Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 07, 1901, Image 4

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    Published Every Thursday
Maeonk Rulldlnf
iOn Year, $2.00
TERMS: Six Months. 1.00
l lire Months, 50
lAkCtlKW, :;, 1KB. T. IfMH.
Mrnuamt' Kxcha
Is krpf on flit' at K.O. Hauk's
AlvcriHiiiK Ai'Hi' M ami m
hanir. sail Franclw-n, I al..
when- roatraol.1 (or a.lvrrtuin ran ht mailt-
for II.
With irmiul yet mournful difplay of
naval jxunp ami power t lie ldy of t J
lamented Vii'toria was borne last Friday
afternoon from its quiet resting place in
Osborne House to Portsmouth, the
heart of Finland's navy. Not since
Admiral Cervera's ships lit up the Cu
lm n coast with their self-consuniimt
fires, has anything been seen which in
tragic splendor approached the naval
spectacle of February first.
Over the waters floated strains of
Chopin's Miul Betlioveti's funeral march
es. The naval crews, accustomed to
cheer, i-tood silently, and with cheek
blanched, along the decks, and the flags
which usually tloat defiant! v in the
The hill to redistitct the stale, intro
duced ly Hunt ol Multnomah, is entire
ly in the interest of Miiltnomiih, inciens
ing the representation of county to
seven senators and fifteen ityresenta
tives. More jwiwer to Multnomah!
Cow county representatives should sit
on this hill.
Representatives U. A. Kminett and A.
S. tvoliet Is are t o ol the members ol
the Ie:isl.ttiiic who have Mguifiu I their
willmgiiess t fco into Vilni us and pre
vent a deadlock in the Ore
gon Legislature.
Several thousand t-'ilipinos have sinn
ed the oath of allegiance to the I'nitid
States government, and have sworn to
do all in their power to hriug ahoiit
jfe?'.r'r'r'f--r'r'r'.f r 'r r - j '
:)r.y-r--'ri?jrjrr-'r rj-' s:r ' ''' 7i
An. Franklin of Pavis Creek was
severely injured last week lv striking
his hand w ith the sharp edge ol a li
ft while splitting wood. Several larc
veins in the hand were severed, and Mr
Franklin lost considerable bhsd la-fore
renchini; the surgeon at Alluras.
The pupils of the I.akt-vicw puhlic I
irti-liiMil mid.-r llie iii-.i iia'i-nii-ti I nl the
1 .1 I I... W .. .... .1 ... .. ,.. ,.,! '
l I ITH UIUV'ITU I II 1 1 " vi v me imr . i ...... .. . .
' - i teachers, are now rehearsing an cnter-
yartls. Tli- most werful Heet that ; taininent to W given at (iunther Mall
Knglund could gather on short notice i on t he evening of I eh. -l.-t . This is to i
lay inert and silent save for the mourn- be a U-uetit lor a school library in thej
, . , . i ... .. (.,. I l.akeview puhlic school, and will con-I
ful strains of toe hand and tl.e win-nil ' '
. , j sist of iiiMtriimeiital ami vocal music, ie- ,
sound ol guns that hetoken neither i ... , , ,, .. ,. ,- ,
(citations and dnlls. ll is the first
peace nor war hut death. j entertainment attempted hy the public
Past these the naval funeral procession ; school in two years and is entitled to a j
slowly sU-amud. Ahead were eight de-j ''bcral patronage. Admifsion o tents.!
Btrovers, and seldupi have these speed ; ',r- Sterner says he likes l-ikcvieu,
ami her people, it lid will al once seii.i
There' an oM Haying "Vim can't Itelievi
tttivtliitin yoti lieur ntnl only half wfmt you
nee." Tliia liila tnotlent nil vcrtisinn pretty
liartl Many QtlvcrtiseiiientH are cither will
fully or innornntly ilecetive, ami most
Inruim nro tint what th'V seem Tlu
HiiccesH of tliia More lnia l'-n won In n (jreat
tin'iiNiire I y advertising our jromia exactly
us tliey are. nt'tl never ofTeriiig anything; for
sale tlint rollltl Hot he luicketl tij hy the
reputation of tliia firm
Last -veek liiniie I ierher drove J'JU
fine heel frniii Klamath county to Monta
gue for shipment to Sacramento.
The Hit' VmIIi-v (iH.ette savs that liftv
leaving free to view the magnificent anlin,.r .,.Im Huri. ,iat tliH n,.w addition ,,,,. ,(Mlk mrl in r,i , u. Hayth n
ca?ket and robes. The foreign war j to our circle w ill receive a hearty wel ! ii.m M.eline and ( irasshoi.iM-r rainfea
vessels were moored staitheast of the come. j two wceka ago and rounded up over l.iXN) J
British ships in the order of their arriv-1 L1w.kI Ja.jui.ih and Mis Myrtie !.! head of horses.
i i i i t ,i , ., ,. I ! son were iiiuri i. tl at I etlarville, I al.
ai iiiu ui .in in m. i fii.y..iv.i
eight British guultoats. After leaving
Trinity pier, liie Alberta, with her at-
j-rft ilraun ihir lotur titriclf lilllls hi.
i fot his fa 111 1 1 v t join him here and iuuie
sluggishly through the water. Steam- , , Jkevi.w , . ,,.. u. ,,a,
ing after them was the royal yacht Al- , a interesting fi.inily, consist imj of wile
berta, half screened hy the awning on and two ilauhters, the eldest eight
the poop, the royal coffin placed on a ! years of age. They will occupy the
, ., . . i-ii resilience to lie vacated tv I'r. ami Mis.
crimson dais, the curtains of which
r. K. Smith. Mrs. Steiuer is said to he
were draw n hack and tied to four poles, . . ,- . , .r. .
an at-eornplislieil wtiuian, and I he l-,x-
I f -
A Led lUuff iniin has just sold at i j
cents to a local butcher eleven young i
steers averaging a little over l,.HHj
tto.iti.lfti eui-li eiiinif Hi. fl 1 IT each i
tendant escort steamed along the deep vears, but who for some lime has held a ,, . . ,. ., .
a 1 ; - f m tei niiet li i in ri'iii.irknli i
- r. - - ;
' .lames I'elton, a prominent citizen of
( February 15, I'.nil. The groom is a pros
I perous young man, wIiohu home has
j been in Surprise valley for a niimU-r ol
lralr In all klndt of
t Tinware, Amunition, (iuns,
5portsman's Goods, Etc. 2
.-hunnl lun il... ciiut ,f the I-lu ,.f resimfisible M)sitioii witli the street car!
T M llaiidlry
.... ... ... . , ... . : foiiipanv in sail r ranciscn. l lie Imdc
...govaootneso.g.e.o! , tlaugbter of William P.-ds t ( iobl 1 1 ill . sojo,, r. in Klamath Falls
and cruisers. After the procession had j 1rn,il.l BtH.k,H ,! farmer i' the latter part of last week, lie is feed
passed the Majestic the forts and his I (', darville, and is a charming young ' i"" a large lot of cult le near this jsiint,
in Portsmouth hurltor commenced tiring . woman. The F.xamiuer exlemls its and owns a large ranch In Crook county.
congratulations 10 uie naipv coupie. i Ut. n,,,, the irrigation under whv arid
Mr. anil Mrs. Adam Linehart arrivetl 1 the railroad prospects a"sure lielv ib
last Thiirstlav night at II o'clock from j velopmeiit for Klamath and Crook
ii i i i I counties in the immediate future.
( edarvi le, having been called here bur- i , . . ,. ,, . . . .
' I Klamath Kc publican,
riedly by the serious illness ol their i
tlaugbter. Miss Kfhe Hint-hart, whose The stockraisers are much p'eased
condition last week was considered generous anioimt of smtw on
I boneless. I)rs. Smith i Steiuer. w l, ! the inontains hii.I in the valley section".
veyed to London aad Windsor for the j ,aye .iarg(, ,lf the case, pronounce it as it will he a needed help inserting
last tributes to the Queen. The cere-1 attpendicitis, and the patient was too j '"ore grass on the ranges, so that good
weak to stand an operation. However, I "" '"' allor-letl Hilling the next
sin; is now regaining her strength ami is ! "ii miner. Although the snow is very
reported very much improved. Tfi j ',l l--ulit i-M. it will niclt rm-
physicians believe an operation will be i idly during the summer months to keep
necessary sts.n ft) insure the young lady s j the grass growing ami afford consider-
minute guns and continued firing until
the Alberta was alongside the wharf.
No standards were displayed ami en
signs and union j.tcks were at half mast.
On Saturday the lwsly as taken
ashore at Portsmouth and .tltence con-
Hn 4 Iratlrnra
Handloy & Clondonen
nalti aitrr-t, likrlew
Sash, BlinJ5, Mouldint Window and
Door Casings, F:urniturc made to order
inony in bringing tint collin from Os
borne to the pier at Cowes was w:arfely
more interesting than the naval func
tion. Over the coffin was throw n the
coronation robe worn hy the girl qteen.
On this was placed the royal regalia,
wand, sceptre and crowu, which were
scarcely ever used hy the qtaoen in ler
life time.
complete recovery.
Eight Cents for Steers.
Charles A. Bunting, the Klamath
stockman, has sold his beef to fiuis
(ierla-r at 8 cents for steers, weighed at
Merrill. Hp started u-ith the Iteef for
Vale! Victoria! Oracioua Q-ieen and j lne rai,roa(, on tllts slHt ut., and will
noble woman. May thy virtue beiontinue his trip to San Francisco,
emulated. I ''ere he will enjoy city life for a while.
.nr. minting iniorms us mat ins mut ual
file- are wintering well.
All the gambling games, nickel-in-the
slot, and all, have Iteen closed in Port
land and just now that is a very high
class religious town. The worst ele
ment now is in Salem and not in the
penitentiary either.
A bill has been introduced in the Ore
gon Legislature prohibiting hogs from
running at large. The hill is deficient,
inasmuch as it does not state whether
two-legged hogs are to he included with
the quadruped.
lirow null's bill providing for a new
constitution in Oregon has passed the
House. It is said there are many mod
ern features that should he added to the
constitution of this state.
Congressman Tongue secured the
Columbia river appropriation not
only without the aid of the Idaho
and Washington delegations, but in
pite of their oppositions.
SUx:k in this section is looking well
for this season of the year sheep, es
peciallv. The new grass is growing
rapidly and will soon be good feed.
There is scarcely any snow on the
desert; just sufficient to make it con
venient for camp use ami sheep to water.
There has leen no loss of stock thus far,
so stockmen can feel quite safe for this
winter, as doubtless the dangerous part
is over with, and sheep are in good con
dition M stantl a fairly hard winter yet.
A. II. IUhnum.
School Report.
Following is the report of the Union
School for the month ending February
1, 1001:
Number of days taught 11
Number of pupils on register 24
Average number belonging '12
Average daily attendance 20
Number cases tardiness 0
Number of visitors for month 0
Those w hose nan es were put on the
roll of honor are: Osa liolton, Wesley
Bolton, (iraeie McCrarv, Smith Ilelfin
stine, Alice Morris, John liurk, Ahner
Arthur and Homer Morris.
W. II. Mussulman, Teacher.
able water also. I'uriiig ordinary sea
sons the ranges liecome very dry ami
barren in many localities.
Henry Scbuinger of Sacramento has
been in Butte ("reek valley anil Slm-da
valley lately purchasing licef cattle for
he San Francisco ami Sacramento mar
kets. He secured three carloads from
Hank Meiss of Butte creek, w hich were
shiptcd from Montague, anil will semi
more below I iter on. Vreka Journal.
Write us for estimates
on all kinds contract
work and material
LakevUw Weather Kepurt by tha Local Ob
ervar at The Enamlner Office.
Tcnty'n s
(Indicm -)
K & to ' f
8 s s 3
1 14 ra,- 'lr
'I 'M 'tit ,h6 11 tl'HI'ljr
X 'M in ft in) cloudy
4 as 31 .ir, .ftu cloudy
5 87 24 clcur
84 17 .H4 t Ml lt cltaiily
7 lis UU .27 1 HO fletr
S 27 4li.lw ittloul)
24 6 ' .1.1 2.(11) t i l'.tuly
10 th 10 t looilv
11 M 26 .IS l.fto fl'iuily
12 40 86 cloudy
18 48 86 cloudy
14 Xw IS cloudy
16 'i 1(1 t cloud
III 42 20 clmr,
17 4s 20 clcmr
IS 40 1M iluur
19 40 28 ulnar
) 411 27 .(HI .26 pt cloudy
21 42 32 .III tru:e t cloudy
22 46 22 clear
i 44 Itf clear
24 811 22 trace trace (it cloudy
26 86 U clear
2 47 21 clear
27 61 16 clear
is. ....... 60 20 cluar
20 41 IS t-loar
80 88 IS trace trace ptclnudy
31 2l 11 a cloudy
Slope the Cough and Worke off the Cold.
I-axative HromiMJuiiiiue Tablets cure
a coltl in one day. No cure no pay.
l'rice 2.r) cents. HH-lyr j
Hay for Sale. j
I have alinut one hundred and tifty .
tons of hay for sale at five dollars er
ton at my ranch near (ioos Creek, Modoc
county. 15-41 I'ktku tii'iua. j
Ke'-ent exiMrimeiits show that all 1
classes of foods may he completely tli-1
ircsted by a preparation called Rodol 1
Iiyspopsia Cure, which absolutely tli- I
Kests what you eat. As it is the only
combination of all the natural digest
an Is ever devised the ilemaiul for it has
become enormous. It has never failed
to cure the very worst cases of indiges
tion ami it always gives instant relief,
l.akeview finite Co.
There is no better medicine for the
babies than Chamberlain's Couh Rem
edy. Its pleasant taste anil prompt and
effectual cure make it a favorite with
mothers and small children. It cinicklv
cures their coughs anil colds, preventing
pneumonia or other teriona conse
quences. It also cures croup ami has
Isten used in tens of thousands of cases
without a single failure so far as we
have been able to learn. It not only
cures croup, hut when given as soon as
the eroiiny cough appears, will prevent
the attack. In cases of w hooping cough
it litjiiellcs the tough mucin, making It
easier to eectorate, and lessens the
severity and frequency of the parox
ysms of coughing, thus depriving that
disease of all dangerous consequences.
Fur sale by Lee Ueall, druggist.
J. W. Maxwell
Agent fur
Ten of the Best
high grade and
standard makes
of Pianos
S240.00 and up
Organs $60 up
J W Herder
f 'haa Morrlaon
Reeder & Morrison
lo ever) thlnK In
(lift lllarkaaillhliiu;
l.lne and aatUfar
lion eTuamnteed
New Pine CreeK, Oregon.