own VOL. XXII. LAKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, OltKOON, THURSDAY, FEB. 7, 1901. NO. .r. WINTER SILVER LAKE PROJECT Right of Way Across the Indian Reservation Is Not Granted. SCENERY till t'l il J h i i ;; i I r: i : i . t il N-C-0 NEW RATES Special Rates on Several Lines l:roni the East for Settlers. Chlcngo to l.nkcvlrw (or I'orty l our Dollars N. C. O. Man ugeiticnt Assisting in Set tllnjj up the Country Along it I. inc.. Tin-in. uiiiinn-iit of the Niwnl.i Cult- luriiiit i iregnu Itailway (ci-m hcnl on iim - siding H in it hiuit in the op hoild- int and settlement nl tin' muiilry llirnuli uliii li i ' h linen run, and the utiiI'.in tlmt uill In- r.iiinii' I liy it" rail" in tin- future. We herewith pre - sent l'i mil reader ii letter rcichcd (ruin (iclll'lal I'lelght it I 1 Passenger Agent .1 . II. I ii-n iii-lt , show mg I lie interest that L'i'litli'iiiaii i taking III tlit advancement I tin- country : Hi nii, .''., Jiiniiiiiy '.'.'i, l'.il. Ill.Aill A .MiMHI(KV, l.KKUKW, t lIK l.tlN - I KM 1 I.UkS I I Hill t'lil' I tn advise ymi tlillt we Ii.im- "in ! 1 iii obtaining through etUri-' lute mic wiiy Irmii I'hniig'i, New H ! . .i 1 1 -. M 1 1 1 1 1 1 -, St. I.0111 and M I '..III I KlM'l 1 1 1 1 n tn Million nil UlIM Illllrt.lV UK i r l lll Inni il lift. 'l lll" IIIIIV U' llllclislllig ilifnl million , lur .nir reader. Any punted infnr mill I-ill III Irgard In tin' ad aiilngc nl , ynur ri uniy I will be pleased tn ills- tlllillti' lllliolig till' (il'lll'llll I'llnse llpf I' Agents ill llll lines coveting I In-mil nl I V bclwccn 1 1 it- I'iiiiiIb in.lii uliil iiml the Km ky I m ii til i iih, ii i ii I I sincerely trust i- may gel cnusidi'iuhlc Ui.ctil t r i n i llii'fe exi-eitniinilly Intv tlimuli rateH In of iln.' entire line. Jl will lnu I l U-cji mint mi tlie line nf tliln rullwiiy, uml I ! prove tle Having oi lmnilreiln of dollar I H - tn ii tluil tlie l'n--iiik;i'i l'iarl- annually n many M'ople I y lining a way ineiit nl earl, mini in iiif.il innl an tn w ltd Innx of time in iiiimr(aiit einereii Htn'e rale (i.nii ilehtiiiiilimi mi lliiM rail- eit-n, nii-l w ill rertainly In a treat eoli wa In jour tnw n. Vi.uih truly, ; venii iu e tn all. ll.ipnl tramil of iiien- .I. II. r.KNMrrr. Miien lietMi-eii I.nkeview, I'aibli'V ami Special Scltlcr.H' and llomesceker' j s,lv, r l l,k" "! rnHiu ti.n of im lajcgi I mrtaiit lniNiiH'Mh over tin- line w ill lie a Aria. iementM are imvv ,ou,,l, teil f,.r ' -r, l,t "''" " '"""y "" '- (.'. ial rale, an iiU.ve Imm t l.i.aK'.., I l,r'M'' ,'''';l""''t "f ''' New Hi-lea... Meiiipl.i, St. buii ami llll .Mll"iilirl KlVIT hiiIIh (II rillUIIIN, llnl hlniin-'H. Armotriiiiu ami Tt mm. tirketH tn he colli commem'iiitf Tilecilay , Febru ary lUlli, ami earh urceeiliinj Tuemliiy until April .'hi, ltNil, available for ieo- plu ceekint; new Inline or liM'ut inn. 1 h rate nt;r. eil upon by the line in iuterent art- a billow : SM'i ial rate Irmn t'liieinn, New I lr lean, Mi nipliiN, M biiiiHHiul all MiHHoiiii Kiver 1'iiiiiln tn I s - t , X s-- ST I'Iiiiiiiih fll IM)2K Mrf'.M (HI llnl Spring Hi (HI' ll 27 (H) A rniMt ronn ;i:t (Hti Hi I Ml1 L'H (HI Terinn 'M (H)i III fit I L1I IH) Tn l.akeview aibl Mlae fare, (10. T. F. Hunuway, Vi ?e rrediileiit ami iieneral Milliliter of tlie Nevada-Call loriiia-OreKoii Kailway, arrived from New York hint week, and lie inform tho Iieno (ia.etto that lie ha ordered equip ment fur two paener train complete, and it 1 the bent money will buy, The Amerii-an Car and Foundry Company of St. Charle. Mo., waa awardml the con tract, but, owing to the ruuli of order, the builder could nut promice earlier delivery than July l't. Manaer lun awHV alwi purcluied a lot of machinery for the chop. lii'ttardiiiK the location of tho railroad chop, Mr. Dunaway Hiiid : " There are reaoii w hy the whop Hhoiild be located in Iiciio, but from my iiivcNliiratinn there are more reanoiia why they Hhoiild not. I am inclined to think that my company')) intercut would be heat coiiHcrvod by locating them nearer the renter of our line, coiitructed and proponed. Mr. iMiiiaway report all rail mill full of order mid the eiiiliet delivery he could net promised win Octobor, but he hope to do better later on, lfnberl M, Hall ha been appointed Chief Fuilieer of the N, C. (. and will in rive in u few day, when u eurvcyiiiK inn tv w ill be )nit in the lit Id noi lli of J'eliuo, ' BUILD THE LINE Reported That the People All Along the Line are Enthusiastic. Telephone and Telegraph System Troni Lakeview to Silver luike One of the liest llnterprlses in the County W j 1 ! tu i ii 1 1 urvi-y nnl S. I!. "Iminl lt-r , j telegraph promoters, i n l'n t starting ulnng tliii runic fniiii Lakeview to Silver I .ii In- litt Sunday, but Mire let -r r- J ' frniii venturing mi tin trip w iuu tn the lutf f 1 1 i -1 1 . r 1 1 1 We understand it is j (he iiili'titinn nl these gciilli'iiicli In start on tin- trip iIiim week, tin1 weather per- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . They II 1 tn Interview llll till- pi-.iple along tin- mute, who Mill I"' III-ti-n-Hti'il ill tint Im il'ti Hi nl tin- Lukeview Silver Lake Telephone uiul 'i t-U-uruj-li Inn-, Hint to mil nit Muck-taking in the etilei prise. All ri'MirtH ro.civcd are very encouraging, a there in scurcely u iiiiiii mi tlie hue hIhi will refuse to take (Mime slock, ii in I mail y if tln-in will u c - 1st tin- enterprise liU-rally. Il Ih tn the interest nl every man nml woman be tween 1-aki'View ami Silver Lake to as sist llilH enterprise a liberally Im llieir iiri'iiiiirtiiii' i-n will permit. We dare (ay, ailcr tin' line im completed, there are hiisinc men ami stockmen in Lake view, Crooked Creek, Chew iiilcan, Pais ley, Siimmi'r Lake ami Silver 1-ake Kim wimlil lint In ion I in vi 1 1 tlio line an u con Veineiiie, ami an imliviilual limney iiiakiiitc 'i"Hi-itinii in llieir lurctiniil liiihiin'M aflaii h, Im live limed tlie end "" -"'"''"", ' .e inuiiiv Another feature of the proMiilinii in, when thiM line i I'oiiHtrui'teil il will lie a i Hiilwtantial one line that win not i .... net'eHNitate the Hemhim of a repairer out every time the wind blow or a few iui'hcN of enow fall. It will be to the material advantage of every man in Lake eo'inty to have thi telephoiie-teli'tfrapli line built, and The Kxaniiner lioi- that the t-tock will all be taken with avidity and looked upon a a kimmI invcHtiiielit. I-OR THE CEMETERY. A Fine Cnt.rUlnm.nt Hrlilay NlijM For a Worthy Cum I'atronlza It tverbody. To-morrow (Friday) evening one of the moHt iuteretiiiK entertainments ever given in Lakeview will be witneeed at (iiinther Hall. The entertainment was arranged tinder the euperviion of a few ladie, who are foremost in the move ment to have the cemetery ground iiu proved and inudo attractive, and, the object being a mot worthy one, it i to be hoped that tho entertainment will recei' e a very liberal patronage from the people of Lakeview. Following is the program to be prewnted : l'laiin Ki i'llnl Mn. J. 8. Ilrrmlun (Quartet "hHllltm" Mi'iwn iii-ii n iiuriuii, m.vi iiurioii.AiKH'rkoii ,v r.vn Mlnui'l Kliiht l.ltlle liirU l'lioiniKraili Hi'cIibI I'rul, K, T. uuihIht "ITIikiii HeuiH'," II I'rovaliirn Konle 'ohb Inii't Miiiai'a Juhuaou and Ctilunian ( aku Walk 81 x i'cxi i.l.'u Quartet Meaar AniliTMiti, KVHU,(H o niirtun & M.Vt Imrlou I'lioin k ra)h Ki'vltal CJ u ill Iter Talileaux The price of adniiion la 50 and 25 cent. 1 he publio l cordially invited. South Africa and the Philippines. On the IM tilt, (ieneral Knox engaged (eneral IeWet forty niilcH north of Taganohii, while the latter wan attempt ing the invasion of Cape Colony, lie- suit imt known. Lieut, ilickeu and thirty moo were attacked near Fieta Han Luca, lnluml of Cebu by one hundred rillca uud more boloiuen. Five Anieiieaim were killed. four wounded aiut two ate initwiug. In BUigent loss heavy. Krom (iliuto Ukrn tor tlilt THE ICE BRIDGE AT NIAGARA. livery h IuUt Niagara T vUlteil by tlioiiKiunl.H of tourlHtH. Ice bridge ami the froiten idIhI c lTeftH are edjieclally iM'autlful. No Change in the Senatorial Situation. Special to Lake County Hxa miner Sai.i:m, Ort''on, l-Vk .". T! same, may Ii No one fan tell .vIhmi lien tomorrow, or it Scalp Bounty Senator Williamson Introduces New Bill That is (ienerally Acceptable. Senator Williainxnn, of Ci miU, Klam alii, l.ake ami V un n, lia i i i r . I i -. -. 1 a ci'iilp iMiunty bill that i be ieved tn more tree Irmn nbjrt'tinualile le.itureh than any yet drawn in thi lineof legila tinii. The htrnng feature of the bill i that il make the county cliare the bounty offered with the tate. This feature of the bill w ill have a tendency, if it be come a law , to dincourage caieloBsiiee and extravagance. The lull provide for a bounty of 2 uiKin the eculpH of coyote, mountain lion or cougar, panther, timber wolves and gray wolve. The party who kill the anil nil miiMt bring it hcalp to the Countv Clerk ami make atlidavit that the calp i from an animal killed by linn, ami in the county in which it l preented. If the County Clerk has any doubt a to the trnthfulne of the allidavit he i empowered to require the party preeuting the t-calp to furnih him with additional testimony to any extent that may be deemed neceary. The scalp i turned over to the County Clerk, who draws a warrant on the County Treasurer, payable out of the general fund, to the amount the appli cant is entitled. The County Clerk re tains MiaeBion of the scalp, and at each seion of the County Court pro duces them, together with a statement of all warrant druwn, to be checked up by the County Cunniiioner. If the scalps tally with the warrants drawn they are destroyed by burning. The bill further piovide that on the 1st day of each month the County Clerk make out a statement of warrants iued on account of seal pH, and send to the Secretary of State, w ho i required to draw a warrant on the State Treasury, payable out of the general fund, for two thirds of the amount paid out by the County, and transmit it to the County Clerk, from whom theslatement is received. It is claimed for tile bill that it pre vents fiiUo return, and doe away with the middlemen in the handling of war rant. The county being reponible for one-third of the amount pavable on scalps will alio excrcixo care, through its proper ollloer, to prevent abuo. There are four i ue of smallpox re ported at Indian Crock, Harney county, ! - - - ' ' - I This year the ii- Sciiatoi ial voto remains tho thi'ic will I o a i-han:o. It mav tint or-cnr for a week To fleet Here Indications That the Sumptcr Valley and N-C-O Railways will Connect The .-alt I-ake Tribune, an up-to-date auiboi ity on railroad building, ha an arciele on the extension of the Sumpter Valley railroad and the Nevada-Cali-fnruia-oregnn road, which may explain the purpos-e of the latter road to reach Lakeview a ee,tlily as Kible. Jos eph A. Went, chief engineer and super intendent of coithtriK'tiou of the Sump ter Valley railuav, and formerly of the Ctah A Pacific, was in Salt Lake recent ly irom linker t'iiy, Oregon. Mr. West gave the Salt Ijike Tribune some very interesting fa "t about the extension of t he Similiter Vallev road, and his ex planation how that the small road is tiling to gradually develop into an ioi oitant ami paying link. This road will lie pushed southwest to meet the N.C.O. which is preparing to begin extension wink from Termo, the preseut terminus, to Lakeview. The Suuipter. Valley road purchas ed at a reasonable figure all the rolling stock of the Sampler Valley and Utah Central road as sotn as they were con verted into broad guage lines, and is well equipped with rolling stock, having several humlred cars at its disposal. The N. C. O. line is also being thorough ly equipped with modern rolling stock. When these two roads meet which will probably be at Lakeview, a new and in teresting railroad situation will be open ed. Surveys for Settlers. Surveyor-General Habersham hag ad vertised for proKsals for surveying and marking the limits of 19 full and frac tional township in the northeast and southeast sections of the state, ltids will be opened February 20. The appli cations for the surveys come from set tlers. Following is a list of the tracts tobesurvyed: T. 2 .' U. 9 K. jT.2 N., It. 3(1 E. ; T. 2 X., It. 37 E., T. 4 X., It. 7 E.jT. X., It. 43E.JT1 S., It. 20 E. j T. 2 S., Ii. 42E.; T. 3 S., It. 42 E.; T. 3 S., It. 41 E. : T. 3 S., It. HE.: T. 8 It. 38 E.j T. 10 S., It. 12 E.j T. 10 S It. 10 E. ; T. 10 S., K. 11 W. j T. 19 S., It. 11 W. ; T. 20 S., It. 12 W. ; T. 21 S If U W. ; T. 22 S., It. 4 W.; T. 33 S., It. 15 W. All the township are frac tional, except live, situated in the northeast portion of the state. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Unwilling to Recommend the Passage of Bill Introduc by Mr. Tongue at the Last Session. A recent dispatch from Washii gton ay that, in view of an adverse rejmrt made by the Comiiii oner of Indian Affairs, the J-eeretary of the Interior and Sub-Com in it tee of Indian Affair on tho granting to the Silwr Lake Irrigation Company a right-of-way across the Klamath Indian reservation for the con struction of irrigating reservoir, ditches, etc., it is difficult to see how that bill cn pa- at the present session. The bill was introduced by Mr. Tongue at the lat session of Congre, arid it has lieen shifting about in the department until very recently. Thi company seek to secure a right-of-way 1U0 feet w ide across the reserva tion for an irrigating canal commencing at the north bank of Long Creek, run ning northerly aero F'oster aud Wick iup creek, to the north boundary of the reservation, a w ell as the right to con struct and maintain dams, flumes, ditches and other contrivances neces sary for storing and diverting the water in such places a the company may see fit. The privileges sought are, according to the term ol the bill, to l extended on conditions the grantee shall furnish the occupants of such land of the reser vation as is ausrentible of irrigation uses, and shall not diminish the volume of water so a to deprive any of tlie oc cupants of the land bordering upou the stream of the benetit and full enjoy ment of the same. The bill grants au thority whereby the company may enter upon the land adjacent to the canal, and take buch stone and timber as may be necessary in their construction work, but lauds belonging to the Indians shall not be touched. In view of the facts as brought out by the special agent, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs is not willing to recom mend the passage of the bill, and the Secretary bases his action upon that of the Commissioner. The Silver Lake Irrigation Company is a Lake county corporation. READY FOR BUSINESS HanJIcy & Clendeoea Start Up the Lakeview Planing Mill With Famous Lcffcl Engine. Lakeview can now boast of a thor oughly equipped planing mill and gen eral manufactory of wood furnishings. The enterprising owners of this estab lishment are Messrs. Handley & Clen denen, two of the best mechanics in this section. The firm has just put in place one of those famous Leffel en gines of eight-horse power, and have all kinds of machinery to do the work of a first-class planing mill. Theirs is the only Leffel engine in operation in this section. It is a handsome piece of ma chinery and gives thorough satisfaction. Handley i Clendenen any the Leffel is by great odds the best engine they have ever seen in motion. The firm is pre pared to do contracting and building of any description, and have the machinery to turn out their own furnishings. They are now manufacturing sash, blinds, mouldings, window and door casings and furniture of any description. They also make beehives to order. This is an in dustry that Lakeview has long needed. and The Examiner, predicts much suc cess for the enterprising firm who es tablished it. They will soon have on hand a full supply of dressed lumber and shingles. Call at the Lakeview Planing Mill for everything in the build ing line. It is reported that L. W. Uruebeck, former hotel man of Amedoe, has sold all his holdings in that warm water vil lage for a huge sum of money, and that the purchaser, an Oakland capitalist, w ill erect a large sanitarium at Amedee. 4 if-