Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 07, 1901, Image 3

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I.lnchnrgor unci Arxner are Mill work
ing n tlii'ir riiit rni-ln to put up Ice.
Allura loin a V I txli-rn rt n under the
upcrvliion ol Minn Kihel Towle.
All lli" member ol tin family of Dan
Chandler, the lri'n Valley Mm kman,
are reenvei ing from recent sicklies.
There In no headache in Jee Moore
whikey. 'l lm I 'h hei aime it In pure.
ilMl. J II II I MKT I ttlll , mill' llgl'llt.
Tin- niHi liliifiy (or tint Alturii cream
ery hn Im-cii ordered. Tin' Lakeview
creamery plant linn not ytl hi-cn order
il. Ii in k nothing lnt JcMe Moore liihky
aiel vnii'll itluny Ih happy. On Pit It at
V1i..ii..n A Kitr.patrii V. : t : t t f
Tun y ('. Itlair, formerly of thin conn
ty, i now working with railroad survey
fim in .Miintiinii, with h-niliiitrtern Ht
Portland's big fir In WOT, I a go. It
w ill cost f.'joo.OUO.
"You are my Valentine. " Kee the
bcitutic at the Monogram.
Tim limn w lio put up hi Ice during
tlix initiiil freeze In now kicking himself
becaimc lit! didn't wait for the second
frecne tip. Hut liow was lit) to know
w lint tint olil weather cock was going to
"(it l there, Kll !" KIT ItfHtHtirnnt;
lt meal In town. Kverybody known
Kll, lint fiiiiionn chef. Dinners to or
der. .'lOdm
"I oc" KhiohIiv, driver on the V cut
cm, informs tin thnt Win. I'lnlcy and
Wash Ohcnchaiii, who ,Iihv hccu
dangerously ill ut Illy, urc now on the
mud in recovery. Itmimhy say the
sleighing over tho inoiintaiii now in a ttn
lint! iih he ever nw it in "I, I Iniliiinn.
Mi. M. A. Sltiplin in now prepared
In iIm I a 1 1 ii mil ' Ui iiifnmnitklug alio plilin . j,,), Hj (. r;,i, lj
sewing. l-oi'Hl.d HI the Jim- U'hIhth ,,M,r ,'ut,t
resilience, i.iiki'VIcw. i
Try n hot hath in thnt fine big porce-
Minlli shop, next
All the Intent im-
proVfHH-ntn, and a '1'uikinli attendant.
Frank Shlngel kim purchased it rci-j An cclutiigc mtyn that a good, live,
ileni-e in Fast I'oMUimI, himI Iihh invilcil decent pHx-r can't lie published "with
hin ngcd pitrelitn in (.iikcvicw to go there out stepping till siiiiicIhnI y'n toes," and
mid iinike Iheir future Ih.iiic w illi him. : thnt h conlinuiilly "kicking" pnH-r n
Milieu of H-n,e urc familiar w itli bi-cotncs ridiciihuiH mid in looked iimiii by
Pi-Win's l.ittlc Mm ( I v Itixcin nnd thoxe the ri nding pulilic an u genuine liui
who ii-e ih.-u find Ihcui in l fniiKiiin ,.,. A ,)f u cor-
little ller pllln. .Never eiijM-. Luke
view limn Co. I r,'rl-
Krne-t Walker, a niie-tiinu rexideiil of
Ijtkevii'H, mid well known in thin
cotintt y , u itx iiniriied at r-iitilxlvvillc,
( 'nlil.r niii, In-1 ( 'In ixt Unix, to a yoiin
ludv ol thnt place.
Like had dollarx, all coiintci leitn of
lc Itt'x Witch llnr.eln Sahe a f wnilh
lexx. 'I he in iL'llinl onirklv ciilex liilen,
xorixiind all xkin dixiaxex,
lllk' t o.
A. -nvdi-r Iuih a nupplv of cnhlmi-e,
onionn and other vcttc tnhlcn on hand,
thdern left In Ic will In.' ultended to.
Mixnl'ciirl lieorjse cnine liver from
Cedarville hint week on II vixit with her
pareiitx, Mr. and Mm. John I), (it-orc.
Mixn (ieur'e in lining well in the iiiilliu-
l.iikcview cry hiixinexx in MoiIih' county. Mm in
an cneriteti ', cnterprixiiiK little lady
Removed to Saider's new brick building next door to Postoffice
For the Best Winter Goods
Select from the following List
Ladle3 All Wool Shirt Waists 1.50 to 3.50
Ladies Pine Capes 3.00 to 6.00
Ladies Skirts 1.50 to 5 fZ
H' Ladies Jackets 3.5o to 8
Y Ladies Ftr Scarfs to 4.50 $J
yo Ladies Latest Style Short Waist Corsets 1. 00 to I.25 'Ax
Qentlemens Silk Mufflers 75c to 2.00
I'hyxn i.iiiH xity there i" a cnxeof xnntll
mim nt liveliH'kx, and there i nuother
lullj ili eliMd life in Ki'lio. The lielio
ciixe ih Mm. W. A. II1111I111, wiln of a
hill her, and idic ix xiiphimmI to have
hrouht the dixcaxe Iroin I'luli.
IVrronx who citnnot take ordinary
, 1
It r 1 I dcxercx xili cexH.
" It -i-iiii lii Ih- mi nrtiml furl thnt hii hiillnn
llrlff Ixltk'tlK."
"Niiiimiii.i ! IMiln't LmiKli'lliiw ninki Mitini-
And cvervlHlv cl-e "I la I Iii'h." w ho ! '-''" and on the tli o iletf. Udow.
drink and htnoke lit I'oi-l K iii'n. HI in the month we hud '2. 47 im hex
The Khunnth Falln dramatic comnany
are iiiviii(j a very creditahle rendition of
the ilrnma, "A Family affair," In the
varioim lownn of that county. Thone
who are impiTifnatin the principal
characters in the (Irani lire well know n
yoiliiC jn-ople of the Fallx, Chcxter Hat
ton, J. II. Jardine, Fred Ilotiton,
Maude I'.aldwin, Mrn. II. I. (ialarneail
and (ircta Marple.
Tin- Impl')' liavc Imle !) nil thom-tln-y
i ' li i n iH' :
Thi' unlinir linti' lint lioiim nii'l thoM1 llii-j
The happy people are thoxe who
drink K'xxj liiiiorn and emoke Kl Com
aiidante ciarn ul I'ot-t A Kin's. 1-tl
Our rcuilern who take any intcrext in
the local weather reports xhoiild tile
away for future reference the rejxirtn an
puhlixhed monthly in The Fxaiiiinc r.
The firxt complete rcjxirt for January,
l'lll , nppearn in I hin Nxue, and the re
xirtH for cnch month in the year will lie
puhlixhed in Huccexnion. January 8,
the iuxtruincntn ehowed -I lv. helow
Everybody likes a good
j. meal and all know Sib -
She superintends all o
the COOKING herself
Go there for a Fine Meal
Special Inducements of
fered for board by the
week or by the month
SIB HARBER, Proprietress
Main St., Lake view
Door north of Coulter A Co'l Meat flarket
. ill:' lind it a
I .it t If liirlv iM-r, ax thev are the In-xt ,
i of Honor ill Lakeview . All preparations
are U-ini; made to make thix ulfair the
nwcllcxt hall held in Itkeview for many
vearx. The ladies of the order will furn-
ixh the xupia-r in the new hamiuct
lexn to say that it w ill he H feast lit for
the i;odx. 1 ickets for tlie hall and hii j
per f-'.'.
County Clerk William tiunther wan rain anil melted enow.
ensure to tuke IeVlll m 'erioiixiy iiniixiohcii xcverai nays ntxi i imicwcck ironi voniiinv win in- iiuiu
week. iMiriiitf his illness Fred Ahlxtrom toe raml hall lo IK' jtiven ny tlie I'eKrec
little liver pills ever made. I.nkcvicv I Jr., wasdepuly in charge nt the Clerk's
Iriivrto. j iUice, anil one of his lirxt moves upon
The N nalc joint memoiial of the Ore- axxumilik the duties of the Jxixition was
enii l.i;ixhitiiic inorlali.iiii Coiik'icxn t,, reduce the price of inarrrinec liiensi's.
for the re -enactment of the Chinese ex-I ,
. . . . . , , , . Ie(;ree of Honor hall one week fioni
clusn.,,, has Is,-,, adopted. An eff rt to tllliJ,1,st Valentine's eveninv;. Kver-
trike out .lupaiiese hilsirern provud tin- 4Mxly will he there.
Hiiccesshil. Thix is as it should he.
The ic is alwavs dauuer in uxint; ruiin
terf its ol PeUitt's W itch llaxel walve.
1 he in iimil is ii safe and certain cure
for pilex. It is a xiHithioK and healing'
shIvc for sores and all skin dixeaxex.
ltKcv iew I 'run Co,
John A hern, hirincr wiKiti;riiw er of
Ijtke .'iiiinty, and a popular tfcntlcmau,
has purchased a place adjoining the
town of Cnrra, Cork t'ouuty, Ireland,
for which he paid nearly 1 10,000. Ilia
property in very valuable and will in
crease in value with time. HukIi Ahcrn
ia also in Irehtnd at Uie present time.
Ashland Tidings : Manairer K. M.
(iarrett, of the Ashland-Klamath Falls
stage line, came in Tuesday from Par
kers station w here he had len work
ing to clear the obstructed line of travel,
lie says the load was broken bo that it
was open to the passage of sleighs, but
the very day communication wan restor
ed, the terniierature moderated and there
r.x.m of the Masonic hall, and it i- need- j WHf) a i)t.HVy raifal. On Uip of this
t..uu ti ir tliut il u ill lu. u I,. nut tit fur - ... ...
If you Irani, lish, hunt or play
constant coniliiion hnalu
Moore, (ieo. Jatumerthal,
F. ComstiM'k, Minnesota timber
dealer, states that "timlwr ran be
bought in Oregon ior just about what it
ciwta to cruise Minnesota timber lands."
I'ecijile w ho ow n timber laud in Oregon
are therefore foolish to sell such lands
for a trivial sum, when by keeping cool
and being patient, they can sell for
several times the price they now get.
KlaniHlh Republican.
As a bracer Jesse Moore never fails,
Geo. Jaiiiinerthal, sole agent.
K. K. Copeland, a lawyer, at one time
located in Alturas, fell uito a ditch at
Kcno on the morning of January 2itli,
and was drowned. Copeluud was some
what of a politician and practiced law
in Alturas for a long time. lie left
Alturas a few years ago and formed a
copartnership with Judge Woo. Webster
of Kcno, but the partnership was dis
solved owing to Copland's loose habits.
an ft
doet yo4tr r0r
at tmi 'roci. mem.
t t4tf .
came a freeze and it became absolutely
I impossible to get a horse over the hum
j mocks of ice. Mr. Garrett says that for
a long distance the track could be tra-
ed by the blood from the horses'
j feet.
I That W. O. W. ball on the 22d is go
1 ing to be a gay affair. All the ladies in
town are having new frocks made for
this particular social event. And the
supper well, that will be something
j delightful, and will be served io the
I Masonic banquet room.
Any girl would be happy to receive
lone of those beautiful valentines at
Ahlstrom Bros. They are the prettiest
ever seen in Lakeview. If you want
your girl to love you buy one for her;
and if you want your fellow to treat you
right ee that he gets one from the
Rot Applicant ta tho Wonti,
The Northwestern railroad officials
have decided that hereafter they will
hire no more men who are past the
age of 33. They do not apply this rule
to women, saya the Chicago Times
Herald, probably because all women
are under that age, anyway.
Kenorts show a greatly increased death
rate from throat and lung troubles, due
to the prevalence of cronp, pneumonia
and grippe. We advise the use of One
Minute Cough Cure in all of theeo dif
ficulties. It is the only harmless rem
edy that gives immediate results. Chil
dren like it. Lakeview Drug Co.
A powerful engine cannot lie run with
a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the
strain of an active life with a weak
stomach; neither can we stop the hu
man machina to make repairs. If the
stomach cannot digest enough food to
keep the body strong, such a prepar
ation as ICodol Dyspepsia Cure should be
used. It digests what you eat and it
limply can't help but do you good.
Lakeview Drug Co.
Notice of Final Account.
In the matter of the Kstatp of Alt-x Rer-d. dr-r.-axed:
Notice ia henby e-ivtn tlmt I have
WliiJ my final account aa Adminixtrator of said
ealate, with the Count j Cli'rk of Lake County,
Oregon, and that the Judge ol the lnuntr Court
of aid County uaa net the hi-ann? thereof for
Tuetday, the 5th day of March, lsnil. at 2o'c!ock
fi. m.. of said da at ihe C'ountv Judge's (ftlee
n Lakeview. Lake County, Oregon, at which
time and place, objections, if any there be.ean
be offered to the allowance of raid final ac
count. Llmlk hEKD,
Dated at Lakeview, Oregon. Admiuimrstor.
January 2Mb, 1901. 4-St
signed has been, by an order of the County
Court of Lake County, Oregon, made and enter
ed of Ihe JM dav of November, 1X'., duly ap
pointed aa Administrator of the Estate of Mar
garet L. Evans, Leceaaed.
All persona indebted to said Estate are here
by reijruested to settle such indebtedness with
the Administrator at once, and thine baring
r lam is against said Estate will present the same,
duly verified, with the proper vouchers, to the
undersigned, at Hailey Maaningill'a store ia
Lakeview, I-ake County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of Ihe first publication
of thi Notice. Frank B. Evans,
Administrator of the Estate of
Makuaret L. Eva.vs, Deceased.
Pated January Slat, 11. 4St
We, the undersigned legal voters of Chewao
can precinct. Lake county, Butte of Oregon, re
spectfully petition the Honorable County Court
of Laka county, State of Oregon, to grant a
license to M. C. Currier to sell spirituous, malt
and vinous liquors in less quantities than on
gallon In Cbewaucan precinct. Lake county,
State ot Oregon, ior the period of six months.
as in duty bound we will ever pray.
C. E. Campbell
Jack Hiiumoua
0. 1. Harrow
Harold Clark
J. K. Bannister
V. W. W ithers
W. M. Marmura
J. J. Moore
J. G. Hampton
John Drumm, Pr.
M. Lauriiaeu
J. 1. Karra
8 Uaylord
8. H. Bannister
B. W . Harrow
A. A. Smith
J. 1. Btilin
G. W. Hishop
J. P. Tavlor
A. J. Nxitt
Arthur Stanley
rred W iedey
John Himinona
1. A. Withers
George Drumm
E. 8. McDonald
4.1 Bannister
J. R. Hammond
G. Gaylord
Geo. P. Lovegrova
J. M. Welch
L. A. Moss
J. A. McDonald
G. W. Hanan
George Conn
J. A. Drum m
E. C. rtickel
A. A. Moore
J. W. Donnelly
J. C, Hanan
Al. Farrow
J. 8. Kelsay
T. W. Johnson
Dell R. Morgan
Charles Trunibo
G. W. CiHiley
O. F. Griffith
George Ramey
0. B. Parker
George Heed
W. H. Tucker
Ni tire is hereby given that the undersigned,
M. C. Currier, will apply to the County Court
of Lake county, Oregon, on the 6lh day of
March, IW1, for a liceuae to sell spirituous, malt
and vinous liquors in leaa quantities than on
gallon in Chewaucau precinct. Lake county,
Oregon, for a period of si months from March
ttn, lvul.
)uant Ji.c. CURRIER.