Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 07, 1901, Image 8

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    - t.ti H i i ttt.m uitittutitunuitu m.ia ,a.w
lSl State line mote.
4 i' i "I i i' 'i l i i
I. I VTV VT VTT fTF m T(tntimMHUtiTtnt
V . ,,. . . ..-I, gi.-.i iiiiimi .im ii MiMMl IIWHW I WB.IIMM
Rird Reed was here from New 1'iiu' Thomas Marttn ami son Edward Mart
Crook Friday.
John Reid, the stockman, was ;ip
from Now Pine Crvek hist Friday.
Bernard Horn, well-known cuttle
man of Nevada, died in San Francisco
last Week.
Walter Tracy, stockman of Pwti
Valley, wa a business visitor in Fake
tlew last Friday.
Head HieU-r's advertisement.
Sylvester Foe tor Brown, a pioneer of
Yreka of the '50 period, died at Fdge
wood, Cat., last week.
Mrs. l.izxie Chrisman visited with the'
family of Ci. V. Stephenson in Ashland
while on her w ay to Taeoma.
Joe Howard, the Drews Valley stock-
in, energetic citiien of Klamath county,
are investigating the creamery project,
with a view of establishing an enter
prise of that character at Merrill.
(uhmI ; may success attend their efforts.
Biebor make the Wst fitting clothe.
S. Childcrs, the contractor, and sons
The Methodist revival closed at llcth-
Sunday night.
el church last Sunday night. The
meeting were attended by enthusiastic
crowds and it was a regular K1!. old
fashioned shouting Methodist meeting
from start to finish. We understand
that there were fifty reclaimed and new
ly converted.
Misses Annie I'ook and I'.vn Amick
list this week.
ih-ri n hi iviiv. iiirmui lit Nmrz nun wih'k
for M...if.,r.r I-. -l-il l-.i"1"" ,"' """"HPS"
months on business IVrt has been ill i T,1" ,1,M!, ,H,,;H 'Pi'K''i'
for two weeks. Imt Miovos he is so far I H",,. ",,r 'Mt;,,",,, ,,KV0 ,,.,,m, h ri v 4
recovered as to he able to make the tri
Suits t
loft Mon. lay for
will take music
l : : . l l . . t . : ..I I . . . I
I IHlslllfSS Ill lilt- Sine Ol ICfcies III1S SCHS'
Ion. Kvervhislv w ho has a snrtt tl.roiit
n order from 12 up at lliehcr's ,, ,' . ,i .. .,. . i
' i tries a pickle to see if they are atllictcd
I It is denied that Ashland is a dry j w j,,, t,e dreaded tuumita.
town. The har in the Hotel Oregon, it j M iss Cora Charlton, the popular
I is said, whs the only place granted a j ,rr, w visitor in New Fine
: saloon license hy the town authorities j (reck this week.
lot that ulace. llns is a iliscriiiiinalioii ! M,- ........ i.-....,
man, is still in Philadelphia, whither he. ,,r,bably not stand a tost of j Ukevicw w here she
mem i.-iM ivceiuiH'r on a vimi. law. ,
I j lessons.
Jeff Parish, foreman for C. W. All.ert IVnt. a prominent stockman; (l. K. (.'hurlton, administrator of the
Maes at Plush, is doin court duty in of Lake county, started last Sunday for ; p. Warner estate, returned Saturday
Alturas, havim: been sulp.Hnael as a ! ,! i,,u,, Hismarck, Mo., where ho ! (,, LaUoviow,
witness in the Thomas case. i will visit for a coui-lo of month-). Mrs. I Misses Ft tie and Nettie Vinyard,
Soda crackers, "So per hox, at II. C. IVnt preceded him theiv several months j teachers of Ijike City, are visiting New
Kothe Co.'s. ' a'. and will return homo with her litis- j ,m. (.,., k ielatics and friends.
Oregon stands second in the states of ; hand in April,
the I'nion for timU'r. Texas is first i Now for the Ie:ree of Honor hall next
with i4. (() Mittare miles and tre.n
ucxt with oj.tim sijuare miles of timU'r.
"I'oc" lhimshy, driver on the West
ern, went th rout: h to Klamath Falls on
his trip, leaving here Tuesday, utid will
visit u few d::ys with his daughter. Mrs.
S. Fd Martin.
io to the entertainment tomorrow
evening and assist a worthy project.
('. C Wallaee, familiarly known aj
'"IUack" Wallace, a prominent Nevada
politician dropped dead of heart disease : husine
while traveliiii: in M-.iriposa county,
Cal., Januarv MUth.
The indications are that we are to
have an early spring. Last Saturday '
was "ground hoV' day, hut the little!
weather prophet did not show himself
as it was stormy and he couldn't Fee his
Valentines! Vah-ntines ! Who wi.l
1h? My Valentine? See Ahlstroiu P.ros.
handsome stock.
Frank Kimsey, the V? year old son of
Mrs. M. K. Kiilisey. who has heen
datigeroii-ly ill in Lakeview with the
fever for six weeks, went out to Crooked
Creek last week, having entirely re
covered. While en route to Virginia, and, umiii
reaching San Francisco, we undeistau 1
that Ilee-e llaukins received a telegram
bidding t.iiii ha-teii to Toms llrook, V.i.,
as his sisier was dangerously ill and not
sjieoted to live.
If yu are not satisfied with jour
purcha-e it's because you did not buy
lSieljer'8 (.iood Ciu-slj.
The Cedarville Record says that Jas.
Fee tf Ft. Uidwell is feedii.t; M) head of
fine 2-year oi l steers for beef. Mr. Fee
A a- made it a point to grade up his
eattU-, and now has some of the finest
to be found in Modoc.
Drs. Smith it Steiner have formed a
irpartnership and will practice their
proles-ion in I.akeview. I'r. Steiner
appears to be active and is becoming ac
H'lainted quh kly, a1? he has been on the
go ever since his arrival.
Thursdav evcnint:, Feb. Hth.
Frank Hackney, the freighter, ar
rived last Monday from Torino with
S.tnli.l pounds of merchandise for I.ake
view merchants. Mr. Hackney made
the round trip in twelve days, and says
the roads were in excellent condition
when he came over.
Jerome Knox tv Company is the name
of a new real estate agency just stab
lished at Cottage tirovo. With his lau
ind the new enterprise just
started Jerome Knox is said to In- doing
well a fact that many ns.p. in Fake
county will K-glad to know.
F. Foster, a smooth fellow w ho claimed
to be authorized to take subscriptions
for Colliei's Weekly, has been working
Mrs. S. K. Haminersly desires us to
tender her sinceie thanks to the good
people of New Pine Creek for the many
kiudmse received by herself and fami
ly during their recent sorrow.
tout At i. ni n tMMnusi i:v.
Iicea-ei was born n.-ar Fgpt, Mills
county, low a. May ", 170, and came
with her parents to Luke county, Oie
goli, in July IH70, when she was only
twonionilis old. and resided In this
Our Closing: Out Prices
Ladies l..r0 Wrappers jj 20
Ladies '2 AH) Wrappers j Q
Ladies I'.'J") Wrappers 75
Latlies l.HoNilit Dresses
It will pay you to
come here to
in every
Mens .((() Sweaters
Hoys 1.00 Sweaters
Mens 1.01) Caps
Mens 7." e Caps
Mens r..."ii Suits
Mens 7.."o Suits
California tow ns. He offers to throw in
a moderate sized library as a premium
to his vic'ims up n the receipt of one
dollar, lb- may vi-it this section; look
out for him, for he is an imposter.
Mi-s Koina Whit more has a'-cepled a
po-itiou as tailoress in A viraguette's
tailoring itablishuit-nt. Mr. A virag
uette's business is growing so rapidly
that it was necessary to engage assist
ance and his choice of help is an excel
lent one. Mis Wlntmore is an es
timable lady and an elUcient hand Willi
the needle.
Head the new advert i-emeiit in this
issue of .-. II. Sublette A (.'o., furniture
dealers and undertakers. This firm
makes a -cialty of undertaking in all
its branches.
It wasn't John Madden, alter all.
county until .bath, which occuired
I January oil. 10 : :!0 o'clock p. in.
She was ao-d :'.! veins, H mouths and '.''
; days, ."he lea"'es a sorrowing iiioili. i
1 and loir brothers Iran l. (liner K ,
i .Marion 1. un. Allied A. Hauimeisly to
! mourn her lo-s in sorrow and tears.
I'eceased w as al a s ready to lend a
helping hand to all in di-tress and was
. ever a loving .laughter ami sisier, and a
I Ii lend to all w ho knew her. tliirloss is
her gain, for she sleeps in Jesus, and
i was well prepared to atisw er tod's call.
I May we meet her in Heaven.
' P. CI.K ami I. N. I'cx.
New Pino Creek, Or. Feb. -I, P.hiI.
i'New Pine Creek Roller h
0 Flourinn Mills. V
A. M. SMITH Proprietor.
5PRING Cki-i-K N0Ti:S
'-One uf the Clan" Telia of the lelfhtful
OatherinK in the Uural f)llrla.
FniToii 1'. x a m i via : I notice c. limine
uieatioiis in your piirer from all parts of!
the county but this community, hu.I 1'
coiicludeil to give j on some of the Imp-
penings herealsiuts. i
Miss Ida Stewart has just closed i
suci esslul four months' term ol school!
here, and I am pleased to say she has j
rndertlte new n i a 1 1 :it 1 1 1 ri t this , '"C
Corn meal Germea.
, prepareu 10 nuiiisn .
mill is now pte
eustomers with the let ol )
and is paying hirliest price for rain
Orders promptly tilled.
Ma.lden and Crowe are two of the most k-'iv' " general satisfaction to the patrons. .
elusive fellows of the century, and Isith
fugitives for the same crime one for
kidnapping gol I out of the county treas
ury of Modoc, the other for kinapping
the Cuilahy kid. Thev aie like the
Ir shman's flea "now you have him
and now vou haven't."
Kev. Kaymonil has returned from
I'ttl el, where he has U-en holding a re
vival meeting with much effect. There
were over fifty converted and reclaimed
lr. it... f .O lioil iwt t-'msfntistl f'lillrel.
Your sweetheart will find another to j , ja-rilo(..l will hold praver meeting ?
hjve if you don t get la-r on ol those , . ' . '
lovely valentines at Ahlstrom Bros.' lmH "ursuaj eeiiu.B gnu icBui. Bvi
Monogram. t vi.res next Sunday morning and evening
Burn At Crooked Creek, Lake county,
Oregon, Feb. 2, to the w ife of S. P.
Iicks, a bouncing baby girl. The moth
er and child are getting along nicely,
and Flmer Kim-hart says that Sam will
doubtless: pull through (J. K.
Attorney J. E. Raker, who was
eriously ill in San Francisco for two
eeks, has: returned to Alturas, and is
defending Thomas, chaiged with the
larceny of a cow in Modoc county. The
ease is attracting considerable interebt.
John Aviragnette, the merchant tailor,
is. favored with an abundance of work,
and is turning out some well-fitting gar
ments. Try Aviragnette for a good suit
f clothes.
it is rumored that Wells, Fargo & Co.
will soon go out of business, and that
the railroads will conduct the express
l.usiness. This change would doubtless
make express ruten much cheaper, 88
the railroads now get & per cent of all
the ex presage handled hy them.
Kefiresentativo Koherta of Wasco haa
mtr'jtiurtxl a bill providing for a tax
levy cf I mill upon the taxable property
of Oregon, as returned by the assess
ment rolls for 190M, to meet the out
Handing warrants drawn on the scalp
lounty fund. It appears that there are
a great many bcalp-bounty warrants
i i-t paid by reason of the fact that
more scalps of de,neilatory animals hate
been taken than was anticipated when
the scalp-bounty law was passed two
years ago. The Koherta bill has be
come a law .
I to which all are cordial I v inviteil.
See those beautiful valentines at The
Monogram. Ahlstroiu l'.ros. are up to
the times in every line. Certainly no
such elegant stis.k of valentines were
ever before seen in Lakeview. Ion't
forget your sweetheart on St. Valentine's
Or. and Mrs. F. E. Smith will leave
to-day for an Eastern trip and are to he
absent several months. During their
absence the doctor will take a thorough
post-graduate course in the Ne York
Polyclinic, New York city, the best
school in America. He will also run
over to Washington, D. C on the 4th
of March to witness the inauguration of
William McKinley. Their many friends
wish them a pleasant trip and safe re
turn. Senate Iiill No. 10.3 provides for the
organization and maintenance of dis
trict and county high schools. (The
bill provides that upon petition of one
third of the legal voters of any district
the Hoard 'if Directors shall post the
customary notices twenty days preced
ing the annual school meeting) a special
tax is to be voted for a high --honl
A four years course is provided
at. 'I leaves Willi the go.Ml wishes ol all.:
This community is not behind others
in the line o amusement ; we have par-
ties of all kinds to while aw ay the dull
monotony of winter evenings candy
pulling, balls, surprises, plays in fact,
all up-to-date gatherings, and anything happens to suit our fancy. Fast
Saturdav night a party of
concluded to surprise Mr. Meyers. We
were marshaled by two young ladies, j
Miss 1 .con a Koydston and Miss Ida
tewart. On the way we were rein
forced by Mrs. J. Hotchkiss and son,
Plume, and, u we tn,ithced down on Mr.
I Meyers' laager, he was taken completely
by surprise. However, when he had
fully satislied himself that we were not
a detachment of Iord Huberts' army he
opened his door and bid us welcome.
The evening was passed in games and
singing ami dancing to the sweet strains
of music from the violin of Frank Har
iiuin, who, by the way, is an artist on
that instrument. At midnight coffee
and lunch were served, and, all having
Irticn fully satisfied with the pleasures of
the evening, we bade our host and host
ess good night and wended our way
homeward. i)stt ok tiik Gano.
To Purchase Heart Ranch.
Willis Scum mon was in from Hock
Creek last week. Mr. and Mrs. Scam
mon recently returned from San Fran
cisco, where they were on pleasure
bent for a month or so, and they also
visited various other points in the Cold
en State. Mr. Scainmon was looking
up a location in California hut could
find none that suited him so well as
Lake county. He found many places
where it would he more pleasant to
dwell in, he says, but no place w here,
with a small ciipitiil, a'man can do so
in the bill, two years to ho devoted to, well as in this country. His business
reipiired work, while the course of study! to l.nkeview was to arrange about a
for the last two vears mav be supplied. nlu purchase in Warner, near
the '.oiirse for the period being optional
with the Hoard of Directors, although it
is presumed the directors will avail
themselves of the opportunity thus pre
Plush. The trade had not been con
summated at the time The Examiner
representative interviewed Mr. Scam
mon, hut it is likely that he will become
sented and substitute some industrial j the owner of one of the Heart ranclies--woik
for the regular course. I udjoinina the big ranch at Plush.
77 in ml re rt isrm fn I i s rh n n grit rrrri irrrk Watch it.
flD Oalcnttnc...
I have a message, dear, for you;
I say it boldly, for It's true;
One who .tent me loves you well!
That is what I've come to tell.
A beautiful display at
Not for awhile
L. - . - . . , w
With cut prices to clean out
Goods that were bought with
But here I stay
All the time with Goods that
will give entire satisfaction.
On Main Street - - Lakeview