t II. C. CDRRIEB,
&? ill)