Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 07, 1901, Image 5

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MlM Cora HamaraUjr Succumbs to lb Rav
ol I'tvar en January Jolh.
A sail dentil (xiirritl Hi New I'lne
(!rM'k on Wi'lnealay pvtminn, January
.TO, 1(H) . tlni victim twlng- MUa Cor
lUini'mlcy.a yoiitiK woman well known
Mini hl(hly catci'meil In this community.
I4-fail Imil liccn 111 for several wiH'ks
prior to ilcnth, anil, although Urn Im-hI ol
iniiilical nit ill aa ruilciyiil In licr mrni,
it proved of no avail nml alio (ell vic
tim to lli ravag-i-a ol fever.
C'orn llnmnraley was liorn In Iowa
May 15, 1H70, nml wan ael 'M year., H
month' nml 25 ilnyn at the time ol death.
Klin hah the cllet t-hihl ol Mr. nml Mm.
Kolomnn A. Ilaiinrnlry, the hither
hiivinu riH'elei her to the Heyond hy a
lew year. When a amnll child aim
(nine with her iireiitn to the I'ncillc
Conct (nun her hirthhtcu in Iowa, and
rnl leu 1 1 v itrew to womanhood in Lake
county. Hie. was a devout ( 'lirinlimi
ami n memher ol the Mclhodint Ki
coihI Church. Hie iHncd cotmiilernhle
ol her lift' in Ijikcvicw mid hereulxiuta
nml wiin well respected. The funeral
occurred nt New I'ine Creek on I'Vhril
liry lt, nml ii lmi-ly atlemled hy
IriemlK mid tn-iu h l ith.
Till: lioiTLAKliVlliVV
jikvlcw'a Ills HoaLlrjr Wan Opcnttl to tha
I'ulUlt this Wkrin tiatabhohmrnt.
The Hotel jkeview, the mamive
hli. k Hlructiire llnit I.nkeview xin(x to
Vt ilh l ih-, w HS ojieiieil to the llhlic
llilM wirk. W hile the lug extHl'lif lnni lit
in not entirely compli-tcd a lare limn
her o( rHiiim Hrc comfurtuhly furiilahril
(or the Hi i'iuiimixhition of i!nrl, nml
the tahle in il with everytliiiiK
the mai let ndi rdx. 1'raveler arriving
on the Hliitrc diiy or nitiht vtill tiud it
Hi'i I'liiliii.iliitiniiii ill Hold Lakevicw.
I.iikivn-w IniM loin! Ix-en in need ol a
'imiiI nml i i ti i ii i' 1 1 hi n huhlrlry mid Ho
tel l.akeieH lill" the need. Some
eliilHiiiit improvemeiitH lire yet to In
llinde in t hm enliihliKhiuelit, Hli'l when
thev lire conileled lintel IjlkeviiH
will he the hext eiuied, the hillidmim
ext iiml hirttcM hotel in f-onlhciiHterii
Orci:nii or Niuthern Cnliforniit.
I'lrrvt (irka at Private Residences.
A prut ilixitny of llrcwoikH iHi-urrcd
in M-ei at hoiixcM in I.itkex iew hiwl Thnm
hiy evening tliom phicea that are "on
lieeleil hy the telernph line. The elec
tric lilit w ire ciiine in contact with the
Iim'iiI teerh a ii 1 iiiiule thiiiK" hum
(or while. Jim I liiinlley attempted to
U I'U-iiichN on the line mIx.miI thnt lime,
mid whn kniM'ked dow ii twi.e hy the
flunk j Inle opening! tho keyn of the in-i-lrutiieiit
; Mim. oren Hinlcy notiecil
xpHik" llyimr (roni the iiiHtriitueiit Hi her
rcxi'lcncc, mid, upon opening the key,
hi ii 1 1 a II. lie of hlue (Ire nml diamond
Hpurkx poured forth uh to tienrly vet the
Iioiihc on file. T. K I liindlcy, w ho i
Homeuluit of it Kcietitiflc turn of mind,
knew what wan Kniiitf on, mid, durum
the tirewoikH1 proccwH, made several ex
perimeiitH, Others hud niiiiilur exper
ieliccH, mid much excitement prevailed
fornnhoi t time. Some iiiKtruiiieutx on
thu local line were hurnt out.
it Ait Jt t flift '
mm rrrrn rrrrrrrrrrArr-
(ieortf Hatchelder, tlty exprenatnan,
la alowly recovcrinx from aeriona at
tack of rhounmtlm.
I'realdent Haya of tho Houthern I'a
clflc ItHilroad Company anya there will
I mi no mor railroad Klilica In hit coin
Try tho hot hatha in porcelain tub
nt F. I. Smith'a.
Kev. Ilalloman of the rtptit church
oMnel a revival tneetina in takeview
hint Sundiiy with rouaiilerahle cnthu
Niliatii. The woman why hide her money in
her hiiHtle na we underxtaiid la the
Inteat (ml w hile truvelinif it hacked un
hy capilnl.
Hear the male quartet at (iunthcr'a
Hull tomorrow ninht.
The latent (flifantlr denl rexrtel in
railroad circle in thu transfer of the
Southern I'ncillc hiiine to the Union
Pacillc Coiiipany.
K. N. Jniiiih liua purcliHHiNl two lota
in thu extreme aotith end of Wallera'
Aihlilion to the town of I.nkeview, for
which he paid f 100 each
Head the new ndvertixement of Hand
ley .V Clemleiien ill thia ioMlie,
Mra. Joe Howard and two daughter
of Prewa Vnlh-y, nml Mra. J a men Tay
lor and two daughter of lily, were vixi
lorn in I.nkeview Inxt Tuexday.
Mr. Hiid Mra. Klmei Kiuelmrt have
U-en in town xeveral daya dtirinir the
week in nltenditiice at the xick lied of
their niece, Mlxx Kflie Khineliart.
I je lie
V)c each
' CotiihtiiHtioii HiiitH, all xir.ex,
nt II. C. Kothe A Co.'n.
May Answer fur Their Sin.
IJev. Harry IVrka, paxtor of the ('on
KrcKiitional church at Alturax, haa re
ceived hia dixmixHul from the Mixxionary
(oard, ow in); to the iiclion of Mome meui
herx ol liin ( hurcli in AllutaM in writ
inK li tteix to the Hoard derogatory to
thu minihter. ' Thu avera liiinixter'a
lot in a xmall couiiniuiity in a hard one.
The riaindealer xaya that Iiev. l'crks
tried to do hia duty anil hold tlieenteem
of liia coiKrcfntion in Alturaa, hut evi
dently (nihil. The Examiner known
nothing of the particular of this cuxe,
hut there are many aina committed in
thix. world under the cloak of religion
ajid tlioHv who are rvuponeihle for the
dixmlxHiil of IUtV. Terka, throttKli pique,
douhtlcHH, muy have aim to anawer (or
iiiHBminh aa by the.' dlxiniixal, the
iniuiHter'a family Would have been left
in want, were It not for the charity of
some giKaJ nt)ilu in Alturai.
Death of an Infant.
I.iict Thursday, January 31st, the home
of Mr. and Mra. Smith Edwardn, on the
Went Side, wan niado desolate by the
death of their infant son, aited 1 month
and il daya. The little one's leuau of
lite vat limited, but it ban gone the way
of all innocence, free from the (tins and
trialn of the world, to a better home.
The bereaved parentis have the sym
pathy of a legion of friendn in their honv
of norrow. Tho infant wan laid to rent
on Friduy in Cotton wood cemetery.
There la not a man or Woman in Lake
view or adjacent country who bun not
either relative or friend buried in the
Lakevicw cemetery. Jt everybody
turn out tomorrow evening and give the
good ladiea who have the Entertain
inent in hand the encouragement their
efforta command. The proceeds go into
a fund to improve the cemetery. ,
I 'river McKee on the Northern xayx
four incliex of xliow fell in I'tiixley Mon
thly liik'ht, and that twelve ilichen fell on
the tuoiiutuiii Siimlay ami Monday
Itorn In Lakevicw ,( iregon, l-ehruary
4, l'.Mil , t,. the wile of Kldon M . Hrattain,
a xon. Thix iniikeK a pair of hriw'ht liula
to grace the Itrattiiiu home. Mother
iiihI Ixty are doing well.
All the latent attachmentx, and large
nrcehiiii tilti, at Smith'a hot buth
F. I. Kverett, reprexenting the noted
hardware firm of Holhrook, Merrill A
Sietxoii, wiih a vixitor in Ijikeview thix
week. Mr. Kverett in iilwuya given a
hearty welcome by the huxinexH men o(
I.nkeview .
Walter Sherlia k ami Walter Puke left
for Summer Lake laxt week on a huxi
nexH trip, and to vixit Mr. Shcrlock'x
Hplemlitl ThoiiMaml Spring ranch. The
SberltM'k xheep are wintering on the
dexert near by the ranch.
Hlue Lake Hiring lieana, (tuccotitxli,
corn, axparngim, etc., nt II. C. Kothe
ft Co. 'a. . ,
A mexMenger arrived from Warner
late TucHtlay night alter a physician to
attend the child of Mr. and Mra. War
ren Laird, w ho is rejHjrtctl dangerously
ill. The mexxeiiger made the triji from
the Laird ranch in four hours.
Tout Huntings returned from thu desert
last week. He has had charge of Frank
Itoggcra' sheep for the past couple of
moiilha. Ilexert life apMara to have
agreed w ith Tom, na be has gained aliout
fifteen pounds since bis residence there.
If you inisH the entertainment to
morrow (Friday evening) you miss a
great treat.
A letter received in lakevicw last
week announces the fact that our former
tow nsman, J. Frank), is in Lane's Hos
pital, Francisco, to undergo an opera
tion for a tumor on the hack of the
neck. It is believed that the operation
will prove successful, and that the pa
tient will not Buffer any serious results
The Koyal Tailors are the largest
merchant tailoring establishment in the
world A. Hielier, agent.
The New F.ra admits error in its state
ment that tieorge Ok Turner of Cedar
vilie had undergone hii operation at the
hands of Surgeon (iilison of Alturas.
D. II. Groves was the victim of the
surgeon's msalpel, and is recovering
rapidly. The F.xaminer also htgB to
offer its apologies to Mr. Turner and is
willing to "set 'em up" on the strength
of that gentleman's good fortune.
AVe guarantee every article as repre
sented ; your money back if not satis
factory. H. . Hotliw' A Co.
It is rcpoMcd that the boys at the
Camas sawmill poisoned a cougar last
week. The animal has been bowling in
the timber near the mill for some time,
and some of the employes of the mill
baited him with a chunk of poisoned
meat. Next morning it was noticed
that tho animal bad devoured portion
of the meat) and places were discovered
Where lie Had lain down. lie was
tracked to the edge of ' the timber and
there tbe bunt was given up.
Geo. II. Ay re.
H. C. Whitworth.
We are commenciug the
With a very large stock of
goods that are right up to
Give us a chance and we
will convince you that OUR
goods are worth more to
you than your money.
A fixt of snow nt Ccdurvill i Tuesday
night. Stages are having a hard time
getting through.
Kntertainiueiit tomorrow niuht. lUs
A quarantine officer is in Heno from
California to investigate the smallKix
situation with l view of quarantining
thatcityto protect California. T.F. Iun
awny, (ieneral Manager of the N. C. O.
Kailway, who has just returned from
the F.ast to Reno, says that smulljiox is
prevalent throughout Kastern cities.
He tn)8 that it was rcMjrted to hi in that
Here were over 1,5(10 cases in Chicago
Arzner Bros., the blacksmiths anil
horseshocm, have a tine family sleigh
of their own make for sale cheap.
Tuesday morning there w as four inches
of snow in Lakeview. At Ft. Hidwell
twelve inches fell on Monday night, and
it was still snowing Tuesday morning.
Hidwell people were enjoying tine sleigh
ing. At Amedee and all along the line
of the N. C. (.. Kailway to Iteno there
was three feet of snow Tuesday. It was
feared along the railroad line that should
the fall liecome much heavier it would
interfere with t rathe.
W. D, Woodcock A Co., tho black
smiths and Itorseshoers, are still in busi
ness at the old stand, north end of
Water street.
Halpheus C. Schminck and Miss Lulu
Foster were joined In holy wedlock at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Foster, Summer Lake,
yesterday at high noon. The happy
couple are popular young people and
well known in Ike county. The groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Sch
minck of Lakeview. Particulars of the
happy event will appvr in the next
issue of The Examiner.
See the window display of furnishing
goods at II. Schminck & Son's establish
ment. This firm carries a fine, line, and
their prices are on the line of living
Mrs. Noy BrtK.e and three children
passed through here last Su mlay on her
way to her home in San Joso. Mrs.
Bruce is the eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Flnas Iiickerson, of Bid well, and
has been at that plac for the past three
months visiting her parents. She was
the guest of her aunt Mrs. C. C. Bach
ford, while in Alturas, and was taken
as far aa the tail road by her brother
Hubert Iiickerson. New Era.
Assist your mite in the laudable
undertaking of improvement of the
cemetery by attending the entertain
ment tomorrow night. The cake walk
alone, by six couples, will be well worth
the admission price.
Hiram Millsap, a section boss on the
N. C. O., who was injured at the time
the N. C. 0. passenger car was swept
from the track and turned over in the
terrible windstorm near loyle station
on January 3d, the particulars of which
appeared in The Examiner of January
10th, died at his koine in Reno last
week from the effects of his Injuries.
All the other passengers- who were in
jured at the time have almost entirely
0 OI0M0000tMM0000.0 00 0 0 M 000 0 0 0 0 t
Now located
In the
South of the
Daly Bldg;.
New Goods always on hand
32XG- Xaxarxi
Undertaking in every branch
A Fine Hearse in connection
0 0 00000 0l too I 00 ooooo 0000000 OOOOOSXOOOOO 000000 000 0 00 0 0000001
i tvZ7l y k
Car load of .--
BAIN WACONS The Peerless Chilled Plow ft
-running v w
imnimal. '! The Disk Plow (Something New) &
1. 1 I v . . &
:Q Hardened Steel Mole Plow fv
of all kinds
Peerless Cang, a Fine Plow
We are the '"S Denicla Star, Sulky plow ji
Farmers Outfitters llapapprss
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
Snider Bui'ding on Water St.
Drugs, Druggists'
Sundries, Toilet
Soaps, Toilet Ar
ticles, Patent Med
icines, and every
thing in the Drug
leu) $nug $tore
Pslley, Oregon.
Dr. A. A. WITH AM, !
Located at praaant en Flrat Flour
. ol Woodman building. Will too a
- ' Hovs Into "Hit Owa Brick Block"