ft All e Qloimtu OrJtrttnlufr PuMUhtd Evry ThurwUy BE ACM & M'OARREY Maaonlc RuiMIng Vietouu'" "olieitnde dr tho ned mother of cur martyred (iarNo'id wr borne in honored renioinbranoo ty a multitude of Amorii'iini. Tl... Ill .1 .......... i...- I... i .... tin lliilll Ml 1'1-m I- nun rimu.n.i. i flasA r 111! TERMS: - Six Months. t 1 .00 , President MoKinloy has boon asked by (Three Months, 50 the Inreetory of the Federal party in ------ - : tlui riiiliiniu'!t to cstuhlisli n civil LAfcMIK". .. 7. lHt. ' government. Tho passi,, of Vietor.a leave thoi j.imi (.,mnlv Wlll),s rt ,., f ,10 youthful Wilholmina the only reigning rtfctlt.i,s eeition of Une .ounty. Wueen in tlu' world, j A vigorous litfht is on in tl..' Oregon legislature on this aoeouiit. I.iuii' Tin llohcmian Nugget says that (Yn trossnian Toniiiie is tho " right man in the right plate" and Tin- F.xaminer "seconds tho motion." waxes rth and passes ttrtiif ii'iolu- j tions in mass melting, lt'i a merry Tho Prim-ess (.juoon of K.iigland is a j handsome woman, hut tho leat said j about tho now king in thai respoet tho ! better, although ho is paid to ho a groat "la.lv killer." A pplt-iul itl hill introduced in tho State Legislature provides for an imprison ment of from one to ton years for mis- j 'ho thoroughbred taking a persi n for an animal ami kill ing him. The hill sh uld pass. .1 nl i mi Pyrd, editor of the Unrns Times-lloralil has gone into the busi ness of raising ehiekons hy tho iiicuha tor process in .injunction with the husiness of conducting a high-class re ligious weekly newspaper. Houhtless tho elass of l'.y rds to ho hatched out in tho Times-Herald "honnorv" will ho SUCCESS j Mrs. Nation, ho startled tho Nation j j the other day hy smashing tho interior i Flori la's eat tie iioids have been ,,.. I of a tray tern pie of P ie. h-n in Kai.sa-, pletod U restock Cuba, which was strip- b.is, in turn, I n slartle.l by the wife J lH.il of live stock during -ho war with : 'f tl.e proprietor..! the ile Iish.il t!M Spain, and the ranges of the lnited , pala.-e, w ho sought her out ami Imr-e- States are being seoure.l for liorses to ! " hipped her puhliely. make up the tremendous mortality 1 NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS Our Clearance Sale is proving a success I Combination Suits 1 i . I We still have a limited number of Ladies, Misses W, and children's Combination Suits which will be si closed out at 50 cents each. Call early and get 6 your size. . . . .... ocai"iio 1 hv war in South Afrio.t. M rs. Nat i'.n ; w ill beh.ive her-elt for a few d.ns-at least until the whiplash bruises disap pear Inni her saucy fa -e. j ft The San Francisco P.ulletin. after tnen tioiiii the visit of a nuinl erof California l.ei-i.ilots at san (jueiitiu last week, nareastieally remarks that, so iar as re j)rtel, t.ot one of the visitors showed any too suj.vi'-'tive familiarity with the interior of the i.laee. If the learned l'r..fos-orj of Stanford eoiitiii ie t'i withdraw from that in-iitu-ti.-n there wiil be ii"h" loft to do the work, and others will not aeeept si tions in an institution wh .. policy is to th'vHie Flee Speeeli. It was a sorry day f .r Stanford l iiiversiiy when 1 r t . Koss h it it. President t'has. M. Il.iy- of the: Southern Paeitie railroad has shown a' far sihtidne-. in his first otli.'ial move ment, lie has ordered the rates for, colonists fnuii the Kast to the P.n itie Coast slashed down to a maximum of 'J" from al! points we-t of the Mi-,,im river. Tho eoloiii"! rate from Chieao is tixe I at jpl; from St. l.onis, Mem phis and Now ti leans fJ7."! ; from I in.i h i. Kan-.i", and Houston L'-". I Hi Ci R OTH E & COm THE lEADING MERCHANTS OF LAKE COUNTY. gjj Putt of Yamhill ha lip aaiiist the real Kepreseiitativ -: 1 1 . -1 1 1 ! v l'.ufe. thino in h s I. ill t.j i-'ll off all i.-es whieh are iio.v turned into the eoffeis of the .s'-eretary of State. I le i l.ums that the state So -rotary i .-t'::. ri-h -that his ine.ime roaelu-s 15. mm ani.'ialiy. There will he "soinethint; doiiik.'" when this bill comes up f .r si-sae. T!ie Women ot Kaiisas seem to l.e de termilied to break Up the saloons. Spurred on by the daiim; of 'rs. N.i- , tioii a ho n- at rested .1 few weeki win lor .leiiiololiin.' tho haiid-ooii- inter ior of a saloon in Wiehita. four other wo inon who M'ok notoriety aio now in jail at t he -.line pl.n e on a similar charge. The-e tool i.-li w linen w iil di-e )Ver that they cannot break up the saloon as n business. It takes the w hole people ol a Nation to accomplish that. I'.ut, then, some women pant for notoriety. I A bii! w ill bo introduced in the reZoii 1 Legislature, if modesty of 1 he originator j does not prevent, for the ostabli.-bineiit I of a horseshoe commission, the princi-; pal lealute of the proposed law beiiitr j the payment of fll to the commission! before a man can pursue the horse shoeing hu-iliess in Oregon. After hav- ..... ., 'O.l lli pant this lionus lor llie privilege lie in; then proi oed to destroy as many j horses' hoofs as may be taken I) him. No pn,vi-ioii is made lor exeiiditure of tho money thus received by the com mission except hy the commission itmdf, Cadet Kdward X. Johnston of Oiet?ot) j h""' nu-iiibers may visit at pleasure will be graduated at the head of the remote regions of tl.e Hate in the West Point t la-s of He is one of ! prosecution of their olliciul duties and the brightest men who have been (graduated from the Military Academy in years. He w as appointed from this Jud 'e Kiueaid of the l:'.u'ene .louri al and some i ther- like him, who are em phatically out-ide of the Uepubli.-ai. party in every way, are dointr tli: ir friends no iiood by undertukii.i.' to dic tate action to the Pepe.blic. r: legislators on the Senatorial fpies'i 'ii. And who ever i- contiolliiig those agencies would be wise to call them off. Republicans are nod natnied a:.d h.i,--uf!erii.. but they d'j u A re!i-h tnlosl.i,i from trait ors and avowed enemies. (Jiegon .statesman. state and entered West Point in June, JS!t". Cadet Johnston is 24 years of ae and the tallest man in his class. He will get first i hoice, after reeeiviiiK liis commission, in the Knineer Corps. Oregon against the world for bright boys and pretty girls. The Pepublicaiis of the Senate in cati ons have decided not to crowd through (hi- Nicaragua canal bill until Great Piiuin has had a fair opstrtunity to htudy the amendments to the Hay Pauneofoti: tieatv and decide what to do about (hem. There is no disposition to abandon canal legislation for the nes Hon, but to move forward and in order. A determination was expressed not to let the session clone without passing the pending bill, and it was suggeKted that thus, at so much per diem, expend the thousands of dollars exacted from the horscshoer who desire to do business in Oregon. This is a graft o tho first water, and hhou!d la! smothered at once. Like Dawson Winter. The Wengler correspondent to the Redding Free Press tells of a hard trip over the snow ex perienoed by Mr. and Mrs. J. II. liuick. They started for Kedding on hiowsIiooh from the big wood camp at Wengler, intending to take their two sons to the Ashland Normal school. Mr. Jiuick is inex lericiiced in the art of handling biiow nhoes and had many thrilling adven tures going out. He fell over the grade, the Hiiowshoes would cross each other, and in lining down some of the hills would leave him behind sitting flat up on the snow. The next morning when Mr. Puiek entered the Montgomery hotel he went along through tho hall dragging his feet as if trying to utocr his miowhIioch, and remarking that lie- felt rather sore from bin previous day'b ad venture. Mm. Hniok, however, stood the Socretarv of State iniirht intimate to England that only forty days remain. ' the trip finely and did not complain The Railroads Kuildin In Oregon lrmie!i to be Lnu.ually Active Ibis Near. I he Ireeoniaii teti rs cditoiiaHy to railroad building in Uni'"ii as follows; Palli'oad building in Oregon ptoini-cs to I e unusually atiie in the coming, mo'it li-. Hot '.i it hstan bng great lallua) com! i ',; i,.s a l e 1 1 ider of the i!a. A I noli g be lo -a ill le.- that ate lea -on ably sure lo have rail connection ii tbe; outside Woll I belote I'.SK'i are Pi iiicl die, i ( 'anyou ( ii y, l.akeview and Klamath Pall-, III Pastern i, goii, slid I Ilia mook I'-ay, on the coast. This moans 1 slreti'ini.g a line eii'ireli acio-s thestate north and s' U'h, with biaia lies to tap important producing!- tion-. hke lake county and the I 'par John I'av allei. The oMeii.-ion of the L!gin btaiich of the O. II. iV . N . Iifty or sixty miles into the Wallowa Valley i abeady assnied. . There I- likely to bo siiine railroad cmi struction in the Snake Piver Valley to reach the ote- of the Seven levils mines, in Idaho, and the gold mines of , the Kastoru part of I'liioii county. Tho I project for building a railroad from j Pol llaial to Tillamook county due t is i under way, and theie is no doubt that j it ill sin coed. Not all the enterpl ises for building tailioads in Oregon are iol formulaic I, hut I his is a, field on which ( capital now looks wilh hivor, and it! Will lie a race, in some cases, lo seel hull of tm or three projects shall j get posos.i ,n i, f c.ivelo l territory. It j is propahle that between I'll I and "SKI miles ol new railroad will be built in Oregon in tl.e coming two years. 'The (Jralts." The Poit land Telegram chaiacterizes the Scalp lloiinty law as a "graft." Listen to the editorial u..uiof that bright religious evening Astoi.i. her : The scalp-bounty law will he passed, not because it is a good or a just law, but to "give Pastern Iregon something," so as to gain Pastern Oregon votes for other appropriations or projects, per haps more or perhaps less worthy. Here is an instance wherein a writer "editorializes" on a subject he knows nothing about. The old scalp bounty law, in its crude form, and now asked to be repealed for a better one, was the means of saving hundreds of thousands of dollars to stockmen of Pastern Ore gon by reason of the killing of protla- tory animals. Thissee'iou is not in the j "graft" business, and if it was it would I ........ ,,;., Ml l..rl nave a nngoij' D,,"n land When you go to K lamath Palls don't fail to see C. J). Wilson the popular caterer at the (Jem saloon. Ile carries tiie finest Mock in town and will treat vou right. TheOoin is the 'sipular resort. Try the Hermitage whisky there. 2'i-tf "Tie r Ih a clmrm ly sn,, often tolil, ,.!.,. . I lOK Kll II ooclien I llto Kolt ; I in. ,,i cull wiiillie where'er ') fortune placcil, ( un rem- KHrileii hi the ilesert wuhIo." The contented people about town are those w ho enjoy their drinks and smokes at Post A King's. Mf Homombor the W. O. W. ball on Washington's birthday in Lakeview. It will be great. a WE LIKE TO TALK About prices, just as everyone likes to lead the conversation around to his strong point or pet argument. VI; know our prices are lower than those of competing houses. The thing i- to make YOU believe it.... We iire convinced that we can convince you if you will but call and examine our TWO GREAT OFFERINGS SLAUailTER PRZOBS Tillman & Mendel's superior quality "No. 15 Itlend" roast Coffee, every other place in trSl town 25c per lb; our price . . . xx2 T Sc I Pan fired Japan Tea that is sold everywhere for 50c per lb, which is our regu lar price; a limited quantity trty? c will be sold to early buyers at JijjJJt ..Dunlap & Thruston.. S, F, AHLSTROM Manufacturer of the Celebrated Recognized as the best Buccaroo Saddle in the United States- WACON t DUCCY HARNESS, WHIPS, RODES, ETC. 'hoi