Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 31, 1901, Image 3

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J. i. Iaughlin was here last Friday
from New I'in ('reek, lie xjM-ctn to
Idi y more horses, anil will make drlvw
t Tehama county nest month to make
a dull, lluying and selling Mini break
ing horses In Laughlin's business, and
In In lining well at it.
The Western U now arrives on
(to hikI in I'bsrlie Hnider in his hand
some nrw store.
pegre of Honor ball and uper, Yr. I
14. Tickets 12.60. j
III. J.1iii nlwt lU-n" i the I it In of It i
... .11 . 1 iii I "1 'here la a 1 harm lijf often tnlrl,
short story to 1 I01111.I on the filth c.iiv. rilim nil H toueliea Into gold;
or Th. Kx.mi,, ti.L j n'j'j.rrr i::;;
V. . W. hall and supper, Feb. KJ. j Tl ontcntcd people hIm.iii town an;
Tickets 12.60. ' those w lin enjoy their drinks and smokes
. ' at I'ont fi King's. 1-tf
( anylsidy should tH( or even hear
Pat Crow around thin neck o' ll.o w.hhIs I ' Chorion desires Tl... F.sammer
word should h. sent to the N,tic. i " l" l"" l,mt ,,tt ,,a,,
1P. th. 4:.. and rt ih. cm. his Interest i" .'.chan-
I.a.Hiv Itromo-tiuiiiiiio Tablets cure , '"" "" Wl.nrton A Ihirncs and
a colli 111 on day. No mm mi pay. ran Mill lm found next iloor to the Hank
Price l.r cents. ItK-lyr ready to please the patrons of hi in-
F.lcctriciati Anthony in engaged in j tabliMhincnt- tlm ladies ially.
putting ii lint cables lor the arc lights) Hudlcy ,V Harris, the furniture men,
alsmt town for the city electric plant, j have moved from the Field building to
.... . , , ,, ... i th utorc formerly occupied hy CI'.
I ni.k iioI .Ii.k hut JeNw M.-.r..hiHky hnill,.ri U.U. t,ey ,. - found pri
ai.d you II nUayn he happy. tn ale at : ,() ,,,, wrt j(1 th(.ir j,,,, ,,
Whorlon .V l itpatrick k. .I.l tl , ,,eir piitronn in furniture of
Attorney Joe I lal.'iineri-ley of (h.ld all kiudH.
Hill, in iiHniHtiuit cleik of thr Judiciary i When you ko to Klauinth Falla don't
committee in the lloiimt of the Oregon fail to Nee C I . ilnon the popular
l-uilturc caterer at the Oem tuiloon. Il carries
' the tineft nt'k in town and will treat
When that tiried leelinn coined along, Voii right. The ietn in the Hituilar rewirt.
hidctrmk it with .i-fi .Moore "AA" ''ry t he I leriuilage w hlHky there. L'.Vtf
the lii'Ft liikkey ill the IiiihI. ( ieurge
Jainmertlial, Hole agent. 1 1 i feared that when the great onow
A. S. 1 1 ;i 111 nit Hid attorney of Medford '"' mountain and foothilU hack of
..,.1 l,.tv,..u- lu.-l eli..i.ei. cl.i.-f clerk Yieka h. gii.H to melt that there w ill U-
of the Judiciary committee of the lloilne
ill the Oicgoli leginlulure.
"(Jet there, I'.ll !" I'.tl'fi I text iiu ran t ;
u-hI mealH III town. Kvery hoily known
Kll, the fiinioiiH chef. Hiniiem to or-,1,-r
.'ID ''nil
Try a hot hath in that tine hig porce
lain tuh at Frank Smith' nhop, next
diMirtothn hatik. All the lull Hi 1111
roveiiietitH, and a Turkixh attenilunt.
Jell r.illingli-v of llarren valley hilx
hold 'J.IHMI hi Mil o( mutton xherp for May
a hig Hood through the Hi reel of the
town. There i an inch of water to
every ten iui heN of kiiou , and 'A hen the
maM in reduced to water hy the warmth
of the pun there will he at leant five
im hen of water running from it.
Thin M-a-on there in a large death rate
nuioiig children from croup and lung
trundle. I'roinpt action will Hive the
little one Iroiu thcee lerrihle ilifeaxc.
We knoM nothing mo ceitaiti to give in-i-taiit
relief a One Minute t'oiigh Cure.
It can 11 No In- relied upon in grippe ami
dot Ktmovcfl 10 bni8tr s new dhck suimmg nexi coor 10 rosiumtc
For the Best Winter Goods
Select from the following List
Ladies All Wool Shirt Waist 1.50 to 3.50
Ladies Pine Capes 3.00 to 6.00
Ladies Skirts 1.50 to 5
K Ladies Jackets 3.5o to 8
Jfi Ladies Ptr Scarfs 3. 00 to 4.50
)( Ladies Latest Style Short Waist Corsets 1 .00 to 1. 25 k
Gentlemens Silk Mufflers 75c to 2.00 T
r it CMinno headquarters (
live ry body likes a good yls
j! meal and all know Sib -x j
delivery. The price wn for year- t,r,,H u, luit! tmuhle of adult
ling and l'.U'-' for two-year-old. Vale l'lcaxair. Intake,
tiai lie. Yrekil Journal :
Lakeview I'rug Co.
-The hig now hank
I'.. A . wnvd-r hll" II HUpply of enhhage, on tin- fide of the Mreet hy fliow
onion ami other vegetahle on hand. finvcled fr.,m rii( of hililding, are
tt.der left here will l att led hi. ,,.,;,,,.,. , ,), three day' H..OW
''' ' ' oionii commencing on the lirht day of
C I'. Miider can now ! found in hi ' ,. M).w ,.(.iry. They are likely to re
new hiick More, next to the Mitol!icc, ,.,j f,,r H.,,ne time mile hauled away,
with a large and new Mock ol general t t ( 1 1 1 Mreet hetweeii Miner ami Center
merihaiidie. See Snider for grK-ene r,.,.)., i,iite the Franco-Aiiierican,
and rare hargaiu in every line. ! jH ,-. ,111 1 ( ly hliM-ked, no elcigh or ve-
li .- in. to ! mi actual (art tliat all Imllaii hicle of 1111V kind having Vet la-en hauled
never UhhIk." ! .. . , , , , .
"N.. 11.. !.: IMiln'i l.nii;(. ii make Mimic th rough on t hat hli K k .
''And everyl-.dy el-e "lla Ha'," who The committee of ladie inchargeof
drink mid moke at l'ot King'. Itf the entertainment, for the henelit of tho
Howard and Stern aro feeding .rXNt 1 l-akeview Cemetery, will put on an ex
pend ol- cattle on Crooked river and 'ellent program on tho evening of Feh
alH.ut rum head at Silver I-ake in Lake , K,'. The entertain ment will con-
connty, he.e they are ahle to get hay "int of a lively, parkling farce ami ev
at lower price than here. -Crook County IH-cialtie. among which will U a
j()1)rm 'cake walk, a male, quartette and phono-
. , ,, . , ... . !gra:ih Hehi'tionii. Farly in March a
A fellow once Haul I want JpL.iia tlrnniH ill irivt-ii. in whi.-li
w hihkey , and I want It had; o they klinwn ta(.Mt wj tuk(1
id., t give him J.-e Moore, i.eorge , ur -, , .) ,j,M-t i a worthv one, a our
Jam inert hal. ol agent. j cemetery nee.l't hadly.
I.. I'. Fleming, tlm well known young Tu) ,n , Hki, t.(lUnt.( Ut.
clerk of Sew Fine Cnek, i now taking i,gitlg to the Frankl Co., i now 011 the
a course in medicine at Cooper Medical market for ale. No reaonahle iffer
College, San Francico. Mr. Fleming 1 'l""' r,-,",Hl"' '"r,1H"y ,""t ll il X"T
... ,. .. . . , full particular call at or addre tin
write to have 1 ho Kxammer forwarded 1 (f VUurU;H t'n.iiach, Lakeview,
to him at the cullego. I ( iregon. 1-tf
Such litthi pill a DeWitf Little W'm"iy B", n. 1 quanmy naKe in,-
uKilir lulien nml : " n 1.1. in- 1.,-. .0 o...
Karlv IJiner are very eailv taken, and
are wonderfully effective in cleanning the
liver and IkiwtI. Lakeview Drug I'o.
The picture of Tat Crowe, the alleged
kidnapper of the. Cudahy "kid," ap
pear on our first page this week. If
anylKdly hu Keen I'ut or man that
look like him, in thee part of lato,
they should notify Sheriff Iuulap. I'ut
pH'ara to be a lipcry a au eel.
"The tiaiiy hv wlmlu ilajrt and thoae they
I'liiuiiti' ;
The nnli.ijr have but boura ami tlMiau they
The happy xople are tho who
drink good liquor and muoke Kl C-om
andante cigar at I'oHt A King's. 1-tf
The mit Hoothing, healing and nt i
mqitic application ever (levimnl i I'e
Witt' W itch Hasel Salve. It relieves
at once and cure pile, oorea, 1 a
and "kin diaeaHen. Iteware of imita
tion. Lakeview Drug Co.
little liver pill. Lakeview I'rug Co.
Oregon ha a total of 870 precincts.
Only two of them Callow, in Harney
county, and Mule Creek, in Curry coun
ty failed to hold an election lant No
vcinlicr. Some of the name, of the
precinct are: Apuiry, Checowun, Coal
edo, Coyote, (iroune, Hoquarton, Ire
hind, lyke, Jerry's Flat, IKiking (ilaa,
Lucky, liueeu Mishawku, Neisly, 1'ia-a-hoiitaH,
l'oo lhih, ShiHilly and Wapato.
Mnltanoinah county ha the grcatct
nuniU'r of precincts K0. Sherman
county hit the leant iiuiiiIht 8.
l'epin preparations often fail to re
lieve indigeHtion hecaiiHU they can digest
only alhuminoua f im kIh. There i one
ireparatiou that digeNta all cIuhhcs of
immI, and that is Kmlol I)yppHia Cure.
It cure the worst ciimcs of indigeHtion
and gives instant relief, for it digoeta
what you eat. Lakeview Drug Co.
I lol Oglehy cured The Kxaminer in
unmeasured term when he read at
Klamath Fall what thi paper said re
garding hi "coarse work" as a stage
rohher. He ohjeoted it The Kxaminer
puhlihinK the fact in the itnHrtanat
cae a narrated hy himself when he
confessed -rpetration of the crime, and
w anted hi guard to let him return to
Lakeview to punish his "caluminator."
i'.ut xr lioh i in sufficient trouhio
without seeking more. He will have
plenty of time to reflect on his past mis
deed, a he informed his guards that
he would plead guilty when drought le
fore the court.
When threatened hy pneumonia or
any other lung trundle, prompt relief U
necessary, as it is dangerous to delay.
We would suggest that One Minute
Cough Cure U- taken as soon a indi
cations of haying taken cold are no
ticed. It cures quickly and its early use
prevents consumption. Lakeview I'rug
j F.d Qnigley had a larne hand of cattle
1 caught in the snow storm at Klamath
river, near Walker's in Uiversidc dis
! trict, and got tK) heal out all right, says
! the Yreka Journal. He has eight men
out hunting the halance, and does not
'' expect to lose a single head. The herd
ers on finding them, packed hay over
the snow on foot and on snow shoes,
breaking: trails for driving to darns at
hi residence. From all we can learn
the stockmen have not suffered any loss
of consequence from the late Morni, as
they have plenty of feed, and the snow
ha diapH-ared from most of the valley
range, into which the cattle are gen
erally driven before the winter season.
The summer range when the snow
melts off w ill 1' line feeding grounds
during the coming summer, as the grass
grows under the snow, to come up thick
and rich for spring and summer past 11 r
l'ersonti who suffer from indigestion
cannot expect to live long, because they
cannot eat the fid required to nourish
the body and the product of the un
digested hsxls they do eat iison the
blistd. It is important to cure indiges
tion ns soon as possible, and tho liest
method of doing this is to use the prep
aration known as Kodol Dyiepsiii Cure.
It digest what you eat and restores all
the digestive organs to jxjrfeet health.
Lakeview lrug Co.
What a "Rubberneck" Is.
Po yon know what a "rubberneck"
is? It's a person, male or female,
whose life is dedicated to other people's
business. They make no charge for
services and are delighted lieyond meas
ure to help attend to everything except I
what concerns themselves. They are
usually men with dysjepsia or
in the intelligence, or women w hose ra
reers have la-en stretched out of all
pnqiortions looking under the bed for
the proverbial man, or frosty girlies
from 30 to W) who delight in acting
kittenish and saying "we girls," or
married women who have caught on
as the last car in the train went by
j and grablied a man when lie was too
; drunk to run or loo frightened to defend
himself. Hubbernecka seldom die, and
when they happen to, their poor un
happy spirits just hang around when
the w ind blows chilly and cold, and un
happy things prowl.
She superintends all o
the COOKINd herself
Go there for a Fine Mal
Special inducements of
fered for board by the
week or by the month
SIB HARBER, Proprietress
Alain St., Lakeview
Door north ot Coulter A Co' Meat Market
Consider lr.
"Oh. do not I-t lh word te no,"
The lnvr crl.-d: r-.d thinking It
Would somewhat ease the cruel blow
Thf nviR.n phi-answered "nit."
Chicago Dully New.
Jit J.
I 1' '.- .:, v
Old Money Bag Would you believe
it, sir. but I alone am responsible for
Col. Codkin's military standing?
Friend Your influence pushed him
to the- front. I presume?
Old Money Ba;9 Well er no, not
exactly; he aw went to war as my
ubbtitute. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Some Katwral lllatorr.
Amid the murky shades of night
The house-bat has his play.
But the bi Ick-bat. be It dark or light.
Goes SH.edliiK on Its way.
KlUotl'a MaKailne.
Daby1 I'lelnre.
Wife I'm tired to uVath. Been hav
ing the baby's picture taken by the
instantaneous process.
Hus-band How long did it take?
Wifa About tour hours. N. Y.
One Ootulurt.
Mamma Tolly, when you ar
naughty you are ashamed to see tne;
you run and hide. That is the way it
wilt be at Judgment. You will bit so
ashamed that you will ask the moun
tains to cover you up.
Tolly (not at all impressed), but very
cheerfully) Anyhow, on Judgment I
will know all the other people's sins
Harlem Life.
rr MiiaB tmlljr.
"That was the most heartless thing
I ever heard of."
"What was?"
"When Nell Gaddsley heard that
Willie T.udge, instead of shooting him
self as he said he would when sh
broke their enpageinent had gone and
got Fannie Willings to promise to be
his wife, Uie sent back his ring with
a note in which she said she gave it
np because she knew he couldn't af
ford to buy another, and she had
found that there was a flaw in the
stone, anyway." Chicago Times-Herald.
A Meaa flap.
"I don't like the photographs yo
took of me at all," she said. "They
make me look like a woman of 30."
"Well, madam," the caustic photo
grapher replied, "it is always our cus
tom to retouch our photos to make
our patrons appear as youthful as
possible. If you had not wanted us
to do that you should have told us."
Philadelphia Press.
FlU of WorAa.
He I never can be in your company
more than a minute without being re
minded of a certain book a great
She Indeed! I am afraid you are a
flatterer. May I ask you what book it
He Thedictionary. Chicago Timea-Herald.
Her Ideal.
Ethel Loow quickly, dear! there
foes Mattie Str.itlayce. She mar-.
vied her ideal of a husband.
I May I wonder what her ideal of a
I husband is?
j Kthel A man who will let her do
just as she pleases without letting her
know that he knows he's letting her
. do it. Judge.
Unfair. .
"I s'pose it's all right," said Mr.
Cumrox. "But it doesu't seem fair."
"What doesn't seem fair."
I "For Matilda to scold because I
want to eat dinner in my shirt
sleeves. I don't make any fuss about
her party dresses, an they haven't
any sleeves at all." Washington Star.