Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 31, 1901, Image 8

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, t
rrr ttt vttttt ttt ttt ?tt ttttttttt ttt ?vt ttvytt ttttttttt &
Jim tireen haa gone to San Francisvo. j Mm. S. W. IYirdin, the faahion-
Dr. Meiner arrived on the Western : able milliner of Alton, who 1ms lieeti
yesterday from Salem, j erioit"ly ill for aonio time, is reported
Vot A King xpeot to open their fine ' '' Now Kr ,",u,' improved,
iiew ahon alout February 10th. I The l'laimlealer Kara that a large nuni-
The range homes of Mod.v. despite I lK'r "''' are leing broken for eaval-
,vndi- r" purposes at Likely. I Ity McCahe
the aevere weather, are in goo'
Ixin Sessions of Modoc county was re
cently married in Keno to Miss tienie
Mitchell Bros, drove 2;Whead of leef
eattle from Klamath county to Uazelle
last week.
Felix Uroen is in Sacramento on busi
ness, and will visit various point tefore
his return.
Clarence Anderson of Altnr.K ha a
position in the California slate print
ing otliee.
Win, Mi Cormack, stockman of Che
waucan, w as a visitor in Lakeview last
Mis-es Inez and Kmma Gallagher and
brother Sylvester were visitors in Lake
view la-t Tuesday.
Ammunition cf all kinds, at H. C.
Rothe v'i Co.'s.
O. ! . Charlton was up from New Tine
Creek ye-lerdav m business pertaining
to the Hen Warier estate.
I calico for
will deliver a Knit 70 head at Termo this
W. K. Harry, tb,e Puke of I'lush, was
in I.akeview this week on court business.
Judging from the humor in which "His
j TuliMiess" appeared, w e opine that some-
Innly will soon he "yanked up" before
the Supreme Court of I'lush for "advis
; ing young calves to leave their mothers."
j Messrs John Wtxd and lleik Roger
jcame up from Alturas last Monday. The
young men are canvassing this section
for a stock brand hook to Ik1 published
j by the New Kia people, and are reliable,
I otherwise they would not If sent out by
; Slons ,V highly. This stock brand book
j is a proposition that should interest all
; our stockmen.
We si ;!1 five vou 25 vards .
l.t'it). II. C. Rothe Vo.
An all night is on the
in I.akeview for the 17th of Man h, ti I
given by tiuulhcr Itrolheis, as a hem-tit
lor the I.akeview cemetery. It is under
stood that the la-lies of I.akeview wiil
luriii-h an elegant supper for the occas
ion, and the ploceeds, atler expenses
are paid, w ill all go into the cemetery
fund. Ibis is a laudable tin jertakiui.'
w Inch should he kept III iniml by our
people. ' 4 J
in Lake
enj-'J ing
IVlightiul sprit..: weather
count v is what our people are
in mi l w inter, l'.X'1! . j
Ladies' t'ornbiation suits, to close out, j
at 50 cents each. II. C. Rothe Co.
Arthur IVnson, son of Circuit Judge j
llenson, is clerk to one of the important
committees in the State Legislature.
II. C Ilothe it Co. have the fir.cst line
of Oolf and Percale shirts in I.akeview.
Thos. Keir, the stone mason. i doing
a tine pi-ce of masonry work around the
big boiler for- the city electric i;d water
The Klamath Republican says lmth
the Ager and Ashland roads are now
thoroughly open and stages are making
good time.
"Farnier" Green, the drummer, was
in town this week taking orders for
M. A. Striplin and family returned
from Surprise valley last Tuesday arid
Mill occupy the Joe Walters residence.
Arrival From the .North.
County Assessor John I'.lair arrived
from the north last Saturday. He savs
the biggest snowstorm he ever saw in
Silver Lake, for a short time, vi-itcd
that locality about January 1st. About
It inches fell in Silver Lake valley and
about three feet on the level on the
west side of Summer Lake; in places it
was live feet in the drilt. Pining the
storm Comity Commissioner Jim Mar
tin attempted to get nut to attend the
session of the County Court in latkevicw, J
but was comtiellcd to give it up Mr.
Rlair says that sto-k in the northern
section are all doing well now , although
horses have been Hllicted with pinkexe.
The Assessor is preparing to assume the
duties of his otliee in March ami will
tregin asse -ing at Silver Lake, working
southward. He will remain here for a
few weeks.
Tak a bath in F. P. Smith's new
pon e! v n tub. Hot ami cold baths for
big and little tue:i. and all the latest ap
pliances. Turkish attendant.
Mis" T f ally Wl.itiuore arrived from
Langcll Valley last week on a visit to
her sister Miss Rurna. She returned
home on Monday.
Win., popular foreman of
the 70 ranch in Prcws Valley, was aj
business visitor in Lakeview Monday. !
He savs they are enjoying balmy spr ing
weather in Prcws. !
H rn In I.akeview, Oregon, pec. 24,
V. O. V. Hall and Supper.
At a meeting of Lakeview Camp 520,
W. O. W., last Wednesday night, it was
decided to give an elegant supper in con- j
nection the all night dance on ihcj
evening of Feb. 22 1. The good lady j
friends of the older will arrange the
sunper and it is their purpose to make!
it one of the liuct-t that has ever Ireen
given in Lakeview. No one whoattends ,
will be disappoinlej in this regard,
(iunther Hall w ill be, on that occasion,
the scene of great enj iyment, and the
Masonic bamjuct room a place oi fe-livi-ty
and good living. An effort is to Ire
made to arrange a circle of Women of
l 0i), to the wife of Ashjey Follett, a ' Woodcraft between now and the gL'd of
Hon. This item e-caped our attention j February, and if the purpose in accom
yntil now, but Ashley says the bov i , plished it w ill make the grand ball
- i 1 right, just the same, it his Lirth j doubly interesting.
wasn't announced on time. I
t, , , . Stock Brand Book.
. . f - ' l- iii Messrs Woo 1 & Kogers of Alturas are
the estate of George Freeman the dead j( ,.lkl; ,.uilt v f ,ht,,t ()(
pioneer of ft. IJidwclI, has been filed ; ,v,, ,v Lighty, iiublishcrs of the New
and shows the estate to he worth a little Fra, w ho are getting up a sto k brand
T State Xinc notes.
j j j j j j j j j j
Willie Jatiicrsoii Is very 111 with fever.
Mumps is a thing of the past in this
Jeff I'arrish was n business visitor
here last week.
Iaunon A llarttog appear to be doing
a thriving business.
Mrs. tiny llammersley has recovered
from a serious illness.
Orcal went up in smoke not the
town, but the atition.
For a go si smoke go to Fb. Follett's
and call for a Urooktuan cigar.
Lemon it llartng are putting up a
gissl supply of ice this week.
The big supHr and rabbit drive
failed to come off at Willow Lam h.
I'ine Creek is up-to-date, laikcvicwr
tsn t in it. We have gas lights till you
can't see.
John Wood was here from Alturas
last week cauvas-iug for a stock brand
Hert Snyder and Miss Uose Keharl of
Lakeview were isiling relatives and
friends here this week.
Pave Miller and family of Surprise
Valley have been visiting New I'ine
Creek friends for a week.
The sick ieo.,. of New I'ine Creek
are all rapidly on the improve under
the treatment of Pr. Faster.
! Lev. C. W. Laiinoiiit is wrestling
: w i'.h Satan at 1 be l'.ei he church. There i
scarcely a sinner leit in bethel.
Pexter Amiek has appeared on the
cene again a: !i-r a siege of t he nniin-.
! Peck looks like a silbjei t from Jordan's
! M llseuill.
' Pr. F. F. Mnith of I.akeview made a
j living trip t, New I'ine Creek last ,-nn-:
day night to attend Mess Com Ham-.
mersley w ho is v ery ill.
Lecently a petition was gotten uji to
change the name of thi tow u to lircal. j
'Judging Irom the number of signers
one is led to believe that the eitieiis
regard the present name good enough.
A few days ago while John Vincent
was untviiig the bol knot in the tail of
his horse the at i.nal kicked him on the
arm and one bone in the member was
fractured, but Vincent is improving
A. M. Smith, returning home from
l.aki view last week, was walking be
hind his wagon to kec warm when Mr.
Vernon attempted to pass him. Smith's
team became frightened, and be lore he
could catch them the animals were out
of reach ami going at a 2:10 gait. After
running about a mile the team landed
in the fence at II. K. I link's place
where they u en-caught by one of the
buys. No damage was done. The run
away le.r-cs are u-nally docile, but that
morning they had taken on an overdose
of that line tolled barlev Mr. Smitl
keeps in hi mill, and wanted to
back to it.
Miss Mabel Follett is among the ail
ing this week. I'. I'zI.K ami I. N. Pl.V.
New I'ine Creek, Jan. IIS, p.hil.
To close out our WINTER STOCK
SjuH'ial llftluc(ioi) on
Dress Patterns
SjHH'itil lU'tluction on
Ladies' Underwear
Sjn'ciiil Uivluct ion on
Hen's Clothing
Special Reduction on
Hen's Underwear
Spocidl Koilnelion on
(let our
oilier store.
prices lie fore you pay your money lo any
()Ncw Pine Creek Roller
P Flourinn Mills.
A. M. SMITH Proprietor.
1'inler the new management this j
mill is now prepared to furnish
customers with the Pe-t o
is pa yini: Inchest price lor oraiit
ilnur. Br?n, Shorts,
Corn rrcal Germea-
& Orders promptly filled.
il rl i si hi ii t is rluin nl rrrrij irrrk H'titrh it.
Teachers' iixamlnatlon.
1 See our display of up-to-date
3$ ...HATS...
b(-K than f I0,(XK), in land, cattle, rash,
ijutes and accounts.
U':-Tf IV. Sublette, father of S. R.
'Sublette of Lakeview, died Jan. 12,
at Pe Soto, Missouri. Deceased was
''.vrn iu Richmond, Va., Jan. 13, 182.
He was an extensive traveler, and wa
'he lather of six children. He waa a
eotisistent ehristian for over .W years,
and he met death bravely.
Jtosewell Parrish, who was here last
year representing the Justice, I'.aternan
i., wool buyers of Philadelphia, is now
doing a brokerage business for himself
-i lioston, Mass. W. A. Sherlock re
ceived a letter from Mr. I'arrish last
week in wliich lie states that lie would
)ike to be hack in Lakeview again.
Frank Cannon, the rustling stockman
id Cliewaucan, was a vinitor in Lake
view this week and made The Examiner
a call. Mr. Cannon says they had a big
'stotu in Chewaucan, hut are now en
J yrn(5 delightful weather, and Ktock of
all kinds are doing well. Mrs. Cannon
accompanied her husband on a brief
The Sacramento Record Union of Jan.
viiith contains, the announcement of the
;narriak'e in that city of William C. Mel
'ehert and Clara Wickliffe, says the
Plaindealer. As the copy of the paper
i ontainint; the item was marked and
ent by a Modocker at Sacramento the
inference is draw n that the fair bride
wait the divorced wife of Mr. C. 13. Wick
liffe of Alturas. A Reno trip was not
Miought necessary in this ease.
book in t he interests, of the stockmen of
Modoc and Lake counties. Theu young
men are btrictly reliable and any bu-ineMs
trarinaitted with them will beguaianteed
by SI oss & Lighty. This brand Ixrok
will prove a great convenience to our
stockmen and should lie liberally pat
ronized. Messrs Wood and Rogers w ill
go as far noi th as Paisley on their can
vassing tour. 4-1
Notify This Office.
There is a new carrier on the delivery
route of The Examiner, and it is possible
that some of our town subscribers who
have been receiving their paper at their
doors may be overlooked. Any sub
scriber failing to get a copy of the paper
as usual will confer a favor by notifying
this office at once, liy so doing the mis
take will be rectified.
Masquerade Ball.
Joel Arzner wishes it announced in
the columns of The Examiner that the
masquerade hall that was to have been
given at his plane in Augur Valley will
be postponed from the evening of Feb.
Hid to the evening of Feb. 5!2d, (Wash
ington's liirtbdayj on account of the
Degree of Honor ball to be given in
Lakeview on the 14th prox. Remem
ber it is to he a masquerade, Feb. 2-M,
and all are invited. It
Examiner Bulletin Board.
The Examiner has a bulletin board at
the Lakeview postoflice, where all the
latest important dispatches can be found
posted. The Examiner is keeping the
people up lo the times on the United
States Senatorial contest in Oregon.
Watch our bulletin board at the post
oflice for the latest.
Notice is hereby given that for the I
purMise of making an examination of
all m-isoiis u ho may offer themselves as ,
andidatfs for Tr ach'-i ' State ( 'ert i Urate I
or State fliplomn, the County School
Siipj-rinlfiidrnt of Lak- County Ailtj
bold a public examination at I'aisli-y, j
Lake eoniitv, commencing on Wcdm-p- ;
day, February l-'L 1!M, at -'.) o'clock a. I
in., of said day. I
Pated this ;i"l-t dav of Jan , PKH. !
J. t. WlM.IT,
County School Superintendent,
Lake County, Oregon.
Remember that the woodmen of I.ake
view have changed their program for
the evening of Washington's ilii thday,
and will give a grand snpix r in connec
tion with the all night dance. Supper
will lr served by the lady friends of the
WrxHlmen, in the Masonic banquet
room. Tickets hall and supper, $2,50.
it s
7 -7
Complete line of
We, Uik unilnmlKinMl legitl vt'rn of Chcwnil
Ran pri'dm-l, latke coiiney, HImIu of Oregon, r
ix'( llully pctiiiou tliu Honorable County I ourt
of l.ak. counly, Htiilu of Orekon, to Krsnt a
licen se to M. ('. CurriiT to m il H,irl tuoun, malt
ami vlnoiiB lij uora In lens iiiiHiililii'i llian onu
ifallon In Clit-waucari prrcliHI, l.nki! counly,
htate of Ori'Kon, for tin' jK rloil of nix luontlm,
aa Iu duly noiiuu wu win ever pray.
C K. ('Kini.lrt'll
Jack Hliiiiuoria
(. It. Harrow
ilnrolrl Clark
J. K . HminiBlitr
V.. W. Withers
W. M. MarHt;r
J. J. Moore
J. i. Hampton
John Driiinm, Sr.
M. l.aurltzeii
J. I. Karra
H (iaylord
H. 8. UnlllliHter
11. W. Karrow
A. A. Smith
J. I). Ilollii
(i. W. Hlnhop
J. I'. Taylor
A. J. Hvolt
Arthur Stanley
Fred Wle.ley
John HlmmoriH
I. A. Withers
i, .rn 1'ru in m
K. H. Mclionalil
N(,tlc: In hereby Riven that the urnl ri(lt(iii:(l,
M. V.. Currier, will apply to the Comity Court
of Lake counly, Oregon, on the Mh (lay of
March, I'D I, for a license to m IJ spirituous, malt
and vlnoim li(iiora la Ichu quaiitltlcH than one
Kalloa In Chewaucan prceluel, Lake i:ouiiiy,
firegon, for a period of sin uiontha from March
A I HanniHter
J. K i I n in iiioik
. (iaylord
ieo. ('. Ijvexrove
J. M. Welch
I.. A. Mohh
J. A. .MclJiifiald
. W. Hanan
ficorge Couu
J. A. 1 Til m in
K. C. Htickel
A. A. Moore
J. W. Donnelly
I. C. Hanan
A I. Karrow
J. H. KcUay
T. W. Johimon
Dell K. Morxan
Charlea Tin mini
(i. W. Coolcy
II. K. Orirtllfi
lieorK" Kaiuey '
('. II. I'arker
lieorKe Ueed
W. II. Tucker