Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 14, 1901, Image 2

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    fiaktf Count u xamtiu-r
Pnbttaht4 Every Thursday
MHMk Bulkilng
(One Year, $2.00
TERMS: Six Months. 1 .00
(Three Months, 50
lAKEtlKW, nittCOV KKII. 14, IttOt.
CMiKcrtler to The Eiamim-r who removi-
O from iinr locality t another. r chnna-
their ioMimi't- atlilrvft Ah.nilO rt-nu'iiilMT to
amp mm otiu-e a crj o tin-ir paper can ik- an
areaucU to the r ik lit postotttce.
Hob. C. A. Moore has been elected
president of the American Protective
Tariff League. In his speech of accept
ance before the I auk' ue President Moore
aid :
Some of you, doubtless, tliink th:it the
period of vigorous activity has pulsed,
that the work of The Tariff league is
well nigh accomplished through the in
stallment of the Protection policy upon
a firm ami enduring basis. In my
judgment, this is a mistaken belief.
Therein, on the contrary, I believe,
abundant reason to think that the prev
ent is the most dangerous time for any
(ailing off of zeal in the work which the
rganization has for many years past so
successfully prosecuted. In my opinion
there never was a time when our foreign
competitors were feeling more keenly
the loss of their trade, equally in our
own and in the markets of the world;
that never more than now were they de
termined to use all possible means to
break down our Protective system and
gain a lodgment in our great market for
their trade; that now more than ever
the eternal vigilance which has been the
price of our splendid suet ess should be
nceasingly maintained ; that we must
continue to be alert if we are to hold on
to what we have gained at such a great
aeritice of our energy-, time and money.
There never was a time w hen it was
tore important for us to let both for
eign and domestic Free-Traders know
that The American Protective Tariff
league is in a healthy and vigorous con
dition, fully alive to the work that lies
before it, fully resolved to abate none of
the energetic efforts with which it has
beld the fort for these many years.
The reason for our existence is stronger
than ever before, in view of the certain
ty that the crafts and assaults of the
cuemy, though just now in an apparently
quiescent state, will be renewed in
f reater and more varied form in the
aext three, or four years.
BiilMIng Up tli Town Dr Pcvdlnc at tha
OuUltlrO Uuylnt Cavalry rlortr.
The t'hrwauraq Tout.
' IV. Witham's new drug "tore building
is now under headway and the contract
or, K. 0. Stirkel is pushing the work
rapidly along. When completed it will
lie a neat structure with otti.-e, recep
tion room and store. It will be brick-
venire, and is located on the corner op
posite the Masonic building. More
buildings will be erected as early in the
spring as is practicable.
V. Conn's fine new residence, on the
main street entering the town from the
south, is completed, and is one that any
cily would be proud of. Every modem
convenience and latest architecture was
employed iu its construction and the
ground on which it is located is such as
to make it a tine and valuable property,
one to be admired. He has moved into
it and now feels contented in his new
home. Geo. Heed was the designer and
Mr. II. K. IWl brought a sample of
pieplant to this oltice yesterday that
surpasses anything in that line ever
shown in Paisley for winter growth.
The stalks are 22 inches up to the leaf.
Mr. Keed savs be will supply the county
with pieplant next winter.
The Tuesday evening singing school is
well attended and all take part in mak
ing Paisley's social gatherings unsur
passable in any town in Eastern Oregon.
There are Home very sweet female voices
to be heard on those evenings ana no
doubt the ow ners will someday star iu
larger audiences.
A few days ago while riding over the
hills adjacent to Paisley Paul J. Ilrat-
tain rode up to eighteen deer feeding
around about one mile from town.
They had come down ami otit of the
mountains ami evidently were making
their way to the marsh as they do quite
often when it freezes hard enough to en
able them to safely graze through the
Jack Horton, the horse buyer, who is
gathering suitable cavalry horses for
Bay ley, of South Fork, Modoc county,
passed through Paisley the tirst of last
week w ith about 20 head, headed for
Bonanza, Klamath county, where the
horses will le fed and handled for a
while. He expected to stop over in
Lakeview and pick up a few more there.
The hunch will consist of about M) head
when he has completed his tour.
Lin ' lirj
ft 9
Our Clearance Sale is proving a success
1 Combination Suits I
l We still have a limited number of Ladies. Misses j
H and children's Combination Suits which will be f
If closed out at 50 cents each. Call early and get
your size.
r ... i.., .1... ).. u t
aan has no right to bite his wife."
Thus one by one are the privileges of the
sterner sex being restricted. This same
justice, we presume, is blindly led to Ih.
beve that a man has no right to kick
hi wiie or pull her hair. .Strange peo
ple '. Si rant'e world !
It appears that the law has been In
voked everywhere to stop the big heavy
weight contest between Jeffries and
Ituhlin on the ground that thci-c con
Vests constitute a public nuisance. How
ever, the law does not prevent the brui
sers from lighting iu a gentlemanly way
with their jaus.
Miss I family of Kan Francisco broke
n engagement with her fellow because
Le kissed her twenty-live limes a minute,
u an average. The young lady is un
reasonable, to say the least. Most girls
wouldn't object to that. But, one never
Inows just what the dear girls do want.
Nebraska, Delaware, Oregon and
Montana are all experiencing a sena
torial deadlock in their legislatures.
Were the matter submitted to the peo
ple it would be settled in one day.
Villows Journal.
rtewttrCV- bill to establish libraries in
aii the school districts of lliis state and
U levy a lax therefor has passed the
Idoiise and is likely to go through the
at-n a to.
If Carrie Nation looks anything like
fcer pictures In the papers it is not to I
wondered at that she wields an ax with
so much ease. . ,
(Jeneral flcArthur.
Mere is what they think of General
McArthur in the Philippines, according
to the Manila Times:
His diplomacy, tact, courtesy and real
kindness of heart have won him the re
spect ami admiration of all w ho came
into otficial or social contact w ith him,
and his ability has forced itself upon
the notice of careful observers. With
out any friction, the wheels of the
government machine are running along
smoothly, and as the people of the Isl
ands come to know the sterling qualities
of their new Governor, they are In-coming
more and more satisfied w ith the
new government, and better qualified to
understand the intents and purposes of
the American people with regard to the
The Examiner warns Lake county's
representatives in the legislature that
Lakeview wai ts a branch of either the
penitentiary or the asylum, promising
to save money to the state out of trans
portation chaiges. Must we accept this
as frankness, or merely as facetious re
marks? Burns News.
Frankness, neighbor. Lakeview, the
wealthiest, most substantial town and
all round commercial center of South
eastern Oregon, is deserving of anything
it can get. Mill, the solons at Salem
appear to give us the cold stare and
marble heart. They don't want to
move any of the good things across the
What Might have Been.
Non -Subscriber to Editor "Dear
Editur, our Keow has gone dry; do you
think we could sell her for dridehuef?
It us no in your paper."
Editor "You might if you dried."
N.8. (after reading next paper) "We
wus goin' to take your durn paper and
pay you in beans, but koncluded that a
fool editur that don't no enuff to spell
write kaint publish a paper to suit us."
Costly Confidence.
Editor Bryan has sent us bis pros
pectus. If Editor Bryan wants our pa
per he'll hare to subscribe for u. We
hain't got any use for Editor Bryan.
We've figured up what it cost us to back
our judgment on Candidate Bryan. It
cist us one squirrel dog that we had re
fused 25 for, one demijohn of bugjuice,
one oyster super, one hat and 85 cents
in cash Hickory idge Missourian.
General Chaffee will succeed General
MacArthur in the Philippines.
Wild Horses.
A Big Band Snowbound in the Slcan
Country Are Being; Rescued.
There were some MX) or more wild
horses snowed iu at Sican marsh, w hich
is about 30 miles southwest of Silver
Lake and 15 miles north of Yamx In
dian Agency, by the heavy snow which
set iu with the new century, says the
Ashland Becord. The snow is said to
lie at least live feet deep yet and them
horses are liable to starve to death 'lie
fore spring nthe snow is too deep for
brousiiig. While these horses are wild
bainls who have been allowed to mmn
the range and la-come as wild as deer,
there are many well bred horses among
the band who fell into dissolute ways by
getting into bad company. The increas
ing value of horses caused by the wars
makes the Sicau marsh hand worth
looking alter and this week the owners
who are the Reservation Indians ami
white stock raisers of Silver I-ake, have
started men out to t arry from the upper
end of Klama'h marsh hay in sacks on
snow shoes to these imprisoned horses.
Their hungry stomachs and imprisoned
condition will cause the tamer horses to
follow the men with the hay which will
break a track through the snow and the
wilder ones w ill gradually fall into line
and be tolled off into captivity through
their stomachs and not their reason.
They are hunched up in several small
bainls and if it was not for this great
storm would not lie captured as they
are very fleet footed and in their wild
undisciplined habits refuse to be cap
tured and are capable of wearing out in
umci able relays of saddle horses when
on the range. These horses and their
ancestors have become w ild and fright
fully numerous during the past 15 years
of low prices in horse flesh and have
consumed much of the r.inge grass that
would have done better service to the
white man's interests if consumed by
the more profitable cuttle and sheep ani
mals. At Burns a saloon license was issued
to a man named Drink water.
Remember the XV. O. W. ball on
Washington's birthday in Lakeview.
will be great.
For family use Jesse Moore "AA"
whiskey is a prime favorite, and in
thousands of homes it is always on the
buffet. Geo. Jami.ierthal, sole agent.
" Tlire I. a charm by hhk! ilten told,
j'iui-.rOiii nil It tftiu-ht-B Into irolri :
Conn-lit can soothe where'er by fortune plaited,
I n rear a Harden Iu the ilcm rt wante." ;
The contented people about town are
those w ho enjoy their drinks ami smokes
at Post & King's. i-u
When you go to Klamath Falls don't
ifail 10 see C. D. Wilson the popular
caterer at the Gem saloon, tie carries
the finest stock in town and will treat
vou right. The Gem is the popular resort,
'i re i lie Hermitage whlskv there. 25-tf
Anv girl would be happy to receive
one of those beautiful valentines at
Ahlstroin Bros. They are the prettiest
ever seen in Lakeview. XI you want
irriiir uirl tr lnv VOU llllV OHO for hcrl
and if you want your fellow to treat you
right see that be gets one from the
This frosty weather is an inspiration
to investment in new and heavier clothing.
Let our inilticeinents inspire you to invest,
in (iOOD Underwear, etc. the nicely
made, lon-weariii"; kind, which we sell to
the exclusion of all shoddy grades'.
Heavy underwear. Sweaters and Sox
are seasonable, for February is here. If
there's a want in this line that we can hot
satisfy, we are ignorant of the fact.
Cambers Hair Underwear.
very warm, per suit $1.00
Wool Sweaters, each $1.00
Good wool Socks, per pair 25c
!hfe Sockt wi- kior bem (riling far l'ic
And rcniemher that the price of these
goods at our store indicates a direct saving
to you nowhere else will you lind their
equal for tne same money.
..Dunlap & Thruston..
i if
? 1 1 it
II II It. LI 1
Manufacturer of the Celebrated
la 1 w.. m wwnnwm
W$$ Recognized as the best Buccaroo Saddle
in the United States-