Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 31, 1901, Image 5

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    W i nniQi ativp mil .c
The Affairs In Salem That float In.
tercat Ketdera of Tha Examiner.
Anntlicr irt tempt wilt li made at Una
amnion to mart a meaaure iiroliiliitltiK
tlinkii'piiit' ami ly Inn of nlrkflln-tlie-tint
iniirliliiKii. Hut h a im-amire )
fort tlm IHf.t l tiiMlatiirv, lull It regular
that'tllll)llt defeated.
The iMiinrralH, I'dpuliMtK ami Union
iiwiiiIm troI tlm leyiitluture held a rati
run mi tlv "-'I limtatil. Their work wan
iiiklv lliNMim'l of; tint 27 niewliera
irent-iil IimiiIoI on mitkiiiK Mate. Sen
ator Km. tli of linker ('unity their cainli
date for I'lilted State Heiiator ami ilelf
itiK liiir the 27 V"len.
(iovifiior (ieer linn mihmilted to the
Keiuitn lint following nMiiiitiiutil of
the Itirtrd of lti-Kililn of tlm Houthern
Oretf"' Main Noriiut! Hcliool at Anlilaml:
)(. l'.Neil, A. I., J. H, Orr,
two wara; C K. llaruien, I.. K. Willitla,
ami V. A. MiiwiliiKill, lour yeara ; K. II.
Carter, II. V. K Unify, i yeara from
Ma t h 25. IH'.tlt, V. I. Vaster aiKiintel
Jamarv 24, to wiceeed (i. A. (irt-g-or;,
H nator I'uly'a new iImmiI liill (S. li.
Nd II) provide tliat cilliena or elector!
of the hluUi who nrn head of familiea,
atd all wnmeti over 21 year of bk, who
a'e liraila of fituiilitiit or ho have prop
erty in the hhtru:t auhject to taiatioti,
ihall have tlm rif lit to volt) at school
(tliK-tiotik for tlirt'ttorn. Tlm atmeitaed
proju-rty iiiali(li-atioii to entitle men to
vote at pt hiMil iiiec tin( uikI elerliniia in
tliittrirlit hitviiiK 2KJ nehool t hililrt ii or
over hint lieeri hi rit ken out no fur a the
amount of hhmnmmI prierly goea, hut
the proviniou fur dome ut-xeiwd proH-rty
on tlie roll retniuiiH. Thin in u Im law
ami hhoulil vuhii. The HHir mini kIuuiIiI
have a vote with the rirh, no mutter
how little of thiH world' ti he may
be iMineKceil of. Ami women whopiiy
Uii'K hIiiiII in all (ui rin-f m he allowed
to runt u vote in n liool matter.
The HoiiHf pio-fdl the t'olvitf hill pro
vi'liiiK' for u rhiuiK'e in the term of the
Circuit Court in tin; 1 irnl Judiriul liw
triet. I.uke in in the Kind.
A hill Iihh Ihtii iulrodiit eI in the Ken
ate to umeiiil the llurmoii l(i'ilratnin
Iiw, t'liiK'tiHl in IH'.r.i, Two vet'lioiiN uru
pro pi "-el UK follnWH:
Section 21. The County Clerk Khali,
on the lirl Momhiy in r-cptemler, iin
liietliulely preieiliiiK li preMilentiitl elef
tion, rinpcii the rcpwlrittlou InNikii for
that year in ortler thitt any elector not
nlreinly rcintcreil that year, who are or
w ill Ui ipinlilieil to vote" fur pre hhIc ntial
ulectom at the eiihiiiiijj preniilfiitial eleo
Uon, ami ihono w ho, after retcintration,
have reuiovetl to another precinct, may
iruictcr in the precinct in which they
live, ami ail rtvintrution UxikH hIiiiII he
kejit oien until f o'clm k p. in. (iltccn
day prior to the day of iaid pn-Kidential
Ket tion 22. The County Cleik aliall
provide a column in the precinct reia
tratioti liookH for filtering the Kil-hook
numlier of each retfiHtered elector voting
at prcciilchtiul or primary e-ectiona.
at'Ai.r-Htit'NTV in i.i. rAaaau.
Ik-fore the tlvhato waa opened on the
bill, the Senate scalp-bounty bill, by
Williaiuaon, which, it i cluiiniHl, will
prevent any Hiich acalp indebtednesi
contiiiKency aa confront the I-'iHlature
now, was read for the information of the
Houho. The Hiibntitute provides that all
moneyain the acal-hoiiiity f iiiid created
by the law of J K'.ri be tranrferretl to the
bounty fund created by the new bill,
and to re i inhume the counties that paid
apecial tax under the old law. The
auliatituto was conaidered and adopted
by eocliona, ami then adopted aa a
whole, and ao rejKirted by the committee
to the Hotiae. Under auapeneion of the
rules the bill waa passed to a third read
lug and puHHtnl. Hutt, Kdson, Ingru
bam, WatHon and Whitney voted no.
The bill provides for a tai of one mill
oo all taxuble property in the state in
11)00 to meet warrants drawn against the
scalp liounty fund and unpaid for want
f fundi.
School keports.
Following is the report of the Crane
Greek School, District No. 3, for the
month ending January 25, 1U01 :
Number of days taught 19
Number of jmpils enrolled 24
Average duily attendance 22
I'upila whoHH names were placed on
the roll of honor: 1'eurl HarUog, Mel
lie Vernon, Clara Ilartaog, Lora Duke,
James Judge, (Jrover Vernon, KoU'rt
Cogghurn, Nera Vernon, Willie Vurnoti
and Clyde Coggburn. (I. Johnhon, Teacher.
Keport of Dialrict No. 2, Cogswell
Creek, fo the month ending January
25, 1101 :
Numb r of days taught 20
Number of pupila enrolled 22
A veriige uttuiiuant.e. lti
Perfect in attendance: Kdna Mc
Oratli, Inei Watnon. Charles Hhod s.
Veriier liuaay and Cheater, Alay and
(V-ar ritudley. Koll of Honor Edna
McUrath, llaltie Deter, Charles Uhodes,
Cheater Ktmiley and Klxie Thruatoii.
L. N. Ciiii(iiktt, Teacher.
Thou. Anilcmon of Warner has return
ed to San KrHiiciitco.
(ittfirgn II, Hainmersley ha.i purchanwl
the (told Hill (Ore.) News.
The NVw Kra aays pinkeye prevail
among the horses aUiut Alturaa.
Deputy Sheriff Charlie Campltell was
tlown from I'aittley this wevk. lleaays
I'alslry is building up rapidly and has a
hri. ht future.
Kleher'a window are (juite a study,
and it would pay anyone to take a look
at them before they vlult any other store
to make their purchaaes.
Horn In Lakeview, January 2f, 1(M)1
at the reideii(-e of Mr. ami Mr. It. A.
I'aiton to the wife of Frank Wilson a
daughter weighing 12 lh.
Ixiffttt Urn. (John and C. C.) have
returned from ICed Illuff, whither they
went a few weeks ago with IK) head of
fine homes and mules. They sold at a
good figure.
The next big attraction in I-akevicw
in the social order i the legree of Hon
or ball on St. Valentine a evening.
Ticket, hall and tmpj-er f'.'.Wt 4 1
A ham! of 250 horatts from Vreka have
lxeti sold to oflicers of the (ierinan
army, and it is said the price was flOO
ier head. The animals belonged to Je
rome Churchill.
An aged renidetit of (iooau Ijvke
Valley, named Whitaker, who was re-leiim-d
from a California insane UMyltim
hiHt riitnmer, ha again U-en comniittetl
from Altura.
County Superintendent J. (j. Willita,
accompanied by his wife and daughter
arrived from I'uihley lunt Saturday. Mr.
Willita remained over until Tuemhty
morning attending to olliciul dutieri.
The Seiirchlight Huyit that Mif Kdna
lleryfordof Lukeview i vixiling her
concin, Mr. J. II. (iinlner, in Keilding,
('. Mihti Heryford ha U-en Hcnliug
the winter with reltitivt-N near Millville
There will Ih jiv in Lukeview on St
Valt-ut ine'a f veiling. KvervlnMly will
iiltcml the gram! hall to lie given by the
Degree of Honor. Supier w ill lt served
in the Maitonic hamiuet room. Tickets,
ball am! supK-r, f2.50. 4-1
Harry Hubert, vaijuoro foreman for
Heryford I'.roa., is in Sacramento
Harry wrote to a friend in lukeview that
there wan 10 inches of snow in the
Capital City hint week it came on
box-cur from the SittkiyouN.
The Ijikeview F.lectric Light plant
ami Water svstem will prolmhly lie In
ojieration early in March. Itia under
ittood that the expert to lie furnished by
the contractor bus been telegraphed for
to come on and start the plant in opera
tion. The announcement that a thouitand
Creek Indiana were preparing to go on
the warpath appeara to have been ex
aggerated, and it is now thought the
warriors of the Creek Nation in Indian
Territory will be quieted without blood
The diplay in Bieber's north window,
thin week, comprises every kind of aoap
and all acceanories to make washing and
houaecleaning a pleasure. The novelty
of the display is made more attractive
ty the .aril which announce: "ii
coats but little to keep clean If you
buy here." ''Quality Up. Price Is
(ieorge C. Turner and Dave Groves
came over from Cedarville Tuesday and
on Wednesday Mr. Turner underwent a
surgical oMration. Dr. Gibson perform'
ed the operation, and we are told that it
proved very successful and Mr. Turner
is much improved thereby. New Era.
The Plalndealcr is advised by Mr,
Rennett of the N. C. 0. Ry.that Alturas
will not be "sidetracked" when that
road builds on. Mr. Bennett says:
"There has lieen no change in our plans
and we shall certainly build with this
coming spring unless prevented by uu
forceen accident."
It is now stated that the railroad
from Montague to Yreka will be extend
ed through Scott Valley to Etna, a dis
tance of 81 miles. This road w ill open
up a big section of fine agricultural
land as well as tapping a rich mining
region. Arrangements have been made
in advance for the sale of bonds of this
road in the East to the amount of 1,
250,000. This road will be a grand
enterprise for Siskiyou county.
8, F. Ahlstrom, the well known sad
dler and harness maker has a force of
men continually at work manufacturing
the celebrated Lakeview saddles, and has
the buBt harness in the state. Ahl
Strom's well known reputation for fine
work in this line insures him a big
trade from far and near. Besides he has a
well-stocked store, filled with everything
carried in the line in city shops. Take
a look at his elegant line of gloves and
robes none but the best goods carried
in stock.
Geo. tl. Ayres.
II. C. Whit worth.
We are commenciug the
With a very large stock of
goods that are right up to
. 190! .
Give us a chance and we
will convince you that OUR
goods are worth more to
you than your money.
1 1 Cteo. H. Ayres & o. !
News is scarce this week.
John Simmons is stopping at the
limes farm, the guect of the prince of
hoftH, Charlie Innes.
Dr. Withaui has begun work on the
foundation for his new brick building.
The Carlysle family was taken to
Lakeview Ittnt Saturday in charge of
Deputy Sheriff Charles Campbell.
The Paisley public school gave an en
taiuinent Friday evening which was
well attended, and pronounced by all
present the beet of the season. Prof.
Willits is one of the best instructors we
have had for years, and baa the con
fidence of all the school patrons. The
Professor started for Lakeview last Sat
urday, accompanied by Mrs. Willits and
daughter, who will remain in Lakeview,
while he will return to complete his
term of school.
Messrs. L. A. Moss, Ed. Green and J.
W. Benefiel circulated a subscription
paer last week for the benefit of our
new minister, and, to the surprise of
"Tip" the "heathens" of Paisley sub
scribed quite liberally.
Your correspondent last week, in re
plying to " Tip," unintentionally in
cluded our present neighbor and friend,
Mr. 1 Goodpasture, among the "one
horse" preachers we have had in the
past, but such was not the intention, as
Mr. Goodpasture is a faithful minister, a
gentleman and a good neighbor.
The press for "The Cbewautan Post"
arrived Friday evening, and the town of
Paisley can soon boast of a newspaper.
This is an enterprise that should, and
will, receive the patronage of the north-
em part of Lake county, for, with a
newspaper to scatter abroad in the East
ern States the facts of the vast unde
veloped resources of our beautiful, fer
tile valley of the Chewaucan, with its
abundant water power where in years
to come will be hoard the sound ot ma
chinery, the w histle of the locomotive,
and the roll of electric cars then will
Paisley be to Lake county what Port
land is to the Willamette valley ; with j
the passage of proper irrigation laws,
national and state, the River Chewaucan
will be carried in canals to the south
and north, so that our now fertile, but
dry lands, will blossom aa the rose.
Equitable irrigation laws must follow as
a result of progressiveness unjust laws
in this regard, to the detriment of many
and benefit of few, muBt necessarily paBS
from existence sooner or later
Stock of all kinds is doing well. The
snow has all disappeared, excepting in a
lew units, ine wave oi - .uctviiuey
Prosperity" continues to flow on un
obstructed to the discomfiture of some
of OUr " OpB." BtXIlNNKH.
Paisley, Jan. 27, 1901.
It is denied that there are two cases
of smallpox in Alturas.
London, Ju. 86, At todty's auction of 'wool
ales, 11,748 bales were offered. Ureaiy Merinos
were t per sent 'hlgber; iooured, 5($7il and
Rue (reaiy orowiUred wools, frd higher. linbs'
wool ed at from par to W lower.
tMiiniMMinMnimminiMiiniMmMniMMimmMiim e
Now located
in the
South of the
Daly Bldg.
Goods arriving all the time-1
Goods for tne New Stare
Car load of
of all kinds
We are the
Farmers' Outfitters
The Peerless Chilled Plow
Hardened Steel Mole Plow
The Disk Plow (Something New)
Peerless Cang, a Fine Plow
Denlcla Star, Sulky plow
Full and complete stock of
Everything In the line of
RIVING ALL THE TIME. n6X1 000r TO J. S Ht'fl'
Drugs, Druggists'
Sundries, Toilet
Soaps, Toilet Ar
ticles, Patent Med
icines, and every
thing In the Drug
Line . . . . .
1I,U9 $tope
Paisley, Oregon.
Dr. A. A. WITHAM, Prop.
LacatW at sat M First Floor
I Wwdau baUdlaa;. Will tmm
nve late "His Owa Brick Black"