Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 24, 1901, Image 3

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1 '
? 1
a'Ui Itusslll has returned to Lake
view after an absence of several years.
V.. A. Snyder ha a supply of rahhug,
onion and other vegetable on liaud.
Order left here will li attKiided to.'
Anuniin -ement will shortly Ihi maalu
of the oxniiiK "I tlm big Hotel Ijiku
"(Jet thorn, F.ll !" Kll'a Itostauranl ;
meals In town. Kverybody know
KM, lli famous chef. Hlnnera to or
der. ;iO(tm
8,,rr for rr .., ,,
will In served in the l.aiiiiu t rMin
Masonic Hall.
Drink nothing hut Jesse MMre w hisky
..I you'll always la I..,..y. On sale at
Whorton A FltrpatrickV M-lf
Uetnctnber that Ilia Woodmen of lake
view are to give their initial hall on the
evening of Fehruary EM, at (innther
Hall. Ticket, f l.M.
It m-vtno lii I an actual (art thai au Indian
h,l!r; , , , ....
And everyhody else "Ha lla's, who
drink and smoke at Post A King's. Ill
V. II. Pease, the original contractor
of the Agcr-Lakevlew mail rouU. ha
arrived from Halt Ijike, ami ia now in-
peeling the line Ix-tween hero and Atfer. i
Tlirliappjr havn whole ilajri and th. ttu jf 1
Thr ','.'."hTiVr ' !"' 1'""" " th,.. th. y
The hupiiy triple thme who!
drink k.hhI iLnor. and Mnoke III Com
andante cinrn Hi 1'onl .V kinx a.
A. M. Smith, the miller, C. M. (diver,
the atiM'kmau, Arthur Foiled and Ivan
Hainuicrlcy wern vinilor from New
fine Creek in I-akcvicw lat Thuraday.
A fellow once aid, "I want aoiin'
fkliiML..!' Ullll I ttllfll it liMllr" Mil itll'V
didn't k-ive him Jeae Moon. tieore
Jan.iiierlhal. fole iieiit.
Hemenilier the Krund hull and aupHr
to Ih' triveli l the fH'cree of Honor of
jkeview on the evcnini: of Fehruary
Hlh. Sup'r will l prepared hy the
ladira of the tinier mid will la an cle-
Ifillit one. Ticket, hull and aiipper,
l-.'i!. 1
Thi ri' I. a rliarm hy iiki- often tulil.
I'uiiveriiiiK ll 11 '' h tutu unlit ;
The contented p.-., pie alxiiit town are
th..e w ho ei.iov their drinka un.l amokea
at I'.-Kt .V kinK'a. 1-tf
Chan. Sullivan, who for two veura punt
, . . , 11
hiiN hecn cnriik'ed iih jtiinlener and ped-
,, . ,, . . , v. ,, ,
dhir for (!. M. 1 aylor of New Fine t reek,
. . . ,. ...
la now in Jiickaonville, thia atute, and
.... ,. . . i
wrltea tr. have 1 he Fxaminer forw iirdml
to him ut that pluiM. Ileexprcted to re -
turn to I.akeview in the aprin-
.... . ... ,, ,. . .,
hen von ki t4 Klutiuith 1-alia ilmi t
fuil to m e C. D. Wilaon the ja.pulur
caterer at the tiem Mnloon. He ciirriea
the lineal at.a k ill tow n and w ill treat
von riiiht . The iem i the lxiimhir reaort.
Try the Hermitage whisky there. L'.Vtf
K. F. Cheney repirta the death of one
of hia valuable black mares, one day
laat week. Mr. Cheney went out to hi
ranch on the Went Side when he learned
the animal was sick, but did not reach
there in time to save her. The mute was
also taken with the same diaeaae, but
was brought to town and succcaidully
When that tiried leeling come along,
sidetrack it with Jesse Moor "AA"
the beat whiakey in the laud, (ieorge
Jammerthal, sole agent.
Mr. Burke, the nperutorand telephone
HVHtctn promoter, went to I'uialey luat
week to see the huainea men of that
place, and the ranchera and stockmen
between here and there. I loiibt Irr-H the
hiii-iiicN men of that runtling town will
take to thia cntcrprixe heartily and
iiiuke it possible to soon have telephonic
connect ion w ith l.ukeview. The local ,
line in l.ukeview, with a central ollirc,
ia now iilmoHt, an iiaNiircd fact. i
The merited reputation for curing
iiileM, sorca and akin diwatea iieouired
by Hi Witl'a Witch Hazel Salve, hat led
to the making of worthies coiiuterfeitH.
Be sure I i get only
I.akeview I ifiig Co.
HeWitt's Salve. I
' 1
W. O. W. ball February
Jim Melick wan in from Barnes valley
last Thursday.
The real estate In I.ako rotinty, w
lotiKi rikf to tht) Frank I Co., I now on the
market (or salo. No reasonable offer
w ill Im! rcluaed for any part of it. For
full particular call at or address this
ofllee, or Charles Uinhach, Lakeview,
Oregon. 1-tf
Mauley McLaughlin and Bird Keed
r vl.,r- ,1r i-,,,., v- Pi,, (,,
- . .
t ; iut, ivi.r Lakeview Drug Co.
L , ,. itt.. . i n vin.
'"r '" I ,,on"r
The most soothing, healing and anti
septic application ever oovimxi i je-
U'iii'. U il..l. Kol vii It
't ,. ,, crB, ,,il,.,, sores, eciema
and skin disease. Beware of imita-
lion. I.akevieV Drug Co.
"The Settee's Story," by Catherine
Birdsall, will be found on the siiOi page
1,1 lhl""""'
When threatened hy pneumonia or
any other Iiidk trouble, prompt relief it
,.,.. M jt is daniferoua to delay
We would miKKeKt that One Minute
Coii(h Cure ! taken a anon indi-
catiniiH of havinic taken cold are no
U ciireB (Jlllckly and it" earlv Uwl
prevent" coniiumption. I.akeview l)rug
...... t t ii
rrived from I-a ngell
valley lai-t Thuraday, and had liuolneaR
with the land olliciala on Saturday.
I'erNoiih who nufTer fnun indigeation
cannot ex-cl to live Ioiik, Ufauae they
cannot cat the IimmI reipiired to nourixli
the hiMly and the pro.lurta of the (in
ilifflcl fiKnla tliey do eat fxiiwin tiic
IiIimhI. It la I in iM.rl unt to cure ni(lik',i"
tin at aoon bh iMiaailile, and the la-at
m.-lh.Ml of doinx lliia ia to uni the firep-
arutiou known aa Ktalol IVHHpaiu Cure.
H ,ji,.h hat you cut and rec tore all
the ilitfenlive ornmi to rfcct heulth.
I.akeview I'Mltf Co.
The Woodmen are all Hhnrcninit up
their axe forthe rand hall on the even-
iii of lehruury '2'M. Tickets, fl a),
Peiinin iireiiarutiona often fuil to re-
lieVe ili.lif tioil be aUBe they CHI1 dieat I
imlv til I mini liottH fmala. There ia me i
ij.nrratj.m ti.t dir:ta n cirea , !
'". '"' that ia Kialol IyapHia Cure, i
It curea the woThI cu-ea of indication I
1 ' Jf'vea inatuiit relief, for it .liKeal ;
1 what von eat. .Ijikeview Prtiif Co.
I't 11a all rtand in now anil have a
. ,
telephone avatem eataMiaheil in I.ake
1 . 1 ,. .
view, and then aaaial in extendiiig the
... ... ,,. ,
I hue to laiHley and New rine I reek. I
! Cuptiiin Shenker, repreaentutive of,
i Murphy, (irunt A Co., cturled for War- j
! tier liial edneduy morning with a
. , ,. . ' . .... I
j ''"'liorhu livery ritf currying hia Ug j
! trunka. In guiug through Warner canyon j
lt. ,.m.i,ntered much ice, and the w agon
dipped from a aidim; and overturned the
loud, human frcinht and all. Shenker
was conaideratily hruixed and ahaken up
in the full, hut no other damage re-
Stops tha Couch and Work oH tha Cold.
laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cohl in one day. No cure no pay.
Price 2ft ceil is. 3H-lyr
Wo understand that a petition ia lying
at the New Pine Creek jmstotTice pray
ing for a change in the name of that
town from New Pine Creek to "Orcal. '
Few signatures have thus far been pro
cured. The name promised ia rather
unique inasmuch a it contain the nbre
viiitions of the names of Oregon and
California, and the town ia located on
the dividing line.
Viewed through an inverted glaH,
Sometime mukea one seo double;
Tli ui four ipiarta of beer ia apt
To make a full peck of trouble.
But if piiii'liiiMed ut Pont A: King'a
(A. I!. C.) it will make n barrel of plena
ure. 50-tf
Take Laxative Bromo liiuine Tab
IcIh. All driiygiHta refund the nionev if
il faila to run'. K. W. tirove'a aigna-
tare is on each box. -.V. ;iS-lvr
(i For the Best Winter Goods $
Y Ladies
kVi It
11 uauies Latest aiyie onon waisi
.( Qentlemens Silk Mufflers 75c to
jg U. OlllCrK. For FINE GOODS I
Actlv Market lor flora.
The horae-aelling aeaaon did not wait
for apring to open thia year, but haa al
ready atarted in, owing to the heary de
mand for good draft lioraea for the log
ging camp, aya The Oregonian. Quite
a numher of animal are being bought
for the Britiah Columbian market, and
theae are ahipped north, auhject to 30
per cent Canadian duty. Thoae who
liave to buy horaea now think they are
rather at the wrong end of the bargain, aa
a well broken pair, weighing WOO to
1800 each, readily sell at from 110 t
400. Heavy boraea, however, are
scarce, and purchaaers will have to con
tent thetnaelves w ith the lighter animal,
purchaxing more of them. According
to exa-rienced dealer, the horse range
of F-eawtern Oregon w ere pretty well de
pleted of their lieat animal luat year,
and o very few of those to be brought
in thia Mcaaon will reich the desired
standard in weight. "Horaea are high
here," n dealer said ycaterday, "but
they are worth nearly double Portland
price in the wood of Britiah Columbia,
and a team selling for f'SOO here will
bring fun) aeroHH the British line."
Golden Wedding In Ohio.
The New Vienna Reporter, published
at New Vienna, Ohio, has the following
regarding a social event in which Mr.
and Mrs. Iwis Conard were the princi
pals: "Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Conard
celebrated their golden wedding anni
versary on Christmas dny with a family
reunion at their home near this place.
Those present were Mr. J. W. Conard,
I.akeview, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Chancy and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Con
ard, Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. I). S.
Creed and two sons, Madisonville ; Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Newby, Mrs. Alice Con
ard, Mrs. E. C. Phillipsaud Master John
Hogaett, New Vienna. A very interest
ing fact concerning thia family is that
no death lias ever occurred, and all five
children were present. The occasion
was made pleasant by the exchange of
many appropriate gift. May the joys
of wedded life continue to fill the bowl
of bliss so long enjoyed by this happy
couple, ia the wish of their friends."
While Bert Kaynes and Will Clule
were out hunting on Yreka Flats last
Sunday morning, they noticed a huge
bonfire bluzing on top of the big mount
ain west of town and heard voices
shrieking for help, so they turned back
and not i lied some of our citizens. Kd
Mathcwson and several others went to
the scene, where they found four men
ulmoat prostrated, who had started out
in sciirch of cuttle and were unable to
get buck through the deep Know, but
were landed safely here by the posse.
Yreka Journal.
Such little pills aa HeWitt's Little
Furly Kisers are very easily taken, and
are wonderfully effective in cleansing the
liver iitul bowels. I.akeview Hrng Co.
Select from the following List 5
All Wool Shirt Waists 1.50
Pine Capes 3.00 to 6.00
Skirts 1.50 to 5
Jackets 3.5o to 8
Ftr Scarfs 3.oo to 4.50
- A A. rX - -! A, llf ' . A f
- aV
aw IS..-, - --T-7- , ,
Everybody likes a
meal and all know
SIB HARBER, Proprietress
Main St., Lake view
Trouble's a thlni; It doan't par
To lther l-ni1 or borrow.
The man of ult-e im ne'er (rives way
Fleeenth a lout of xirrow
Each iIok la I ounl to have hla day;
Yours m.iy itnw n to-morrow.
ChlcaKO Pally News.
"It'a a badly managed world,
reckin," eaid little Wilberforce.
"Nighta Mr. Brownjohnson comes to
sit on the aofa with Cissie, I've got
to go to bed and nights he doesn't
come well there Isn't no special fun
in aitting up! Bah!" Ally Sloper.
In lha Spring;. J
In the spring the vernal sunahln
Brings out all the birds and buds;
In the spring the youiiK girl's fancy
I.ltchtly turns to thought! of duds.
Harlem lAte.
Ilia Atiuoaphrrc.
"Ah. Tea," sighed the girl,
works in an atmosphere of art."
"I should think from the smell of
his clothes," her mother answered,
"that he works in an atmosphere of
tobacco smoke." Chicago Times-Herald.
Klanil point.
In youth, man cun t abhle a fraud,
lie hunts htm at home, abroad
Hut. leuriilm: w lu-re his iw n faults b.
With yeurs awaketti charity.
- - (Ml
to 3.50
A. - 1 A. t Ti"
vrseis i.uu iu 1.5
good a5
She superintends all o
the COOKINQ herself
Go there for a Fine Meal
Special Inducement of
fered for board by the
week or by the month
Dor north f Cooltw Co'l Meat narfcrt
Is Hia Cum:
"Vr-w-wwhat w-w-w-will It c-c-c-cost
mom-mum-me t-t-t-to t-t-t-t-teMele-pbone
f-fuf-f uf-from here t-to B-B-O-Dub
Boston?" h aiked.
The operator looked at him pity
ingly. "If you really man It," he replied.
"I should cay it would cost you about
$360.7S. The rate is (2.50 per five min
utes!" N. Y. World.
Jnat to
"What is an island?" asked the teach
er, addressing her interrogation to the
class in geography.
"An island, ma'am," replied Johnny
Broad head, a studious lad who had
Porto Rico in mind, "is a body of land
entirely surrounded by politics."
On Idea of Proanarltr.
"I hear a lot about prosperity,"
aid, grumblingly, "bat I don't see
much of it."
"You don't?"
"Saw. Why, a fellow haa to work
for what he geta just the same as he
alwaya did, doean't he?" Chicago
DlaultlnaT SyaaBrtonaa.
Fair Patient Doctor, I think I hare
one aerioua brain trouble.
Physician What makes you think
Fair Patient I can't thrust a hat
pin through my skull without causing;
me the moat intense pain. Detroit
i A Time of luptaaa.
"I never tell my boy that I won't
take him to the cirrus if he isn't good,"
remarked the candid man.
"Why cot?"
"I don't care to take any chances.
I'm tired of worrying for fear he'll do
something that'll keep the whole fam
ily home." Wahiiigton Star.
Starch for Information.
'Tapa," asked Philip Perkasie.
"what country was Pandemonium
king of?"
"Pandemonium is not the name of a
monarch, Philip."
"Oh, lie mutt have been, papa, be
cause I reail in the papers that Pan
demonium reigned." Judge.
s ysll, --au.