Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 10, 1901, Image 1

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    VOL. XXII.
NO. 1.
Rev. Summerville
and TI105. Keir
Have a Hard
In Attempting; to Neath l'aisley the
Men I -ounilcr In the Deep Snow
and Nearly I reeze to Death.
'Mm great wind and mm utorin that
visited the Pacific ('oal stale since tin1
luHt iSMIU' of 'I ll I X.llllilllT A attended
liy many exciting incidents. Although
llii storm in this immediate vicinity was
nothing mil i tlx ordinary (or this
season nl lin year, Mill ill the surround-
ntf t'oitnlry nlxnit us it was uiiiisiiiilly
H'Vi'M', It mar well Im termed a "freak
florin," lor usually ixc l.nki valley
1 1 ax u null h heavier snow fall than the
vhIIi-vh to till ( lis. A few miles
nortli f l-akcvicw tin' (all was greater
than here, it ii I tlin faithcr soiilh out
gis-s (roin here tin' lcs snow iii encoun
tered. Ah tin' iii iiiiitain between hero
and l'itinti y is reached tlio snow liecoincs
Iih'ht until it reaches u lull three feet
Hi thu mountain base. On the siiiniuit
it in in in-li deeper.
IHiiiIiiIi-hn tin- passenger on tlx N.C
O. train, who ex mt ieiicrd the overturn
ing of tin- coach they iti' riding in,
thought tlirir trial monstrous when
they crawled (ruin tl.i overturned coach.
bruised iiihI Mi-i'ilmi I '! ei...ri-
rice wiu, indeed, an -
. 1 .. I iml e -V e. - i -
son t tin1 khth'ii e . , ,
In-Coining snow IhiIIIH. " .
nut in tin- late I. our .
fusing to (o ii step (i. . ,
M-lf in a rmnj ' 1 '
li VHit-iil 1 v , hungry, and Is'lievuig the
fad of freezing to ili-ulh Hit" ulioul to
overtake liiui.
A ik 1 this is tin1 ex pcrionce of lu-v. I.
T. Smumervillc, Presiding Klder of the
M. ).. I'hiireh for tli in district, ami
Thomas Keir, tin- r t nn iiuif i hi if Ijiki-
I.ust Fiiilay Mr. Keir was substituted
for tin' regular driver on the Paisley
l.uki vii H stayc line, w liii on inn t tlm
hciivv snow up nortli, liuil failril to ri'iirli
here tin night la'forc, ami Pcv. Sum
mcrville w iim a passenger. The church
mnti liiul an it ' h i n t iik-ii t at I'liinloy,
u liit-li lit very much desired to fill,
mill started 1 ruliiy morning in tinier
to reach tliere by Sunday, not think
inn that tlio snowfall wan so heavy Unit
lie would lintl (lie trip (lillii'illt illiil Inu
unions. In Marling out Mr. Keir wax
given it Iiiiuk)' 'i I'lactt of a nli-ili, anil,
lifter rem liiiiK tin point u Iiith the hiiow
U','an In ut t ileeper, ho diHi-ovi-reil that
it huh a hit iiii'luke to Htart out with a
liuti(iy,itH 1 ih ten in hood U-gan to wear out.
All day hmn driver and (lUHHi'iifr in
turn plodiled throiinli the snow in an
effort to dreiik tlio road for the team,
thinking every moinent to meet the. ru
lay carrier from over the mountain. Hut
they looked in vain, and the vhadowa of
night had fallen over the earth Ioiik lie
fore they dinoovered that it would (hi
UMcleHH to attempt to proceed further on
the journey. It whh 10 o'clock at night
Alien they unhitched the horded and
turned them loowe, and the weary trav
elers turned their lieuda toward Luke
view to look for a habitation. Priver
Keir wan apparently Btrunuer than his
companion, and made liia way rapidly
through the snow. Kev. Huuimorvillo
waa weary and cold, and felt that ntinili
neHsand drowsinesa coming over him
which tnakeH the man feel that he would
wish for no greater liappinena than to
lie dow n and sleep.
Again and again did lie full in the
hiiow, each time arousing himself to re
newed activity, realizing fully that to
lie inactive meant the long s'.eep of
death, lit) shouted to liia companion
that lie could not follow and that lie
must give up, and Keir nhonted hack
words of encouragement, telling him it
meant death to both if he did not push
on and find assistance. The churchman
Anally reached the tiuggy and clliiiliiiig
in, ried the hlankeln and r'dealul
him, and wan once more on the vergn (if
that long sleep, when ho again aroused
hiinw lf, and getting out started hack to
find noine houmi. After three hour
plodding through the snow, sometimes
falling into drifts to Iii aimplu, h
reached a ratlin and shnulnd to rousu
the inmate, hut all in vain the place
wa tirdiihahiU'd. lie finally found a
wire uiid inserted it in the lock, and the
disir oiened. He struck a match and
discovered a coal nil lamp minus the oil,
a few rriimlis of liread, and a few piece
of wimhI. 1 1; soon had a lire going, de
voured the dry lin-ad that had heeii ly
i i iK mi the tahle for many weeks, and
thought it the sweetest morsel he had
ever lasted.
We leave the churchman to his soli
tilde and joy liefoiu the crackling fire,
and return to Keir.
After several hours of wandering Keir
reached the Alford place, and upon
nrousiug the inmates told them of the
predicament of himself and companion.
Her I Alford on holm-hack stalled hack
to the Imiigy to rescue the minister, and
Usm reaching the spot discovered the
man had disappeared. He followed the
track until l.e came uixm the caliin and
then gave a shrill whistle, which arous
ed the half-unconscious man, who neii
e 1 the door and inuired if the stranger
was the ow iter of the cahin, and whith
er he was going. "1 am looking for you,"
was the reply, and Uev. Summerville
says those words, "1 am hsiking for
you," w as the sweetest music he ever
listened to. Soon he was ununited on
the horse, and his res uer Mas leading
the way to the Alford home. Here
were exchnnged Cordial greetings and
cniigiatuUlioui hy the minister and the
stone mason, and the next morning
j alter a hearty lireakfust, and thanking
their host profuely they returned to
the hugy, found the horses near hy and
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M ...(. , V At
the Alford home the travelers met Tom
Alford und his estiinahlu daughters,
Mrs. Phil Mutkey and Miss I.iuiiic. Al
ford. w ho t reated them hospitahly and
made them as comfortulile as iHissihle
for the. remainder of the night.
The appointment at l'aisley was not
filled, hut it is the first one the revcren
ed gentleman has failed to keep in the
thirty-five or forty years of his mission
as a preacher of the Gospel.
C. O. Car l.lftrtl From tha Track
Several I'aaacnB'ra Injured Slightly.
Last Thursday afteruiMHi as the south
hound N.C. t). passenger train started
up, near iKiyle station, lietween Amedee
und Ueno, and going at about four milus
an hour, a heavy gust of wind lifted the
passenger couch mid a freight cur, im
mediately in front, loaded with apples,
clear off the track and turned them over
on their aides. Engineer Kd. Smith was
at the throttle and the train waa in
charge of Conductor I'helun.
There were several passengers alxiard
the cur en route to Ueno, suys the
Gazette, uniong them Mr. and Mrs. F
C liinghnni of Susunvillo, Mrs. K. K.
IKwIgo of Iteno, Mack Sample, agent for
1. W. Karl & Co., at Termo, and Section
Foreman Milsap. At the car turneil
over Mrs. iKxlge fell, striking her hack
on a seat and receiving a severe shaking
up. Her physician euya her condition
is not dangerous, however. F. C. lling
hain had his light leg bruised, but not
seriously. Mack Sample was badly cut
on the neck, which required three
stitches when Chief Surgeon Gibson ex
amined the wound. Section Foreman
Milsap had a bad gash over the left eye,
also necessitating four stitches by Sur
geon Gibson. All the injured are rest
ing comfortubly. Mr. Sample is at the
home of his father in Ueno.
Ice began forming lust week and on
Friduy there was some good skating to
lie had. Sunday the river was frozen
over and Monday there was about six
inches of ice. The business men of the
town luid in their supply Tuesday and
Wednesday, and a lurge supply was put
up by A. L. Morse for the Creamery,
says the riaindeulcr.
Heaviest Snow Fall in a
Good Many Years.
Mall From West and North Delayed
and Pack Horses Substituted l or
Stage CoachesIncidents.
During the pant week the biggest snow
storm for several years visited Southern
Oregon. The Southern I'aeilie trains
were blockaded on the Siskiyou mount
ains, and stages to and from the rail
road were unable to get through. The
snowfall HpM-arei to be heavier west
and north than in I.akeview and Goose.
I. like Valley. To the south the snow was
lighter even than here.
The Ashland staue could not come
over the mountain to Klamath Falls and
no mail arrived here from that direction.
The snow was so deep lietween A tier and
Klamath Falls, and even on to Iiiew's
(iap, that the stages were "held up"
and light mails were brought on by car
rier from Klamath Falls.
The mail from I.akeview- west has bem
taken out for several days by sleigh to
no communication between Lakeview
and l'aisley, the mails failing to connect.
I'd ring those days of hard travel con
veyance were sent out from Lakeview
to meet another conveyance from the
other side of the mountain carrying
letter mail and by relays the blockade
was avoided.
We of lakeview were unaware of the
extent of the big storm until the mails
failed to arrive, and belated carriers
brought in the news of the heavy snow
fall and the hardships exjierienced in
traveling. It is a safe estimate to make
the snowfall in Goose take valley dur
ing the week about 8 inches. The storm
was HcompHiiied by strong winds, and
in places the snow drifted three and four
feet deep. Doubtless it was heavy on
the mountains. Monday morning the
sun came out strong, the snow clouds
diapeured, and at this writing it is
evident that the storm has sfient its
Monday night it began snowing again
and ale nit two inches fell.
Henry Newell arrived from Drews
Valley last Monday, and gives us addi
tional particulars of the big storm west
of here. He says there are B to 10 feet
of snow on the Ashland mountain and
no mail has come over that route since
Uelow we reproduce the first page of a four
page folder printed in violet and green. The
Examiner Job Department is prepared to turn
out anything in the Book or Pamphlet line.
irVt-f, 'Cbc TOortMor Christ:
ilUUUU. Cbrit for tbc TOarlS."
FRANK TH01tMN, Evangelist.
We know Urn. Thompson to be one man who prac
tices wbal he preaches. II srrixisliurn (Ky.) IH.'niocrat.
We hait the ).li ttsnn' of hearing- Mr. Thompson
nrcai-h. He la an orator of rare ability. Knoxvillu
(Tt'iiu.) Journal.
Krank Thompson presc hen i ffecltvc, scholarly and
jKiwerful aeruiuiis. Christian (iulile.
Bro. Thompson is an earnest, consecrated, God
fearing preacher. President of Collt'Ke of Sacred
Frank Thompson is the best speaker in the Class
of 110. President of the School of Evaiifeliata.
Mr. Thompson is a noble expounder of the truth.
Alturas (Cal.) l'latndealer.
We are glad to welcome Kro. Thompson to the
Coast. l'aeiflc Christian.
Rut. Frank Thompson Is talented young min
ister and pulpit orator. He will shake up the dry
bouea In religious circles and his earueitneas should
do much for the cause tie advance!. Lake County
(Ore.) Kxaminer.
Klamath Falls, and there transferred to
carrier on horse the sleigh returning
with only letter mail from the Falls.
lUit one day passed without mail con
nection from the south, and that was
owing to the N. 0. O. train not reach
ing Termo, having jumped the track
north of Amedee.
The snow was deep between Lakeview
and Paisley, there being fully two feet
on the level from five or six miles north
of Lakeview to the foot of the mount
ain, and from there on three feet on the
level. In places it was five feet in the
drilts. For a couple of days there was
the big storm set in. The railroad is
blockaded both ways north and south of
Ager, and the Southern Pacific has eight
engines pushing the big rotary know plow
in the Sisklyous. With the eight en
gines only eight miles were made in
one day.
"Doc" Ramsby, driver between Lake
view and Bly, reports hard traveling,
but says this end of the line gets there
just the same.
Superintendent MuNaughton tele
graphed to Lakeview, last Monday, via
Sacramento and Reno, that there was
six feet of snow at Ager, something
never before heard of.
Sunday's Kill On
the West Side a
Good One For
a Starter
One Hundred and Fifty People Assist
In the Drive Another Drive To
day, the Third Next Sunday.
The rabbit drive announced to take
place on the West Side last Sunday was
well attended and was saccesfful, though
not near as many rabbits were killed as
in one day two j-ars ago when nearly
i 3000 of th iiestn were driven into the
pens and slaughtered. However 1500
was the result of the day's work and
fully one-half the rabbitsdriven es aped.
Alsnit seventy-five people from Lake
view, ladies and gentlemen, were out in
sleighs and took part in the drive, the
ladies, especially, enjoying the sport.
It is said that most people who attend
rabbit drives become greatly excited
when they see the bunnies in great
bands dart beneath the Eage brush, and
this was demonstrated fully last Sunday
when men and women in their excite
ment dashed across the fields at break
neck speed, while others could be seen
with clubs and whips making frantic ef
forts to drive bunnie from his lair. It
is truly an exciting experience, as The
Examiner reporter can testify. Besides
there were other hapDings to cause
excitement, and the day was one un
paralelled for agitating episodes.
The drivers met at the Union school
house at 11 a. tu., and at a quarter of
an hour before noon they had formed a
line one mile long to the east. About
150 eople were there in cutters, "bob
sleds," buggies and on horseback. W.
K. Bernard was elected captain and
William Spencer and L. A. Carricker
marshals. These officers of the day
patroled along the line and formed the
column in a semi-circle, and, when the
line was completed, called a bait to make
all ready for the grand march northward
to the pens that had been placed near
the M. A. Striplin residence. The wings
of woven wire fence about a half-mileon
either side of the pens left a scope of
country three-quarters of a mile wide
and one and a quarter miles long over
which to make the drive. The ends of
the column reached the ends of the w ire
fence, and cloned in made a complete
stockade around the rabbits. In the
pen 1,447 were killed, 28 fell at the en
trance and about 40 more were slaugh
tered during the drive about 1,500 in all.
To some who never witnessed such a
scene the drive and slaughtering iu the
pens was a novelty; to others the killing
was a shock to sensitive nerves. By or
der of Captain Bernard and the marshals,
the killing was not allowed to be pro
ceeded with until all the drivers who
wished to witness it had time to arrive
upon the scene. The frightened ani
mals piled up along the fence at least
two feet deep before the word was given
to proceed with the dreadful carnage.
And when the slaughter began, men
and boys, eager to assist iu exterminat
ing the pests, went at the work with an
awful vengeance. The pitiful cries of
the bunnies caused most of the women
present to turn their heads and place
their hands to their ears to deaden the
sense of hearing. In a brief space tf
time the massacre was completed, the
count made and all was over. There
were a number of Indians at hand en
horseback, and left the scene with their
animals loaded down with dead rabbits,
and w ith a broad grin of satisfaction as
they sang out, "Ili-u eateml" "Ili-u
eatein I"
It was announced that another drive
would le held at the same place today
(Thursday), and the third one next Sun
day, when it is probable the pens will
be removed to another location. Due
notice will be given as to the place of
meeting for Sunday's drive, and it ia
hoed by the West Side farmers that
Lakeview people will again turn out
largely to assist.