4 gaiic CTotutio (Tiatitmliu-r Publlthrd Every Thuraday BEACM & M'QARREY Vtionk Building SCHOOL TOPICS SUCCES !S?fc;::.!!:Sv c." Teiis school Pat- TERMS: ("Three Months,. . 50 rons Some Things it is Well to Note. ItklVIIH, RIMV, J . at, ItKU. TUIC CADTO ikfpion rile m K.r. Hakk-h inli rtrtO A.lv. riiniiK Am ni y6lri,ls.' Merchant' KvehKiipe. Sun PrAmisro, t'al., where eutrt'i for l vert mill enii be mnile iw IX. NEVADA LOTTERY DEFEATED. Tht big lottery scheme which wa9 to live been lot-tered on the Mate of Ne vada by a Jot of high elas gamblers The Parent Should Stand Shoul der to Shoulder With the Teacher in the Education of the Child Off the Street. I Some one ha. aid that each succeed I ing generation stand iihiii the should ers of the one preceding that thechil- who thought they had liought up a large lllvn ,,taml ,,,, tllt, 1ull.rf, t,f their enough part of the legislature to insure parents. I think that the pupil stands the success of the scheme, was knocked will' one foot upon the shoulder of his out in the Assembly of that state on the ' Then, m the 8npjK.it of what . , I the child mav be in the future, ia it not z2d inst. The little warrior of Keno, I . . . , . , i urgent that the patron and teacher the Gazette, with its armor always on L,..,.,i 11i1,llli1i..r , ui,,,,,'!.., tl.i and itn steel burnished fop the fray against evil, was one of the potential factors in paving the state of Nevada from disgrace. The Gazette made a gallant tijjht for the right, ari tin-M heavy wills, a-id its si le won. In oomtnent- matler of education? The patron visiting and eucourag itgiiig the si hool by taking an interest in the manner of advancement made; the teacher striving to find out and serve the wishes ami needs of the com munity. 1 lay stress upon the manner, ing on the result. Allen C. Bragg, editor 1 Mieve advancement may tend tlowuwaril as well a upwaiil. Intel lectual developmei.t without the re- cf the Gazette, says : "Now all that remain for the egis- quired moral development only makes lature to tlo i to clear ttie legislative sharper rogues, ahd is a means of nmk desk of the lottery rubbi-li left over, ing our public schools a means of de from the last session and rid the State bating the ends of law and order. of a menace thit threatened to sap the fife blood out of the State's Commercial arteries, and go on with the purifyi:u and fumigating the NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS 1 6 Our Clearance Sale is proving: a success s Combination Suits j We still have a limited number of Ladies, Misses H and Children's Combination Suits which will be 3 gl closed out at 50 cents each. Call early and tfet 3 your size. . . Jb Do all realize what a liimlerance it is to moral growth within the school and claw here to permit children to see and hear things upon the street and long i after ninset that lack a great deal of having anything elevating or refining 1 aU)Ut them? Intellectual education work of capitol from stench left by the mob of lottery advocates. It would Ih a goM plan to squirt a little cologne on the presses of some "f the newspapers in Nevada and gire their editor a change from Living-' thing to be desired proper moral edu ,,1,,,. i.n,i i canon is a necessity. 1 ne leaelier ex ! Hi Ci ROTHE fi. C 0 1 f THE lEADING MERCHANTS OF LAKE COUNTY may be ncii:irel w ithin the public j kul t do more and belt, r work, but you schools, but moral growth is elsewhere ,iivi. wolked ngain-t them; vmi have determined. Intellectual education is a ; n,,t onlv rendered vmir school les elli- eieiit. but you have hampered your chil ', dren bv Voltr thoughtless habit- of keep- J erts a moral fi.n-e over the pupils, while I j,, tl.em out to work, thinking you j)erjin most cases it is sullicient to govern j were economizing by so doing. You I their a;ts while they remain under him. j ,uvt. worked against vmir-elf. We all. One t, ... .. , .... , :, . . . . . . . i i ins Miiiiii.a-.cs huh siisiuius eiicn puii U!l niniaii heiligs nave a ilesire to iio it. But such a force has its .r,l I,, it,,, uorl.l .--i e uln-n it way from business fell a victim to this ' limit that depends on t he teacher. In;eouns through lho-e who are nearest osculatorv-inclined individual, w ho ! v'r' f,'w cases, indeed, is that force in i ,i ,V:iret to u our children. It is ston gin to some A female "kiser" has made appearance in Jeifersonville, Ind. flight re'ently a r.iimln-r of men on their iiat feel clings alioiit the neck of the victim with ferocious energy, never desisting until she has implanted a kiss full in the mouth. '"Maud, the Kisser," as she is ailed, is dc-crihed as bring tall, is well dres.-ml and wears a heavy mourn ing veil, which she throws aile on appro idling a victim . As yet the men attacked have been so thoroughly sur prioed tliat no effort to detain her has Seen made. And why sh uld she be detained in her innocent pastime? the teacher sutl'.cieiitly strong to pierce j onlv the extremely selfish wh -, not even allowing -hare in their glory ; counteract this force of j ronsciiieiitly, w heueveryoti work again-t your children you w i k against yourclf, U-can e they remain to bless or ciu-e , your name. As the mind enjoys doing that which it can do well, the ability to advance by continually i..!i g belter, thus iiicrca-i' g The I'nited States revenue cutter ratit l a-i seized at New Whatcom a rl'Kift, which was sailed under the Brit ish ila lecau-e it was violating the laws of this fount ry bv bringing con tract Japanese laborers. the lives aifd hearts of his pupils and only for theinselvc patrons. The thoughtless patrons by 1 their children to their seltishni the leaelier, lienie v, lien Hie eli IM I'oine back o scli. Mil he does not come readily, t'onseijiieiitiv, unless he be an excep tionally bright child, his inteie-t lags and the teacher, through his endeavors to bring tin- child up, thus keeping up class interest, may put on ; t. real pleasure of intellectual pursuit ; too much force for the child's weakened ' should never be hampered A few da '. condition. This works another hard- ! at the eml of the term is worth vastly j ship on h. m and soon he discontinues. more than you may at first have thought. His lather may be glad of it because ol It means tiiii-hing something or leaving I his sel.ish interest or he may wonder, j it unfinished. Hum me a man that ever j but to the teacher everything is pel feet- j amounted to anything who had not the j lv plain. ability to do what he started out to do. The class goes on as best it can, per- ' Then should you inculcate such a ruin haps a few succeed in lini.-hing up the j ous principle in the minds of your boys grade. They get their promotion cards, ,y actual demonstration whilo they are then away for a bunny vacation. But young ami eanable of receiving iiiiiues. what of next year .' 'I he larger part of j sions? 15. I". th.) class may hrtVe "drop, ed out" be- cowardice of Some I'eoplc. are I bustle of lore neing proi.oteu. a ie t ney anio. to ; A new s ai,er man w as aske.l t lish an article roasting a c i t ; 1 1 . M.iwv j i-t alter the ru tUN -Year, a man begins to revive lak" "'' "",k their former , ... , , . clas.. '.' No. TheV hh: assigned work in the bills for the lin-tinm presents his ,,' ,. 1 the next c. a-s below. I lere their ambi- wife gave him. Kxtr.uue niode-'y j,re- ti,,,, me, t-another hearties-check. To vented the merchants from sending in see I hose w ith whom they Were eijual in the bills earlier. j every le.-pect a year ago, so far ahead I now is more than iimiiy who are ambi- lv. A. L. M -line, of West Superior, ; ,i""H ('t" stand. They rally .luring the .... i- i .1 .i i -i - year or mav drag, through until the de- YSisCoii-m. died the other dav in his ' ,, , , , . : tesluble work of the Hellish patron begins pulpit while conducting services, but T,l(, , ,ulJ welcomes it this time, other minister w ill regard that as a ,)t., haps ; thi n his intellectual pursuits warning against preaching. . I are at an end, unless Home fairji traps- ,. ' 1 iorins the whole family. If those ham- The people of Koho, L'matilla county, I'--red little npiiits hold out a year or bad a rabbit drive the other day. : two they may eventually linihh a Urade which 1,20") long ears were killed. he said .'jo the pub-culler, what or two. Barents, do you wonder why ho few of "That's i.uthii.V compared with the our j,,, especially, ever finiah a pie Bcribed course? The Hame conditions aim prevalent throughout tls lan. West Si.le drives. the Ivegifclature. '.SockleHH Jerry" Bimpeon ban bee I What does it mean fpj future genera-. dropped by the Kansas Populists. Wid t'' tlltJ "" ;nytular ........ , . force once held sway, but not ho now. Uverrnyer will be the fusion nominee in . . , , . ' , , The mmds that receive the culture are me ,rasHi.opper Mate lor memuer oi , . . r,., ...... tliu ,.rutu fl,r(;e which hoyN gain hf mut:W work an1 lit tle study. We must learn lessons of all the I'oweis liave signed the ,.,., i..UM i.nt it should never be done Chines jiote, the Kmpress I)owager at the exensu of those elevating and dhould Jiave no trouble in raisin money Lcivtiliziii agencies. Yet at present rates ..i. it at thelmnk. t,,e .moimy In educaty-oes mostly to your girls, who win in imiii assume responsibilities, because they are titled to do ho, and manage affairs. In doing this maternal .influence shall Isj lessened, our homes shall ultimately, be destroyed and the race become degener ate because of inequality, an it once was because of reverse inequality. You no doubt have had many worthy teachers who would have been only too J L'T.en, former prominent I'opu list, "is on band at the Legislature look ing after the 'initiative and Itefuren-.lam." The l'rince of Wales will be King I'.dward VJI.ut the age of three-score years. "Cei lainly, "what shall I say lie was furnii-hed an outline of was wanted ami wrote a seor'her. "Thatjf splendid," exclaimed the friend w hen the article was read to him, "that's right, ttiHt'll make his old hair crinkle." Let "All right, " said th (VrUor. me nee, what are your i' i'ials?" "iood heavens!" sr;!d the citizen, "you are not going to sign my name to that!" "Why not?" asked the editor. "I wouldn't have anyone know I had anything to do with that for the world. I couldn't afford to get inty i1 Hcrape with my neighbors." The editor smiled benevolently and said: "Why shoubj, I mix up in a scrape hat does not concern me? Why shoulijl you expect me to assume the iTlame for ttt article to which you are afraid to sign your name?". The man stopped Ids paper and w'ent away mad. , The Kxaminer gets- there. Ilavintf a lii real Hun on 4'IiuiiiIh i'IuIii'h ounli Iteiuedy. Manager lartiu o I "i ruon drug store informs us that : .' I l' 'iig a g -at run on Chamhei lain'M ('oiigu iumiii dy. tie sells five dottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, Mid it gives great Kii - action. In these days ol la grippe Uicic is nothing like Chambci Iain's Cough Kelneily to Stop the cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very slmrt time. The sales are growing, and all wlio try it are pleased with its prompt action. South Chicago Daily Calumet. J'or sale by Lee Beull, druggist. Our 5 and 10 per cent, sale has closed, but our Special Reduction Sale Now On We are now offering; some RARI: BARGAINS in ar ticles needful this time of the year, and things that you have to have to live. More bargains will fill this space next week . . ALARM CLOCKS WOOL SWLATLRS FLLLCF; LINLI) UNDLR WLAR, per suit 44 GOOD BLANKLTS BLANK UTS, better grade WOOL SOCKS, per pair SILK LINI-I) GLOVHS NORSK MIDL GLOVIIS, linJ reduced to 00 I 10 I 25 90 I 35 25 I 00 M 15 ..Dunlan & Thrustou.. ... 1 . fliif? u,msm I mm Manufacturer of ihs Celebrated . Recognized as'the best BuccarooSaddle in the United States- WACON DUCCY HARNESS, WHIPS, RODES, ETC. ( !